
How to bake bread at home. Homemade bread in the oven - step by step recipes with photos

Bread recipes are kept secret here - a trade secret. They say that such delicious bread is nowhere else to be found. Almost 300 types of products are baked here: from the well-known Chisinau and sliced ​​loaf to three-story wedding cakes. The bakery operates around the clock and is one of the largest automated enterprises in the city.

Seven years ago, the Kenon bakery purchased expensive English equipment, which made work much easier. With its appearance, the staff of workers was halved: from 400 to 200. Bread baking became automatic. Throughout all stages of production, human hands touch the dough only once - during layout into forms.

1. Everything starts with flour. Bakery "Kenon" uses only local flour. The director of the enterprise, Teimuraz Kenchkhadze, is sure that the Trans-Baikal flour is no worse than the Altai flour, not to mention the significant support of the local producer. Flour is delivered to the bakery by special vehicles. Flour is unloaded into the silos through the receiving flour pipeline. Silos - the size of a four-story house, each of them stores up to 30 tons of flour. Annual stock. Flour is used differently, depending on the type of bread.

6. The flour from the silos enters the kneading vat. Water, salt, diluted yeast are added there. One of the secrets of Kenon bread is the use of live sourdough in the recipe. Yeast, by the way, is prepared in a separate, special vat.

7. After kneading, when all the necessary ingredients turn into a sticky friable snow-white dough, the division process begins. The dough moves along the conveyor and is divided into identical pieces given by a computer program to the dough divider.

12. Dough is put into molds automatically. Forms are different, depending on the type of bread. During the tour they baked toast bread. In total, the bakery produces more than 10 types of various breads and five types of long loaf. The assortment is updated annually. They monitor the preferences of customers, conduct surveys, listen to the wishes.

14. After the divider, the dough enters the proofing chamber, where it languishes for some time, which is called suitable. After the dough begins to appear from the form with an air cap, it is lowered into the lower part of the oven, where the temperature reaches 260 degrees. Cooking time and temperature depend on the type of bread. On average, bread is baked from 25 to 40 minutes. Rosy golden rolls of hot bread are taken out of the oven, which smells so tempting that it is impossible not to break off a large piece with a crispy crust and not eat it with cold milk.

19. But hot bread from Kenon does not get into supermarkets - you can’t pack it hot. The next stage, when the bakery workers load the loaves onto special multi-stage carts, is called cooling. Bread is brought to the workshop, where a fan blows on it. And here, too, you need to withstand time: you can’t supercool. Then the bread enters the room with ultraviolet lamps.

21. Toast bread not only needs to be packed, but also pre-cut. Cut into perfectly even pieces, do not allow the bread to crumble. Not only employees are responsible for this, but also special machines for cutting and packaging bread. The last at the factory - two. Almost all products of the enterprise are packed. Cut - some. Wheat and Chisinau types of bread are sold in whole rolls. Chita habit.

28. “There is not a single empty place here at night. Everything is crammed with carts with bread, loaves, buns. From here, bread is delivered not only to the shops of Chita, but also to the region. We are taking to Shilka, Nerchinsk. People from Mogocha come to us for our bread. We have more than 30 cars in our fleet,” says director Teimuraz Kenchkhadze.

Loaves of wheat bread and three types of loaves are waiting for their buyer in the room where bread is delivered to shops: sliced, sesame and jubilee.

“Yubileyny” is a long loaf that is very popular during the holidays, especially before the New Year, when almost every table has caviar sandwiches,” the director clarifies.

29. Teimuraz Shalvovich admits that, if necessary, the enterprise could produce even more products.

“We are often checked by Rospotrebnadzor. We make sure that our products are of high quality. With the launch of automated equipment in our workshops, perfect cleanliness. There is no such enterprise from Irkutsk to Khabarovsk,” says Teimuraz Shalvovich.

31. The confectionery shop works only at night. In the same workshop, on another floor, they bake Vyborgskaya muffins, shortbread cakes, puffs with poppy seeds, envelopes with jam and many other buns.

