
How to eat dragon heart fruit. Myths and legends

Dragon fruit, pitahaya or pitahaya, what is it? Many have seen it, heard about it or tried it. In fact, dragonfruit, pitahaya are exotic representatives of climbing vine-like cacti, (Hylocereus and Stinocereus), common in Central and South America and Mexico.

Today, the dragon fruit is successfully grown in the countries of Southeast Asia. The main exporters of pitaya are Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, China, Taiwan, and others. Liana-shaped cacti with its unusual fruits grow well and are cultivated in countries with a subtropical and tropical climate.

The English name for this fruit is dragon fruit, dragon fruit is also a common name for the fruit.

Even the ancient Aztecs were familiar with dragonfruit. Since Mexico is its homeland, the Indians willingly ate the pulp of the dragon fruit, and used the seeds, grinding and adding to food as a seasoning.

There is an ancient legend, which, of course, is associated with dragons and tells about the incredible origin of the fruit, as if the fruit appeared during the wars. Dragons, weary of battles, sometimes spewed out these fruits instead of flame. People believed that amazingly tasty dragonfruits were hidden somewhere in the middle of the monster. So, in pursuit of fruity pleasures, the warriors killed all the dragons. And only dragonfruit of an unusual shape and color grows beautifully, pleases us with an unusual taste, and resembles in its appearance the scales of extinct reptiles.

What does dragon fruit look like

Attractive-looking pitahaya fruit has a peel from bright pink to red, oval in shape, framed by smooth leaf-like growths with light green, light green ends. If you look in the section, we will see white pulp with black seeds of a creamy consistency with a pleasant tasty and delicate aroma.

Due to its aesthetic appearance and glorious smell, dragon fruit is very often used to decorate and decorate tables in restaurants and banquet halls.

The weight of the fetus can be from 200 grams, on average 500-600 grams, but there are also larger representatives of the species, weighing up to a kilogram.


The internal content of the pulp of pitahaya, in accordance with its variety, also differ in color. The flesh is white, bright pink, reddish, up to a purple hue. Exotic dragon fruit species differ in their shape and size, and in the frequency of scales on the surface of the fruit.

Consider the three main types of dragon fruit:

  • Pitahaya white (Hylocereus undatus) is the most common species, the taste is rich, but fresh in relation to other varieties, inside there is white pulp and black small seeds, the fruit accompanies a pleasant grassy aroma. The fruit is red or bright pink on the outside, with light green scales.

  • Yellow Pitahaya (Hylocereus megalanthus), grown less frequently, long-yang, "prickly pear", respectively, with yellow skin, the scales of which are more like pimples, and white flesh inside, mixed with black seeds, and yellow dragon fruit is slightly sweeter and more aromatic than white and red pitohaya.

  • Pitahaya red (Hylocereus costaricensis) Costa Rican has a skin of bright pink, almost red color, inside is bright red flesh also with small black seeds. A more whimsical variety, very fragrant dragon fruit.

How dragon fruit grows

As mentioned above, a native of Mexico and Central and South America, dragon fruit belongs to the cactus family, and is distributed throughout Southeast Asia and other countries. Dragon heart, a fruit that prefers tropical dry climates, natural habitats are deciduous forests with this climate.

The plant grows up to 10 m in height. In order to rationally use the land where the exotic pitahaya fruit is grown, they organize a whole system of supports and garters in order to collect the extensive branched crown of the cactus into a single dome, picking it up above the surface of the earth.

Hylocereus, a climbing member of the cactus family. Since the plant is epiphytic, the dragon fruit is attached to tree trunks by aerial roots, and grows along the entire height of the stem, while the cactus, like any epiphyte, does not feed on the beneficial substances of trees. The main goal of the dragon fruit is to reach the illuminated areas at the top, and extract moisture from the air or find organic matter in the many cracks in the tree trunk. The plant also has roots underground, which grow, develop and spread on the ground along the stems.

Trihedral pitahaya stems, modified branches. Juicy and fleshy, they reach a width of five centimeters. They have a lot of water and nutrients needed for a possible period of drought.

