
Cafe with nice cocktails. Choosing the format of your bar: cocktail restaurant

Before you - cocktail bars in Moscow, where you will find a large selection of classic and author's mixes. Here you will find establishments with a wide bar menu, which includes classic options:

  • "Margarita"
  • "Daiquiri",
  • "Negroni"
  • old Fashion,
  • Cocktail bars in Moscow

    Some of these establishments have chosen to specialize in a particular ingredient or type of cocktail, while others are sure to be a good option for a thorough introduction to the bar fashion of recent years.

    Recently, for example, cocktails based on wine, author's liqueurs and beer are gaining popularity. Most importantly, do not be afraid to consult a bartender in such places: most often it is not customary to order from the menu in cocktail bars. You just tell the bartender what you prefer - sour or sweet, fresh or spicy, strong or light, your favorite drink for the base of the cocktail - and you can be sure that they will do what you need.

    Make a route for yourself to cocktail bars in Moscow and go for new tastes!

The list of the most popular bar cocktails consists of the following drinks:

  • "Mojito";
  • "Blue Hawaii";
  • "Cosmopolitan";
  • "Pina colada";
  • "Sex on the Beach";
  • "Daiquiri";
  • "Margarita";
  • "B52";
  • "Long Island";
  • "Jellyfish";
  • "Piranha";
  • "Oasis";
  • "Limoncello".

These and many other delicious exotic drinks are prepared right in front of visitors at the bar counter. The following bar cocktail recipes will come in handy for those who decide to make their own alcoholic drinks at home.

Bar cocktails "Mojito", "Cosmopolitan" and "Pina Colada"


This is a light invigorating drink based on white rum and mint leaves.

The traditional composition looks like this:

  • lime;
  • fresh mint leaves;
  • white rum - 60 ml;
  • 100 ml soda water;
  • sugar syrup - 15 ml;

Mojito preparation:

Take a tall glass, put mint leaves on its bottom, add sugar syrup and lime juice.

Pour in crushed ice.

Top with soda water and white rum. Stir gently and drink through a straw.

The popularity of the alcoholic "Mojito" is due to the unique combination of sweetness, lime acidity and mint freshness. There are other options for preparing the drink; in some establishments, strawberries, orange or apple juice are also added to it.


Alcoholic cocktail "Cosmopolitan" became popular after the appearance on television of the series "Sex and the City". His heroines constantly drank at parties. Cosmopolitan first appeared in the 70s, when its recipe was created by American mixologist Dale de Gough.


  • 30 ml of vodka with citrus flavor;
  • Triple Sec - 15 ml;
  • 30 ml cranberry juice;
  • one lime;
  • orange slice for decoration;


Pour vodka, cranberry juice and Triple Sec into a shaker.

Squeeze the juice out of the lime - with your hands or using a citrus press.

Pour the drink into a cocktail glass on a high leg, decorate it with an orange slice or orange zest.

"Pina colada".

This popular sweet cocktail came to us from the Caribbean, where it was first made. "Pina Colada" - "filtered pineapple", as strained fresh pineapple juice used to be called. Soon the juice began to be mixed with rum and sugar, so it moved into the category of low-alcohol drinks popular today in nightclubs.


  • pineapple juice, white rum - 60 ml each;
  • coconut cream - 75 ml;
  • for decoration - whipped cream, cherry and pineapple slices;
  • ice cubes.

Preparing the Pina Colada:

Place the pineapple juice, white rum and coconut cream in a blender and blend until smooth.

Pour the entire mixture from the blender into a cocktail glass, add ice.

Top the drink with whipped cream and fruit.

In some bars, Pina Colada also includes Baileys liqueur.

Recipes for bar cocktails "Daiquiri", "Sex on the Beach" and "Margarita"


Now under the name "Daiquiri" there is a whole group of alcoholic cocktails, although initially it was just one drink. It first appeared in Cuba when a man named Jenning Kos decided to combine rum, sugar, lime juice and ice in one glass. The cocktail has such a beautiful name thanks to the Daiquiri village in which it originated.


  • 60 ml of white rum;
  • sugar syrup - 15 ml;
  • lime;

Preparing the Daiquiri:

Pour rum, sugar syrup and lime juice into a shaker.

Add ice to these ingredients and shake the shaker well.

Pour the contents of the shaker into a glass.

Bar cocktail "Daiquiri" is ready to drink!

"Sex on the Beach"

A low-alcohol drink with such a provocative and enticing name is liked by many girls.

