
How to make homemade ham. Ham at home from pork recipe with photo

Ham at home is much healthier and more nutritious than the one sold in the store. In this article, we will present you two different ways to prepare this product. One of them involves the use of a special ham, and the other - a regular pan.

Ham: homemade recipe

Surely many people know that dishes made with one's own hands always turn out to be tastier than those purchased in the store. This also applies to such meat products as ham. We decided to tell you about how to cook this dish at home using a special device.

So, in order for the ham in the ham to turn out to be as tasty as possible, you should purchase in advance:

  • homemade minced meat made from beef, pork and bacon - about 900 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • minced broiler poultry (from breasts) - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • instant gelatin - about 20 g;
  • fragrant spices - apply to taste (ground coriander, ground black pepper, dried garlic, ground paprika);
  • salt - add to taste.

We prepare the basis

Chicken ham with the addition of minced pork and beef turns out to be very tender and tasty. To prepare it, you must first prepare the base. To do this, mixed minced meat is combined with chicken, and then finely chopped bacon is added. We need this ingredient in order to make the ham as juicy as possible.

Having received a fragrant mixed minced meat, finely chopped onions, a beaten chicken egg, table salt and various spices are added to it to taste. After that, take instant gelatin and dilute it in a small amount of warm water (according to the instructions). As soon as it swells, it is heated over low heat and added to the minced meat. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with your hands or a large spoon.

Formation process

Homemade ham in a ham maker is formed quite quickly. After the meat base is ready, they immediately begin to collect the kitchen appliance (according to the instructions). After that, it is covered with a baking sleeve. Minced meat is carefully laid out in it and tamped well. In the future, the sleeve is tied with threads and several small punctures are made in it (for steam to escape). At the end, the ham is covered with a lid and the springs are pulled.

Heat treatment

Homemade ham in a ham maker should cook on the stove for at least two hours. To do this, the filled device is placed in a pot of water and put on medium heat. In the event that the liquid does not completely cover the ham, after about 60 minutes it is turned over to the other side.

Serve the meat product to the dinner table

After the ham is completely cooked at home, it is carefully removed from the water and left aside until it cools completely. After some time, the ham maker is opened and the culinary sleeve with the meat product is removed. After that, it is cooled in the refrigerator, and then cut into thin circles and served at the table along with a slice of bread.

How is ham cooked at home?

Now you know how to cook homemade ham using a device such as a ham maker. But if you do not have this device available, then we suggest using another recipe. To implement it, we need:

  • pork neck - 1 kg;
  • garlic cloves of medium size - about 6-8 pieces;
  • iodized salt - apply to taste;
  • lavrushka - 4-6 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - about 8-10 pieces;
  • allspice ground pepper - apply to taste;
  • ground coriander - 0.5 dessert spoon;
  • a mixture of Italian herbs - optional.

Preparation of the meat product

Pork ham, the recipe of which we are considering, is very tasty and tender. To prepare it, they take a fresh and not very greasy neck, and then wash it thoroughly and cut off all unnecessary elements. After that, the meat product is thoroughly dried with paper napkins.

Leaving the pork neck aside, proceed to the preparation of spices. To do this, in one container, grated garlic cloves, iodized salt, a mixture of Italian herbs, ground coriander and black pepper are combined. Also, broken leaves of parsley and peppercorns are added to the resulting mixture. All components are carefully altered. Then the pork neck is rolled in them so that it is completely covered with spices. On this, the process of preparing the meat product is considered complete.

We form the product

Pork ham at home is formed quite easily. To do this, a piece of meat in spices is tightly tied with threads or placed in a culinary net and tightly tied at both ends. Then the resulting product is laid out in a culinary sleeve (several pieces can be used) and tied tightly again so that no air remains inside it.

Heat treatment process

Having prepared the meat ingredient, it is placed in boiling water and covered with a lid. In this state, pork ham is cooked for 4.5-5 hours. In this case, the fire is set to the lowest value. So homemade ham will turn out even more tasty and tender.

After the specified time, the product is carefully removed from the pot of boiling water and completely cooled at room temperature. After that, the pork ham is sent to the refrigerator (right in the culinary sleeve). After a few hours, the product is taken out and removed from the package. Also cut off all tightly tied threads or remove the culinary mesh.

Properly serving homemade ham for a family dinner

Having removed all unnecessary elements from the finished pork ham, they begin to cut it. Such a product is shredded very thinly. The resulting pieces are folded in four and presented to the table along with a slice of bread or a long loaf, as well as a leaf of green salad.

