
How to cook oatmeal from grains. Uncrushed oatmeal

How to cook oatmeal

Oats are an easily digestible product. Oatmeal, cereals and oatmeal are made from it. Oats are native to Northern China and Mongolia.

How much to cook?
To cook oats, you need to rinse the crushed oatmeal under water. Put in a saucepan. Pour boiling water for 4 hours, and then cook for 30 minutes. Uncrushed oatmeal must be boiled for 2 hours.

What are the benefits of oats? Cereal grains contain proteins, fiber, amino acids, essential oils, vitamins B1, B2, B6, K necessary for our body. Oats are a good remedy for removing toxins from the body, improving metabolism, removing harmful substances from the body and increasing immunity. Juices and drinks made from oats have a strengthening and normalizing effect in case of nervous exhaustion, help with various sleep disorders and lack of appetite after illness. Oat groats contain dietary fiber "beta-glucans", which prevent the development of diseases associated with the heart. Calorie content of oats per 100 grams - 300 kcal.

This cereal can be bought at any grocery store in the “cereals” section. The average price of oatmeal is 20 rubles per kilogram. The price may vary depending on the region.

Oatmeal in a slow cooker

The most healthy meals are prepared in a slow cooker, as cooked food thus retains more nutrients. Oatmeal porridge turns out to be very tasty and appetizing, and by adding honey and walnuts to it, it will become even tastier. We will need:

1. Oatmeal - 1 glass from the multicooker

2. Water - 800 ml

3. Honey and walnut - to taste

4. Salt, sugar - to taste

Boil water in a kettle. Pour cereal into the bowl of the multicooker, pour boiling water. In the menu, select the "quenching" mode and cook for 90 minutes. After cooking, put the oatmeal on plates, add honey, walnut, salt and sugar to taste.

Oatmeal porridge

Oatmeal is best cooked from unprocessed grains, that is, whole grains, then all its beneficial properties will be preserved. What you need for cooking:

1. Oatmeal - 1 cup

2. Sugar - 6 teaspoons

3. Milk - half a liter

4. Water - 3 glasses

5. Salt - to taste

How to cook oatmeal porridge

First of all, the cereal should be washed and soaked for 4 hours. After that, we wash the cereal again, pour it into a small saucepan and fill it with cold water. Put the pan on a slow fire and cook for 35-40 minutes. After the time has passed, add milk, sugar, salt and continue to cook (the porridge should thicken).

We heat up the oven. We shift the thickened porridge into a pot and bake for 50 minutes. After, pull out the porridge, put it on plates, add a piece of butter or honey, nuts, dried fruits. Bon appetit!

Evgeny Shmarov

Reading time: 10 minutes


Oatmeal is flattened grains of oats. Both adults and children know about this food product. Oatmeal for breakfast is the most common dish, it is very healthy and nutritious. Many women use it for weight loss.

Consider which oatmeal is better, what it is useful for, whether it can harm our body, and also answer the main questions.

The main types and varieties of oatmeal - which one is tastier and healthier?

There are 40 types of oats in the world, which are further processed and oat flakes or Hercules are produced from them.

In Russia, the most famous are:

  • Oat flakes "Extra" №1
    They are made from whole grains. In size, they are large and the most useful, as they have useful qualities and contain the largest amount of fiber.
  • Oat flakes "Extra" №2
    They are smaller than the previous ones. They are made from cut cereals.
  • Oat flakes "Extra" №3
    These flakes are small and fast-cooking. They are also made from chopped cereals. They are less useful. These cereals are suitable for children.
  • Oat flakes "Hercules"
    They have a smooth surface and are not suitable for microwave cooking. They take longer to cook. In addition, they have been pre-steamed and are not as healthy as previous types of oatmeal. And they are not recommended for daily use.
  • Flattened oatmeal
    These are the same Hercules flakes, only for their manufacture corrugated rollers are used, which flatten the oats and form a corrugated pattern on it. They have a difference from Hercules - they cook faster. But note that they did not become more useful from steam treatment.
  • Uncrushed groats
    This product is almost impossible to find on the shelves of Russian stores. It is the most useful and converges in properties with whole grains. It is used for medical nutrition.

