
How to cook friable rice for a side dish. Delicious rice side dish for chicken

If the usual side dishes are tired, you can experiment a little. A side dish of rice is the very field for experiments where you can let your imagination run wild. With the help of simple manipulations and spicy herbs, a very ordinary rice side dish can be turned into an unusual tasty dish. Not so long ago, I posted a simple rice recipe for a side dish, in which white hour with jasmine gives a delicious taste to the dish. As I discovered for myself, rice goes very well with different types of tea and herbal brew mixtures. Thyme is also used in cooking and as a spice for many dishes, and as a component of herbal tea. And it perfectly sets off the taste of rice. Now about everything in more detail.


  • 1 st. long grain rice;
  • 2 tbsp. cold water;
  • 10 g of ginger root or a pinch of ground ginger;
  • 20 g thyme;
  • 2 tsp vegetable oil;
  • zest of 1 lemon + a few rings to decorate the side dish;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Recipe for rice with thyme and ginger for garnish

1. Cut off a small piece of gauze or bandage about 30 x 15 cm. Fold in 2 layers. Spread thyme on gauze. To give it more flavor, you can pre-knead it with your fingers. Here we add grated ginger root and lemon zest. We fold the bag and tie it with threads on top so that all the spices remain inside.

2. Wash the rice thoroughly in cold running water until the drained water becomes clear. Then pour into a pan or bowl. Place a bag of spices in the center of the pan. Pour two glasses of water, add 1-2 pinches of salt and pepper (to taste) and 2 tsp. vegetable oil. Cover with a lid and cook over medium heat.

3. When the rice boils, let it boil for another 3-5 minutes. In order for the aroma of seasonings to be distributed throughout the dish, during the cooking process, the rice needs to be mixed a couple more times without damaging the bag. After all, if thyme roots are in a ready-made garnish, it will not taste very good. So, after the rice has boiled a little, turn off the heat and let it steam for another 5-10 minutes under the lid.

Delicious fragrant rice for a side dish is ready! Garnish with a slice of lemon and sprinkle with any herbs to taste. I served rice as a side dish with fish cakes, but it goes well with any fish or meat main dishes. Bon appetit!

Not all of us know how to cook rice properly so that it is not just tasty, but crumbly. Often the dish turns out to be like a viscous porridge, in which all the grains stick together. Next time, to prepare the perfect side dish, you need to remember only a few important rules, which we are going to cover in our article. But, first, let's find out how much to cook rice, depending on the variety.

How long to cook rice

Approximate cooking time by variety:

  • white: 18 - 25 minutes, in a slow cooker - 35 (min) without soaking overnight;
  • brown: 30 - 40 (min);
  • wild: 45 - 60 (min).

Rice should not be cooked more than the allotted time. If liquid remains at the bottom, it must be drained and the saucepan removed from the stove.

How to cook rice so that it is crumbly

Housewives often ask how to cook rice for a side dish so that it is crumbly. The answer is clear: use a 1:2 ratio (one measure of cereal and two measures of water). If you are cooking in a slow cooker, then take the proportions 1: 3.


1. Rinse the grains well in a colander or bowl.

2. Take the correct ratio of cereals and water (1: 2).

3. First, boil the water, and then pour the washed cereal into it. Add salt (1/2 tsp or less) and butter (1 tbsp optional), switching the stove to slow cooking.

4. Do not lift the pot lid during the process.

5. 5 minutes before serving the dish, open the pan, put a kitchen towel on it. The fabric will absorb excess moisture and condensation, preventing grains from sticking to each other.

6. Before serving on plates, gently stir the garnish with a fork to separate the grains.

7. Loose rice for garnish is ready. Serve with meat or fish dishes.

Try also the perfect recipe for weight loss with vegetables. It is simple, but with a surprise: it saturates and helps to lose extra pounds of weight.

Prepare vegetables:

  • boil green bean pods in salted water, fresh: for 5 (min), cook frozen for 3 (min), and steam for 8 (min);
  • chop the onion and simmer in vegetable oil for about three minutes over medium heat;
  • Boil carrots and cut into cubes.
  • buy green peas and corn in jars at the store.

2. Toss all vegetables into the fluffy rice. Serve at the table and enjoy a new taste of a familiar dish.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker

We will tell you how to cook delicious rice in a slow cooker so that it also turns out crumbly.

Recipe for cooking in a slow cooker.

1. Rinse the cereal first in cool and then in warm water.

2. Transfer to a container and pour hot water (1: 3). One glass of cereal versus three glasses of liquid.

3. Turn on the appropriate mode, as written in the instructions for the multicooker and wait for the signal for the end of cooking.

4. Put crumbly rice on a side dish into plates. It goes perfectly with vegetables, meat, chicken or fish. Add them as you wish. Drizzle with sauce or ketchup.

