
How to cook a regular chicken pilaf. The most delicious chicken pilaf recipe

Pilaf- an ancient dish that came to us from eastern countries. There are thousands of recipes for this dish and each claims to be unique. You can talk for a long time about the classic preparation of pilaf, about its Central Asian or Iranian variants, however, remember that we are in the home kitchen, where the necessary products are not always available and often have to cook from what is available. Therefore, we use the knowledge that common features of all pilafs of the world are the presence of rice, meat and vegetables, we will get spices lying around from the locker and cook delicious homemade pilaf from chicken bought on the market.

You will need:

  • rice 3 cups
  • onion 2-3 pcs
  • carrots 2 pcs
  • garlic 1 head
  • ground black pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • sweet peppercorns

Spices for pilaf

Currently, the choice of spices for pilaf is very wide. Both markets and supermarkets abound with a variety of herbs and spices. You can buy a ready-made mixture of seasonings for pilaf in the store, you can ask the seller in the market and he will collect a wonderful set of flavors in front of you. We will proceed from the minimum so that our dish still looks like pilaf, and not like porridge with meat. And the minimum is: bay leaf, allspice peas, ground black pepper and cumin or in another way zira. Simply gorgeous if you have a quality dry barberry,sage, paprika or saffron. The last two spices give the pilaf a bright color. provence or Italian herbs will give your pilaf a European touch, so you can safely use them. But, I'll tell you a secret, if your kitchen has salt and pepper - it's already good, you have to start somewhere! Most importantly, cook with love and do not doubt success!

Rice for pilaf

No need to dig the Internet, looking for information about the right rice for pilaf. Reading, of course, is not forbidden, but you should not fill your head with names like devzira, chungara, dastar-saryk ... We go to a regular supermarket and buy high-quality rice basmati. Again, I'll tell you a secret, my mother and grandmother cooked pilaf from ordinary Krasnodar rice - it was very tasty!

About domestic chicken

The hen should be big and fat. When you see it, the thought should arise in your brain: “This is not a chicken, this is a boar!” A domestic chicken is a domestic chicken. Nothing can replace her. It can be better pilaf only from fat-tailed lamb. Pilaf loves fatty meat. Therefore, if you use a factory broiler, then add more vegetable oil. And remember the main rule of home cooking - the missing ingredients are compensated by love and the desire to bring joy to loved ones! This rule works 100%, and always and without exception, verified empirically.

Step by step photo recipe:

When a good chicken of two or two and a half kilograms happens in the house, I divide it into two parts. From one I cook for, and from the other a second dish, for example, pilaf. If you have a small chicken, then cook pilaf from a whole chicken, this will only make it tastier. In an ideal pilaf, the ratio of the main ingredients (meat, rice, vegetables) should be approximately the same.

Chicken need wash,dry off paper towel and, if necessary, remove remaining pen.

Divide chicken into pieces,salt And pepper.

Prepare vegetables: chop the onion and carrot. For this pilaf, I cut carrots large, with a figured knife, which I got from my mother and which has been scary for many years. But you can, of course, cut with an ordinary knife, you can grate.

You will also need garlic - whole head, from which it is necessary to remove the top layer of the husk and wash well.

Fry chicken pieces

Take the chicken out of the pan and in the same oil fry carrots 2 minutes.

Add to carrots onion10 minutes.

fried onions, carrots And vegetable oil.

Lay on top and sweet peppercorns.

Fill everything with boiling water 1-1.5 hours until the meat is tender.

For pilaf I usually use ground cumin,ground coriander, sage or Italian herb blend, and barberry.

They can be added either along with rice or while stewing chicken.

Since the chickens are of different maturity, then after 40 minutes after the start of the stewing, take out a piece and try it, if the meat is already tender, then you can throw rice, if it is still hard, then stew the chicken until soft.

While the chicken is stewing, sort through, separate out unwanted impurities and rinse it several times. It is convenient to do this by putting the rice in a colander and placing it in a bowl of water. Rinse the rice under running water, stirring with your hands, lift the colander and drain the water from the bowl. Repeat everything several times, so not a single grain of rice will run away from you. After threshing and polishing, powder remains on the grains of rice, so it must be washed off well.

Washed (3 glasses) add to the pot on top of the chicken and vegetables. But before that, definitely. This is very important, it must be well salted, even oversalted, with the expectation that part of the salt will absorb rice.

