
How long does a watermelon keep in the refrigerator. What are the ways to store watermelons? How to store watermelons in the cellar

The term and method of storage of watermelon depends on the state in which the fruit is - whole or cut. In the second case, it is more difficult to maintain juiciness and freshness. In general, watermelon can be stored for several months, but subject to certain rules. If, when buying a fruit, it is known that in the near future it will not be eaten, then the seller should be asked about the variety. Watermelons of late-ripening varieties have the longest shelf life.

The nuances of storing watermelon:

  • for long-term storage, watermelons with a thick skin are ideal, without dents and mechanical damage, not beaten;
  • the main condition for storing watermelon (in addition to creating the necessary temperature conditions) is to exclude its contact with a hard surface or other fruits, therefore it is recommended to place it on a dense fabric;
  • during storage, the watermelon must be periodically turned over without changing the temperature regime (temperature drops have a negative effect on any vegetables, fruits and berries);
  • cut watermelon cannot be stored at room temperature (it is better to use a refrigerator for this);
  • the moisture in the watermelon rises, therefore, when storing a cut watermelon, it must be placed with the cut down;
  • watermelon must be wrapped in cling film in a special way - together with a plate on which it is placed cut down (if you wrap a slice or half of a watermelon in a film, then when it comes into contact with it, the flesh will become slippery and acquire an unpleasant appearance with secretions similar to mucus);
  • if you put a watermelon in a bucket or pan, and then close the lid and put it in a dark, cool place, then such conditions can be equated to the atmosphere in the cellar (you do not need to put the container in the refrigerator);
  • if it is possible to create temperature conditions for watermelon + 2- + 3 degrees, then you can extend its shelf life (in not cut form) with the help of moss bedding;
  • one of the main conditions for storing watermelon is the exclusion of light (the fruit will be stored longer when in absolute darkness);
  • to preserve the appearance of the watermelon, you can use melted wax (paraffin is applied to the surface of the watermelon, and after it hardens, the fruit is sent to a cool and dark place);
  • it is especially not recommended to store watermelon near potatoes (the shelf life under such conditions can be reduced several times);
  • air humidity during storage of watermelons should be in the range from 80 to 85%;
  • watermelons are well stored in a suspended state (the fruit is placed in a net or cloth, and then hung in a dark and fairly cool place).

The ideal places for storing watermelon at home are (with the obligatory creation of dark conditions):

  • bathroom;
  • pantry;
  • mezzanine;
  • balcony;
  • fridge.

How much and at what temperature to store watermelon

The optimum storage temperature for watermelon is +1 to +3 degrees. Under such conditions, the fruit is able to maintain freshness for 3-4 months without violating its taste properties.

Cut watermelon should not be stored at room temperature.. In such conditions, it can be kept for 2-3 hours (if the weather is sunny or the season is warm, then the pulp may begin to deteriorate in an hour). This nuance plays a special role. The fact is that stale watermelon can be poisoned. Bacteria that rapidly appear and multiply on the juicy pulp are dangerous to health. These processes are accelerated by exposure to heat. Cut watermelon should be stored at a temperature of -10 degrees.

It is recommended to store cut watermelon in the refrigerator for no more than a day. During this time, the taste properties of the pulp are preserved, and the risk of harmful bacteria is eliminated. Changes become noticeable on the second day. Watermelon becomes less saturated in taste and aroma, but is still suitable for consumption. After 2-3 days of storing it in the refrigerator, it should be discarded due to the loss of taste properties and the onset of the oxidation process.

The maximum storage temperature for watermelon is +6 degrees. At higher temperatures, the fruit will begin to deteriorate faster. In addition, a prerequisite for storage is the provision of sufficient humidity. There is a lot of liquid in the watermelon, therefore, the more humidified the air, the longer the shelf life of the striped fruit will be.

Watermelon pulp can be frozen. It will need to be consumed within a few months. When defrosted, its consistency will change, so these watermelons are more suitable for making desserts or drinks.

There is no person who does not love sweet, juicy, extremely tasty watermelon. This is a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals, trace elements that nature endows us with. But this largest berry in the world is extremely delicate, so if you want to keep a piece of summer until the New Year, or a little longer, you need to know what needs to be done to keep the watermelon fresh for as long as possible. In principle, storing watermelon until winter is as easy as it is, but some subtleties still need to be remembered.

How to properly store watermelon

Storage temperature

The storage temperature should not exceed +1 - +4°C, with a relative humidity of not more than 85%. When the temperature rises by 4-6 ° C, the watermelon begins to sour.

