
How to bake Easter cake - recipes for Easter. Classic yeast Easter recipe with photo

When else, if not on Easter, treat your family to a delicious Easter cake according to the recipe from my cookbook. Children are, of course, anxiously waiting for this holiday. And we, in turn, decide for them on various feats. For example, made from beet juice, turmeric decoction or red cabbage decoction. Therefore, making Easter cake at home is much more interesting than buying it in a store. After all, it has been verified more than once - that homemade cake tastes somewhat different from the purchased one. And this means that at least one delicious recipe for Easter cake should always be kept in mind. After all, sometimes you can pamper yourself.

Ingredients for a delicious Easter cake recipe:

For test:

  • Milk (boiled, chilled) - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • Eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • Flour - 1 kg. (6 glasses);
  • Dry yeast - 16 g (4.5 tsp);
  • Margarine - 300 g;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g (3 tsp);
  • Raisins - 100 g.

For glaze:

  • Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Egg white - 1 egg;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tsp;
  • Salt - 1 pinch.

Delicious Easter cake recipe step by step:

1. To begin with, we will prepare dough from half of the flour. We will use dry yeast, suitable for adding directly to the flour. To do this, carefully read the instructions on the package of purchased yeast. In order for the Easter cake to turn out delicious, and the dough to successfully approach, it needs to be kneaded a lot. This nuance is important not only for the preparation of Easter cake, but also for any yeast dough. In this case, the yeast is better distributed and it is easier for them to raise the dough.
For dough, we measure 3 cups of flour (exactly half), as well as a pinch of salt and sugar, we measure 1 tablespoon of the total.
Advice: if there is no “directly into flour” mark on the yeast, then they should be dissolved in milk. We still add sugar and salt to the flour, and the yeast will go into the dough in the second step along with milk.

2. Milk is delicious if, according to the recipe for Easter cake, you take homemade milk and add it in small (fractional) portions, stirring the flour. The dough will immediately become homogeneous and airy. We cover the bowl and put it on a warm heating pad (or just in heat) until it doubles in 2 times.

3. In the meantime, while the dough is coming up, you need to do the eggs and margarine. The ingredients must be at room temperature. So, separate the whites from the yolks into different bowls. We also divide the sugar in half. Half will be used for whites, half for yolks. Beat everything separately, gradually adding sugar. This is how you will succeed: egg whites with sugar not whipped into a steep foam and yolks whipped with sugar not into a steep foam.
Melt the margarine as usual and cool to half in a separate bowl.

4. After 40 minutes from the moment the dough was kneaded, it doubled. The dough becomes fluffy and porous.

5. We begin to alternately combine the dough with the prepared ingredients. It will be more convenient to do this by hand. First, melted and cooled margarine will go into the dough - knead as far as possible until smooth. The second will be whipped yolks - we repeat the action. The dough for Easter cake should become a beautiful orange color, it will be lighter if the yolks are pale. As you can see it is quite uniform. Now you can add whipped egg whites. We knead the dough the same way.

6. 1/3 cup through a fine sieve, add the rest of the flour and knead after each serving.

7. After the last portion of flour enters the dough, it still will not be thick. Its consistency will be much thicker than the dough for kefir pancakes. Return the bowl with all its contents to heat and wait until the volume doubles.

8. While the dough is coming up, sort out the raisins, namely, remove the tails, if any. Pour clean and good raisins with boiling water and leave until you need to add it to the dough.

9. About the same as in the photo, you will have dough according to the recipe for delicious Easter cakes in an hour. Don't be discouraged if it takes longer to fit, maybe a little cooler where it stands. It will go up anyway. Then again knead the dough well, add raisins and knead again.

Allow another 40 minutes for the dough to rise.

Such an elastic dough for Easter cakes will become after all the procedures. Now wet your hands with water, so it will be easier for you to separate the dough from the main part.

