
Zucchini cake - a delicious layered dish of zucchini pancakes with tomatoes. Delicious zucchini cake with tomatoes - our family recipe

Be sure to try this very tasty and unusual vegetable zucchini cake with tomatoes and cheese. An excellent dish for a holiday, and not only. This treat is prepared simply, it turns out tasty, cheap and beautiful - a great alternative to heavy meat dishes.


  • zucchini cake dough:
  • 1 kg. young zucchini or zucchini
  • 3 pcs. eggs
  • 125 gr. sour cream for dough
  • 1-1.5 cups flour
  • salt, black ground pepper
  • 1/2 tsp soda
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • filling:
  • 500 gr. ripe fleshy tomatoes
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • small bunch of dill
  • 125 gr. sour cream or mayonnaise
  • 150-200 gr. hard cheese
  • green onion
  • The good thing about zucchini cake is that it can be made in advance, or at least you can bake zucchini pancakes in advance. For pancakes, we buy young zucchini with delicate skin, and even better zucchini. If the zucchini has a thick skin, then peel it.
  • Three zucchini on a medium grater, add eggs, salt, pepper, soda, sour cream.
  • Stir, and then add flour in portions.
  • At first, the dough is quite thick, but literally before our eyes, under the influence of salt, the zucchini releases juice, and the dough becomes more liquid. More or less flour may be required, depending on the juiciness of the zucchini and the amount of salt in the dough. We try the dough for salt and spices.
  • Here is another nuance. If you make a zucchini zucchini cake (a variety of zucchini with a delicate green skin), then the cake turns out with beautiful green splashes. Pancakes from ordinary zucchini also turn out to be ordinary, so if you want to give the cake more "greenery", then add a little finely chopped dill to the dough. We leave a couple of sprigs of dill for the sauce.
  • It is convenient to bake pancakes in a small frying pan (diameter 16-18cm). We spread the dough with a spoon on a well-heated frying pan, previously greased with vegetable oil. With the same spoon, evenly distribute the dough over the entire surface.
  • We bake zucchini cakes on low heat under a lid. When one side is browned, flip over to the other. It is convenient to turn the cakes over with a flat lid, how to do it, in detail.
  • We put the finished cakes on a plate, from this amount of ingredients 7-8 cakes are obtained.
  • The next day, or when the zucchini cakes have cooled down properly, we collect the zucchini cake. To do this, first prepare a spicy sour cream sauce. So, put chopped dill (2-3 sprigs) and finely chopped garlic in sour cream (or crush it in a garlic maker). We mix, as it should be salted, the sauce should not be bland.
  • Medium-sized tomatoes (ripe, fleshy, the cream variety is best), cut into thin plates.
  • Three on a medium grater hard or semi-hard cheese, it can be Russian or another cheese that you like.
  • Well, then we grease each cake with spicy sour cream sauce, put a few circles of tomatoes, sprinkle with grated cheese.
  • Lubricate the last cake in the same way with sauce, put tomatoes and cheese, sprinkle with green onions. That's all, a very appetizing, insanely beautiful zucchini cake with tomatoes and cheese is ready. In principle, you can serve it on the table, but it’s still better to put it in the refrigerator for several hours so that the cakes better absorb the taste and aroma of garlic sauce, and it’s easier to cut it when the sour cream hardens.
  • This is how beautiful the zucchini cake turns out on the cut)))))))))) If you liked the zucchini cake, then by all means try

Zucchini season is in full swing: and today we will cook an incredibly delicious zucchini cake. Awesome appetizer is very juicy, tender, tasty. And by the way, zucchini cake is not as high-calorie as a regular dessert. Therefore, it will not spoil your figure for a couple of pieces. And it will decorate any festive table. Let's cook together!


