
How to quickly clean a bream from scales. How to easily clean dried fish

Many housewives try not to buy fresh fish, especially bream, for one simple reason - it is difficult to clean it from scales. However, this is a wrong subjective opinion, which is easy to dispel if at least once you try to clean the scales of the bream yourself!

Ways to quickly clean bream from scales

  • In order to quickly clean the scales from the bream, the fish can be placed in the freezer for several minutes. There is no need to wait until the fish freezes, the main thing is that the surface of the bream, or rather the skin with scales, is slightly frozen. The bream is taken out of the freezer and immediately placed conveniently on a cutting board. Taking a knife in one hand, and with the other, holding the fish first in the head area, and then in the tail area, with confident hand movements, quickly remove the scales. When cleaning the scales, you need to make clear, confident movements against the growth of scales. When cleaning, the knife should be lightly pressed down so that it has enough strength to tear off each scale. With such cleaning, you need to remove the scales in small portions and immediately put them on a separate plate (in the trash). After removing the scales from one side of the bream, the carcass is turned over and the cleaning of the other side is continued. The scaled bream is washed well under running water, thus washing off the remaining scales. Carefully examine the carcass again: if scales remain on it in some areas, then remove it as well, then rinse again.
  • There are ways to clean and fresh bream, which was almost just taken out of the water. This method is most often used in natural conditions by fishermen, right where the bream is caught for the direct preparation of fresh fish soup. The bream is conveniently laid on a flat surface (it can be a log or an ordinary board) and they begin to remove the scales with a knife. Well, such cleaning is suitable for summer time, you can go outside and calmly clean the bream. However, it is more suitable for those who live in rural areas. The townspeople will have to clean the kitchen and at the same time try so that the scales do not fly off to the sides, otherwise they will then have to be collected for a long time.
  • If you suspect that you will not be able to clean the bream carefully from the scales, and then you will have to wash the kitchen for a long time, then use a regular garbage bag when removing the scales. The bream, together with the cutting board, is placed in a bag and the scales are cleaned, as it were, inside the bag. Of course, such a cleaning will also not be 100% perfect, but in any case, the scales will scatter less around.
  • To clean the bream from scales, it is not necessary to use a knife. These can be special tools designed specifically for cleaning fish or a grater with large cells.
  • Well, for the laziest, when cleaning bream from scales, you can use the simplest and, frankly, the most convenient and “clean” way - removing the scales from the carcass of the bream along with the skin. To do this, a shallow incision is made in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head with a knife around the entire circumference, and then the skin is pulled together like a sock.

As you can see, there are relatively many ways to clean bream from scales, so feel free to buy this delicious fish and experiment!

Bream is a common and widespread fish of the Eurasian continent. Belongs to the Karpov family. Breams live not only in freshwater lakes and rivers, but also in the brackish waters of sea estuaries, as well as in the Caspian, Azov and Black Seas. The bream is an object of amateur, commercial and sport fishing.

IN In the catches of amateur fishermen, individuals weighing from 0.2 to 0.9 kg are most often found with an average body length of 0.3-0.4 meters. Although there are specimens up to 0.8 m long and weighing up to 6.0 kg. If a fish such as a bream has been taken as a fishing trophy, then the question may arise of how to clean the bream. The whole process can be divided into two main operations.

How to remove scales

Even if there is no intention to immediately cook caught or bought fish, it is still better to clean it right away. Otherwise, the pulp may be saturated with an unpleasant odor from fish entrails. The body of most fish from the Carp family is covered with rather dense scales. Bream is no exception. Before you get rid of the scales, the fish must be washed off the mucus. It is convenient to do this under running water.

Important! Even after such a procedure, the bream glides in the hands. To securely fix the carcass in your hand, you can put a thread glove on it or wrap the tail part with a napkin.

Firmly grasping the bream at the base of the caudal fin with one hand, take a knife in the other hand and slightly deepen the blade under the first row of scales. With a smooth movement, move the knife towards the head, lifting the scales row by row from the tail to the very head. In the same way, we clean the fish on the other side. Some housewives use not a simple knife, but a special fish scaler. You can quickly remove the scales with a simple tablespoon. They do this by turning it with the convex side up and moving under the scales from the caudal fin to the head. After that, the fish is washed under the tap. If necessary, then all the fins are cut off from the fish carcass.

