
How and how much to cook tomato juice. Tomato juice with salad pepper and onion

Greetings to all who visit my blog! Obviously, you also want to prepare delicious tomato juice for the winter. I still have a lot of red, ripe tomatoes left. Today I will consider several popular options for making a tasty and healthy drink from them. And I invite everyone to take part in this event with me.

Despite its great popularity, the history of this dish began only at the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1917, an American hotel ran out of orange juice during the high season. How to quench the thirst of a huge number of guests. And then the owner of the motel, Louis Perrin, came up with the idea of ​​​​making a drink from tomatoes.

In our country, it was first tasted in 1936, thanks to Anastas Mikoyan, People's Commissar for the Food Industry of the USSR. It was produced in large quantities and promoted very widely. In times of general shortage, there was always enough tomato juice in our stores. He still enjoys universal love today. Due to its excellent taste, naturalness and usefulness.

We have already done a lot of canned tomatoes together with you. You can see the recipes in the section. In our today's menu, I tried to collect recipes that will suit anyone who has looked at us on this topic. We will prepare juice using a blender, juicer, autoclave and a conventional meat grinder. Choose your favorite option and start preparing this wonderful drink.

Usually, ready-made juice is simply drunk, slightly salted. But some fill it with mint, pepper, lemon for flavor. Have you tried these? Experiment - it's very tasty! You can also use it as a dressing for dishes and even as a marinade for meat. in tomato juice it turns out simply divine.

Delicious tomato juice for the winter in a blender

This miracle of technology has long won the hearts of all culinary specialists. Still would! After all, cooking with him is easy and simple! And tomato juice, which we prepare at home with a blender, will be better than store-bought. And without wasting a lot of time we get a delicious product.

For processing, you need to take the most ripe, even slightly overripe, soft tomatoes. As you understand, the size of the fruit does not matter.


1. Wash the tomatoes well and cut them into quarters. I put it in a blender.

If your blender is an immersion blender, place the chopped tomatoes in a very deep bowl or saucepan.

Do not do high speed so that the mass does not start whipping and foaming. Because our task is to grind.

2. I wipe the finished puree through a metal sieve. If there is no large sieve, then you can take a colander. Now the prepared mass of salt to your liking. There is no need to add spices, because we are preparing juice, not sauce.

3. I will cook mashed potatoes in parts so as not to overcook. And I advise you to do the same.

This is necessary for better preservation of vitamins.

I take a saucepan a little larger than the dishes into which I will pour the finished juice. I put it on the stove and bring it to a boil. I cook for exactly five minutes and do not need to heat more on the stove. I immediately pour it into a pre-sterilized container, up to the very neck. It is desirable that there is no room for air.

4. I tightly twist it with a boiled lid. I also gradually boil and roll up all the remaining juice. You can cover with a blanket. As soon as it cools down, we will clean it in the cellar. Our useful product is ready! Drink to your health!

Step-by-step recipe for tomato juice with pulp through a meat grinder

If there is neither a blender nor a juicer, a good old meat grinder will help us out. With the help of it and a special nozzle, we will prepare natural and amazing juice. In this case, we do not even need to additionally use a sieve. The nozzle function will do everything by itself.


1. Thoroughly wash the tomatoes and cut out the deformed parts of the skin and stalk. Depending on the size of the tomatoes, I cut them into halves, quarters, and so on.

2. In order to get mashed potatoes, I pass the chopped tomatoes through a meat grinder with a special nozzle for getting juice. Look at the photo below how it's done. With this device, the solid mass will be filtered out. And in a separate container we will get pure tomato pulp. If there is no such nozzle, do not worry. Just twist in the standard way, and push the resulting mass through a sieve.

3. In the finished puree, I add salt to my liking. Stir and put on a slow fire until boiling. In the process of cooking, be sure to remove the resulting foam and boil for 10-15 minutes. If you like sweet juice, you can add sugar. As many as you like.

