
What are Pringles chips made of? How Pringles chips are made

Many people sincerely believe that chips are made from potatoes. It's just cut into thin slices and fried in a special way, that's all. What's wrong with fried potatoes? After all, we often cook it at home, and it is very tasty. Of course, some substances are added to the chips to make them tastier and last longer, but isn't that allowed?

Look at this piece of Pringles - well, potatoes! However, this is not really the case...


Pringles are one-third water.


The recipe also includes two-thirds of potato flakes.


A mixture of one third of water, two thirds of potato flakes and cornstarch is sent to the conveyor to the first stop - the press.


The press redirects the mixture to another conveyor to press it.


The resulting mixture will fall onto the belt at the bottom and go under a huge baler for pressing.


The conveyor belt uses four tons of pressure to compress the mixture into a potato leaf, which is then cut.


Using oval templates, chips are cut from a potato sheet and rolled out with a very heavy roller.


As they move along the conveyor, the ovals end up on the bottom belt, and the excess is removed so that they can then be recycled and make even more chips.


The remaining ovals on the tape are sent to the mold, where they become concave and ideal for packing.


Once shaped, the chips are fried for 11 seconds to become crispy and easy to stack.

Then the chips go to another conveyor, where the batch is given one or another flavor.


A factory employee checks the chips, after which another conveyor shakes and weighs them for packaging.


The weighing mechanism determines how many chips should be in each package, then a special spoon puts them into a tube.



Finally, after the chips are placed in the tubes, a special machine knocks on the lids of the packages so that all the chips take their place and are laid evenly.

Full video on how Pringles are made:

Speaking on this topic, it is very useful to analyze the chemical composition of the chips and how the chemicals from them affect health. I think all caring parents care about what their children eat.

Americans, because of the mass of problems that have fallen on their nation, want the beautiful bags of potato snacks to be a warning to consumers about possible cancer. It turned out that the chips contain a substance - acrylamide, which, when tested on rats and mice, caused cancer. According to critics, we are lagging behind these norms by 10 years. The state does not have money for such research, and it is more profitable for manufacturers to make not the highest quality potato snacks.

In America, billions of dollars are spent on chips, because this is their favorite treat. While nutritionists warn that the excess salt, oil, and acrylamide content of these potato snacks won't do any good, Americans still eat tons of them. There was a case that the Attorney General of California, Bill Locker, sued McDonald's and Frito-Lay and 6 other food companies because they produced chips and French potatoes without a warning label. The text that he proposed to write on the packaging of these potato snacks, it read: "This product contains a chemical that causes cancer." tumors.

If Loker wins the case, the attitude of laws towards these products will change in the USA. And in the future, other countries will begin to think about this fact. Labeling bags of chips will be a must. The introduction of such a standard in the EU, according to experts, will go without problems, because competitors use it for selfish purposes to lure consumers. Maybe in Russia we don’t spend billions on these potato snacks, but somewhere up to several hundred million dollars there will still be. It is unlikely that in the near future we will have such legislation that would require labeling for products that are not very good for health.

It is believed that we are lagging behind Western standards by 15-20 years. Why so bad? This is because we have some standards regarding "ordinary" products, and they are already outdated, and there is no specific legislation for "fashionable" products. You can say: "Why not? Because this is very important in our society." Only in article 10 of the law on consumer protection, there is such a paragraph that forces manufacturers to write down the full composition on their products. Of course, many manufacturers are not interested in disclosing the full composition of products (for example: flavor enhancer - monosodium glutamate E621, you can find it on packages as flavor additives or just a flavor enhancer). Another problem concerns any health products (health products). Many of these drugs are not certified, studies have not been conducted to detect side effects, and there is simply no guarantee of positive effects from them. For example, in the West, for the appearance of one drug on the market, 30 years of research are being done on all sorts of side effects, and even then, people are skeptical about this drug. Our people are more trusting, maybe because earlier in the USSR, medicines were really medicines, or because we have a lower standard of living. The main reason for such phenomena for us (and not only for us) is advertising. Nowadays, marketing is so developed that you can sell your own item to you.

But back to our topic - that is, to the chips. The state should pay more attention to the research of such products. Many people eat them and do not even suspect that they are at risk.

Natalia Olefirenko from Greenpeace Russia notes that even if there is a law on mandatory labeling of hazardous substances on packages, not all manufacturers will reveal the truth, but only when they fall under the eyes of the law. Even the state cannot always take care of our health. It means that only we are able to take care of our health in the best way.

