
How to bake cornbread in a bread machine. Cornbread in a bread machine

If you decide to make bread from cornmeal in a bread machine, you can find more complex or simple recipes on this site. Today I want to offer you one of the most affordable options for such baking.

It turns out bright, fragrant, with a delicate texture. In addition, this type of baking is suitable for those who follow their figure and do not use flour products - after all, it is prepared with the addition of healthy corn flour, and, therefore, this is a healthy pastry.

There are many useful substances in such “sunny” flour, and certain types of bread prepared with its participation are advised during diets, and even with some stomach problems. It is also a gluten-free product, so it is recommended for people on a gluten-free diet.

In general, there are only pluses in this bread, and not a single minus. And it would be a crime not to bake such a sunny and tasty bread, right? 🙂 So I am happy to prepare for you the simplest bread recipe in a corn flour bread machine.


  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Milk - 270 ml
  • Wheat flour - 370 g
  • Cornmeal - 80 g
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp
  • Yeast - 1 tsp

Recipe for cornmeal bread for a bread machine with a photo step by step

  1. Rinse the baking dish with hot water. Poured milk warmed up to 38 degrees.
  2. Added the right amount of vegetable oil. I used fragrant sunflower, I like it in bread.
  3. If you do not like to use such oil in baking, take a refined one.
  4. Then salt was added.
  5. And sugar.
  6. I weighed the right amount of wheat and corn flour on the scales. I did not measure each species separately, but simply first weighed wheat (370 g), and then poured corn (80 g) into it. And then sifted it all together.
  7. And then poured into the bowl to the liquid ingredients.
  8. I made a hole in the top of the flour and poured in the yeast.
  9. The mold was placed in the oven. I chose "Wholemeal Bread" (in my assistant - Moulinex OW310 - this is the N4 program, and it lasts 3 hours 21 minutes). I chose medium crust and weight. On this, all my manipulations ended, and I left the stove alone until it beeps me.
  10. After the signal, I opened the lid of the stove, and there was already such a handsome, strong man peeking out.
  11. She shook it out of the mold, put it on a wire rack to cool, and covered it with a clean towel. After baking the bread, I always leave it for about 2 hours. If you cut it hot, then the crumb will look unattractive, stick together a little, so there is no need to rush to cut it.
  12. That's all, delicious and dietary bread is ready! It smells very pleasant, its taste is delicate, and the color is beautiful, yellowish. By the way, if you want a more saturated color, then here's a life hack for you: add a little ground turmeric (about half a teaspoon). You do not need to add more cornmeal - pastries simply may not rise.

Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Cornbread is very popular in America, where it is considered a common food item that can be bought almost anywhere.
In our country, such pastries are not so common, but nevertheless there are a huge number of people who prefer such bread to ordinary or wheat bread and for good reason - it has a rich, original taste, plus it has many useful properties: it is known that corn is the most nutritious of all vegetable crops, it contains magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron.
Of course, homemade wheat and corn bread in the Mulineks bread machine according to this recipe is a great baking option for any table!

Ingredients: (the calculation is indicated for the preparation of a loaf weighing 750 gr)

- drinking water, non-carbonated, 210 ml.,
- pasteurized milk, fat content 1.5%, 70 ml.,
- sunflower oil, refined, 2 tablespoons,
- table salt, food, 1 tsp,
- granulated sugar, 2 tsp,
- wheat flour, premium, 350 gr.,
- corn flour, 150 gr.,
- dry yeast, high-speed, 1 tsp

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. First of all, remove the bowl from the oven, in this case it will be more convenient to collect ingredients into it and nothing extra will fall into the tank.

2. Prepare all products in advance, put them on the work surface - you will need to add them immediately one after another to prevent the liquids from cooling.

3. Measure all the ingredients strictly following the indicated values, only in this case, as a result, you will get bread of the desired density and volume.

4. Using a measuring cup, prepare 210 ml of warm water - the temperature of the water, like milk, should be as close as possible to 35 degrees, in which case the yeast will be extremely active and the dough will rise well.

5. Pour water into the bottom of the bowl, add 70 ml of low-fat, fresh milk there.

6. To give bread splendor, use vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. will be enough to achieve the desired effect.

7. Add 1 tsp to the liquid mixture. salt and 2 tsp. granulated sugar - sugar feeds the yeast, and salt improves the structure of the dough, so you can’t do without them in cooking.