33. In the workshop of flour and confectionery products with cream, 300 or even 400 kilograms of cakes and pastries are obtained from flour, butter, eggs, sugar, chocolate, fruit syrup, air cream per shift. Kenon is famous not only for its bread. The equipment in the workshop is also new, imported. Confectioners bake 60 types of delicious sweets. Of the novelties - bird cherry roll, banana cake, basket "Oriental sweetness".

40. The enterprise has a canteen for employees, where for 30-40 rubles they will be fed a hearty full meal. Also, employees are brought to the enterprise and delivered to their homes by a service bus. The bakery also has its own laboratory, which controls the quality of products. Right next to the plant there is a company store, which, as they say, sells bread, buns, and cakes piping hot. By the way, Kenon also makes cakes to order. They say that they can easily bake a cake with a doll in a colorful dress or a two-story wedding cake. There are six stores from Kenon in the city. Five in the area of ​​KSK, State District Power Plant and Anti-aircraft guns, one - on Novobulvarnaya Street.

The company has been on its feet for almost 30 years. It opened in 1984 and was able to endure the difficult 90s without impressive losses. Maybe because the bakery is the foundation. After all, when there is bread on the table, life goes on.

Tatyana Poyarkina, Andrey Kozlov

How bread is baked aslan wrote in January 5th, 2016

When you buy bread in a store, you don’t think about the conditions under which it is baked. I'm sorry if you can't eat bread for a few days after my report, but I was a little shocked by what I'm going to show you now. In our concept, everything related to food production must comply with all hygiene standards. But is it always like this?

1. Driving through the regions of Russia and seeing fresh bread on the shelves of stores, smelling it, it is difficult to stop and not buy. Regional bread has the taste of the bread we ate as children, as most of it is made according to Soviet GOSTs and on old Soviet equipment. But let's see under what conditions it is done.

2. It is a bit dark at the enterprise and this could not but affect the quality of the photographs. The existing window and a small number of incandescent lamps cannot illuminate a 100-meter room, but this light is enough to draw attention to the floor.

3. All equipment at the bottom is covered with fungus.

4. On these scales, flour is weighed for the production of bread, but no one has a desire to put them in order.

6. Conveyor for molds with dough.

7. The old wood-burning stove is no longer in use, but it has not been dismantled. I think that it was covered with paper before our arrival, and the rest of the time it gapes like a black, dirty hole. Once again I draw your attention to the floor.

10. Bunker for flour.

11. Dough mixer.

13. Do you like walls?

14. And on this wall there is just dust that has not been washed for so ... twenty years. Let me remind you that this is a regional bakery. Bakery, Carl!!!

15. Another production unit. Cleanliness leaves much to be desired.

16. Just don't say that I deliberately took off only shit, there are modern devices, but they are also in this room.

17. Your opinion. Should such a plant work or should a sign "Do not turn on" be hung at the entrance to the bread shop?

18. Croutons are immediately made from unsold bread.

19. I didn’t want to publish people in this post, but otherwise you might think that this is another cast :(, and not an ongoing production.

20. In this report, I did not tell you where these shots were filmed, but this is quite a large production that provides bread for the whole area. The employees of the bakery are proud of their products and consider them the best in the region.

To be honest, I did not understand why we were shown this production. It seems that people really consider this the norm. I am sure that this is happening at many bakeries in the country.

Well, do you want some fresh bread?

Ode to bread can be sung endlessly. Bread is the head of everything, there will be bread - there will be lunch ... Today, buying bread is not a problem, but technology in this case is more likely to be harmful, since now you can find an almost complete periodic table in a loaf, which allows baking not stale for weeks. Have you ever bought American bread for toast? Check it out, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Whether it's homemade cakes, the components of which you are more than sure of. Baking bread at home is very easy. Do not be afraid to work with the dough, treat it with confidence, and in return it will give you a warm and fragrant crumb.

