
How to clean small river fish. How to quickly and correctly clean the fish

Fish is a valuable product, often found not only in but also in many other countries. It is prepared both for the holidays and in however, before preparing any dish, the question arises of how to clean the fish. Cleaning fish is usually a frustrating and time-consuming task, but if you organize your workspace properly and follow a few tips, you can minimize the amount of time and effort.

Before you clean it, you need to defrost it, for this you need to put it in any dish that you put in the refrigerator for gradual thawing. It is not recommended to leave the fish on the table, because with a sharp temperature drop, it loses its beautiful appearance and taste. If there is very little cooking time, you can put the product in cold water, adding salt to it to eliminate the specific smell.

How to properly clean fish: some tricks and tips

The fish will be cleaned much easier if you rub it with salt. In this case, it will not slip out of your hands. Tench and burbot will become tastier if the scales are not removed from them during frying, as it improves their palatability. In extreme cases, the scales are removed from these types of fish along with the skin.

It is very convenient to clean perch, ruff or other fish with small and hard scales using an ordinary one (only it is necessary to allocate a separate grater for these purposes). In some cases, a special device is used for this purpose, constructed from bottle caps nailed to a small board. Since cleaning a perch is a lot of trouble, it is recommended to put it in boiling water for a few minutes so that the scales are quickly removed.

Considering how to clean fish, for example, pike perch, it should be noted that first of all, all fins are cut off from it, and then it is lowered for several minutes into cold water or for several seconds into boiling water. After that, several grooves are made against the scales with a fork, which ensures its quick removal.

After the scales are removed from the fish, it is necessary to cut off the head, remove the gills and fin, then cut the belly and remove the insides. It should be noted that the black film located on the inside of the belly must be removed so that the fish does not taste bitter. The cleaned and cut fish is washed under cold water to remove the remnants of the film and husk.

You need to know that perches and ruffs are gutted with scissors to eliminate the possibility of cuts. To fillet the fish, first of all, the thin part of the belly is cut off, the head is separated, the insides and the black film are removed, then the flesh is cut along the back to the ridge, after which it is cut off, separating the fillet from the spine, and the bones are removed from it.

However, every housewife should know not only how to clean fish, but also how the workplace should look like. It must be remembered that all used tools and containers must be treated with a detergent or cleaner, and the work surface with a disinfectant. At the same time, for cleaning any fish, you should have a separate grater or other device that will not be used for any other purpose.

Thus, it is necessary to know not only how to clean the fish, but also how to gut it properly. So, the gallbladder cannot be crushed, since the spreading bile will give the fish a bitter taste, so it is taken out entirely. Gills must also be removed. If it happens that the fish for some reason will give bitterness, a piece should be put in boiling water with fish for a few minutes and the bitterness will disappear.

For many, the procedure for cleaning fish is associated with a boring and monotonous task, the finale of which is picking up fish scales scattered throughout the kitchen.


The traditional tool used for cleaning fish is.

For those who have not had to clean the fish and those who have not yet gained the necessary experience in using the knife to separate the scales, it is recommended to clean the fish with the blunt side of the knife.

To avoid injury, you can clean the fish with a spoon or fork.

There is also a special tool, similar to a scraper. They are easy and safe to work with.

To clean fish with hard scales (ruff, perch, etc.), use a special grater. You can also make it yourself by nailing a few tin beer corks to a wooden plank.

A good grater will also serve as an empty tin can, in the bottom of which holes are pierced with a large nail so that sharp notches form on them.

Preparatory work

First of all, rinse the fish under cool running water. If some time has passed after washing the fish, during which the scales have dried up, moisten the fish again with cold water - this will make the process of getting rid of the scales much faster.

In the event that the fish scales are very hard or adhere tightly to the skin, dip the fish carcass for a few seconds in boiling water before cleaning. The main thing is not to overdo it.

To avoid injury from sharp fish fins during cleaning, cut them with kitchen scissors or cut them with a thin, sharp knife.

