
How do you eat pomelo? Pomelo (fruit): useful properties, calorie content. Pomelo: calories, benefits and harms of large citrus

Pomelo belongs to citrus fruits and is the leader when considering fruits in terms of size. Otherwise, a pomelo is called a sheddok; by weight, some of them can reach 10 kg. The average pomelo, which is delivered to store shelves, weighs about 1 kg., In some cases less. A fruit originally from China fell in love with people from around the world due to its special taste and beneficial properties. But can a broomstick harm a person? Let's figure it out together.

Composition of pomelo

The chemical composition of substances is proportional to the volume of the fetus. If the sheddok is fully ripe, it will saturate the human body with all the elements necessary for proper functioning.

As in any other fruit, pomelo accumulates a lot of carbohydrates and essential oils, a little less protein, fat, and ash. But the main component is water, it is in a portion of 100 gr. as much as 89 gr.

In addition, the fruits boast a decent inclusion of vegetable fiber and various vitamins, provitamins. Among the latter, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is distinguished, it is present in excess. It also makes sense to consider thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, beta-carotene (good for the eyes).

Of the minerals in the composition of the sheddock, there is sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. Not without the inclusion of iron, copper, manganese, zinc and other equally valuable substances.

Calorie content of a small portion, the volume of which does not exceed 0.1 kg. is only 37 units. If you eat a medium-sized fruit weighing about 0.9 kg, you will saturate the body with 340 kcal.

Useful properties of pomelo

  1. The composition includes essential oils, vitamin complex, minerals. In combination, all of them strengthen the human immune system during the off-season, with beriberi and the spread of the influenza epidemic, SARS. The body is better able to resist viruses. Citrus should be consumed if you are often sick since childhood.
  2. Incoming antioxidant substances prevent early aging of tissues, restoring them at the cellular level. Pomelo should be eaten by those who live in an unfavorable ecological environment and work at a polluted enterprise.
  3. Potassium in combination with magnesium improves the functioning of the heart muscle, cleanses the bloodstream and enhances its circulation. Some substances in the pomelo cleanse the blood channels of cholesterol plaques and prevent atherosclerosis.
  4. Incoming pectin fights hypertension, so pomelo should be taken by people with high blood pressure. Sheddock also fights against intracranial pressure, relieving constant headaches.
  5. Due to its low calorie content and nutritional value, after taking the pomelo, the feeling of satiety persists for a long time. This encourages dieters to introduce citrus into their daily diet for weight loss.
  6. If every day to eat at least 140-180 gr. pomelo, you will significantly speed up all metabolic processes. Food will be better absorbed, its decay in the esophageal cavity will be excluded.
  7. The value extends to diabetic patients. Pomelo removes excess sugar from the blood, facilitating the course of the disease. To prevent anemia and treat an existing disease, sheddok is simply irreplaceable. It replenishes iron deficiency.
  8. The fruits contain substances valuable for the eyes. Citrus is indicated for people with poor eyesight. Also, the fruit increases the production of juice, enhancing the digestive processes.
  9. Doctors unanimously say that juice based on this fruit must be included in the daily menu of patients with asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. The same can be said about smokers, pomelo reduces dependence on nicotine.
  10. All citruses have a beneficial effect on brain function, sheddock is not included in the list of exceptions. The fruit also prevents Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
  11. Use in the cosmetology field is also present. Various anti-aging masks, exfoliating scrubs and peels are prepared from dried and ground zest.

  1. The composition contains folic acid, which is responsible for the formation of the central nervous system of the fetus. This vitamin forms the psycho-emotional environment of the mother, stopping the effects of stress and insomnia.
  2. Calcium in combination with phosphorus is needed for the full development of the child's musculoskeletal system. Pomelo reduces the likelihood of congenital heart defects in a baby.
  3. The fruit is low in calories, so the expectant mother does not have to worry about gaining excess body weight. Pomelo reduces swelling of the legs and eliminates fatigue, expels excess fluid from the body.
  4. Ladies in position often suffer from constipation and heartburn, the fruit will cope with these delicate problems. It also stabilizes blood glucose levels and will prevent anemia by replenishing iron deficiency.
  5. During the bearing of a child, a woman is exposed to virus attacks many times more. There is no need to take serious medicines for a cold. It is enough to consume a couple of slices of fruit daily to strengthen the immune system.
  6. In addition to tangible benefits during pregnancy, the fetus has a positive effect on the condition of a breastfeeding lady. Pomelo increases lactation, enhances the nutritional value and fat content of milk.

pomelo treatment

Citrus is useful only fresh, because after heat treatment, valuable substances come out of its composition. Pomelo is often used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, let's look at some recipes.