How to gut a bream

After the scales were removed from the bream and the fins were cut off, it must be gutted. To do this, a cut is made with a sharp knife from the anal fin to the head. Through it, all the insides are selected from the abdomen. If there is caviar inside the fish, it must be carefully separated from the intestines. Remove the gills from the head.

Important! Caviar of fish of the carp family is very tasty in salt form, it can be used to make excellent egg pancakes.

Rinse the cleaned bream well, removing all thin films from the internal cavity. If the fish will be cooked without a head, it must be cut off. The heads can be used to make fish broth. So, you can clean the bream in 6-7 minutes if you follow the steps:

  • wash off the mucus from the fish under running water;
  • remove the scales with a knife;
  • cut fins with scissors;
  • cut the abdomen
  • remove the insides;
  • wash the carcass;
  • cut off the head if necessary.

From bream you can cook a lot of first and second courses. Most lovers of a foamy drink are familiar with the taste of dried or dried bream.

Many housewives try not to buy fresh fish, especially bream, for one simple reason - it is difficult to clean it from scales. However, this is a wrong subjective opinion, which is easy to dispel if at least once you try to clean the scales of the bream yourself!

Ways to quickly clean bream from scales

  • In order to quickly clean the scales from the bream, the fish can be placed in the freezer for several minutes. There is no need to wait until the fish freezes, the main thing is that the surface of the bream, or rather the skin with scales, is slightly frozen. The bream is taken out of the freezer and immediately placed conveniently on a cutting board. Taking a knife in one hand, and with the other, holding the fish first in the head area, and then in the tail area, with confident hand movements, quickly remove the scales. When cleaning the scales, you need to make clear, confident movements against the growth of scales. When cleaning, the knife should be lightly pressed down so that it has enough strength to tear off each scale. With such cleaning, you need to remove the scales in small portions and immediately put them on a separate plate (in the trash). After removing the scales from one side of the bream, the carcass is turned over and the cleaning of the other side is continued. The scaled bream is washed well under running water, thus washing off the remaining scales. Carefully examine the carcass again: if scales remain on it in some areas, then remove it as well, then rinse again.
  • There are ways to clean and fresh bream, which was almost just taken out of the water. This method is most often used in natural conditions by fishermen, right where the bream is caught for the direct preparation of fresh fish soup. The bream is conveniently laid on a flat surface (it can be a log or an ordinary board) and they begin to remove the scales with a knife. Well, such cleaning is suitable for summer time, you can go outside and calmly clean the bream. However, it is more suitable for those who live in rural areas. The townspeople will have to clean the kitchen and at the same time try so that the scales do not fly off to the sides, otherwise they will then have to be collected for a long time.
  • If you suspect that you will not be able to clean the bream carefully from the scales, and then you will have to wash the kitchen for a long time, then use a regular garbage bag when removing the scales. The bream, together with the cutting board, is placed in a bag and the scales are cleaned, as it were, inside the bag. Of course, such a cleaning will also not be 100% perfect, but in any case, the scales will scatter less around.
  • To clean the bream from scales, it is not necessary to use a knife. These can be special tools designed specifically for cleaning fish or a grater with large cells.
  • Well, for the laziest, when cleaning bream from scales, you can use the simplest and, frankly, the most convenient and “clean” way - removing the scales from the carcass of the bream along with the skin. To do this, a shallow incision is made in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head with a knife around the entire circumference, and then the skin is pulled together like a sock.

As you can see, there are relatively many ways to clean bream from scales, so feel free to buy this delicious fish and experiment!


How to clean bream

We will need:

  • Cutting board
  • Spoon
  • food package


The bream is a great fish. Bream lives in lakes, rivers, and in artificial lakes and ponds, so this fish is quite affordable and popular. Bream meat is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, C, E. It also contains micro and macro elements, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Fish proteins have a higher biological value than meat proteins. They are faster and better absorbed and digested by the human body. But many housewives are reluctant to buy bream, as they believe that it is difficult to clean it.

But this is not entirely correct. It quickly dissipates after you clean the bream for the first time and see for yourself that everything is not so difficult.

For work, we need a bream, a sharp knife, a spoon, a food bag.

Rinse the bream. Cut out the dorsal fin by making shallow cuts along its entire length on both sides.