Short spikes are visible on the stems, these are kind of buds from which other stems and dragon fruit flowers develop. The flowering period of pitahaya is short. For just one night, it releases large, about thirty centimeters in diameter, flowers, pink or white, exuding a pleasant aroma. Excessive abundance of moisture is detrimental to plants, leads to abscission of buds and rotting of fruits. Insects pollinate the plant. After the flowers wither, fruit set occurs. Dry climate is important for cactus. The fruits of the plant appear 30-50 days after flowering. And in a year, pitahaya is capable of producing up to 6 crops.

How to eat pitahaya

In the beginning, consider how to choose a dragon eye fruit. We check the peel, there should be no dark spots, the skin is of an even color in accordance with the variety. If the dragon fruit is slightly soft to the touch, the dragon's eye is ripe and ready to eat. If the fruit is hard, then leave it for several days in a cool place, it will ripen and delight you with its taste. But remember that dragon fruit is stored for 3-4 days, otherwise it will lose its taste and useful qualities.

Ways to peel and eat dragon fruit are simple:

  • remove the peel from the top of the fruit and eat the peeled pulp
  • cut into slices, for example, like a melon
  • carefully cut the peel, separate it, gradually eating the internal contents
  • cut the fruit into two parts and use a spoon to eat as a dessert

Dragon fruit is best eaten chilled, when heated, the taste becomes dull. It is advisable to chew the pulp seeds, as they are poorly digested, but contain useful lipids. We will talk about the benefits of fruit a little later. The peel is not eaten, and it is unlikely that it will be to your taste.

The consistency of the fruit is like thick sour cream, the pitaya tastes like a mixture of kiwi and. Many people compare the taste of these fruits with the taste of pitohaya.

Pitahaya pulp goes well with other fruits and dishes, the main thing is that no matter what other ingredients include a spicier or sweeter product, otherwise the taste and aroma of the dragon fruit will simply be lost. Dragon fruit is used to prepare salads, yogurts, smoothies, jams, jellies and all kinds of desserts. Used in the preparation of soft drinks, alcoholic wines and cocktails. Pithaya flowers also do not go unnoticed, they are added to tea.

Calorie content, chemical composition, vitamins

Pitahaya calorie content per hundred grams of pulp accounts for only 50 kcal. Dragon fruit contains fiber, vitamins C and B, minerals, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, antioxidants and dietary fiber.

  • proteins 0.50 gr
  • fats 0.30 gr
  • carbohydrates 12.00 gr
  • water up to 90 gr
  • fiber 07-09 gr, vegetable fibrous substance that cleanses the intestines from toxins and toxins
  • ash 0.53-0.67 g, sorbent that removes toxic substances from the body
  • nicotinic acid 0.295-0.427 mg, vitamins PP, B3 are involved in the process of fat metabolism, convert food into energy
  • ascorbic acid 9.0 mg, protects body cells from the dangerous effects of free radicals, synthesizes collagen at the biological level, regulates blood clotting, reduces inflammation
  • calcium 6.2-8.7 mg, strengthens bones, teeth, takes part in the functioning of the nervous and immune systems
  • phosphorus 30.2-36.00 mg, phosphorus is an important element in the metabolism of fats, helps in the breakdown of carbohydrates, strengthens the skeleton, improves metabolism
  • iron 0.55-0.65 mg, necessary for metabolism
  • carotene 0.006-0.012 mg, has oxidizing properties, stimulates growth
  • thiamine 0.28-0.042 mg, vitamin B1 plays an important role in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
  • riboflavin 0.042-0.046 mg, vitamin B2 promotes the formation of red blood cells and antibodies
  • E tocopherol - 0.08 mg, protects cell walls from destruction

Pitahaya dragon fruit health benefits

Pitahaya is known for its beneficial properties. Dragon fruit is enriched with vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, which in turn help in the functioning of the immune system. With an upset stomach and intestines, it will help improve digestion and promote the breakdown of fats. Inside the dragon fruit is a large number of small black seeds rich in lipids. Lipids are groups of natural organic compounds. They participate in the formation of cell membranes and therefore the construction of cells in the body is not possible without their participation. Includes fat and fatty acids. Monounsaturated fats lower the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. But, if the seeds are not chewed, then there will not be much benefit from them.

Pitahaya contains thiamine. Thiamines produce normal growth, support the full functioning of the heart and nervous system. The need for thiamine is especially high for people performing heavy physical activity, it is necessary for athletes to increase the tone of skeletal muscles.

