
Zucchini caviar is the most delicious recipe. Zucchini caviar classic

How to cook zucchini caviar, tasty and juicy. Zucchini caviar is a great dish, both for snacks and for canning for the winter. Today we will look at the recipe for cooking zucchini caviar as a snack.

Surely every family prepares zucchini caviar in its own way, everyone has their own secrets that are passed down from generation to generation.

Zucchini caviar with carrots, tomatoes and bell peppers

What will be required to prepare the dish?

  • Zucchini - 1 kilogram
  • Carrots - 250 grams
  • Bulgarian pepper - 250 grams
  • Onions - 2-3 pieces
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Tomatoes - 300 grams
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt and ground pepper - to taste
  • Sunflower oil - half a cup
  • Vinegar - 1 tablespoon

Cooking at home

  1. We will thoroughly cut the washed and peeled vegetables into slices, then to grind them in a meat grinder. Chop the onion and lightly fry in a cauldron.
  2. Fry the onion
  3. Put all the ground vegetables here, and simmer, stirring with a spoon, until the moisture evaporates. Salt, sugar, pepper, add chopped garlic.
  4. Grind the garlic
  5. After mixing everything, put out for about 20 minutes. Add vinegar, mix well with the mass and send it to jars sterilized in advance. Such preservation does not need pasteurization.
  6. We roll up the jars with lids. Read more
  7. Having rolled up the lids, put the jars upside down, cover them with something warm, and so on until it cools down.

Squash caviarwith onions and herbs

  • Zucchini - 1 kilogram
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Vinegar - 10 ml
  • Salt and sugar - to taste (you can 15 gr.)
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Ground pepper - to taste
  • Parsley and dill - to taste
  • Sunflower oil - 1 cup

Cooking a delicious meal

  1. If the zucchini are young, you can not peel them, but, after washing, cut them not thickly into circles and fry them in sunflower oil (having heated it beforehand). In the same way, fry the finely chopped onion, then the greens (lightly).
  2. Add salt to the garlic to grind them together - you get a kind of gruel. Then we grind all the vegetables in a meat grinder and put salt and garlic, sugar, pepper, volem and vinegar there.
  3. Having mixed everything, we decompose the mass into jars and sterilize. An hour and 15 minutes will go to half-liter jars, one and a half - to liter ones. We twist the lids, and cover with warm.

Zucchini caviar with bell pepper

What is needed for cooking?

  • Zucchini - 2.5 kilograms
  • Onion - 500 grams
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 500 grams
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Tomatoes - 500 grams
  • Vinegar - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 1.5 tablespoon
  • Sunflower oil - a glass
  • Peppercorns - 5-7 pieces

We do the workpiece correctly

  1. Of all the vegetables, only three carrots on a grater, finely chop the onion. And the rest goes through a meat grinder.
  2. Fry the carrots and onions in butter, then send all the grated vegetables to them. Then we put spices with spices, salt, sugar, and simmer the mass over low heat. It will take at least two hours to cook.
  3. Do not forget to stir regularly, otherwise the caviar will burn. At the very end, about 10 minutes before readiness, put peppercorns, before closing the jars pour vinegar, mix and boil.
  4. We put the caviar in jars and sterilize them, as usual.

Zucchini caviar with herbs

Procurement Products

  • Zucchini - 2 pieces
  • Onions - 1-2 pieces
  • Carrots - 100 grams
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Dill and parsley - 1 bunch each
  • Suneli hops - to taste
  • Vinegar - 1 teaspoon
  • Spices (ground red pepper, paprika) - to taste
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sunflower oil - half a cup

A little cooking instruction

  1. Finely chopped onions and grated carrots will be sent to hot oil. Let them fry. Cut the zucchini into small cubes, lightly salt - the juice should come out.
  2. After squeezing the zucchini a little later, we will send them to the onions and carrots. Simmer, stirring constantly. Half an hour before readiness, cut the greens finely, put the spices and chopped garlic in a cauldron.
  3. Mix and simmer for another 30 minutes. At the very end, pour in the vinegar, mix everything and roll it up as we always do. If it will be eaten immediately, you can add walnuts.

Zucchini caviar with eggplant and other vegetables

Ingredients for cooking

  • Zucchini - 500 grams
  • Eggplant 300 grams
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Onion - 300 grams
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Tomatoes - 300 grams
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Vinegar - 1 teaspoon
  • Sunflower oil - 0.5 cups

Preparing the recipe!

  1. We wash all the vegetables, peel them - from the husk, seeds and stalks. First, let's pass zucchini, eggplant and Bulgarian pepper through a meat grinder.
  2. Then chop the onion finely, heat the dish in which everything will be cooked. Pour the oil here and fry the onion on it until golden brown, then add the carrots ground in a meat grinder.
  3. When everything is ready, put all the ground vegetables in a bowl and, bringing to a boil, simmer for an hour. At the end, 10 minutes before turning off, we introduce crushed garlic, tomatoes ground in a meat grinder and salt and pepper to taste and pour vinegar.
  4. We will pour the caviar into jars and seal it, covering it with a warm blanket for 5-6 hours.

Zucchini caviar with mayonnaise

What is included in the workpiece?

  • Zucchini - 6 pieces
  • Onion - 1 kilogram
  • Tomato paste - 350 grams
  • Mayonnaise - 250 grams
  • Sugar - 200 grams
  • Vinegar - 200 ml
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons
  • Black ground pepper - 1 teaspoon

Cooking delicious preparations with the mind!

I must say right away that the recipe is for risky experimenters, so first make a small portion for testing, and for those who have good health!

  1. Grind all the vegetables in a meat grinder and pour the mass into a cauldron. Here we introduce vinegar with sugar, butter, tomato paste and salt.
  2. Mix everything and cook for two and a half hours until it boils down. The main thing is not to let it burn, so mix the mass more often.
  3. Half an hour before readiness, we introduce chopped garlic into gruel, mayonnaise, pepper, mix and pack in sterilized jars.
  4. We roll up the lids.

Zucchini caviar with celery root

Ingredients for cooking

  • Zucchini - kilogram
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Celery - 50 grams
  • Tomatoes - 500 grams
  • Spices and salt with sugar - to taste
  • Sunflower oil - half a glass

Preserving the harvest for the winter with love!

  1. Cut the zucchini into circles, send them to hot sunflower oil. After cooling, grind in a meat grinder.
  2. Then finely chop the onion, carrot and celery root. Each ingredient is fried separately.
  3. Grind the tomatoes, add the mass to the ground zucchini, mixed with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Mix and, adding sugar, salt, spices, simmer on a small fire, stirring.
  5. When all the moisture has evaporated, we put it hot in sterilized jars, and then we sterilize the half-liter jars for half an hour, and the liter ones for ten minutes longer.
  6. Screw on the lids.

Zucchini caviar with tomato sauce

Products needed for cooking

  • Zucchini - 3 kilograms
  • Onions - 3-4 pieces
  • Tomato paste - 300 grams
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Salt - 1-1.5 tablespoons
  • Black ground pepper - to taste

We make preparations for the winter with benefit

  1. Sliced ​​zucchini and onions, fry them, but each separately.
  2. Then, grinding it all in a meat grinder, salt, pepper, add finely chopped garlic and tomato paste. Bring to a boil and put hot in sterilized jars, covered with lids.
  3. Then we send the jars to a pot of hot water and sterilize x. Liter jars are sterilized for an hour and a half, and only then rolled up.
  4. It would be nice to cover them with something warm, and let them stand until the morning, and only then send them to the shelves.

Zucchini caviar with carrots

What do you need to prepare a meal?

  • Zucchini - 1 kilogram
  • Carrot - 300 grams
  • Hot pepper - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Onions - 2 pieces
  • Sunflower oil - 8 tablespoons
  • Salt - to taste

Preparation of a dish with a detailed description

  1. Wash all vegetables well. Peel onions, garlic, peppers and carrots.
  2. Finely chop the zucchini - first lengthwise, then into cubes. The carrot is cut into slices. Finely chopped garlic and onion. Grind hot peppers separately.
  3. We mix all the vegetables, put them in a pan, salt and pour oil, then water (literally a little). Simmer for half an hour until the vegetables are soft.
  4. Then pass the mass through a sieve and send it to the pan. Still stew the mass, not forgetting to stir, for about five minutes. It remains for us to pack the caviar in sterilized jars and, having covered them with lids, sterilize for half an hour.
  5. And only then tighten the lids with a key.

