
How best to freeze chanterelles raw or boiled. Video: how to freeze mushrooms

It will be useful for many housewives to learn how to harvest chanterelles for the winter. The article contains the best recipes for harvesting these mushrooms: by freezing, drying, pickling, pre-frying and salting.

: Frozen chanterelles

Many housewives prefer this particular harvesting option. This method allows you to defrost mushrooms in winter and cook any dish from them.


  • chanterelles;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

We take fresh chanterelles, clean them of dirt and leaves, rinse in warm water. After that, we take a pan, collect clean water, bring to a boil. After that, add a small amount of salt: two tablespoons per liter of water. Bring to a boil.

Dip the mushrooms in boiling water and cook for five minutes. We transfer the chanterelles to a colander, filter the water and place the slightly boiled mushrooms on a napkin or waffle towel until completely cooled.

Freezing mushrooms should be carried out in the freezer. Before that, they should be placed on a wooden bottom or in a plastic container, and then in a plastic bag.

Important: it is impossible to freeze chanterelles (in principle, like most mushrooms) again. This will negatively affect their taste.

For freezing only freshly picked, clean and young mushrooms should be used.

Recipe 2: Dried Chanterelles

Dried mushrooms can add incredible flavor to any dish. You can make soup from them, and pre-soaked in water and fried chanterelles go well with vegetables and potatoes.

The most optimal and affordable option for everyone is drying mushrooms in the oven. It is important to observe the temperature (on average, 55 degrees), so the oven must be equipped with a thermometer.

The technology is simple. First, each mushroom is cleaned, washed and dried. After that, lay the chanterelles on a wire rack or baking sheet. It is necessary to provide ventilation, so if the oven is not equipped with a fan, leave the door ajar.

For uniform drying, you should periodically shift the mushrooms, turn them. First, set the temperature to 40 degrees (dry for 10 minutes), then increase to 55-60. The duration of drying depends on how large your chanterelles are.

In general, it is worth being guided by the appearance - they should harden, slightly browned. In the process, you can remove ready-made mushrooms from the oven, leaving the rest to dry.

Store dried chanterelles in a dry and dark room. Cloth bags, cardboard boxes or glassware perfectly preserve the quality of chanterelles for several years. If some of the mushrooms become damp during storage, they must be removed from the container.

Recipe 3: Pickled Chanterelles

The appetizer turns out to be very spicy, it goes well with all types of side dishes.


  • 1 kg. chanterelles;
  • 4-6 garlic cloves;
  • seasonings (bay leaf, black peppercorns, cloves);
  • sugar, salt;
  • 100 ml. vinegar.

Cooking method:

First, boil the peeled chanterelles (10 minutes). To make the taste of ready-made mushrooms better, drain the water from the container and pour over them with clean hot water. Then add spices, salt and sugar. Cook for 15 minutes. Add vinegar.

Banks are ready. We sterilize them, put garlic cloves and cloves on the bottom. We spread the chanterelles, pour the marinade. After cooling, place in a cold place. It will be more correct to preserve chanterelles in jars for five hours, after which you can try the snack.

Recipe 4: Fried chanterelles for the winter

Ceps fried in oil goes well with potatoes, and chanterelles also go well with stewed vegetables, without interrupting their taste.


  • 1 kg. chanterelles;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 100 g butter.

Cooking method:

First, boil the peeled mushrooms. Then fry on medium heat on each side. Cut the onion into medium cubes and fry in a separate pan. Add mushrooms, salt and pepper to it.

Melt the butter and fill the bottom of the prepared sterilized jar. Spread in layers: mushrooms and onions, then another layer of butter and so on to the top of the jar. The last layer should be oil. We store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 5: Salted chanterelles

Salting is the simplest and most popular method of harvesting mushrooms. Salted chanterelles go well with hot and cold dishes, they are indispensable on the festive table.


  • 2 kg. mushrooms;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

We lower the prepared chanterelles into boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Boiled mushrooms are placed in a colander, washed with cold water. Mince the garlic. We take a saucepan, evenly distribute salt and garlic along its bottom, put the mushrooms on top with hats down.

Repeat the layer of salt and garlic, then another layer of chanterelles. Alternate until the mushrooms run out. We press the chanterelles with a stone press and leave for a month in a dark, cool place. Then we divide them into jars and store them in the refrigerator.