  • zucchini - 6 pieces;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • flour - 5 tablespoons;
  • dill;
  • salt;
  • allspice ground black pepper;
  • tomato - 4 pieces;
  • mayonnaise - 200 grams;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

Incredibly delicious zucchini cake. Step by step recipe

  1. For this cake, like for any other, you need cakes. We will prepare them from young zucchini.
  2. My young zucchini and rub on a coarse grater. If your zucchini is not young already, then be sure to remove the seeds from the inside.
  3. We put the grated young zucchini in a bowl and generously salt. We mix. Leave for 15 minutes for the zucchini to release juice.
  4. In the meantime, while the zucchini starts to juice, wash the bunch of dill and chop it finely.
  5. Wash the tomatoes and cut into rings.
  6. Let's prepare the dressing. Squeeze mayonnaise into a bowl. Peel the garlic, pass through a press and add to the mayonnaise. Mix everything well. It will be very good to use homemade mayonnaise in this case.
  7. After 15 minutes, fold the zucchini into a colander, remember with your hands to remove all the liquid.
  8. Now we will knead the dough for the cakes: add eggs, finely chopped dill, allspice and black pepper to the zucchini. Mix all ingredients properly.
  9. Gradually add the sifted flour. We will knead so that the dough is not liquid. If it turns out to be liquid, then when you turn the cake over, it will break in half. Therefore, the consistency of the dough should be quite thick.
  10. The cakes will be prepared, as you already understood, not in the oven, but in an ordinary frying pan. I have a frying pan with a diameter of 24 centimeters. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil. And lay out a thin layer, about 3-5 millimeters. Smooth over the entire diameter of the pan.
  11. Turn the cake over to the other side as it browns. Also continue to fry the rest of the zucchini cakes. I got 6 of them.
  12. We spread the fried zucchini pancakes on a paper towel: in order to remove excess vegetable oil. Let them cool completely.
  13. After the fragrant squash cakes have cooled, we collect the cake.
  14. First, grease the cake with garlic dressing, put the tomatoes on top. Top with cake and repeat the whole process further.
  15. Lay out the tomatoes with the last layer and decorate with chopped dill.

We let the incredibly tasty zucchini cake soak and brew in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. Cut into pieces and serve. I think that this is a wonderful version of a summer cold snack: very satisfying, very beautiful. The combination of all the ingredients played a role. For a change, you can add grated cheese, fried mushrooms, carrots, herbs. Cook and surprise your guests with us. And look for recipes on our website "Very tasty". Bon appetit!

What associations do you have at the mere mention of a cake? Dessert, sweet, cream, treat, diet, calories… Yes, you never know what else. Someone will even have a tear in their eyes, because it’s impossible! For those who are so zealous about their figure, the word "cake" is generally a real taboo. That's what nutritionists tell them. And let's try to deceive these very nutritionists and make a zucchini cake with tomatoes and cheese. Many do not even imagine what an amazingly tasty dish it turns out. This is a light, and at the same time quite nutritious meal. It is also very useful. And here, even nutritionists will be delighted, who have been saying lately that the future belongs to the squash diet. And this is true, because this vegetable can be eaten up to one and a half kilograms per day without compromising health. True true! No damage. Exceptional benefit. After all, zucchini is able to remove toxins from the blood, regulate the water-salt balance. And yet (this is good news for lovely ladies) it is the first assistant in the fight against cellulite. Well, isn't it a find? Yes, cooking is fun. Now let's sum up all of the above. A cake is something refined, airy, tasty, satisfying, festive, colorful ... A zucchini cake with tomatoes and cheese is healthy, light, nutritious, tasty, bright, low-calorie, original ... We have not lost anything! Vice versa. They also benefited. Zucchini season is in full swing! We eat well!


  • 3 small zucchini (1 kg);
  • 3 medium tomatoes (0.5 kg);
  • 4 large or 8 medium cloves of garlic (50 g);
  • 600 g sour cream 20% fat or mayonnaise to taste;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 300 g of any cheese.

Recipe for zucchini cake with cheese and tomatoes

1. To make the zucchini cake perfect, not too wet, not spreading, we first need to do some actions with sour cream. We need it thick. Therefore, we will try to get rid of the excess serum in it as much as possible. What do I need to do? We take a suitable pan, line it with gauze, folded in several layers.

2. Now carefully spread all the sour cream (according to the recipe 600 g) into cheesecloth.

3. Next, we collect all the edges of the gauze and tie them into a knot, sticking a spoon into the hole so that it is light on the edges of the pan and the sour cream does not touch the bottom of the pan. We send this simple design to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. During this time, the sour cream in the bundle will sag, excess liquid will drain into the container. The sour cream will become much thicker.