Pitahaya, a dragon fruit, contains healthy fiber, which is simply necessary for our body, because it slows down the absorption of sugar in the intestines, lowers the glycemic index of the foods we eat. Consequently, blood sugar and insulin levels are lowered, which is very important for people with type 2 diabetes.

Pitahaya helps with heart problems, nervous condition and stress increase the values ​​of bad cholesterol in the blood. Dragon fruit helps to cleanse the internal organs of toxins. Antioxidant action contributes to the removal of free radicals, since the processes of detoxification and binding of free radicals are simply impossible without the level of microelements necessary for the body.

Dragon fruit is actively used in cosmetology. The presence of fruit acids and vitamins have a beneficial tonic and moisturizing effect on the skin. Pitahaya masks are very popular among women. And after prolonged exposure to the sun, the pulp of the fruit will cool and soothe your skin.

  1. Pitahaya contains calcium, phosphorus. These trace elements contribute to physical growth, the formation of teeth and bones, and also play a huge role in intracellular processes, largely determine the functionality of skeletal and cardiac muscles.
  2. Without vitamins of groups B and C, vital processes in the expectant mother and child cannot proceed normally, because they strengthen the immune system, help the acid and lipid metabolism of the body.
  3. During pregnancy, a woman's body experiences severe stress, thus increasing the amount of free radicals. Antioxidants are designed to donate their electrons to free radicals, preventing the destruction of molecules.
  4. When consuming dragon fruit, an excellent source of minerals, swelling decreases, because heart problems can be the cause of swelling, swelling can put an additional burden on all organs, this is dangerous for a pregnant woman and an unborn baby.
  5. Pitahaya as a source of many trace elements helps to cope with fungal and bacterial diseases that may occur due to a deficiency of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus in a pregnant woman.

Assortments of some stores are full of exotic fruits. Many of them, most people have never seen or heard anything about them in their lives. One of these products is pitahaya - a strange, bright and very unusual fruit. Where did this alien come from, and to what does the fruit called dragon owe its name? Let's figure it out in this article.

Pitahaya (pitahaya) is a cactus fruit that is common in the subtropics. An alternative name is dragon (dragon) fruit. The cacti themselves, on which the pitahaya grows, are in the form of climbing vines. The birthplace of this exotic alien is considered to be Central and South America. However, the dragon fruit was not limited to these geographical objects and today it can be found in Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines and other countries of the world.

The mass of one fruit starts from 300 g and can reach 1 kg. The outer shell of the fruit is covered with an interesting "scale" - small leaves tightly adjacent to each other. It is they who give pitaya a resemblance to pineapple. However, in shape it resembles, rather, an apple.

This is interesting. The plant is a kind of champion in fertility and can produce up to 6 crops per year.

For most of our compatriots, the taste of the fruit did not cause taste delight. The reason for everything, most likely, was the immaturity of the tasted fruit. And all because the transportation of ripe pitahaya is associated with certain difficulties - it is very difficult to transport a juicy fruit over long distances.

The fruit can be different in color both outside and inside, depending on the plant variety.

There are 3 varieties of pitaya:

  • Red pitahaya. The most common variety. Strictly speaking, it is read only nominally as red, since the peel of such a fruit is pink, and the flesh of the fruit itself is white.
  • Pink pitahaya. In appearance, it resembles the first option, with the only difference being that the flesh of this fruit is bright crimson.
  • The yellow pitahaya has white flesh and does not appear on the shelves of our stores too often.

All 3 varieties differ in taste.

The chemical composition of dragonfruit

The benefits of dragon fruit (yes, that's what they call pitahaya in our area) lies in its chemical composition, which includes 13% carbohydrates and a large amount of water. But fats and proteins in the overseas delicacy are practically absent. The calorie content of pitaya is low - only 40 - 50 kcal per 100 g of product.

Also in the composition of the pitaya are:

  • cellulose;
  • vitamins B, C;
  • minerals: potassium, iron, phosphorus, etc.

For your information. It should be noted that the chemical composition of the dragon fruit has not been thoroughly investigated.

What taste and smell does pitaya have?

The taste of exotic pitahaya fruit depends on its variety. The yellow fruit is considered the most saturated and resembles a mixture of banana and kiwi. Red fruits are fresher and endowed with a lighter aroma.