Many housewives ask how to cook rice for sushi. Today I offer them my own recipe. It is simple and takes only 25 minutes. You can use your favorite ingredients to make sushi. I like carrots, cucumbers and avocado slices.

My original recipe calls for five servings.


  • white rice (2 cups)
  • water (3 glasses),
  • rice vinegar (1/2 cup)
  • vegetable oil (1 tablespoon),
  • white sugar (1/4 cup)
  • salt (1 tsp).

And so, how to cook rice for sushi? The recipe includes two steps.

1. Preparation of cereals (5 min.).

2. Heat treatment (20 min.).

Step-by-step instruction.

1. Rinse the grains in a colander until the liquid runs clear.

2. Combine with water in a medium saucepan without a lid. Put on a strong fire.

3. Wait for the boil and switch the tile. Cook with the lid closed for 20 minutes.

4. In a separate saucepan, combine rice vinegar, oil, sugar and salt. Cook over medium heat until sugar dissolves.

5. Cool and add to cooked rice.

6. Stir until it absorbs the sauce.

If you are cooking in a slow cooker, select the mode (buckwheat).

How to cook delicious rice for a side dish

You can cook any rice for a side dish (brown, white round or long-grain). Whether you're counting calories, watching your figure, or cooking rice dishes for your kids, you'll find the nutritional information on these foods helpful.

For the growth and development of children, brown and long-grain are considered the most useful. And for weight loss, as an ideal option, round-grain polished is better.

How to cook long grain rice? Just like round! Add another new recipe to your notebook.


  • 2 teaspoons of butter or vegetable oil;
  • 1 cup long grain white rice;
  • 2 cups of water;
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt.

How to cook rice, cooking recipe.

1. Rinse the grains under running water in a colander.

2. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

3. Pour the cereal, stir for 1 - 2 minutes, add salt and oil.

4. Close the pan, switch the stove to low power. Simmer for 20 (min) or until all liquid has been absorbed into the grains.

5. Remove from heat and let steep for 2 (min). To make the rice fluffy, cover the pan with a napkin. Stir with a fork before serving.

How to cook steamed rice

Housewives know that steamed rice is found in stores. It is darker than the polished variety we are used to, and, as it turns out, much more useful. It contains more trace elements and vitamins. If you are interested in such a product, we will tell you how to cook steamed rice on the stove and in a slow cooker.

Stick to the proportions 1: 2. Boil the water, salt and sprinkle the washed cereals. Boil after boiling in a closed saucepan over low heat for 12 minutes. Remove from the stove and let the cereal brew. Add oil and spices to taste.

Parboiled rice can be prepared in another way, with cold soaking for an hour. Then after boiling, it is cooked for only about 10 minutes. First you need to add some water.

How to cook steamed rice in a slow cooker?

See your multicooker instructions for cooking times. Observe the proportions 1: 3. Rinse the grains and soak for an hour. Transfer to a container, add water and turn on the mode (pilaf). 10 minutes before the end of cooking, switch to the (preheat) mode.

How to cook brown rice

Supporters of a healthy diet may find useful information on how to cook brown rice.

Preparatory stage.

1. Soak brown rice overnight.

2. Rinse with running water.

How to cook brown rice, the main stage.

  • Fill with cold water and put on fire.
  • After boiling, cook for 10 minutes.
  • Remove from stove, rinse again.
  • Pour the second time with cold water and put on fire.
  • Cook 15 minutes after boiling.
  • Remove from the stove, close the pan and place under a warm blanket.

After such a long process, the side dish turns out crumbly and tasty!

Rice is often combined with a variety of spices and additives, with a rich taste. The reason for this is simple - rice grains themselves are neutral, and therefore perfectly absorb the tastes of all those additives that you decide to put on them. Below we will prepare several options for side dish rice to prove the versatility of this product.

How to cook rice for a side dish?

You no longer have to eat lumpy grains stuck together, because we have a simple scheme for cooking crumbly rice for a side dish. We will not leave this rice bland, but supplement it with a small amount of standard aromatic herbs like basil, oregano and thyme, and also put garlic cloves to it.


  • rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • - 10 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • basil leaves - 4-5 pieces;
  • a pinch of dried thyme and oregano.


In the recipe for crumbly rice, it is customary to rinse the grains before starting to cook them, thanks to the pre-rinsing, we get rid of excess starch that makes the grits sticky. Melt the butter and fry the garlic on it until it releases aroma. Add the washed rice grains to the garlic and mix everything together. Pour in a couple of glasses of water and add chopped aromatic herbs. Cover the bowl with rice and let it simmer over medium heat for 15 minutes. When all the moisture is absorbed, remove the container from the heat and leave the rice, unopened, for another 5 minutes.

