
How long do potatoes boil. How to boil potatoes? How long does it take to cook and how do you know when it's ready?

In their skins, baked, fried, boiled, how and how much to boil potatoes correctly so that they retain their useful composition and acquire an excellent taste. Now it’s hard to imagine that everyone’s favorite root crop was previously considered tasteless, poisonous and grown only at the expense of pretty flowers in flower beds. In many homes, potatoes have long been a favorite product from which a wide variety of dishes are prepared. Knowing a few secrets of cooking a root crop, you can get a truly magnificent dish for every taste.

Potatoes in their skins or jackets are often boiled for preparing various salads and as an independent dish for your favorite herring (sprat, herring). To make the potatoes tasty and quickly cooked, it is good to choose root crops of the same size, smooth. The variety of potatoes also plays an important role and affects the taste. So for boiling in casings, “American” is suitable - a vegetable that was one of the first brought out and popularized in the 18-19 centuries. You can choose a different variety, but it is better for these purposes to use the root crop, which contains little starch.

How much to cook potatoes in their skins will depend on how the product is prepared. So on the stove, the cooking time is 17-22 minutes after boiling water, in a slow cooker, the cooking time is a little longer - about half an hour. The fastest way to cook potatoes in their skins is in a CB oven, in just 7-8 minutes.

Before cooking the tubers, they must be thoroughly washed under running water, then put in a saucepan (if cooking will be on the stove) and pour water. You can take any liquid - cold, warm or boiling water.

To prevent the root crop from bursting, a little salt should be added to the water.

The readiness of potatoes can be checked by piercing them with a fork or a toothpick. Typically, the cooking time is from 17 to 45 minutes (depending on the type of vegetable).

Good ripe potatoes, properly cooked in salted water, can be eaten without taking off their "uniform". If it is supposed to remove the peel, then it is better to pour the vegetable after cooking for a short time with cold water so that the skin can be removed more easily.

How to cook mashed potatoes

Despite the fact that mashed potatoes are a frequent guest in the diet, it is not always possible to cook it perfectly in terms of texture and taste. Sometimes, instead of an airy fragrant dish, you can get a sticky substance similar to batter. How to cook mashed potatoes correctly, the secrets of the best chefs will tell you.

Unlike cooking tubers in their uniforms, you need to choose varieties with a high starch content for mashing. You can save this substance in full if, after cleaning, immediately put the washed vegetables in a saucepan, and do not leave them in water for a long time. Experienced housewives advise to boil the product in boiling water - so it will cook evenly and will not lose starch.

To make the tubers cook faster, you need to cut them into 2 or 4 parts (depending on size), place them in a deep container and pour the liquid so that it is slightly higher than the vegetables themselves.

Garlic or onions placed on top of vegetables will help improve the taste of the product.

You need to cook the root crop for about 25 minutes, then drain all the water into a suitable container (it will come in handy for dressing the dish) and remove the onion, you can leave the garlic. Mash the potatoes immediately after cooking, otherwise after it will harden and become like a sticky mass after processing. The liquid remaining after cooking the vegetable is mixed with milk and gradually introduced into the puree, kneading it with a crush. At the end, be sure to add the right amount of butter to give the dish a light, airy taste.

You can improve the taste of everyone's favorite food if you fill the potatoes with processed cheese, sour cream or mayonnaise. A beaten egg will help to make it denser and more nutritious, and roasted onions and carrots will give a rustic taste. Dill, green onion or tarragon will not spoil the taste of food.

How long to cook potatoes in soup?

Despite the fact that the potato does not belong to a dietary product, everyone eats it every day, including it in the composition of the first courses. The duration of cooking this product will depend on its variety in the first place. So how long to cook potatoes in soup? Usually this time is from 15 to 30 minutes. If you grate vegetables on a Turk, then the cooking time will be 10-15 minutes, no more.

If the tubers are coarsely chopped, then they will cook longer, small ones - much faster. Most housewives add potatoes of various sizes to soups. Small pieces will boil during the cooking process and make the broth more saturated, while large ones will retain their shape and delight after excellent taste. For "cabbage" tubers are boiled separately and introduced at the very end of cooking. This is necessary so that the acid, traditionally added to the soup, does not make the vegetable hard and unpleasant in taste.