Then stretch the fin with your hand in the direction from the tail to the head. Cut out the pectoral fins.

Place the bream in the bag and on the cutting board. Starting from the tail area, with quick, sure movements against the growth of the scales, remove the scales in small portions and put them aside. After removing the scales from one side of the bream, turn the fish over to the second side and clean the second side. Thanks to the package, the scales will not scatter around the room, but will all gather in the package. After cleaning from scales, rinse the bream very well under running water.

Using a sharp knife, make a longitudinal cut from the head to the caudal fin.

Step 6

Carefully scoop out the insides with a spoon. Be careful not to damage your gallbladder. If you still damaged the gallbladder, then immediately cut out the part of the pulp that got bile and rub the fish in that place with salt.

Cut the film covering the vertebral bone and clean the blood from this bone. Rinse the fish thoroughly, changing the water several times.

Take out the gills.

Or you can just cut off your head.

Step 10

The bream is ready to go.


How to clean and cut fish correctly: ways to fillet, what to do so that scales do not fly, how to gut and other recommendations + video

Fish deservedly occupies one of the main places on our table. Nevertheless, many housewives prefer not to cut this product, but to buy it already packaged in the store. After all, there is an opinion that it is difficult to clean and cut river and seafood because of the mucus covering the carcasses and the scales flying in all directions. In fact, it is not difficult to clean and prepare fish for heat treatment, the main thing is to know how to do it correctly.

What you need for cleaning and cutting fish

Many of us prefer to clean and butcher carcasses with a regular kitchen knife. But there are many cleaning methods that may require other tools:

  • sharp knife;
  • scaler;
  • grater;
  • Chinese chopsticks;
  • fork;
  • tablespoon;
  • fishing knife;
  • high pressure hose or karcher;
  • tin;
  • drill;
  • latex gloves;
  • kitchen scissors.

A sharp kitchen knife is far from the only tool that can be used to clean fish.

How to properly clean a fish

Of course, cleaning river and sea fish are different. Mainly because of the size of the scales. The sea is cleaned easier and faster, as it is covered with small scales that quickly come off with physical impact. However, there are some rules you should know to make your job easier.

How to clear mucus

Some types of fish must be cleaned of the layer of mucus before removing the scales from them. There are several options for solving this problem:

  • We lower the carcass for 15-20 seconds in very hot water. Mucus will come off during this time, and it will be possible to start cleaning.
  • The second method is also quite simple. Before cleaning, the product is rubbed with salt. The carcass stops slipping in the hands.
  • When fishing, you can use sand instead of salt. But this method is not very convenient, because it is difficult to wash the grains of sand from the meat well later.
  • For 3 l. dilute water 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar. We lower the carcasses into the solution for 1-2 minutes. Slime is easily removed.

The right way to scale

Before you start cleaning, fill the sink, basin or any other container with water. We lower the carcass into the water. This will avoid unnecessary cleaning: the scales will not scatter around the kitchen, but will settle in the liquid.

Instead of a fish scaler, you can use a fishing knife, a sharp kitchen knife, a tablespoon or a fork. This method is perfect for various types: river and sea. However, with larger individuals, you will have to make more efforts.

How to properly clean a fish

Cleaning the fast way

One of the most effective and fastest ways to clean fish from scales is to clean with a grater. For this method, we use a grater with 4 ribs, it is more convenient to use.

In nature, instead of a grater, you can use a tin can, breaking through the bottom with nails. In this way, pink salmon, chum salmon, pike perch and other species are cleaned. For individuals with hard scales, a large-mesh grater rib can be used.

Instead of a grater, you can use a tin can pierced with nails

How to quickly clean a fish with a grater

How to do it with ... a drill

Folk methods are often unusual, but nevertheless effective. We will tell you how to clean with a conventional drill:

The drill removes scales from river and sea individuals. It does an excellent job with both small and large hard scales.

Cleaning video guide

Cleaning with KARCHER

This method of cleaning fish from scales is convenient in nature, in the country or in the courtyard of a private house:

This method is convenient for cleaning large individuals. Small fish will not be able to withstand the pressure of water and will break off the latch.

