
How to make canned from fresh peas. Secrets of successful preservation of green peas for the winter

Canned peas are rich in iron, potassium and magnesium. The product protects against heart attacks, removes the effects of stress, prevents insomnia and kidney disease. In addition, there are only 53 kcal in 100 g of legumes. Pickled peas can be consumed by people trying to lose weight. It is added to vegetable salads to make them more satisfying. But only home preservation brings benefits to the body, because there are a lot of harmful ingredients in the store.

Pickled only green peas. There is too much starch in the old one, due to which the brine becomes cloudy, sediment appears at the bottom of the jar, and the taste quality of the workpiece worsens. Pods plucked from the bush are stored no longer than a day. And the product, peeled from the outer shell, loses its useful properties after 5-6 hours.

When to harvest peas for conservation? 8 days after the start of flowering. The young legume has a delicate structure and a rich green hue. If you are a little late, the workpiece will become more rigid.

The main problem encountered in the preservation of non-acidic vegetables is botulism bacteria. Microorganisms survive when boiled, because they are not afraid of high temperatures. Basically the same as brine. Only acids can destroy a dangerous infection, so they must be used to preserve peas. Suitable lemon and vinegar.

It is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the cans and the roof. Containers are not only washed with soda, but also dipped in boiling water. Then disinfected by steam or in the oven. Peas are washed several times under running water, and then boiled. Hands are washed with laundry soap before rolling.

Bean blanks, peeled from pods, are sorted out. Rotten and damaged products, as well as specimens with worms, are thrown away. They can create an ideal breeding ground for botulism and can also cause swollen lids.

Option for salads

The vinegar marinade will retain the characteristic aroma and rich color of green peas. Such preservation looks good in salads. The composition of the solution for conservation includes:

  • peeled bean product - 1.5 kg;
  • coarse-grained table salt - 1 tsp;
  • table vinegar - 55-60 ml;
  • sugar - 15 g.

The marinade will need 1.2-1.3 liters of water. Approximately the same amount of liquid base will be needed to boil the peas themselves. Place 2 pots on the stove. When the water begins to boil, the bean grains are poured into the first container. In the second, a mixture of salt and sugar is added.

Peas and marinade are regularly stirred with plastic spoons or slotted spoons. The blanks should boil for 15-20 minutes. Then the pan with bean grains is removed. The product is thrown into a colander and dipped in ice water. If you skip this step, the workpiece will release starch. The substance settles at the bottom of the jars.

While the peas are soaking in the cold liquid, vinegar is poured into the second pan. The marinade is left on the stove, but the fire is reduced to a minimum.

Blanched peas are slightly dried, and then divided into portions and put in jars. Green grains are mixed with hot brine and covered with iron lids to prevent the vinegar from evaporating. The next step is sterilization.

You can use the water in which the peas were boiled, or prepare a solution of sugar and salt. Cover the bottom of the pan with a napkin so that the glass does not burst during heating. The blanks are placed in warm brine. Banks should be completely immersed in the liquid, only the neck and lid remain at the top. Sterilization lasts from 30 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the container. Banks with a volume of 0.5 liters are enough for half an hour.

Spicy Recipe

People who do not add canned peas to salads, but use them as a side dish for cereals or meat, will like a spicy marinade with cloves and black pepper. Legumes acquire a spicy taste and rich aroma of spices.

For 2 kg of green product you will need:

  • water - 1.5–1.6 l;
  • citric acid - 25 g;
  • carnation - 6 stars;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • allspice - 7 peas;
  • fine-grained salt - 50 g;
  • table vinegar - 60 ml.

Peas, peeled from the outer shell, are soaked for 4 hours in cool water so that damaged grains and worms float to the surface. The workpiece is thrown back into a colander and waited until it dries a little. At this time, prepare the marinade and the basis for cooking the bean product.

Green peas are simmered for 2 minutes in water with citric acid. The liquid brought to a boil is filled with a food additive. And then the bean billet is poured into the container. The blanched ingredient is removed with a slotted spoon and the solution is allowed to drain, and then the ingredient is placed in sterilized jars.