4. While the sour cream is in the refrigerator, let's take care of the zucchini. They need to be washed, wiped with a paper towel. If the zucchini is slightly "aged", then it is better to remove the skin from them. If you use young vegetables, then they may not be peeled. Next, cut the zucchini into not too thick rings.

5. Now you need to prepare a baking sheet. Cover it with parchment paper. We place the prepared zucchini circles on a baking sheet and grease them with vegetable oil. We send the zucchini to the oven, preheated to 200 ° C, for 12-15 minutes.

6. Grind the cheese on a grater with large holes. The type of cheese doesn't matter, use your favorite. And feta cheese, and suluguni, and any hard cheese will perfectly complement the zucchini cake with tomatoes.

7. Zucchini have already been baked by this time, we take them out of the oven and cool them. The zucchini should be soft and easy to pierce with a fork.

8. Now our task is to prepare the sauce for an amazing zucchini cake. Rinse greens under running water, let dry slightly. A few sprigs of green dill can be left to decorate the vegetable cake. Peel the garlic and pass it through a press. From a small container, mix greens, garlic and sour cream, which by this time has already sagged and got rid of the whey. Mix thoroughly, salt and pepper only to taste.

9. My tomatoes and cut into thin halves of circles. To prepare a zucchini cake with tomatoes and cheese, it is better to choose tomatoes that are fleshy, but not overripe, so that they do not drain juice ahead of time.

10. All preparatory stages have been completed. You can start assembling the cake. We will use a detachable form, thanks to which the cake will turn out tall and beautiful. In addition, it is very convenient to get the cake out of the detachable form. I used a form with a diameter of 25 cm. We cover its bottom with oiled paper or simply grease it with vegetable oil. Now lay out the prepared zucchini washers. We place them in two, three layers so that the whole bottom is closed.

11. Generously grease a layer of zucchini with sour cream and garlic sauce with herbs.

13. Sprinkle some of the grated cheese on top of the tomato half rings. And again generously lubricate the prepared sauce.

14. Now repeat all the layers. Zucchini, sauce, tomatoes, cheese and sauce. Put the zucchini on the last layer.

15. Generously grease the last squash layer with sauce. Cover the mold and send it to the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. Ideally, of course, at night. We cover the bowl with the remaining grated cheese with cling film and also put it in the refrigerator.

16. After a certain time (3 hours or night), we take out the squash cake from the refrigerator. Sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese.

17. Now carefully remove the ring from the mold and transfer the cake to a flat dish.

18. Zucchini cake with tomatoes and cheese is ready! It remains only to decorate it with chopped tomato slices and the remaining dill. You can also use other decoration options: whatever your imagination tells you.

I hope you enjoyed this recipe and the step by step photos helped with the preparation. How tasty and beautiful it turned out, our dietary and vitamin cake. Bon appetit!

Dishes from zucchini - a myriad of simple and delicious. In my previous articles, you could get acquainted with detailed recipes for various, and. But I want to please you with other, no less delicious recipes for zucchini dishes. Today's topic is zucchini cake. Zucchini cake, in my opinion, is a decoration of any table, including a festive one. And it is quite simple to prepare, let's make sure of this together.

Zucchini cake - recipe with photo step by step

There are many recipes for zucchini cakes, but today I want to introduce you to a beautiful and juicy zucchini cake with tomatoes.


  • zucchini - 5-6 small
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • tomatoes - 6 pcs.
  • flour - 6 tbsp. l.
  • mayonnaise - 200 ml.
  • dill - bunch
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil
  1. We clean the zucchini and rub it on a coarse grater, salt, leave the zucchini for 15 minutes so that they give juice.

2. During this time, cut the tomatoes into circles, and add the garlic passed through the press to the mayonnaise. Mayonnaise, by the way, can be cooked. It's much better than store bought.

3. The juice from the zucchini can be drained simply by pressing the zucchini mass with your hands, or you can throw the zucchini into a colander, and, lightly tamping, squeeze out the liquid.

4. Drive eggs into the squash mass, add finely chopped dill, salt and pepper. We mix everything well.

5. Gradually add flour. The dough should not be liquid, otherwise the cakes will spread when turned over.

If you find the dough to be watery, increase the amount of flour or add some starch to the dough.