Cleaning from scales with a karcher

How to clean frozen

Many experts advise to defrost the fish before removing the scales from it. But most often there is not enough time for defrosting. Is it possible to clean a carcass that has just been taken out of the freezer? It is possible, because frozen products are quite easy to clean from scales.

The method is perfect for small fish weighing up to 1.5 kg. It is better to defrost carcasses weighing more than 1.5 kg so as not to get hurt when cleaning and cutting. This method is used when removing scales from river species: crucians, perches, breams and others, as well as from marine fish, including salmon.

Processing video for frozen fish products

Evenk way of cleaning

In the north, this method is used constantly, it is convenient and easy to use:

The method is interesting in that even when cleaning fish with small scales, only the scales are cut off, not the skin. She remains untouched. Thus, in the north, all types that have been frozen are cleaned.

Cleaning fish from scales in Evenki

How to cut a carcass

After cleaning from the scales, the fish must be butchered in order to proceed to the cooking stage.

How to Gut with Chinese Chopsticks

This method of gutting fish is used when it is necessary to keep the carcass intact.

How to gut fish the Chinese way

How to cut fish in different ways

You can cut fish products in different ways. It depends on how we are going to cook them.

How to quickly fillet

To quickly and efficiently cut the fillet, we need a sharp knife.

This method is also called "Finnish". For cutting, it is more convenient to use a knife with a long blade.

For portioned pieces - "rounds"

For stuffing

Basically, the fish is stuffed either in portions or whole.

Another way to cut fish

For minced meat

  1. We cut the fish in the same way as for the fillet.
  2. Medium-sized bones are removed with tweezers.
  3. We scroll the meat through a manual meat grinder 2-3 times.
  4. Stew the minced meat for 1-2 minutes until the smallest bones that could get into the minced meat are completely softened.
  5. Mince is ready.

When using this method, a manual Soviet meat grinder is indicated. You can use other household appliances: a combine, a blender or an electric meat grinder. But a combine or an electric analogue of a meat grinder does not grind fish bones so finely, there is a high risk of injury after eating ready-made minced meat.

Features of cleaning and cutting fish

  • When cleaning and cutting salmon: salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon, and others, you can not clean the scales, but cut the fillet from the skin.
  • Small perches can be scaled with your fingers. It is enough to scald the carcass with boiling water and remove the scales.
  • It is better not to peel off the scales from the flounder. We remove the skin in the direction from the tail to the head along with the scales. To do this, we make a small incision at the base of the tail and pry the skin.
  • When cleaning and cutting carp, it is very easy to get rid of small bones. We make frequent cross cuts. During cooking, small bones soften under the influence of high temperature.
  • Small bones from herring, trout, rudd, omul are removed with tweezers.
  • Small fish, such as capelin or sprat, are cooked whole. If we are still afraid that the bones will fall into the ear, you can boil it in a gauze bag.
  • When stuffing, the eyes and gills are necessarily removed from the head of the carcass.
  • If the gallbladder ruptured during gutting, wipe the place where the bile got into with salt.
  • For the preparation of minced meat, it is better to choose large fish: salmon, catfish, pike perch.

As we can see, it is not difficult to quickly clean and cut fish into fillets, minced meat or portioned pieces. The fish retains its structure and taste in any way of cleaning and cutting. Now you can be sure that fish dishes will delight not only with amazing taste, but also with beautiful appearance.


How to clean fish from scales: from the tail or from the head?

Fish dishes are an indispensable product on every family table, especially fresh fish. The last words can scare an inexperienced hostess who does not know how to clean fish. A little imagination - and you can imagine how naughty scales, gleaming, scatter in all directions, stick to kitchen cabinets, tiles, a knife, hands, fly right in the face!

Sometimes in the country or in nature you want to treat yourself to a fish cooked on coals or in a smokehouse. Only now this does not happen as often as we would like, because cleaning fish is not a pleasant occupation. If you know some tricks, cooking will be much easier.

We remove the scales in various ways

Perhaps this is one of the most unpleasant moments, because the fish will strive to slip out of your hands, and the scales can scatter all over the kitchen. To prevent the fish from slipping, you need to thoroughly rinse it under cold water. They clean from head to tail, then the scales are better separated.