Zucchini caviar with apples, carrots, peppers and tomatoes

Cooking Ingredients

  • Zucchini - 1.5 kilograms
  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kilograms
  • Carrots - 1 kilogram
  • Onion - 0.5 kilograms
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Sweet pepper - 3 pieces
  • Apples - 1-2 pieces
  • Hot pepper - half a pod
  • Onion and sugar - to taste
  • Sunflower oil

How to make a dish for the winter correctly?

  1. After washing and cleaning all the ingredients, cut randomly and grind in a meat grinder.
  2. Then, having combined everything together in a bowl and adding half a glass of oil, we will send it to boil. The process will last 2-3 hours until the caviar acquires a specific density.
  3. Season the caviar with salt and sugar (to taste), put it in sterile jars and seal immediately. Such preservation can be kept in any dark and cool place.

Zucchini caviar with mushrooms

Required Products

  • Zucchini - 1 kilogram
  • Mushrooms - 400 grams
  • Tomatoes - 4-5 pieces
  • Onions - 2-3 pieces
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Dill - bunch
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces
  • Tomato paste - 1 tablespoon
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar and salt - to taste
  • Red and black ground pepper - to taste
  • Sunflower oil

We preserve squash caviar correctly!

  1. Wash all vegetables. Grate zucchini, peppers and carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Onion cut into half rings. And we will remove the skin from the tomato (dousing it with boiling water beforehand) and throw it into a blender or grind it through a meat grinder. Mushrooms are cut into cubes or strips. We heat the oil, fry the mushrooms until browned.
  3. After removing them from the pan, put them here, adding oil, onions and fry for 3 minutes, put the carrots here, continuing to fry for a quarter of an hour. We will also introduce zucchini here, simmer for another quarter of an hour on a small fire. Add peppers with tomatoes, and simmer the same amount until the mass becomes homogeneous. We introduce mushrooms and tomato paste in the middle of cooking.
  4. Salt all this to taste, sugar and pepper, then put chopped dill, hot pepper, garlic here and add lemon juice. Mix everything, boil and put it in sterilized jars and roll up the lids. If you are afraid that it won’t be before winter, drop a little vinegar into the mass about five minutes before the readiness.

Squash caviar pieces


  • 3-4 medium zucchini,
  • 4-5 medium tomatoes
  • 2 large onions
  • 2 large carrots
  • 50 grams of greens
  • vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook zucchini caviar:

  1. Usually, zucchini caviar is cut into cubes, but since we will not preserve it, we suggest that you cut it into strips.
  2. So, chop the onions and carrots as for frying. Onions in cubes, and carrots in cubes or straws. We spread them in a heated stewpan or cauldron (if the portion is large). Fry onions and carrots until golden brown. Then add zucchini. If they are not young, but with a yellow skin, then it must first be removed.
  3. Fry everything together for some more time. Now let's get to the tomatoes. So that we do not come across the skins in the dish, it must first be removed. Make slits at the top and bottom of the tomato.
  4. Put the tomatoes in boiling water for 20 seconds. Now you can easily remove the skin and cut the tomatoes into cubes. Add tomatoes to our zucchini and fry.
  5. Lastly, add greens to the caviar. Cover the saucepan with a lid and reduce the heat to low. Stew caviar for 30-40 minutes under a closed lid. Mix a couple of times, and at the same time check that the caviar does not burn, if there is not enough liquid, add a little water.
  6. Don't forget to salt and pepper the caviar. For spicy lovers, try adding hot peppers or garlic to the caviar.
  7. Ready-made caviar tastes best when it is infused for 5-6 hours. But often she simply does not wait for this time, as she is eaten immediately, as soon as she cools down.

Zucchini caviar recipe with bell pepper and garlic

Of course, it is much easier to buy some goods in the supermarket, but nothing can replace the taste of homemade squash caviar. In addition, the main plus is that any hostess can cook caviar from zucchini. You just need to prepare all the ingredients and go.

You can cook zucchini caviar recipe with bell pepper and garlic in about 30-40 minutes, then you will need to cool it in the refrigerator for another hour. After cooking, zucchini caviar can be stored in a refrigerator in a closed jar (so that foreign odors are not added) for 3-4 days.

In general, there are a lot of recipes for zucchini caviar, but consider a recipe whose highlight is the addition of sweet bell pepper. It will not change the taste especially, but many people will like a touch of sweet pepper.


  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • zucchini - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, turmeric, black pepper - to taste;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • dill - 1 bunch.

Recipe for zucchini caviar with bell pepper and garlic:

  1. First you must prepare all the vegetables: peel the onions and carrots, wash and cut into pieces. Peel sweet peppers, then wash with tomatoes and cut into cubes.
  2. Wash the zucchini and cut into cubes. Start cooking: pour oil into a frying pan and put onions with carrots.
  3. When the vegetables are browned, add the zucchini and stir. Now the vegetables will be stewed in their own juice. Then lay out the tomatoes and sweet peppers.
  4. Stew vegetables for 10 minutes, then add salt, turmeric and ground pepper. After another 5 minutes, add chopped garlic to the pan.
  5. Next, add finely chopped dill, stir and turn off the heat after 2-3 minutes.
  6. To prepare caviar “like in childhood”, you will need a blender or chopper. It will help you achieve that consistency so that you can make caviar, just like in the store. When the contents of the pan have cooled, transfer everything to the chopper and turn it on for 1 minute.
  7. Caviar is ready. It must be transferred to a jar or other container and put in the refrigerator. An hour later, you can serve it to the table.

Ira zucchini recipe with garlic


  • zucchini - 1200 grams;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 200 grams;
  • onion - 100-150 grams;
  • sunflower oil - 250 grams;
  • thick tomato juice - 1 cup or diluted tomato paste;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • salt, ground black pepper;
  • sugar to taste (about 2 tablespoons).

Recipe for zucchini caviar with garlic:

  1. We start by preparing the ingredients that we need to prepare caviar with garlic zucchini cubes. Onions must be peeled and cut into cubes. Pour it into a preheated pan, where we pour about 100 ml of oil.
  2. While the onion begins to fry over low heat, prepare the carrots. We wash it, clean it and also cut it into small cubes. We also send it to the pan to the onion and fry until gently golden.
  3. Bulgarian pepper must also be added to onions and carrots. It must be washed, the core with seeds removed. Then cut into cubes. Now we process the main vegetable of our dish - zucchini. We will eat one large zucchini or several smaller ones under running water. Then we peel off the skin.
  4. If it is a zucchini with hard seeds, they must be removed along with the core. If you are using small young zucchini, then after removing the skin, boldly chop them into cubes along with the seeds.
  5. We also pour zucchini to already fried vegetables. Add more vegetable oil and mix. Vegetable oil can be added several times during the entire frying of vegetables as needed. After the zucchini, immediately pour the tomato juice into the pan, mix, cover with a lid and leave to simmer over medium heat.
  6. When the zucchini starts up the juice and becomes softer, open the lid and continue to fry the caviar. When the liquid evaporates and the caviar changes color, add salt, pepper and sugar. Mix, bring to taste.
  7. Turn off the caviar, add the squeezed garlic, mix. Cover with a lid for 10 minutes.
  8. It can be served both hot and cold. Bon appetit!

Zucchini caviar as in the store


  • 2 kg. zucchini,
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 2 medium onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste,
  • salt, pepper to taste,
  • greens - optional
  • 3-4 tablespoons of sunflower oil,
  • 1.5 tsp vinegar.

Recipe for zucchini caviar:

  1. Wash the zucchini, remove the skin and remove the seeds. Grate on a coarse grater or scroll in a meat grinder.
  2. We do the same with carrots. Finely chop the onion.
  3. In a large frying pan or better in a cauldron, heat sunflower oil and add zucchini. Fry for 7-10 minutes covered. Add onions and carrots, mix.
  4. Salt and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 30-40 minutes.
  5. Add tomato paste, pepper, garlic and vinegar passed through a press. Chopped herbs can be added if desired. Close the lid and simmer for another 7-10 minutes. For those who like a spicy snack, you can add pieces of hot pepper.
  6. We puree the hot caviar with a blender to a homogeneous consistency and lay it out in sterilized jars. Close the lids and wrap until completely cool.
  7. If you are preparing caviar in order to immediately serve it, vinegar can be omitted. Read
  8. You can serve such an appetizer with boiled potatoes, meat, or just spread it on bread and eat! And yet, caviar will be more than ever useful during fasting.