Let's sum up the togas

As you can see, homemade ham is quite easy to prepare. By following all the requirements and recommendations of the described recipes, you will definitely get a very tasty and fragrant meat product that can be served not only as an excellent homemade snack, but also as an independent dish with any side dish.

Homemade chicken and pork ham is not a luxury.

But just an ordinary product that can be consumed for breakfast, served with side dishes or put on a meat plate.

The complexity of cooking is no higher than that of cutlets.

So what's the deal?

Let's please relatives with homemade ham, tasty and healthy!

Homemade Chicken and Pork Ham - General Cooking Principles

Combined ham from several types of meat products is always lumpy. Entirely prepared from only one type of meat. The main products are cut into pieces and mixed. Sometimes a part is twisted into minced meat, and the second part is chopped into pieces.

What is added to the mass for ham:

All kinds of spices;

Onion, garlic, pepper;


Gelatin is added in dry form and acts as a connector for the pieces. Sometimes they do without it. There are recipes with cheese, eggs, which also help keep the shape and fasten the products together.

Homemade ham is boiled or baked. Sometimes a multicooker is used. But, regardless of the method chosen, after cooling, the product must be allowed to rest for several hours. Sometimes they put oppression, strengthening the mass.

How can you form a ham

The ham maker is a wonderful kitchen device that simplifies the process of preparing homemade ham and gives the finished product the perfect shape. But what if it doesn't exist?

To form a ham, you can use:

Baking bags, sleeves;

Large diameter casings, special casings;

small forms;

Packages and boxes from juice, milk, salt.

For boiled ham, baking bags are most often used. For cooking in the oven, you can also take a bag (sleeve) or foil. Or get by with other improvised items.

Recipe 1: Ham from chicken and pork at home "Meat" in a baking bag

It doesn’t take much time to cook such chicken and pork ham at home, and the result is simply amazing!


500 grams of chicken fillet;

500 grams of pork neck;

1 pinch of nutmeg;

15 grams of gelatin;

2 cloves of garlic;

A mixture of peppers.


1. Slightly freeze the chicken fillet and pork. Then cut into small cubes, discard in a cup.

2. Add nutmeg, pepper, salt and immediately pour gelatin. Add chopped garlic cloves. Mix the resulting minced meat.

3. We spread the mass in a baking bag, form a sausage, simply cover the free edge with a second layer. We tie the edges with a thread and wrap it several times along the entire length.

4. We make 1-2 holes with a thin needle, put the ham in a baking dish and send it to the oven.

5. Bake for about 1.5 hours at 180 degrees.

6. We take out, let the ham cool completely and put it in the refrigerator for 5 hours. During this time, it will completely get stronger and it will be possible to remove the sleeve.

Recipe 2: Homemade Chicken and Pork Ham with Olives

Festive recipe for pork and chicken ham at home with a very rich composition. The product is very fragrant, and the olives add spice.


800 grams of chicken fillet;

600 grams of pork;

150 grams of cheese;

1 onion;

Salt pepper;

2 spoons of mayonnaise;

Some dry greens.


1. Cut the chicken into pieces, put in a bowl.

2. Add chopped onion, mayonnaise and herbs. Salt and leave to marinate for half an hour.

3. In the meantime, twist the pork into minced meat through a meat grinder or chop with a combine.

4. Open a jar of olives, drain the marinade and cut each into 4 parts. Let's go to the chicken.

5. We cut the cheese into cubes and also send it to a bowl with the rest of the products.

6. It remains to lay out the minced pork, add pepper and mix well.

7. If there is a ham, then insert a baking bag into it, fill it with cooked minced meat, pack it, make a small hole and throw it into a pot of water for 1.5 hours to cook.

8. If we just use a bag, then put the meat in it, firmly tie the edges. Then we wrap the thread around to keep the shape of the log. Also boil for 1.5 hours.

Recipe 3: Chicken and Pork Puff Ham at Home

Unusual technology for cooking ham with chicken and pork at home. Recipe with dry gelatin, cooked in the oven.


400 grams of pork;

400 grams of chicken;

15 grams of gelatin.


1. Cut the chicken into slices, lightly beat each one and sprinkle with spices. We stack on top of each other and send it to the side for now.

2. We do the same with pork. We also beat back a little, but not much. Otherwise, the meat will lose all the juices.

3. We take a small rectangular mold, you can use a container for baking bread, cake. Line the bottom with a piece of foil.