Flatten rice with a spoon and lightly drown. No need to mix. There should be about 2-3 cm of liquid above the rice.

Cover the pot with a lid, let it boil a little more (3-5 minutes), turn off the heat. We don’t eat pilaf right away, he must insist 30 minutes so that all the liquid is completely absorbed into the rice.

Pilaf must be juicy. It depends on the amount of fat, and on the amount of water, which together form a juicy broth, and on the type of rice. A sense of harmony comes with experience, so don't be discouraged if your pilaf comes out dry at first - this often happens even with experienced chefs. As my friend says after another failed pies: “We need to bake more often!”
Cook pilaf more often and you will definitely get such beauty and deliciousness!

The rice is juicy and crumbly, the rice separates from the rice, the meat is tender, melts in your mouth, the sweetness of onions and carrots ... And this unforgettable aroma of spices!

Eat garlic, and hot pepper - for decoration! Bon appetit!

Chicken pilaf. Short recipe.

You will need:

  • chicken 1-1.5 kg (this is half a good homemade chicken)
  • rice 3 cups
  • onion 2-3 pcs
  • carrots 2 pcs
  • garlic 1 head
  • refined vegetable oil 100-150 ml
  • ground black pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • sweet peppercorns
  • sage, coriander, cumin, barberry

chicken wash,dry paper towel and remove the remaining pen. Divide into pieces, salt and pepper.
Chop the onion and carrot. Remove the top skin from the garlic and wash well.
Fry chicken pieces in hot vegetable oil.
Take the chicken out of the pan and in the same oil fry carrots 2 minutes.
Add to carrots onion, salt and fry until the onion is about 10 minutes.
In a cast-iron cauldron or in a saucepan with a thick bottom, transfer the contents of the pan: fried onions, carrots And vegetable oil.
Lay on top fried chicken pieces, head of garlic, bay leaf And sweet peppercorns, add the rest of the spices.
Fill everything with boiling water(7 cups), bring to a boil and simmer covered 1-1.5 hours until the meat is tender.
Sort and wash
When the chicken is cooked add rice to the pan, but be sure to try the broth (zirvak) for salt. This is very important, it should be well salted, even oversalted, with the expectation that part of the salt will absorb the rice.
Flatten rice with a spoon. No need to mix.
Cook pilaf on a small fire under the lid, leaving a hole for steam to escape. When the water is absorbed into the rice and bubbles appear on the surface, pierce the rice with a spoon and look at the liquid level, it should be no more than a quarter of the pan. Cover the pot with a lid, let it boil a little more (3-5 minutes), turn off the heat. Pilaf should be infused for at least 30 minutes.

In contact with

Let's not be deceitful. Pilaf (including pilaf with chicken) - real, famous, Uzbek - is not at all the pilaf that we cook in our kitchen. The most delicious and “correct” pilaf is cooked in a cauldron on a fire by an experienced pilaf cook who has cooked more than one cauldron. And this is a real culinary art with a couple of dozen very secret secrets.

But in our life, where there are not many opportunities to try real lamb pilaf in a cauldron, there is an opportunity to cook pilaf with chicken in your own kitchen in a saucepan. Modest and tasteful. And oh, what taste! Yes, adapted and edited. So what? Culinary art does not have to be an exact science. But it can be very contagious. Ready!

Editorial. For our taste, the rice in this recipe for chicken pilaf is chosen unsuccessfully. We recommend replacing it with devzira, paello rice, or at least basmati.


  • rice - 400 grams
  • chicken - 500 grams
  • vegetable oil - 100 grams
  • carrots - 400 grams
  • onion - 3
  • salt, zira - to taste

How to cook pilaf with chicken

The most important thing for chicken pilaf is products, especially rice, it must be of very good quality (I cooked from arborio). And, of course, seasonings. The most common is zira, or cumin (he is in the photo).

But if you don’t have zira, replace it with a ready-made pilaf collection - as a rule, it includes both cumin and barberry. Other spices are controversial.
By the way, seasonings are different in different cuisines, because even European cuisines perfectly mastered oriental pilaf, bringing their taste and technological accents to it.

If you have a whole chicken, cut it into portioned (not too small) pieces.
Wash thoroughly, let the water drain, put in a bowl and salt. Leave for 2 hours (it is ideal to do this on the eve of the day of cooking pilaf).

Important point. Wash the rice(for pilaf, rice must be washed, but the Italians will be outraged by such a proposal). To make it crumbly, not porridge, you need to wash off the dust and starch powder, which causes sticking.