  1. To increase the defenses, it is necessary to supply each salad or cold second course with two slices of chopped citrus.
  2. With a tendency to atherosclerosis from 0.1 kg. peeled fruit, the white layer is removed, then the juice is squeezed out and mixed with 30 ml. olive oils. To eliminate cholesterol plaques that usually appear in the cavity of the blood channels, you must take the mixture according to this recipe three times a week.
  3. With bronchitis, which is accompanied by a strong sputum, it is useful to prepare freshly squeezed juice based on pomelo. It is heated to 40 degrees and consumed in small sips.
  4. In case of seasonal diseases (tonsillitis, influenza, SARS), the juice is combined with water in equal proportions. Gargle with this composition.
  5. In order to cleanse the body of strong slagging, you need to consume half of the citrus for the second meal (after breakfast).

Citrus fruit has shown itself very well in cosmetology. The unique components in the composition of raw materials have a beneficial effect on the cells of the skin. For effectiveness, the face is allowed to be regularly wiped with undiluted juice. The procedure will help rejuvenate tissues and restore freshness to the skin.

Pomelo for hydration and nutrition
Peel the citrus, remove the film and turn the slice into a homogeneous gruel. Connect the mass with 10 gr. honey and 12 ml. lemon juice. Spread the product over the skin, wait a third of an hour. Wash off the mask with cold green tea. Apply a thin layer of moisturizer to your face. In addition to the mask, you can mix the yolk or oatmeal.

Pomelo against fat
To normalize the production of subcutaneous fat, it is recommended to use an effective mask. Peel a piece of fruit and turn into a pulp. Connect it with 15 ml. low-fat kefir. Soak a cotton pad in the pomelo juice and apply liberally on your face. Wait for the composition to dry completely. Spread the finished product over your face. Wait about 20 minutes. After the time has passed, wash with cool water in the usual way.

Pomelo as a scrub
The procedure will require only fruit zest, a little sugar and olive oil. Take water treatments so that the skin is steamed and moist. Turn the above components into a homogeneous composition. Treat the skin of the body with a ready-made product. Do a light massage. Leave the composition on the body, waiting a quarter of an hour. Please note that the scrub is not recommended to be applied to the décolleté and chest area. Wash it off with a contrast shower. The procedure can be repeated.

Pomelo contraindications

  1. The benefits of the fruit have been proven and recognized by official medicine. Do not think ahead of time that the fruit has no contraindications. Remember that pomelo refers to citrus fruits and can provoke an allergic reaction or individual intolerance.
  2. It is forbidden to consume pomelo in the presence of peptic ulcer and high acidity in the stomach. The fruit is contraindicated in nephritis, hepatitis and colitis. Consult your doctor if you have chronic conditions. Fruit can be useful or harmful.
  3. If you eat the product, ignoring the allergic reaction, a swollen throat will occur. You may feel obvious bouts of suffocation. If you are not sure whether you have an allergy or not, conduct an appropriate experiment. Eat a slice of citrus and wait for the corresponding reaction. If that doesn't happen, that's good.
  4. During breastfeeding, you should be careful. The product can be included in the diet only after consultation with the doctor. Citrus can cause unpleasant reactions in a baby if the product is abused. In this case, diarrhea, urticaria and itching also appear.

  1. Depending on the variety, the zest may have a pronounced green tint, yellow or olive. Do not purchase a fruit with obvious damage to the shell. It is also forbidden to buy a pomelo with spots and stripes of brown or burgundy.
  2. Such indicators indicate the disease and poor quality of the fetus. Ripe fruit will be quite weighty. The aroma of the pomelo testifies to its maturity. Do not buy large and light copies. They are dry and unripe.
  3. Buy fruits with a uniform texture and a hint of zest. There should be no dents on the peel. If you notice green spots, then the fruit is most likely not ripe. Press on the shell, it should return to its previous state.
  4. When choosing a pomelo, give preference to fairly large, weighty pear-shaped fruits. The color of the fruit will be yellowish. In this case, the pulp of the pomelo is fleshy, juicy and sweet.