10. Any forms that you have need to be greased with vegetable oil. We put the test less than half of the form. Again, leave for 30 - 40 minutes in the heat. After this time, the dough will rise above half. Now Easter cakes can be baked in a preheated oven at a temperature of 170 - 180 degrees.
Advice: do not place forms with future Easter cakes close to each other. Maintain a distance of 15 centimeters, otherwise the cake may not be baked in the middle.

12. While baking is in the oven, let's decorate. Namely, we will prepare the icing for the Easter cake with our own hands. Of course, there is also a purchased glaze, but if you have a mixer, then there is nothing special to do here.
Take a chilled egg and a glass of powdered sugar. Separate only one protein into a deep bowl and, just as in the beginning, start beating with a mixer. As soon as the protein begins to turn into a white foam, add powdered sugar by a teaspoon until it runs out. Naturally, beat with a mixer until the last portion of the powder.

13. The glaze is thick, white and viscous.

14. Add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and mix well. We set aside a bowl of icing for Easter cakes.

When the Easter cakes are baked in the oven, they will need to be cooled to half and only then spread the icing on the “caps”. On a warm Easter cake, it sticks better, and in the future it will not fly off. Sprinkle with Easter fine sprinkles immediately, while the icing is still fresh.
Advice: Since, according to the proposed recipe, the dough is very soft and airy, it is likely that immediately after taking the baking out of the oven, the Easter cakes will slightly settle. To prevent this, you need to turn them over on a side and so cool to half.

Now a delicious recipe for Easter cake is in your piggy bank of recipes. Be sure to find an opportunity to cook it at least once and you will understand that it was not in vain that you tried and wasted your time.

Every holiday has traditional dishes. It is difficult to imagine the New Year's menu without Olivier, and on March 8 - without Mimosa salad. So the Easter table, according to custom, is decorated with colored eggs, Easter cake and curd Easter. A good hostess will never ask where to buy Easter cake. She herself will gladly tell you how to bake an Easter cake, but not in one way.

A bit of history

Easter, like any other holiday, has its own story that tells about the origin of its symbols and explains their meaning. Kulich is a rich round-shaped bread that decorates the Easter table. It was baked exactly round, because the shroud of Jesus Christ had a similar shape. Kulich must certainly be rich, because according to legend, before the death of Jesus, he and his disciples ate unleavened bread, and after the miraculous resurrection they began to eat yeast bread (leavened bread). Since then, it has been customary to make dough for Easter cake rich.

If you are going to cook Easter cake with your own hands, take note of a few tips:

  • butter should not be hard, then the cake will be soft and tender;
  • butter should soften on its own at room temperature, and not when heated;
  • you can use paper molds made specifically for baking Easter cakes;
  • as a form, you can use a tin can. But in this case, it must be lined with oiled baking paper;
  • baking paper can be replaced with regular paper used in offices. But it must be well lubricated with oil;
  • so that the dough does not stick to your hands, moisten them with water or vegetable oil;
  • the readiness of the cake is checked with a splinter or a thin skewer, which is stuck into the cake. If it is dry, the cake is ready;

Easter cake traditional

  • 1 kg wheat flour;
  • 1.5 cups of milk;
  • 300 gr. margarine (you can butter);
  • 1.5 cups of sugar;
  • dried fruits and nuts (150 gr. raisins, 50 gr. candied fruits and almonds).
  • 0.5 sachets of vanilla sugar;