You need to rinse the rice in warm water at least 3 times, in cool water at least 5-6, until the water is clean and the rice is pearlescent.

It is best to wash in a wide and deep bowl, rubbing rice between the palms. Soak clean rice in warm salted water.

Prepare vegetables.

Important point 2. Peel the onion from the husk, do not wash (if you really need to wash it, be sure to dry it with a napkin - the onion will subsequently be thrown into boiling oil, wet will create a strong “noise”, which can cause the oil to ignite). Cut into half rings 2-3 mm thick.

Wash the carrots twice: before and after peeling. Cut into strips (first along the plates, then across (the average thickness is 2-3 mm, it can be thinner or thicker, it all depends on your love for this vegetable).

Important point 3. Pour the oil into a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom) and heat it up. Overheating of oil is the key to tasty and healthy pilaf. Strong heating of the oil improves taste and digestibility.

When reheating, you can add an onion head, which will play the role of a sorbent, and also help neutralize harmful impurities in vegetable oil (blackened onions must be obtained).

Put the onion in the overheated oil and sauté over high heat (actually, the picture is about this).

Then put the chicken pieces and fry until golden brown also over high heat.

Then add carrots (you can fry until half cooked).

Put salt and spices, such as cumin and a few pieces of raisins. You can add washed and unpeeled head of garlic, barberry.

Pour in water, it should be about 1.5-2 cm above the meat and vegetables.

Important point 4. Now you need to cook zirvak - the basis of pilaf. Boil over very low heat after boiling so that the zirvak does not turn out cloudy from boiled carrots (if the boil is strong and the carrots boil, the pilaf will be sticky). It should be languishing chicken and vegetables, and the longer the better.

When the chicken is ready, add the rice.

Now be especially careful. Flatten the rice by smoothing it with the back of a slotted spoon, pour water through it so you don't make indentations in the rice. The amount of water depends on the quality (water absorption) of the rice. The average water level is 1.5-2 cm above the rice layer.

Important point 5. After laying rice make a strong fire so that the boil is even and vigorous. The intensification of the flame leads to the fact that fat boils at the bottom, and the water, turning into steam, rises to the rice layer (it is impossible to photograph this, alas)). If you do not add fire, then chicken pilaf will turn out to be viscous. Uneven boiling will lead to the fact that the core of the cereal will be undercooked. And this, as you understand, is completely useless.

After the pilaf begins to boil, reduce the heat, but watch for the evenness of the boil.

If there is not enough water during the cooking process, you can gradually add warm water from the kettle.

Important point 6. Excess liquid must be evaporated by briefly increasing the fire and stirring the rice layer so that the lower layer is not affected. Careful.

At this stage, the food should be tasted for salt and salted if necessary. Also top up. The average cooking time for chicken pilaf after laying rice is about 30 minutes.

That, in fact, is all. Once you try it, you "understand the technology with your fingertips." By repeating the second time, you will feel confident. Having done the third, you will learn how to teach daughters, girlfriends, colleagues and neighbors. So it turns out that absolutely everyone who treated themselves to it will need to cook chicken pilaf according to your recipe ...

How to serve chicken pilaf? If pilaf is served to guests on a large platter, then remove all the pieces of meat from the pan, transfer the rice to the dish, and put the chicken on top. If you lay out in portions, then put rice and a piece of chicken on each plate.

Pomegranate seeds, fresh vegetables and salads from them can be served with chicken pilaf.

Another one, also with chicken, but with a different kind of rice.

Homemade chicken pilaf

Plov is done this way in Tashkent. The classic Uzbek recipe is one of the many variations of pilaf, and very successful! The main thing is the principle of preparation itself. Having mastered it, you can endlessly experiment with the pilaf recipe.

At the market, I bought a yellow corn chicken weighing 1.5 kg. I left 1 kg for pilaf.



350 g long grain rice
Chicken weighing 1 kg
Unscented chicken fat or vegetable oil
400 g carrots
200 g onion
Salty water
3 heads of young garlic
½ tsp zira
1 tsp barberry
Pinch of ground red pepper

Pilaf ingredients


1. Prepare all the products for pilaf in advance. Rinse the chicken, cut into small pieces about 3x3 cm in size. Cut off all the fat. Cut the onion into medium cubes, carrots into strips. Rinse rice if necessary. From young garlic, remove only the outer shell, leaving the heads intact.

young garlic

2. Prepare salt water, more salty than usual.

3. Melt chicken fat.

4. Fry the chicken pieces over high heat until golden brown. Add zira. Mix. Then add the onion and fry for 3-4 minutes. Then add the carrots and fry for another three minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Press everything tightly with a spatula, level the surface, add barberry, garlic and rice. Level everything again.