Composition, calorie content, nutritional value of oatmeal

Consider the energy value of different types of oatmeal:

  • 100 g of dry oatmeal or cereal contains 305 kcal.
  • In the same amount of oatmeal boiled in water - 88 kcal.
  • In oatmeal cooked in milk - 102 kcal.
  • Whole grain oatmeal has 108 calories.

100 g of oatmeal contains:

  • 11 g of proteins.
  • 6.1 g fat.
  • 65.4 g of carbohydrates.
  • 12 g of water.
  • 6 g of dietary fiber.

It also contains vitamins:

  • PP - 4.6 mg.
  • E - 3.2 mg.
  • Biotin (N) - 20 mcg.
  • Folic acid (B9) - 23 mcg.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) - 0.24 mg.
  • Riboflavin (B2) - 0.1 mg.
  • Thiamine (B1) - 0.45 mg.

And a lot of useful and vital macro and micronutrients:

  • Silicon - 348 mg.
  • Potassium - 143.76 mg.
  • Phosphorus - 123.3 mg.
  • Magnesium - 46.79 mg.
  • Calcium - 43.1 mg.
  • Chlorine - 42.44 mg.
  • Sulfur - 34.15 mg.
  • Sodium - 13.26 mg.
  • Iron - 1.879 mg.
  • Manganese - 1.8 mg.
  • Zinc - 1.25 mg.
  • Copper - 209 mcg.
  • Fluorine - 110.45 mcg.
  • Boron - 95.5 mcg.
  • Vanadium - 69 mcg.
  • Molybdenum - 13.5 mcg.
  • Selenium - 8.2 mcg.
  • Chromium - 4.46 mcg.
  • Cobalt - 2.7 mcg.
  • Iodine - 2.6 mcg.

What is useful oatmeal on water, on milk, whole grain, instant, flakes?

Of all types of cereals, oatmeal occupies a leading position. She carries about huge benefit to the body- especially the one that is boiled in water.

This dietary product is suitable for breakfast. It can be eat and not get better. In terms of calories, it can be compared with one.

Let's list the benefits of oatmeal

  • Normalizes digestion and prevents the occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to its anti-inflammatory action, it has a positive effect on the gastric mucosa, saving from bloating. In addition, oatmeal should be consumed by people with gastritis or ulcers.
  • Oatmeal is quickly absorbed and reduces the level of cholesterol, which is deposited in fat.
  • It also has a low glycemic index. It is advised to eat for diabetics, as it does not raise blood sugar levels.
  • Improves the structure of bones and teeth, containing calcium and phosphorus.
  • It has a healing effect, thereby preventing dermatitis and skin diseases.
  • Increases immunity and body resistance to various infectious diseases.
  • Removes toxins from the body, cleansing the intestines.
  • Reduces the likelihood of allergies.
  • Normalizes the work of the endocrine system.
  • Saves from the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Since it contains a large amount of iron, it is used in the prevention of anemia.
  • Uplifting, being an excellent antidepressant.

Note that all oatmeal has these properties. Boiled porridge on the water, of course, will be nutritious and useful, but boiled in milk add calories into your diet.

Concerning instant cereal, then they are of minimal benefit to our body. After eating a bowl of porridge from them, after half an hour you will want to eat. Even the well-known flakes "Extra" are more beneficial.

Whole grain oatmeal is considered the healthiest. And all because it has a skin rich in fiber, and has undergone less processing. Such oatmeal cleans the intestines well.

Harm of oatmeal, contraindications - what is gluten?

Oatmeal can be harmful.

We list to whom it is contraindicated

  • Since instant cereals contain a small amount of protein, fiber, and carbohydrates are easily digested, they can raise blood sugar levels. Hence - a sharp release of insulin and a feeling of hunger.
  • To all people in excess. Do not eat oatmeal every day. We also do not recommend sticking to oatmeal diets, as it leaches calcium from the body.
  • Suffering from allergies to cereals. According to the World Health Organization, only 1% of the world is allergic to a cereal protein - gluten. It is found in gluten. When consumed, it damages the villi of the small intestine and disrupts digestion.
  • With heart and kidney failure, oatmeal is also contraindicated.

Oatmeal in the diet of nursing mothers, pregnant women, diabetics with allergies - SF answers all questions

Can kids eat oatmeal?