8. The main step in the set of ingredients for the test is the preparation of the flour mixture. You will need wheat and corn flour, a kitchen scale, as well as a sieve and two deep bowls.

First, weigh the bowl into which you will sift the flour, remember this value, add the number from the list of ingredients to it, you should see the resulting number on the scale display.

Based on the above, sift the required amount of wheat flour, transfer it to a second bowl, and pass it through a corn sieve in the first, then mix both types of flour in one bowl.

9. Carefully pour the flour mixture into the bowl, pour a slide into the very middle.

10. Make a well at the top of the flour slide, add 1 tsp there. high-speed dry yeast - pay attention to this point, since the yeast should not come into contact with either salt or vegetable oil before kneading the dough.

11. Carefully insert the bowl into the bread machine tank, set the baking program, No. 1 is suitable for HP Moulinex OW3101 Uno, the weight of the loaf is 750 g, it is enough to set the color of the crust to light.

12. At the end of the program, carefully, so as not to burn yourself, remove the bowl of bread from the oven, place it on a towel or stand and leave it to rise without covering for 1-2 hours, only then remove the cooled loaf from the mold.

Homemade cornbread is ready!

On the shelves of stores, you can increasingly find various types of flour. So why not stock up on groceries and make cornbread in your bread maker? The recipe that we present is extremely simple to execute, and the baking itself turns out to be very tasty. In addition, it is able to add variety to the daily diet.

Bread recipe with sour milk or kefir

Now we will learn how to bake in a bread machine. The recipe contains sour milk and two types of flour. Here is a complete list of ingredients that you will need to make delicious bread:

  • corn flour - 100 g;
  • wheat flour - 350 g;
  • kefir (sour milk) - 300 ml;
  • fast-acting dry yeast - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • sunflower oil - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.

Tip: You can bake using the normal mode of the unit, or turn on the “Whole wheat bread” mode.

Cooking process

Kefir or sour milk slightly warm. First, pour our warm fermented milk product and vegetable oil into the bucket of the unit, then immediately add salt and granulated sugar. Sift both types of flour there and add yeast at the very end. That's all. It remains to set the mode, as we agreed, indicate the weight of 750 grams, mark the crust as dark and wait for the end of the process in order to get fragrant cornbread from the unit. In a bread machine, a recipe without wheat flour can be tried to do the same (for the sake of experiment).

Experimenting with Ingredients

Feel like an American, replace the amount of wheat flour indicated in the recipe with an equivalent proportion of corn bulk ingredient by weight. Then you can appreciate the rich corn flavor, the bright yellow color of the cooked bread, and make some comparisons. However, if you do not gravitate towards radical changes, leave everything as indicated in our recipe. The total cooking time is 3 hours 40 minutes. Remove the bread, cool on a wire rack, slice and serve immediately. Fragrant bread crust, which children and adults love to crunch so much, turns out to be special!

Homemade cornbread in a bread machine: a recipe without milk

It is not forbidden to have several types of flour in reserve. Suddenly, a long rain will happen on the street, and a piercing wind will discourage the desire to leave the house for bread. In addition, no store products can be compared in quality with homemade ones, especially if we are talking about unusual corn bread. In a bread machine (the recipe that we are now presenting), any product at the output is natural, fresh. The recycling of raw materials, as in bakeries, is out of the question.

List of ingredients

Here is a list of the ingredients you will need to make cornbread:

  • corn flour - 100 g;
  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 400 g;
  • warm water - 300 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 2.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • dry instant yeast - 1.5 tsp.

Corn bread in a bread machine (the recipe that we present to your attention) can be prepared with the addition of olive oil to the dough. Therefore, all lovers of a tart southern product can replace the traditional sunflower indicated in our list of ingredients.

Cooking method

We put the products in the order in which it is indicated on the bread machine. First, pour warm water into the container, and then add vegetable oil. Then add the required amount of salt and sugar. Both types of flour will be sifted into a separate container, and then added to the bowl of the unit sequentially so that the bulk product completely covers the water.

At the very top we make a small indentation for and add our last ingredient. Now it remains for us to place the bowl in the unit, close the lid, set the required mode and wait for the cornbread to bake. In you can set the normal mode for baking, select the weight (750 g), and optionally set the degree of browning of the crust. The process of kneading the dough can also be visually controlled, and if something happens, add a little either flour or water. Also in the unit there is a function of maintaining the temperature, so bread for dinner can always be served warm.