By analogy, you can cook rice as a side dish in a slow cooker, especially if your device is equipped with a special “Rice” mode. Set this mode and leave the cereal to cook for 25-30 minutes.

Delicious rice side dish for chicken

Indian cuisine is considered the richest in various rice recipes. Her recipes combine spicy, sweet and sour flavors. Perfect with chicken and meat, this tomato rice recipe is no exception.


  • rice - 1 1/2 st.;
  • tomatoes - 460 g;
  • onions - 90 g;
  • a handful of green onions;
  • dried chili powder, turmeric - 1/2 teaspoon each;
  • a handful of peanuts;
  • ground curry - 1 teaspoon;
  • mustard seeds - 1/2 teaspoon.


Spasser the onion pieces and add finely chopped peanuts to them. After half a minute, mix the roast with chili, turmeric, curry and mustard seeds, and when you smell the aromas of spices, add chopped tomatoes. Let the tomato pieces dissolve into the sauce. Mix the sauce with raw rice and pour three cups of water over the grits. Cover the bowl and let it sit over medium heat for 20 minutes, or until the moisture is completely absorbed.

Rice and vegetables are the simplest combination that is suitable for serving with any meat. Below we will learn how to cook rice the Mexican way.


For rice:

  • rice - 2 tbsp.;
  • - 785 g;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • onions - 80 g;
  • a handful of green peas;
  • a handful of red beans;
  • cinnamon sticks;
  • hot chili pepper - to taste.

Rice is a cereal crop popular all over the world, and this is not surprising, because it goes well with any meat, fish, vegetables. Rice is suitable for making all kinds of soups, puddings, casseroles, desserts, cereals. However, in order for the listed dishes to turn out delicious, you must be able to properly prepare this versatile cereal. For experienced housewives, cooking rice will not seem like a difficult task, but for novice cooks, it can be a real challenge. How to cook friable rice so that it turns out appetizing while retaining its beneficial properties?

What kind of rice to choose

To cook fluffy, delicious rice, it is important not only to follow the rules for its preparation, but also to choose the type of cereal that is suitable for a particular dish. Depending on a particular recipe, different varieties of rice are used, which differ in useful properties, shape, color, processing method, and cooking time. A universal type of cereal for a crumbly dish is steamed rice. This species does not stick together during cooking and does not require long-term heat treatment, due to which it retains a maximum of useful components. There are such varieties:

  • Long grain rice, also known as basmati, is ideal for making crumbly porridge. Thin oblong grains do not stick together during cooking. The long-grain variety is often used to prepare a side dish for meat or fish.
  • Round rice is not a good option for a crumbly dish, as it absorbs liquid very quickly and sticks together. It is better to use round grains for making rolls, casseroles, puddings.
  • Medium-grain rice, like round-grain rice, is not suitable for making crumbly porridge. The reason for this is the high content of starch and, in addition, this variety absorbs water too much, resulting in a viscous. Medium-grained grits are often used for risotto or soups.

Step-by-step recipes for making friable rice with photos

The main rule that any housewife who wants to learn how to cook friable rice should know is that cereals must be washed several times before cooking until the water passing through it becomes clear. So you rid the rice of excess starch, husks and dust. After that, it is worth soaking the grains in cold water for at least half an hour. This is necessary so that the rice is saturated with water, then the cereal will be easier to cook crumbly.

Recipe for friable rice in a slow cooker

Grains cooked in a slow cooker are soft and crumbly. In addition, cereals with this method of heat treatment retain a maximum of useful substances. By adding different spices to the dish, you can get different tastes and give the grits an appetizing color. For example, by seasoning a dish with curry or turmeric, it is easy to get a beautiful golden hue.


  • 3 multi-glasses of water.
  • 2 multi-cups of rice.
  • Salt, spices.
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil.

How to cook friable rice using a slow cooker:

  1. Rinse the cereal several times, put it in the multicooker container and pour hot water so that the liquid covers the grains by 1.5 fingers.
  2. Add salt, spices, vegetable oil. Stir containing bowls.
  3. Close the multicooker with a lid and turn on the "Buckwheat", "Pilaf" or "Regular cooking" mode. If you decide to use the “Pilaf” option, then a few minutes before the dish is ready, switch the program to “Heating” so that the bottom layer of cereal does not burn.

How to cook friable steamed rice in the oven

With all the variety of rice recipes, one of the most successful is considered cooked in the oven. This dish has a unique taste. Despite the fact that you have to spend a lot of time, as a result you will get an original and healthy dinner. Using the oven allows you to combine cereals with any meat, vegetables, fish, as well as various seasonings and spices. Below is a recipe for rice with chicken and vegetables.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of any parts of the chicken (fillet, drumsticks, wings).
  • 700 g of rice.
  • 2 bulbs.
  • Bank of canned peas.
  • 1 carrot.
  • Spices, bouillon cube.