In the nutrition of infants, cereals occupy the first place. Pediatricians advise starting complementary foods with buckwheat, corn, and then switch to oatmeal. Start feeding oatmeal is advised from 9-10 months. If the baby has anemia, then you can start from 5 months. However, remember, oatmeal should not be eaten daily!

Is oatmeal good for pregnant women?

Of course it's useful. Oatmeal contains folic acid, which prevents various birth defects, as well as other B vitamins that supply the body with energy.

By the way, its iron content increases hemoglobin, relieves fatigue and reduces the risk of anemia. In order for iron to be better absorbed, doctors advise drinking oatmeal with fruit juices.

Oatmeal while breastfeeding

Oatmeal while breastfeeding is a great product. It saturates the body of mother and child with vital substances and vitamins, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the structure of milk, and gives strength.

Is oatmeal good for diabetes - hypoglycemic index
Unprocessed oatmeal is beneficial for diabetics. It has a GI of 40 to 50. Such oatmeal can lower blood sugar levels. Instant flakes have a GI of 66, which is high, so don't eat them.

Can you be allergic to oatmeal?

Allergy to oatmeal can be only in one case - if you have an allergy to cereals, and to be more precise, to the protein of cereals, gluten.

Does oatmeal really deplete calcium from the body?
Yes, you shouldn't eat oatmeal every day. It flushes calcium out of the body and prevents it from being absorbed.

Oatmeal in our menu - the right choice and preparation, storage

Oatmeal Dishes

Of course, you can cook not only from cereal, but also from oatmeal or grains.
Here are some examples of delicious and healthy dishes:

  • Whole grain oatmeal porridge
  • Oatmeal Cookies
  • Kissel from oatmeal
  • Oatmeal
  • Oatmeal
  • oatmeal bread
  • oatmeal pancakes
  • Oatmeal cake
  • Diet gozinaki with nuts, candied fruit and oatmeal
  • Smoothies with oatmeal and fruits or vegetables

How to choose oatmeal when buying?

To choose this cereal correctly, housewives must remember:

  • Oat flakes extra do not contain impurities. But of the three varieties, the most useful is large oatmeal at number 1.
  • Hercules contains the skin that remains after processing oats. These flakes more useful. But you will spend more time preparing them.
  • Whole oat porridges should be purchased, looking at the name of the package. It may say: "whole grain" or "whole grain". These are the two most common titles that justify the content. The color of oats should be light and have a pleasant aroma.
  • Cereals must have a solid, dense and rounded shape.
  • Moisture must not get into the product, so the packaging must be sealed.
  • good cereal have a white, pale yellow or cream color.
  • From unpacked product doesn't smell like mold or other substances.
  • On the packaging you will definitely find two dates of packaging and production. It is from the second that the expiration date is considered.

How to cook oatmeal in water?

  1. Pour 4 tablespoons of oatmeal into a saucepan, add 1 cup of water.
  2. Be sure to stir the dish so that it does not burn.
  3. After 10 minutes, as the porridge is cooked, close the pan with a tight lid, turn off the stove and let it brew.
  4. Optionally, you can add salt, sugar or butter, candied fruits, nuts and seeds to the dish.

How is oatmeal cooked in milk?

  1. To cook oatmeal for, it is worth pouring the same amount of cereal with water.
  2. Once the porridge is cooked, add half a glass of milk to it and stir.
  3. After 2 minutes, leave the dish under the closed lid and let it brew for about 5 minutes.

Quick oatmeal recipe in a jar

If you find it difficult to prepare this dish, we present to your attention a quick recipe for oatmeal in a jar. This dish is called "lazy oatmeal".

Cooking it is even easier than cooking porridge:

  1. In a glass jar or other tightly sealed container, pour 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (not instant
  2. Add 50 ml of yogurt, 70 ml of water and any fruit.
  3. Mix all the ingredients, close the jar with a lid and leave it overnight in the refrigerator.

Optional with oatmeal add sour cream, honey with cinnamon and apple or banana with cocoa. This is an excellent low-calorie and nutritious breakfast dish.