Bon appetit!

Greetings, our dear readers. Zucchini caviar is one of the best snacks on the table of every housewife. She always goes fast. Homemade squash caviar is many times better than from the store - a fact. Today we present you 5 of the best recipes. Let's figure out how zucchini caviar is prepared for the winter.

Traditionally, we did all the little secrets and tips for preparing any dish at the end. On the one hand, it is convenient and understandable, they say I have already read the recipe, then the tips and everything is in its place.

Let's take the advice to the fore today. I think it will be better. If this layout is not convenient for anyone, write about it in the reviews.

  • Zucchini caviar for the winter is best prepared from young zucchini. Their length is not more than 20 cm, the skin is thin and the bones are small. The caviar is very tender.
  • If the zucchini is larger and older, then it is necessary to remove the peel and cut it into pieces, remove all the bones with a spoon.
  • Best for cooking zucchini caviar, if zucchini ripen in August and September.
  • Removing excess moisture so that the caviar is not watery. To do this, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bzucchini should be salted, mixed and left for 15 - 25 minutes. Then squeeze out the resulting juice.
  • Chopping vegetables(using a meat grinder, blender or food processor) before or after cooking. Otherwise, the final consistency of caviar will not be sufficiently tender and homogeneous.
  • Pre-fry vegetables before stewing them. This allows you to make the taste of caviar more intense.
  • Ground black pepper, ground red pepper, a mixture of peppers, paprika, curry, ground coriander, nutmeg, ground ginger, suneli hops, cloves, garlic and chopped greens can be added to zucchini caviar - all these components will make caviar spicy and incredibly appetizing.
  • Any dishes are not suitable for cooking caviar. It is best to choose dishes with a thick bottom. This will ensure uniform heating of vegetables and they will not stick. A heavy-bottomed stainless steel pot is best.
  • Banks are best sterilized before spinning.. So zucchini caviar will be stored for at least 1 year. Best kept in a cellar.

Zucchini by itself has no taste. So the whole bouquet of aromas and tastes will depend only on the ingredients that you use when preparing caviar. Imagine what a huge world opens up when cooking squash caviar.

Such caviar can be put on any table, it can be eaten with almost any dish. Now let's get down to how zucchini caviar is being prepared for the winter.

Zucchini caviar is a classic recipe.

Classic squash caviar

Of course, there is a recipe from which all other recipes have gone. Is this a classic recipe or a standard one. And you can just say - the easiest recipe for zucchini caviar. It prepares easily and quickly.

We will need:

  1. 3 kg of zucchini;
  2. 1 kg of carrots;
  3. 1 kg of onion;
  4. 50 g of tomato paste;
  5. 30 g of salt;
  6. 20 g of sugar;
  7. 10 g of citric acid;
  8. vegetable oil.

Step 1.

First, we will free our zucchini from excess moisture, otherwise the caviar will turn out to be watery. To do this, cut the zucchini into slices, sprinkle with salt and leave for 25 minutes. Then we squeeze the juice.

Zucchini cut into slices

Step 2

Now fry the zucchini slices in vegetable oil on both sides.

Step 2

Chop the onion and grate the carrots. Now all this is fried in vegetable oil.

Step 3

Now we pass all the vegetables through a meat grinder and put the resulting slurry in a saucepan. We put on a slow fire.

Step 4

Add salt, sugar, tomato paste and citric acid. Bring to a boil over low heat and then cook for 20-30 minutes. Be sure to stir occasionally.

Step 5

Sterilize jars and lids. When the caviar is ready, we shift it to the banks and twist the lids. Now we turn the jars on the lids and put them wrapped in a warm blanket. After cooling, put away for storage.

Zucchini caviar with tomatoes and apples.

zucchini caviar with apples and tomatoes

Delicious caviar is obtained with apples. I really like this taste. And tomatoes will replace tomato paste for us, it turns out better. Best of all, of course, if almost all the ingredients are from your garden. Well, if you still buy in a store, then you should not take all the cheapest. It is better to take tasty, the taste of zucchini caviar will depend on this.


  1. 2.5 kg of zucchini;
  2. 2 kg of tomatoes;
  3. 5-6 carrots;
  4. 2 apples;
  5. 2 bell peppers;
  6. 100 g of dill or parsley;
  7. 1 chili pepper (optional, for spicy lovers)
  8. 1 head of garlic;
  9. 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  10. 40 g of salt;
  11. salt, sugar and ground black pepper to taste.

Step 1.

Zucchini, carrots, bell peppers and chili peppers are washed and finely chopped, but do not mix.

Step 2

Now fry all the vegetables separately in a little vegetable oil.

Step 3

We scroll all these vegetables through a meat grinder. Put the resulting porridge in a saucepan. We also rub apples on a grater there. I cut off the skin.

Step 4

We drive the tomatoes in a meat grinder or grind blenders. We add all this to our porridge. There is also finely chopped garlic, salt, sugar and ground pepper.

Step 5

Now put the pan on a slow fire and simmer for about 2 hours, no more. 5 minutes before readiness, add finely chopped greens. Don't forget to stir everything.

Step 6

When the caviar is ready, we transfer it to the jars (already sterilized) and twist the lids. Now we turn the jars on the lids and put them wrapped in a warm blanket. After cooling, put away for storage.

Caviar in mayonnaise is simply amazing taste.

zucchini caviar in mayonnaise

You know, I immediately thought that mayonnaise is a universal remedy. It was the French who invented it as just a sauce. Our housewives use it in everything))). Well, it actually tastes better. And zucchini caviar for the winter is generally a masterpiece.

But it is best to use homemade mayonnaise. It is prepared quite quickly, for example:

But if you use store-bought mayonnaise, then use the delicious one that you like. And so we went.

Here is what we use:

  1. 1 kg of zucchini;
  2. 100 ml. mayonnaise;
  3. 100 gr. carrots;
  4. 100 - 150 gr. onion;
  5. 400 gr. tomatoes;
  6. 1 medium sized bell pepper;
  7. 2 cloves of garlic;
  8. about 100 ml. sunflower oil;
  9. salt and black ground pepper to taste.

Step 1.

Cut the zucchini into small cubes. At the same time, we remember that young zucchini do not need to be cleaned and seeds removed. But more mature and ripe, on the contrary, is necessary.

Step 2

Carrot mode with a salt shaker or three on a large grater.

Zucchini caviar for the winter, when carrots are added, becomes sweeter. And carrots give the appropriate color to the caviar.

Also cut the onion into small cubes.

Step 3

Now you need to fry, or rather brown the carrots in a pan in vegetable oil, over medium heat. Cook for a few minutes and be sure to stir so that it does not burn.

Step 4

Then add the onion there, mix and fry the vegetables for a few more minutes. Until the onion is soft and translucent.

Step 5

In the meantime, clean the pepper and cut the onion either into cubes or as you like.

Step 6

Add it to carrots and onions. Simmer vegetables for about 5-7 minutes over low heat.

Step 7

Now add zucchini, mix and simmer for 10 minutes, also over low heat. Don't forget to stir.

Step 8

Blanch tomatoes, peel, cut into small cubes. Instead of tomatoes, you can use tomato paste diluted in a glass of warm water. Even tomato juice will do. If there is sourness in the tomato, you can sprinkle a little sugar.

Now add the tomatoes to the pan, mix everything and cover with a lid. Cook vegetables until soft.

Step 9

Now soft vegetables need to be mashed. We use a blender or meat grinder. But you need to cool the vegetables a little.

Step 10

Now we return the porridge to the pan, add mayonnaise and mix. Now turn on a slow fire and simmer for 30 - 40 minutes. Caviar should fry and darken.

Step 11

Five minutes before cooking, add chopped garlic, salt and spices. If you need to sweeten, then add sugar. Mix well. Vinegar is not used in this recipe.

Step 12

Now we shift the caviar into sterilized jars, roll them up, put them on the lids and cover them with a warm blanket. After cooling, you can store in the cellar.

You can try this appetizer immediately after preparation.

Keeping up with the times - zucchini caviar in a slow cooker.

zucchini caviar in a slow cooker

Zucchini caviar for the winter is relatively easy to prepare. And today, many housewives have a slow cooker in the kitchen. The item is comfortable and versatile. A slow cooker greatly facilitates the process of preparing zucchini caviar. In addition, it turns out to be dietary. Therefore, for those who monitor their weight, this recipe is very suitable.