Fish cleaning

The main question that everyone who has cleaned fish at least once in their life inevitably asked themselves: “How to make sure that fish scales do not scatter in all directions during the cleaning process?”

There is nothing easier - many people clean fish immersed in a container of water. With this approach, a very rare scale will be able to overcome the resistance of the water layer and fly out from under the knife.

Another solution to the problem is to place the fish carcass in a spacious, durable and transparent plastic bag, performing all the cleaning manipulations without removing it from the bag.

In this case, absolutely all the scales will remain in the bag, without creating additional hassle for cleaning the kitchen at the end of the work.

If flying scales are not a problem for you, feel free to lay the fish on the kitchen board. Fix the fish by pinning its tail to a wooden board with an awl or any other sharp object.

If after that you pull the fish out, holding it with your fingers by the head, it will not be difficult to clean it from scales.

The procedure for cleaning fish is simple and hardly needs a detailed description.

Having placed the fish with its head towards you, start getting rid of scales from the tail, working with the tool against the growth of scales, gradually moving towards the head of the fish.

After cleaning the fish, it will remain gutted. After laying the carcass belly up, with scissors or a kitchen knife, open the fish belly from the head to the anus.

After that, remove all the insides, not forgetting to remove the brownish film from the inside of the abdomen. Either cut off the head of the fish or remove the gills from it.

So that at the end of the cutting work you do not have to soak the cutting board, do not forget to cover it with newspaper or a plastic bag.

It remains to rinse the fish thoroughly, after which you can start preparing a delicious dish from it.

Fresh fish is the easiest to clean. or having caught it fishing with your own hands, do not put it in the freezer, postponing the cleaning for later, but immediately do this, not always pleasant, but, no doubt, necessary.

Good luck to you! Delicious fish dishes and bon appetit!

Taste a freshly caught fish from a cauldron, appetizingly fragrant on the river bank, meet a beloved husband from a “quiet hunt”, quickly prepare a catch and treat the household - these moments could be even more pleasant if it were not for cleaning the fish from slippery scales. This adds a "fly in the ointment" to the enjoyment of river fish dishes.

We will not give up positions, and will try to optimize the objective reality. After all, dishes based on fish are healthy and tasty.

The basic rule for processing fish: clean from tail to head, with small sharp movements. First we clean the sides, then the belly of the carcass.

Preparing for cleaning

  • Cutting board.
  • Kitchen, large scissors.
  • Paper towels.
  • Sharp knife. If you are not a master, take a regular knife.
  • Scraper for cleaning small scales. This device is purchased at retail outlets.
  • A grater will also come in handy.

A difficult task is to remove adhering debris from the fish. This is grass, grains of sand, mud and more, so we wash the catch in cold water. If the water is running - great! If you have to wash the fish in the basin, change the water several times.

ADVICE! Do not cut off the head while cleaning. It will come in handy when removing scales. Cut it off when you begin to gut the carcass.

The method of liberation from scales and giblets depends on the type of fish. For some varieties, you need ingenuity when cleaning at home.

Quick and easy cleaning of the most popular river fish

Perch river and sea

First, cut off the fins with scissors, which can damage the skin of the hands. It's painful and unsafe.

Then dip the carcass in cold water, and clean against scales with a fork or knife. Grooves are obtained that raise the scales in some areas. Thus, they are easier to clean.

ADVICE! You can easily, quickly and safely remove the scales from the perch along with the skin.

Video tips


Catfish has smooth skin, and there are no small bones in the carcass. Removing the mucus covering it is the main task in preparation.

Coarse salt will come to the rescue.

  1. Roll the catfish in salt.
  2. Let's leave it for a minute.
  3. We wipe the carcass (putting on a rubber glove beforehand) with a sponge or a clean rag.
  4. With a knife (blunt side) scrape the skin to a light shade.
  5. We wash off everything that is rubbed off. Then repeat at least once.
  6. On "summer fishing" salt can be replaced with ash.