It is prepared on the basis of such components:

  • vodka - 50 ml;
  • peach liqueur - 25 ml;
  • pineapple juice and cranberry juice - 40 ml each;
  • for decoration - pineapple and raspberries;
  • ice cubes.

Preparing a cocktail "Sex on the Beach" is quite simple:

Mix all ingredients in a shaker and shake well.

Pour the finished drink into a highball glass filled with ice.

"Sex on the beach" decorate with a slice of pineapple and raspberries.


Margarita is one of the most popular summer alcoholic drinks.

To prepare this Margarita bar alcoholic cocktail recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 50 ml tequila;
  • orange juice - 25 ml;
  • sugar syrup - 10 ml;
  • one lime;
  • salt or sugar to decorate the glass;

Preparation of the margarita cocktail:

Pour tequila and orange juice into a shaker, squeeze lime juice on top, fill everything with ice and beat all the ingredients well.

Pour the drink into a wide cocktail glass with a high stem.

Garnish the rim of the glass with salt or sugar.

Preparation of bar cocktails "B52", "Long Island" and "Medusa"

"At 52".

This is a cocktail consisting of three layers of different liquors. Its peculiarity is that you need to drink it in one gulp, without mixing the layers. This is a very interesting bar cocktail, and not only the method of its preparation is of interest, but also the peculiarity of the alcoholic effect on the one who drinks B52. The strength of an alcoholic drink in the classic version of preparation is on average 27 degrees. "B52" is not easy to prepare, so in any case it will turn out better when prepared by a professional bartender, but you can try to make it yourself at home.


  • coffee liqueur "Captain Black";
  • Irish Cream liqueur;
  • Quantreau liqueur.

To prepare a drink, prepare a knife and a glass with a capacity of 100 ml.

Dip the knife into the glass, and carefully pour the coffee liqueur onto the blade.

Then pour in the Irish Cream liqueur in the same way. Everything must be done as slowly and smoothly as possible so that two layers of liquor do not mix.

The top layer will be Quantreau liqueur, it must be poured into a glass in the same way as the two previous components.

The result should be three different layers of liqueurs, of which the drink consists. However, "B52" is not yet ready for use. Now the three-layer drink needs to be set on fire.

You need to drink a cocktail burning, inserting a straw into a glass. Properly prepared and drunk "B52" should be cool at the beginning of drinking, and then it becomes warmer and warmer.

"Long Island".

This drink appeared on Long Island in New York.


  • vodka;
  • gin;
  • tequila;
  • white rum;
  • Triple Sec;
  • sugar syrup;
  • lemon slice;
  • cola;

All drinks should be taken in 20 ml.


Mix all the alcoholic components of the cocktail in a highball glass.

Separately, in a container, combine cola and ice, pour into a glass.

For decoration, use a lemon wedge and a few bright straws.



  • 10 ml of absinthe;
  • 20 ml of cocoa liqueur and Triple Seca;
  • 5 ml Irish Cream.


Alcoholic drinks in a glass should be poured in layers using a knife or a bar spoon. The layers go in this order: cocoa liqueur, triple sec, absinthe.

To decorate the cocktail, you need to beautifully pour Irish Cream on top - drop by drop through a straw.

Making bar cocktails at home is an interesting and exciting process, at the end of which you can enjoy the pleasant taste of your favorite alcoholic drink.

In this post, we will see which cocktails we drink while at the club, which ones we order most often. If your drink is not here, then write in the comments its name and composition.

So let's start, according to the results from the promodj.ru portal, the places were distributed as follows:

10 "Tequila Boom"

9. "Bloody Mary"

from the history: The tomato-vodka cocktail owes its birth to Fernand Petiot, a bartender who worked in the New York bar in Paris at the beginning of the last century. In the 1920s, this strange, by Parisian standards, drink appeared in Petio's "repertoire" - a mixture of equal parts of vodka and tomato juice. I must say, the invention was not appreciated by the French. The finest hour for the Petio cocktail has already come in America, in the New York bar "King Call", where Fernand himself moved in 1934 ... Here, however, more or less accurate facts in the history of "Bloody Mary" end, and then variations begin , in which it is difficult to grasp what the true details of this whole story were.

* The name is associated with the name of the English Queen Mary I Tudor (1553-1558), who received the nickname Bloody Mary for the reprisals against Protestants, although the connection between the name of the cocktail and the name of the queen has not been proven. The name likely refers to the blood-like color of the cocktail.