4. Remove from heat and pour into sterilized containers.

To prevent the jar from bursting, let an ordinary spoon stick out in it.

And immediately I roll it under sterile covers. I turn the cans over to see if the lid is leaking air. Everything is fine. I wrap them upside down under a blanket until they cool completely.

The next day, you can clean up for winter storage in the basement.

How to cook tomato juice for the winter in a juicer

With this method, the tomatoes are exposed to steam and high temperature. Due to which, the release of juice from the entire fruit begins completely. With this method, the finished juice will be more. After all, it is taken, including, even from the skin. For those who like to use a juicer, our next recipe.

What we need:

  • Medium-sized tomatoes
  • Salt to taste


1. First of all, of course, you need to wash the tomatoes. Then I cut them into quarters, cutting out the stalks and deformed skin. And I send the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bsections to the container of the juicer intended for fruits.

2. Now I fill our unit with water at risk. This container is the lower "pot" of the juicer. In the second compartment, where the juice will flow directly, I will add salt to taste. And on top I put the third section, filled with tomatoes. And close the final lid. Look at the photo how to assemble a juicer. When the structure is fully assembled, we send it to the stove.

3. When the water boils at the bottom, I will switch the fire to a minimum and I will simmer for 30-45 minutes. At this stage, the juice separation will begin.

After the specified time has elapsed, open the lid and mash the tomatoes with a crusher so that the remaining juice flows out of them.

4. I take the tube from the second section to a pre-sterilized jar. That's where the juice comes in. After filling the container, tightly tighten the lid and substitute the next jar.

We take the finished product to a cool place. The workpiece is stored all winter without problems.

A simple recipe for juice from tomatoes through a juicer

And the happy owners of a juicer have nothing to worry about at all. Watch the video from the Free Minute channel. Here the author shows step by step how easy it is to make a drink using such a wonderful device.

Nothing complicated and I really like that according to the recipe, sweet peppers are added among the ingredients. This is one of my favorite vegetables. It turns out that this drink has a double charge of vitamins and nutrients!

Tomato juice for the winter at home without salt and sugar

Today I could offer you a few more recipes for how to cook tomatoes. But we all understand that when cooking, some of the nutrients are destroyed. And if we want to leave the most natural product with the preservation of all properties. Therefore, this recipe will be without cooking, without salt and without sugar, it will be frozen juice. Thus, we will preserve its maximum benefit.


1. I will thoroughly wash the tomatoes and pass them through a meat grinder with a “manual juicer” attachment. By the way, with this method, more vitamins are preserved than when passed through an electric juicer.

2. I pour the finished juice into plastic cups. Big or small - it's up to you.

It can be poured not only into cups, but also into small molds, then it will be good to season any dish with such a briquette.

You can squeeze the juice of yellow and red tomatoes separately, as well as, taking this opportunity, cucumber. It will be very useful, tasty and beautiful! By the way, I did just that. I leave it in the freezer until completely frozen. And then I put the cups in bags so that the contents do not freeze.

3. And you're done! This is how easy and simple you get natural, fragrant juice from fresh tomatoes in cold winter. Just leave the glass to defrost at room temperature. Happy winter days with fresh juice!

Making tomato juice at home in an autoclave

For those who have a unit, we also have one recipe in store. For canning for a long time - this is a very good thing. Which itself will do what would take us quite a lot of time.


1. Wash the tomatoes well and cut off all the ugly parts. Cut into slices, send them to a saucepan. I put it on medium heat and wait until it boils. Then the juice will begin to stand out intensively from them. Then I cook for 10 minutes.

Time varies depending on the variety of tomatoes. Soft ones boil quickly, while hard ones need to be boiled longer.

Do not forget to constantly stir the tomatoes in a saucepan so that they do not burn. Gradually, they turn into a homogeneous mass.

2. Now I will rub the resulting mixture through a sieve. And I will send the resulting juice back to the fire until it boils. No more cooking! Just boiled and immediately poured into jars, without adding about a centimeter to the edge. I roll up the lids and put them in the autoclave for sterilization. For fifteen minutes at 3.2 atmospheric pressure.