Pomelo is a truly unique citrus that will fully help heal the body in every sense. Regular eating of the fruit will save you from the development of various pathologies and ailments. Take a closer look at the contraindications when you first meet the fetus. Do not abuse citrus fruit, so as not to provoke the development of unpleasant consequences.

Video: the benefits and harms of pomelo fruit

The largest fruit in the citrus family is the pomelo. Another well-known name is sheddock. It is similar to a grapefruit in smooth skin color and rounded outlines, but much larger and sweeter. A protrusion often forms near the stalk, making the shape pear-shaped.

Under the zest - the upper, thin layer of the skin, there is a white, loose subcortical layer, which serves as a reliable protection for the juicy lobules.

Such a kind of natural packaging helps the transportation and long-term storage of fruits without compromising their taste.

The main territories where the pomelo fruit grows, like its homeland, is China. The Chinese from antiquity and still treat the giant citrus with respect, love to give it to loved ones.

In Thailand, Vietnam, Israel there are plantations of evergreen trees that give generous harvests. The height of the pomelo tree is different, depending on the variety and region. Citrus-record holder weighs 10 kg. Average weight - from 1 to 3 kg.

Flowering and fruiting of trees occurs 1-2 times a year. Fruit ripening lasts about 5 months. Numerous, green or golden ball-sized balls hanging on branches are a bright sight, amazing for tourists, residents of northern countries.

Pomelo calorie content and chemical composition of fruits

The edible part of the citrus is enclosed in leathery slices, consisting of individual vesicles-fibers filled with juice. The delicate taste of pomelo is pleasant, devoid of pronounced bitterness.

The light yellow or reddish bubbles are slightly crunchy and burst on the tongue with sweetness and freshness. For this pleasure, you do not have to pay for the accumulation of excess weight. The calorie content of 100 g of pomelo is minimal and amounts to no more than 40 kcal.

Fragrant pulp combines low energy value with the elements necessary for the body. For everyone who has metabolic problems, this is what pomelo fruit is useful for. 100 g contains:

  • 220-235 mg potassium,
  • 26 mg calcium
  • 26 mg phosphorus,
  • up to 1 mg of sodium and iron,
  • 40-50 mg of ascorbic acid,
  • 25-30 mg beta-carotene,
  • physiologically acceptable amount of B vitamins.

The low glycemic index of pomelo - 30 units - allows you to safely use it in diabetes. Half of a medium fruit will serve as a good snack, cause a feeling of satiety, quench your thirst, and be suitable for dessert.

The pulp fibers are denser than other citrus fruits and retain juice well, which is appreciated when making light vitamin salads.

  1. The high content of vitamin C is characteristic of all members of the genus Citrus. Most of all ascorbic acid in an orange. Pomelo is only 10 mg behind and can be used to prevent influenza, alleviate the course of SARS. The antioxidant activity of natural vitamin will maintain the purity of blood vessels, improve blood composition.
  2. From a nutritionist's point of view, a fruit with such a low calorie content is ideal for weight loss. There are other important properties as well.
  3. The lipase enzyme helps the proper assimilation of protein, activates fat metabolism, and protects against early atherosclerosis.
  4. Vegetable fiber moves through the intestines, carrying ballast deposits and slags to the exit. Saturation from food occurs more harmoniously and faster.
  5. Pectin works to help fiber, which improves metabolism, cleanses the digestive tract, protects the mucous membrane and stomach from excessive irritation with ascorbic acid.
  6. The allergist will warn you that you need to objectively evaluate the beneficial properties of the pomelo fruit and the harm that it can cause if consumed excessively. Allergic reactions to citrus fruits are common. Children should be given them with extreme caution, in small portions.
  7. The gastroenterologist will recommend avoiding the use of fruits for patients with colitis in the acute stage, peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity.

Pomelo fruit: benefits and harms for women

Colon cleansing is naturally important for beautiful skin. Women's beauty is vulnerable to heavy food, the aggressive influence of fats hidden in foods.