Considering that root crops are cooked on average for about 25 minutes, you need to correctly put other products into the boiling broth in stages. So rice groats are often put together with a vegetable or a little earlier, but vermicelli is added 3-5 minutes before the food is ready.

Principles of cooking peeled potatoes in a saucepan

Peeled potatoes in a saucepan are prepared for various dishes, both first and second. Depending on what everyone's favorite root crop will be prepared for, the principles of its preparation depend.

  1. Young potatoes are first peeled from a thin top layer, washed under running water and placed in a saucepan. You can remove the upper part with a knife or a regular kitchen sponge, using the hard part for this. Large vegetables should be cut into several pieces before cooking, small ones can be boiled whole. Water is poured over the product so that it is 1 cm higher, no more, you need to add salt 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Ready-made tubers need to be seasoned with oil, after draining the remaining water, add herbs and seasoning to taste.
  2. If the potatoes are boiled as a side dish, then first you need to wash and peel them, removing the “eyes” without fail. After that, the tubers should be made approximately the same size, put in a container, pour water just above the vegetable and turn on the fire. When the water boils, you need to reduce the fire a little and cook the product under the lid until cooked, which will take about 20-30 minutes. Before turning off the water, you need to salt it, boil for a few more minutes and turn off the fire. Ready-made root crops can be mashed in IMLI puree and served whole, seasoned with fried vegetables or butter.

For soups, it is recommended to use potato varieties with an average starch content, for mashed potatoes - with a high one. This root vegetable can be combined with any vegetables, meat or fish. Properly cooked, he will never get bored and will become a regular guest on the family table.

What modes to use in a multicooker

In a slow cooker, potatoes are stewed, fried, boiled, steamed and baked. That is, prepare in any way, on its own or with the addition of other products. The duration of cooking will depend on how much the root crop will be crushed. The cooking method will play an important role - this way the product will be fried faster, but it will take a little longer to steam in a special form.

Boiled potatoes with onions can be cooked in the "baking" mode. At the same time, first a little oil is poured into the multicooker bowl, then chopped onions are laid out, chopped potatoes and spices are added. All this is poured with broth or tomato diluted with water, and cooked in the selected mode for a little more than 35 minutes. In the "baking" mode, you can cook potatoes with meat, first frying the meat product in the appropriate mode for 8-12 minutes.

If it is supposed to stew potatoes with vegetables or mushrooms, then first it is cooked in the "baking" mode, and then in the "pilaf" mode. Puree soups traditionally need to be cooked in the "stewing" mode with the inclusion of "frying" at the beginning.

In a pressure cooker and microwave

You can cook potatoes in their skins in the microwave in just 8-12 minutes. It will take less than 7 minutes to cook a peeled young vegetable; in cellophane at full power, the root crop is cooked in 9 minutes maximum.

If you stew potatoes in a MW oven, then it takes 20-30 minutes, and the larger the capacity, the longer it will take. Drizzle the sauce over the top of the vegetables to keep them from drying out too much during the cooking process.

In a steam pressure cooker, the product is cooked for about half an hour in the desired mode. In the water a little less than 30 minutes. It is important to consider that the older the vegetable, the longer it will take to cook, regardless of the method chosen.

Now it’s not a secret for everyone how to cook potatoes in different ways correctly. Using simple tips and advice, you can get a huge number of delicious dishes for every day from a simple and budget product.

In the entire kingdom of vegetables, potatoes are the most affordable and very healthy root crop, and it cooks quickly enough. Raw potatoes are not eaten, in any case, I have not seen such recipes. But there are many ready-made dishes with potatoes. It is boiled and baked and fried, and everything is done with it, but still any dish with it is delicious.

Today we have the easiest way - boiled potatoes. Boil potatoes over a fire in a saucepan with water or in a saucepan, depending on the volume.