The chemical composition of chips and french fries
Speaking about the chemical composition of chips and french fries, we will find two dangerous substances in them: acrylamide and glycidiamid. Toxicologists say that the latter is even more dangerous than the former.

Acrylamide is a very dangerous substance, which in experiments on animals has shown great harm. It can cause cancer, cause significant damage to the nervous system and even genes! The worst thing is that along with acrylamide we eat another harmful chemical - glycidamide. Western scientists, when analyzing the brands of many potato snacks sold, found this substance in 10 types of chips and 3 types of french fries.

They published the results of their results and the analysis methodology in the English-language journal "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry". It turns out that in one kilogram of fried potatoes - 0.3-1.5 micrograms of glycidamide. Concerning acrylamide, studies have shown that levels of this substance in foods such as potato snacks range between 300 and 600 micrograms per kilogram. At the level of the liver, acrylamide is converted to glycidamide. And glycidamide is responsible for the carcinogenicity of chips. According to other studies, somewhere around 10% of acrylamide is thus converted into glycidamide.

Don't panic either! It is necessary to improve the industrial process of preparing potato snacks so that the amount of life-threatening chemicals in them is nothing small and, if possible, not at all. But even then people will face problems with the abuse of chips, because they get fat!!!

The Swedes thought about creating a more perfect line of products for these potato snacks. They want to reduce the amount of acrylamide and glycyamide to the critical levels possible. To do this, they recommend the use of other types of vegetable oil than those used in this industry and strict control over the level of glycidamide in the chips.

Can you die from chips?
In England, there was a case when 22-year-old Gina Gough almost died from eating potato snacks. She did not consume anything other than these products for three years in a row. It was not difficult for her to eat 15 bags of chips a day. She was admitted to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. When clarifying the diagnosis, the doctors realized that the causes of the disease were the consumption of fatty, high-calorie foods like potato snacks. She had an inflamed gallbladder and needed to be removed. The operation was very difficult and lasted four and a half hours. The gallbladder grew so large that it looked like a tennis ball and could "explode" at any moment. She started with one bag for breakfast, then moved on to 2 bags of chips, and so on. She didn't like the other food. In addition to problems with her gallbladder, she suffered from obesity and jaundice.

Gina started eating so many potato snacks after she lost her job. To get rid of depression, she used chips. Although her family spoke about the dangers of these products for health, she did not listen to them and ate them further. She did not assess the possible risks and almost died.

So this case suggests that chips can be addictive. Now, I think I persuaded you about the dangers of chips and why such packages should be labeled "Harmful to health".

In order to understand what chips are, you should contact the manufacturers and find out the production process.
Pringles has stated that technically, its product is not a potato chip, as it contains virtually no potato. This announcement is to ensure that Pringles are referred to as "snacks" rather than "potato chips".

In the UK, snacks are a snack, so they are on the essential food list, and potato chips are classified as a delicacy and subject to additional taxes.

So if they are not made from potatoes, then from what then?

The process starts with mixing rice, wheat (which contains a lot), corn and potato flakes. The whole mixture is then pressed into a mould. The resulting dough is rolled into a thin sheet and cut into snacks.

The chips move along the conveyor until a special press gives them a curved shape that allows them to be stacked on top of each other. The blanks are placed in boiling oil, fried, dried, sprayed with powder flavors and sent to packaging using a belt conveyor. And from the cans, all this goes straight into the mouths of unlucky consumers.

It is likely that almost everyone has tried chips. However, not everyone knows that chips are a product with a very toxic treatment.

Potato chips contain a huge amount of chemical carcinogens

The most dangerous part of potato chips is the processed product.

A potentially neurotoxic chemical and carcinogen, acrylamide is formed during the intense heat treatment of foods high in carbohydrates.

Acrylamide can contain not only potato chips, but also other products processed at temperatures above one hundred degrees Celsius. If the food is warm enough and covered with a dry brownish or yellowish crust, then it probably already contains acrylamide. Therefore, it can be found in the following list:

- Potato: chips, french fries or any other fried potato dish;

- Cereals: bread crusts, toast, crispy bread, breakfast cereals and various snacks;

- Coffee, roasted coffee beans or ground into powder. Surprisingly, chicory-based coffee substitutes contain two to three times more acrylamide than real coffee.

And remember that to improve health, you need to eat as much fresh food as possible. Unfortunately, many are convinced that it is impossible to cook food without processed foods.

