
How to make raspberry liqueur on vodka. How to make raspberry jam

Homemade alcohol made with raspberries is very tasty. It has a rather rich, intoxicating aroma. In addition, it is a natural product that cooks quickly. And in winter it is very nice to get raspberry wine or liquor and remember the bright summer.

What is the difference between raspberry liqueur and tincture

Today there are a huge number of recipes that help to prepare a variety of vodka tinctures at home, as well as fragrant sweet raspberry liqueurs. These two types of drinks are very different from each other:

Fans of preparing alcoholic drinks at home will certainly appreciate the variety of raspberry recipes. It remains only to choose the option that you like the most.

Raspberry liqueur recipes

Low-alcohol raspberry liqueurs made at home attract both women and men. They are easy to drink and will be a wonderful addition to the holiday table.

All these liqueurs are very easy to make at home. This does not require a lot of expenses. And experienced winemakers can add some of their own raisins to the recipes (a few berries or cherry leaves, bright spices, citric acid, or something else).

Raspberry tincture recipes

Tinctures at home can be prepared even easier. They are also made on different alcoholic

  1. On cognac. This tincture is made at home without added sugar. Therefore, the finished drink retains an unusual cognac flavor. The composition includes a liter of cognac and 750 gr. raspberries. The washed berries are poured into a jar, cognac is added there. The container is closed with a lid and cleaned in heat for 60 days. Further, the drink is bottled very carefully from the sediment into bottles.
  2. On vodka from jam. Tincture is prepared not only from fresh berries. Spoiled (with mold) raspberry jam will also come in handy. It needs only 300 gr., vodka? 300 ml, water? half a glass. The jam is poured into a jar, filled with vodka, closed with a lid and removed for 4 days in a dark place. The drink is filtered. If you want to reduce its strength, it is enough to dilute the tincture with clean water, and only then bottle it.

These recipes are ready to serve. But what is their main purpose? home treatment for various kinds of ailments with the stomach, kidneys, etc.

Raspberry wine: recipe

Raspberry wine enjoys incredible success for its bright taste and beautiful color. You can cook it at home, it does not take much effort. Need to:

  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 1.5 kg of raspberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

The technology is divided into several main stages:

Are any of these drinks homemade? a real masterpiece. The result will surprise everyone. And the efforts that were shown in the process of preparing raspberry liqueurs or tinctures will certainly come true. Does it matter what the recipe is? on cognac, moonshine or with the addition of cherries and other berries. The main thing is that it is made with love!

Raspberry liqueur is valued for its original taste, wonderful aroma. In addition, they pass into alcohol medicinal properties berries that can be used as an anti-inflammatory medicine for colds.

To get a fragrant alcoholic drink, you should stock up on alcohol, or well-purified strong. The sweetness and softness of the raspberry liqueur is given by the addition of sugar or honey.

You can use fresh, canned, frozen, or dried berries to make a quality raspberry liqueur at home.

How to make alcohol from fresh berries?

The easiest recipe for raspberry alcohol:

  • pour a liter jar of sorted berries onto the bottom of a three-liter container;
  • top fill raspberries with sugar (800 g);
  • pour the composition, without stirring, (45-55 °) with purified moonshine so that the liquid does not reach the neck of the can by 5-7 cm;
  • roll up the container with a hermetically sealed metal lid;
  • put the workpiece to infuse in the cellar without access to sunlight;
  • readiness comes in 4 months.

A delicious liqueur is obtained if you apply the following recipe:

  • rinse the ripe berry, put it in a wide container (basin);
  • fill the product with the same amount of granulated sugar;
  • set aside to extract juice for 24 hours;
  • pour the juice into a glass jar;
  • Mash the berries well, strain through a gauze filter;
  • combine juices, add the same amount of strong alcohol;
  • put a cinnamon stick, half a vanilla pod, star anise, 5-6 peas of allspice on 3 liters of the drink;
  • put to infuse in a warm room;
  • after a week, it is recommended to remove the spices, and keep the liquid in the cellar for 1 month.