First of all, you need to be able to choose the right watermelon for storage. To do this, you need to know a few simple rules that will help preserve this berry. It is undesirable to buy early watermelons, they will not lie for a long time. In addition, now there are many cases when melon growers feed plantations with nitrates for faster ripening. You need to buy late varieties that ripen naturally by early September. You should not buy watermelons at spontaneous points, especially along the roads, because the pulp of a watermelon instantly absorbs everything harmful that flies out of a car exhaust pipe. For storage, you need to choose medium-sized specimens, weighing 3.5-4.5 kg, of a brilliant color with a dried tail. A whole ripe fruit can be stored in the refrigerator, in the pantry, in the cellar, if it is in a multi-storey building. Watermelons should be stored on a soft bedding, the ideal option is straw, and the fruits should not come into contact with each other.

How to save a watermelon until the New Year

In the cellar where watermelons should be stored, there should not be other vegetables. You need to choose a fruit without cracks and spots. It is best to prepare the racks and line them with straw so that the watermelon does not lie on a hard surface. You can put the berry in a soft bag and hang it, so it will be well preserved. You should regularly inspect watermelons in order to immediately reject the fruit, even with the slightest signs of spoilage, otherwise the rest will quickly deteriorate.

You can find a large box, put a watermelon and fill it with dry sand. If there is no cellar and cold pantry, then one or two watermelons can be wrapped in paper and put in the coldest zone in the refrigerator. In this case, watermelons can lie up to two months. There are lovers of pickling watermelons. In this case, you can pickle it in chunks, even in jars, or you can in barrels, entirely, but for this you will need to choose medium-sized specimens, up to 2 kilograms, no more.

How to store cut watermelon

If the watermelon has not been completely eaten, then half of it can be put in the refrigerator, but not more than for two days, for a maximum of three, since its contents are very quickly susceptible to infection by bacteria.

Getting a good harvest of vegetables, fruits or berries is only half the battle, because certain knowledge and skills are required to save it.

After all, not everyone knows how to store watermelons without losing their taste, useful properties and attractive appearance. Adhering to certain rules and recommendations, this is not difficult to achieve and does not require a significant investment of time and effort.

If you are not aware of how to properly and how much to store watermelon, our article is just for you.

The right choice of watermelons for storage

When choosing a watermelon for long-term storage, follow these recommendations:

  • Buy late-ripening varieties that do not have nitrates. The optimal time for purchasing watermelons is the end of September.
  • A long shelf life is typical for late-ripening, thick-skinned watermelons. In particular, for "Dessert", "Astrakhan", "Icarus" and others.
  • Pay attention to the peel of the berry: it should not be damaged, the surface of the fruit is shiny, bright green and elastic.
  • Buy slightly unripe fruits. They will ripen during storage. Unripe berries are easily identified by their characteristic sound - by tapping lightly, you will hear a ringing sound. According to long-term observations, unripe watermelons store best.
  • Pay attention to the size of watermelons: the maximum weight of the fruit is not more than 5 kilograms.
  • Buy berries in specialized stores and stalls. Avoid buying watermelons on roadsides and in non-equipped outlets. It is simply not possible to achieve their long-term preservation.
  • When choosing a watermelon, carefully study the documents, paying special attention to printing. When presenting not the original, but a photocopy, the print must be in color. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the documents are fake, and the quality of the watermelons is in question.

When growing late-ripening watermelons in a summer cottage or garden plot, harvest 5-7 days before it ripens. Cut and deliver fruits to the storage place without damaging them. Do not leave cut watermelons in direct sunlight.

The ideal place to store watermelons is a dark, cool cellar. If you live in an apartment, do not be discouraged by following some rules, watermelons can also be stored in an apartment.

  1. Air humidity - not less than 70%. With less humidity, watermelons will dry out.
  2. Temperature - from +1 to +30 degrees. At higher temperatures, the shelf life of watermelons will decrease significantly.
  3. We do not allow sun exposure to the fruits.
  4. We store berries on sand, straw, sawdust and other soft surfaces.
  5. From time to time we turn the watermelons from side to side.

We store watermelons in the apartment

There are many ways to store watermelon in an apartment.

  • For the winter, put it in the pantry, bathroom or mezzanine. The fruits should not come into contact with each other, otherwise they will deteriorate and become unfit for food.
  • To extend the shelf life, apply a layer of liquid alabaster or clay to the watermelon peel, 5 millimeters thick. You can buy clay and alabaster in any specialized store.
  • The shelf life of watermelons increases when their peel is covered with a layer of paraffin or wax 1 centimeter thick. They prevent the fruit from coming into contact with air, significantly increasing the shelf life.
  • Remember to keep an eye on humidity and temperature.

The methods listed above have been used to store watermelons for many years. Reviews about them are only positive. Their effectiveness and guarantee of the suitability of fruits for food, even after a few months, is noted.

Storing watermelon in the refrigerator

A great place to store watermelons in the apartment is the refrigerator. It allows you to significantly increase their shelf life. Additionally, watermelon slices can be frozen for the subsequent preparation of various cocktails and compotes.