History of creation

It is possible to consider the history of the development of bread endlessly - it has been constant as the basis of the human diet from century to century, while the recipe and cooking method have been steadily changing. According to scientists, it began about 15 thousand years ago, when our ancestors began to grind grains with stones, after which they mixed them with water. Thus, the first bread was in the form of a semi-liquid stew. Over time, having curbed the fire and learned to keep it in the hearth, people began to bake unleavened cakes. Thanks to this, they made their diet more stable, having the opportunity to stock up on food from grain.

The first bread in its more or less familiar form appeared thanks to the ancient Egyptians. According to the assumption, about 6 thousand years ago, due to a mistake (very successful, we have to admit), people found out that the fermentation process is able to loosen the dough, probably they simply left it in a warm place overnight, and in the morning they found that the mass became softer. Such a fast fermentation process is associated with a high ambient temperature and unrefined grain. Thanks to this discovery, the inhabitants of ancient Egypt figured out how to bake soft and fluffy bread at home instead of a hard cake.

The familiar name "bread" supposedly appeared thanks to the bakers of Ancient Greece, who baked cakes in special vessels - klibanos. From there, it spread further throughout the world, undergoing changes, depending on the locality.

Role in society

The very technology of baking bread has also improved over time, taking an increasing part of people's nutrition. Bread was an indicator of status in Europe. For example, it was not enough to know how to bake homemade bread - the hostess had to strictly observe the serving of dishes at the official table.

Bread varied from the highest quality - white from sifted flour, which was offered to the most titled guests at the head of the table, to plain black, which was placed at the end of the table for the simplest eaters. Stale loaves were also used - they were hollowed out, imitating plates, and food was served in them.

Role in Russian culture

In Russia, it is extremely difficult to overestimate bread as a symbol. It is justifiably considered a synonym for well-being in all its manifestations. That is why all joyful events, whether it be the arrival of dear guests or a wedding, were met with a loaf and salt. Bread is like a full house, a house is like a talisman from troubles.

Our days

Now there are no problems with how to bake bread at home. The classic recipe includes a fermentation catalyst (sourdough or yeast), flour, water and salt. From here, recipes are increasingly diverging that will help you revive the heritage of both Russia and other states in the conditions of home cooking.

Judge for yourself, at least you have access to:

  • Russian loaf;
  • Caucasian lavash;
  • Italian ciabatta;
  • french baguette;
  • german pretzels.

But each of these names has several varieties! You will be able to please your loved ones with something new every day.

Basic Recipe

In order to bake bread at home in the oven, just take:

  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 1 kg;
  • warm water - 625 ml;
  • fresh yeast - 30 grams (if your yeast is dry, then take it half as much);
  • coarse salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour for kneading - as needed.


It should be noted that you can both bake bread in a bread machine and manually - in the first case, you will even make your task easier. It will be enough to correctly set up all the stages of mixing and place the necessary components in the equipment. Plus, in busy conditions, it is even more convenient, since the device will do everything for you - there is no need to be constantly at the oven.

Sift the flour with a slide on a clean surface, make a depression and pour half the water into it, add the rest of the ingredients there, except for the flour for kneading. Slowly gather the flour along the edge with your hand, kneading the dough to a semi-liquid, viscous mass. Add the rest of the flour and keep mixing until you've used up all the flour in the "slide". At this point, the dough will no longer stick to your hands, it will be soft, but elastic. Work with it as actively as possible - knead, fold until it becomes elastic. Place the dough in a large bowl, cover with cling film and place in a warm place.

Once the dough has doubled in size, knead it vigorously for at least half a minute. At this stage, you can add various products and seasonings in order to give it personality. We will consider options for such combinations, which will show how to bake bread at home with a unique taste, after the main recipe. It should be noted that you can both bake bread in a bread machine and manually - in the first case, you will even make your task easier. It will be enough to correctly set up all the stages of mixing and place the necessary components in the equipment. Plus, in busy conditions, it is even more convenient, since the device will do everything for you - there is no need to be constantly at the oven.