4. Put a few slices of pork in the first layer, sprinkle with gelatin crystals.

5. Now lay out a layer of chopped chicken slices and also sprinkle with gelatin crystals.

6. Repeat layers until all meat and chicken is gone. But from this amount of products usually not much is obtained. Sprinkle the top layer with gelatin is not necessary.

7. Cover the mold with a piece of foil on top and bake for 80 minutes at 200 degrees.

8. We take it out of the oven and, without removing the foil, put oppression on top. You can simply lower the foil onto the meat itself and place a pack of salt on it.

9. Cool to room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator in this form. It is better to stand the night so that the ham is well strengthened.

Recipe 4: Homemade Chicken and Pork Ham in a Juice Cart

A very interesting way to cook ham, for which you need an empty pack of juice with a volume of at least a liter. You can also take a milk bag.


500 grams of chicken;

500 grams of gelatin;

3 cloves of garlic;

20 grams of gelatin;

1 tsp salt;


1. Twist half of the chicken and half of the pork into minced meat. Cut the rest of the meat products into small cubes. We connect together.

2. Add spices and dry gelatin, mix.

3. We disassemble the top of the juice package, open it, rinse it and stuff it tightly with minced meat.

4. We put the workpiece in a baking bag, tie the top with a knot and make a small hole in the same place.

5. The bottom of the box, together with the bag, must be wrapped with foil.

6. We put the structure in a saucepan, pour water and cook the ham after boiling for 1 hour and 40 minutes.

7. Cool, put in the refrigerator and wait for solidification.

Recipe 5: Chicken and Pork Marble Ham at Home

Detailed technology of the famous marble ham at home. It can be prepared not only from chicken with pork, but also from any other meat. And to make the finished product really marbled, we use bright spices: paprika, curry, herbs.


400 grams of pork;

500 grams of chicken;

1 spoon of paprika;

3 cloves of garlic;

1.5 tablespoons of gelatin;

0.5 spoons of curry;

A little dried dill;


1. Chicken and pork should be cut into neat pieces, but not finely. The optimal size is 1.5-2 centimeters. We drop into a bowl.

2. Add chopped garlic.

3. Mix all the spices with dried dill and gelatin, pour into a bowl with meat.

4. Mix with your hands and immediately form the ham. We do not let the product stand. Either we put it in a ham, or in a bag, it is possible in foil or a mold. We choose the appropriate method.

5. We put the marble ham to bake in the oven for two hours at 180 degrees.

6. Then we cool and let it rest in the refrigerator overnight.

Recipe 6: Ham from chicken and pork with nuts at home

Adding nuts to chicken and pork ham gives the product a very interesting taste. It is best to use walnuts, pre-roasted and chopped.


0.7 kg of pork;

0.3 kg breast;

3 tablespoons of nuts;

Salt pepper;

4 cloves of garlic;

0.5 tablespoons of gelatin;

0.5 pod of sweet pepper (red).


1. We twist the pork through a meat grinder along with garlic.

2. Cut the chicken into cubes and combine with twisted minced meat.

3. Add one raw egg, chopped nuts, pour gelatin. You can not put it, the egg will help the mass keep its shape. But with gelatin, the pieces will be more elastic, and it will be easier to cut the ham into neat slices.

4. Now finely chop half of the sweet pepper and also add to the minced meat. He will act as red dots.

5. Thoroughly knead the mass, put it in a ham or pack it in any other way.

6. Such ham can be boiled or baked in the oven, on average, about 70-80 minutes at 180.

Recipe 7: Ham from chicken and pork at home with lard

Recipe for fatty, juicy ham with bacon. Very similar to the real one. From this amount, a fairly large loaf is obtained, if desired, proportionally cut the ingredients.


1 kg of pork ham;

0.5 kg of chicken;

0.5 kg of fat;

15 grams of gelatin;

1 tsp mustard;

1 onion;

4 cloves of garlic;

2 tsp salt;

1 tsp paprika;

1 tsp pepper mixtures;

A little dry parsley.


1. Fat needs to be frozen to make it easier to work with. Then cut into small cubes.

2. Cut the pork and chicken into larger pieces, as for goulash. Combine with lard.

3. Put the chopped garlic cloves and onion.

4. Add mustard and all other spices.

5. We throw dry gelatin, salt the mass, stir. Cover the bowl and put it in the fridge to marinate for 10 hours.

6. We take out, mix again and put in a ham. Or we form a log (rectangle) in any other way.

7. Bake in the oven for at least two hours. If a ham maker is used, then do not forget to add a little water to the baking sheet. If the ham is baked in the sleeve, then you can periodically turn it over to the other side.