How to cook rice in the oven:

  1. Peel and chop the onion into thin rings. Fry it until golden brown. Cut the carrots into slices and add to the pan with the onions.
  2. At the same time as frying vegetables, take care of rice. Rinse it by changing the water several times.
  3. Strain the peas so that there is no moisture left in the jar at all.
  4. Wash the chicken, cut the meat into small pieces.
  5. Arrange all ingredients one at a time on a foil-lined baking sheet (or mold). First onions and carrots, then peas, pure raw rice. Smooth the surface and sprinkle with crumbled bouillon cube.
  6. Pour a liter of boiling water over the dish, put the meat seasoned with spices on top.
  7. Cover the baking sheet tightly with a piece of foil and place in the oven for 90-120 minutes. If, after turning off the oven, you leave the rice in it for another half hour, it will become even more fragrant and tasty, nourishing the rest of the broth.

Cooking long grain fluffy rice in a saucepan


  • A glass of rice.
  • One and a half glasses of water.
  • Salt.

How to cook rice for a side dish on the water:

  1. Rinse the grains thoroughly in a colander under running water until you see a clear liquid pass through them.
  2. Wait for the rice to dry, pour it into a saucepan, fill it with water, salt and put on fire.
  3. When the liquid boils, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the container with a lid and cook for about 15 minutes. And do not constantly stir the rice, just leave it for a while.
  4. When the dish is ready, give it time to brew and absorb the remaining moisture. To do this, cover the pan with a towel.
  5. Fluff the rice a little with a fork before serving. If you did everything right, you get a delicious airy side dish that should be served with absolutely any main course.

How to cook fluffy rice in the microwave


  • A glass of rice.
  • Two glasses of water.
  • Salt, spices as desired.

How to cook crumbly rice porridge using a microwave:

  1. Pour the clean cereal into a dish suitable for the microwave and fill it with water.
  2. We wrap the container with cling film and send it to the microwave oven for 4-5 minutes, turning on the maximum power. Switch the power to medium and cook the grains for another 15 minutes.
  3. We leave the finished rice under the film for another five minutes after turning off the oven. You can serve the dish as a side dish for fish or meat, or use the product as an ingredient in salads.

Video recipe for making friable rice for a side dish

Loose rice is cooked by gourmets all over the world. For example, residents of eastern countries eat it daily. There is a theory that this makes them healthy and ensures longevity. Cooking friable porridge is not as difficult as it may seem to inexperienced cooks, but you should know the basic rules for its preparation. Incorrectly cooked cereals will have an unappetizing appearance, not to mention the loss of taste and valuable substances. With the help of the video, you will learn how to cook rice so that it turns out crumbly, tasty and healthy.

Oriental cuisine gave our chefs delicious rice as a side dish, the recipe of which is able to create an excellent composition with fish and meat dishes. It is also an excellent neighbor to various hot and spicy sauces. Will make a company of vegetable dishes.

The basic rule of how to cook rice for a side dish is to maintain the proportions of water and additional ingredients.

How to cook rice for a side dish

Rice is placed in water ready to boil (twice as much water is taken as rice) and kept under a closed lid for up to fifteen minutes. Then the container is removed from the fire, and under a closed lid, it languishes for the same amount of time. Such rice will always be quite sticky and crumbly.


  • rice grains - a glass;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • canned corn;
  • sweet peppers;
  • oil base.

Rice for garnish. Step by step recipe

  1. Rice is prepared according to the standard scheme described at the beginning of the article.
  2. Vegetables are cleaned of excess parts, chopped into small cubes.
  3. Vegetables are dipped into the heated oil. Bring to a soft state.
  4. Until the end of the frying process, spread rice and sweet corn. Stirring constantly, bring the vegetables to readiness. Salt at the end.

A delicious recipe for cooking rice for a side dish has a number of interesting nuances.

  • Flavor enhancers can be added to rice. Drain a little rice water, add vinegar and sugar. Such rice will be fragrant and spicy.
  • Spices used in cooking: paprika, black pepper and rosemary.
  • In some cases, the grains are added before the water boils and removed before the boil.
  • A great way to cook rice is to use a steamer. It is prepared for cooking by soaking.
  • Spread fresh greens in rice only before serving. To soak the grains with the freshness of dill, parsley or basil, they are covered with a lid.

Having considered the most versatile recipe for delicious rice for a side dish, you can find some similarities with sushi preparation. In fact, the Eastern approach to cooking rice dishes has one basis. So, once you learn how to cook one recipe, you learn them all. "I love to cook" wishes you bon appetit! And use the tips