Processed peas are poured with clove marinade. In addition to spices, a mixture of sugar, black pepper and salt is also added to boiling water. The components are simmered for 15 to 20 minutes over moderate heat. Pour half a glass of vinegar and remove after 3 minutes. The spicy brine is immediately poured into jars until it has cooled.

The bean product is sterilized before closure. In a large saucepan filled with saline. You can add some sugar to the brine. Spices are taken in equal proportions. Ready peas are corked with metal lids. But the workpiece is not taken to the basement immediately, but after 2-3 days. On the first day, the jars are wrapped in a blanket or blanket so that they cool down gradually.

Pea stew is prepared in the same way. Only instead of brine use natural tomato juice. The drink is boiled, seasoned with black pepper, sugar and salt. For a rich smell, bay leaves are added, but it should not get into the jars. A bean product mixed with a tomato cocktail is sterilized and corked.

No additional processing

This option is suitable for people who do not want to spend several hours on the conservation of legumes. But the method has a significant disadvantage. If the workpiece is not cooked, the likelihood that botulism bacteria will settle in the marinade increases. To prevent this from happening, vinegar is added not to water, but directly to the jars themselves with ready-made peas. The product will have a sour taste, so this preparation is advised to be added only to salads.

The marinade contains:

  • salt - 15 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 10 g.

Additionally, 20-25 ml of vinegar is taken for each half-liter jar.

Young and juicy peas are washed and poured with cold water. After boiling, simmer on the stove for 25-35 minutes, reducing the power to a minimum. Cook in an enamel saucepan, stirring occasionally. But be careful not to crush the grains. Remove when the liquid has evaporated.

While the peas are cooking, prepare the brine. Pour sugar and salt into boiling water. You can put a few peas of allspice for the smell. Simmer the marinade for 10 minutes, stirring with a wooden spatula to dissolve the dry ingredients.

Boiled peas are poured into jars with a slotted spoon or a plastic spoon. Pour boiling brine and pour 1 tbsp into each container. l. vinegar. They clog and after cooling they hide in the basement.

Important: If sediment appears at the bottom of the jars or the marinade becomes cloudy, it means that botulism bacteria have got into the peas. Such preservation, as well as specimens with swollen lids, should not be eaten. Better to throw it away and not risk your health.

Young legumes are preserved in several ways. With bay leaf and tomato juice. With cloves and allspice. With vinegar and sugar. The main thing is to add acids to each marinade that neutralize the botulism bacteria. And carefully sterilize the jars, because dirty dishes are a source of germs and the cause of swollen lids.

Video: canned green peas for the winter

Green peas contain many useful substances that improve the functioning of the entire digestive system. You can prepare it for the winter by drying, pickled peas for the winter are also very good. In the first case, most of the vitamins are lost during processing, so pickling is the best and most acceptable second option. Such a winter appetizer can be used as an addition to various salads, as a side dish for meat, fish and vegetable dishes, as well as a quick snack.

Green peas are one of the most indispensable types of beans. Usually it is often necessary for the preparation of various salads, as it adds juiciness and moderate sweetness to it. But we prepare salads not only in the summer, when fresh peas are always at hand, but also in the cold seasons. Therefore, conservation of green peas is a wonderful way out of this situation, especially if you are a fan of low-calorie salads.

Ingredients (for a five hundred liter jar):

  • four hundred grams of peeled green peas;
  • two teaspoons of coarse salt;
  • two tea spoons of sugar;
  • one liter of clean water;
  • three peas of allspice;
  • two bay leaves;
  • three teaspoons of citric acid.