Without vodka

Recipe for low-alcohol raspberry liqueur made at home:

Place the sorted, peeled berry (2 kg) in a container in layers alternating with granulated sugar (800 g). Thoroughly knead fruits with a wooden pestle, then add 200 ml of pure water. It is necessary to put on the neck of the container rubber glove with pierced fingers. Take the vessel to a warm, well-lit place and leave the liquid to ferment.

When the fermentation process stops completely, and the berries settle to the bottom, carefully drain the liquid from the sediment, strain and bottle, put to ripen. After 7-10 days, low-alcohol raspberry tincture is ready for use.

Processing of blanks

To diversify the alcoholic menu in winter and spring, raspberry liqueur on vodka is made from frozen, dry, canned raw materials.

Frozen berries (2.5 kg) are poured with sugar (250 g) and poured with strong, well-purified moonshine (0.5 l). After a day, crush the raw materials well, stir and pour into a jar under a tightly closed lid. It is better to insist in the basement or cellar for 1-2 months. Then strain the liquid and bottle it for storage.

Dried Raspberry Pour Recipe:

  • wash dry berries thoroughly;
  • pour the prepared raw materials with cold water 2-3 cm above the level of the berries;
  • bring to a boil and turn off the heat;
  • wrap the container with a warm cloth and strain the composition after complete cooling;
  • add granulated sugar 400-500 g for each liter of the resulting infusion;
  • dilute the syrup with strong alcohol in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • insist in coolness and darkness for 1-3 months, after which the drink is ready for tasting.

Recipe for processing raspberry jam:

  • take 500 ml of candied jam;
  • strong moonshine needs 1 liter;
  • pour raw materials with alcohol and insist in heat without access to light for 1.5-2 months;
  • strain the drink and let it ripen for 1 week.

It is recommended to take raspberries for liqueurs fully ripe. If the berry does not hold its shape, it should not be washed, it is enough to sort it out, removing debris, spoiled fruits. Moonshine for the base is used strong, well-cleaned, without a strong specific smell.

Raspberry liqueur is like a song. It absorbs the delicate and bright taste of summer berries, pleasantly intoxicates, looks beautiful. Its deep deep pink color is surpassed only by the intoxicating aroma of raspberries.

The usual strength of raspberry liqueurs is 10-20%, but it can be both higher and lower. Homemade raspberry liqueurs ripen from 1 to 6 months. Stored - from six months to a year: the more alcohol they contain and the lower the storage temperature, the longer your creation will last.

The benefits and harms of raspberry liqueur

Everyone has known about the healing properties of the forest (and now garden) beauty since childhood. If you have a cold - drink some tea with raspberry jam!

So, even more useful substances from this berry pass into the liqueur than into jam. Here you will find a whole vitamin complex (A, C, B-1, B-2, B-9, PP), the “good” iron, calcium and sodium, phosphorus and manganese, copper and cobalt that the body needs. In addition, the liqueur contains essential oils and salicylic acid, as well as many tannins.

In short, the drink gives youth and health to every organ in our body, brings down the temperature, removes toxins. But they drink it as a medicine not in glasses, but only 2 tablespoons each (but 3 times a day!). At the same time, you do not have to overturn a glass after a glass (although this is not bad), you can add a medicinal portion to tea or fruit drink, dilute it with water.

The liqueur also has pitfalls. It can not be abused - this time. Secondly, it is forbidden to drink for people with alcoholism, young children (due to the content of that very alcohol) and allergy sufferers.

By the way, with regard to allergies - people who react to anthocyanins can easily prepare a liquor from yellow raspberries. Such a drink will be much paler than the classic counterpart, but equally tasty and healthy.

Types of raspberry liqueur

Raspberry liqueur is prepared in several variations:

  • with and without alcohol;
  • with added sugar (fructose, honey) and without sweeteners;
  • only from raspberries or in a duet with other berries - strawberries, red currants, cranberries, etc.

Each of the options is delicious, fabulous, delicious in its own way. Raspberry liqueur is a great addition to desserts, ice cream, fruit cuts.

  1. Berries. Must be fresh, healthy, ripe, without signs of spoilage and decay, larvae and worms. Therefore, they need to be sorted out, throwing out the entire marriage. Berries are washed only at the request of the recipe, because there are technologies that use unwashed berries (to preserve natural yeast on their surface).