  1. Slightly warm the milk, dilute the yeast in it.
  2. Add half of the specified amount of flour. Stir. Opara is ready.
  3. Cover the dish with dough with a towel and put in a warm place.
  4. The dough should be left to rise until its volume doubles.
  5. Separate the yolks and whites. Beat the yolks with vanilla and sugar, beat the butter.
  6. Add salt, egg yolks and butter to the dough. Mix everything.
  7. Beat the whites until a thick elastic foam. Add them to the dough.
  8. Enter the remaining flour. The resulting dough should be free to lag behind the walls of the dish. It should not be too steep, well mixed.
  9. Cover the dough again and leave in a warm place until it doubles in size.
  10. Rinse raisins, dry, roll in flour. Cut candied fruits into squares. Remove the skin from the nuts and chop. Add dried fruits and nuts to the risen dough.
  11. Prepare the form (with a round bottom!): Line the bottom with oiled baking paper, grease the walls with oil and sprinkle with flour. Fill the form with the test for 1/3.
  12. Let the dough rise. It will be ready to be sent to the oven when it rises to half the mold.
  13. The oven should not be too hot. Leave the form in it for 50 minutes-1 hour. Rotate the pan carefully as it bakes. If the top browns too early, cover it with paper soaked in water to prevent it from burning.

Decorate the finished cake with chocolate, candied fruits or nuts.

Quick cake

Many housewives, especially those employed at work or with small children, are concerned about the question of how to bake Easter cakes for Easter with the least amount of time. The recipe below is easy to prepare and saves energy.

You will need:

  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 st. l. dry yeast (or 50 gr fresh);
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 100 gr. butter;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • vanillin;
  • raisins, candied fruits.


    1. Warm up the milk.
    2. Pour yeast and sugar into warm milk (only 1 tablespoon). Stir and leave for 15 minutes so that they "make friends".
    3. Whisk the eggs with the remaining sugar and vanilla.
    4. Melt the butter and add it to the dough. Add vegetable oil, yeast and mix well.

    1. Add washed and dried raisins and candied fruits.
    2. Gradually stir in the sifted flour. The dough should be pourable.
    3. Divide the dough into molds. It will rise, so the dough should take up no more than 1/3 of the mold.
    4. Leave the dough in the molds for 3-4 hours - at this time you can do business.

  1. Place the molds in a hot oven (t=180 degrees). Bake the cake until done.
  2. Decorate the finished cake with icing and confectionery beads.

Easter cake without yeast and eggs

There are a lot of recipes on how to bake a delicious cake. It turns out that it can be prepared without yeast, milk and eggs.

You will need:

  • 240 gr. flour;
  • 2 tsp baking powder;
  • 0.5 cups brown sugar;
  • 1 banana;
  • 40 ml juice (pineapple);
  • 180 ml of water;
  • 50 gr. raisins;
  • salt;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil.


  1. Mash the banana to make a puree.
  2. Add oil, water, juice. Stir.
  3. Add salt (a pinch) and baking powder for the dough.
  4. Gradually sift the flour into the dough, stirring constantly.
  5. Knead a sticky dough.
  6. Fill the molds with it so that the dough occupies 3/4 of the volume of the mold.
  7. Bake the cake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 50 minutes. The time depends on the oven.
  8. The finished cake must be removed from the mold when it cools down. Decorate it with icing and other decorations.

The beauty of making Easter cake on your own is that homemade Easter cake can be prepared not only according to the traditional recipe, but also using, for example, sour cream.

You will need:

  • 200 gr. sour cream;
  • 1 tsp dry yeast (or 25 g fresh);
  • 170 ml of milk;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 150 gr. Sahara;
  • 650-700 gr. flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. cognac or rum;
  • 50 gr. raisins;
  • nuts for sprinkling;
  • vanillin.


  1. Pour raisins with rum or cognac.
  2. Dilute the yeast with a part of warm milk - pour 2 tbsp. l. milk, they will come in handy later.
  3. Separate the white from the yolk in one egg. Beat two eggs and the protein of the third with sugar and sour cream.
  4. Combine everything in one bowl, stir, salt and gradually add flour.
  5. The dough should be soft and slightly sticky. Cover it with a towel and leave for half an hour.
  6. After half an hour, add soft butter to the dough, stir. Cover again with a towel and leave for one and a half to two hours.
  7. Knead the dough lightly and add the squeezed raisins. Knead the dough so that the raisins are evenly distributed throughout the dough.
  8. Divide the dough between the molds and leave until it doubles in size.
  9. Mix the yolk with 2 tbsp. l. milk and brush the top of the cake with the mixture. Chop the nuts and sprinkle them over the cake.
  10. Send to the oven (t = 200 degrees) for 30 minutes until cooked.