6. Pour in salt water so that the water is 1-1.5 fingers above the rice (with ordinary rice 2 fingers, but here the rice is very thin). With water, such a subtlety: its amount depends on the variety of rice. If you overdo it, you get rice porridge, not pilaf.

BY THE WAY: don't forget about a pinch of hot pepper.

Hot red pepper

7. Keep on low heat under a slightly ajar lid for 10 minutes.

8. Then, with a spatula, pierce the pilaf to the bottom in several places, collect a little rice from the edges to the middle and close the lid tightly. Let stand 15-20 minutes. 3a this time the pic will come.

9. Remove the lid, mix everything, put the pilaf on a large dish and serve.

BY THE WAY: very good for pilaf is a tomato salad with onions and cilantro. Tomatoes and onions are cut into thin slices, salted, chopped cilantro is added - and that's it. No more refills. Tashkent tomatoes are very sweet and juicy. This salad can be eaten in bowls!

Homemade chicken pilaf

Delicious, crumbly pilaf with chicken, a step-by-step recipe with a photo, which I will present to you today, is more of a European invention. After all, real Uzbek pilaf is traditionally made from lamb.

In general, this dish is not common throughout Central Asia, the Near and Middle East. They also love pilaf in Transcaucasia, now it has spread to European countries.

We have a lot of recipes for this dish. The basis is always the same - meat and rice, then there are variations with seasonings, zira, turmeric, barberry, different types of pepper, rosemary, coriander, suneli hops. But the taste still depends more on the correct choice of the base.

How to choose the right products for pilaf

For those who understand cooking, or for true gourmets, the correct selection of rice is quite obvious. There are so many of them on the shelves now, in such an extensive selection you can get confused.

  1. The cereal you choose should be combined with spices and meat to taste.
  2. After boiling, rice should absorb fat and water, but only increase in size, and not fall apart.
  3. Choose cereals that have less gluten, so you will have a chance to cook exactly pilaf, and not porridge with meat.
  4. Elongated, oblong varieties of white rice are most suitable for pilaf.
  5. Do not use crushed rice or polished rice for your culinary delights. Its surface should be rough, even ribbed.
  6. Before cooking, rice should be washed well to remove excess gluten, it is more convenient to do this in a colander or sieve.

In order not to get confused, buy rice, on the package with which it says “for pilaf”. You can't go wrong here. You can use steamed rice with success. And the following varieties are suitable for the dish:

Now about meat. It was not for nothing that I chose chicken for the recipe, since for us Russians it is still the most affordable. Well, it just tastes more familiar, personally I don’t really like lamb with its specific smell and heavy fat.

Choose a young chicken for the recipe, broiler meat is suitable, but not a broth bird, which needs to be cooked for at least three hours. I prefer to take chilled meat, not freezing, then it turns out softer.

For cooking pilaf, it does not matter at all which parts of the body of the bird you will use. You can take the whole carcass if you cook a large amount, you can take fillet pieces or any parts with bones.

The main thing in this dish is zivrak, this is meat fried with vegetables in oil. How you prepare it also depends a lot. The most secret secret of pilaf is that there should be approximately the same amount of meat, carrots and onions in terms of volume. Onions and carrots should be cut into large cubes so that they are felt in the dish, and not smeared after cooking.

Another important component is dishes. Better it would be a thick-walled cauldron, a cast-iron, in extreme cases, a duckling. I have a deep frying pan made of thick, cast aluminium. The thing is that in an ordinary pan with thin walls, pilaf will quickly burn and turn out to be tasteless. Yes, and the pan then it will be difficult to wash. Although many are happy to cook pilaf in a slow cooker.

Pilaf with chicken - step by step recipe with photo

  • Half a kilo of chicken or chicken parts
  • One and a half cups of rice
  • large bulb
  • Two medium sized carrots
  • head of garlic
  • 70 grams of sunflower oil
  • Paprika, salt and black pepper mixture
  • Three glasses of raw clean water

Cooking pilaf with chicken according to the traditional recipe:

Chicken meat should be thoroughly washed under cold water, dried and cut into small pieces.