We have described the simplest and most delicious options for harvesting chanterelles for the winter. Having these five recipes in the arsenal, every housewife gets the opportunity to diversify the diet of her household in the cold season.

Chanterelle mushrooms are quite deservedly popular in Russian cuisine and are in demand among domestic mushroom pickers due to their high quality, valuable and nutritious composition, as well as excellent taste characteristics. These delicious and healthy mushrooms, which always grow quite massively, appear in several waves from early summer to autumn. The bulk of the fruiting bodies of chanterelles is formed in the period from July to the last ten days of September.

However, the best time for harvesting is considered to be the summer months: July and August, when these mushrooms have the highest nutritional value and pronounced mushroom aroma. The fruit bodies of chanterelles contain the substance chitinmannose, which is able to envelop and quickly destroy pests, so these mushrooms are never wormy and remain fresh for a long time, for which they are loved by many mushroom pickers.

Chanterelles are light-loving species, so they are collected in forest glades, along roads and clearings, as well as in light forests. The fruiting bodies of this agaric fungus are quite fragile, so the collection must be done very carefully, in wicker boxes or baskets. Mushrooms must be processed immediately after harvest.

In a cool room, the shelf life of the collected chanterelles is only a day. Even in the refrigerator, it is not recommended to store fruiting bodies for several days., which negatively affects the quality and taste characteristics of fruiting bodies. Initially, it is necessary to very carefully and carefully sort out the collected mushrooms, be sure to remove all crumpled and old fruiting bodies, as well as forest debris. Mushrooms should be washed very carefully, due to the increased fragility and fragility of the fruiting body.

How to freeze chanterelles (video)

Storing fried mushrooms

A good way to prepare chanterelles for the winter is to store them fried. Each kilogram of fruit bodies peeled and washed in cold water should be dried a little on a towel and cut into medium-sized pieces. It is advisable to boil the mushrooms before frying. Pour vegetable oil into a well-heated frying pan, put boiled mushrooms, add about 40 g of medium-sized salt and three bay leaves.

Sauté the mushrooms over medium heat for ½ hour, until all moisture has evaporated. Tightly fill clean, pre-sterilized, dry jars with mushrooms and pour the remaining oil in the pan. Seal the jars tightly with lids, turn over and cover with a warm cloth until cool. Such a blank is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for at least six months. An open blank with fried chanterelles should be used within four days.

If desired, sautéed mushrooms can be frozen in small containers or plastic containers, which will later make such an uncomplicated preparation a great addition to soups, mushroom dressings or when preparing side dishes.

How to store boiled chanterelles

It is very easy to prepare such a tasty and healthy preparation for the winter:
  • clean fruiting bodies from impurities, old or damaged areas and plant debris;
  • several times very carefully rinse the fruiting bodies under running water until dust and soil particles are completely removed;
  • pour clean sorted mushrooms into boiling water and boil over high heat for no more than five to seven minutes;
  • drain the water and cool the mushrooms;
  • sort the cooled mushrooms into dry and clean plastic containers or small plastic bags;
  • arrange bags or containers with mushrooms in the freezer.

The shelf life of frozen scalded chanterelles is approximately three months. Of course, such a product can be stored much longer, but each subsequent month of storage negatively affects the taste characteristics and quality indicators. It is very important not to re-freeze boiled chanterelles, as repeated freezing makes the fruiting bodies unsuitable for subsequent consumption for food purposes.

Drying technology

Initially, the collected mushrooms should be reviewed, and the strongest, young specimens suitable for drying should be selected. After manual cleaning, it is not recommended to wash the mushrooms, as in this case the drying process is delayed and the storage of dried products worsens.

One of the most popular and widespread is the method of natural drying of mushrooms in the sun.. In this case, the fruiting bodies of the mushrooms should be carefully strung on a thread, and then hung out in a place well lit by sunlight and blown by the wind. The process of such natural drying takes no more than ten days.

Cleaned from forest debris and impurities, sorted mushrooms should be cut into small pieces and laid out on a baking sheet or grate, which should be placed in an oven preheated to 45-50 ° C. After the mushrooms have dried a little, you need to take a short break, and finally dry the chanterelles with the oven door ajar.