Decorations help to make Easter cake truly festive: icing, marmalade, multi-colored confectionery beads, nuts, marzipan, candied fruits, fruit figurines. Speaking of Easter cake, one immediately imagines lush round bread with a white top. This is frosting. The following recipe answers the question of how to make icing for Easter cake.

You will need:

  • 1 egg white;
  • 100 gr. sugar (small);
  • salt (a pinch).


  1. Cool the proteins and beat with salt until an elastic foam is obtained.
  2. Continuing to beat, add sugar.
  3. Do not stop beating for another 4 minutes after the sugar runs out.
  4. When the cake has cooled slightly, apply glaze on it and leave until it hardens.

Do-it-yourself Easter dishes not only give great taste and delight with a festive appearance, but also carry a positive charge, being filled with feelings and good wishes of the hostess.

Easter cake is a traditional festive dish for the Christian holiday of Easter. To date, there are many interesting recipes that allow you to create an exquisite and unique treat for the festive table - a classic recipe for baking on dough, you can also cook different types of baking - with nuts, candied fruits, chocolate and other additions. Our Easter cake recipes will decorate your holiday table.

From this article you will learn:

Easter cake: recipes

Easter cake recipes
Easter cake is a traditional treat that is on the table of every person on the Christian holiday of Easter. The classic recipe involves baking using dough. Easter cake is decorated with protein cream with sprinkling, candied fruits or almond flakes.

To date, there are many interesting recipes that allow you to create an exquisite and unique treat for the festive table.

There are many delicious recipes for Easter cakes due to the specifics of preparing dough, baking method or additional ingredients - raisins, candied fruits, nuts, dried fruits. All of them differ in their composition and method of preparation. A variety of variations, allows you to freely experiment with novice housewives. This is the best way to surprise families and find your special recipe.

Easter cake classic recipe

The classic recipe is the easiest. It is based on the following ingredients:

  • 1.2 kg;
  • 125 ml of milk;
  • yeast packaging;
  • 15 yolks;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • salt to taste;
  • oil packaging.

Cooking a classic Easter:

Easter cake on yeast with candied fruits and raisins

Cake with candied fruits and raisins is a tasty treat that will appeal to both adults and children. Standard components:

  • 1 kg of flour;
  • dry yeast packaging;
  • a glass of warm milk;
  • oil packaging;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 125 g sugar;
  • 300 g candied fruits;
  • vanilla powder;
  • tsp salt.

Cooking Easter cake with yeast:

  1. Easter cake must be cooked on a sponge basis.
  2. It involves mixing yeast with warm milk and half the specified amount of flour.
  3. While the dough is coming up, the main dough is being prepared.
  4. To do this, flour, eggs, sugar and dried fruits are mixed together.
  5. You need to knead them well, then the resulting dough is allowed to rise 2-3 times.
  6. Then it is mixed with dough and sent to the oven, heated to 200 degrees, for about 30-40 minutes.
  7. After readiness, protein glaze is used, which is applied to the top of the cake and decorated with powder.

Easter "Royal" recipe

Kulich royal is an exquisite delicacy, characterized by quick preparation. You need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 500 g cream;
  • 50 g dry yeast;
  • 1 kg of flour;
  • oil packaging;
  • 10 cardamom grains;
  • 15 yolks;
  • candied fruits, almonds, nuts - 300 g.

Preparation of the Royal Passover:

  1. You need to prepare step by step. First of all, 250 ml of cream is heated over low heat.
  2. Meanwhile, measure out about 2.5 cups of flour.
  3. When the cream is ready, yeast is added to it.
  4. From the resulting mixture, dough is put.
  5. While it rises, you can prepare another part of the dough.
  6. To do this, all the remaining ingredients are mixed into one mass.
  7. When the dough is suitable, it is added to the resulting consistency.
  8. Everything is thoroughly mixed and sent for 2-3 approaches to a warm place.
  9. The treat is prepared in a bread machine or oven, the temperature should be no more than 160 degrees.