But, the answer to the question of how much to cook potatoes will depend on the variety. Since there are varieties that take about ten minutes and the potatoes just crumble, this variety is good for mashed potatoes, but not for soup. Therefore, when buying, ask the seller.

The process of preparing potatoes before cooking.

Immediately before cooking, potatoes should be thoroughly washed in cold water. And for this, you should have a bowl on the farm, maybe a plastic bowl of about two liters, or even more, in which you will wash vegetables before cooking. The same potatoes, carrots, beets, etc. Also, for washing potatoes, take a new dish sponge (use the rough side) and a new inexpensive toothbrush. It is with a toothbrush that it will be easy to get rid of the earth and sand in the eyes of potatoes.

So, the potatoes are washed and left in their skins. Next, you decide in what form you will cook the potatoes: in pieces, peeled, but whole, or whole in their skins, so to speak, in their uniforms.

Decided to cook

  • Pieces of potatoes. Wash the potatoes in water, thinly cut the peel with a sharp knife or vegetable peeler. Rinse the peeled potatoes with cold water and cut into pieces, rinse again with cold water. Why wash so much? In order to wash off excess starch and thereby reduce the large formation of foam during the cooking of potatoes.

  • Potatoes whole, but peeled. Wash the potatoes from sand and earth and peel them. In order for the potatoes to cook all at the same time, and not one already cooked, the second boiled and fell apart, and the third is still raw, you need to boil potatoes of the same size, not large (like an average chicken egg) or cut into two or four parts.

  • Jacket potatoes. For cooking in their skins, choose a small or medium-sized potato. Be sure to carefully inspect each potato for dry rot, damage, or other potato diseases. Put the selected good potatoes in a bowl and pour cold water for 10 minutes. Next, thoroughly wash the potato skins.

  • Young potatoes. Young potatoes are boiled with or without skins. Allegedly, the peel is healthy and all, but I still prefer to boil potatoes without the peel. It's best to bake with the skin on. In principle, it is easy to peel a young potato, you just need to arm yourself with gloves, since the peel of a young potato stains your hands, and a small knife. From a young potato, the tender and thin skin is not cut off, but scraped off.

We put the prepared potatoes in a saucepan, pour cold or hot water, the potatoes should be completely covered with water and even a little with a margin for boiling, cover with a lid, so it boils faster. We first put it on a big fire, as soon as the water boils, reduce the heat, remove the foam with a spoon, leave the lid a little ajar. We cook until ready. It is better to pour young potatoes not with cold, but with hot water so that it is not watery. It is better to cook young potatoes in small sizes, as a rule, they are much tastier. We send potatoes in cubes for soup to the broth and cook in it, but this is another recipe.

Potatoes are salted immediately after boiling water. One level teaspoon per liter of water. You don’t need to pour a lot, it’s always easier to add salt to a dish than to eat salty. It will also be important where and why the potatoes are boiled. For example, if you serve potatoes with salty or spicy dishes, it is better not to salt them at all.

  • Cook potatoes in slices for mashing or in soup for 15 maximum 20 minutes.
  • Potatoes in uniform or whole, but peeled, cook for 20-25 minutes.
  • Young potatoes cook faster. After 10 minutes of cooking, you need to check whether it is ready or not.

Any potato must be monitored so that it is not digested, since its taste and usefulness depend on it.

To check the readiness of the potato, you need to pierce it with a toothpick, fork or thin knife, preferably in the middle of the potato, if the potato is easily pierced, then it is already cooked. You can also just get a piece of potatoes, cool, taste and find out the degree of its readiness. How to check with a toothpick? It's simple, take a tablespoon, take out the potatoes and pierce, preferably more than to the middle of the potato.

After cooking:

  • Drain water from potatoes after cooking. And then on purpose. In salads, potatoes need to be cooled and peeled. To make the potatoes in their skins clean faster - drain the hot water and immediately pour cold water for a few minutes.
  • Young potatoes are served immediately after cooking, hot with butter and dill.
  • Butter, heated milk and even non-sour fatty sour cream (if there is no milk) are added to the potatoes in slices for mashed potatoes, in a word, whoever likes what they add, it still turns out very tasty mashed potatoes.