Benefits of a bread maker

In any case, in three and a half hours, delicious ruddy cornbread will be ready. In a bread machine (we provided the recipe with a photo to readers in the materials of our today's article), baking a dish is extremely simple, because you only need to consistently lay the products, and the machine will take over the entire tedious kneading process.

Tip: after the bread is baked, remove the loaf from the bowl, place on a dish and cover with a cotton towel. After all, the finished product evaporates too much moisture while it cools. In order for the taste to be rich, and not dryish, the bread is covered with a towel, moreover, under the cloth, the bread rests and comes to full readiness. Cornbread, baked in a bread machine (we recommend using our recipe), will also remain soft, with a perfumed aroma, if you do not forget to cover it immediately after cooking.

To avoid problems with washing the unit, it is necessary to pour in the products in small portions, while the kneading paddle is already running.

If the sides of the loaf blush during the baking process the way you want, and the top does not reach slightly, then the hot bread can be put in the oven for blowing for 5 minutes. And then the crust will also brown.

If the bread pops out of the container while baking, reduce the amount of wheat flour slightly when adding.

In a good and high-quality dough, salt accounts for 1-1.5% of the flour content, and granulated sugar and butter - no more than 5%. Fats and sugar added to the dough can extend the shelf life of the finished product.

A hole sometimes forms in the finished loaf, this is due to the fact that there was not enough gluten in the flour used for kneading. To avoid deformation of the finished product, do not use wet flour, avoid using too warm water, and also make sure that the amount of liquid in the dough does not exceed the amount indicated in the recipes.


Corn, one of the oldest grain crops in the New World, was known to people as early as twelve thousand years ago. Archaeological finds confirm that the ancients, at the dawn of our civilization, grew and used corn grains. It is this culture that can be called the core of the development of the oldest civilizations in America - the Maya, the Olmecs and the Aztecs. Corn was able to feed fast-growing nationalities, gave people energy and a much-needed set of useful substances. Today, corn is distributed throughout the world. It is eaten fresh, and dried grains are used to make popcorn, which is so popular, especially among young people. No less popular is corn flour, which is used for baking bread, pancakes, muffins, and tortillas.

By the way, on the pages of famous adventure novels by Mine Reed, Jack London and Fenimore Cooper, tortillas are often mentioned. Such a “romantic bread” is prepared very simply, quickly, it has many advantages over bakery products from other cereals, in particular, it saturates well, does not stale for a long time, and has a better ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. All these advantages make cornbread indispensable for physical exertion, which has always been highly appreciated by travelers. Therefore, in the adventure novels of famous writers there are so many references to tortillas - they rescued adventurers on long hikes and exciting wanderings.

The benefits of this bread

For the manufacture of corn flour, yellow corn is used, whose beneficial properties, of course, are transferred to the flour. It contains many minerals - iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin PP, B vitamins, and starch. Baking from cornmeal is perfectly absorbed by the body, stimulates metabolic processes in it, improves digestion, cleanses the body, and also lowers cholesterol levels. Some types of cornbread are recommended during diets, as well as for various stomach disorders and even for tuberculosis.

Corn flour can strengthen blood vessels and the heart, normalize blood circulation and bile secretion, slow down aging, treat anemia, and have diuretic properties. Also, an effective effect of corn flour on strengthening teeth, its positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels was noticed. In addition, corn is rich in carbohydrates, and this contributes to the normalization of sugar levels in diabetics. A considerable therapeutic effect of this flour is also manifested in the treatment of patients with poliomyelitis and epilepsy. Corn flour is an essential component in the manufacture of medicines for hypertension, kidney stones and inflammation of the gallbladder. Athletes enrich their body with corn vitamins containing cornmeal.

Cornmeal is gluten-free, so it is recommended for people on a gluten-free diet. Cornmeal is widely used in cooking. The famous Mexican flatbreads, the legendary Italian polenta and the most delicious Moldavian hominy are made from it. Today we will cook cornbread in a bread machine, the recipe of which is offered by HozOboz.

Corn Bread Ingredients

  • Corn flour - 1 cup
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup
  • Milk - 170 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - ¾ tsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Poppy seeds - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dry yeast - 1 tsp

How to make cornbread

  1. So, we begin to prepare cornbread in a bread machine. Pour milk into a removable bowl. You can use half milk with water, that is, 85 ml of milk and 85 ml of water. Or 100 ml of milk and 70 ml of water. The proportions can be different, the main thing is that the liquid is 170 ml.
  2. Add vegetable oil. It can be olive, sunflower or even corn oil.