An old recipe for Easter from batter

An old batter recipe is an extraordinary pastry with excellent taste. Necessary:

  • 8 glasses of flour;
  • 2 packs of yeast;
  • a liter of milk;
  • 20 yolks;
  • vanilla;
  • melted butter (200 ml);
  • sugar and salt to taste.


  1. Easter is prepared with standard dough. To do this, heat the milk and dissolve the yeast in it.
  2. Then the flour is sifted and exactly half of it is added to the dissolved yeast. This is the dough, which is removed to a warm place. While it rises, the butter is melted over low heat, and the yolks are ground with sugar.
  3. The finished dough is mixed with all the components until a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Then the dough is laid out in molds and baked at a temperature of 160 degrees, no more than 50 minutes.

A standard treat can be either without additives or with raisins.

Quick Easter recipe without dough

If there is no time to prepare a classic recipe, you need to pay attention to Easter cake without dough. You will need the following ingredients:

  • a glass of milk;
  • Art. l. yeast;
  • 4 eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 100 g of oil;
  • vanillin;
  • 4 cups flour;
  • dried fruits to taste.

Cooking Easter without dough:

  1. This is a simple recipe without kneading, all the ingredients are mixed together and sent to a warm place before the first approach. The main thing is not to forget to melt the butter.
  2. After approaching, the dough is distributed in molds and baked in the oven for 45 minutes at a temperature of 160-170 degrees.

Easter recipe without yeast

A treat for a small child should not contain yeast. This recipe requires the following ingredients:

  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a quarter cup of sugar;
  • one and a half glasses of flour;
  • a quarter tsp soda;
  • half a spoonful of lemon juice;
  • candied fruit;
  • raisin.

Cooking Easter without yeast:

Easter without yeast is delicious and fast:

  1. All ingredients are mixed with each other (soda is first quenched with lemon juice).
  2. After thorough kneading, the dough is poisoned in a slow cooker on the “Baking” mode.
  3. Within 40-50 minutes, the cake will be ready.
  4. Cooking in a slow cooker is quick and convenient. After readiness, the treat is cooled and decorated with protein.

Easter cake with orange peel

Easter cake with orange zest will help to surprise the household. It is necessary to prepare:

  • 5 glasses of flour;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • dry yeast packaging;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 5 yolks;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a tablespoon of orange peel;
  • half a cup of raisins.

Step-by-step preparation of a festive cake:

  1. Dough is prepared from milk and yeast and 2.5 cups of flour.
  2. In the meantime, the butter is melted, yolks grated with sugar and orange zest are added to it.
  3. When the dough approaches, all the remaining ingredients are sent to it. Raisins are added at the end.
  4. The resulting dough is sent to a warm place for 2-3 approaches.
  5. If you don't feel like using an orange, lemon cake is the best alternative.
  6. Everything is prepared in the same way, the muffin is baked in the oven for 40-45 minutes.

Sweet Easter cake according to Italian technology

If you want to cook Easter cake - the most delicious recipe is based on the use of Italian technology. For steam you will need:

  • half a glass of flour;
  • a glass of warm milk;
  • dry yeast - 25 g.

For the test you need:

  • half a glass of sugar;
  • oil packing floor;
  • 2 eggs;
  • one yolk;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • dried fruits to taste.

Cooking sweet cake:

  1. Sweet yeast dough begins with dough. For its preparation, 3 main ingredients are mixed, the resulting mass is sent to a warm place.
  2. Until it reaches a certain condition, it is necessary to do the test itself. It is based on the second list of ingredients. There is nothing special about mixing them, all components are mixed with each other and added to the dough.
  3. The resulting dough rises 2-3 times in a warm place. Then it is distributed in molds and baked.