Constipation quickly affects the appearance, making the complexion dull. Sheddock fruit will help ladies and girls who have similar problems. You can include it in the diet regularly, if there are no contraindications for this.

Not only internal, but also external use of pomelo will increase the elasticity of the skin. Pure juice wipes the face for freshness and tone, add it to masks for normal oily skin.

Dry areas of the face respond better to diluted juice. The peel is used to rub nails and cuticles. Fruit acids make the nail fold smooth and the plate strong.

The harm and benefits of pomelo for women during pregnancy are evaluated, depending on the state of the immune and digestive systems. Babies even have a reaction to the smell of citrus if the expectant mother is overly fond of them. Sheddok can be present in the diet of a pregnant woman 2-3 times a week in the amount of 100-150 g.

How to clean a pomelo correctly

The fruit is peeled from a thick peel with a knife. The surface is cut into sectors and the zest is removed in fragments, along with a white loose mass. Cutting the peel with a knife in a spiral is possible, but difficult.

Starting from the top, with an effort to divide the cleaned ball in half, and then into slices. Free each slice completely from the film, only then eat the juicy pulp.

The pieces are dry, they can be easily divided into any parts. They can be stored in the refrigerator, in a bag or under a lid, for no more than a couple of days.

How to eat pomelo

Correctly cleaning a pomelo, just like eating it, is a simple matter. If the slices do not turn out whole and neat - it does not matter. Small pieces are suitable for salad. You can add shrimp, avocado, Chinese cabbage, herbs, olive oil to the salad mass.

About how Thais, skilled in cooking, eat pomelo, you can find a lot of information that looks like science fiction. In Thai cuisine, it is customary to combine slices with coconut, peanuts, seafood, hot peppers, garlic, sugar, and even salt.

Delicious salads are prepared in expensive restaurants, and pure sheddok is eaten here constantly, in large quantities. Now the giant fruit occupies a worthy place on the shelves of stores around the world.

A real, ripe fruit is difficult to hold in one hand, it is so weighty. Light copies are not worth taking. The peel should shine, be elastic to the touch, wrinkle, but not push through too much.

There are tips on how to choose a ripe pomelo fruit by smell. The event is difficult, because most often this product is sold packed in a film. Polyethylene keeps the product fresh for 1-2 months.

Exotic in appearance, but already beloved pomelo gives the sun to the inhabitants of countries with a cold climate. Fruit travels thousands of miles to make people's food more varied and healthier.

This unusual healthy fruit is considered a symbol of prosperity in China. It was known about it even before our era. In the countries of the East, it has long become a tradition to give a pomelo to celebrate the New Year. In addition, the Chinese use the product when religious ceremonies are held, and it is also used for weight loss. In the 18th century, pomelo seeds were first brought to India. The population of Europe learned about it only in the 19th century.

Today, this exotic fruit is grown and sold in various countries:

Russia also uses this fruit in a variety of areas, especially in cooking. What is useful pomelo? First of all, it is high in calories. It is used by cosmetologists, sometimes it is found in traditional medicine recipes. This product contains many vitamins that help get rid of colds. It improves the immune system, lowers the temperature.

Varieties of pomelo

Today, several types of this unusual fruit are known:

  • Red. May be oval. The pulp is red in color with a bitter taste;
  • Pink. Has an anthelmintic effect;
  • White. Very reminiscent of a pear with a sweet white pulp.

Sometimes it confused with grapefruit considering that they have the same taste. Such an opinion may be erroneous - both of these products are very different in their characteristics and properties.

Pomelo, useful properties and contraindications

In addition to great taste, this citrus fruit is of great benefit to the human body. Benefits of pomelo include:

In addition to the pulp calories which very high, the peel is also of great benefit. It smells good and is very thick. Due to the large number of bioflavonoids, the number of estrogens in the body normalizes, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract improves; fruit helps with weight loss.

Since the peel is a little bitter, it is dried, they drink tea with it, it can be eaten with jam. The juice contains a large amount of vitamin C, A. Tastes about may be sour and slightly bitter. Experts advise him to start drinking in case of disruption of the digestive system.