Bon appetit!!!

Popular Recipes

This cooking method is considered the most useful. The skin of the potato contains Does the Skin of a Potato Really Have All the Vitamins? vitamins A, B1, B3, B6, proteins, fiber, potassium, iron and other trace elements necessary for a person.

To ensure that the potatoes boil evenly, try to pick up tubers of the same size. Wash them thoroughly from dirt (it is better to do this with a stiff brush) and pierce with a toothpick in several places so that the peel does not burst.

Pour the tubers with cold water so that it completely covers them. Then salt: about ½ tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water. But you can put more: the potatoes will take as much salt as they need.

Then cover the pot with a lid and put it on high heat.

After boiling, cook the potatoes over medium heat for another 20-25 minutes.

If the potatoes are old, then most likely the time will have to be increased to 30 minutes. And for young potatoes, 15 minutes may be enough.

The readiness of potatoes is very easy to check. You need to pierce the tuber with a knife or fork. If it is soft, then the jacket potato is ready. After boiling, drain the water, let the potatoes cool slightly and, if necessary, simmer.

Perhaps the most difficult thing here is to get rid of the peel and all the eyes and green spots. Otherwise, the process is practically the same as cooking potatoes in their skins.

Do not keep peeled potatoes in the air. If you are not going to cook right away, put the tubers in water so that they do not darken.

It is better to take medium-sized tubers, as they will cook faster. Large tubers can be cut in half or into several pieces.


Place raw potatoes in a saucepan, pour cold water into it and season with salt. If you put vegetables in boiling water, then the middle may not boil. However, opinions on this matter are divided even among famous chefs. For example, cooking program host Martha Stewart pours cold water over potatoes, but hot water.

If you need to keep the potatoes from overcooking, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to 1 liter of water.

Place the saucepan over medium heat. When the water boils, turn it down.

After boiling, whole peeled potatoes are cooked for 20-25 minutes, cut into pieces - 15-20 minutes.

Before turning off the stove, check the readiness of the potatoes: pierce them with a knife.


Then drain the water. If this is not done, the potatoes will soften.

How to boil potatoes for salad

Most often, for a salad, they take potatoes in uniform. Only it is cooked a few minutes less than usual, so that the vegetables are firmer.

If you don't like peeling boiled potatoes, peel raw potatoes and cut them into small cubes or as you need for a salad.

Then pour the potatoes with cold water, salt and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally. To test the readiness of small cubes, just try one of them.

As a rule, after boiling water, they are boiled for 10-12 minutes.

The main thing is not to digest them. After all, for a salad, you need a firm potato that will not turn into mashed potatoes.

How long to cook potatoes in soup

For soup, potatoes are usually cut into strips and placed in an already boiling broth.

Potatoes are boiled in soup for 7-10 minutes.

However, the cooking time may vary depending on the size. The larger you cut the potatoes, the longer they will cook.

How to cook French fries

Potatoes can be cooked not only in traditional ways. For example, boil in a saturated saline solution. The result is a fret potato that tastes like a baked potato. Ideal to spice up salads or a casual dinner.


Remove all the dirt from the tubers, put them in an enamel pan and fill with cold water so that it completely covers the potatoes.

Pour a lot of salt into the pan: about 300-400 g. You may have to add more in the process, because the salt should not completely dissolve.

Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then reduce the temperature and cook the potatoes under a loose lid for about 30 more minutes, stirring occasionally.

By the way, the saline solution can then be used many more times to make fret potatoes.

A few more hacks

  1. To make the potatoes cook faster, throw a piece of butter into the pan. Melted butter will cover the water with a thin film and will interfere with evaporation. The temperature in the pot will increase and the potatoes will cook about 5 minutes faster.
  2. To add a delicious flavor to the potatoes, add a few slices of onion or a couple of halved cloves to the pan. You can also put bay leaves or spices, and sprinkle peeled potatoes with chopped dill.
  3. The liquid in which the potatoes have been boiled can be used as a broth for making vegetable soup. It will be saturated with useful trace elements contained in potatoes.