How to pickle peas at home:

  1. Before spinning this winter dish, prepare everything you need. Sterilize the necessary dishes in the most comfortable way for you (over steam, scalding with boiling water or in the oven). Peel the peas from their pods and rinse with water.
  2. Having placed an enamel container with clean water on the stove, add all the ingredients from the list above (except peas and acid), boil for fifteen minutes.
  3. We carefully put green peas in jars, pour in citric acid, pour marinade and lean against the lid. We put the dishes with hot (not boiling water) water on medium heat, after laying a towel on the bottom (so that the jars do not burst), we move the containers with peas there and sterilize for twenty minutes.
  4. Carefully removing the jars, roll them up with lids. We place the bottom up, wrap it with a warm blanket and leave it to infuse for twelve hours. We rearrange the cooled containers with winter snacks in a dry place with a low temperature for further storage.

How to pickle green peas with cucumbers

If you are not a fan of eating green peas alone, then this recipe is for you. The unique aroma and juicy taste of peas and cucumbers combines unusually well and makes an amazing canned duet. And the addition of a large amount of spices and herbs will give a slightly spicy flavor to this dish.

Products needed for conservation:

  • one kilogram of fresh cucumbers;
  • five hundred grams of green peas.

For marinade per liter jar you will need:

  • three hundred and fifty milliliters of pure water;
  • one teaspoon of coarse salt;
  • two tea spoons of sugar;
  • one bay leaf;
  • four peas of allspice;
  • one inflorescence (umbrella) of dill;
  • thirty milliliters of 9% acetic acid;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • three cherry leaves;
  • one leaf of horseradish.

Pickled green peas at home:

  1. Initially, sterilize the containers with the method that is most comfortable for you. Peel the peas from the pods, cut off the tails of the cucumbers, wash them with cold water, place them together in a deep bowl and cover with water for four hours. Chop the cucumbers into small squares three centimeters wide.
  2. We put all the ingredients from the list above on the bottom of the jar, then evenly place cucumbers and green peas (you can lay them out in layers) and pour boiling water over it. After fifteen minutes, drain it and pour boiling water again, lean the lid on the neck of the jar.
  3. We place the pan with a cloth-covered bottom on the stove, pour in warm water. We rearrange the containers with a winter snack in a saucepan and sterilize over medium heat for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Carefully taking out the jars, carefully twist the lids and move them under a warm, dense fabric, after placing them upside down. A day later, fold the cooled blanks for storage for the winter in a room with a temperature below zero.

Pickled peas at home

This quick pickled pea recipe is for you if you are always in a hurry and late, but still want to stock up on them for the winter. The recipe allows you to quickly preserve this type of bean and not lose anything in the process, such as beneficial minerals and a unique refreshingly sweet taste.

Ingredients for cooking canned green peas:

  • seven hundred grams of green peas;
  • three hundred milliliters of pure water;
  • ten grams of sugar;
  • five grams of sea salt;
  • twenty milliliters of 6% apple cider vinegar;
  • one bunch of fresh dill;
  • three cloves of garlic.

How to pickle green peas at home:

  1. After taking out the green peas from the pods, rinse them under running cold water.
  2. Putting the peas in a pot of water and putting it on the fire, cook it for five minutes over moderate heat. If the peas are not too young, increase the boiling time to fifteen minutes, but be careful not to overcook.
  3. Put all the ingredients in pre-sterilized jars, put spices and herbs on the bottom and pour boiling water. We carefully twist the blanks with lids and placing them on them, wrap them with a warm blanket.
  4. After a day, we rearrange the infused snack in a non-humid place with low temperatures for winter storage.

Pickled peas at home

By canning green peas in pods, you save a huge part of the vitamins and minerals, since most of them are in solid fibers, which normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The pods themselves are very hard and difficult to chew, but after being preserved and fed with liquid, they soften. Therefore, this type of pickling of the legume family (peas, beans, and so on) is the most beneficial for the human body.

Ingredients you will need for this appetizer:

  • five hundred grams of green peas in pods;
  • five glasses of clean water;
  • five grams of citric acid;
  • five tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • five grams of baking soda;
  • three tablespoons of sugar;
  • four hundred milliliters of 3% acetic acid;
  • three peas of allspice;
  • cinnamon stick.