Properly dried mushrooms fully retain not only all their nutritional properties, but also the characteristic mushroom aroma. Dried chanterelles should be stored in gauze bags, which must be placed in a well-ventilated, dry and clean area. The standard temperature regime for storing dry mushrooms should be about 12 ° C. It is very important to regularly review dry mushrooms to prevent them from becoming moldy. Also, if necessary, periodically drying the mushrooms in the oven is carried out.

Dried mushrooms must be soaked for a couple of hours in water at room temperature before use. Water after soaking can be used in the preparation of first courses or mushroom sauce. Soaking dry chanterelles in milk is practiced, which improves the taste of the cooked dish. If desired, dried mushrooms can be processed into mushroom powder, the storage of which in winter has a number of advantages:

  • small volume allows you to save space for storage very effectively;
  • cooking takes a minimum amount of time and does not require pre-soaking mushrooms;
  • mushroom powders belong to the category of more complete mushroom dishes, as they are digested as quickly and easily as possible.

You can grind dried mushrooms both in a manual mortar and with a coffee grinder or a special pepper grinder. It is best to store dry mushroom powder in clean glass containers with hermetically sealed lids. The average shelf life of mushroom powder without loss of taste and nutritional qualities is about two years.

Features of salting and conservation

Salted mushrooms are an addition to many national dishes and are used as a good cold snack. As a rule, a hot method is used for salting chanterelles, which allows you to get not only very tasty, but also healthy mushroom preparation:

  • it is desirable to use small and dense fruiting bodies that can retain their shape and appearance during heat treatment;
  • selected mushrooms should be carefully but thoroughly cleaned of debris and washed several times in cool water;
  • pour the prepared fruit bodies into boiling water and boil for a quarter of an hour, then drain the water and rinse the mushrooms with cold water;
  • put the chanterelles in layers in an enameled pan, sprinkling with layers of salt at the rate of 50 g per kilogram of mushrooms;
  • put a lid on top and oppression.

Chanterelles for the winter: recipe (video)

The process of salting mushrooms lasts about a month, after which the finished workpiece must be stored in the refrigerator.

Canning chanterelles is no less popular with housewives. This method perfectly allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of mushrooms for a long time. Glass jars are used for canning, and the whole process is carried out in several stages, including boiling and pouring marinade on the basis of a liter of water, three tablespoons of salt, ½ cup of sugar and a glass of table vinegar.

Rolled and sterilized jars with mushroom preparations should be stored in a cool and dry place for no more than a year.

Chanterelles are not only outwardly attractive mushrooms, tasty and fragrant, they are also very useful. The presence in their composition of a large number of vitamins and amino acids makes the product desirable and mandatory for use.

Chanterelles differ from other mushrooms in that they are not wormy. Much less absorb exhaust gases and smoke. By the amount of protein they can give odds to meat, and they have more vitamin A than carrots. In addition, the product is low-calorie, on its basis you can prepare light, dietary and at the same time satisfying meals.

The season for picking mushrooms is very short, and you want to use them all year round. They are especially desirable in winter, when the body lacks vitamins so much, and you want to diversify the daily menu with delicious dishes. Many housewives believe that the best way to harvest is to freeze chanterelles for the winter. And do it right. After all, only observing certain conditions, you can save all the vitamins and taste.

Advantages of the freezing method

There are many ways to harvest chanterelles for the winter. Among them: pickling, salting, drying, salads and caviar. But freezing has huge advantages:

  • ease of preparation and ease of storage;
  • preservation of vitamins and nutrients;
  • excellent taste qualities;
  • possibility of use in various dishes.

There are no drawbacks to the freezing method compared to other methods of harvesting chanterelles for the winter. This is the most common and safest method. If, for example, chanterelles are salted, some of their beneficial properties are lost. When pickling, vinegar is used, which can adversely affect the digestion process. And dried can be used not in all dishes.

Preparing chanterelles for freezing

Fresh mushrooms cannot be stored for a long time. Therefore, they must be immediately sorted out, cleaned and frozen. It is better to choose young copies of a small size. Do not soak the chanterelles for a long time, it is better to just rinse well under running water. And then spread out on a towel to dry.