It is not advisable to use berries from the freezer; it is good to use them for cooking, or tinctures.

  1. Alcohol. We take any that exceeds a strength of 40% - vodka, cognac, fruit distillate of home origin, drinking ethyl alcohol diluted with water, etc. Don't skimp on it. Alcohol of dubious quality will spoil all the pleasure of the liquor. Of course, you should not take elite cognacs for liquor, but cloudy, foul-smelling moonshine, coupled with burnt vodka, are not intended for such a delicate drink.
  2. Spices. The component is optional. But if desired, a pinch can be introduced into any liqueur recipe. Cumin, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and mint leaves go well with raspberries.
  3. Sweeteners. Most often it is sugar. But it can be replaced with honey, fructose, or not used at all, preserving the original raspberry sourness in the liqueur.

How to prepare raspberries for liqueur

Preparation of berries should begin immediately after picking raspberries. Otherwise, they will let the juice go, and the larvae of raspberry bugs that accidentally get into the bucket will infect all the berries.

If the berries do not need to be washed according to the recipe, then they are sorted out one by one, carefully examining the areas inside the raspberries, and each spoiled place and each worm found in it are mechanically removed.

If the raspberries need to be washed, then they are first sorted out as described above, and then washed in small batches. A handful of berries are transferred to a colander, which is slowly immersed several times in a basin of water.

If there are a lot of raspberry bug larvae in the berries - such small white worms - we do this: we lower the harvested crop into salt water (1 tsp of salt per liter of water). We stand for 10-12 minutes, after which we drain the top layer of water with the floating larvae, and wash the berries themselves, putting them in a colander and lowering them into clean water.

Raspberry liqueur recipe (with vodka)

Fortress - 14-16%; output - about 1.5 l; stored - 1 year (at a temperature of 2-4 ° C).

Based on this recipe, you can make a “berry mix” liquor if you take 1 kg of raspberries and 1 kg of any other berries - strawberries, blackberries, red currants, etc.


  • raspberries - 2 kilos
  • sugar - 0.5 kilo or honey - 300 grams
  • strong alcohol (40-45%) - vodka (alcohol, moonshine) - 700 ml
  • water - 500 ml

The filling is prepared like this:

  1. Wash the raspberries and, if possible, dry them, lightly crush them with a pusher (made of wood) and pour them into a glass jar.
  2. Pour in alcohol. It should be 2-2.5 centimeters higher than raspberries. Therefore, be prepared that you will need additional alcohol.
  3. Close the jar with a PET lid and keep for 7 days in a place inaccessible to sunlight. To make the extract more concentrated, you need to shake the jar once a day.
  4. After a week, filter the tincture.
  5. Pour the squeezed cake with water and boil, cool slightly and filter. Pour sugar into the resulting liquid, bring to a boil again and then simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. Cool down.

If you use honey, then we do this: cake, diluted with water, bring to a boil, filter. We bring the temperature of the raspberry liquid to 40 ° C (either by cooling it, or vice versa - heating). Dissolve honey in it.

  1. Pour the strained raspberry tincture into the chilled sweet syrup, stir and filter through a gauze filter.
  2. The resulting alcohol is poured into a bottle and sent to the cellar for maturation. The liqueur will ripen for exactly a month.
  3. After 30 days, we take out the liquor, carefully separate it from the sediment and pour it into a container in which it is supposed to be stored.

You can diversify the recipe by introducing freshly squeezed filtered lemon juice into the recipe. It must be introduced before sending the liqueur for maturation in the amount of 20-30 ml per 0.5 l of liqueur.

Raspberry liqueur recipe (without vodka)

This recipe is made using a technology that is considered a classic for liqueurs. Alcohol is formed as a result of natural fermentation.

Fortress - 7-12%; output - about 1.5 l; stored - 1 year (at a temperature of 2-4 ° C).

Sort raspberries, but do not wash! Sterilize a glass jar (bottle with a wide mouth) of 4.5-5 liters, where the liqueur will be prepared. Prepare sterile gauze.