8. Then we cool it down and keep it in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours before removing it from the mold.

Ham from chicken and pork at home - tips and tricks

Ham loves spiciness very much. But besides pepper, you can add mustard to it. Just one spoon added to minced meat will make it much more aromatic and tastier.

Homemade sausages are never cooked from fresh meat, the pieces must be well cooled. And if you need to cook chopped mass, then it is better to freeze a little. It will be easier to cut, and the pieces will turn out neater.

After cooking or baking ham in a bag (or in a form, in foil), aromatic juice remains. Do not spill it under any circumstances! This liquid can be added to any sauce or to the first, second course. You can simply pour into molds and put in the freezer. Natural bouillon cubes are sure to find a use!

Don't throw away the skin from the chicken. It is quite fatty and will give the ham juiciness, but before laying the skin, you need to chop it well.

The best homemade ham is a combination of several types of meat, thanks to which it is juicy and spicy. Piquancy is given by spices that will reveal all the delights of pork and beef. Boiled marbled ham keeps its shape perfectly and does not crumble when cut. By the way, no frying and casings - only pure meat, with a minimum amount of fat. Incredible taste and mouth-watering aroma will give real pleasure: homemade ham will be a great substitute for store-bought. Try it yourself: you will definitely like homemade pork and beef ham.


  • meat - 1 kilogram (300 grams of lean pork, pork with fat, beef and 100 grams of bacon or lard);
  • salt - 17 grams;
  • black peppercorns (to taste);
  • other spices for meat dishes (at your discretion).

The best homemade marbled ham. Step by step recipe

  1. First, take the beef, rinse thoroughly with water and cut into small cubes.
  2. Then we chop the bacon into small pieces, which gives the ham, cooked at home from pork and other meat, juiciness and piquancy.
  3. Cut the pork neck into two equal pieces. We cut one of them into cubes, and from the second we make very small minced meat. To do this, you can use a meat grinder or a blender: grind the fillet to a pasty state. We need minced meat to tie the pieces of meat together.
  4. Pour the chopped meat and chopped minced meat into a deep container.
  5. Pour peppercorns into a mortar (I use both black and allspice), crush it well, add it to the meat.
  6. Then season with spices of your choice: I use dried cranberries and marjoram. Add salt to the meat consistency, and mix all the ingredients well together. We cover the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for several hours, so that the mass is infused.
  7. We roll out the cling film, put the third part of the meat mixture on one edge. We moisten our hands with water, and press the meat well, forming a sausage. Then roll up tightly. If you notice air bubbles, then take a toothpick and gently pierce the tubercle so that the film adheres smoothly to the meat. This way, the beef and pork ham will come out smooth and whole, as indicated in the recipe.
  8. After that, take the sausage by the ponytails and roll it back and forth on the work surface: in this way, the ham will become even denser and tastier.
  9. Again we roll out the film: put the sausage on the edge, press the tails under the bottom and wrap the second layer. We roll the ham on the surface: as in the first case. Then we make the third and fourth layers of the film using the same technology.
  10. We form two more sausage bars in the same way. In total, according to this recipe for homemade pork and beef ham, three sticks are obtained.
  11. We put a saucepan of water on a low fire and heat it: the temperature should not exceed 80 degrees - that is, we do not bring it to a boil. Then immerse the homemade ham, cover with a lid and cook according to the recipe: about 2.5 hours.
  12. Further, according to the recipe, boiled ham should be cooled to room temperature: as it is recommended to eat it cold. After, for several hours, we will send it to the refrigerator: in this way the sausage will become more fragrant and dense.
  13. With a knife, carefully remove the shell, cut into pieces and serve. Homemade ham is very tasty and stored for a long time.

Now you know how to cook the most delicious ham at home. Delight yourself and your loved ones with a fragrant and juicy delicacy. You will find more recipes on our site "Very tasty" - we have only the best recipes!

How should a meat product like ham be prepared? The recipe, implemented in a ham, as well as a photo of this dish will be presented in this article.

General information

Homemade ham in a ham maker, the recipes of which all housewives should know, turns out to be much tastier and healthier than the one sold in ordinary supermarkets. To make such a dish with your own hands, you should know not only step-by-step recommendations for preparing a meat product, but also have a special device available.