3. After the appointed time, I take out the jars and let them cool completely. Then it remains only to carry them to the basement. Such preservation will be stored for a very long time. Ready! Drink with pleasure!

Video on how to make juice from tomatoes with pulp without a juicer

I spied a very simple way of thick juice with pulp on the channel “Whether in the garden in the garden”. The author shows us how to prepare such a drink. Enough additional simple kitchen appliances and our meat grinder turns into a manual juicer. Our inventors never cease to amaze me.

What I really like about this recipe is that the juice is thick. The way I love it. If you are also a fan of such a drink with pulp, then this method will come in handy for you.

The benefits and harms of tomato juice for the body

What is the great benefit of this refreshing drink? Tomatoes are the winners among vegetables in terms of vitamin and mineral content. Which are so necessary for our body to maintain a good shape.

Even with heat treatment, this vegetable retains most of its usefulness. It is a natural antioxidant that helps slow down the aging process. Reduces the possibility of cancer, which is very important in our time. Clears blood vessels of toxins and cholesterol. Tomato juice is very useful for male and female health.

With such juice, it is good for those who are on a diet for weight loss, as it is both nutritious and low in calories. But, of course, this does not mean that the entire diet should be filled with only him.

Of course there are also limitations. First of all, do not forget that in everything you need to know the measure. In case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to consult a doctor. It is possible that you should not eat tomatoes at all.

Do you know that according to airline statistics, passengers most often order tomato juice? In fact, scientists have already figured out why. Because in flight, our sensations, including taste, change. And we begin to favor umami. This is the fifth taste that a person can distinguish besides salty, sour, sweet, bitter. That's it!

It is also a tonic drink. It contains serotonin, which is the "happiness hormone". That is uplifting! I drank a glass of juice and became even happier!

In my opinion, the recipes are quite simple to prepare and do not take much time. And in the cold winter you will have a delicious product made from the freshest summer vegetables. Choose the recipe that you like and cook with pleasure! Drink tomato juice and be always in a good mood!

Over the summer, hardworking housewives manage to prepare a lot of delicious stocks. Your attention to everyone's favorite in the family, the most fragrant and delicious - tomato juice for the winter.

Several recipes will help you prepare a healthy tomato drink for the future, which will be so pleasant to taste on a winter day when all the vitamins from the red vegetable come in handy.

The benefits of this product for the body are unconditional, and with proper storage, the tomato drink retains all the vitamin properties of fresh tomatoes for two years.

The cold season is the time when our whole family needs vitamins. Down with synthetic vitamins and vegetables of unknown origin! It is better to enjoy a glass of homemade thick tomato drink every day, prepared by your hands without chemicals and preservatives.

As for storage, tomato juice is perfectly stored both under classic canning lids and under screw caps in threaded jars. Be sure to carefully sterilize the glassware and lids, then the hot jars should be carefully turned upside down - this step will complete the conservation. It remains only to wait for winter and enrich yourself with vitamins!

Tomato juice with pulp at home

Do you want to taste thick tomato juice in cold winter? Please! Tomatoes, salt and sugar are all you need to prepare a winter vitamin drink. Your attention is not a complicated recipe for making delicious juice from a tomato, which will appeal to all households. Cook with pleasure!

You will need:

  • 12 kg ripe tomatoes
  • 1 st. l. salt without a slide for 1 liter of juice
  • 2 tsp sugar per 1 liter of juice

Cooking method:

Wash all the tomatoes, cut into quarters, remove the stalk

For tomato juice, it is better to choose ripe tomatoes. Choose a variety according to your taste, but the degree of its meatiness, acidity and sweetness of vegetables will be reflected in the final product.

After pre-treatment, pass the tomatoes through a juicer, but in this case you will get a rather liquid mass without pulp

As a chopping option, pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, then the drink will be thick and rich

To remove tomato seeds and excess peel, if desired, simply wipe the entire mass through a fine sieve.