  • raspberries - 3 kilos
  • sugar - 1.2 kilos
  • boiled, cooled or bottled water - 300 ml

The filling is prepared like this:

  1. Put raspberries and sugar in a jar in layers: a layer of berries, a layer of sugar, berries, sugar, etc., until the prepared products run out. The last layer is sugar. No need to tamp.
  2. Pour in water carefully. The jar (bottle) should be filled to the shoulders, but not completely. Its volume - 4.5-5 liters - is the most suitable for the indicated amount of ingredients, but it all depends on the shape of the container.
  3. Lower the wooden pusher or rolling pin into the berries several times, kneading them slightly, but without stirring or rubbing.
  4. Tie the jar with gauze, closing its neck from the penetration of insects.
  5. Put the jar on the windowsill of a sunny window. After a few days (usually 3-4), the fermentation process should start - foam, a sour smell will appear.
  6. Now the gauze must be removed, and the jar closed either with a lid with a water seal, or with a rubber pharmacy glove perforated in the little finger.
  7. After 20-50 days, the fermentation will be completed, the "burbalki" on the water seal will disappear (the glove will fall off). This means that it's time to filter the liquor.

The resulting raspberry cake should not be thrown away. It can improve the taste of home distillates (moonshine). To do this, you just need to fill the cake with 50-55% alcohol.

  1. After filtering, we keep the drink for another 7-10 days in a cool place, and separate it from the sediment.
  2. Now pour the liqueur into a sterile container and cork, keep for 2-2.5 months in a cellar or basement (with a temperature of 5-16 ° C). If you want to make the drink stronger - before capping, you can add 40-45% alcohol to it. But this is optional.

Ready-made raspberry liqueur (naturally fermented) goes well with citrus juices - orange, lemon, lime. They are added to it before use at the rate of 20-30 ml per 0.5 liter of liquor.

Step-by-step recipes for homemade raspberry liqueur with vodka and cognac, lemon, coffee beans

2018-08-22 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


31 gr.

124 kcal.

Option 1: Classic homemade raspberry liqueur without vodka

Natural raspberry liqueur is a naturally fermented drink. No vodka or other alcohol is added to it. We use fresh and ripe berries, remove leaves and other rubbish immediately. In addition, we need granulated sugar and water. The list shows the ingredients for one three-liter jar.


  • 800 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 2.2 kg raspberries.

Step by step recipe for classic raspberry liqueur

Raspberries should not be washed. If the berries are very dusty, then rinse quickly, in no case do not soak, otherwise they will pick up a lot of water. We put it in a jar, sprinkle with sugar. Take a pestle and knead a little.

Add filtered water to the berries. Stir, tie gauze around the neck so that insects do not get in. We put raspberry tincture on the first fermentation. We stand for about four days.

As soon as the liquor begins to actively ferment, a lot of foam will appear, an alcohol aroma will begin to emanate from the can, remove the gauze, stir the liquor, put on a medical glove with a hole in the finger. We leave the berries to ferment for another two weeks. Cake, as in the case of wine, does not need to be removed at this stage.

After the specified time, we filter the liquor, filter it, send it to a clean jar. We leave for another couple of weeks, but already in a cool place with a temperature not higher than 12 degrees. The drink will continue to lighten, a precipitate will appear again, carefully drain the tincture.

If the strength of the liquor does not suit you, then you can always add vodka to it. Only after that we let the drink stand again for at least a week.

Option 2: Quick raspberry liqueur recipe

Raspberry liqueur can be prepared with or without alcohol. Most often, vodka is used in a fortified drink. With it, the cooking process is greatly simplified, here is just such a recipe. To infuse, you will need a glass jar with a lid. The number of products can be proportionally increased.


  • 500 g raspberries;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 500 ml of vodka.

How to quickly make homemade raspberry liqueur

We interrupt the berries and pour them into a jar, layering with sand. We cover and leave for a couple of hours, you do not need to crush the raspberries in this recipe. Juice should appear, and almost all sugar will dissolve.

It's time to add vodka. Pour the berries, gently stir them with a wooden stick, put on the lid. It must be dense, otherwise the alcohol will begin to evaporate.

We put a jar of homemade raspberry liqueur in the sun, a window sill is perfect for this purpose. Shake daily. We check that there should definitely not be granulated sugar at the bottom.