Ingredients used:

  1. 3 kg of zucchini (preferably young ones);
  2. 2 large carrots, weighing approximately 250 gr.;
  3. 800 gr. Luke;
  4. 150 ml. sunflower oil;
  5. 200 gr tomato paste;
  6. 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid;
  7. 1 teaspoon ground red pepper;
  8. 1.5 teaspoons of salt;
  9. 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  10. 3-4 cloves of garlic.

Step 1.

Zucchini caviar for the winter is tastier from young zucchini, they don’t need to be cleaned. Therefore, my zucchini is thoroughly washed and cubed. We rub the carrots on a grater.

Step 2

We cut the onion and with it the carrot and 100 ml of oil we send it to the slow cooker for frying. Select the roasting or baking mode for 20 minutes.

Step 3

After 10 minutes, add zucchini. As soon as the toasting mode for 20 minutes ends, turn on the stew for 1 hour.

Step 4

After 20 - 25 minutes, add pepper, sugar, salt and mix well.

Step 5

After another 20 minutes, add tomato paste, citric acid, remaining oil and garlic, squeezed through a garlic crusher.

Step 6

Then we cool all the caviar and pass it through a meat grinder or blender. Then keep on the extinguishing mode for another 15 - 20 minutes.

Step 7

Now, as usual, pour the finished caviar into sterilized jars, roll it up. Then we put on the lids and wrap in a warm blanket. After cooling, remove to storage.

Here is another recipe for caviar in a slow cooker:

Zucchini caviar - "Lick your fingers."

just lick your fingers!

Somehow they gave the wife a cauldron, originally for pilaf. But zucchini caviar for the winter in it turns out to be generally chic. The name says so, so let's do it.


  1. 1.5 kg of zucchini. If you use older zucchini, then peeled ones are taken into account;
  2. 700 gr. carrots;
  3. 400 gr. Luke;
  4. 1.5 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  5. 150 gr. sunflower oil;
  6. 3.5 tablespoons of sugar;
  7. 1.5 tablespoons of salt;
  8. 0.5 teaspoons of black ground pepper;
  9. 0.5 cups of water.

Step 1.

Zucchini cut into pieces.

Step 2

Chop the onion into cubes. We rub the carrots on a grater.

Step 3

We mix everything in a cauldron. You can use a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add water and bring to a boil.

Step 4

Now we remove the fire to a minimum and simmer for 40 minutes. Be sure to mix.

Step 5

If after 40 minutes there is a lot of water left, then just drain it.

Step 6

The water was drained, now we grind all the porridge to a puree state, through a blender or meat grinder.

Step 7

Now back to the cauldron, add tomato paste, pepper, salt, sugar, oil and mix well.

Step 8

We put on a slow fire. After boiling, boil for another 15 minutes and that's it.

Step 9

Now we lay out the banks. We sterilize them first. We roll up the lids, put them on the lids and wrap them with a warm blanket. After cooling, put away for storage.

Now you know that zucchini caviar for the winter is not just tasty, terribly tasty, sweet, spicy, healthy and even low-calorie. There are many recipes and flavors.

OK it's all over Now. Try different recipes. All of them are very tasty and appetizing. Will decorate any table and any holiday. Enjoy your meal.

Write your recipes or reviews in the comments, share the recipe on social networks. All for now.

Zucchini caviar for the winter - 5 best step-by-step recipes. updated: September 11, 2017 by: Subbotin Pavel

During the spin season, zucchini is one of the most accessible and inexpensive vegetables in green shops. In dachas and household plots, they ripen in July-August, and the housewives begin to prepare useful vitamin preparations for the future. Delicious zucchini caviar, like a store-bought caviar, is obtained from the most ordinary vegetables. It is only important to know a few secrets of its preparation!

Choosing zucchini

For cooking caviar at home, you need to choose zucchini with a thin, delicate skin up to 20 cm in size. There should be no spots or visible damage on the surface. Such zucchini does not have to be peeled, a thin skin is also beneficial for the body, as is the tender juicy pulp. In medium-sized vegetables, small seeds, they are not felt in the blanks. If larger and more mature zucchini are stored for caviar, they need to be cleaned of “clothes” and ripened seeds removed.

Advice! For spins for the winter, it is best to use crops that ripen in August and September.

Classic recipe: zucchini caviar as in a store, according to GOST USSR

Zucchini caviar from the times of the last 20th century, tastes like store-bought caviar, is obtained from fresh summer and autumn vegetables. The recipe according to GOST of the USSR is stored in the culinary notebooks of our grandmothers, and all novice housewives will learn how to cook such caviar for the winter.

Prepare products:

  • Young zucchini - 3 kg;
  • Carrot and onion - 1 kg each;
  • Good quality tomato - 3 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • Acetic acid 9% - 3 tbsp. l;
  • Salt - 3 tsp;
  • Ground peppers of different colors - 1/3 tsp each;
  • Sunflower oil.

We do not clean the zucchini, cut it together with the onion into medium cubes, and chop the carrots on a grater.

The note! In young vegetables, the seeds are milky and they are not felt in the blanks, and in mature vegetables, the seeds crunch on the teeth even after scrolling through a meat grinder!

Each of the prepared ingredients will be fried separately. Pour sunflower oil into a saucepan or large frying pan and dip the zucchini into it, do not add salt. The juice that stands out during cooking is useful for further preservation.

Separately, fry the onion and carrots, leave the vegetables to cool completely. On average, each ingredient takes 25-30 minutes to roast!

We install a mesh with the smallest holes in the meat grinder. We will grind soft vegetables to the consistency of mashed potatoes. After scrolling, it is advisable to beat with a blender to give the vegetable mass splendor and uniformity.

Attention housewives! You can beat with a hand blender for no more than 2-3 minutes, then the household appliance overheats and may fail!

We send the mixed caviar to a medium flame and let it boil for 20 minutes. It is important that the pan has a thick bottom or stands on an iron stand. Don't let the caviar burn!

In the process of cooking, add all the prepared spices and let it boil for another 15 minutes. During this time, it is necessary to prepare sterilized jars. For such a mass of zucchini caviar, you will need 7 half-liter containers (3.5 liters in total).

By the end of cooking, add another 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar and after 5 minutes you can turn it off. Pour hot fragrant caviar into jars and roll up with prepared lids.

Ready-made squash caviar turns out to be appetizing and bright orange, like a store-bought caviar. This recipe for the winter has been tested for years, a low-calorie product, useful for both children and adults of any age.

Recipe for zucchini caviar with tomato paste

Homemade zucchini caviar with tomato is a favorite dish of many housewives. The recipe is simple and quick, does not require special financial costs. In the cold season, it perfectly complements the daily diet with delicious summer fragrant caviar.

For cooking, we will prepare:

  • Zucchini - 2 kg;
  • Carrots and onions - 1 kg each;
  • Tomato - 1 cup;
  • Sunflower oil - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.

Note to housewives! If 70% acetic acid is used in the preparation, then only 1 teaspoon can be added to the preparation!

Pour a glass of oil into a saucepan or frying pan with a thick bottom and send the carrots cut into cubes there. Add water, salt, sugar and simmer under the lid for 5-7 minutes.

During this time, we will prepare the rest of the vegetables and a pod of hot pepper for lovers of spicy! We will cut everything into a medium cube and send it to stew with a carrot under the lid.

After boiling, mix the mass and simmer for another 20 minutes. Add a tomato to soft tender vegetables and boil for 15 minutes without a lid to evaporate excess liquid.

We scroll fragrant zucchini caviar in a blender bowl and transfer it back to the pan. After boiling, we roll it into sterile jars, we get about 3 liters of healthy and tasty preparation for the winter.

The calorie content of the squash game is 97 kcal per 100 grams of the product. The dish is great for those who follow the figure and eat right with health benefits!

Recipe for caviar with zucchini and tomatoes

Zucchini caviar with tomatoes is prepared quickly and without much effort. Housewives during this time manage to redo a lot of other household chores, occasionally being distracted by stirring a fragrant dish.

Prepare products:

  • Zucchini - 2.5 kg;
  • Ripe tomatoes, carrots and onions - 1 kg each;
  • Sunflower oil - 250 gr;
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. l;
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l;
  • Acetic acid 9% - 2 tbsp. l;
  • A pod of bitter pepper for an amateur!

Pour oil into a large container and send carrots cut into large cubes there. You can leave the skin on the tomatoes, but then before cooking, it is advisable to scroll them in a chopper to a puree consistency.