Drying is necessary, otherwise the moisture that the chanterelles have absorbed will later turn into ice. You may have to wait a long time for the mushrooms to dry out, but this procedure is necessary.

Freezing methods

You can freeze mushrooms both fresh and boiled.

How to freeze fresh chanterelles

When chanterelles are placed in a freezer without heat treatment, they may taste bitter after defrosting. But this will not happen if you follow some rules:

  • chanterelles should be young, fresh and small in size, with dense and unopened hats;
  • having collected mushrooms, it is necessary to immediately begin the harvesting process; with every hour they are in heat, they lose their special properties;
  • rinse thoroughly, dry and send to the freezer.

Freezing boiled chanterelles

It is not always possible to immediately start processing freshly harvested mushrooms. If they lie down for a day or two, or when the specimens are large, it is better to go straight to the second option - freezing the pre-boiled product.

  1. Prepared chanterelles can be cut, or you can leave whole. It depends on their further use. It's better to cut off the legs. Dry them and then add them to soups.
  2. Place the mushrooms in a saucepan, cover with water and send to boil. Bring them to a boil over high heat. Then add a little salt to the water and reduce the heat. You need to constantly remove the foam. Cook for another 20 minutes. Then drain the water, put the chanterelles in a colander and let all the liquid drain.
  3. Dry the mushrooms on a towel and arrange on a board or tray so that they do not touch each other. Send to the freezer.
  4. After a couple of hours, you can transfer them to plastic bags or containers. Some immediately use plastic containers. This is also convenient.

If you plan to cook chanterelle soup in winter, then you can freeze the mushrooms along with the broth in which they were cooked. Be sure to sign the date and name of the product on the container or bag.

Freezing fried mushrooms

Before freezing, mushrooms can not only be boiled, but also fried. Selected and cut into pieces chanterelles are sent to a pan with vegetable oil. Roast for 20 minutes until all moisture is gone. The product is cooled, put in a container and put in the freezer.

Thawed mushrooms cannot be re-frozen. For convenience, they should be laid out in separate portions in small containers.

Shelf life and defrosting

Boiled chanterelles will lie in the freezer, retaining their beneficial properties and taste, for 3 months. If you keep them longer, they may deteriorate. Fried for only a month. Fresh ones can last up to a year. But only if all the conditions of harvesting and storage rules are observed.

Chanterelles do not need to be thawed before cooking. For soup, they are suitable frozen. And if you plan to fry them, then you can first fry the onion in a pan, then add the chanterelles. They will give juice, which must be evaporated. Serve with potatoes or other vegetables.

If you still need to defrost the chanterelles, then it is better to do this not in the microwave, but by placing them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

What to cook from frozen chanterelles

Recipes that use chanterelles are almost all easy to perform. But the dishes based on them are tasty and fragrant. What is fried potatoes with mushrooms and onions worth!

Chanterelles are ideal for various vegetable dishes. And they try not to combine them with meat dishes, because there is so much protein in mushrooms, and the food turns out to be “heavy”.

You can fry mushrooms in sour cream or cream. And if you add curry seasoning to them, they will acquire a special, unique aroma.

Frozen chanterelle-based gravy can be unusually tasty. For its preparation, defrosting is also not required. You need to fry the onion, add a little carrot, then add mushrooms to them and cook until the liquid disappears. Put some flour, mix and add water. The flour needs to thicken. Turn off and let stand covered for 20 minutes. Great gravy for any porridge or pasta is ready!

Frozen chanterelles can be used both as a filling for baking, and as an additive to meatballs, potato pancakes or salads.

Before cooking, chanterelles should be washed and cleaned, boiled for minutes in an enameled bowl with plenty of salted water, removing the foam.
As an option, pre-soak the chanterelles in milk for 1-1.5 hours to rid the chanterelles of possible bitterness.
In a slow cooker, cook chanterelles in the "baking" mode for 30 minutes.