After 5-7 days, home-made alcohol is filtered, filtered, poured into a bottle with a tight lid. Refrigerate before use.

If there is time, then raspberries in vodka can be left for two weeks. You can also adjust the amount of sugar, add more, but all the sand should dissolve, it is for this reason that it is advisable to pour the raspberries first, to provoke the release of juices.

Option 3: Recipe for raspberry liqueur with vodka and syrup

Another vodka liqueur recipe. The drink turns out to be fragrant, bright, easy to prepare, seasoned with sugar syrup. Its strength will greatly depend on the juiciness of the berries. On average, it ranges from 15 to 18%.


  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 3.5 kg of raspberries;
  • 250 g sugar.

How to cook

We sort out the berries, carefully wash them so as not to wrinkle, let the water drain well. Fill with vodka, close with a nylon lid and put for five days in a dark and warm place. Shake the jar several times a day.

Drain the liquor first into a colander, squeeze the raspberries, then filter through several layers of gauze to get rid of small particles. The cake is no longer needed, but it is not necessary to throw it away, you can re-fill with moonshine or vodka, let the alcohol infuse, bones with skins will give a pleasant aroma.

Boil water and sugar, cool, mix with raspberry vodka. The resulting liqueur is sent to a cool place for a couple of days.

Option 4: Homemade raspberry and cherry liqueur

Raspberries and cherries are one of the most successful combinations. Here is a very interesting recipe for raspberry liqueur with lemon and coffee. From all these ingredients we get an amazing drink of amazing color.


  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 500 ml of vodka or moonshine;
  • 0.5 tsp instant coffee;
  • 0.5 lemon;
  • 500 ml of purified water;
  • 300 g raspberries;
  • 200 g cherries.

Step by step recipe

We wash the berries, it is not necessary to remove the seeds from the cherries, they give their aroma. Sometimes the tincture is prepared simply from raspberries with cherry pits and leaves, which also turns out to be a very interesting and rich drink. Pour the berries into a saucepan.

We wash the lemon, cut it into thin slices, discard the citrus seeds immediately. We add prescription water, put it all on the stove, cook the usual compote for 10-15 minutes. Cover, leave to cool completely to infuse.

We take out all the berries and lemon from the compote, squeeze it, you can do it with a colander or through cheesecloth. Add sugar, add instant coffee, bring to a boil again. Strain immediately through a fine sieve.

It remains only to mix fruit syrup with alcohol. We let them stand for a week and connect by bottling.

Liqueurs with the addition of alcohol can also be prepared from frozen berries. This option is especially relevant in the spring, when last year's stocks remain. If you plan to prepare alcohol by natural fermentation, then you definitely need fresh berries plucked from the bush, it will not work to process unclaimed leftovers.

Option 5: Homemade raspberry liqueur with cognac

Another simplified recipe for fresh raspberry liqueur. This drink has a very noble taste and aroma, as cognac is used. Recipe with fermentation.


  • 1 kg of raspberries;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 0.5 l cognac;
  • 4-5 coffee beans.

How to cook

Mix raspberries with sugar and pure water, cover with gauze and leave to ferment for five days. Then we wring out, pull on a glove or put a water seal, leave for another 10 days.

We filter the pouring from the remaining berries. You can take a small strainer or use gauze folded in four layers.

We combine raspberry liqueur with cognac. We stir. We throw a few coffee beans into the bottles, pour the prepared drink, put it in the refrigerator for 21 days.

It is not necessary to store liqueurs and other low-alcohol drinks in the refrigerator. If there is a cold cellar at home, then it is ideal for these purposes.

Option 6: Recipe for raspberry liqueur (jam)

If raspberry jam is candied or just stagnant, then you can make a wonderful liqueur from it. This recipe is also with vodka. Can be replaced with diluted alcohol, cognac, high-quality moonshine.


  • 500 ml raspberry jam;
  • 1 liter of vodka.

How to cook

We shift the jam into a large jar and add vodka to it, stir. We do this especially carefully if the delicacy is candied, there are a lot of hard pieces. If you do not want to get too sweet liquor, then you can introduce a little purified water. This amount is not more than half a liter.