  • 2 cups of cereals;
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • 4 glasses of milk;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of butter;
  • a handful of raisins and dried apricots;


  1. Viscous porridges, pureed soups and puddings are cooked from steamed uncrushed oatmeal. Uncrushed cereals are distinguished by the duration of cooking; to speed up cooking, they are pre-soaked in cold water for 1.5-2 hours.
  2. After soaking, the grits are first thrown onto a sieve, and then boiled for about 2 hours.
  3. In order to cook porridge, oatmeal prepared in this way must be poured into boiling water and brought to a boil.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat, close the lid tightly and leave for 2-3 hours to swell the cereal.
  5. Then fold the cereal into a colander or sieve. As soon as the water drains, transfer the cereal to boiling milk, add salt and cook over low heat, stirring, until thickened.
  6. Add butter, raisins and dried apricots to the finished hot porridge.

How much to cook oatmeal

IMPORTANT: To cook oats, you need to rinse the crushed oatmeal under water. Put in a saucepan. Pour boiling water for 4 hours, and then cook for 30 minutes. Uncrushed oatmeal must be boiled for 2 hours.

Cereal grains contain proteins, fiber, amino acids, essential oils, vitamins B1, B2, B6, K necessary for our body. Oats are a good remedy for removing toxins from the body, improving metabolism, removing harmful substances from the body and increasing immunity. Juices and drinks made from oats have a strengthening and normalizing effect in case of nervous exhaustion, help with various sleep disorders and lack of appetite after illness. Oat groats contain dietary fiber "beta-glucans", which prevent the development of diseases associated with the heart.

Calorie content of oats per 100 grams - 300 kcal.

whole grain oatmeal recipe


  • Oat grains - ¼ cup
  • Water - ¾ cup
  • Milk - ¼ cup
  • Cinnamon - 2 tsp
  • Fruits or berries - 1/3 cup (blueberries, strawberries, banana, apple, peach, etc.)
  • Honey or syrup - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - 1 tbsp.


  1. Soak oats overnight in water (optional)
  2. Rinse the grains in cold water in the morning.
  3. Pour ¼ cup of oat grains into a saucepan, add ¾ cup of water and ¼ cup of milk. Put on the stove over low heat, bring to a boil.
  4. The cooking time of the grain depends on whether you soaked it overnight or not. On average, it takes about 35 minutes to cook porridge. Focus on the grains, they should be soft.
  5. If necessary, add a little milk during cooking to bring the porridge to the desired consistency.
  6. Divide the porridge on plates, add fruits or berries, as well as honey or syrup.
  7. Put a piece of butter on top, mix the porridge. Bon appetit!

Whole grain oatmeal with water


  • Oat grains - ¼ cup
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. (you can use honey, fructose or syrup)
  • Butter - 1 tbsp.
  • Fruits, berries and nuts - to taste


  1. We leave the grains of oats in cold water overnight so that they soften a little. This will speed up the process of making porridge in the morning.
  2. Pour out the water and wash the settled grains.
  3. Pour ¼ cup of grains and 1 cup of water into a container for cooking. Bring to a boil over low heat.
  4. Cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes. The grains should soften. Add more water if necessary to achieve the desired consistency.
  5. At the end, add butter and cinnamon to taste, as well as your favorite fruits and berries.

Whole grain oatmeal in a slow cooker

INGREDIENTS(proportions can be changed)

  • Oat grains - ¼ cup
  • Milk - 1/2 cup
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - 1 tbsp.
  • Raisins, nuts, fruits - to your taste


  1. Wash oatmeal in running water. Pour into a multicooker bowl.
  2. Add half a glass of water and half a glass of milk.
  3. We turn on the cooking mode MULTIPOKOVAR.
  4. Set the cooking time to 40 minutes, temperature to 90C. Close the multicooker lid.
  5. Periodically open the bowl of the multicooker to determine the readiness of the porridge, and, if necessary, add milk.
  6. At the end of cooking, about which you will be notified by a sound signal, add butter, sugar and other spices to your taste to the porridge. Bon appetit!

I like whole grain oatmeal more than Hercules, and even more so flakes that do not need to be boiled at all. Probably, also from the fact that I read a lot about the benefits of whole oats. And the passion for grain oats began with the fact that a very long time ago at one of the Tashkent bazaars, in the ranks of cereals, I saw a seller with a bag of oats. "Why is he?" I asked. In broken Russian, the seller began to explain that they were being treated, and he had many regular customers taking him. And what if I buy this oats, wash them, fill them with water in a glass, and drink the next day, then I will become zhuda yam chiroili (very beautiful) and skin - zur, hair - zur. (Zur is a type of excellence - slang) And leaning towards me, he whispered so that my husband would not hear: “There will be no female sore. 70 years will be - you can give birth! Wow! - I thought, - this is how many children you can give birth to on one oat. Finally, the seller said that the soaked grains should not be thrown away, boiled or added to the cake. There were no diabetic patients among my acquaintances, which is why I probably did not come across grain oats before. I will not write for oat miracles for health. written without me. Type in the search "oats medicinal properties" and read out.