Put the prepared dough in a baking dish, return to a warm place, previously covered. It should again double in size. This will take approximately an hour.

Heat the oven to 200 C. Place the risen bread in it and bake for half an hour. The cooking time may vary depending on the thickness of the dough layer. In order to determine the readiness of baking, it is enough to knock on the bread bottom - if the sound is deaf, then everything is ready.

Wrap the finished bread in a kitchen towel and let it rest for 20 minutes.

Taste variations

Below we highlight successful combinations of additives, thanks to which you will learn how to bake homemade bread with a taste that is not available in store samples:

All of these variations are not limited to the oven - if necessary, you can either bake bread in a slow cooker or in your grandmother's wood-burning stove.

Alternative to yeast

More and more people are trying to move away from yeast in favor of sourdough, arguing that the latter is older and healthier. The dispute between these two baking powder is still open.

Making sourdough at home is quite simple, just get rye flour and patience. Sequencing:

  • Mix in a spacious container 100 grams of rye flour and 150 grams of warm water. Cover with a towel and leave overnight in a warm place.
  • The next day, add another 100 grams of flour with water, mix, return to the place.
  • After another day, add 150 and 100 grams of water with flour, respectively, return the container to its place.
  • A day later, repeat the procedure with 100 grams of flour and water, return to its place.
  • On the fifth day, the natural baking powder is ready. The starter is airy, saturated with bubbles, has a slightly sour bready smell. You can bake!

In order to understand the conditions under which bread is prepared and what the real price of one loaf is, the AiF correspondent went to production - to a private family bakery.

White or grey?

A family bakery is located in a small business center. Everything is baked here: from the usual wheat loaf to baguettes, croissants and muffins. Before entering the production, you need to disinfect your hands and shoes, change into special clothes so that dirt and dust do not get into the dough.

“Do you know how hard it is to find good flour? - complains bakery owner Roman Bunyakov. “She comes to us from Orenburg and Penza.” The baker shows me two types of flour: wheat and rye. “Quality wheat flour cannot be crystal white - it is ivory, velvety, slightly starchy to the touch, but it should crunch when squeezed in the hand. - The novel immediately demonstrates this. “However, it is bleached in order to sell the customer a perfectly “white” bread.”

Roman shows me his bread made from wheat flour: it is grayish in color. "Any flour will darken when baked, even if it's mixed from different varieties," he explains. “We use flour with good gluten and high protein content, which allows us to form the correct structure of the bread.” The baker presses hard on the crust and releases. The loaf returns to its original shape. “If the flour from which this bread was made had little gluten, it would have remained with a dent,” says Bunyakov. - But in Russia there are very few natural flours with such indicators. Buyers take almost all the grain from the fields for a penny, from them the grain goes to mills and factories. From there, the flour in bags and flour trucks goes to the packaging enterprises and only then to the shelves of shops and bakeries.”

Large producers want to buy cheaper flour from mills, but with good gluten. “And mills of gigantic volumes mix bad flour with good flour and sell such a mixture for 16 rubles. And for the sake of us, who do not need such a trick, it is unprofitable to change the entire system, ”says Roman. For the average buyer, it remains a mystery what is actually in the bag of flour and where it was produced.

We pass by a large vat with kneaded dough. I see that it contains flour with some particles. “This is just whole grain flour, in which the shells of the grain remained,” the baker explains. “They enhance the beneficial properties of bread, so we add 5-7% whole grain flour to premium flour.”

Click to enlarge

What's in the dough?

It is almost impossible to understand by eye what mixture of flour bread is made from. Because flour improvers, baking powder and flavor enhancers come into play. The improver is a white powder that is diluted in water and added to the flour before kneading the dough. “Of 100% of the raw materials for bread, only 1% will be for improvers, so no examination can detect them,” the baker complains. The quality of the flour used can only be shown by the finished bread: if it crumbles, it means that there is not enough gluten in the flour.