We close the jar with a lid that does not allow air to pass through. We put in a sunny and warm place. The window sill is perfect. We stand for a week, shake vigorously once a day.

After a week, we filter the liquor through cheesecloth, and then filter it through cotton wool. Pour into bottles, put in a dark place for 21 days, keep at room temperature, then you can put it in a cool place.

Homemade liqueurs according to the above recipes can be prepared not only from red berries. Black, yellow, pink raspberries are also suitable. You can add blackberries or other berries to it, the assortment will have an interesting taste, and the color may also change.

Preparation time: 30 days
Servings: 15

Per 100 grams:
Proteins: -
Fats: -
Carbs: 31
Calories: 131

Raspberry liqueur was especially loved by the nobles. The berry grows both in the garden and in the forest, and today it is possible to buy it in the markets and supermarkets. If earlier moonshine was used in recipes, then after supplying retail chains with vodka, they began to use alcohol from stores. An old grandmother shared a raspberry recipe, and grandmother's recipes are always the most delicious.

How grandmothers made raspberry liqueur


  • 0.5 kg raspberries
  • 0.5 l vodka
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 100 ml of water from a filter or spring, i.e. purified
  1. Pour raspberries into a jar, add sugar, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and add water.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, close the plastic lid and put in the refrigerator for 2 months. If you live in a private house, put the jar in the basement.
  3. At the end of the period, we filter the contents first through a fine sieve, then through 3-4 layers of gauze or a loose, not dense cotton wool, which we place in a funnel. So the drink will be lighter. However, if you know other ways to filter, use your options.
  4. Next, pour the liquor into bottles and leave it in the refrigerator or in the cabinet. If you keep raspberry liqueur at room temperature, the aroma of fresh berries will be more pronounced.

Grandmother made raspberry liqueur on moonshine. It’s just that for many lovers of homemade drinks, vodka is easier to get.

How to make raspberry liqueur on moonshine in 2 weeks


Raspberries - 2/3 of a three-liter jar

Moonshine - 1.5 liters (volume may change)

Sugar - 100 g

Step by step recipe for raspberry liqueur

  1. We collect fresh raspberries two-thirds of a three-liter jar.
  2. We crush with a crush.
  3. Fill the berry with moonshine to the top of the can, i.e. complete. Mint raspberries have decreased in volume, so moonshine will need 1.5 liters. The volume is not exact, it is important to fill the jar to the top.
  4. Mix thoroughly.
  5. We close the plastic lid and remove the infusion. The liqueur is infused for 2 to 6 weeks. The longer the infusion period, the richer and brighter the taste of the drink will be. We don’t touch the jar, we don’t need to shake it.
  6. We put in a dark place, away from sunlight. During infusion, raspberry porridge rises to the surface.
  7. We will filter through four layers of gauze. If raspberry porridge is dense, then raspberry juice will come out with difficulty. Remove the mixture with a spoon. Strain the drink, and then gently squeeze the porridge in gauze, because splashes fly.
  8. Pour the clean liquor back into the jar.
  9. Now add sugar to taste. On average, 100-200 g of the product is taken. We stir the sugar.
  10. We leave the raspberry liqueur to infuse for 3 days to precipitate.
  11. The top of the liquor is carefully poured into the bottle.
  12. Drain the second part of the drink with sediment using a silicone tube. More often, a pharmacy dropper tube is taken (it is not expensive). The obligatory condition of the bank with the liquor is placed higher than the bottle into which the drink is poured. Air is sucked out of the tube by the mouth until the liquid moves. Condition - the tube does not touch the sediment. For convenience, tie a stick to the tube, which will be longer than the dropper and rest against the bottom. This method will create stability for the tube. In bottles, the liquor will still be cloudy. Let it brew for a couple more days to acquire transparency.

It is recommended to drink raspberry liqueur before going to bed. 30 g for stress relief and blood flow, then the hands and feet warm up quickly. Do not forget to snack on alcohol with fruit, candy or a sandwich. The alcohol content can be an irritant to the stomach.

If the recipes are of interest and there is no patience to wait for the summer harvest, try making a liqueur