By the way. According to the reviews of dragon fruit tasters, they had a chance to taste the most delicious fruits not in Russia (which is not surprising), but in Vietnam.

How to eat exotic fruit

How do they eat pitahaya? This fruit is almost universal, because it can be eaten fresh and added to salads. In addition, jams are made from dragon fruit, and juices or wine are also made.

  • The fruit can be eaten raw. To do this, the fruit is cut into 2 halves and the pulp is scooped out with a spoon from the resulting impromptu bowls.
  • You can start peeling like a banana, from top to bottom. Thus, only the peeled core with small, like kiwi, seeds will remain in the hands.
  • Cut the pitahaya in the manner of citrus fruits, into slices.
  • Lightly cut the peel and slide it down.

Fans of exotic dishes will surely like pitahaya salad


  • pitaya - 1 pc.;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • strawberries - 5 pcs.;
  • other fruits - optional.
  • yogurt or fruit juice - to taste.


Cut the dragonfruit into 2 halves and remove the pulp. Pitahaya and other fruits cut into cubes and mix. Top the mixture with yogurt or fruit juice.

Useful properties and contraindications

Pitahaya is a very useful product, despite its unusual and even somewhat intimidating appearance.

The main benefits of fruit for the body are as follows:

  • The impressive amount of fiber and low calorie content make the fruit an indispensable part of the diet. People who want to lose extra pounds and cleanse the body should definitely pay attention to this delicacy.
  • The ability to remove toxins and toxins from the body.
  • Elimination of constipation.
  • Immunity boost.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Regulation of blood glucose levels.
  • Slowing down the aging process in the body.
  • The external use of dragon fruit pulp helps in the fight against wrinkles, and also helps to improve skin turgor and heal damaged tissues. It is for this reason that pitaya is used in traditional medicine and cosmetology.

But despite all these advantages, dragon fruit is not at all harmless.

  • Do not give fruit pulp to young children.
  • People who are prone to allergic reactions should also be careful when eating the fruit.
  • No need to consume large amounts of pitahaya for the first time.
  • The product may cause diarrhea.

For your information. After eating a red fruit, the urine subsequently discharged may have an identical shade. This phenomenon is not to be feared.

How to choose and store fruit

When choosing a dragon fruit, you should follow certain rules:

  • The fruit should be slightly soft (like an avocado).
  • If a hard copy came across during the purchase and the choice is limited, the fruit should be sent to “soften” in the refrigerator for a couple of days.
  • You should avoid buying overripe fruit. It can be identified by clearly marked dark spots on the surface.
  • The peel of the fruit should be smooth and have a bright shade.
  • Outgrowths-sheets should not be dry. Withered leaves are a sure sign that the fruit has been lying for a long time after picking.

Pitahaya is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6 days. But it should be borne in mind that in a fresher product, useful properties are more pronounced.

Pitahaya is a fruit of overseas origin with original taste qualities. In addition, the dragon fruit contains many useful substances for the body and its use will be useful for people who are watching their figure. However, do not forget about moderation. It is important to monitor the body's reaction to the introduced new product, because people prone to allergies may experience an unexpected negative reaction to such a curiosity.

You will not meet on the shelves of our stores! The strangest in appearance is a fruit from Vietnam, the "heart of the dragon." Bristling like a hedgehog with green needles, behind which it hides a red or purple peel, the fruit conceals a tender and fragrant pulp. It resembles butter cream with poppy seeds - so densely the entire inside of the fruit is dotted with small black bones. And what does the "heart of the dragon" taste like? How and with what is it eaten? You will learn about this and much more from this article.


Despite the fact that now the “dragon heart” fruit is mainly brought from the tropical countries of Southeast Asia, the plant is native to Central and Latin America. The ancient Aztecs have long used the fruits for food, calling them "pitaaya". From here, the fruit has other names. It is called "pittahaya", "dragon eye", "prickly pear". The British know it as dragon fruit, and in Thailand it is called "keumangkon". But no matter how many names people give to this fruit, in a strict scientific classification it is listed as Hylocereus. And most importantly, pitahaya is actually a cactus! Yes, only liana-like, growing not in arid deserts, but in humid tropical jungles. Pittahaya yields four to six times a year, its fruits tolerate transportation well. Plants take root perfectly in such a climate, and therefore are now cultivated on an industrial scale in Sri Lanka, India, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand. They are also grown in Israel, Australia, Japan.