Details about what is a ham

Vetichinnitsa is called a mold, which consists of the following elements:

  • flask-shaped body with holes (it can be metal or plastic);
  • two removable covers, between which the raw material is placed (for example, minced meat);
  • springs (their number may vary, depending on the brand of the device).

So how is ham prepared in a ham maker? The recipe for such a product is very often described in the collection that is attached to the kitchen device. Manufacturers also add a thermometer, baking bags and instruction manual to the configuration of this device.

Design features

Hams in a ham maker without fail indicate the required volume of the device. The required weight for almost all models of this device is 1.5-2 kg. In this case, the yield of the finished dish is 1-1.5 kg.

An exception to the rule is the Biowin ham. As you know, it is designed for 3 kg of meat product.


What needs to be done to make a very tasty homemade ham? The recipe, implemented in a ham, requires strict adherence to the following algorithm:

  • choose a cooking method;
  • purchase all the necessary components (if desired, the meat product can be pre-marinated);
  • load the prepared raw materials into a bag or wrap in foil;
  • fill the body of the kitchen device with a semi-finished product, and then install all the covers and tighten the springs;
  • expose (for example, in an air grill, slow cooker, oven or regular pan).

Follow this algorithm, and you will definitely get delicious and fragrant homemade ham in a ham maker.

Recipes for meat dishes (at home)

Dishes prepared with one's own hands are much more nutritious and tastier than those sold in shops and various cafes. This also applies to products such as ham. We will tell you how to cook it at home using a special device right now.

So what ingredients do you need to make delicious and flavorful ham?

The recipe, implemented in a ham, requires the use of such products:

  • homemade minced meat made from beef, bacon and pork - about 900 g;
  • minced meat from broiler poultry (preferably from breasts) - about 500 g;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • onion bulbs - 2 heads;
  • instant gelatin - about 20 g;
  • fragrant spices - use to your liking (you can take black ground pepper, ground coriander and paprika, dried garlic);
  • sea ​​salt - at your discretion.

Preparation of the meat base (from minced meat)

How is ham made in a ham maker? Recipes with photos require the use of only mixed homemade minced meat. Only in this case you will get a tasty and tender meat product that all invited guests will appreciate.

To prepare the dish in question, you should make a base. Mixed pork and beef are combined with chicken, then finely chopped bacon is added to it. This ingredient is used to make the final product as juicy as possible.

Having prepared a fragrant base, finely chopped onions, sea salt, lightly beaten eggs and various spices are added to it in turn. Next, the instant gelatin is dissolved in a small amount of warm water. After that, the resulting mass is heated over low heat (not boiling) and added to the prepared minced meat.

All of the above components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous and rather viscous mass is obtained.

The process of proper shaping of ham

How is ham formed? The recipe, implemented in a ham, requires compliance with all the recommendations presented in the instruction manual. Despite the apparent complexity, this dish is made quite quickly and easily.

As soon as the meat base is prepared, they immediately begin to collect the kitchen device.

The bowl of the device used is carefully covered with a baking sleeve. Next, pre-cooked minced meat is placed in it and it is carefully rammed (with hands or a special pusher).

After the described actions, the sleeve is strongly tied with threads. It also has a few small holes in it. In the future, all the steam will come out through these holes.

At the very end, the filled ham is covered with a lid, after which the springs are pulled.

Heat treatment of meat products (on the stove)

You can cook homemade ham in a device such as a ham maker in the oven, in a slow cooker, and on the stove. We decided to use the latter option. To do this, the filled device is placed in a pot of cold water, and then put on medium heat. If the liquid covers only half of the ham, then after 60 minutes it should be turned over to the other side so that the product is completely cooked.

Thus, homemade ham in a pot of boiling water should cook for about two hours (at least).

How to serve at the dinner table?

Having prepared fragrant ham at home using a device such as a ham maker, it is carefully removed from boiling water, and then left aside to cool.

After a while, the device opens. A culinary sleeve with a cooked meat product is removed from it. Next, the dish is placed in the refrigerator. After the ham has hardened, the sleeve is removed, and the product itself is cut into not very thick slices and served for dinner along with a piece of bread.

Ham from turkey in a ham: recipe

Above, we have described how to cook homemade ham using a kitchen device - a ham maker. It should be especially noted that according to the same algorithm, you can make a dish using minced turkey. As you know, such meat has a special tenderness and low calorie content. Therefore, it can be used to prepare dietary ham.