Easter cake in a slow cooker recipe

Easter cake in a slow cooker is simple and fast. You need to prepare the following components:

  • 2 cups of flour;
  • glass of water;
  • oil packing floor;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • dry yeast packaging;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • nuts and candied fruits to taste.

Cooking Easter in a slow cooker:

  1. To begin with, the dough is prepared by dissolving the yeast in warm milk.
  2. A glass of flour is added to the resulting mixture and all this is sent to a warm place.
  3. While the dough is rising, the second part of the dough is being prepared.
  4. To do this, mix all the ingredients.
  5. Then they are added to the dough, thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency.
  6. The resulting mass is prepared using a multicooker, on the "Baking" program.

Kulich Monastyrsky for Easter

Kulich monastic is a familiar type of delicacy, which is distinguished by simple preparation. You need to prepare the following components:

  • 4 cups flour;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 4 egg yolks;
  • 150 g margarine;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 100 g of nuts and dried fruits;
  • 80 grams of fresh yeast;
  • floor of the butter pack.

Preparation of the monastery cake:

Easter recipe on kefir

You can cook a treat on kefir and margarine. For this, the following components are selected:

  • 8 glasses of flour;
  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • half a kilogram of margarine;
  • 100 g of yeast;
  • liter of kefir;
  • 125 ml melted butter;
  • 8 eggs;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • 300 g dried fruits.

Cooking Easter on kefir:

Easter cake recipe with dried fruits

Recipes with photos help to prepare a delicious treat, without much effort. To create a real masterpiece, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of kefir;
  • 8 glasses of flour;
  • 100 g of yeast;
  • 2 packs of butter;
  • 7 eggs;
  • 3 cups of sugar;
  • 125 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 200 ml brandy;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • 300 g dried fruits.


First, the dough is prepared. To do this, a liter of kefir is heated in the microwave and mixed with yeast. 4 cups of flour are added to the resulting mass, all this is beaten with a mixer and sent to a warm place. While the dough is rising, it is necessary to make the main workpiece. To do this, all the ingredients presented are mixed (except cognac and dried fruits). The resulting mixture is supplemented with dough, until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Dried fruits and cognac will help improve taste. Cook at 200 degrees for about an hour.

Easter special with candied fruits and almonds

The right dough for Easter cake - the recipe is special. It should always be based on dry yeast, they allow you to make baking light and airy. For cooking, you need the following components:

  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • packaging of yeast (50 g);
  • a sachet of vanillin;
  • 1 kg of flour;
  • 200 g candied fruits;
  • 200 g almonds.


  1. Opara is prepared according to the classical method, by mixing yeast with a glass of flour and milk. The mixture is sent to a warm place.
  2. Meanwhile, the hostess is preparing the main part of the dough. To do this, all the ingredients are simply mixed, it is recommended to use a mixer. This will give the dough airiness, then the dough is added to it.
  3. Everything is mixed again and sent to the oven for an hour.

Italian Easter Panettone Recipes

Panettone is a traditional Easter cake from Italy, which is very popular in other countries due to its exquisite taste. Made according to a special recipe, Italian Easter is distinguished by its very soft dough, which is easier to tear than cut, it melts in your mouth and is a lot of fun. Panettone also has recipe variations - with raisins, candied fruits, chocolate and nuts, additives can be used based on personal taste preferences.

Photo: Italian Easter Panettone

Tsoureki Greek Passover Recipes

Tsoureki is a kind of Easter in Greece, unique in its design with eggs. Such an Easter cake is convenient because it is also the main decoration of the festive table for Easter, as well as a kind of egg stand.