  • Wash and dry the watermelon. Wipe the berry with a damp paper towel or towel.

Attention! Wet fruit is not placed in the refrigerator.

  • Then, wrap the fruit in regular newspapers (do not wrap the watermelon in glossy magazines).
  • Line the bottom of the fruit and vegetable drawer with a thick, heavy cloth, and then place a berry.
  • Turn the watermelon over from time to time.

You can store watermelon in the refrigerator for a long time if it is whole. The cut berry is not stored in the refrigerator for more than 2 days.

Frozen watermelon pulp loses its natural structure and is used to make jelly, cocktail and similar drinks. Unmelted slices can be eaten.

To freeze and store watermelons in the freezer, use:

  • Granulated sugar;
  • Fructose;
  • Syrup.

We dip watermelon slices in one of the above ingredients, pack and send for dry freezing.

Sliced ​​frozen watermelon at a constant negative temperature can be stored for up to a year. The taste, appearance and aroma of thawed berries remain unchanged.

A first-class watermelon storage place in a private house is a dark, cool cellar. There are several ways to store watermelons in it.

Method 1

Put watermelons wrapped in natural fabric or paper in ordinary vegetable nets and hang them from the ceiling of the cellar. So you will achieve long-term storage of fruits, saving free space.

Method 2

If you decide to store watermelons on shelves or in boxes, use ordinary forest moss. Moss collected in dry weather, put on a shelf. Put watermelons on a shelf or in boxes, additionally covering the fruit with moss on the sides.

In the absence of moss, straw can replace it. Lay it in a thick layer in a box or on a shelf, put the fruits on it, additionally covering them with straw on top. When stored on a shelf, watermelons should not touch.

Method 3

For better preservation of watermelons, cover their peel with a layer of paraffin or wax, about 1 centimeter thick. Clay, applied to the peel of the fruit with an ordinary brush, is capable of replacing them.

The duration of storage of watermelons in the cellar depends on the method chosen.

  • Fruits stacked on shelves or hung in nets have a shelf life of approximately 2 months.
  • The use of wax, forest moss or straw increases the shelf life up to 4 months.

In addition, the temperature, humidity and light levels in the basement should be regularly monitored.

A fairly common question is whether it is possible to store watermelon next to other fruits and vegetables? The answer is unequivocal - it is impossible, otherwise the berries will absorb a foreign smell, which will worsen their taste. Stack the watermelons so that there are no food nearby.

Having considered how to store watermelons at home, we can conclude that, following all the rules and recommendations, a watermelon can be stored for several months without losing its taste. The shelf life depends on the correct choice of watermelon, its integrity. The ideal place to store watermelon in a private house is the cellar (basement).

Long-term storage of watermelons is not a myth, but a reality!

One of the most favorite berries in humans is watermelon. They sell it at a fairly affordable price until the end of the first month of autumn. After that, its value increases several times.

How long can you keep a whole watermelon in the fridge?

In order for this particular berry, when buying to choose a product, you need to be more demanding.

  • shiny peel, and stripes - bright and contrasting color;
  • the surface of the fetus without roughness, without damage;
  • the tail should not be completely dry;
  • the size of the berry is small;
  • thick peel;
  • the sound when tapping should be ringing;
  • late ripe variety.

Subject to all the rules, the berry should be unripe. So how long can you keep watermelon in the fridge? Approximately within three months. But with fruits in which the tail is completely dry, this will not work. Because they will be overripe.

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to choose the right watermelon, it is also necessary to ensure the correct conditions for its storage.

In the room where the fetus will lie for some time, there should be a fairly high level of humidity and a temperature regime within 1-4 degrees. Accordingly, the berry is stored in a dark place.

The ideal room for a watermelon is, of course, the cellar. But if you do not have it, then it does not matter. Both a balcony and a dark corner in the apartment will do. In this case, the berry should be wrapped in paper and placed on a soft bedding. In such conditions, the watermelon will last for about a couple of months. Remember to check the freshness of the product and turn it over every few days.

How long can a cut watermelon be stored in the refrigerator?

Seeing this fruit in the market or in the store, we acquire it. And, as a rule, we choose rather large sizes. It seems to us that a small berry is not enough for the whole large family. But, since this product quickly saturates, we save the second half for the next time.

How many days can you keep watermelon in the refrigerator like this? First of all, you need to properly package it. The pulp should be wrapped with cling film. Due to this, the product will not absorb foreign odors. Put the berry should be so that the cut is at the bottom. In this case, more juice will be preserved.

The product should be eaten within a couple of days, since it is a favorable environment for the reproduction of harmful bacteria.

Is it possible to store sliced ​​berries and how?

Yes, sure. But unfortunately, the safety of this product is minimal. The pieces are already impossible to eat a couple of hours after you cut them, since all the juice flows out during this time.

It is possible to slightly increase the shelf life of these pieces by placing them in a vacuum container. Or put in the freezer.