Pour the mass into a deep metal bowl, put on fire, bring to a boil, cook for about 15 minutes, adding salt and sugar based on the amount

While it is cooking, sterilize the jars with boiling water or over steam, boil the lids for 1-2 minutes in boiling water

Carefully pour the finished drink into jars

Immediately cover them with prepared lids, roll up with a typewriter

Turn hot jars upside down, wrap in a warm blanket

Finished product in a cool, dark place such as a basement or pantry

Bon appetit!

Cooking tomato juice with basil for the winter

According to this recipe, you will certainly get an incredibly fragrant drink with a piquant taste of basil. For lovers of this seasoning, I offer you an easy way to prepare an unusual tomato juice for the winter.

Be sure to try cooking it. You can use both fresh basil sprigs and dry seasoning, and the result is the same - a delicious drink in the cold season.

You will need:

  • 4-5 kg ​​slightly ripe red tomatoes
  • 4-6 vet. basilica
  • sugar

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the tomatoes well, cut into quarters, removing the stalk
  2. If there is no juicer, then use a meat grinder and a sieve
  3. Next, pour the mass into a saucepan, boil the juice on the fire for about 15 minutes
  4. Sterilize the jars well, and boil the lids
  5. For 1 liter of juice, add 1 tbsp. l. salt and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  6. If fresh basil is not available, then add dried tomato to the boiled tomato - it will also be delicious
  7. Rinse fresh basil, dry it - lay a few branches in each jar
  8. Pour hot drink into jars, cover each with a lid and roll up
  9. Turn the jars upside down, cover with warm, wait for cooling
  10. Keep tomato drink in a cool place

Bon appetit!

Recipe for homemade tomato juice through a juicer

This simple recipe produces a very tasty and smooth juice without pulp. All you need is tomatoes, a juicer and salt. A simple step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you prepare a tomato drink for the winter. Let's try to cook - you will certainly succeed!

You will need:

  • 4 kg tomatoes
  • 1.5 st. l. salt

Cooking method:

Rinse the tomatoes well, cut into quarters, removing the stalk and defects in the surface of vegetables

Run them through the juicer

Pour the tomato mass into a saucepan, bring to a boil, stirring regularly, boil for about 15 minutes

Pour salt

Prepare the jars - sterilize the glass with boiling water or steam, boil the lids for 1-2 minutes

Pour hot drink into jars, immediately cover with lids, roll up

Gently turn the jars upside down, cover with a warm blanket

Finished product in a cool, dark place, in a basement or pantry

Bon appetit!

How to make tomato juice with celery

Here is a recipe for a very tasty and vitamin juice from tomatoes and celery. The quantity of ingredients is suggested per 1 kg. Therefore, if you decide to make juice from three kilograms of tomatoes, then we triple the number of components. Bon appetit!

You will need:

  • 1 kg tomatoes
  • 3 celery stalks
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1 st. l. salt

Cooking method:

  1. Sterilize the jar with boiling water, turn it over on a napkin - let the water drain
  2. Cover the lid with boiling water
  3. Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly, cut into quarters
  4. Wash the celery stalks well, cut into pieces
  5. Chop vegetables in a juicer
  6. Pour the resulting vegetable mixture into a saucepan, bring to a boil
  7. Carefully pour the juice into a jar, cover and roll up
  8. Wrap hot jars with a warm blanket, let the drink cool
  9. Finished product in a cool, dark place such as a pantry or basement

Bon appetit!

Video recipe for delicious tomato juice for the winter

Tomato juice is very popular in Russia and the countries of the former CIS, and this is not surprising, because it has great benefits. In it you can find a huge amount of organic substances and inorganics, which allows you to strengthen the general condition of the body. First of all, we are talking about the natural sugar contained in fructose and glucose.