Scales from fresh fish are much easier to clean, so, if possible, fish should be cleaned right after the catch. But most housewives still deal with frozen or chilled fish, therefore, the most important thing is to figure out how to clean fish from scales at home. There are a few tricks that will help you cope with this task easily:

  • You can clean it in a plastic bag, then all the scales will remain inside it.
  • Place the fish in a container with cold water - then the hands are under water and the scales do not scatter.
  • Pour boiling water over the fish, if the scales do not leave at all, for 10-15 seconds.
  • Salt the small fish well and rub it with your hands for a longer time, then it remains only to rinse it in cold water.

Anyone who knows well how to clean a fish inserts a stick into her mouth all the way - it's much more convenient.

Instead of a knife, many people use various devices. You can make a fish scaler by nailing 2-3 beer caps to the plank. The same effect will be obtained if a plate of tin with holes punched by a nail is nailed to a wooden block (so that there are sharp jagged edges). Even a simple tin can with holes in the bottom can be a handy fish scaler. Yes, and in the hardware store there are many special knives for cleaning fish, but experienced housewives will say that the most reliable thing is an ordinary large knife.

By the way! So that when cleaning your hands do not slip, you need to rub the fish with coarse salt. True, then there should not be wounds on the hands (it will hurt if you do not use gloves).

River fish cleaning

Most often, amateur fishermen catch fish in rivers. So, first of all, you need to know how to clean river fish. In some cases, cleaning is not required, for example, without removing the scales, you can prepare snacks from:

  • perch
  • salmon
  • goby
  • burbot

Indeed, the most delicious fish soup is obtained from perch or small bream right in the skin. In this case, the broth can be filtered from the scales and the fish soup can be boiled further in it, and the fish can be peeled and served separately with herbs.

They also do not clean salmon, gobies for frying or scrambled eggs, and scales can be removed from crucian carp even with your fingers. But with catfish and burbot, the scales are not removed at all (they only carefully clean off the mucus), or they are removed together with the skin, as they say, with a stocking. To do this, make an incision near the head and remove down to the tail.

Perch deserves special attention, because it is he who is most often caught. This fish is loved for its taste and the ability to cook in different ways. In summer, near the river, the catch can be immediately smoked, just by washing in clean cold water. The smoked skin is easily separated along with the scales, and under it a wonderful taste and aroma is preserved. If you need to clean perches for frying or baking at home, then there is a great way that can be called folk

  • cut off the prickly fins of the perch with scissors;
  • put the fish on a cutting board and clean the insides from the abdomen;
  • we take the most ordinary metal tetrahedral grater (preferably the old one, from Soviet times, if preserved) and carefully clean the side where there are holes with notches.

The quality of cleaning in this way will be much higher than when working with a knife, and the scales will almost not scatter around the kitchen. And so that the fish does not crawl on the board, you need to hold it tightly with a fork by the tail. This method is most conveniently performed in pairs.

Special attention: tench!

Tench, a fish found in lakes or other bodies of water where there is no strong current, has become more and more widespread in recent years. Distributed in the European part of Russia, but occasionally found even in Lake Baikal.

Cooking fish begins with cleaning it. For culinary beginners, this procedure is one of the most difficult and unpleasant. Knowing how to clean fish from scales quickly, you can cope with the task easily, accurately and without polluting the surrounding interior.

Often such "armor" has a dense, rigid structure that spoils not only the taste of the cooked dish, but also the impression of eating it. In addition, during heat treatment, the plates may lag behind the skin and remain on dishes or other products.

Large plates that fit snugly to the carcass prevent the penetration of spices and spices to the meat - for this reason, thorough cleaning of the fish from scales is recommended before marinating.

Cleaning accessories

To quickly clean the fish without consequences in the form of scales scattered around, you should prepare all the necessary devices in advance:

  • a plastic or glass board that does not absorb odors and is easy to clean;
  • sharp knife or scissors;
  • container with cold water;
  • gloves for hands (in the presence of abrasions and cuts on the skin);
  • disposable towels.

The most common way to clean the catch is with a kitchen knife. The fish is laid on a non-slip surface, the carcass is fixed by the tail and treated with a sharp blade towards the head, removing hard plates from the skin.

After processing, the carcass must be washed with clean water, blotted with a dry cloth and inspected. The scales must be completely peeled off; how to clean fish without a knife, experienced fishermen and housewives know - they use improvised tools for this procedure (scissors, spoons, forks). There are other tricks that can help prepare the catch for cooking. Modern devices allow you to remove fish plates faster and easier than a classic knife.