How to cook chanterelles

1. Before cooking, chanterelles must be very well cleaned of debris and thoroughly rinsed several times through a colander.
2. Soak them in cold water or milk for an hour and a half to make the mushrooms more tender.
3. Put the mushrooms in a saucepan.
4. Pour the chanterelles with cold water, twice the volume of the mushrooms themselves (for 1 cup of chanterelles, 2 cups of water).
5. Salt a little; you do not need to add salt if, after boiling, the mushrooms are planned to be used in other dishes that need to be salted during the manufacturing process.
6. Chanterelles are cooked for 20 minutes over medium heat.
7. The foam that appears during cooking must be removed periodically.
8. After the chanterelles are cooked, drain the water through a colander.
9. To boil dried chanterelles, it is better to soak them for three hours. Then boil in lightly salted water for no more than 20 minutes.

How to cook soup with chanterelles

Chanterelle Soup Products
Chanterelles - half a kilo
Potato - 300 grams
Carrot - 1 piece
Onion - 2 heads
Flour - 1 tablespoon
Cream - 100 milliliters
Parsley - a few sprigs
Bay leaf - 2 leaves
Salt and pepper - to taste

Chanterelle soup recipe
Warm the pre-washed and chopped chanterelles in water, change the water when boiling, and cook for minutes. Peel potatoes, cut into slices, add to a pot of boiling water. Cut the onion into thin half rings, grate the carrots on a coarse grater - and fry over low heat with 1 tablespoon of flour and cream for a couple of minutes, then add to the soup. Add salt, pepper and cook for another minute. Sprinkle with herbs, cover the soup with a lid and leave for minutes. Serve soup with chanterelles with sour cream and enjoy!

Recipe for chanterelles in sour cream

Products for cooking chanterelles in sour cream Half a kilo of chanterelles, the lower (light) part of a bunch of green onions, 30% fat sour cream - 3 tablespoons, salt and pepper - to taste.

Recipe for chanterelle mushrooms in sour cream Rinse the chanterelles, dry them, cut large chanterelles. Finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil, add mushrooms, mix, salt. Fry until the water evaporates and until the mushrooms are golden brown (- minutes). Then add sour cream, mix, simmer over low heat under the lid for a minute. Your chanterelle mushrooms in sour cream are ready! .

Salad with boiled chanterelles

Boiled chanterelles - 200 grams
Boiled chicken fillet - 250 grams
Onion - 1 head (80 grams)
Olive oil - 2-3 tablespoons (can be replaced with odorless vegetable oil)
Pickled cucumbers - 2-3 medium pieces
Greens for decoration (you can take dill or parsley) - a few branches
Sour cream - 40-50 grams

Salad recipe with boiled chanterelles and cucumbers
1. Cut the chanterelles into strips.
2. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes of about 1 cm.
3. Peel and finely chop the onion head.
4. Cut pickled cucumbers.
3. Add oil and mix well.
4. Put food in a salad bowl.
5. Immediately before serving, season with sour cream and garnish with herbs.
It is not recommended to season with sour cream in advance.


- Chanterelles are very easy to process before cooking - just wash with water, because. chanterelles, due to the content of chinomannose, have "immunity" from insects and worms.

Chanterelle season - from mid-June to October. The peak season is mid-August. Chanterelles grow mainly in mixed or birch forests. They also like sandy soil, open glades or forest edges. These mushrooms always grow in bunches, so it is convenient to collect them. Almost never rotten and wormy.

It is very convenient to transport chanterelles in buckets and baskets, as mushrooms practically do not crumple even under their own weight.

When collecting, it is important not to confuse chanterelles with false - poisonous - mushrooms. You should know that false ones have a more round hat, bright color and a hollow leg. - If there are a lot of mushrooms, you can freeze them. Moreover, so that the mushrooms do not become bitter, and also so that they take up less space, it is recommended to freeze boiled mushrooms. If, in this case, the mushrooms will be bitter, a little brown sugar should be added during cooking.

Chanterelles are low-calorie and contain only 19 kcal per 100 grams. Meanwhile, chanterelles are considered heavy food, so mushrooms should be eaten with restrictions.

The average price of quick-frozen chanterelles is from 300 rubles / 1 kilogram (data for Moscow as of June 2017). When choosing chanterelles, preference should be given to wild mushrooms - they have more benefits and are more crispy. Artificially grown chanterelles have a less vivid taste and contain fewer nutrients.

The benefits of chanterelles: B vitamins (energy from food), beta-carotene (protection of the immune system), vitamin D (growth, healthy bones and teeth), PP (redox processes).