All the bread in this bakery is made by hand: the dough is kneaded for several hours, then it must be infused, baked and cooled for several hours. “If the baker does not knead the dough, large cracks or other defects will appear on the bread. - Roman shows me a hole in the crust of rye bread. “That’s where carbon dioxide came out of, for example.”

Before us is Borodino pan bread with coriander. It is baked at a temperature of 246-258°C and must retain 46% moisture. “The freshness of bread is determined by the amount of moisture inside it. If the bread is not properly proofed at 100% humidity, then the product will float, if at 60% the crust will dry out. If the manufacturer wants the moisture to remain as long as possible on low-quality flour, then he adds stabilizers: then the water is retained and the bread does not dry out. There are no natural ways to keep bread for more than 3 days.

It takes from 12 hours to create any kind of bread without accelerators. The accelerator can cut this time at least in half. “Before packing, the bread needs another two hours to cool down,” adds Roman. - Customers need to understand that it can take 12 hours for fresh bread to be delivered to the store. Large producers sometimes put tomorrow's production date, and the consumer thinks he is getting fresh bread.

Not a single loaf of bread in the bakery is stored in cellophane, Roman sells pastries exclusively in open paper bags - this is how the bread breathes. “Firstly, cellophane hides the appearance of bread, and the buyer will not even understand whether the crust is baked or not. And it should be fried and crispy. Secondly, cellophane creates a greenhouse effect and takes away moisture. Because of this, bread loses its properties, the crumb becomes dry, and mold can form on the crust, ”explains Bunyakov. By the way, the baker is sure that bread already cut into pieces and packed in cellophane cannot be stored without spoiling for 5-7 days - unless, of course, it is stuffed with stabilizers and preservatives.

The raw material cost of a long loaf at Bunyakov's is 30-35 rubles. Roman buys flour for -45-50 rubles. per kilogram, and from 1 kg of flour he receives two loaves of 1 kg of bread. “Quality bread without additives and from good flour cannot cost 15-20 rubles,” the baker is indignant when I wonder why he has such high retail prices. - Stores always cheat on products at least 100% of the factory price. So, such bread initially costs 10 rubles. Let's subtract the producer's earnings (at least 3 rubles), the cost of water, yeast, light, etc. It turns out that flour costs less than 5 rubles? And what quality should it be?

Which loaf didn't pass the test?

The Union of Consumers "Ros-control" tested the most popular bread - a sliced ​​loaf of wheat flour of the highest grade, the recipe of which was developed in the 50s. XX century.

5 samples of well-known brands were sent to the laboratory: Kolomenskoye MBKK, Nastyusha, Zernitsa, VkusVill and Schelkovokhleb.

The only loaf whose difference from the others was immediately evident was the product of Schelkovokhleb. If the labeling of other firms indicated that the bread was made according to GOST, then this loaf only imitated "Nareznoy", but was made according to TU.

The first thing the experts checked for the purchased loaves was whether they contained a “potato stick”. “This disease can be caused by soil microbe-contaminated flour,” explains Andrey Mosov, head of the expert direction of NP "Roskontrol". - Her pathogens die during baking, but their spores persist. The stick multiplies when the product is stored incorrectly.

After 36 hours, this disease manifested itself in the Nastyusha, Zernitsa, VkusVill loaves. According to Mosov, such bread will quickly become inedible, which means that the buyer will simply throw away the money.

Another unpleasant moment is a violation in the labeling. On the samples of "Kolomenskoye MBKK", "Nastyusha", "Zernitsa", "VkusVill" there were no indications of the type and grade of flour. And the label of Schelkovokhleb lied about the mass fraction of fat: 2.3% was indicated, but in reality it was only 0.9%. As it turned out, all manufacturers saved on fat, but not so much: instead of the declared 2.9%, the rest had from 1.9 to 2.1%.