And best of all, cut yourself as much of the product as you think it is possible to eat. Then you don't have to think about what to do with the remaining watermelon.

How are berries frozen?

Having learned the answers to the question “How long can a watermelon be stored in the refrigerator?”, Let's deal with other ways to harvest it.

Most housewives To do this, cut it into layers without a peel. After that, they are placed on a special tray and sent to the freezer. Once they are frozen, they can be put in bags. How long can you keep watermelon in the refrigerator? Turns out it's been a whole year.

But one of the disadvantages of this method is that when defrosted, the product does not retain its previous shape and turns into porridge. Therefore, it should be eaten frozen. Get fruit ice. An interesting treat for children, isn't it?

How to salt watermelon?

Preparations are usually made from tomatoes and cucumbers, but is it possible to do this from these berries? It turns out you can.

To do this, cut the watermelon into small slices. Place them in a sterilized glass container. Prepare brine. Pour salt and sugar into boiling water. Cook until they are completely dissolved. At the end, add vinegar. The jars are then filled with brine. After that, they must be sterilized again in boiling water for 15 minutes. Next, roll up, turn the jars upside down, cover them with a cloth. In this position, they should stand for several days. Then they are removed to a room where the temperature should not be more than 10 degrees. Salted watermelons can be stored for about a year.

How to store berries in water?

This method is very original. It was used when there were no refrigerators yet. This method is not popular with modern housewives, but is common in southern countries.

The fetus is transferred to the aquatic environment, and it must completely cover it. Fluid should be changed several times a month. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the watermelon should not come into contact with air in any way.

The water in which the berry is stored should not freeze. In this case, the product will spoil, and it will be impossible to eat it. Thus, watermelon can be stored for several months. Unfortunately, in Russia, not everyone can afford this method. Therefore, people use the above methods for storing berries.

How to understand that the fetus has deteriorated inside?

It all depends on the variety, conditions of transportation and cultivation of the berry. In order to understand that the fruit has deteriorated, it is not necessary to cut it and taste it. It is enough to pay attention to some characteristics of the product. The presence of dents and cracks, rot spots indicates that the watermelon is no longer fit for consumption.

It also happens that the berry becomes soft in some place or an unpleasant smell comes from it. These species are immediately discarded by sellers, since the buyer of this species may experience serious health problems if, of course, he eats it.

Answering the question "How long can a watermelon be stored in the refrigerator?" and having considered its harvesting methods, I would like to give advice: be careful when choosing a berry and enjoy its great taste on any ordinary or gala evening.

The world's largest berry watermelon loved by children and adults.

Watermelons, in addition to taste, have a rich vitamin and mineral composition, low calorie content. They perfectly quench thirst, fight swelling.

The fruit is widely used in cooking. Cocktails, smoothies, salads, desserts are prepared from it. In order to enjoy the taste of this wonderful product for a longer time, you should know how to store it properly.

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Shelf life and storage rules for uncut product

Specifications for food watermelons are prescribed in GOST 7177-2015.

Basic conditions long-term preservation of watermelons is the temperature regime, the integrity of the peel and packaging.

Optimal is temperature +2-5 degrees at a humidity of 70-85%. Therefore, the ideal place is the refrigerator.

Unfortunately, many watermelons will not fit there, so the fruits can be stored in the cellar.

A garage, a balcony are also suitable, if it is stored there in winter plus temperature.

Subject to the correct laying, it is possible to preserve the fruits and Houses at room temperature.

It's important that it be dark place(pantry, mezzanine, place under the bed).

In the refrigerator or cellar, the fruits will last for 3-4 months, in the apartment - about 2 months.

Does watermelon go bad in the fridge?

Even if all the conditions for choosing and storing watermelon are met, it can deteriorate in the refrigerator. This is due to the fact that bacteria in the air use the pulp of the fruit for active reproduction. Processes are the result. souring and rotting.

At the slightest change in color, smell, appearance of watermelon, it should throw away, otherwise there is a risk of earning the strongest food poisoning.

You can’t just cut off the damaged part, because the germs have already spread throughout the pulp.

To prevent watermelon from spoiling quickly, you should comply with the rules of storage: clean dishes, packaging in a film or container, the correct temperature.

Can it be stored in water?

Water can be used to store watermelon. The main thing is that the water is clean and it maintained a temperature of up to +5 degrees.

You need to put watermelons in a container with water, change the water 3-4 times a month and prevent it from freezing.

How to save until the New Year?

You just need to follow simple rules:

  • the best storage place- cellar, cellar, glazed balcony;
  • optimum temperature- from +2 to +5 degrees;
  • the room should well ventilated, not be damp, direct sunlight should not penetrate there;
  • be sure to bear fruit non-solid surface;
  • turn over regularly watermelons, checking to see if they have begun to spoil.