6. We bake pancakes in a preheated pan, greased with vegetable oil. The number of cakes will depend on their diameter. From the amount indicated in the recipe, 4-5 cakes should be obtained.

7. Pancakes fry on both sides until a beautiful golden crust. Leave the cakes aside until completely cooled.

8. Fold the zucchini cake. Lubricate the first zucchini cake with mayonnaise, and put tomato circles on top. So we repeat until the last cake. Tomatoes should be on top. Top the cake can be decorated with chopped dill.

Zucchini cake with tomatoes and cheese

Tomatoes go well with zucchini, besides they decorate any dish. Zucchini cake with tomatoes looks very elegant. And if you also flavor it with cheese, it will turn out hearty and incredibly tasty. This recipe differs from the previous one in that we will bake the cake in the oven.


  • zucchini - 2-3 medium
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • cheese - 200 gr.
  • flour - 200 gr.
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - 200 ml.
  • dill - bunch
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil

First, let's prepare the cake layers. From this amount of ingredients, 7-8 cakes are obtained. Of course, it depends on the diameter of your frying pan.

  1. We clean the zucchini and rub it on a coarse grater. Add salt and pepper, beat in 2 eggs. Mix well.

2. Pour flour into the squash mass, knead again. The dough should be the consistency of thick sour cream.

3. In a heated pan in vegetable oil, fry the pancakes on both sides. The thickness of each pancake is about 0.5 cm. After that, the pancakes should cool down.

The cakes will cool faster if they are laid out separately from each other on a paper towel.

4. We prepare the cream for our cake. Finely chop the dill and mix with mayonnaise or sour cream, salt, pepper and squeeze the garlic.

5. We rub the cheese on a coarse grater, and cut the tomatoes into circles.

6. We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper and collect the cake. Lubricate the first zucchini cake with mayonnaise cream, put a layer of tomatoes on top and sprinkle with cheese. So we repeat until the last cake. Lubricate the top cake with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese.

7. Bake the cake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.

8. After baking, the cake should cool down, as the zucchini cake is served as a cold appetizer.

This zucchini cake is unusually tender and tasty, try it.

Cake from zucchini pancakes quickly and tasty

A simple recipe with a minimum set of ingredients, under the power of any cook. Cheese cake, which gives this dish a special piquancy. This recipe is good because the zucchini is not fried in a large amount of oil, but baked in the oven. Thanks to this, the cake is lighter and more useful.


  • zucchini - 3 pcs.
  • cheese - 180 gr.
  • sour cream - 200 ml.
  • dill - bunch
  • arugula - bunch
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt, pepper to taste

Zucchini for this recipe, it is advisable to choose small

  1. We cut the zucchini lengthwise into plates about 0.5 - 1 cm thick, lay them on a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet. Bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. The zucchini will not brown, but will become soft. After baking, they should cool down.

2. Finely chop the dill and arugula. In principle, any greens that you have in your kitchen will fit here. Mix the greens with sour cream, squeeze the garlic, salt and pepper a little. We stir everything.

3. We rub the cheese on a coarse grater.

4. We begin to fold the cake. An oblong plate works well for this recipe. We lay the zucchini across the plate one plate to another.

5. Lubricate over the zucchini with sour cream. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.

6. So we repeat until the end of the zucchini. The top layer should be cheese.

You can top it with fresh herbs if you like. We send the cake to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Zucchini cake with carrots and onions

Another delicious zucchini cake recipe that has a large number of different ingredients, including carrots and onions. This appetizer looks very appetizing.

Zucchini cake with minced meat and mushrooms

If you want to cook a tasty and satisfying dish, then this recipe is for you. Zucchini cake is prepared with minced meat and rice.

This beautiful dish can be eaten hot as a casserole, or cold as an appetizer.


  • zucchini - 3 - 4 pcs.
  • minced meat - 500 gr.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • tomatoes - 400 gr.
  • mushrooms - 400 gr.
  • rice - 3 tbsp. l.
  • sour cream - 250 ml.
  • salt, pepper to taste
  1. Preparing mushroom stuffing. To do this, fry the mushrooms with onions in vegetable oil. Don't forget to salt.

2. Minced meat can also be fried a little, then the baking time will be reduced. Boil rice until half cooked and mix with minced meat. Add salt, pepper, you can add seasonings for meat.