Mechanical tools help to quickly clean the fish from scales, keeping order around and avoiding cuts with a knife. Hardware stores sell a variety of tools - from special graters to peels with cloves of various sizes that will cope with the skin of any size and density.


One of the most convenient devices for cleaning fish from scales is an electric fish scaler. Such machines operate from different power sources: car cigarette lighters, built-in batteries or a household network, which allows them to be used not only at home.

Some devices are supplemented with special containers or screens for scales, which allows you to clean fish plates not only quickly, but also cleanly. The only drawback of such devices is their high cost.

Quick cleaning secrets

Before you properly clean the fish, you should prepare the work surface and the product itself for processing. The carcass must be thoroughly washed in cold water, removing the mucus. The cleaning process is best done on a cutting board wrapped in plastic or cling film. Such measures will help prevent the fish from slipping, which will facilitate its processing.

To quickly remove the plates, you can use the advice of experienced chefs. These tricks will help you cope with the task in a matter of minutes:

  1. The fresher the carcass, the easier it is to clean. It is advisable to carry out the procedure immediately after the catch.
  2. Small fish can be rubbed with salt - microparticles will remove most of the scales.
  3. If the plates do not leave, it is recommended to pour boiling water over the catch. The exposure time should not exceed 10-15 seconds, otherwise the meat will steam out.
  4. It is enough to wash some types of fish thoroughly without removing the protective layer. So, perch, salmon, catfish, burbot, goby and bream are cooked without removing the scales. Fish intended for smoking are also not cleaned.
  5. The frozen carcass is cleaned without preliminary defrosting - cold plates move away from the skin more easily.

In order not to stain the surrounding space, you can carry out the cleaning process in a bowl, basin or deep plate with cold water: then the scales will not scatter and remain inside the container. For the same purpose, a cellophane bag is suitable.

The troublesome cleansing of the scales can be avoided using the “stocking” technique, which involves removing the plates along with the skin. This procedure is used for the preparation of multi-component dishes and snacks. Before stuffing or filleting, the carcass must be washed, cleaned of mucus and entrails. Then, cuts should be made in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ridge, head and tail, after which the skin should be carefully removed, separating it from the meat with a knife.

How to make a do-it-yourself scale remover?

A device for cleaning the catch can be made independently. This requires a bar to which a surface with sharp notches is fixed, for example, a lid from a can or a glass bottle.

You can also use improvised kitchen items, for example, a small grater for chopping vegetables. Suitable for this purpose and standard vegetable peelers.

Dried fish is a favorite delicacy of many children and adults. But often the question arises of how to clean it quickly and conveniently - so that all the valuable meat gets into our stomach, and does not remain on the fish skin.

There are many ways to clean dried fish, this can be done with a knife, or you can just use your hands. The second option is perhaps more versatile - you can use it at home, on the beach, on the road and ... well, for example, on the playground (unless, of course, you try to drink dried fish with beer), in general, anywhere. First, it would be nice to crush the fish in your hands - “break” it a little from side to side, working on the abdomen and tail area in turn. This is done so that the skin moves away from the meat of the fish a little. Then we break off the head, it can be thrown away. Now we pull out the upper fin - you can do it with your teeth. After that, the back of the fish will be divided into two parts by a hollow, which can be extended towards the head - tearing the skin on the back along the fish. With the thumbs of the right and left hands, we take the fish in the area of ​​​​the gap on the back, with the tail side towards us, and stretch the skin from both sides in different directions. It is necessary to ensure that the skin peels off evenly, if in some place the skin tends to tear, focus on this area separately, carefully separate the skin from the meat, and then continue to remove the skin from the back to the abdomen. It is important to shoot in this sequence - from the back to the abdomen, or, if you remove the skin first on one side of the fish, and then on the other - from the head of the fish to the tail.

When the skin is removed from the back and ribs, grab the belly with your palm so as to pull the skin and pull it off, at the same time pulling the intestines out of the fish. In one hand, a clean fish will remain (if there is caviar, it will remain in the fish), in the other - the skin with the insides.

At first, cleaning a fish may seem like a difficult task, but after a few fish are cleaned, the skill will be fixed.