Marinating green peas at home:

  1. First, wash the pea pods, put them in a deep bowl and soak in cold water for two hours. After that, process them in boiling water for two minutes, adding citric acid. Fold the pea pods vertically, salt and put the allspice together with the cinnamon stick in the jars from the blanks.
  2. In an enamel bowl on the stove, boil clean water for a couple of minutes, before that sugar and pour in acetic acid. Pour the finished composition into jars to the rest of the ingredients and lean on the lids.
  3. Again, put the pot of water on the stove, putting before that on the bottom, something that will separate it from the glass of the jars (a towel, a non-dyeing cloth, a wooden stand). Place the workpieces there and sterilize them for twenty minutes over medium heat.
  4. After taking out the jars, cork tightly with lids and put them upside down, cover with a blanket for further cooling. After twelve hours, remove this winter snack in a room with low temperatures (cellar, balcony) before eating.

Pickled green peas for the winter

Green peas themselves have a sweet taste, but still very simple. Therefore, for gourmets and lovers of spices, this recipe is more than suitable. Adding a lot of spices to pickled peas will give it a wonderful aromatic taste. In addition, when consumed, spices will favorably affect the body as a whole, improving the color and condition of the skin.

Ingredients needed for this winter harvest:

  • one kilogram of young green peas;
  • twenty milliliters of 9% apple cider vinegar.

Marinade Ingredients:

  • four inflorescences of cloves;
  • six peas of allspice;
  • four bay leaves;
  • half a cinnamon stick;
  • half a vanilla stick;
  • six fresh mint leaves;
  • ten grains of cardamom;
  • one hundred grams of sugar;
  • 450 ml. distilled water.

Pickled green peas recipe:

  1. Pre-sterilize the necessary utensils by any method that is comfortable for you (over steam, boiling water, in the oven). Remove the pods from green peas and rinse with cool water.
  2. We carefully fold the peas in a container and pour in the apple cider vinegar. In the meantime, putting the dishes with distilled water on the stove, add all the ingredients from the marinade list and boil for ten minutes. Still boiling spicy solution, pour green peas in jars and lean the neck with a lid.
  3. We cover the bottom of a deep enameled dish with a non-coloring cloth, fill it with water and place it on the stove. We rearrange the containers with a winter snack there and sterilize for fifteen minutes over moderate heat.
  4. Carefully taking it out, cork it with lids and put the containers upside down, wrap them in a thick cloth to cool. After twenty-four hours, we transfer the containers with a winter twist to a non-humid room with a temperature slightly below zero to preserve them.

Having prepared according to these recipes how to pickle peas at home, you will not only have a wonderful appetizer of juicy and sweet green peas, but also a number of vitamins and nutrients that will help you overcome winter beriberi (lack of vitamins in the body). And each jar of such a blank with a bright green color will remind you of wonderful warm summer days.

In addition to these recipes, you may also be interested in options for such winter preparations, such as, for example, and.

Canned peas are quite often found in winter salads, which include everyone's favorite Olivier. When the budget is limited, and food prices are rising, summer residents and homeowners win, because they have the opportunity to grow an excellent crop of green peas on their land and provide themselves and their families with canned peas for the whole year. There would be a desire.

If you decide to start canning green peas for the first time, you should know a few important rules and techniques that will allow you to keep your crop in full and without danger to health.