For most, potatoes are the second bread. It is prepared in various ways as a side dish. It is also included in many dishes. And now we will tell you how to cook delicious potatoes in a saucepan.

How to cook delicious potatoes?


  • potatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • salt;
  • cow's milk - 180 ml;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • natural butter - 30 g.


We clean the potato tubers and wash well. We cut it into pieces, fill it with water and let it stand for 10 minutes. Then we drain this water, put the potatoes in a saucepan and pour water on top. Salt, put the peeled garlic clove. Bring to a boil over high heat, then make it smaller, cover the pan with a lid and bring to readiness. Drain the liquid, pour in the milk brought to a boil and mash the potatoes until mashed. Then add the oil and mix well. If you want to get a lush mass, then you can additionally beat the puree with a mixer.

How delicious to cook a whole potato?


  • potato;
  • salt.


My potatoes, peel, put in a saucepan, fill with water and place on the stove. Salt after boiling. For flavor, you can put a bay leaf or a peeled garlic clove in the water. When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water, and place the potatoes on a dish, pour over with melted butter and crush with chopped herbs.

If you are interested in how to cook potatoes in slices, you can safely use this recipe. The cooking technology is exactly the same.

How to cook new potatoes deliciously?


  • young potatoes - 1 kg;
  • dill - 30 g;
  • salt;
  • - 70 g.


Peel young potatoes. You can do it with a knife, but it's a rather long process. It is much easier to do this with a metal dish brush. If the potato is small, then leave it whole, but if it is large, then cut it into several parts. We put it in boiling water, which should cover the potatoes by about 2 cm. If you want to get more boiled potatoes, then you need to salt closer to the end of cooking. The lid of the saucepan should be slightly ajar during the process. When the potatoes are ready, drain the water, put the butter, chopped herbs. Cover the pot with a lid and shake vigorously a couple of times.

All at least somewhat experienced housewives know that there are several approaches to how to boil potatoes. Vegetables can be simply washed and thrown into water, pre-peeled and even cut. In any case, the processing time of the product will be from 5-7 to 20 minutes. In addition to these basic points, there are many more nuances, the observance of which will allow you to give the product the necessary consistency and get tasty products. Particular attention should be paid to the age of the vegetable, because the approach to boiling young potatoes is fundamentally different from what needs to be done with a mature one.

Basic rules for boiling potatoes?

Before you cook potatoes in any of the existing ways, you should familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations for preparing the component and organizing the process. This will allow you to cook a delicious vegetable and not spend too much time on it.

  1. It is recommended to get rid of the peel with a knife. With the hard side of a sponge or by scraping, the skin from a young potato can only be removed if the product was collected on its own site.
  2. Mature potatoes immediately after peeling should be placed in cold water. By keeping it in this state for only 10 minutes, you can get rid of excess starch and prevent darkening of the product. Young peeled potatoes are immediately cooked, even a short stay in water will negatively affect its quality.
  3. Regardless of age, peeled potatoes should be salted at the end of cooking. This should be done on low heat, because of the strong bubbling vegetables can boil unevenly.
  4. If you need the product to cook a little faster, put a piece of butter into the water immediately after it boils.
  5. In the soup, potatoes boil a little more slowly due to the presence of other components, so they should be laid out 15 minutes before frying or at the same time as carrots if they are used raw.
  6. Despite the fact that peeled potatoes thrown into boiling water retain more useful components, it is better to start boiling the product in cold water. Otherwise, it is difficult to ensure that the top layer of the product does not boil.
  7. To cook a vegetable, on the surface of which there are eyes, green spots or sprouts, it must be cleaned. Such products in uniform are not boiled.

It is strictly forbidden to store cooked potatoes for a long time, especially if they are cooked with dill or seasoned with oil. Within a day, it loses its taste and even becomes dangerous to health.

How to cook potatoes for different dishes?

The quality and taste of many dishes depend on whether the cook knows how to boil potatoes properly. Considering the fact that jacket potatoes are most often used for salads, okroshka, pies and other dishes, first of all, you should master the intricacies of this simple process.