This drink is not cheap in stores, so many are wondering how and how much to cook tomato juice. This topic is especially relevant for gardeners who every year do not know what to do with the tomato crop. This is not only about fresh juice, it can also be prepared with a margin to drink in the winter.

Tomato juice and its benefits for the body


At home, as already mentioned, it is quite simple to prepare it. For 200 milliliters of water, you need to take 3 tablespoons of tomato paste and a quarter teaspoon of salt, if necessary and desired, you can add pepper. The juice should not be transparent or too thick, this is a prerequisite. It is impossible to prepare tomato juice for the winter in this way, but it can be made at any time of the year and consumed immediately.

It is necessary to use high-quality and natural pasta, only then it will be possible to get delicious juice. Remember: even if it is too expensive, there is no guarantee that it is really of high quality. Therefore, be careful when buying. Sometimes you can find starch in it, which gives additional density to the paste, you should not be afraid of it.

Juice from own harvest

Avid gardeners who annually harvest tomatoes are constantly wondering how much to cook tomato juice in order to get a tasty and natural product. To create a drink, it is best to use ripe fruits that have just been plucked from the bush. If this is not possible, tomatoes that have been harvested recently, but have not yet had time to overripe, will do.

First you need to rinse the tomatoes, and then cut out all the existing stalks, as well as damaged places. After that, it is necessary to cut the tomatoes into several slices and slightly squeeze the juice out of them, pour it into the pan. Cover the container with gauze on top, and put tomato slices on it.

How long to cook tomato juice? Only five minutes, then the pan must be removed from the stove. Steamed tomato slices will need to be wiped with a large sieve, and then mixed with juice. The puree will need to be heated to 85 degrees on the stove, and then poured into hot jars. The containers must then be sterilized in boiling water for 30-40 minutes. After that, the jars should be turned over, covered with a warm blanket, kept in this position until cool.

Another option

Which is suitable for any hostess, it is very useful and tasty. For this method, you will need to use ripe tomatoes, which must be washed and then crushed with a wooden pestle. The resulting mass must be put in an enamel pan, then, stirring, bring to a boil.

The resulting mass will need to be rubbed through a large sieve, then it will be possible to easily separate the peel and seeds of tomatoes from the pulp. Then you will need to grind it again, but this time through a very fine sieve or cheesecloth, folded in several layers. If desired, you can add sugar and salt, the main thing is not to overdo it. The heated drink will need to be poured into pre-prepared containers and the jars sterilized.

Tomato juice with garlic

It is not so important to know how much to cook tomato juice, it is more important to know the most interesting recipes for its preparation. One of the most delicious is a drink with garlic and spices. To create it, you will need 11 kilograms of red tomatoes, from 400 to 700 grams of sugar (to taste), 150-200 grams of salt (to taste), allspice peas, a tablespoon of vinegar essence, 0.5 teaspoon of red pepper, garlic cloves ( to taste), up to 10 clove buds, a little nutmeg and three teaspoons of cinnamon.

You will need to thoroughly wash the tomatoes, why peel them from all the stalks, and then cut them into several pieces. All pieces must be passed through a juicer to get juice without seeds and skins. The drink will need to be poured into a saucepan, and then put on fire. If we talk about how much to cook tomato juice, then we are talking about thirty minutes. After this time, you need to reduce the fire, and then boil the drink for ten minutes, adding spices, vinegar and garlic. Then you still need to boil the drink for 10-20 minutes, pour into jars and roll up.

Diets and tomato juice

If you know how to cook tomato juice correctly, you can successfully lose those extra pounds with it. The essence of the diet using this drink is to drink a glass before each meal. You can also drink it between meals. Be sure to limit the use of pastries, sweet foods, it is recommended to completely eliminate sugar.

Salt intake should be minimized, fried foods should be replaced with boiled ones. With the help of such a diet, you can lose up to 5 kilograms in a couple of weeks, it is not recommended to continue such a diet. Only a freshly made drink can give the maximum effect, so if you know how long to boil tomato juice and how to do it, you can get the same result for much less money by making it yourself at home.