3. Cut the tomatoes into circles.

4. Cut the zucchini into very thin strips. You can easily do this with a vegetable peeler. The thickness of each layer is approximately 2-3 mm.

5. Salt the chopped zucchini a little and place them in a baking dish in a circle and tightly, but so that their ends hang freely.

6. Put minced meat with rice in the middle of the cake. Lay zucchini strips on top again.

7. Mushrooms fried with onions go on top of the zucchini.

8. Spread the circles of tomatoes on the surface arbitrarily. It doesn't have to be many.

9. Lubricate the surface with sour cream.

10. Close the filling with the free ends of the zucchini. We form a beautiful shape. Decorate with tomatoes on top.

11. Bake at a temperature of 190 degrees for 30-40 minutes. 10 minutes before the cake is ready, we take it out of the oven and grease it with sour cream.

We decorate the finished cake with fresh herbs. Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that the cake prepared according to this recipe can be eaten both hot and cold.

Zucchini cake with mushrooms

And I also liked the easy recipe for a snack cake with mushrooms. And although I myself have not yet tried to cook such a cake, it seemed to me fragrant, juicy and tasty.

As you can see, zucchini cakes can be prepared with various fillings. Changing the toppings, each time a new dish is obtained. So don't stop surprising your family and friends. Moreover, with a good harvest of zucchini, the dish will turn out to be inexpensive, but tasty and satisfying.

I hope that my recipes will be useful to you and you will decorate your dinner or holiday table with such savory cakes.

And if you liked the recipes, then share them on social networks, write comments with your impressions and comments. I would be grateful for feedback.

What is a cake? Most often - cakes stacked on top of each other and smeared with cream. However, even without changing the structure, the cake can be prepared unexpectedly, unusually. Why not, for example, make a snack zucchini cake?

Grated zucchini cakes are fried in a pan, and sautéed carrots and onions mixed with mayonnaise serve as cream and filling. Fresh tomatoes will add extra juiciness to the snack zucchini cake, well, and the cheese will decorate and complement the dish. The snack cake will definitely not go unnoticed, its appearance attracts surprised looks, and the taste is very pleasing - it is excellent and well balanced.


  • zucchini 500 g
  • egg 2 pcs.
  • carrots 2 pcs.
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • flour 5 tbsp. l.
  • tomato 4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise 150 g
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • hard cheese 100 g
  • vegetable oil

Zucchini cake recipe step by step

  1. Prepare the necessary products. Cut the skin off the zucchini and remove the seeds and soft inside (if any). Peel and wash carrots and onions.

  2. Grate the zucchini on a beet grater, break the eggs.

  3. Mix. Add salt and flour.

  4. Mix thoroughly again so that there are no flour lumps left. If the dough is too liquid, you need to add a little more flour, otherwise the cake will not be able to turn over. Here, be guided by the situation, because the liquid content in zucchini can be different, depending on this, adjust the amount of added flour.

  5. Heat some vegetable oil well in a frying pan. Spread the zucchini dough as thinly as possible over the entire surface with a spoon. Fry over medium heat on both sides until a light crust appears. Bake the rest of the pancakes in this way. They will turn out 4-5 pieces (the diameter of the pan is 23 centimeters).

  6. For the filling, grate the carrots, cut the onion into half or quarter rings. Spasser in vegetable oil until golden brown. Mince the garlic.

  7. Add mayonnaise and stir.

  8. All components are ready, and you can start assembling. Place the zucchini crust on a plate.

  9. Spread generously with filling. There should be a lot of it, so the zucchini cake will turn out tastier.

  10. Lay out the chopped tomatoes, you can alternate red and yellow, it will come out more beautiful and more interesting.

  11. Thus, collect the cake completely.

  12. Trim the edges if necessary. Coat the sides and top with mayonnaise.

  13. Sprinkle with grated hard cheese. Garnish as desired, you can use tomatoes, fresh herbs. Before serving, be sure to let the zucchini cake soak in the refrigerator for at least a few hours, ideally overnight.

On a note:

- mayonnaise in the filling can be completely replaced with sour cream or use both, in a ratio of 1: 1;

- both in the dough and in the filling, you can add greens, dill is well suited;

- the younger the zucchini, the more tender the cake will turn out.