  • Pour the washed tubers with cold water, making a small margin. In this case, the product must be immediately salted, this technique will not allow the peel to burst.

Tip: Young potatoes do not tolerate storage at room temperature. To enjoy the delicate and sweet taste of a vegetable, it is better to either buy it in small quantities and cook it right away, or keep it in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment.

  • Bring the mass to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to a minimum.
  • Cook the product for 20 minutes, drain the water. Potatoes intended for salad should be poured with cold water and quickly peeled. Otherwise, leave the potatoes in a saucepan under the lid for another quarter of an hour. Then we use the workpiece for its intended purpose or serve it to the table.

Potatoes for salads, okroshka or other dishes that require the preservation of a dense texture of the component should be salted at the beginning of cooking. The product that is planned to be put on mashed potatoes is at the end. Few of the housewives boil the already diced product for their dishes. But this allows you to save a lot of time and get the perfect texture of the component. Then it can be used even in soup.

The nuances of cooking young potatoes with dill

Cooking tubers with dill does not require special skills, you just need to know how much to cook potatoes in this case and strictly follow the sequence of steps.

  • Peel the vegetable and cut into medium-sized pieces. New potatoes are ideal for the recipe, but slightly stale hard fruits will also work.
  • Boil water in a saucepan, add a little salt to it, which will allow the pieces to keep their shape. Immediately after boiling the liquid, lay out the potatoes, gently stir it. When the mass boils again, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the contents of the container for 10-15 minutes.
  • At this time, we are engaged in dill. Carefully tear it off the branches, even a small amount of stems can give the dish unnecessary bitterness. Soak the greens in ice water for 2 minutes, then shake off excess liquid and dry the component on a wooden board.
  • Depending on what kind of dill it is planned to cook potatoes with (chopped or in the form of twigs), we bring the component to the desired state. Practice shows that with both approaches it turns out equally tasty.
  • We take out the pieces of boiled potatoes with a slotted spoon from the hot water and transfer them to the dishes for serving the product. Sprinkle the component with dill, add a little butter and cover with a lid. After 5 minutes, mix the mass, insist under the lid for another 5 minutes and serve.

To get the most delicious and fragrant potatoes with dill, a little chopped (but not grated or crushed!) Garlic is often added to the finished product. And it can also be boiled or infused with a sprig of rosemary lightly burned over an open fire.

How to boil potatoes in a double boiler, slow cooker, microwave?

For many housewives who successfully use modern household appliances, sooner or later the question arises of how to cook potatoes using one of them. Unlike a product that is cooked on fire, constant control is not needed here, you just need to set the appropriate modes and choose the right time.

  • In a slow cooker (it must be equipped with a basket). Pour a little water into the bowl, bring it to a boil (you can immediately pour boiling water from the kettle). We put the potatoes in a steaming basket and place it inside the structure. We select the “Paired” mode and set the timer for 15-25 minutes. The exact time will have to be selected empirically.

  • In the microwave. To cook the product in uniform, carefully wash the tubers, make small notches on them with a sharp knife, otherwise the peel will burst. Pour a little water into the bowl, spread the potatoes, cover with a lid and put it in the microwave oven chamber. It takes only 10 minutes to cook the product at maximum power.

  • In the microwave. If you need to boil an already cleaned product, then it is also laid out in a bowl with a small amount of water, covered with a lid and put in the microwave. Only this time, the processing will be carried out for 6 minutes, after which the structure must be removed and the mass mixed or, if large pieces, turned over. We cook the workpiece for another 6 minutes, check for readiness and use it for its intended purpose.

  • In a steamer. My tubers, clean, cut into cubes or straws. We put the product in a double boiler bowl without holes, pour water into the tank and assemble the structure. Processing time is 20 to 40 minutes depending on the size of the pieces. If desired, a double boiler can be constructed independently from a pot of water and a colander into which the chopped component is laid out.

The given time intervals are conditional. When boiling potatoes, you must rely on your intuition and experience. It does not hurt to regularly check the condition of the product using a toothpick, fork or knife. The chosen tool should easily enter potatoes of any age and size.