Negative qualities of fruit very similar to contraindications for the use of citrus fruits. First of all, it concerns the appearance of allergies. It can appear after eating a large amount of fruit or individual intolerance. It is especially dangerous for pregnant women to abuse citrus fruits. This may affect the health of the unborn child.

Do not eat pomelo for people with stomach problems. These diseases include:

  • Ulcer;
  • Gastritis;
  • Nephritis;
  • Gastric exacerbations.

It is forbidden to use pomelo for people with hepatitis of any form, as well as for urolithiasis.

The fruit contains very many enzymes that cleanse the liver. Therefore, the affected organ will begin to experience additional stress. If a person is diagnosed with liver disease, he should stop using pomelo.

Children should be given this fruit carefully, as it contains lots of vitamin C. The baby's body has not yet adapted to such food. Only after the child reaches the age of one can you begin to include this exotic fruit in his diet.

Important! Pomelo sharply lowers blood pressure. It is forbidden to use it for people who often experience pressure drops.

Can children eat pomelo

How to eat pomelo for children? Since this fruit belongs to the citrus subgroup, it considered a powerful allergen. Only one-year-old children can be given this fruit, but in small portions. Before this, it is imperative to consult with a pediatrician about the harm that this overseas fruit can cause.

If after eating the pomelo there was no reaction of the body, you can safely start feeding the baby with this fruit. However, in order to surely protect the baby from negative consequences, it is better to give our seasonal fruits to the child. Apples will never cause negative consequences in a child.

Any orange differs from a pomelo in a large amount of juice. Therefore, children do not really like pomelo, their attitude towards it is always neutral. Parents can, without fear of consequences, decorate fruit salads with small slices of this very healthy fruit.

Pomelo for pregnant women

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, no allergic reactions appear, you can safely eat this fruit. Due to the normalization of metabolism, toxicosis is less common.

Breastfeeding women should not eat this fruit.. It can cause an allergic reaction in an infant.

The use of pomelo by adult men

This overseas fruit belongs to the group of aphrodisiacs, which increase sexual desire, improve the work of intimate function. In addition, pomelo copes with the symptoms of poisoning. This fruit can be used for a hangover.

How to choose the right pomelo

Note, what does fruit smell like. The rich aroma speaks of its juicy taste. When the fruit is ripe, its peel should shine beautifully and be absolutely smooth.

It is better to choose a heavy pomelo, the calorie content of which is always high. Its pulp contains much more juice. It is very important to remember that the shelf life of pomelo at room temperature does not exceed one month. In a purified form, it can lie in the refrigerator for no more than three days.


This exotic product, which is high in calories, brings many benefits, has a pleasant taste. It will saturate the body with a large number of valuable substances, make the human diet more diverse. It will be of great help in losing weight.

Pomelo: photo

Having firmly settled into the Russian expanses, the pamela fruit is in great demand today and indulges us with its beneficial properties all year round! Pomelo, or pompelmus, or sheddok (Citrus maxima, Citrus grandis) is a species of plant from the genus Citrus; the fruits of this plant are also called. The name comes from the English pomelo, pummelo and pumelo. Larger and less sweet than an orange, pamela is a fruit that contains many nutrients in its juicy flesh. Pamela fruit can have a different shape and color depending on the growing environment. This fruit is considered one of the largest among citrus fruits. An exotic tropical citrus the size of a pretty decent melon, looking like a sort of pear-shaped grapefruit. Belongs to the citrus family, similar to grapefruit (with the same thick peel and large slices). Pamela (Citrus grandis) is a fruit native to Malaysia. However, its traces are found in ancient China, where it was cultivated in the fourth millennium. It's just amazing! big giant fruit(We wanted to initially title the article "like Pamela Anderson")

Pamela belongs to the genus of citrus fruits. Other names: pomelo, pomelo, pompelmus, sheddok. Pamela looks like a large grapefruit - a thick peel on top, and large slices inside. Pamela fruit can have a different shape and color depending on the growing environment. This fruit is considered one of the largest among citrus fruits.

Its advantage is that the shelf life of pamelo is longer than other fruits of this family. It can be stored at room temperature for more than a month, and in the refrigerator for longer. Its ripening season is February. This fruit has a high concentration of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, vitamins B1, B2, B5, A, C, healthy proteins and fats.