Cooking should not be two hours, as mentioned above, but for 60-75 minutes. This time should be enough for the poultry meat to be fully cooked and seized in the ham, forming a tasty and nutritious snack product.

Summing up

Now you know that homemade ham in such a device as a ham cooker is very easy and simple to prepare. Follow all the recommendations and requirements of the presented recipes, and you will definitely get a fragrant and tasty product. By the way, it can be used not only as an excellent snack, but also, for example, as a meat dish for any side dish.

It turns out that it is not at all so difficult to make sausage at home, which will not only be no worse, but many times better than store-bought. And, of course, you will know that it is made from real fresh meat that you bought at the market, and not from unknown tails, ears, cartilage and soy meat thrown there by dishonest manufacturers. Once you make homemade sausage only once, and you will forever stop buying store-bought.

The only thing is, if you want to make sausages at home and decide to do it on a permanent basis, you will need to purchase some necessary ingredients and a syringe for stuffing sausage casings. All of these items can now be easily purchased online.

Why, you ask, not a meat grinder with its special attachments for sausages, but a syringe? Filling the shell with minced meat with a syringe, of course, is much more convenient than in a meat grinder. The process of cooking sausages with the help of this professional equipment turns into a real pleasure. Unlike a meat grinder with nozzles, the syringe does not clog. It works much faster, and the sausages themselves, prepared with its use, are of very high quality: dense, appetizing and without voids.

Why is nitrite salt added to homemade sausages, and what is it?

Nitrite salt contains table salt and a meager amount of sodium nitrite - 0.5-0.6%. It was developed specifically for home use and completely eliminates the possibility of an overdose of sodium nitrite. Nitrite salt is an optimal and safe replacement for food saltpeter.

The use of nitrite salt is absolutely harmless and safe. It is used in almost all types of sausages, not only to create a pink-red color and the formation of the taste of "ham" and "sausage", but most importantly - it does not allow the development of pathogenic microflora, bacteria, in meat and prevents the development of botulism! And as you know, anaerobic food damage is very insidious and in most cases leads to disability or death, so let's not take risks and hope for luck, but just add nitrite salt.

Another ingredient used in homemade sausages is phosphate mixes. Phosphate mixtures, reasonably applied, are not fraught with danger, and their presence in GOST for decades is proof of this. Why they are needed: they increase the water-binding and emulsifying ability of muscle tissue proteins, reduce the rate of oxidative processes in meat and meat products, take part in the color formation of meat products, have some preservative effect, are good antioxidants and have a weak antimicrobial effect.

Ham Sausage Recipe Step by Step


  • pork shoulder - 1300 g,
  • pork fat from the shoulder blade - 200 g,
  • minced pork - 250 g,
  • phosphate mixture GOST FS No. 4 Muscat - 20 g,
  • nitrite salt - 32 g (1.8% per 1 kg),
  • dried garlic - 8 g,
  • ice water - 200 ml,
  • collagen shell - d = 45 mm.

Cooking method:

Cut the meat into cubes measuring 2 by 2 cm (or 1 by 1 cm). Skip the fat through a meat grinder (through a fine grate).

Minced meat, pieces of meat, fat, phosphate mixture, salt, ice water, dried garlic, mix until a sticky homogeneous mass. Mix for a long time by hand, 10-15 minutes (or using a kitchen machine). As a result, when you take the meat, it should stretch.

In warm salt water (1 liter of water + 3 tbsp. table salt), soak the collagen shell for 20 minutes and cut into 4 pieces of 35 cm.

Stuff the shell tightly with minced meat, tie the ends well with twine and put in the refrigerator overnight (for about 12-15 hours).

Take it out of the fridge in the morning and let it sit for 2-3 hours at room temperature.

Heat the oven to 60 degrees (convection). Insert a cooking thermometer into one of the sausages, put on a baking sheet (so as not to touch each other) and put in the oven. Bake at 60° for the first 30 minutes, 65° for the next 15 minutes, 70° for the next 30 minutes, then raise the temperature in the oven to 80° and bake until tender. Readiness is determined by a thermometer. The internal temperature of the sausage must reach 60°.

Put the sausage in a bowl and put under cold water for 20 minutes. Dry dry and smoke for 20 minutes, purely for a pleasant aroma (heat the oil lamp, turn it off and let the sausage hang in it, gain flavor).

Put the sausage in the refrigerator for a day to ripen and then proudly treat relatives, friends and colleagues.