In a saucepan with carrots, add coarsely chopped vegetables and a pod of bitter pepper. Pour the rolled tomatoes, and leave to stew under the lid for 30-40 minutes.

Advice! If the cooking process is on high heat, then you need to stir constantly!

Remove soft vegetables from the stove, punch with a bender or pass through a meat grinder. We add all the cooked spices to a homogeneous lush mass and pour the finished caviar into sterile jars. We leave delicious preparations under a warm "fur coat" until completely cooled!

Zucchini caviar with mayonnaise: a recipe for a slow cooker

Zucchini caviar with your favorite sauce is easier to cook in a slow cooker. We load all the useful ingredients there and press a few buttons. A smart saucepan can easily cope with the stewing process, keeping all the important natural ingredients in the dish.

Stocking up on products:

  • Zucchini - 3 medium-sized;
  • Carrot - 1 large;
  • Bulbs - 2 medium;
  • Tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l;
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Pepper and lavrushka to taste!

We cut the vegetables into cubes, and the carrots can be grated. Pour a little vegetable oil into the bowl of a smart saucepan and load the components there. Salt, add your favorite spices and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 120 minutes.

When the vegetables become soft, flavor them with tomato and mayonnaise. We combine all the ingredients of the dish with a spatula and wait for complete readiness. If necessary, you can add water.

We cool the finished caviar, put it in a salad bowl and decorate with fresh herbs.

Zucchini caviar with pumpkin in a slow cooker

Delicious caviar from zucchini and pumpkin can be cooked in a slow cooker or in a saucepan according to the same recipe. The dish turns out appetizing in appearance, tasty and very healthy for children and adults!

Let's prepare the components:

  • Ripe pumpkin - 2 kg;
  • Ripe zucchini - 1 kg;
  • Onion - ½ kg;
  • Good quality tomato - 300 gr;
  • Sauce "Mayonnaise" - 250 gr;
  • Sunflower oil - 200 gr;
  • Sugar sand - 4 tbsp. l;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l;
  • Pepper - 1/2 tsp;
  • Lavrushka.

We clean fresh vegetables from everything superfluous. Together with the onion, we pass through the fine mesh of the meat grinder. Add tomato, favorite sauce and sunflower oil to the airy vegetable mass. We turn on the electric saucepan to the “Extinguishing” mode and cook the dish for 60 minutes. In the process, it is important to stir several times and add all the prepared spices.

If caviar is being prepared for twists for the winter, then it is important to pour 2 tbsp at the end of cooking. spoons of 9% vinegar!

Zucchini caviar from baked vegetables

Not all housewives know that a smart pot - multicooker can be used to prepare non-standard dishes. For example, in the "Baking" mode, zucchini and eggplant are baked, you get a great cold appetizer with fragrant smoke!

Let's prepare the products:

  • Zucchini or eggplant - 3 large;
  • Ripe juicy tomatoes - 3 large;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs;
  • Onion and carrot - 1 pc;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • A bunch of greens;
  • Salt and sugar to taste of the hostess.

Pour oil into the thicket of an electric saucepan and lay all the vegetables in layers. First, zucchini and carrots, then bell peppers and onions. It is better to chop the tomatoes so that they give the necessary juiciness for the baked dish. Add all the necessary spices, except garlic and cook in the "Baking" mode for about 1 hour.

At the end, at the request of the hostess, you can add chopped garlic and fresh herbs. The dish is best served as a cold appetizer in slices or chopped with a blender to a puree state. The look of the dish is magnificent, and the taste of such caviar is much better than in the store!

For the winter, housewives prepare zucchini caviar with fragrant garlic and their favorite sauce - mayonnaise. Surprisingly, it is not only very tasty and healthy, but also stored for a long time in twisted jars.

To prepare, prepare the ingredients:

  • Zucchini - 3 kg;
  • Garlic - 2 heads (10-12 cloves);
  • Tomato and sauce "Mayonnaise" - 250 gr each;
  • Sunflower oil - 100 gr;
  • Sugar sand - 100 gr;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp;
  • Acetic acid 9% - 2 tbsp;
  • Ground colored peppers - a pinch each.

Pot-bellied zucchini and garlic are cleaned of everything superfluous and together we pass a meat grinder through a fine mesh. We spread the fragrant mixture in a large frying pan or pan with a thick bottom. Add white sauce, tomato, sunflower oil, salt and sugar. It turns out a beautiful pink vegetable mass, which must be stewed on a slow fire for about 3 hours.

During the cooking process, it is important to monitor the dish, stir occasionally so that it does not burn. At the end add 2 tbsp. l 9% acetic acid and transfer hot to sterile jars. We securely tighten the lids and put on the “head” under the covers for several hours. In the cold season, all household members will be happy to enjoy tasty and healthy zucchini caviar!

The appearance of zucchini has its roots in the distant past. Scientists have proved that for the first time this vegetable began to be grown in ancient times. America is considered the birthplace of the zucchini. Initially ripened vegetables were not eaten, but dried and only the seeds were eaten. Subsequently, when the zucchini was brought to the territory of modern Europe, people realized that the fruit of the plant was edible and began to cook many different dishes from it. This happened around the 16th century.

In Russia, the zucchini appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century, at a time when Tsar Nicholas II ruled. Presumably it was brought by merchants from Turkey or Greece. Soviet industry in 1930 of the last century began to prepare squash caviar - a completely new product that has gained popularity. But due to the difficult situations in the world, its release was suspended and resumed only after several decades. It was the most delicious squash caviar.

Currently, this vegetable is eaten on all inhabited continents. There is hardly a country where they do not cook dishes from it.

There is an interesting legend about the appearance of this vegetable. In ancient India, on the coast of the ocean, the local population earned their livelihood by fishing. However, the elements did not always allow you to go to sea, and many fishermen simply did not return from fishing. Women were worried about their husbands and asked God to send a fruit, the flesh of which would be like that of a fish, delicately white, and it tasted like crab meat. They prayed that this miracle would grow on the earth, and God would hear them. Zucchini began to grow on land, and fishermen did not have to go to sea so often.

The benefits of zucchini caviar: myths and facts

The most useful quality of zucchini caviar is its low calorie content. The total energy value of the product, even with the addition of oil, usually does not exceed 70 kcal per hundred grams. Cooking zucchini caviar involves the use of a large number of vegetables. That is why the dish is able to improve digestion. This is due to the fiber that is included in the product. The product perfectly cleanses the intestines.

It is believed that industrially prepared squash caviar is no less useful, but this is a moot point. If the product was made without the use of chemical additives - welcome to any table. But modern manufacturers, dreaming of cashing in, often cheat and add thickeners, flavor enhancers, and preservatives. It is these substances that can cause great harm to the body.

Therefore, homemade squash caviar made from fresh vegetables is an excellent and healthy dish that even doctors recommend eating.

So, let's highlight the main useful qualities of zucchini caviar:

  • low calorie;
  • the ability to lower cholesterol;
  • useful for digestion;
  • has a slight diuretic effect;
  • vitamins included in the composition help in strengthening the heart muscle;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • useful in diabetes.

How to make zucchini caviar in an ordinary kitchen? What are the recipes for this unique dish. Let's figure it out.

Simple and delicious recipes for zucchini caviar

There are several dozen recipes for preparing this delicious, very healthy dish at home. They prepare millet for the table or prepare delicious squash caviar for the winter. Here are the most common recipes for this dish.

Recipe for squash caviar according to GOST

GOST recipes from Soviet times are considered reference. Many yearn for those dishes, especially those who lived and grew up in the USSR. These recipes were developed by experienced chefs, food technologists and worked out over the years. That is why many housewives are very fond of dishes prepared according to them.

To cook squash caviar according to GOST for one can of 0.5 liters, we need:

  • zucchini 1000 gr.;
  • tomato paste about 80 gr.;
  • raw carrots 60 gr.;
  • onion 40 gr.;
  • a small piece of parsley or celery root;
  • vegetable oil 1/4 cup;
  • salt 10 grams;
  • granulated sugar 1 tsp;
  • black pepper and peas a little bit.

Preparation of squash caviar according to GOST:

Zucchini caviar with tomato paste is very similar to store-bought. Zucchini is best to choose medium-sized. They are more tender in taste and consistency, so future caviar will be more like a cream. The vegetables are washed well, peeled, cut into small pieces about 1 cm thick.