8. Long Island Ice Tea

  • Compound: Vodka, Gin, White rum, Silver tequila, Orange liqueur (Cointreau), Coca-Cola (80-100 ml), Lemon (1/2 pieces), 6-7 ice cubes. Alcohol 20 ml.
  • Place 2 lemon wedges in a highball glass and fill the highball glass with ice cubes. Pour: vodka 20 ml, gin 20 ml, white rum 20 ml, silver tequila 20 ml and orange liqueur 20 ml. Squeeze a slice of lemon into it, add cola to the top and stir gently

    *from the history: The cocktail was first invented during Prohibition, as it resembles ice tea (iced tea) in appearance and aroma. However, the cocktail is believed to have been first made in the 1970s by Chris Bendixen, a nightclub bartender in Smithtown, Long Island. 30% of the volume - alcohol))

7. "Mojito"

Compound: White rum (50 ml), Soda water (100 ml), Simple syrup (15 ml), Mint (20 gr), Lime (3/8 pcs), Ice (12 cubes) preparation:

Put in a highball glass (regular glass 250ml) 10 mint leaves and 3 lime wedges
Pour 15 ml sugar syrup
Squeeze with a pestle (you can crush with anything) and pour crushed ice to the top
Pour 50 ml of white rum and soda water to the top
Stir and garnish with a sprig of mint.

    from the history:

The "ancestor" of Mojito was the national non-alcoholic mint drink. When rum was added to it, it immediately became a great success and, according to Cuban archives, back in 1928-1932 it was called Criollo. It then acquired its current name.

The history connected with today's name of drink is interesting. Some believe that the word mojito in Spanish means "mosquito", and compare the effect of the drink with an insect bite. However, mosquito in Spanish is mosquito. The parallel drawn by others with the "mint" root of this word is also not valid, since in all interpretations mint is either menta, or herba, or mint. Some experts believe that the name of the cocktail comes from the word mojado, which means "wet".
There is a version that "Mojito" comes from the word "Moho". There is a Creole tradition to use Moho sauce, the main component of which is lime, as a seasoning for meat dishes. Perhaps it is because lime and mint are added to the cocktail that it received the name “Mojito”, which means “Little Moho”.

***look at me already wrote about mojito, if you are interested, you can read in large volume

6. "Pina Colada"

*from history: The name of the cocktail is translated as "filtered pineapple". Initially, this name meant fresh pineapple juice, which was served strained (colado). Unstrained was called sin colar. Then rum and sugar were included in the composition. In the middle of the 20th century, in one of the Puerto Rican bars, the piña colada recipe was born, which gained immense popularity and became the pride of Puerto Rico. The piña colada is considered the official drink of Puerto Rico.

5. "Screwdriver"

composition: vodka (50 ml), orange juice (150 ml), ice (6 cubes), orange slice for decoration.

put all the ingredients and mix in a highball glass, garnish with an orange.

*from history: In many countries, a "screwdriver" is referred to by the English word "screwdriver", which also means "screwdriver". The first written mention of this cocktail is found in the American magazine "Time" in the issue of October 24, 1949.

The cocktail is so named in honor of its unique properties. Quickly "unwinds" (gives, one might say)

4. "B-52"

Compound: coffee liqueur (Kalua) 20 ml, baileys 20 ml, orange liqueur (Cointreau).

preparation: Pour 20 ml of coffee liqueur into a shot glass, using a cocktail spoon, lay down a layer of baileys 20 ml and a layer of orange liqueur 20 ml. Set it on fire, arm yourself with straws and drink!

*from history: There are several theories about the origin of the B-52 cocktail. One theory claims that the cocktail was created at the Alice Bar in Malibu and is named after the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress bomber. Another theory claims that the cocktail was created at Keg's steakhouse in Calgary.

** there is also a good article about the B-52 on LAM, see

3. "Gone with the Wind"

Compound: 40 ml - Galliano liqueur, 40 ml - Kahlua coffee liqueur, 60 ml - Blue Curacao liqueur, 60 ml - cream.

Method of preparation and use: First, pour kahlua liqueur into a large glass and carefully galliano liqueur along the walls of the glass so that two separated layers form. Liquor galliano should be set on fire and allowed to flare up for a few seconds. During these seconds, wet the tube with your tongue. Inserting the tube deeply into the glass, begin to pull its contents, pouring cream and curacao liqueur on both sides.

** there are several variants of this drink - 1) when Galliano is replaced by sambuca, for some reason, the cocktail of a completely different composition has the same name: "Gone with the Wind"
50ml vodka, 50ml martini and 50ml champagne. It was not possible to find out which of these two is more used by our party-goers.