What is dragon heart fruit

These are small fruits (in general, from one hundred and fifty grams to half a kilogram). The plant has three types. Two of them have white flesh. This is a yellow (Hylocereus megalanthus) and red (Hylocereus undatus) pitahaya, the photo of which you see. The third species - Hylocereus costaricensis - is a Costa Rican, special. The pulp of the fruit, like the skin, is painted in a bloody color. Probably, this species gave such a sonorous name to the fruit - "dragon's heart". Color has no effect on the taste of the fruit. Yellow pittahaya costs a little more, but only because it is rarely cultivated in Asia. And the color of the pulp can be determined by leaf-like growths. If they are green, inside the fruit will be a white puree with seeds. If the leaves are pinkish, the flesh of the fruit will be red.

What is eaten

The liana-like pitaya cactus, the photo of which you see, blooms very beautifully. Large white buds open only at night and exude a strong, pleasant aroma. In this regard, flowers are used as a tea flavor (like jasmine). The ovary appears after forty days. Cactus buds are eaten like fresh vegetables. After two months from the time of flowering, fruit can be harvested. Of course, the fruit is consumed only in its raw form. Pittahaya can be served on its own for dessert, but it can also be included in fruit salads. The pulp, mashed into puree, is very tasty paired with lime. Seeds are very useful, but in order for them to be absorbed by the body, they need to be chewed. Even Cies de Leon, the first European who described pittahaya in his work Chronicle of Peru (sixteenth century), mentions one interesting property of this fruit. In a person who has eaten at least one small pitaya fruit, urine and feces turn bloody for a short time. This phenomenon is called pseudohematuria, and it does not cause any harm to the body, so you should not worry.

The benefits of the "dragon heart"

Pitaya is a fruit rich in iron, calcium and phosphorus. It also contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, E, a lot of C and PP. Pittahaya is ninety percent water. Fats, and even then polyunsaturated, are contained in a small amount. In general, this is a dietary fruit. It cannot be called particularly sweet, and therefore diabetics can safely consume it. The fruit lowers cholesterol levels, strengthens the immune system, helps to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It is useful for hypertensive patients, as it gently lowers blood pressure. In addition, pittahaya contains a vital substance - an antioxidant, which prevents the formation of free radicals that cause cancer. However, pittahaya should be used with caution in people with diseased kidneys.

How to choose a ripe fruit

Usually, the "dragon heart" fruit has a smooth red skin dotted with leaf-like growths. How to understand what is hidden inside? Is the fruit ripe? This is easy to determine by pressing on it with your finger. If the fruit is soft, pleasantly springy, then ripe. The taste of the fruit at first disappoints many. It is slightly watery, inexpressive, slightly sweet. Those who are used to the rich taste of mango will not appreciate it. But pittahaya should be “bitten”: after the first impression that it is “sweet kiwi with seeds”, there comes a feeling of delicate creamy refreshing pulp. The aroma of pittahaya is indescribable. But it disappears as soon as the fetus warms up. This all applies only to ripe pitaya. If the fruit is plucked early, it will be completely tasteless. But ripe fruits are easily peeled by hands - as if peony petals are opening.

Usually the fruit is served like this. Cut it into halves and serve on a plate along with a dessert spoon. The pulp with bones is eaten away, and the prickly peel is thrown away. There is another way to serve. Also, the fruit is cut in half vertically, but a fruit knife is served with it, not a spoon. In this case, pittahaya is cut like a small melon or watermelon - into slices. In order not to evaporate the wonderful aroma of the "dragon's heart", the fruit is served chilled. However, you should not overdo it and freeze the pitahaya. Her taste is not very expressive. It can be lost as a result of hypothermia. Therefore, you should not combine it with other fruits or dishes that have a bright, rich taste. Among them, pittahaya will be “lost”, and you will not appreciate it undeservedly. Fruits with red pulp have a more pronounced taste, but with white - more refined. In addition, in the homeland of pitaya, homemade wine, preserves, and jams are made from it. Try garnishing dragon fruit puree with lime ice cream.