Well, after that meeting, I began to read a lot about oats. Well, the Makropulos remedy, I concluded. Use and live forever.

Now we are talking about a delicious viscous gelatinous porridge made from infused oat grains, boiled in the same water in which they were infused. One thing in such a mess is bad - completely discourages appetite. And this is sad. And I don't want anything but her. So, it performs some processes in the body. Therefore, if there are any chronic sores, first read about the properties of oats. Although serious contraindications to oats have not yet been identified, there are people with individual intolerance.

We sort out the oats, clean them from foreign grains. Rinse well with running water. For soaking, I use a liter jar. I pour a quarter of the jar and add boiling water to three quarters of the height of the jar. Thus, the ratio of oats and water is approximately 1: 3. I leave it to infuse overnight.

I pour the oats along with water into a thick-walled saucepan, put it on the stove and wait for it to boil. As soon as it starts to boil, reduce the heat to a minimum. Do not bring to a boil. A thick infusion will foam and “run away” worse than milk. From that, the pan should not be closed with a lid. In general, it is best, of course, it is better to simmer such porridge without boiling in the oven.

So, without boiling, the porridge is evaporated for 40-50 minutes. You need to periodically approach and stir it (to the porridge), removing the accumulated jelly from the walls. This infusion turns into a thick jelly, the grains boil soft. This jelly, by the way, is very good for using a face mask. You can add honey. Remarkable effect.

Salt almost ready-made porridge. You can add raisins, chopped dried apricots or prunes. Slightly steam dried fruits in porridge. Turn off the stove. We close the saucepan with a lid and leave to cool to a temperature at which porridge can be eaten without burning. It's on an electric stove. If the stove is gas, then wrap the saucepan with a towel and let the porridge cool slowly.
Sugar and butter should not be added to such porridge. She's amazingly good as it is. Moreover, it turns out to be jelly-like, and there is no need to soften it.

Another time I’ll write about oatmeal in a cast-iron, or about cakes. I also think a lot about haggis.

Warning the questions of Tashkent friends, I will say that our local Asianfood began to produce whole grain oats in yellow-blue packs, and it is sold in many stores - you just need to pay attention.

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Tell us how you cook this dish. And if you cooked according to this recipe, I am waiting with great interest for your story about the result:

Porridge, or oatmeal, is called the dish of the English lords, and even on the table of the royal family, it is an indispensable attribute of breakfast. Following the British, the whole world became addicted to this simple dish. Possessing very modest taste properties, oatmeal is recognized as one of the most useful foods.

Recipes for oatmeal with milk

Whole oatmeal porridge

The healthiest morning meal is best cooked from whole oatmeal. It is steamed oat grains, freed from the shell.

It takes a long time to cook such porridge, so we soak the oatmeal for at least 5 hours, it is better to do it at night.


  • Whole oat grains - 1 cup (250 grams)
  • Milk - 2 cups (0.5 ml)
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Butter - to taste


  1. Rinse the pre-soaked oatmeal well.
  2. Pour the milk into the pan, put it on the burner, wait until it boils.
  3. Pour oatmeal into boiling milk, stirring constantly. When the contents begin to boil, reduce the flame to a minimum.
  4. We cover the dish with a lid, leave it on low heat and after about 40 minutes remove it from the stove.
  5. We wait 5 minutes until the porridge is infused, and the grains will increase in size. Add butter, a little milk, mix, cover again and put in the oven for another half an hour.

Milk porridge is ready, we invite the family to the table!

If the milk has too high a percentage of fat, it is better to dilute it with water.

Classic English recipe

The British cook oatmeal in milk, after boiling the oatmeal in water.


  • Whole grain oatmeal - 1 cup
  • Water - 1.5 cups
  • Salt - to taste
  • Milk

We wash the grits well, pour them into boiling water, salt, mix thoroughly and cook over low heat. After 40 - 45 minutes, remove from the stove and let the porridge brew for 5 minutes. After that, add hot milk (you can cold) and mix again. In this form, in deep plates, we serve the dish on the table.