Cut the onion into not very small fragments, carrots into cubes, garlic into strips.

Heat the oil in a heavy frying pan or saucepan.

Fry chicken pieces until golden brown.

We add carrot sticks to the chicken and also fry, this is necessary so that the carrot gives color to the oil.

Pour the onion and garlic to the meat and carrots and also sauté until they become slightly golden.

In the meantime, do not waste time and rinse the rice under running water through a sieve and dry it so that it does not stick together during cooking.

Send the grits to the pan and spread evenly over the surface. fill with water, salt and add spices. you can also use ready-made pilaf specially for cooking. Reduce the temperature, cover the dish with a lid and leave to languish for half an hour.

After half an hour, mix the pilaf and rake the rice from the edges of the dishes to the middle, up the hill. We pierce holes to the bottom with a knife or a Chinese stick. Again, cover with a lid, top with a terry towel, turn off the stove and let it steam for fifteen minutes.

Our delicious, crumbly and rich pilaf with chicken is ready.

Uzbek pilaf with chicken - recipe

We will take the following products:

  • Chicken carcass weighing about a kilogram
  • Three large turnip bulbs
  • Three large carrots
  • Two large heads of garlic
  • Half a kilo of long grain rice
  • Half a glass of vegetable oil
  • Table to the detriment of a spoonful of table salt
  • Spices: ground black pepper, paprika, rosemary, cumin, coriander, dried dogwood, thyme turmeric to your taste

Rinse the carcass under running water and remove excess water with a paper towel. Cut into pieces, 4 by 4 cm.

We clean the bulbs and chop them into half rings as thin as possible. Cut the carrot into long strips, also thinner. At the garlic heads, cut off the bottom, but not completely, so that they do not fall apart, remove the top husk.

Rinse the rice well and let the water drain. In a cauldron, heat the oil and throw the prepared chicken parts into it. Fry everything at a high temperature, stirring all the time so that the meat does not stick to the walls. As soon as the chicken begins to blush, we fall asleep the onion, we also continue to fry. When the onion is gilded, we fall asleep carrots along with salt and spices.

We insert the heads of garlic among the products, without reducing the heat. Washed rice is covered with a thin layer on top and poured with boiling water. The amount of water can be measured, its level should be two centimeters above the rice.

Now we wait until the water boils and immediately lower the temperature to medium and cook for fifteen minutes. We look into the cauldron and see that the water is completely absorbed by the rice. Now let's rake it from the walls to the middle, making a mound, let's not forget about the steam holes, which are convenient to make with a wooden Chinese stick.

Now reduce the temperature to the minimum, cover the dish tightly with a lid and let it boil for about 10 minutes. Then we completely turn off the stove and cover the cauldron with a warm towel so that everything evaporates.

Pilaf with chicken in a slow cooker

A wonderful invention that helps us make this dish special. I like cooking pilaf in a slow cooker for three reasons:

  1. No need to go to the stove many times and check the readiness, a huge saving of your time, for which you can cook something else.
  2. You will not forget to turn off the dish and it will never burn.
  3. Less fat is used, rice is steamed well and in any case it turns out crumbly.
  • Two chicken breasts
  • One and a half cups of rice, preferably steamed
  • Medium head of onion
  • Two not too large carrots
  • Half head of garlic
  • Half a cup of sunflower oil
  • Three glasses of water
  • Quarter teaspoon red hot pepper
  • Half a teaspoon of zira
  • A teaspoon of paprika
  • Black pepper, salt, thyme optional

How to cook pilaf with chicken in a slow cooker:

Wash the chicken breasts and cut into small pieces. Carrots can be put on a grater, or you can chop them into strips. It is better to cut the onion into half rings.

Pour the oil into the bowl and heat it, throw the pieces of chicken meat into the heated one, fry in the baking mode, then lay the carrots, after seven minutes the onion with chopped garlic, fry a little more and add all the spices, salt immediately. We fall asleep rice, pour in water, mix and under the lid, in the “rice” mode, leave to languish for forty minutes.

Pilaf with chicken in the oven

The recipe also has its advantages. A good solution for those who do not have a multicooker, and are already tired of cooking in a frying pan.

We take the following ingredients:

  • Two chicken thighs, can be fatter
  • 1 cup long grain rice, steamed
  • Two large carrots
  • Two large bulbs
  • Big head of garlic
  • Two glasses of water
  • vegetable oil
  • Salt, black pepper, saffron, zira, turmeric to your taste

We prepare the chicken legs and cut them into pieces. We chop the onion into cubes, and the carrot into strips, although I prefer small sticks. Peel the garlic and cut into slices or strips.