Photo: Tsoureki Greek Easter

Cottage cheese Easter - a variety of recipes

Cottage cheese Easter is one of the varieties of Easter cake for the holiday, which consists mainly of cottage cheese. Such an Easter can be different in terms of the method of its preparation - raw, custard, or boiled in the oven or microwave, as well as with respect to additional ingredients - with zum, candied fruits and dried fruits. Cottage cheese chocolate or Tsarskaya, multi-layered and mostly sweet - an excellent decoration on the table on a Christian holiday, which was prepared by Russian cooks from time immemorial.

Cottage cheese Easter recipes

Video: Easter cake step by step recipe

Video: how to cook Easter cakes

Christ is risen and bon appetit!

How to knead the dough for Easter, a proven Easter dough recipe, and what secrets do lush Easter cakes have, told confectioner Yana Atamanichenko

Even experienced housewives consider sweet yeast dough for Easter a serious test of aptitude. What can we say about those who are going for the first time and are worried, will it work, will it fit, will it bake? For the best results, take into account the advice of an experienced pastry chef on how to make Easter dough, as well as use the tried and tested recipe for Easter dough that she offers.

According to the rules, the oldest woman in the family should knead the dough for Easter and bake Easter cakes.

There are many recipes for yeast dough for Easter: with milk, and with sour cream, and with butter, and with a different number of eggs. But they are similar in one. The dough for Easter is richer and heavier than for ordinary buns, so it requires some skills and patience.

How to make dough for Easter

First you need to make sure that the yeast is alive and will not let you down.

  • Stir the required amount of yeast with a spoonful of sugar and dissolve in 100 ml of warm water or milk.
  • Put in a warm place.
  • After 15-20 minutes, bubbles or foam will appear, which indicate that the yeast is working.
  • You can mix steam.

To make Easter dough successful, follow the recipe

For sponge dough for Easter, it is important to follow the recipe. And in the number of products, and in what order you add them. Any deviation from the recipe can spoil the Easter dough. Put more butter, for example, and the dough won't be able to rise.

Homemade eggs and milk are best for Easter dough. Remove food from the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up to room temperature in a couple of hours.

The oven and molds also need to be preheated in advance, temperature fluctuations are detrimental to the dough.

Easter dough needs oxygen

Yeast dough for Easter contains a lot of fat. To lift this weight and become airy, the dough needs oxygen. To enrich the dough with oxygen, the flour is sifted several times before cooking.

The dough itself for Easter needs to be kneaded for a long time and intensively. This usually takes more than 30 minutes. It is hard physically, and some housewives ask their husbands to help.

Peace and quiet for Easter test

For the test, it is important that the air is inside it. But any movement of air outside is harmful to him: drafts, temperature changes, running around around dishes with dough. Nearby you can not even talk loudly or shout.

On the one hand, extra fuss negates the good mood in which you need to bake Easter.

On the other hand, everything is more prosaic. Butter dough does not endure drafts at Easter, and immediately falls off. Therefore, the kitchen should be warm, and there should not be any intense air flows from open doors. Sometimes it’s easier to just forbid your family to enter the kitchen, or even send them out for a walk, than to convince everyone to follow these simple rules.

Easter Dough Recipe

I am sharing with you the secrets of Easter yeast dough, the recipe of which my grandmother always used.

Easter Ingredients:
10 eggs
0.5 kg margarine
1 liter of milk
1 kg sugar
500 g sour cream
100 g yeast
1 tsp salt
Flour, how much dough will take
1 cup raisins