It turned out not very good with the crumb of loaves. So, for Kolomenskoye MBKK, Nastyusha, Zernitsa and VkusVill, the crumb was uneven and with voids, while for VkusVill it was inelastic and crumbly. And the taste of loaves left much to be desired: the Kolomenskoye MBKK and Nastyusha had unpleasant lumps when chewed, and VkusVill gave a bitter taste. The only high-quality crumb turned out to be in the “Schelkovokhleb” loaf: baked, elastic, without lumps and traces of non-mixing. “If bread is made using accelerated technology, that is, with the addition of improvers, then the crumb may turn out to be bad. At the same time, the volume of products can be overestimated, with excessively large porosity and voids," Natalia Semyonkina, a leading researcher at the Research Institute of the Baking Industry, is sure.

And the mark "excellent" for the selected flour was given to two loaves: "Zernitsy" and "VkusVill" - the mass fraction of protein in them was 7.5%, which indicates the high quality of the flour used.

Expertise results*



"Kolomenskoye MBKK"

Uneven porosity, clumping, inelastic crumb,

broken label,

High acidity (but within acceptable values).


Uneven porosity, the presence of voids and clumping, inelastic crumb,


Uneven porosity, the presence of voids and crumbling, inelastic crumb,

Signs of potato disease of bread after 36 hours of exposure.


Slight aftertaste of bitterness, uneven porosity, presence of voids, inelastic crumb,

Signs of potato disease of bread after 36 hours of exposure.


Mismatch of the mass fraction of fat indicated in the labeling.

* Provided by the Union of Consumers "Roskontrol".

Everyone eats bread. But some do not even know how it is produced on an industrial scale.
Today we want to correct this misunderstanding and talk about bread production.

The production of bread can be divided into the following main stages: preparation of sourdough and dough kneading, dividing and shaping the dough, baking.

Dough preparation and dough kneading

Opara is a liquid sourdough for dough, consisting of yeast and flour. The more water the flour absorbs, the more tender and longer retaining its freshness the bread will turn out. Sprouting is a classic way to improve the quality of bread. This process is quite long and costly and significantly increases the production cycle, but the result is a completely natural product. Such equipment makes it possible to prepare sourdough in a closed way, which is a rarity for Russian bakeries. This stage is fully automated and lasts at least 14 hours.

The finished dough is poured into a bowl - a large mobile bowl.

According to the recipe and according to the program set by the computer, experts add the necessary ingredients to the dough.

The weight of the added components is checked on electronic scales with an accuracy of one gram.

To bake each type of product, it is necessary to mix a number of components precisely and in the correct sequence.

Then the bowl is rolled under the dough mixer. Its lid does not completely cover the bowl, and components can be added through the hole formed directly during mixing. Proper kneading and processing of components is the key to a beautiful appearance of the product after baking. Only with a certain content of sugars and starch inside the dough, the crust turns out to be fried and uneven in color. The more shades of color in the crust, the more beautiful the product looks.

With the growing influence of chemistry on our modern world, special components (improvers) are created in order to reduce labor costs and the cost of bread production. To reduce the time from the input of raw materials to the output of finished products, a substance is often used that absorbs water better and faster than flour. When adding such a substance to the batch, the stage of making a dough can be excluded. Bread baked with this technology also turns out soft and fluffy, but it gets stale much faster and loses its taste. The resulting dough, depending on the variety, costs another 14 to 28 hours. At a low temperature, a natural fermentation process takes place in it, the dough ripens, enriched with taste and smell.

If this stage is also reduced in time, then the bread must be saturated with taste and aroma in a different way - with the help of a variety of flavors, improvers and additives with a taste identical to natural. The use of these additives leads to the fact that after several days of storage the bread becomes moldy. Real bread, produced in the classic way with the introduction of dough, will never get moldy. This combi steamer prepares the filling for future buns.

High-speed mixer for whipping fillings and light dough.

We look in Arabic from right to left: equipment for maintaining dough, weighing and adding components to dough, devices for mixing and whipping. On the left side of the frame - machines for dividing the dough.

Dividing and shaping dough

This bakery uses three lines, each of which is sharpened for certain actions. The first line is a Japanese machine, the only one of its kind.