  • Firstly, you need to understand that the preservation of vegetables and fruits that do not have sufficient acidity of their own, which include green peas, should take place in conditions close to the sterile cleanliness of operating rooms - this is the only way that pathogens of a terrible disease called botulism can not develop under rolled up lids. ;
  • For the same reason, sterilization of canned food for such products significantly exceeds the usual time. Or the sterilization process should be carried out twice. Since we are unlikely to find an industrial autoclave in an ordinary kitchen, the process of heating canned food must be lengthy;
  • Up to 30% of ordinary table salt can be added to the water in which sterilization takes place, the water temperature will be higher;
  • You can add some vinegar or citric acid to the canning brine, but the taste of the finished product will change somewhat. If everything suits you, add acid, such canned food almost does not deteriorate, and you can store them in a cool place, like ordinary homemade "spins", and not in the refrigerator;
  • Any peas of milky ripeness are suitable for canning, but it is best to choose brain peas. Such peas have a very indirect relationship to the brain: just because of the large amount of sugar, the peas become wrinkled when dried, the surface of the peas becomes similar to the cerebral cortex;
  • Brain varieties are also good because they last longer in the stage of technical maturity without overripe (up to 5-6 days, unlike the usual ones, which overripe already on the second or third day);
  • Peas should be removed on the 8th day after flowering, as experienced summer residents and gardeners recommend;
  • It is advisable to preserve freshly picked peas on the same day, as it quickly loses its tenderness, and the brine becomes cloudy due to the high content of starch in such grains;
  • When storing, keep an eye on the marinade in jars - if it becomes cloudy or changes color, you should not eat peas.

So, are you ready to harvest green peas on an industrial scale, or do you only plan to save a couple of jars of peas for the winter holidays? Choose any recipe, and go!

Natural canned green peas

Filling Ingredients:
1 liter of water
½ tsp salt,
½ tsp Sahara.

Put the sorted washed peas into a saucepan, cover with cold water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes, then spread hot in sterilized jars, fill with filling (boiling with a key), roll up, turn over, wrap. Store in refrigerator.

175 ml marinade.
For marinade:
1 liter of water
3 tbsp Sahara,
3 tbsp salt,
100 ml 9% vinegar.

Blanch the peas in a marinade made with water and half the salt and sugar for 3-4 minutes, then dip them in ice water. Arrange the peas in sterilized jars. Strain the marinade, add the remaining sugar and salt, boil, pour in the vinegar and fill the jars. Cover with sterilized lids and put on sterilization (boil for 15-20 minutes from the moment of boiling). Roll up, turn over, wrap up. After the jars of peas have completely cooled, leave them for a couple more days in the room to check the quality: if the marinade has not changed color and is not cloudy, the jars can be stored in a cool place.

Canned peas without sterilization "Like a store"

green peas, shelled and sorted.
For the marinade (for 1 liter of water):
3 tbsp Sahara,
3 tbsp salt,
1 tsp citric acid.

Sort the peas thoroughly and rinse. Cracked peas are best discarded, as they burst during cooking, and the brine will turn cloudy. Pour sugar and salt into the water, boil, add the peas and cook for 15 minutes after boiling. Add citric acid, mix and put the peas in sterilized jars with a slotted spoon, without removing the container in which the peas were boiled from the fire. Pour the peas into jars, not reaching the top about 1.5 cm. Pour boiling marinade over peas in jars and immediately roll up with sterilized lids. Turn over, wrap. Keep cold. The indicated amount of marinade is enough for three 0.5-liter jars.

Preservation of green peas by double sterilization

green pea.
For marinade:
1 liter of water
1 tbsp (with top) sugar,
1 des.l. salt.

Pour the washed, sorted peas with boiling marinade (make sure that all the peas are covered with liquid) and boil for 3 minutes. Transfer to 0.5-liter sterilized jars, not reaching the top 3 cm. Boil water in a wide saucepan, cover the bottom with a towel or set a wooden stand, put the jars with peas (the water should not be lower than the contents of the jars) and boil from the moment of boiling covered with lids for 30 minutes. Cool under lids. The next day, put the pot with the jars back on the fire, bring the water to a boil, sterilize the jars for 20 minutes and roll up. Turn over until cool. Store in a cool place.

Preservation of green peas by long-term sterilization

Ingredients for one 0.5 liter jar:
650 g prepared peas,
1 liter of water
1.5 tbsp salt,
1.5 tbsp Sahara,
3 g citric acid.