Pour half of the prepared oil into a preheated pan, fry the zucchini until golden brown. The flame should not be too strong so that the vegetables do not dry out, but also it should not be made small, as the zucchini will release the juice and will be stewed.

Next, the fried vegetables are transferred to another bowl, the rest of the oil is added to the pan and the rest of the chopped vegetables are fried until soft. And they shift them to the zucchini, simultaneously pouring the remaining oil there.

With the help of a blender, the vegetables are chopped into a puree so that it turns out to be completely homogeneous. The resulting semi-finished product of caviar is sent to a small saucepan, tomato paste is mixed into it and stewed for about 5 minutes. Then spices are added to the dish, mixed well again, removed from the stove.

According to this unique recipe, zucchini caviar is obtained just like in a store. Soft, tender, delicious dish will appeal to adults and children. It can be spread on loaf, bread and served as a separate snack.

According to the same recipe, you can cook zucchini caviar for the winter, but we can offer another unique recipe for this dish.

Classic zucchini caviar recipe

To prepare classic squash caviar, you will need:

  • 3 kg of zucchini;
  • 1000 grams of onion;
  • 1000 grams of carrots;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 1 tsp citric acid;
  • vegetable oil;
  • garlic optional.

Zucchini caviar with garlic turns out to be more piquant.

How to cook:

The core is removed from large zucchini, younger ones can be used whole. Peel the skin and chop the vegetables. Chop carrots, onions. Zucchini is fried until browned, and onions and carrots until soft and everything is put in a separate container. Grind vegetables with a blender, add tomato paste, set on fire. You can use a meat grinder. Zucchini caviar through a meat grinder is no less tasty, but, however, not so tender.

The mixture is brought to a boil, add lemon, sugar, salt and bring to a boil. All are boiled for about 15 minutes, after which they are laid out in a cup or laid out in jars for twisting.

Recipe for zucchini caviar for the winter

This magnificent homemade dish, prepared for the winter, will not leave absolutely anyone indifferent. It only takes a few ingredients to make it. You need to take zucchini, carrots, onions (green can ruin the color) and tomatoes in a ratio of 5: 1: 1: 2.5. You will also need vegetable oil about 0.7 liters, salt, pepper a little. The result is zucchini caviar for the winter like a store.

Zucchini is well washed, peeled. If the vegetables are very ripe, then you will have to remove the seeds, as they are very tough. The rest is cut into small cubes.

To make zucchini caviar, then chop onions and carrots. To speed up the grinding process, you can use a food processor, if you have one, of course. This way you can save a lot of time. But if it is simply not there, then the onion is chopped finely, and the carrots are chopped on a grater (it is possible on a large one). You can use other kitchen appliances. Zucchini caviar for the winter through a meat grinder turns out just great. Tomatoes are poured over with hot water, thin skin is removed, then they are also cut quite finely.

By the way, a similar dish with tomatoes is much tastier. Many recipes use tomato paste, but since most often it is a store-bought product, there is very little benefit from it. But zucchini caviar with tomatoes from the garden is simply amazing.

This is a fairly simple recipe for zucchini caviar. Vegetable oil is poured into the prepared pan, with a layer of about 2 cm. It is well heated and the vegetables are lowered. It's better to do it separately. First, the onions are kept on fire until soft, then the carrots. Next is the turn of tomatoes. Tomatoes, together with the juice, are spread in oil, stewed until there is no oil left at all. Zucchini are fried in parts, they can be browned a little.

All vegetables are transferred to one container and chopped with a blender. The resulting mixture is transferred to a deep saucepan, let it boil well. After that, the fire is reduced and boiled to the desired consistency, adding salt and pepper.

The finished caviar is laid out in hot, well-sterilized jars, and placed in a large pot of water, placing a piece of cloth on the bottom. It takes at least 20 minutes to sterilize jars with a 0.7 liter snack. After that, the caviar is rolled up, the jars are wrapped in newspapers and covered with a warm blanket. It turns out zucchini caviar for the winter, you just lick your fingers.

Recipe for zucchini caviar in a slow cooker

A modern multicooker is the best assistant in the kitchen. Zucchini caviar in a slow cooker is simply amazing.

You will need the following products:

  • zucchini about 1.5 kg (without peel);
  • onion ¼ kg;
  • half a jar of mayonnaise;
  • 100 grams of tomato paste;
  • vegetable oil half a glass;
  • sugar, salt, pepper to taste.

How to cook:

Preparing zucchini caviar with mayonnaise for the winter is very simple. Put chopped onion into a multi-bowl, add oil, pasta, spices and mix. The “quenching” program is set on the multicooker, during the cooking process, the whole mass is periodically stirred. As soon as the signal sounds, the mixture is transferred to another bowl.

Zucchini is peeled, chopped in a meat grinder or blender. They are also laid out in a multicooker bowl, mayonnaise is added and stewed on the same program for about 2 hours. Approximately 40 minutes before the end, the onion-tomato mixture is added to the vegetables, mixed and cooked until the signal. After that, the finished zucchini caviar with mayonnaise and tomato paste is laid out in jars, twisted for the winter. Pre-jars can be sterilized, as in the previous recipe.

Tips for cooking zucchini caviar such that you lick your fingers

  1. When preparing this delicious, but simple dish, special attention should be paid to the pan. Thin, enameled in this case will not work. It is better to use a thick cast-iron cauldron or a deep pan with a non-stick coating. So the vegetable mass during cooking will not stick to the bottom and walls of the dishes.
  2. The consistency of zucchini caviar with carrots directly depends on the quality of grinding. The easiest way to do this is with a blender, but if it is simply not there, you can use a meat grinder. If you want to get tender caviar, then you should scroll the vegetables twice, first through a large mesh, then through a smaller one.
  3. Zucchini should be chosen younger. The length of the fetus should not exceed 15-20 centimeters. If the skin of the vegetable is soft, then it is not necessary to peel it.
  4. In order for the zucchini to boil faster, you should first salt them, leave them for a quarter of an hour in the refrigerator. After that, the juice that appears should be poured out, and the vegetables should be slightly squeezed out with your hands.
  5. If you want to cook a low-calorie, dietary product, then you can try to make zucchini caviar without frying. To do this, chopped vegetables are placed in a saucepan and brought to softness in their own juice without the use of oil. After that, the entire set of ingredients is turned into puree, again using a blender.

Use our recipes to please your family with amazingly delicious, homemade zucchini caviar. Even picky gourmets will like this appetizer. If you do not use oil when cooking, then caviar can be offered even to one-year-old children.

Zucchini caviar simple recipes for the winter (many ...)

Fried zucchini caviar
Fried zucchini caviar turns out to taste the same as they sell in stores. It is quite possible to take this recipe to prepare canned food as blanks for the winter. There are a lot of recipes for cooking zucchini caviar for the winter, we will offer you some of the most successful recipes in our opinion. You can cook zucchini caviar for the winter according to all recipes or choose two or three that you like the most.

So, the ingredients for zucchini caviar.
about three kilograms of already peeled and prepared zucchini without seeds and peel
1 kilogram of fresh carrots
1 kilogram of onion
tomato paste (tomato paste Tomato is very good for these purposes)
9% vinegar and salt
vegetable oil for frying salad ingredients

Recipe for zucchini caviar:

All vegetables must be peeled, finely chopped and separately fried in a pan. Then all the fried vegetables are laid out in an electric harvester, crushed again and mixed with the addition of salt. Then you need to put the whole mass, similar to mashed potatoes, in a cauldron or pan with a double bottom. Simmer on the smallest fire for about forty minutes. After twenty minutes of languishing in mashed potatoes, you need to add three tablespoons of tomato paste and one tablespoon of vinegar. Don't forget to stir the caviar. While it is stewing, the mass turns out to be quite thick and can burn a little without stirring. After the caviar is stewed, place it hot in pre-sterilized jars. Screw on the lids, wrap in a cotton blanket. Let the canned zucchini cool slowly. Try this recipe - it turns out very tasty!

Another very popular recipe for zucchini caviar
You will need
about one and a half kilograms of zucchini, already de-seeded and peeled
Fresh tomatoes - 1 kg. 200
Onion - 750 grams
Allspice peas
Carrots - 750 grams

So, the recipe is:

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Put all this on a hot frying pan and fry with oil and salt.