Pike perch has a slimy surface, so we also use coarse salt.

  1. We get rid of mud and mucus, wipe the carcass.
  2. Cut the fins with a knife, capturing some meat.
  3. We use boiling water to remove scales. We clean from the tail to the head, against the growth of scales. A metal grater cleans fine scales well. We attach the grater to the stick and, holding the handle, process the fish.
  4. Now we remove the offal. We cut the skin of pike perch between the gills and bring the knife down to the tail, while holding the carcass by the gills.
  5. We take out all the insides, not forgetting to remove the films. You can not remove the skin from pike perch.

ADVICE! Always clean the membranes inside any fish to avoid bitterness and an unpleasant taste in the finished dish.

Video guide


Tench has small, dense scales and mucus. To begin with, it washes away the mucus, then we dip it in boiling water and sharply shift it into cold water. Let's start cleaning the scales and entrails.


Carp is the cleanest fish. We wash it in water, clean the scales with a knife. Gutted.

silver carp

Silver carp lends itself well to cleaning with a special tool (buy in a store or process with a grater). Keep the fish in the water if you do not want to collect the scales scattered around the house.

Cleaned and washed with cold water. It's time to learn about some features when cleaning the insides.

CAREFULLY! There is a lot of bile in silver carp, so when cleaning, try to take out the offal carefully! If you damage the place of accumulation of fluid secreted by the liver, you can say goodbye to the plans for the "fish day" - the pulp will become bitter in taste.

Be sure to cut the gill plates from the head. From a semi-finished product (head of a silver carp), you can cook an ear or fry it.


Carp has large and dense scales, it is better to clean it in a bowl of cold water, moving against the growth of the scales. Places that are difficult to reach for processing can be doused with boiling water. Then the scales will soften and it will become easier to move away.

Video instruction

  • For processing all types of fish, it is desirable to have a special cutting board. To prevent the fishy smell from being absorbed into the canvas, put on a plastic bag or lay paper on it.
  • Handling should take place as soon as possible after the catch (or purchase). Pull out the fish giblets on the same day.
  • If the fish is dry, soak it for a few minutes in cool water. Then start processing.
  • Rinse fish thoroughly after handling. This will allow you to notice the flaws of cleaning - a small scale that has not come off in places, a film inside the abdomen.
  • When the fish is intended for smoking and drying, it is better to leave the scales.
  • Does the fish give off the aroma of river mud? Soak after cleaning for an hour in salt water, the problem will disappear.
  • You can use the freezer. Place the carcass for a day. Take it out, wait for the moment when the scales thaw, and inside the pulp is still frozen. You can clean it, the scales will come off perfectly.

So it's time to look in your notes for recipes for fish dishes. Now you will deal with any "river guest" caught in the net or on the hook, and then straight to the kitchen.

How to clean fish from scales? How to gut a carcass without damaging the gallbladder? I tell you the secrets of quick cleaning.
Recipe content:

The process of cleaning fish, and especially the removal of scales, is a lot of trouble. And if this process is not done often, then the necessary skills for processing the product are simply not available. After all, the main question that every cook inevitably asked himself: “How to clean the fish so that the scales do not scatter all over the kitchen?”. Therefore, many people buy already cut or cleaned fish and pay extra to the seller for its processing.

There is an option to clean fish immersed in a container of water. A rare scale will very quickly and easily move away from the carcass. Another solution to the problem is to place the carcass in a spacious, durable and transparent bag and perform manipulations without taking your hands out of the bag. Then all the scales will remain in the bag and you won’t have to clean the kitchen. If the flying scales are not a problem, put the fish on the plank and start cleaning. And the secrets described below will help make this process quick and hassle-free.

Fish cleaning tools

The traditional tool for cleaning fish is a kitchen knife. To avoid injury, you can clean the carcass with a spoon or fork. Special scrapers for separating scales are now commercially available. They are easy and safe to work with. If the fish has hard scales, such as ruff or perch, use a special grater.