Dip the sorted and thoroughly washed peas in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then drain through a colander and dip it directly into ice water (it is advisable to add ice cubes to the water). Arrange the peas in jars and pour over the boiling marinade. Cover the jars with sterilized lids, place in a saucepan with hot water (put a towel or stand under the bottoms) and sterilize from the moment of boiling for 3 hours. Add boiled water if its level has dropped below the level of the contents of the jars, but do not pour cold water in any case, only boiling water! After sterilization, roll up the jars, turn over, wrap until completely cooled.

Peas preserved in tomato juice

2.5 kg peas,
2 liters of tomato juice
salt - to taste.

Dip the prepared peas in boiling salted water and boil for 3-4 minutes, then immerse them in ice water. Arrange the peas in sterilized jars and pour boiling tomato juice over. Cover with sterilized lids and place in a wide pot of hot water. Sterilize for 1 hour, roll up and turn over.

Pickled green peas

Ingredients for a 0.5 liter jar:
peas (can be in pods),
2 black peppercorns,
2 cloves.
For marinade:
1 liter of water
40 g sugar
salt - to taste,
citric acid - for blanching.

Soak peeled green peas or peas in pods in cold water for 2-3 hours. Then drain the water and dip the peas in boiling water with citric acid diluted in it (about 2 g per 1 liter of water), blanch for 1-2 minutes and arrange in jars. Add peppercorns and cloves to jars and pour boiling marinade over. Put on sterilization (boil 0.5-liter jars for 15 minutes), roll up, turn over.

Canned Green Peas with Vinegar

500 g peeled peas,
500 ml of water
10 g salt
10 g sugar
25 ml 9% vinegar.

Pour the prepared washed peas with boiling water and boil for 15 minutes over medium heat. Dip the finished peas in ice water for 2-3 minutes. Arrange in sterilized jars, pour boiling marinade over and roll up. Put the jars in a pot of hot water and sterilize for 40 minutes. Turn over, wrap and chill. Store in a dark cool place.

Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Recommend to friends:

Green peas, canned in jars - one of the most popular canned food that we most often use in nutrition: as a side dish or to add to salads.

So everything coincided, that first caught my eyeproven recipe for canned green peas , and the very next day I saw the peas themselves being sold.

Fate, I thought ... to combine the recipe with peas, and Imake canned peas for the winter . This is my first such preparation.

Canned green peas. Recipes with photos. canned peas for the winter

canned peas recipe it really turned out to be very easy to prepare (except for the process of processing green peas) and reliable, for which, now I can say with good reason that this is a really proven recipe. Banks of peas stood in my warm room from summer to cold until I used it in salads.

How to preserve green peas at home


Shelled green peas

For marinade:

For 1 liter of water (this amount of water is enough for about 2-3 full half-liter jars of peas)

Citric acid - 1 teaspoon

Salt and Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons each

How to make a marinade :

Bring water to a boil, add salt and sugar. As soon as the water boils, carefully pour out the citric acid and turn off the gas.

We take out the peas from the pods and blanch in hot water for 10 minutes, then quickly rinse in cold water. This is necessary in order to reduce the loss of starch in the marinade.

Preparing jars for canning: wash them thoroughly. We lay out the blanched peas in jars in the proportion: peas 50-55%, marinade - 45-50%. Pour the peas with the prepared marinade, without filling the jar to the top.

Put a cloth or towel on the bottom of a large saucepan, pour water and heat it up. We need the temperature difference of the liquid in the jars and in the pan not to be too contrasting, otherwise the jars may burst. We put the jars in a saucepan, the water should reach the "shoulders" and leave to sterilize for 2.5 hours.

Don't be put off by the lengthy sterilization process. The recipe is tested and reliable.

Here is another proven recipe shared by a reader of my diary, it is much easier than the previous one:

Canned green peas. Recipe for the winter - 2

To prepare the filling you need:

For 1 liter of water

Salt and sugar - each 0.5 teaspoon

We wash the peas well, pour them with cold water, add sugar and salt and cook for half an hour.

Then we throw the peas into a colander, let the filling drain, then we put the peas tightly in jars.