2. "Nail"

The search engine for the query "cocktail Nail" gives the following: "Red Nail", which consists of whiskey and drumbuie (a liqueur based on Scotch whiskey and heather honey), and on pdj.ru it is written that the drink "Nail" is made from tequila, Tabasco sauce and sambuca. In a solid book for bartenders, a drink that consists of such ingredients is called "Red Dog", I give a recipe for this cocktail:

compound: Tequila 30ml, Sambuca 30ml, Tabasco sauce - a couple of drops.

pour tequila, a couple of drops of tabasco and sambuca into a glass (small volume, a shot or a stack is suitable, as well as a small daisy with a leg), set fire to it, drink through a straw

in fig. "Red Nail":

and just "Nail":

1. Whiskey Cola

Compound: whiskey (any) - 50 ml, Cola - 150 ml, a few ice cubes

Put everything into a glass and stir gently.

They say that the world's most famous cocktail has no legend. So what! This does not prevent him from taking 1st place by a wide margin!)

From myself, I would like to add a few drinks to this list, for example: redbull vodka, rum-cola, margarita, daiquiri, cosmopolitan, which, according to my observations, can also compete with all of the above cocktails.

Recipes and cooking method in detail can be found on the website inshaker.ru

Have a nice rest and fun in the coming weekend, know the measure ladies and gentlemen!))

It is generally accepted that you need to drink in St. Petersburg and that Moscow is inferior to the Northern capital in terms of the number of bars and drinking establishments. We decided to dispel this myth and collected 20 places in the city where you should go first of all for cocktails.

In the photo: "Head"

Chainaya. Tea & Cocktails

Opening hours: Tue. - Thu: 18:00–01:00, Fri. - Sat: 18:00–03:00

Average check: 1 500 rubles

One of the oldest and most respected bars in the city, which is still only accessible by prior call or personal acquaintance. It is difficult to find a bar the first time - you need to look for an inconspicuous door in the yard without a sign. Inside, there's a dark opium-style interior, signature cocktails, and a small menu of Chinese food like noodles, wasabi shrimp, and gyoza.

Santo Spirito

A semi-secret bar in the basement of the Haggis Pub & Kitchen brasserie. A tiny room reminiscent of the same room from Lynch's Twin Peaks - black and white floor, red velvet, candles and bar counter. Irina Golubeva, who has managed to become one of the main figures in Moscow bar life, is responsible for the drinks at Santo Spirito. There is no cocktail card as such - to order a drink, it's easier to chat with the bartender and explain your preferences. It is better to get into the bar by calling in advance, but this is due more to the small size of the room than to excessive secrecy.


Cheerful and noisy bar under the Moroccan restaurant "Tajin" was opened by three friends. One of them - Nikolai Volotov, known to many for his work at Strelka, took the post of head bartender at Golova. The cocktail menu is updated regularly; in addition to signature drinks, the bar offers classics, cider, beer, wine and spirits. On weekends, DJs are invited to the Head, and it is easy to find the bar by the noisy crowd standing at the entrance. In general, the "Head" has occupied an empty niche between snobbish clubs and too young bars - everything is in moderation here, so it turns out fun and easy.


Despite the fact that Fahrenheit is primarily a restaurant, in the evenings people flock to the bar counter from all over the city for cocktails. Denis Kryazhev, one of the best bartenders in the city, who collaborates with several other Dellos restaurants, is in charge of the bar here. In addition to the author's cocktails, which are regularly updated, Fahrenheit is famous for frequent tours of world-famous bartenders, which are definitely worth a special visit.

"Antique Boutique & Bar"

A completely atypical place for Moscow - a quiet antique shop with its own kitchen and bar. Kenan Assab is responsible for the drinks here, they can cook anything from classics to an impromptu cocktail. The Antiquarian also has a small menu, but the main charm of the local cuisine is that, at the request of the guest, they can create any dish if they find the right ingredients for it. You need to come for an early dinner or after a hard day's work - it is always calm and quiet in a good way, like at a party.

Pictured: Public


Perhaps one of the most beautiful bars in the city, opened by Vitaly Bgantsev and Irina Golubeva. Finding "Water" from the first time is not easy, you will have to wander a little through the winding courtyards of Petrovka until you find the right door, of course, without a sign. Although the bar does not position itself as a speakeasy, you can still get into it only by prior call. The first floor resembles an alchemist's bright laboratory, while the second is more like a relaxed English club. The bottles in the bar are devoid of branding, there is no bar list, but they prepare many signature cocktails, including the beloved rhubarb fizz.