So that at the end of the cutting work you do not have to remove the fishy smell that the cutting board (especially the wooden one) is saturated with, cover it with newspaper or a plastic bag.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 87 kcal.
  • Servings Per 1 Fish
  • Cooking time - 20


  • fresh carp

Step-by-step process of cleaning fish, recipe with photo:

1. Rinse the fish under cool running water. If after washing it dried up, then moisten the carcass again so that the process of cleaning the scales goes faster.

2. Position the fish head towards you. Start to get rid of the scales from the tail by working with the tool against the growth of the scales. Clean the sides first, then the belly. Gradually move the scraper towards the head of the fish.

3. When you clean the fish, run your fingers against the growth of the scales, from the tail to the head. Thus, check if there are any scales left somewhere.

4. Remove the gills. They are located in the head.

5. Cut them with a knife and remove from the gill box.

6. If you cook fish with a head, then remove the eyes, because. they will make the broth cloudy.

7. Hook the eye with a knife, it will roll out freely.

8. Laying the carcass belly up. Carefully use scissors or a kitchen knife to make an incision along the abdomen so as not to damage the gallbladder, and open the fish belly from the head to the anus. If bile flows out, then the meat will be bitter. If this happens, rinse the area quickly with salted water.

9. After that, remove all the insides.

10. Scrape off the black film from the inside of the belly of the carcass.

11. Cut off the fins with scissors or a knife. If you bake it, then you can leave the tail and head.

How healthy fish is, and how tasty it can be cooked! But ... Probably, you can not find a woman who would not wrinkle her nose at the mere thought of these torments. Like, it needs to be cleaned, which means that the whole kitchen is again in scales, the hands are cut, scratched, and the smells will haunt for several days.

Want to make cooking a joy? Let's learn how to properly prepare this product. After all, fresh fish is not cut everywhere. And buying fillets is not always desirable - who knows how long the carcass had lain in the freezer before and how many times it had been thawed. So, I offer several options for cleaning fish.

What do you need to clean fish?

Fish cleaning tools

  • sharp knife . If this is your first time doing this, do it with the dull side and or use a dull knife. After all, large scales can be removed even with a fork. If you have a scraper adapted for this purpose, or a grater, then in the case of small scales, this will be great.

TIP: Make your own grater. Previously, bottle caps helped out - nailed a few to the plank, and wield. Now you can take an empty tin can, cut its ends, and nail the bottom to the plank.

  • Paper towel.
  • Cutting board.
  • Kitchen scissors.
  • Water for rinsing hands.

Preparing fresh fish for cutting - step by step instructions with photos

The first thing to do is rinse the fish under the pressure of water. This is especially true for large specimens (like mine - weighing 2 kg).

After washing off the dirt from the carcass, removing the mucus with a napkin, look into the mouth of the fish bought at the market - is there any bait left in the form of corn or something else.

TIP: Cooking headless fish? Don't cut it off! Indeed, in the process of cleaning, you will have to hold on to it, otherwise the slippery carcass will strive to slip onto the floor.

And now - the main options and stages!

Option number 1

Step 1. Prepare carp carcass

And why clean the fish! What a question? Of course, in order to cook and comfortably eat a dish. But, by the way, sometimes the scales are not removed at all. After all, it can sometimes enhance the taste of the dish. It also retains nutrients. Did you guess? But I'm not just talking about the ear. After all, this is also done when cooking for a couple or when stewing. Dishes are flavorful and rich.

In this situation, cleaning is limited to gutting and straining the broth, if it is an ear.

TIP: The fish should only be fresh, but not defrosted!

Option 2

We put a clean carcass on a cutting board. So that you do not get injured even from a tiny fin, arm yourself with scissors. It is urgent to cut off everything that can cause injury. You can also do this with a knife, making cuts. But I love scissors - so the fish is whole.