Pamela's homeland is China. Currently, this fruit is grown in Taiwan, Japan, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Israel, USA. Various ornaments are made from the thick peel of this unusual plant in China, and the fruits are used in religious holidays.

Let's figure out what a pamela fruit is. Its benefits to the human body are truly great. Pamela fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C and essential oils. Thanks to this, he copes with SARS, acute respiratory infections and influenza. Antioxidants and vitamin A prevent the formation and division of cancer cells, thereby stopping the growth of tumors. The trace elements contained in this fruit slow down the aging process. It also has a beneficial effect on digestion. After all, it contains enzymes that break down fats and proteins. Pamela is widely used in various diets. Oddly enough, but the most important part of it is a little bitter streaks, which are often thrown away. They perfectly cleanse the intestines, removing toxins from the body that are unnecessary.

In the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, pamela fruit is also indispensable. The beneficial properties of its juice help in the treatment of hypertension, contribute to the normal course of pregnancy and the development of a healthy fetus.

Efficiency and endurance increase if you use pamela fruit. The benefits of this fruit are undeniable with regular use and for the heart. He also treats asthma. For overweight people, pamela is also indispensable, as it actively helps to break down proteins and carbohydrates, contributing to rapid weight loss. This fruit also helps with low acidity of gastric juice, accelerating the production of digestive enzymes.

Culinaries around the world widely use pamela fruit. The benefits of the dishes in which it is contained are for those who are on a diet. Europeans prepare salads, fillings for pies, various desserts and marmalade from pamela, serve with meat and fish, make all kinds of sauces. It goes well with wines and cheeses. In Asian cooking, pamela is used in combination with seafood and poultry.

It is important to be able to choose the right fruit in the store. Since carriers do not want their goods to deteriorate during transportation, pamela fruits are brought to us unripe. Therefore, it is almost impossible to determine the ripeness of the fruit for the average buyer. But still there are some rules by which you can determine it: the peel of a ripe fruit should be a little smooth and shiny. The stronger and more pleasant the smell of the fruit, the better.

Recently, unusual large fruits began to appear on the shelves of markets and shops. This is a pomelo or pamela, sometimes called pompelmus, sheddock. He immediately won the hearts of people with a delicate taste, pleasant aroma. What is this? Where did the fruit come from? Let's figure it out together.

Pomelo fruit. It is believed that it appeared in China (sometimes Malaysia is considered its homeland), only at the end of the 17th century it first came to Asia, Indonesia, then appeared in Europe. In the historical homeland, it is still recognized as a symbol of prosperity, prosperity, well-being. It is customary to present it as an expensive gift. Maybe that's why the Chinese kept them away from foreigners.

Pomelo hybrid or not

Many people consider pomelo to be just very large, but this is a separate group of citrus fruits. Pomelo is not a hybrid, but a completely independent fruit that is gaining more and more popularity.

The tree is evergreen, reaches a height of 15 meters, bestows a harvest all year round. Citrus has a thick, dense four-centimeter peel, painted in light green, yellow, pinkish colors. It weighs from one kilogram to six to ten kilograms.

Types of pomelo:

  • Red pomelo. This variety has fruits with a pleasant bitterness, red flesh, sour taste, oval shape, reminiscent of a small grapefruit, greenish crust. By crossing a pomelo with a grapefruit.
  • Pink. The fruit of this type has a juicy inside, pink color, sweetish taste.
  • White. The fruit reaches an impressive size. Form, flesh white, sweet.

How many calories in a pomelo

It is small, per 100 grams of fruit pulp - 31 - 32 kilocalories, 35 - together with the peel.

Calories in pomelo as a fruit:

  • one bowl of fruit pulp contains 70 calories;
  • when added to a citrus salad, one serving will have 29 calories;
  • with daily consumption of 160 grams - 50.

In China, they use it in the preparation of desserts, thereby reducing the calorie content of dishes. Dried skins are also used in cakes and pastries as a flavoring agent.

In England, marmalade is made from it. Due to its low energy value, pomelo is a good substitute for expensive, fatty desserts.

Composition of the product

What is the composition of pomelo fruit?