The Aztecs clothed the fruit "heart of the dragon" with many myths. All of them somehow explain the strange name of pitaya. It is believed that dragons once lived in the Yucatan. They attacked the villages and brought a lot of harm. Many heroes went out to fight dragons. And now there was only one - the most powerful and vicious. He spat fire at the heroes, but the Aztecs are a stubborn people, and instead of one fallen fighter, another came. Finally, the dragon was exhausted to such an extent that he no longer had any fire left. He spat out his heart and died. By the way, medicine is made from the stems of the cactus liana. It stimulates the cardiovascular system.

How many wonderful gifts nature has given us. And many of them never cease to amaze us with their unusual shapes, colors and other data. It is this, unlike anything, that the “dragon heart” fruit is. What is this miracle? Where does it grow? What does it look like? Is this fruit good? And what is the right way to eat it?

Entertaining legend of dragons

There are a lot of legends and legends about the origin of this wonderful fruit. For example, one of them has its roots in distant and warm Thailand, where ancient dragons once lived. In the struggle for their survival, these outlandish animals were forced to constantly fight with people. Moreover, each battle was very difficult and dangerous. It is said that, despite all their strength and supernatural abilities, dragons could not defeat the strong-willed people.

In the midst of the battle itself, the depowered beast could no longer breathe fire. On the contrary, instead of a flame, each time an amazing fruit (“dragon's heart”) appeared from his mouth. In order to get an amazing fruit, people began to exterminate dragons, which simply died out over time.

A few details about the title

The well-known Vietnamese fruit "dragon heart", which has American roots, got its name because of the visual similarity with a huge heart covered in flames. This is exactly what, according to many legends, beat in the chest of deadly dragons. By the way, this fruit is also called differently, for example, "dragon eye", "dragon fruit" or "dragon heart". However, from a scientific point of view, this unusual product is usually called pitahaya or pitahaya.

A brief excursion into the botanical chronicles

Dragon heart fruit, or pitaya, belongs to plants from the Cactus family. Its habitat is the territory of Central and South America, hot Mexico. At the moment, this plant is grown in Indonesia, China, Thailand, Japan, Australia, Israel, as well as the Philippines and Hawaii.

Pitahaya blooms like an unusual mythical plant, exclusively at night. It thrives in tropical climates and begins to bear fruit about 30-50 days after the first flowers bloom. Despite such a rapid transition from flowering to the appearance of fruits, the plant belongs to the category of super-yielding. Under favorable conditions, it is realistic to get up to 5-6 crops per year from one adult representative of the species. In terms of taste, the fruit is in no way inferior to the sweetness of a banana and the acidity of a slightly unripe kiwi.

External features of the fetus

Externally, the fruit "heart of the dragon" don't mess with anything. It is most often an elongated fruit with a bright pink skin resembling growth plates. Fruits of yellow, white and red color are much less common. The weight of one such fruit is 150-180 grams.

It easily fits in the palm of your hand like a large and juicy apple. Sometimes real giants can be found, the mass of which reaches 1.6-2 kg. Fruits grow on peculiar long and rather fleshy green shoots, resembling frequent branches of a cactus. The fruits ripen at the very tips of these branches, which bend right down to the ground. The spectacle, shall we say, is simply incredible.

What's inside the fetus?

If the fruit is cut in half, you can see its creamy, white or purple flesh, densely dotted with black seeds. In this case, everything will depend on the variety of pitaya. According to many users who managed to try this exotic "yummy", the fruit has a pleasant and slightly sweet smell.

Where is the product used?

As a rule, the "heart of the dragon" (fruit, the photo of which can be seen below) is used to decorate festive tables. It is used during a wedding photo shoot. Such popularity of this fruit is associated with its unusual external data, which gives any decor and photo a special flavor of the exotic. In the homeland of curiosity, it is used to prepare fresh salads, alcoholic drinks, desserts, and even added to pastries.

What useful properties does it have?

Despite all its exoticism and unusual appearance, the fruit has a rather large list of useful qualities. In particular, experts talk about the high content of fruit acids, minerals, antioxidants, coarse dietary fiber and vitamin C, so loved by many.