We take a cast-iron frying pan, heat the oil in it, begin to fry the meat, until browned. After we send the carrots there, fry for about seven minutes, then comes the onion with garlic, until transparent.

After we shift our zivrak into a refractory container for the oven. Rice should already be washed and dried. By the way, you can quickly fry it in a dry frying pan, then the pilaf will turn out even tastier and more aromatic.

We fill it with an even layer on top of vegetables with meat, carefully pour in water and add spices with salt. It remains to put the lid on and send the dish to the oven for about forty minutes, to languish at a temperature of 180 degrees.

An interesting fact about the appearance of the dish. Although various eastern peoples consider it their native, national, we still owe the original inventor of this culinary delight to the chief cook of Alexander the Great himself. And since this commander conquered many territories, his passions began to be respected there.

I think another reason for the popularity of the dish was the fact that it can be easily prepared with fish or even made dietary. Pilaf with prunes is loved by many people and we cook this during Lent.

Pilaf with chicken is a delicious compound dish that is in demand in all countries of the world, and is a visiting card for most countries of Central Asia. The main and invariable ingredient of pilaf is rice, but the rest of the ingredients in this wonderful dish may vary depending on the pilaf recipe and the place of origin of the dish.

Meanwhile, regardless of where to prepare the dish, professional chefs always take it very seriously. Carefully choosing products for cooking and slowly preparing the dish itself. It turns out that making a really tasty pilaf at home is not an easy task, but we will try.

Now we will tell you how to cook pilaf with chicken at home and show you several cooking options. And also share some tricks of cooking dishes in different ways.

Pilaf with chicken in a pan - quick and easy

A delicious lunch will be a pleasant moment in the life of every family. For such a case, a quick pilaf with chicken in a pan is suitable. It is chicken meat that is required for a simple pilaf recipe. The taste and aroma of a tender treat will amaze the whole family.

For the cook, it will be a big plus that the dish can be cooked in a pan, and most importantly, in a short period of time. The rich, appetizing smell of delicious chicken and rice pilaf will spread throughout the kitchen instantly and will not allow anyone to remain indifferent! Even the kids will love the chicken pilaf!

Required Components:

  • 250 g chicken fillet;
  • 120 g of onion;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 300 g of rice;
  • 600 g of water;
  • garlic - head;
  • to taste seasonings for pilaf;
  • salt to taste.

Pilaf with chicken in a pan - a step-by-step recipe with a photo:

Peel the carrots, then rub them coarsely. Peel the onion, chop it with a knife. Fry vegetables in vegetable oil.

You don't need to deep fry, just brown a little.

Chicken meat should not be cut into large pieces. The pieces must be even. Place meat in skillet with vegetables.

It will take 5-7 minutes to fry. Moreover, the fire should not be strong.

Pour the rice cereal into the pan. Pour in water immediately.

Following these products, you need to add salt and spices. Mix everything carefully.

Divide the head of garlic into cloves, but do not peel them. Send the garlic cloves to the pan.

Close the lid. Simmer everything on low heat for 15-20 minutes. Don't mix anything.

Fragrant quick pilaf with chicken cooked in a pan can be eaten. Bon appetit!

Real Uzbek pilaf - recipe with chicken, rice, onions and carrots

To cook Uzbek pilaf for 7-8 people, you need to take:

  • 750-850 g chicken fillet (meat should be fresh, with a pleasant smell);
  • from 800 g to a kilogram of rice (rice for pilaf should be taken only white, long);
  • 2-3 large onions (approximately 300 g large onions are sweeter, we recommend it);
  • 600-700 g carrots;
  • 0.4 l. sunflower oil (take strictly odorless, do not replace olive oil);
  • spices for pilaf and salt to taste (spices can be purchased at any store, they should be marked “for pilaf”).

The classic Uzbek pilaf is cooked with lamb. But this type of meat is not suitable for everyone. Chicken meat is less fatty, so it goes well with all products in any dish. In addition, it cooks faster.

Cooking delicious pilaf with chicken meat - a step by step recipe with a photo:

We buy long, white rice for pilaf, wash it and soak it in salted water for an hour and a half.
While the rice is being prepared, let's take care of the rest of the products. Wash the chicken fillet thoroughly, cut into large pieces. Approximately, the mass of one piece to be 40-50 grams.