Small, but the main speakeasy bar of the city, hiding under the cafe "Iskra" on Pokrovka. A call before visiting is required - it's not an option to collapse with four even in the middle of the week. There is no cocktail card in Public, they prepare a drink after knowing the preferences of the guest. Overall, perfect for the evening.


Bartender Yevgeny Shashin rules in a small bar under the Tekhnikum restaurant. The feature of the bar is distillates, which are not made from anything, and a white negroni. Almost all drinks in the bar are transparent, and most often they are colorless, so the taste of the drink is usually unexpected. The cocktail menu includes a dozen author's cocktails, as well as strong alcohol. Food is not served on principle, but you can always eat in the restaurant on the floor above.

Molon Lave Bar

The newly opened Greek bar of Samson Moisidis and Aleksey Karolidis, owners of the restaurant of the same name on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya. The cocktail menu was divided into three sections: "Logos", "Eros" and "Paphos". Each section has three author's cocktails, in addition, the bar makes classics and pours wine. For drinks, you can always take sets of snacks, meze, hot dishes and desserts. In general, another must-see place on the city map.

Mitzva Bar

Decent bar on Pyatnitskaya with good cocktails and food. In addition to classics, the bar has a lot of author's cocktails, lemonades, as well as wine and spirits. On weekends, parties are held here, world bartenders are periodically brought on tour, and in the summer they build a small veranda. If you find yourself in this area, then for a good drink you should definitely go here.

Pictured: Berlin Bar


Unsinkable bar on the Patriarchs, which only gets more fun from year to year. If you want to drink in silence and talk heart to heart, then Klava will definitely not suit you. Here you can drink yourself unconscious on a weekday, accidentally break a crystal glass while dancing and sing along loudly to the most forbidden tracks of Russian pop music.

"Chiho's Apartment"

A small underground bar in the basement of the Chiho noodle shop appeared after a fire broke out in the diner. Kenan Assab was invited to set up a bar here, the menu includes ten author's cocktails, as well as strong alcohol. The bar was decorated in the style of an old Chinese apartment from the 80s, and it's so bad it's just great. Antique furniture, a large aquarium, tea utensils and subdued lights until dark - ideal for those who want to avoid being found.

Saxon + Parole

Large restaurant with a small but very efficient bar. You don't have to go to Saxon for dinner, but it's worth stopping by for a cocktail. The bar menu is very large, besides, it is constantly updated with seasonal novelties. In addition to signature cocktails, excellent classics are made here, as well as wine and strong alcohol.

Berlin Bar

A small bar in the Mayakovskaya area is open only three days a week. On Fridays and Saturdays, parties are held here, but on Thursday you can go for a more relaxed evening cocktail. There is also food in the bar, and quite exquisite: grapefruit tartare, duck breast and a cheese plate. The interior of the bar is decent, the cocktails are appropriate. In general, a good bar for friends and foes.

"Shroedinger `s cat"

Another bar, which is very difficult to find, but there are no random people here. "Schrödinger's Cat" is quite small, they love it mainly for its intimacy and extraordinary serving of cocktails. If you want to escape from the snobbish public of Bolshaya Dmitrovka, then turn into the courtyard and look for a metal cat on a visor - your option.

An alcoholic cocktail is a drink in which alcoholic beverages are used as one or more ingredients. The cocktail itself is obtained by mixing several liquids, and sometimes with the addition of spices and fruits. What are the most popular cocktails?

What are cocktails? Cocktails are a mixture of several drinks (usually no more than 5 ingredients), plus additional ones used in very small quantities, such as salt, spices, bitters, etc. The composition of cocktails can be very different. Most cocktails are made with ice, so it should be given special attention. To make ice, it is better to use slightly mineralized or simply purified water. It should be completely transparent and without aftertaste.

History of the cocktail
The first legend, the most romantic, dates back to 1770. In those distant times, the owner of a bar located near New York lost his beloved rooster. The owner announced that whoever finds the loss will marry his daughter. After some time, one army officer brought his rooster to the owner of the bar, which by that time had managed to lose his tail. The owner had no choice but to announce to all the visitors of the bar about the upcoming wedding. His daughter, who worked in her father's establishment, was excited to mix different drinks, which they immediately began to call "cock tail" (cock tail) - a cock's tail.