Its main advantage is the ability to work with liquid dough up to 85% humidity, which is almost impossible to take by hand.

Operators are ready to go.

Beginning of the conveyor. Using a laser, the required length of the workpiece is monitored.

All cutting parameters are controlled via the control unit.

The line is used to divide dough for ciabatta and some types of baguette. The machine provides a constant shape (square or rectangular) and an accurate piece weight.

It's best not to put your fingers in it.

The second line is called "divider-rounder".

It is designed to work with more dense dough.

The bowl with the dough is installed on a special lift.

He lifts and overturns the bowl, the dough is loaded into the machine.

... and checks the workpieces on electronic scales. It is at this stage that the weight of the future product is determined. Due to the fact that part of the water evaporates during baking, dough pieces weigh about 10% more than the finished product.

After setting the division, the conveyor is ready for operation. Depending on the type of product, the dough can either be simply divided into pieces, or additionally rounded or rolled into a cylinder. For these operations, additional conveyor belts are connected.

Due to the different speeds of movement of the upper conveyor belts, the workpiece slowly rolls up and, twisting, acquires a round shape.

The result is a round piece of dough. If you connect the lower conveyor, the dough rolls into a cylindrical shape.

Depending on the type of product, the dough can be dipped in various types of toppings, such as sunflower seeds.

The third line is baguette.

It does not perform division operations and uses pre-cut pieces of dough.

By scrolling these pieces through special rollers, blanks for a baguette are obtained.

The length of the workpiece is checked with a tape measure.

In the case of making a baguette batch, the resulting "sausages" are laid out on a baking sheet.

Also, chopped dough can be put in special molds for resting ...

... or simply transfer the dough to the planter.

The planter is a special frame with which the workpieces are laid out in the oven.

After the dough has been divided, it must be allowed to rest, otherwise the crumb of the bread will turn out “glued”. The resting can take place both in a normal room and in a special “raising room”.

Due to the high humidity and temperature inside the proofer, the dough is saturated with moisture and puffed up due to the growth of yeast.

Before baking, the final preparation of the dough is carried out. It is laid out from the molds on a planter or baking sheet, ...

... make cuts ...

... or lubricate.

And then baked.

The first option is a rotary kiln

Bread is blown with hot air and, thanks to the rotation of the trolley, is baked evenly on all sides. Wheat loaves and various buns are cooked in such ovens.

Some types of bread are baked right in the molds…

... and get it after baking.

The second option is hearth ovens (the name comes from the oven design element - B "podaV", on which baking products are located). These ovens are used for baking large-sized rye-wheat and wheat products.

Natural stone is used as a hearth, inside which air channels with heated air pass.

With the help of a cunning planter design, the products end up in the oven in a couple of seconds.

Such stoves transfer heat not in a convection way, but in a radiant way (it can be compared with the example of an air heater that drives air around the room, and a cast-iron battery that radiates heat).

This method is more gentle and does not dry out the air.

In such an oven, bread is baked longer, but it puffs up well, it turns out a thick, dense crust and a more tender crumb.

Ready bread is taken out with a special wide shovel.

Vacuum thoroughly after each baking.

Finished products go to packaging.

Shake excess flour off bread...

... and put in boxes for transportation to stores. Such bread is never sealed in a plastic bag.

Storing bread in a plastic bag extends its shelf life, but at the same time, bread B "suffocates". Its crispy crust becomes moist and soft, and the crumb becomes flabby. This is due to the fact that the moisture contained inside the bread, gradually evaporating, is retained inside the bag and absorbed into the crust of the bread, causing it to get wet. To store bread, it is better to use paper - this will help preserve its taste and the ratio of crispy crust and tender crumb.

Then empty boxes come back from the stores. They are washed...

...and stored in anticipation of fresh bread.

With such production, the output is an absolutely natural product with a unique appearance and exceptional taste. The disadvantage of such bread is the high cost compared to ordinary bread.