Step 2. Cut off the fins

What scales do fish have? What size is it? If a small specimen is caught, take the carcass in your free hand, pry off the scales with a knife near the tail and, pressing the blade almost flat, start moving the knife towards the head. If the fish is large, like mine, keep it on a cutting board, grabbing it by the gills. Peel with a sharp movement, advancing with a knife or grater against the growth of the scales from the tail to the head. Carefully, because your left hand is very close!

Step 3. Remove the scales

By running your hand over the surface, did you make sure that not a single flake was left? It's time to start cutting the abdominal cavity. But before that, rinse the fish thoroughly so that the scales do not get inside from the board. The carcass lies on the board. With your free hand (you can wrap it with a paper towel or something else), we make an incision along the abdomen with a knife or scissors.

BTW: Do not press the knife too hard against the fish, otherwise its surface will be damaged or the abdominal cavity will open, which is undesirable.

Step 4. Making an incision

Choose whatever is inside. To do this, move your hand deep. Feeling that she rested against the walls, begin to slowly bring your fingers under the insides. Pick them up and take them away, slightly tearing them off, to the very head. Very carefully - there is a gallbladder. Don't forget to wash your belly well!

TIP: Violated the integrity of the gallbladder? Do not be discouraged, just urgently rub salt in the place where the bile touches the fish. You can cut it with a knife, but immediately and carefully, without damaging the integrity!

Step 5 Gut the Fish

Then it all depends on what you are cooking. That is, use it entirely or without a head and tail, say, you need a fillet or a carcass. In the second case, we place the fish on the board and, holding its head with the second hand, cut it off evenly and quickly.

ATTENTION: During a gentle cleansing of the insides, it is advisable to go deep under the head with the index finger - blood clots are always hidden there, which will spoil the taste of the dish. Especially if you want to make an ear from the trim! Rinse afterwards several times with water. Grab the fins on both sides with a knife - a good piece of meat will grab there.

Step 6. Cut off the head with a fin

Step 7. Cut off the tail

Do you want to cook soup, because the fish is large? Then cut off all the parts so that there is more meat in them (in the area of ​​\u200b\u200band the head, tail, and fins). Remember to remove the gills from the head and eyes. This is such a beautiful cut!

Step 8. Carcass without a head

Are you faced with the task of chopping steaks? If the fish are small, there will be no problems. But with a large one you will have to tinker, because the pieces should be beautiful and even. You can cut it with a sharp knife to the ridge, and then cut it with a cleaver.

Step 9. Steak

But do you need to separate the fillets? Which one - in pieces or the whole carcass to use? Let's start. The process is not easy, but real. With a sharp knife, draw a knife along the entire length of the ridge. Got to the bone? Now carefully guide the knife to the bottom, prying the meat. You will get two fillets. If you already have steaks, do the same, separating the meat at the ridge.

Step 10. Separate the fillet

Then do as the next scenario requires. That is, it will either be two fillets, or you will cut them into slices. The main thing is to get rid of all the bones, do not throw away a single fin and backbone! I want to brag - I got such a wonderful set for fish soup. Someday I'll post the recipe for the soup that came out of it!

Step 11. Fish soup set

Option number 3

Everything is easier here in terms of removing scales. By dipping the carcass for a few seconds in boiling water, you can easily get rid of it.

With a sharp knife, make two cuts across the head and closer to the tail. Open the belly and gut the carcass.

Cut the upper fin with two longitudinal cuts side by side, and pull the lower one out.

Remove the gills and eyes from the head. Cut steaks or fillets and cook!

Some useful tips on how to properly prepare fresh fish for cooking

  • To avoid odors. Lubricate the board, knife and hands with lemon. Finally, wrap the board in plastic and immediately collect the scales and entrails in a bag.
  • To keep the fish from slipping out. You can either rub your hands with salt, or wrap them in a towel or napkin.
  • So that the scales do not scatter. Open the faucet and continue to clean the fish under running water. Wrap the carcass in polyethylene, collecting the insides and scales there. Or carry out the entire procedure in a deep bowl or bucket of water - so the scales will not be on the walls and floor