The second legend says that in the 15th century in France, in the province of Charente, wines and spirits were already mixed, calling the mixture coquetelle (cocktail). From this subsequently came the cocktail itself.
The third legend tells that the first cocktail appeared in England. And the word "cocktail" itself is borrowed from the lexicon of racing enthusiasts, who called mixed-breed horses, that is, those with mixed blood, the nickname cock tail because of their tails sticking out like roosters.


  • 14 ml Triple Sec
  • 14 ml white rum
  • 14 ml gin
  • 14 ml vodka
  • 14 ml tequila
  • 28 ml tea
  • lemon wedge

Mix liquids in a Collins or Highball glass, add ice. Intervene. Add cola.

Cocktail "Sex on the beach"

This is a very popular alcoholic cocktail containing vodka, peach liqueur (schnapps), orange and cranberry juice. One of the official cocktails of the International Bartending Association (IBA).

  • 2 parts (40 ml) vodka
  • 1 part (20 ml) peach liqueur (Peach Schnapps)
  • 2 parts (40 ml) orange juice
  • 2 parts (40 ml) cranberry juice

Shake all ingredients in a shaker and pour into a highball glass filled with ice. The cocktail is garnished with an orange slice. Drink through a straw.
In some variations, pineapple juice is also added to the cocktail. Sometimes Hurricane Glass is used instead of a highball glass for cooking.
Also sometimes a cocktail is decorated with a slice of lime and a cherry.

Cocktail "Cuba Libre"

Cuba Libre is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It appeared during the Spanish-American War. One fine day, a group of American soldiers who were on leave entered one of the bars in Havana, one of them, perhaps missing his homeland and bourbon, ordered a rum with cola, ice and a slice of lemon. Having received his cocktail, he drank it with such pleasure that he aroused genuine interest among his colleagues and they asked the bartender to prepare the same drink for them. The fun began, in the midst of which one of the soldiers made a toast “Por Cuba Libre!” in honor of Cuba's newfound freedom, "Cuba Libre!" the crowd took...

  • half a lime
  • 60 ml white rum
  • 120 ml cola

Squeeze lime juice into Collins glass, add lime to glass, add ice. Pour in rum and cola. Mix.

And of course the famous Cocktail "Bloody Mary", which takes the first line in the top parade of the most popular cocktails in the world

This legendary cocktail is surrounded by many secrets and myths. Such famous people as Ernest Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald beat the lover and admirer of the drink.
The cocktail received worldwide recognition in New York, when at the St. Regis, who works at the Petio bar, decided to experiment with adding Tabasco sauce to the drink. At the celebration of the anniversary of the cocktail, the honorable right to say the first toast in honor of the unique "Bloody Mary" fell to the granddaughter of the legendary bartender and the creator of this cocktail, Fernand Petiot.

In New York, December 1st was declared Bloody Mary Day. In honor of the anniversary, the cocktail was offered at the price of 1933 - 99 cents.
Bloody Mary owes its birth to Fernando Petiot, a bartender who worked in the New York bar in Paris at the beginning of the last century.
Legends of the appearance of the Bloody Mary cocktail:
Legend has it that Fernand came up with the name “Red Snapper” for his cocktail, which means “Red Snapper” (there is such a fish). But one of the regular visitors to the bar called the drink "Bloody Mary", after which this name was fixed behind the cocktail. Another legend tells, on the contrary, Fernand Petio himself called the drink "Bloody Mary", but the administration of the bar "King Col" tried to rename it to "Red Snapper". Another legend tells that in Chicago there was a bar called the "Blood Bucket" and a charming girl Mary frequented it, and the Bloody Mary cocktail was named after her.

Initially, this drink was primitive, consisting only of vodka and tomato juice. But 15 years after its invention, seasonings and spices began to be added to these simple ingredients.

  • 90 ml tomato juice
  • 45 ml vodka
  • 15 ml lemon juice
  • 1 dash of Worcestershire sauce
  • Optionally, you can splash and Tabasco sauce
  • salt pepper

Pour all liquids into highball, add ice. Stir. Add salt and pepper to taste. For those who like it spicier, you can use nuclear red pepper.

There is also a Bloody Maria variant, based on tequila instead of vodka:

  • 60 ml tequila
  • 1 teaspoon horseradish
  • 3 dashes Tabasco
  • 3 dashes Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 dash of lemon juice
  • salt pepper
  • tomato juice

optionally add 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard, 1 dash of sherry or 30 ml clam juice
Put ice in a highball glass and pour in all the liquid ingredients. Top with tomato juice. Stir by pouring from one glass to another.
Especially for lovers of non-alcoholic - "Virgin Mary", a variation of a cocktail without vodka