Pitahaya also contains a lot of fiber, and it is precisely this fiber that allows you to remove excess toxins and harmful substances from our body. Thanks to these features, regular consumption of this fruit allows you to maintain the intestines in perfect condition. All this makes our amazing fruit (“dragon heart”). Beneficial features it is still not limited to the content of solid fibers that improve the digestion process.

It also contains natural radicals that save our body from the danger of cancer, strengthen the immune system and start the aging process back. Moreover, it is recommended to use this fruit not only for fruit lovers, but also for diabetics. According to experts, it is pitahaya that can normalize a lack or excess of sugar in the blood. Pitahaya is indispensable for people suffering from arthritis and arthrosis, as it relieves inflammation from diseased joints and stimulates blood renewal.

Favorite fruit of fasting and dieters

Due to its low calorie content, pitahaya is a favorite treat for fasting and dieting people. Its calorie content is about 50 kcal. And this is only 100 grams of fresh fruit pulp. Therefore, a drink or salad made from the “dragon heart” will suit even the most demanding gourmet.

"Dragon Heart" (fruit): how to eat

Outlandish fruits always amaze the imagination not only with their appearance, but also often become the subject of discussion. In particular, the topic of discussion is questions related to how to eat pitaya. As it turned out, only the pulp is edible in this fruit. Its shell can serve as an ornament, but no one eats it.

You can eat the "dragon heart" in one of the following ways:

  • Cut in half and use a regular teaspoon to eat the middle.
  • Cut the core, chop it into pieces or slices.

In this case, the crushed parts of the fruit are often folded into the devastated pitaya shell. All this can be supplemented with other edible seeds, nuts, sunflower seeds, pomegranate seeds and fruits. By the way, the seeds themselves, with which the pulp of the product is densely dotted, must be carefully chewed and only then swallowed. Thus, the nutrients extracted from them will go to their destination. And you will get an unforgettable holiday experience and experience a truly heavenly pleasure. Now you know the name of the "dragon heart" fruit and its external data. Therefore, having met him in the store, you cannot confuse him with any other fruit.

This exotic guest is a very rare occurrence in countries other than those where it grows. After all, dragon fruit can be stored in the refrigerator no more 7 days. In addition, it does not tolerate transportation very well, especially over long distances. Because of this negative set, the dragon fruit, if it hits our shelves, it becomes very expensive.

Dragon eye description and origin

America is considered to be the birthplace of pitahaya since the mention of this fruit is found in the history of the ancient Aztecs. The Indians loved the dragon fruit, for its taste and the ability to quench their thirst, because it consists of 85 percent from water. Now pitahaya is distributed throughout all countries of East Asia (famous Thailand, tourist Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Vietnam), and also grows in Mexico, Japan, China, Australia and even in Israel.

Myths and legends

Description of dragon fruit

One ancient legend explains the origin of the name pitahaya as a dragon fruit. After all, even its peel is similar to the scales of mythical dragons. It is said that this is the heart of a dragon, which was mined from a dead dragon. It was through love for this fruit that all these mystical creatures were defeated. So it turned out to be an unfading memory about the life of dragons.

At its core, the plants on which pitaya grow are climbing cacti, on the edges of thorny branches, juicy fruits of cacti of different colors ripen and are filled with juice.

It is noteworthy that the full disclosure of the flower occurs exclusively at night. Hanging white flowers are very fragrant, when they fade, the ovary of the fruit appears, this happens in about a month or a half. On farms that specialize in the industrial cultivation of pitahaya, they can harvest a rich harvest of fruits 5-6 times per season.

Dragon heart composite:

exotic fruit

In 100 gr of fruit:

  • Low calorie - only 45-50 kcal
  • Fat content - 0.5g!!!
  • Protein content - 0.5g
  • Total carbohydrates - 13g
  • Group vitamins: C, B1, B3, PP, B2
  • Antioxidants
  • fruit acids
  • Useful minerals: phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, etc.

Exotic fruit pitahaya species and varieties

What varieties of pitaya

Different varieties differ in size, color and structure of the skin (orange-yellow, purplish-red, hot pink), color and texture of delicate flesh (creamy-white, pinkish or aggressively red). There may be small bulges on top, a “pineapple” structure or natural scales, because of which the names actually originated: dragon fruit, dragon heart, dragon eye, dragon fruit, etc.