Now that you know how much to cook tomato juice, you can easily please your family and friends with it. However, it should be remembered that this drink can cause heaviness in the stomach. Drink it should be measured, with pleasure, then the body will be able to better absorb it.

People have long noticed that a particular product reacts differently to the so-called preservation. Tomato is suitable for harvesting for the winter - it does not lose its useful properties for a long time. In the article, we will analyze how tomato juice is useful, how to make it and give several recipes.

Benefits of tomato juice

Some of the known benefits include:

  1. A positive effect on internal organs, especially on the digestive tract - due to its composition, tomato removes various toxins. People with constipation or flatulence will especially benefit from drinking tomato juice.
  2. Regardless of the method of preparation, the drink is a carcinogen, effectively preventing various heart problems and cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Returning to the composition, it is worth noting the substance lycopene - it prevents the development of cancer cells in the body. As a result of various experiments, the fact of the positive effect of tomato juice on the patient's condition has been proven. Lycopene is also a natural antioxidant.
  4. The drink is little known for its similarity to chocolate - it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, softening the effects of stressful situations and fighting physical fatigue.
  5. It is desirable to prepare juice at home in case of violations in the balance of fluid and salt substances in the body. Additionally, it is good to use in the presence of hypertension or angina pectoris.
  6. Vitamin A is present in the chemical composition of tomatoes - it has a beneficial effect on the immune system and support for vision.
  7. In the presence of diabetes, it is advisable to prepare tomato juice - it perfectly normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood.
  8. From the pros, you can deduce low calorie content - with a diet, the drink will be an excellent source of vitamins, without violating the prescribed daily intake.

Choice of tomatoes for cooking

The choice of tomatoes for a drink depends entirely on the preferences of the person.

Different varieties produce different qualities of juice, but the ripeness of the tomatoes used is a must - slightly overripe products are more suitable.

Starting talking about varieties, here are some examples:

  • The Cherry variety is not painfully fleshy, giving thin juice when cooked.
  • "Salad" varieties of tomatoes after cooking give a thick drink.
  • Varieties, in the pulp of which there is a large amount of sugar, are suitable for the preparation of "sugar" juice - this is affected by the low return of its juice.

When choosing, be sure to consider the quality of the fruit:

  1. There should be no known tears or spots on the fruit. In turn, the fruit must be bright red (excluding other colors from this variety).
  2. By the stem, you can determine the shelf life - tomatoes tend to be stored for a long time, ripening already green. In cooking, such fruits should not be consumed - they have reduced taste and a reduced content of vitamins.
  3. Having started talking about the shelf life, the smell will help to give out stale fruits - the smell of fresh fruits is bright, easy to catch, unlike stale ones.
  4. The hardness of the fruit speaks about the shelf life for itself - a tomato that is soft to the touch is at least stored for a long time, or the process of decay begins in it. But fresh should be of a dense type.

How to make tomato juice at home?

When setting out to make homemade juice, you should decide on its taste. It has already been said that different types give different taste qualities. But now is not about that.

The preparation of the drink depends on the recipe, but the following can be distinguished:

  1. The tomato should be fresh - with no sign of rotting or long storage.
  2. Tomatoes must be washed well.
  3. After washing, remove the stalk, spoiled places and cut into several parts.
  4. The amount of tomato and other ingredients depends on the recipe used.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get good harvest even on low-fertility soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Juice through a juicer without preservation

Without preservation, you can make a freshly squeezed drink. This will require one glass - 200 grams of tomatoes, sugar or salt as desired.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash fruits well.
  2. Remove the stalk and, depending on the volume, cut into 2-3 slices.
  3. Squeeze the cut slices through a juicer, add a spoonful of sugar or salt to the resulting juice, if desired.

Tomato juice without using a juicer

Thick juice - preparation method

The fruits must first be boiled, then carefully rub through a small sieve. Then you need to fill to the top with water and bring to a boil over a fire.