If you want to have breakfast like the English aristocrats, then you should know that real porridge is prepared without sugar or any other additives.

Milk porridge recipes with oatmeal

In modern cooking, “flattened” cereals, or oatmeal, are more in use. They boil faster, so it takes less time and effort to prepare breakfast.

There are several types of oatmeal:

  • Hercules
  • Petal oatmeal
  • Extra

"Hercules" - the most famous Russian brand, widely gained popularity among consumers back in Soviet times. The very name of this product evokes quite justified associations with strength and health.

Herculean porridge recipe


  • Oat flakes "Hercules" - 1 cup
  • Milk - 2 cups
  • Salt and sugar - to taste
  • Butter - to taste


Put the cereal in a saucepan, add salt and sugar. Boil milk in a separate bowl. After boiling, pour it into a bowl with cereal, mix and cook on a small flame for 15 minutes. We put the butter, wrap the pan with a thick kitchen towel and let the porridge brew. After 5-7 minutes we serve breakfast.

Recipe for porridge without cooking

To save yourself from standing at the stove and save precious morning time, you can cook an original breakfast with milk in the evening. For him, oatmeal "Extra" is very suitable. Cooking the dish will take only 5 - 10 minutes, but the porridge will turn out to be unusually tasty and healthy.


  • Oat flakes "Extra" - 100 grams
  • Currant berries - 100 grams
  • Liquid honey - 2 - 3 tablespoons
  • Cinnamon - 1 tablespoon
  • Milk - 0.5 liters

We put all the components of our future breakfast in a glass or plastic jar, pour milk, mix and close the lid. We put the jar in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning we heat our finished dish in the microwave. With a minimum of time and products, we get the most delicate delicacy with a unique taste and a full bouquet of vitamins and minerals.

Instead of "Extra" you can use other flakes. The recipe can be varied by changing some ingredients each time.

What foods go well with oatmeal

It is good to diversify the dish with various additives: sugar, honey, steamed raisins and other dried fruits, jam, cream, nuts, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, candied fruits, cinnamon.

You can cook oatmeal in milk with fresh berries, slices of apples, pears, oranges and other citrus fruits, bananas, kiwi. Everything depends on your imagination and taste preferences.

The low calorie content coupled with the high nutritional value makes oatmeal an energy booster.

The main result of the regular use of oatmeal in milk will be your health and beauty. You just need to remember that even such a healthy dish cannot be eaten in unlimited quantities.

It is known that whole grain cereals cooked in water are the most useful. Continuing the theme of healthy eating, I suggest you cook whole grain oatmeal porridge according to several recipes in a slow cooker or in the traditional way on the stove. The advantage and plus of cooking cereals in a slow cooker is that they are obtained from a Russian stove.

Oatmeal is considered the most useful and nutritious cereal. It contains a large amount of vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Also, oatmeal contains a large amount of natural antioxidants, which increase the body's resistance to infections and external negative conditions. For the normal functioning of the nervous system of the human body, we need magnesium and methionine, which is contained in oatmeal. And the rich content of fiber and protein in oatmeal makes it necessary for the nutrition of athletes who seek to accumulate muscle mass, as well as people who monitor their health and figure. It is enough to eat a cup of oatmeal in the morning, thereby providing your body with fiber for a quarter of the required daily allowance. But the beneficial qualities of oatmeal do not end there, the rich content of phosphorus and calcium makes the cereal invaluable for young children who have rapid bone growth.

People suffering from gastrointestinal diseases simply need to include oatmeal in their diet, which, due to its enveloping actions, has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa. And girls and women who want to lose weight can eat such porridge at the same time, not counting calories, which are very few in cereals, but such cereals perfectly cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins.

If you are still wondering how to properly cook porridge from whole oatmeal, then you probably have not yet become the happy owner of a slow cooker, in which porridge turns out no worse than in a Russian oven. Oatmeal porridge from whole grains in a slow cooker turns out tasty, fragrant. Each time you cook cereals, you can experiment by adding various ingredients such as raisins, cinnamon, candied fruit, dried apricots, jam, etc.