The fruits of dragon fruit or prickly pear are especially useful for people who observe diet food intake. Arrange for yourself a variety of unloading days.

Among all the varieties of the variety of varieties, pitahaya has become famous mainly for its three representatives, which are the most popular and delicious:

  • White (Hylocereus undatus) - even in Vietnam it is called "dragon fruit". This is the most exotic and popular variety, it has a pink and red scaly peel on the outside, and inside is soft and tender white flesh with a pleasant taste and aroma. Multiple black seeds.
  • Red (Hylocereus costaricensis) - Costa Rican pitaya. It has both a bright pink-red skin and a creamy red flesh with an even richer flavor. Small black seeds, like the more familiar kiwi.
  • Yellow (Hylocereus megalanthus) - "prickly pear" or moon yang. It looks like a bright yellow lemon in large pimples. Inside is snow-white with multiple black seeds. It is considered the most fragrant and sweet.

The weight of fruits is different: from an average apple, about 150g and up to 700-800g samples. Well, individual giants can boast of weight, even a kilogram. The peel is quite soft, easily removed with a sharp knife. The taste of different subspecies is different, but it is quite delicate and slightly sweet. Some may find it a little bland. But, what would not like the reviews have not yet been met.

How to eat pitahaya

First of all, because of its bright and unusual appearance, it is often used as a decoration for a festively set table. It is recommended to serve the dragon's eye fruit chilled so that the delicate taste qualities are sufficiently expressed. Multiple black seeds are also useful, but they must be chewed thoroughly, due to the rather long and difficult digestion.

You can cut it lengthwise into two parts and invite guests to simply enjoy the taste of a chilled dragon fruit.

It can be cut into slices, like a watermelon or melon, combined with other fruits that contrast in color and taste, laid out on a beautiful festive dish.

Pitaya juice

It is possible to serve it as an exotic salad, the peel will act as an exclusive dish, and add other ingredients to the pulp, but not too harsh in taste, so as not to dull the taste of the pitaya itself.

Pitahaya juice and pulp are used for a variety of exotic cocktails and soft drinks. For example, for a refreshing cocktail, mix dragon fruit juice with green lime juice, or lemon in a pinch, but the former is better. Widely used in local winemaking. Also, various jams, jellies or preserves can be prepared from these fruits, they can be added to sauces or gravy, milk yogurts, sherbets and ice cream can be prepared. The flowers themselves are roasted or brewed into an aromatic flower tea.

As you can see, the use in the food industry is quite wide, both the peel (for decoration) and the pulp, and the juice, and even unripe fruits - inflorescences are used.

Health benefits of dragon fruit

There are a lot of useful properties in pitaya. The biggest plus is the low calorie content. It is very well absorbed, therefore it is recommended for intestinal diseases.

Dragon Heart Vitamins

Dragon eye fruit contraindications and harm

dragon fruit flower

As some kind of exotic fruit, it can cause allergic reactions, so people especially suffering from it should eat dragon heart with caution. If after taking the negative consequences did not arise, then you can easily begin to actively enjoy this wonderful fruit.

If you have chronic diseases of a very different direction, we recommend that you consult with an experienced specialist before taking pitaya, in order to avoid negative emotions.

If you eat a lot of red fruits at a time, you may experience a slight red staining of urine and poop, which is completely harmless.

Give with caution to young children so as not to get diathesis or upset.

In general, as such, there are no contraindications from a scientific point of view. You just need to start eating slowly and slowly.

How to choose and save pitahaya

How to choose a pitahaya

If you want to buy an exotic curiosity, follow a few simple rules so as not to be immediately disappointed.

  • Look at the color of the skin, it should be bright in color and without suspicious dark spots. This indicates that the fruit is already overripe.
  • Quality dragon fruit will be slightly soft, like a ripe kiwi, but not sour. Too hard is also not good, but in extreme cases it can be left to ripen in the refrigerator.
  • Dry growths of leaves indicate that the fruit has been stored for a long time after picking. But the fresher the pitaya, the more useful substances in itself it can convey to you.

Recent studies have shown that this exotic fruit can relieve stomach pain and is very useful for diabetics.

So, the dragon's eye is not only a healthy and tasty vitamin product, but it will also bring purely aesthetic pleasure from contemplating and eating such an unusual and unusual species for us.