After bringing to a boil, drain some water, then let it stand for up to half an hour or an hour. You will need to drain the water again. Repeat the process until there is no water left in the pot. From further rubbing, 2.5 kg of drink will be obtained. from 6 kg of tomatoes.

Liquid juice - preparation method

Liquid juice is harvested through a meat grinder. First you need to wash them and dry them. Cut out spoiled places, the fruit itself should be cut into 5 slices. Now they should be scrolled through a meat grinder, and the resulting mass must be filtered, for example, through a sieve.

Thus, 5 liters of drink are obtained based on the use of 6 kg of tomatoes. It should be noted that wet slices rub much faster.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - on tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, the harvest was more than usual. And they didn’t get sick with late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth of garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you can’t grow a normal crop without fertilizer, and this top dressing increases the number of vegetables, so I am very pleased with the result."

Drink from red fruits in a juicer

In a juicer, juice is prepared quite simply, for this you need - 3 kg of tomato, 2 tablespoons of salt and teaspoons with sugar.

First, be sure to wash the tomatoes and cut into small slices for best results. Put the sliced ​​​​pieces into a saucepan, and first draw water into the assembled juice cooker and only then put the juice cooker.

Putting the juice cooker on the stove, tightly pack the lid and then cook over high heat. Cooking time - an average of 45 minutes. The resulting substance should be filtered, for example, through colanders and add salt and sugar. Now the resulting juice can be bottled.

Tomato juice for the winter - cooking method

As mentioned, a tomato can be stored for a long time if it is canned. The cooking method is simple:

  1. Rinse the fruits thoroughly, peel the stalks and cut each fruit into several slices.
  2. We put the fruits in a clean juicer. After running, you should get a homogeneous liquid.
  3. Pour the resulting liquid into an aluminum pan and put on a gentle fire, bringing to a boil. From time to time, to avoid burning, it is necessary to move the liquid.
  4. As it boils, after five minutes add salt and move well, leave to boil for 15 minutes.
  5. Remove the resulting hot juice and pour into sterilized jars, roll up the lid and turn upside down. For the time of cooling, remove to an unlit place, having previously packed the jar in a fabric material.

Sterilization of jars - the main two methods

Sterilizing jars is an important process when preparing juice from red fruits. A simple answer can be given to this - if there are microorganisms on the inner surface of the cans, then the substance will not be preserved for long.

The simplest methods of sterilization are steaming and by heating in a saucepan.

Steam sterilization

Steam sterilization is the oldest method and one of the simplest. To do this, you need a gas stove, a saucepan and water.


  1. The pot is filled with water.
  2. A limiter is placed on the pan - a sieve, a grate from the oven or other means. This will keep the jar from coming into contact with hot water.
  3. Place the jar upside down in the stopper hole.
  4. Processing time after the start of boiling; large cans - up to 20 minutes. Small capacity up to 0.5 l - up to 5-10 minutes.

Important information: this method destroys almost all known microbes, but it is dangerous when removing a can - you can burn yourself with steam.

Sterilization of jars by immersion in water

A fairly popular sterilization method is to boil the jars on a gas stove in water.


  1. A capacitive pan is taken, in which the jar is completely immersed.
  2. It is advisable to put a plank or some kind of thick fabric on the bottom, a jar is placed on their surface with the neck up. If it doesn't fit, put it sideways. If two or three cans fit, be sure to put gauze or any fabric between the cans.
  3. The pot is filled with water completely. Boiling time - from 5 to 15 minutes.

This method is the simplest available, but at the same time dangerous - it is difficult to remove jars that are in boiling water.

tomato juice recipes

Recipe "Piquant"


  • 5.5 kg of ripe tomatoes,
  • 250 g sugar
  • 140 ml 9% vinegar,
  • 80-90 g of salt,
  • 15 peas of allspice,
  • 4-5 cloves,
  • 2 tsp mustard seeds,
  • 1-2 garlic cloves,
  • a pinch of red ground pepper,
  • a pinch of ground nutmeg.