How to cook Easter: recipe

  • First, we check the yeast, the method is described above.
  • In a dough container, add half the portion of sugar, all the milk and flour to the yeast. The consistency of the resulting dough should be like pancakes. We mix everything well and put it in a warm place for two hours so that the dough rises well.
  • My grandmother started kneading the dough at night so that the dough would ripen for five hours. If you have the opportunity to give her so much time, the test will be easier to fit.
  • When the dough is suitable, we take on the dough. Beat the eggs with the remaining sugar until smooth. Add margarine at room temperature, sour cream, salt and raisins. Raisins must first be washed, dried and sprinkled with flour so that they are evenly distributed over the pasta during baking.
  • Gradually add flour and knead, knead, knead ... The finished dough should easily fall behind your hands. But it is important not to overdo it with flour.
  • You can grease your hands with a little vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick.
  • We put the finished dough in a warm place, and leave it alone for about an hour. Then we crush and lay out in forms.
  • We fill the forms by a third, put them in a warm place and wait until the dough comes up to the edges of the form. During baking, it will rise even more, and a hat will form.
  • Easter cakes need to be baked at 180-200 degrees until cooked. The average pasta is baked for about 40 minutes. Readiness is checked with a wooden stick.
  • During the baking process, do not open the oven once again, especially at the beginning. Dough from the air flow falls off very easily.
  • If you see that the dough is burning on top, you can cover the cake with soaked and wrung out baking paper. But be careful if your oven has a heating element on top - paper can catch fire if it touches it.

Now you know an excellent Easter dough recipe, as well as the main secrets from a professional to make Easter dough successful. Read the recipe for Easter frosting in our material "

Easter is the greatest Orthodox holiday. By tradition, everyone paints eggs and bakes delicious Easter cakes for this great day. Homemade Easter, made with your own hands, the most delicious!

A detailed recipe on how to make sweet yeast dough for Easter, a description and preparation of delicious pastries, white icing for decoration, a master class with a photo.

Passover Recipe

For sweet yeast dough you will need:

1 glass of milk

100g butter

1/2 hour tablespoons vanilla or cinnamon salt

5 eggs raisins

1 cup of sugar

5 - 6 cups flour

For steam:

1 st. a spoonful of yeast without a slide

2h. spoons of sugar

1/3 cup warm water

For white icing for Easter decoration:

protein from 1 egg

1/2 cup powdered sugar

ready-made multi-colored caramel


How to make dough for Easter

First you need to dilute the yeast in warm water, put the dough:

In 1/3 cup of warm water, add 2 tsp. spoons of sugar and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry yeast. Put in a warm place, let the yeast rise.

Put 100 g of butter in a large saucepan, heat over low heat, let cool slightly. Be sure to sift the flour. Pour 1 cup of milk into a saucepan with butter, add 1/2 tsp. spoons of salt and vanillin.

Break 5 eggs, while separating the protein from 1 egg and leave for the glaze, put it in the refrigerator.

Add 1 glass of sugar, rinse and add raisins, pour the dough with yeast from the glass.

Mix everything and knead the rich yeast dough for Easter, adding 1 cup of flour. The dough should be soft, not very thick and not very liquid.

Detailed recipe with photo Close the pan with the dough with a lid and put in the warmest place. You can use a water bath to make the dough rise faster.

When the dough begins to rise well, punch it down with a knife 1-2 more times.

Next, prepare the molds for baking paska. If there are no special molds, you can easily use small bowls or wide glasses instead, as shown here in the photo. Lubricate the bottom and sides of the forms with sunflower oil and fill with Easter dough for 1/3 of the volume, as in the photo.

How to make a good Easter As a decoration, you can make crosses and flowers from the dough, and put on the top of the beads.

Cover the molds with the dough with a towel or napkin. Put in a warm place so that our rich yeast dough fits very well in the molds.

To do this, you can put the forms on the table next to the included oven. So the Easter dough will come up faster.

Cooking delicious Easter, recipe with photo

Easter oven should be at an oven temperature of 180 - 200 degrees. How long to bake Easter will depend on the size of the mold, about 30 - 50 minutes.

White icing for decorating Easter While our Easters are baking, we need to prepare white icing. To do this, beat the chilled egg white from 1 egg with 1/2 cup of powdered sugar very well with a mixer. Remove the finished Easter from the mold, when cool, carefully grease the top with white icing.

You can buy ready-made colored caramel powders in the store and decorate Easter beautifully.

Everyone knows that the most delicious are homemade Easter, made by hand! Please your family and friends!

Happy bright holiday!