We filter the filling through several layers of the brand, heat it up and pour it into jars with peas. For safety, add 9% vinegar, apple cider vinegar or citric acid. With apple cider vinegar and lemongrass, canned peas will not taste acidic. Vinegar proportions: 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar or 1/3 teaspoon of citric acid is added to 1 liter of water.

We put banks on sterilization. Sterilize in boiling water for 30-40 minutes.

There are two more recipes for canned peas and pickled pea pods, but I have not tested these recipes myself.

Preparations for the winter. Pickled green peas. Recipe


Freshly picked green peasLemon acidSalt


We clean the freshly picked peas from the wings, wash them, and lower them into boiling salt water for 5 minutes. Then take the peas out of the water.

Pour peas into sterilized jars, fill with water in which it was boiled. Add 1 teaspoon of citric acid to 1 liter of liquid. And set to sterilize the jars for 1 hour 20 minutes.

Also, for the winter, you can prepare not only green peas, but also pickled pods of young peas

Preparations for the winter. Pickled young pea pods


Young pea pods with barely set seeds

Brine for boiling peas:

For 5 glasses of water

2 cups salt

Soda - on the tip of a knife


For 1 liter of waterVinegar 3% - 0.5 cup

For the final marinade:

For 1 liter of water

Vinegar 3% - 0.5 cupSpices to tasteSugar - 2-3 tablespoons


We clean the pods of peas from the veins and boil in the prepared saline solution for about two minutes.

Then we drain the water, put the pods in a washed jar, pour the boiled and cooled marinade. Close the lids and leave in a cool place for 2-3 weeks.

After the set time, pour the marinade out of the jars, pour the peas with fresh vinegar solution (with spices and sugar). We lay out the pods in sterilized jars, close with iron lids. in the store (and most of these housewives, because not everyone has the opportunity to preserve peas for the winter on their own).

Probably, many have noticed that the mass of peas from different manufacturers is not the same.

Things to remember:

When buying peas, pay attention to the net weight, i.e. a lot of peas along with filling. Identical-looking tins can include both 380 and 400 or even 420 grams of green peas.

According to the standards, the mass fraction of peas from the net weight indicated on the label must be at least 65%.

Canned peas of good quality have whole grains, without impurities of the shells. In this case, the filling liquid should not be transparent.

I hope the recipes for canned peas and useful tips come in handy!

Good luck with canning and bon appetit!

Recommend to friends:

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Canning green peas at home seems like a very labor-intensive task for many. Well, how to do without green peas? What salad "Olivier" will do without it? And green peas chosen and canned with your own hands - what could be better and tastier?
Today we will teach you how to preserve green peas at home. To do this, you need to take young green peas of "milky" maturity. Then it will be tasty and soft when preserved. Overripe peas will be tough and give a cloudy residue when preserved. It is best to preserve peas in half-liter jars. Then you can use it at one time, and open canned food will not spoil. How to preserve green peas at home For one half-liter jar of canned peas, you will need approximately 600 g of peas. Filling is prepared based on one liter of water, one and a half tablespoons of sugar and one and a half tablespoons of salt and 3 g of citric acid. Preservation of green peas at home: Rinse the peas and dip for 3 minutes in a boiling pot, but without citric acid. After that, we transfer the peas to sterilized jars and fill them with filling, add citric acid. We cover the jars with lids and put them in a pot of hot water. We sterilize peas for 3.5 hours. We roll up the jars, put them upside down and cover with a blanket. Here's how to preserve green peas. Green peas belong to the category of non-acidic vegetables, so you need to be very careful when preserving them. Observe the time of sterilization of peas.
You can also preserve green peas with young pods. To avoid the unpleasant consequences of improper canning of green peas, it is better to store them frozen. Then you will have completely fresh green peas on the table in winter and without the risk of poisoning. Before freezing, the peas are washed, sorted, dried. It is better to decompose the peas into portion bags, it is more convenient to get them out of the freezer. Now you know how to preserve peas at home.