Before you start cooking porridge, you need to remember that oatmeal (whole!) Must be thoroughly washed, preferably in several waters.

Oatmeal from whole grains on the water with raisins and honey

recipe for multicooker and not only

For oatmeal porridge in the multicooker you will need:

  • 1 multicooker cup of oatmeal (not cereal!),
  • 4 ordinary cups of boiling water,
  • a handful of seedless raisins,
  • honey to taste.

Pure oatmeal, along with washed raisins, is poured with boiling water, cooked in a slow cooker for stewing for 1.5 hours. Then, when serving, oatmeal porridge topped with honey. The last point is very important, because if honey is put in during cooking, it will lose all its beneficial properties. In addition, it has been proven that when honey is heated above 60 degrees Celsius, carcinogens are released.

If you still don’t have a slow cooker on the farm, you can cook oatmeal on the stove, pour it with boiling water along with raisins and simmer until tender (the grains should become soft). Then add sugar, honey or jam syrup to taste.

Oatmeal with whole grain milk

A step-by-step recipe for making porridge from whole oatmeal.

Whole oatmeal - 1 cup

water - 2 glasses,

salt - to taste.

oats is an annual plant belonging to the Cereal family. Oats are one of the main grain crops in Russia, Poland, Canada and Finland. The most commonly used type of cereal is common oats, or sowing oats. These types of oats are used to make oatmeal, flakes and flour.

Many of us know how to make oatmeal porridge, but not many know how to make whole oatmeal porridge.

Whole oatmeal porridge considered one of the most useful among dishes prepared from cereals. This porridge is distinguished from other cereals by the high content of very valuable vegetable proteins and vegetable fats. Porridge also contains many vitamins and salts of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.

Many people traditionally make porridge from whole oats and wheat for the Christmas menu. This dish is called "Kutya". "Kutya" from whole oatmeal is prepared sweet.

Whole oatmeal porridge is an exceptionally nutritious and healthy meal. The recipe for whole oatmeal porridge is quite simple. Make oatmeal porridge using our photo recipe and you will be satisfied.

Cooking porridge from whole oatmeal.

In order to cook porridge from whole oatmeal, you need to boil the right amount of water and salt it.

Then pour in the washed oatmeal. Cook the porridge over low heat for about 35-40 minutes. Then remove from heat and let the porridge brew a little.

Many people are tired of oatmeal flakes for breakfast. However, we will not rush to abandon them. I offer an alternative to conventional cereals - oats in grains. In addition to the fact that this porridge is very useful, it is also dietary.

Recipe content:

Today, many housewives are concerned about the health of their family. Therefore, there is an increasing interest in proper nutrition. And as you know, the key to good health and longevity is cereals of various cereals. One of the most popular breakfast cereals is oatmeal. It contains many nutrients, vitamins, micro and macro elements. In addition, oatmeal is a source of complex carbohydrates that help to lose weight.

Now on sale you can see whole grain oatmeal. Many people began to like it much more than the usual Hercules, and even more so cereal. Not many housewives are familiar with this kind of grains, and even more so they do not know how to cook them. You can cook such porridge, like cereal: in water, milk, or combine these products. In addition, to taste it is supplemented with any fruits, berries, nuts, etc. It is worth noting that it will take much longer to cook such porridge than to cook cereal, but it also has much more vitamins and beneficial properties.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 342 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 1 hour


  • Oatmeal in grains - 100 g
  • Water - 500 ml
  • Salt - a pinch or to taste
  • Butter - 20 g

1. Sort the oatmeal grains, sorting out dust and debris.
2. Place them in a fine sieve and rinse under running water.
3. Pour the grits into the cooking pot and add the salt. It is advisable to take dishes for cooking with thick walls and a bottom so that the cereal does not burn.
4. Fill the oatmeal with drinking water and put on the stove.
5. Bring it to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Keep the lid on the pot until the water boils.
6. Reduce the temperature to the minimum, close the lid and continue to cook the cereal for about 40-50 minutes. Always remove accumulated jelly from the walls.
7. During cooking, the grains will boil, increase in size by 3 times and absorb all the liquid.
8. Put the butter in the porridge and stir while it is hot. Leave it under a closed lid to cool to a temperature at which you can use it without burning yourself. You can also wrap the saucepan with a towel and let the porridge cool slowly.