We heat the pan or cauldron, where we will cook, together with the added 400 grams of sunflower oil, to a temperature of 170-180 degrees. Fry the pieces of meat in boiling oil so that they are slightly browned on all sides.

Onion, peeled, cut into halves of rings (you can quarter if you took very large onions). Add to meat and continue frying. Peel the carrots, cut into small strips.

Attention! Carrots for Uzbek pilaf are not grated, they are cut into thin strips of different lengths and widths, that is, arbitrarily.

We put the carrots to the onions fried with meat. We continue to fry everything together, not forgetting to mix the products during cooking.
Put the rice in a saucepan, add water.

Attention! The proportion of water and rice when cooking cereals should be 1 to 1. That is, for a glass of rice, a glass of water, respectively.

Mix the fried ingredients for pilaf, salt them to your taste. Pepper, add spices (purchased in a store, you can buy it specifically for Uzbek pilaf, but any marked “for pilaf” will do). Add half a glass of water.

We cover the products with a lid and, without opening it, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.

Boiled half-cooked rice, along with the water in which the cereal was cooked, spread in an even layer on top of the meat with vegetables. We do not cover with a lid, leave to cook on the same fire until the liquid from the cauldron or pan has completely evaporated. All this will take about half an hour - 40 minutes.

Ready Uzbek pilaf, carefully, so as not to damage the integrity of the rice grains, mix with a spatula. The dish is ready. Serve Uzbek pilaf with chicken should be put on a plate in a small slide and sprinkled with pieces of fragrant chopped greens on top.

Pilaf with chicken and dried fruits azerbaijani style

Fragrant Baku pilaf with dried fruits and chicken. Each housewife, as it seems to her, knows how to cook chicken pilaf, but we are sure that many of them do not know our recipe yet.

We will tell you how to cook pilaf with chicken and dried fruits. This is how the dish is prepared and served in Azerbaijan, and those who, at least once there and tried this dish, certainly wanted to have a recipe for such a delicious dish in their home, we will provide it to you.

So, how to make pilaf with chicken with the addition of dried fruits, a real Baku (Azerbaijani) pilaf.

To prepare 7-8 servings you will need:

  • rice (suitable perfectly "basmati") - 3 full glasses;
  • 1200-1400 g chicken (1 piece);
  • onion - 2 large heads;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, figs and raisins in equal proportions) - 120-130 g each;
  • butter - 250 g (1 pack);
  • barberry - 1 table spoon;
  • cumin seeds - 1 spoon. table.

Cooking pilaf with dried fruits, a recipe from Azerbaijan in steps:

Rinse the rice and be sure to dry it. Add about two liters of water to the pan, salt to taste, boil the rice for about seven to eight minutes. It should be almost ready (the grains are semi-soft). Drain the water from the rice (you can use a colander).

Put a little oil (about 70 g) in a cauldron, melt it a little and grease the walls of the dishes well.

Attention! Instead of a cauldron for cooking pilaf with chicken and dried fruits, you can use any pan with double or thick walls.

Beat chicken eggs in a bowl with a spoonful of boiled water until a small foam forms, pour this mass into a cauldron. Add cooked rice to the eggs, pour over 100-150 g of melted butter.

Cover everything with a lid and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. A crispy egg crust should form at the bottom of the pan or cauldron. As soon as the crust has formed, remove the cauldron from the stove. Wrap him in a blanket and set aside.

Wash all dried fruits well. We spread them on a paper towel to dry, and then fry for 5-7 minutes in a pan greased with butter (about 70 g of oil).

Pour one and a half cups of boiling water to the fried dried fruits, close the lid. Simmer over low heat until food is soft.

Cut the chicken, remove the skin. Remove bones, cut into large pieces. Cut the onion into half rings or slightly smaller pieces.

Pour chicken pieces with onions to dried fruits, mix. Pour about 70-80 grams of melted butter. Add barberry and zira, continue to simmer in a pan for about forty minutes.

Pilaf with dried fruits and chicken is ready. It should be served like this: first, a pile of rice is laid out on a plate. Then top with chicken pieces with dried fruits and golden fried onions. We sprinkle all this fragrant miracle with a broken egg crust, which served as a kind of bedding for rice being prepared in a cauldron.

Video: cooking delicious crumbly pilaf with chicken in a cauldron