The fruit is well protected. The pomelo peel is 2-4 centimeters thick, has a pleasant aroma, it contains bioflavonoids, essential oils. Under the skin of the fruit is a white porous shell, in which there are 10-11 large slices of pulp.

100 grams of the product contains:

  • Proteins - 0.8 -1.0 gr.
  • Fats - 0 gr.
  • Carbohydrates - 9.0-9.8 gr.
  • Dietary fiber - 2 gr.
  • Water - 90 gr.

The energy ratio of BJU is 7/2/92.

In addition to the main composition, the fruit contains micro and macro elements: potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, zinc.

It impresses with its multivitamin complex: a large amount of ascorbic acid, vitamins B12 (cyanocobalamin), B2 (riboflavin), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B1 (thiamine), B9 (folic acid).

In addition, there are glycoside, limonin, pectin, lipase (an enzyme that breaks down fats). Although the energy value of pamelo is small, it is a unique product in many respects.

The product contains sugar, but at the same time it. What is the secret of this fruit?

What is useful pomelo

The fruit is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Regular use strengthens the walls of the heart muscle, reduces the risk of myocardial infarction, improves the contractile activity of the heart.

The presence of vitamins, including ascorbic acid, improves vascular elasticity, normalizes blood pressure, improves immunity, and helps fight viral respiratory infections.

Calcium strengthens bones, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, relieves depression and fatigue.

Improves brain function due to the presence of phosphorus.

Due to the properties of pomelo fruit to eliminate cholesterol plaques, blood circulation improves.

Sheddock is used to prevent the development of cancer, as limonoids inhibit the division of cancer cells. American scientists noticed that with the constant use of the pulp there was a more pronounced effect than when taking medications.

The metabolism is accelerated, so a diet that includes it is used for weight loss. Promotes the rapid breakdown of proteins and fats.

It is useful during significant physical exertion, as it gives a burst of energy.

It is used for asthma, prolonged cough, edema tendencies.

Characteristics, useful properties, composition of the fruit allow it to be used as a remedy for atherosclerosis.

What is useful for women

The benefits of pomelo for women are truly enormous. The bioflavonoids contained in the pomelo peel have a positive effect on the hormonal background of the fairer sex, normalize the amount of estrogen.

If there is no allergy to citrus fruits, the product, it reduces the manifestations of toxicosis, helps protect against panic before childbirth. Folic acid (necessary in the first weeks of pregnancy) helps to properly form the placenta, fetal tissue. In the last months of pregnancy, women have increased thirst. Drinking juice in a small amount will help to cope with this problem, while reducing the amount of fluid consumed. This will save you from swelling.

It is important for women at any age to be beautiful and youthful. Problems with stools are instantly reflected on the skin, so eating fruit pulp (contains fiber) helps to cleanse the intestines of toxins. The skin becomes smooth and velvety.

Vitamins, minerals, which are contained in the composition of pompelmus, help strengthen the hair roots, make them beautiful and healthy.

What is useful for men

Useful fruit for men.

The use of pomelo increases sexual activity, is an excellent aphrodisiac. Scientists have proven a beneficial effect on the process of spermatogenesis in men.

In Asian countries, it is believed that if a man receives a sheddok as a gift, then they wish him longevity and male strength. Thanks to vitamin C, blood vessels are strengthened, the blood flow of the pelvic organs is increased. Eating the fetus in food has a beneficial effect on intimate function, so pamelo is used as a remedy for potency.

It is also worth knowing that the pulp reduces the symptoms of poisoning, so it can be useful to combat a hangover after a good feast.

Pomelo - what is the harm to health

As you can see, the benefits of using this citrus product are great, but a pomelo can also cause harm.

Contraindications for the use of pomelo:

  • Definitely not for those who are allergic to citrus fruits.
  • With exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  • With existing diseases: colitis, hepatitis, nephritis, urolithiasis, increased acidity in gastritis.

Given that consumption can be harmful to human health, you need to consult a doctor if you can eat it in your case.

You need to eat fruit correctly in small portions, especially if you are a beginner. Despite the fact that we know how it tastes (sweet, pleasant), you do not need to eat the whole fruit at a time, divide it into 4-5 doses.

You can eat it as an independent dish, and as part of salads, the fruit can become a decoration on cakes, pastries, its peel is used.