Cut tomatoes and zucchini into large pieces. Pass together through a meat grinder, adding fried carrots and onions to vegetables. Mix with a little sugar, salt, add peppercorns and stew in a cauldron or pan with thick walls and a bottom. In the process, add cayenne pepper, parsley, finely chopped. Simmer for at least two hours. You need to stir the puree constantly, otherwise it will burn badly. When the caviar is ready, put it in the jars that were sterilized earlier. Then screw the lids on the jars, turn them over and wrap them in a towel. Leave the jars to cool overnight. try also cooking baked zucchini in the oven so that you can enjoy their taste during the season of zucchini.

Tasty zucchini caviar for the winter
You will need:
White onion - 1 kg
Zucchini - 3 kg
Carrot - 1 kg
Tomato paste - 4 tbsp. l.
Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Garlic - 7 cloves (this is if it is very large southern garlic, if it is small, then twice as much)
Greens - parsley and fresh dill
ground pepper

How to cook delicious caviar from zucchini for the winter:

Wash and clean all vegetables. Then cut the fresh zucchini into cubes, rub the carrots (you can use a coarse grater), cut the white onion into thin rings.

Then heat a frying pan with oil, put the zucchini in it. Fry over medium heat, stirring constantly. Then fry fresh onions in the same oil. Carrots will be next in the pan. When each of the ingredients turns golden, chop the vegetables in a blender or pass everything together through a meat grinder or an electric processor. You will get a smooth puree. This puree should be put in a saucepan with the thickest walls, you can use a cauldron or a saucepan.

After you bring the semi-finished mass to a boil, reduce the fire a little and simmer for 40-45 minutes. Ten minutes before readiness, add sugar and salt, pepper and herbs to the mass. Do not forget to periodically stir what you are cooking.

Roll hot caviar into jars that have been sterilized in advance. Put the wrapped jars in the coolest place in the apartment to cool.

Did you know that you can also make zucchini pancakes from zucchini. Did not know? Then be sure to try it.

Another great recipe for zucchini caviar
Four small zucchini
2 cloves fresh garlic
Sunflower oil
two carrots
Firm but ripe tomatoes - 3 pieces

How to cook zucchini caviar for the winter:

Very tasty caviar, which can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities - it has very few calories. If you have young zucchini, then it is not necessary to peel them. But if they have already become hard, then it is worth removing the peel and seeds. Cut the vegetable into small cubes no more than a centimeter each. Carrots also need to be cut into cubes, but smaller. Put the vegetables in a saucepan, add a little water (no more than a glass), put on a small fire. While the zucchini and carrots are stewing, chop the tomatoes. As soon as the zucchini becomes soft, pour finely chopped tomatoes and a drop of oil into the pan. Put out a little more. Five minutes before cooking, include finely chopped garlic in the dish. Try to fry zucchini with garlic in the same way, and enjoy their taste in between cans.

Zucchini caviar homemade with tomato paste
Ingredients for the dish:
3 small zucchini
4 bulbs
2 carrots
4 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste
3 garlic cloves
Vegetable oil
Black pepper and salt

The recipe for a simple homemade squash caviar

Peel the zucchini and cut into small cubes. Simmer in a saucepan with a little vegetable oil. Chop the onion as finely as possible and fry. Do the same with carrots. Put everything in a saucepan with a double bottom or a cauldron. Add the required spices and salt. Simmer over low heat, stirring constantly for an hour. Then add the tomato paste and garlic, pre-chopped, to the puree and leave on the fire for another ten minutes. After cooking, grind the caviar with a blender and place in sterilized jars.

A simple recipe for delicious zucchini caviar
For caviar you need:
300 gr. carrots
1 kg. zucchini
300 gr. onion
700 gr. tomatoes
100 gr. parsley and dill
2 sweet bell peppers
Sugar and salt
1 clove of garlic

How to cook:

First of all, prepare the zucchini - peel, get rid of the seeds. Then cut them into circles no thicker than 1.5 centimeters. Then put the zucchini in the sifted flour, turn over and transfer to the pan. After browning the circles, chop the onion, carrot and fry until golden brown.

Peel the peppers and pour over with boiling water. Then pass all the vegetables through a meat grinder, add tomatoes to the vegetables. Pour a little oil into the bottom of the pan, put the vegetables there. Simmer for an hour. Before the end of the heat treatment, put the greens and garlic in the puree. Arrange in jars that have undergone sterilization, cork.

There are many different recipes for zucchini caviar that will appeal to your home.

Zucchini caviar with carrots recipe
So, to cook zucchini caviar, we will need:
Kilogram of onion
5 medium sized zucchini
Tomato paste - 5 tablespoons
Kilogram of carrots
150 grams of vegetable oil
Salt and spices

How to cook:

Carrots need to be washed and rubbed on a coarse grater, onions also need to be washed, cut into not very small cubes. Next, you need to fry the onion or stew in oil over low heat. After that, it is necessary to fry the carrots and put them in one dish with onions.

Then we thoroughly wash the zucchini, cut into four parts, seeds - if there are large ones - be sure to remove them. If the seeds are very young and soft, then nothing needs to be removed. The same applies to the peel - if it is hard, then it must be removed.

After that, you should cut the zucchini into cubes about a centimeter by a centimeter. Then fry them in oil over very high heat for at least 10 minutes.
Next, you need to prepare a sauce from tomato paste - boiling water - 600 ml, 3 tablespoons of salt, 5 tablespoons of sugar without a slide, 5 tablespoons of tomato paste. Mix everything until the salt and sugar dissolve.

Then you need to take a large enamel pan and put everything there, pour sauce and tomato paste. Your caviar should be stewed for at least half an hour over medium heat. Do not forget to stir the contents of the pan from time to time.

Next, you need to remove the mass from the heat, let it cool, and pass through a meat grinder. It is best to twist the caviar on a grid with large holes.
After the caviar has acquired the desired consistency, simmer it for about 20 minutes.

Zucchini caviar as in the store
Previously, there were many jars of squash caviar on store shelves. The trick was that no matter what recipe you tried, no one succeeded in making the dish taste the same as in the store.
But today there are so many recipes that everyone can cook caviar to their own taste. There are recipes with tomato paste and mayonnaise, but the most important thing is frying all the ingredients. Choose the recipe you like best.

Zucchini caviar shop recipe

You will need:
10 ml vinegar 9%
150 grams of onion
10 grams of sugar
10 grams of salt
2 kilograms of zucchini
6 cloves of garlic
Allspice and black ground pepper - 3 grams each
Vegetable oil

How to cook zucchini caviar like in a store:

You need to take young zucchini, cut them into circles no wider than 1 cm, fry on both sides in oil. Let the zucchini cool down. After chop the onion, fry until golden brown and rub the garlic with salt. Next, finely chop and fry all the greens. Then everything needs to be ground in a meat grinder, mixed with salt and sugar, vinegar and pepper, mixed and put into jars. Then the jars must be sterilized without fail - for half a liter - an hour - 75 minutes, for a liter - 90 minutes.
After roll up the banks.

Zucchini caviar with parsley root
You will need:
Kilogram of zucchini
100 grams of onion
100 grams of carrots
Sugar and salt
Ground pepper
10 grams parsley root
Vegetable oil

How to cook:

Cut the zucchini, fry in vegetable oil, then pass everything through a meat grinder. Next, you need to fry the onion in vegetable oil until transparent, grated carrots and parsley root (also grated) with tomato paste. Then you need to mix everything and season with spices, simmer over low heat until it is completely cooked, be sure to stir from time to time, otherwise it will burn. Then you need to spread the caviar hot in jars and sterilize - for half a liter - 30 minutes, for a liter - 40 minutes.

Spicy zucchini caviar
You will need the following products:
Half a kilo of onion
6 kilograms of zucchini
600 ml tomato sauce
2 and a half tablespoons table salt
head of garlic
Half teaspoon ground pepper

How to cook:

Chop the zucchini and onion, fry everything separately, then you need to scroll in a meat grinder. Then you need to add pepper and salt, garlic tomato sauce, mix everything. Arrange in pre-washed and dried jars, then sterilize for about 90 minutes. Roll up hot.

Spicy zucchini caviar
You will need to prepare:
2 carrots
Half a kilo of zucchini
Hot pepper pod
Salt to taste
2 cloves of garlic
4 tablespoons vegetable oil

How to cook:

It is necessary to cut the zucchini very finely, wash the carrots and peel, cut into thin circles. Then finely chop the onion and garlic. Peel the hot pepper, remove the seeds, chop as finely as possible. After you need to mix all the vegetables together, put in a very deep frying pan, season with vegetable oil and salt, pour a little water and simmer until completely cooked. Then you need to wipe the caviar through a sieve, put it back in the pan and simmer for about 5 minutes. After that, everything is laid out in jars, sterilized for 30 minutes and rolled up.