How to pickle chanterelles

Pickling products
Chanterelles - 1 kilogram
Water - half a glass
Table vinegar 9% - half a glass
Salt - one and a half tablespoons
Sugar - half a tablespoon
Lavrushka - 2 sheets
Black peppercorns - 5 peas
Nutmeg - on the tip of a knife
Carnation - 1 inflorescence per jar

How to pickle chanterelles
Sort the chanterelles, remove the rhizomes, peel, wash and cut. Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire, put mushrooms. Boil for 20 minutes after boiling, regularly skimming off the foam. Add vinegar, salt, sugar, pepper, parsley, nutmeg to the mushrooms, cook for another 5 minutes. Arrange the mushrooms in jars, pour over the marinade and put cloves in each jar. Close jars with lids, turn over and wait for cooling. Store jars of pickled chanterelles in the refrigerator for up to 1 year.

How to salt chanterelles

Products for salting chanterelles
Chanterelles - 1.5 kilograms
Garlic - 3 heads
Bay leaf - 2 leaves
Carnation - 6 inflorescences
Dill - a few sprigs
Salt - 5 tablespoons
Sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons
Black peppercorns - 10 peas

How to cook salted chanterelles
Clean the chanterelles and wash gently. Pour water into a saucepan, add 1 tablespoon of salt, bring to a boil and put the chanterelles. Add herbs and spices, cook for 15 minutes. Peel the garlic and chop finely. Move the mushrooms and brine into a basin, salt, put garlic. Put oppression on top and leave in a cool place for 12 hours. Then spread the chanterelles in jars and close. The chanterelles will be completely salted in a month.

The autumn mushroom season puts avid mushroom pickers in front of the question of which mushrooms are better to close in jars and which ones to freeze. But the most urgent problem is how to do all this, especially since not everyone likes to mess with mushrooms. The process is very labor intensive. So, one of the questions that worries all lovers of delicious mushrooms is: “Is it possible to freeze chanterelles?” Not only possible, but necessary!


First of all, mushrooms need to be sorted out for worms, mold, etc. Although many mushroom pickers say that this type of mushroom does not need to be carefully examined, this must be done. Is it possible to freeze old and crumpled chanterelles? No, it doesn't make any sense. Such a product is better to immediately fry with potatoes. But fresh mushrooms need to be cleaned of natural debris. All leaves, twigs and sticks - in scrap. Immediately keep in mind that mushrooms need to be frozen in the first 24 hours after harvest, and on the condition that they need to be kept at a low temperature all this time. For example, in the refrigerator. Before eating chanterelles, rinse them thoroughly under running water. Under the hat, due to its ribbing, up to 80% of all possible forest dirt accumulates. After washing, lay the chanterelles on gauze or a waffle towel to dry. When freezing, excess moisture is useless!

Freezing, method number 1

Dry young mushrooms can be immediately laid out in containers and sent to the freezer. no pre-cooking? Yes, yes, yes and yes again! But only young people. Doubt the age of mushrooms? Then it is better to boil, so that later they do not taste bitter. By the way, can this be avoided if salt is added to dry mushrooms with chanterelles along with the liquid? It is necessary if you want to cook soup or stew from them immediately.

Freezing, method number 2

Boiled mushrooms do not need to be dried! They can, together with the water in which they boiled, first be cooled in the room, and then sent to the freezer. Such a preparation will be a good basis for mushroom soup in winter. You only need to defrost them at normal temperature, not in the microwave or water.

Freezing, method number 3

Many, fearing for the condition of the mushrooms (so many people get poisoned later!), Boil them first. And this is also correct. During boiling, it is necessary to remove the foam, add salt to the water, make sure that the product boils well. 20-25 minutes of active boiling is enough for the mushrooms to be fully cooked. Then they need to be thoroughly dried on a towel, put into bags and put away in the compartment of the refrigerator with a low temperature.

You can store frozen chanterelles for 3-5 months. of these, dishes always begin with defrosting the product in a natural way. Soup, stew, vegetables with chanterelles - there are a lot of options, choose to your taste! Remember, if there was pre-cooking, then the mushrooms are stored somewhat less. Is it possible to freeze chanterelles for a longer period? Not recommended, they lose their taste and are bitter.