  3. Add salt.

  4. Add sugar.

  5. Pour flour - both corn and wheat.

  6. Add poppy seeds. Actually, you can do without this ingredient, but with poppy seeds it will be tastier, healthier, and more beautiful.

  7. We add yeast.

  8. In this form, place the removable bowl in the bread machine. We turn on the “Basic” or “White bread” mode, depending on the type of bread machine. Turn on the bread maker and wait for the beep.

    We place the bowl in the appliance and turn it on in the "Basic" or "White bread" mode

  9. When the beep indicates that the cornbread is ready, remove it from the bowl of the bread machine. Let's cool down.

Delicious, fragrant and very healthy wheat-corn bread in a bread machine is ready. Bake it was easy, you see. Such bread is also eaten simply, quickly and with great pleasure, as well as the realization that you bring tremendous benefits to your body. You can bake not only bread from cornmeal, but also cookies, muffins, muffins, pancakes. Of course, pastries with the addition of this flour are somewhat different than those made from wheat flour, since corn flour gives the pastry looseness and density. Corn bread is not as fluffy as wheat bread, but no less tasty.

This delicious bread is usually served with oriental and Indian cuisine. By itself, it is very tasty and airy. You can easily cook it for breakfast. If you have a bread machine, then cooking will not be difficult for you at all, since the recipe for corn bread for a bread machine is quite simple.

Cornmeal Bread - Recipe

Homemade bread is always healthier than store bought. This bread made from cornmeal in a bread machine will be enjoyed by your whole family. It is especially tasty with honey for morning tea. This recipe is designed for cooking cornbread in a Panasonic bread machine, but if you have a different model, then take a closer look at the recipe and try to make such a delicacy in your appliance.


  • wheat flour - 400 g;
  • cornmeal - 100 g;
  • dry yeast - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water - 370 ml.


Pour wheat and corn flour into the bowl of the bread machine. Pour salt and olive oil on one side of the flour slide, dry yeast on the other side, on top of which pour sugar. Pour water over the salt as well. Set the bread maker to the "regular bread" program, time - 4 hours, size - XL, crust - medium. When the bread is ready, put it on a dish and cover with a towel to let it stand for a while.

How to bake corn bread with cheese?


  • cornmeal - 2 tbsp.;
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • kefir - 2 tbsp.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • dry yeast - 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • mixture of Italian herbs.


In a deep bowl, mix corn and wheat flour. Add salt, dry yeast, Italian herb mixture (if you can't find a mixture, just add separately - basil, thyme, green onion) and grated cheese. Mix well. Form a hill from the flour mixture and make a depression in the middle, then pour olive oil and kefir into it. Knead the dough until it sticks to your hands. Add wheat flour if necessary. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave in a warm place for 40 minutes to let the dough rise. After that, knead it again. Put the bread in a pre-oiled mold, pierce a couple of times with a fork, make a couple of cuts and leave the bread to infuse for another 25 minutes. Heat the bread machine to 200 degrees and bake the bread for about 40 minutes. When the time is up, turn off the bread maker and leave the bread to rest for 10 minutes.


  • cornmeal - 150 g;
  • wheat flour - 300 g;
  • dark molasses - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • wheat sourdough - 150 g;
  • hot water - 200 ml;
  • salt - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.


Pour the cornmeal into a small container, pour hot water over it and cover with a lid. When the mass has cooled to room temperature, you can begin to knead the dough. Pour wheat flour into a deep bowl, add salt, corn mixture, sourdough, molasses and olive oil. Mix well and knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands. If it turns out crumbly, add a little water. Roll the finished dough into a ball, wrap in cling film and refrigerate overnight on the bottom shelf.

The next day, take the dough out of the refrigerator and let it thaw for an hour and a half in a warm place. Then put on a floured board and form a loaf, making a small cut along the length. Sprinkle the bottom of the bread machine container with cornmeal and put your loaf in it. Cover with a towel and let stand for about 2 hours. Sprinkle the top of the bread with water before baking. Bake cornbread at 210 degrees for 50 minutes. For the first 10 minutes, periodically sprinkle the bread with water. Put the finished bread on a cutting board and let it cool.