Cooking order:

  1. Thorough washing of tomatoes.
  2. Squeezing juice in any convenient way - through a juicer, meat grinder or juicer.
  3. Pour the resulting liquid into a saucepan, putting on fire.
  4. At the onset of the boiling stage, reduce the heat, leave to boil for 30-40 minutes, no more.
  5. Sugar and salt are added, then finely chopped peeled garlic with all the spices.
  6. Vinegar is added and moved. The period of the last stage of curing is 15 minutes.
  7. The resulting drink is sterilized.

Recipe "Vitamin"

This recipe is based on the maximum preservation of vitamins. The preparation is as follows:

  1. Mandatory sterilization of jars.
  2. Washing tomatoes and cleaning from the stalk and various cracks.
  3. Squeezing juice in any convenient way.
  4. The squeeze poured into the pan is brought to a boiling point of 95 degrees and removed.

Sterilization of a drink spilled into cans by covering with a lid:

  • Liter cans - 10 minutes
  • Two-liter - 20 minutes.
  • Three-liter - 30 minutes.

Banks are closed and wrapped up, sent to a dark place to cool.

Good to know! Tomato juice is extremely useful for its composition. If you want to cook it at home is not difficult.

Through a juicer. The recipe is simple and affordable. It is not difficult to get ingredients in the summer, and most of our compatriots have a juicer at home. Therefore, everything depends on the desire and the availability of free time. And if there is the first, then the second must be found.

What do you need?

Not so many ingredients are needed in order to make tomato juice for the winter through a juicer. The recipe requires the following ingredients:

  • 3 - 4 kilograms of fresh tomatoes;
  • 2 - 2.5 st. tablespoons of edible salt;
  • 5 - 5.5 st. spoons of granulated sugar.

The proportions are based on one to three liters of the finished drink. It is not difficult to calculate them for a larger volume. Regarding tomatoes, one point is worth noting: the fruits do not have to be hard and whole. Soft and slightly mashed tomatoes are also suitable.

Tomato juice

At the next stage, it is necessary to prepare the fruits in order to make tomato juice for the winter through a juicer. The recipe requires chopping large tomatoes, removing spoiled parts. They need to be washed well first. Then they are passed through a juicer. The resulting drink is poured into an enamel pan.


The filled saucepan is put on fire and brought to a boil, which should last 30 minutes. In this case, the drink is periodically stirred. Then (after half an hour) salt and sugar are added in the required amount, and the juice is boiled for another quarter of an hour. After that, our tomato juice for the winter is already completely ready for pouring into jars. Through a juicer (the recipe also requires a certain heat treatment of containers), it is quite easy to skip tomatoes. The containers are washed using baking soda, then they are sterilized. To do this, you need a pan into which the bank, turned upside down, would not fall. A saucepan (you can also use a kettle) is half filled with water and put on fire, brought to a boil. Then a jar is installed on it, turned upside down, and sterilized within 15 minutes. A similar operation is performed with all containers. Another pan is needed to perform exactly the same procedure with lids. It fills up with water. Then the lids are placed on it. All this is put on fire, brought to a boil and heat-treated for a quarter of an hour.

cooling down

At the final stage, the juice is poured into jars. If the jar has had time to cool down, then there should be a spoon in it so that the glass container does not crack. As soon as the container is filled, it is covered with a lid and closed with a special key. Then turn upside down and cover with a blanket. Preparation of tomato juice for the winter ends after all the jars have cooled down. On average, it takes 12-14 hours.


Homemade tomato juice for the winter is a healthy drink for health. It is much better than what is sold in the store. The ideal option is if you have grown tomatoes in your country house or garden. Then you get a natural product. But even if you buy them in the market or store, you can choose the most suitable fruits. At least you will know what your juice is made of. But the same cannot be said about store products.