Zucchini caviar with bell pepper
You will need:
Kilogram of onion
5 kilograms of zucchini
5 sweet bell peppers
5 garlic cloves
2 tablespoons of vinegar 70%
Kilogram of carrots
2 tablespoons salt
500 grams of vegetable oil
10 peppercorns
Half cup tomato sauce
3 tablespoons of sugar

How to cook:

You need to mince onions and zucchini, bell peppers and garlic. Then take the carrots, rub on a grater and stew in vegetable oil. All products must be mixed well, add spices and garlic, tomato sauce and vegetable oil, simmer for 2 hours over very low heat, stirring constantly. Then you need to add peppercorns.
Transfer everything to sterilized jars, roll up.

Zucchini caviar with apples and spices
You will need:
Half a kilo of onion
Half a kilo of green apples
Kilogram of zucchini
Kilogram of tomatoes
Half a kilo of sugar
12 cloves
600 ml white wine vinegar
25 grams of ginger root
Teaspoon of allspice peas
teaspoon coriander

How to cook:

It is necessary to make a shallow incision in the form of a cross on all tomatoes, then dip it in boiling water for a minute on a slotted spoon, quickly remove it into cold water and immediately clean it.
Cut the tomatoes into very small cubes. Then peel the zucchini, if necessary, and also cut into cubes. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Peel the apples and remove the core. Cut sour apples into cubes. Then you need to put spices and ginger in a white cloth. It is necessary to shift all the vegetables into a saucepan, put a rag with spices there and add wine vinegar. Let the vegetables boil and stir them. Then make the fire smaller and simmer under the lid for one hour. Don't forget to stir. After you need to add pre-washed raisins and cook for another hour and a half. Remove the bag of spices, the caviar should cool slightly. After you need to lay out the caviar in jars, close and put in the cold. Lids should be plastic, not metal. Caviar will infuse and cook completely in a month.

Zucchini caviar diet recipe
You will need:
Half a kilo of carrots
One and a half kilograms of zucchini
300 grams of onion
4 sweet peppers
4 garlic cloves
Vegetable oil - for frying

How to cook:

In this caviar recipe, the main difference is that the vegetables are not fried, but boiled. Only one onion is fried. You need to pour some water into the pan, put the carrots, cut into cubes. Cook for 15 minutes.
After that, you need to cut the sweet pepper and zucchini into cubes, put them on the carrot. Cook for 10 minutes. While everything is cooking, you should fry the onion in half rings in a small amount of vegetable oil. Mix vegetables and onions, then pass through a meat grinder or put in a blender.
After grinding, everything is put back into the pan, garlic is added, squeezed through a press, and evaporated for 40 minutes. After that, it is laid out in pre-sterilized jars and rolled up.

Zucchini caviar with tomatoes and apples for the winter
You will need:
700 grams of carrots
3 kilograms of tomatoes
700 grams of sweet pepper
500 grams of apples
400 grams of onion
12 peas allspice
4 bay leaves
3 zucchini

How to cook:

It is necessary to skip vegetables and all apples through a meat grinder. But don't touch the bow just yet. Then put food in the pan, simmer for about an hour. Finely chop the onion, fry in oil, put to the vegetables. Next, add allspice and bay leaf. Then boil for 30 minutes. Put caviar in jars sterilized with a capacity of one liter. Sterilize for about 5 minutes, roll up.

If you have a slow cooker, then you can cook zucchini caviar according to one of these recipes.

Zucchini caviar in Georgian for the winter
You will need:
3 onions
4 zucchini
2 garlic cloves
cilantro and dill
Half a teaspoon of suneli hops
Tablespoon of grape vinegar
Red sweet pepper hammers, salt, vegetable oil.

How to cook:

You need to put the multicooker on the “Baking” mode for an hour. After that, chop the onion very finely, grate the carrots on a grater, pour quite a bit of vegetable oil on the vegetables. Cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then peel the zucchini, cut into small cubes, salt a lot. The zucchini should release juice. After 20 minutes, squeeze the zucchini, put in a slow cooker. While everything is cooking, you need to stir the vegetables from time to time. After 30 minutes, you need to add spices, some herbs and garlic, previously squeezed through a press. Mix everything again and leave for 10 minutes. At the very end of cooking, you need to add vinegar. You can add walnuts if you like a spicy and unusual taste. Sterilize, roll up.

Squash caviar in a slow cooker for the winter
You will need:
2 tablespoons tomato paste
Half a kilo of zucchini
2 carrots
2 onions
Bulgarian pepper
a teaspoon of salt
A teaspoon of sugar
4 tablespoons vegetable oil

How to cook:

You need to cut the onion and carrot, then put the multicooker in the porridge, season with vegetable oil, turn on the “Baking” mode for twenty minutes and stir from time to time. Then cook the rest of the vegetables, cut them into cubes. Put in a bowl, stir and turn on the mode again for 20 minutes. Then you need to put salt and sugar, tomato paste to the vegetables and turn it on in the “Stewing” mode for 50 minutes. Then you need to grind the vegetables with a blender, add vinegar essence and roll them into jars.

Several recipes for zucchini caviar cooked with mayonnaise.

Zucchini caviar with mayonnaise
You will need:
6 kilograms of zucchini
kilogram of onion
half a liter of tomato paste
glass of vegetable oil
4 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons salt
half a liter of mayonnaise
4 table vinegar - 70%
ground pepper to taste

How to cook zucchini caviar with mayonnaise:

You need to peel the onion, put it in a meat grinder, grind, then also grind the zucchini. Mix with already fried onions, put everything on fire and cook for about 2 hours, stirring all the time. Then put tomato paste and vegetable oil, salt and vinegar, sugar to the vegetables. Cook for about 50 minutes more, then put the mayonnaise in the pan, stir, and cook for 20-30 minutes. Put caviar in jars and roll up.

Zucchini caviar with mayonnaise and garlic for the winter
You will need:
6 young zucchini
200 grams of sugar
1 kilogram of onion
200 ml vinegar 9%
250 grams of mayonnaise
350 grams of tomato paste
3 tablespoons of salt
2 heads of garlic
teaspoon ground pepper

How to cook:

It is necessary to pass young zucchini directly with the peel and core through a meat grinder. Onions also need to be passed through a meat grinder, mixed with zucchini, put in a fairly deep saucepan. Then add sugar, vinegar, salt and vegetable oil. Mix everything, put tomato paste there and put on fire for two and a half hours. Peel the garlic, pass through a press, add to the caviar. Then add black pepper and mayonnaise, mix, cook for about 30 minutes. Then you need to put everything in banks and roll it up.
Bon appetit!

Zucchini caviar with mushrooms and herbs for the winter Harvesting vegetables for the winter is the most boring thing in the world. But only for those who lack imagination! Try to invent new preservation recipes or “ennoble” old ones. For example, a lot of zucchini caviar for the winter, but let it be different! This recipe is different in that fried mushrooms are added to zucchini caviar. try this recipe for zucchini caviar with mushrooms and herbs.

Ingredients are given based on 1 jar of 0.5 liters.

Ingredients for cooking zucchini caviar with mushrooms and herbs for the winter:
1 large zucchini;
2 large onions;
2 large carrots;
150-200 g of fresh mushrooms (champignons);
1 bunch of dill;
salt, pepper, chopped garlic - to taste;
vegetable oil in an amount sufficient for frying vegetables.

The recipe for preparing the preparation "Zucchini caviar with mushrooms and herbs for the winter":

Wash and peel the zucchini and carrots first. Cut the zucchini into pieces, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Peel the onion and chop finely.

Mix it all together and fry in a heavy bottomed pan until golden brown. There should be enough vegetable oil in the pan so that the vegetables do not burn.

Transfer the zucchini fried with carrots and onions to a bowl for whisking and use a blender to puree.

Now take care of the mushrooms. Wash them and cut into small pieces. Chop another onion, mix with mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil until tender.

Wash and very finely chop the dill.

Put the zucchini caviar in a pan where the mushrooms are fried, mix, simmer everything together for 1-2 minutes, add dill, salt, pepper, chopped garlic (to taste). Stir again and remove from heat.

Caviar is ready! It can be immediately packaged in clean jars scalded with boiling water (or sterilized in a microwave oven).