Many people sincerely believe that chips are made from potatoes. It's just cut into thin slices and fried in a special way, that's all. What's wrong with fried potatoes? After all, we often cook it at home, and it is very tasty. Of course, some substances are added to the chips to make them tastier and last longer, but isn't that allowed?

Look at this piece of Pringles - well, potatoes! However, this is not really the case...

Pringles are one-third water.

Photo 2.

The recipe also includes two-thirds of potato flakes.

A mixture of one third of water, two thirds of potato flakes and cornstarch is sent to the conveyor to the first stop - the press.

Photo 4.

The press redirects the mixture to another conveyor to press it.

The resulting mixture will fall onto the belt at the bottom and go under a huge baler for pressing.

The conveyor belt uses four tons of pressure to compress the mixture into a potato leaf, which is then cut.

Photo 6.

Using oval templates, chips are cut from a potato sheet and rolled out with a very heavy roller.

As they move along the conveyor, the ovals end up on the bottom belt, and the excess is removed so that they can then be recycled and make even more chips.

Photo 9.

The remaining ovals on the tape are sent to the mold, where they become concave and ideal for packing.

Photo 10.

Once shaped, the chips are fried for 11 seconds to become crispy and easy to stack.

Then the chips go to another conveyor, where the batch is given one or another flavor.

Photo 11.


A factory employee checks the chips, after which another conveyor shakes and weighs them for packaging.

Photo 12.

The weighing mechanism determines how many chips should be in each package, then a special spoon puts them into a tube.

Photo 13.

Photo 14.

Finally, after the chips are placed in the tubes, a special machine knocks on the lids of the packages so that all the chips take their place and are laid evenly.

Full video on how Pringles are made:

The vast majority of manufacturers use flour - wheat or corn, as well as a mixture of starches. Very often it is soy starch, mostly from genetically modified soybeans. In the human body, starch is converted into glucose, and if you eat chips often, then excess glucose accumulates in the liver - and this is already a sure way to obesity. Chips are formed from the dough obtained by mixing such ingredients, and then they are fried in cheap fats boiling at 250 ° C - after all, the use of expensive, refined oils is unprofitable. Chips should not be fried for more than 30 seconds, but this rule is rarely observed.

Harmful flavors for chips

The taste of such chips is far from potato - seasonings and flavorings again come to the rescue, mainly monosodium glutamate. A lot has been written about this "wonderful" supplement, and we won't repeat the information here, which is easy to find. We only recall that monosodium glutamate can turn the most tasteless food into one that you want to eat again and again, without thinking about its real value. And the producers of chips, first of all, need to attract the consumer ...

Harm of chips. Chips are harmful and dangerous!

Hydrogenated fat that accumulates in chips leads to the formation of "bad" cholesterol - and this is atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis and other dangerous diseases. Chips in the cooking process are so saturated with fat that, having eaten a small bag, we get as much as 30 g of this fat, and in fact often the matter is not limited to one 100-gram bag. It seems like they drank half a cup of fat for a snack ...
Of course, there are other manufacturers - they use real potatoes to make chips. However, most often, potatoes are also chosen genetically modified, because its tubers are large, even and intact - after all, all pests shy away from them. Such potatoes are fried in the same cheap fat.

Not only that, in the process of frying, absolutely everything useful that is in potatoes is destroyed, it acquires other properties - carcinogenic. The breakdown product of fats, acrolein, has mutagenic and carcinogenic properties, and it is formed even with relative observance of technologies. To avoid the formation of a large amount of acrolein, frying oil should be changed regularly.
Acrylamide is an even more dangerous carcinogen, which is also formed even at home if you choose the wrong oil and overheat the pan. What can we say about the conditions of in-line production, when many batches of chips are cooked for a long time in the same overcooked fats, which are often unprofitable to change?

Further more. A few years ago, glycidamide, the brother of acrylamide, was found in chips, capable of not only causing cancerous tumors, but also destroying DNA. And besides these already found substances, how many other toxins formed during the preparation of chips have simply not been studied?

Scientists still cannot say exactly what is formed in our body when it is actively supplied with flavorings and other E-shki, which are found in abundance in every delicious, crispy circle of chips.
air chips

There is another type of chips - air, and today they can be put in last place in terms of the content of toxic substances. These chips are fried for only 10 seconds, but carcinogens accumulate in them, moreover, as a rule, genetically modified potatoes are used - the usual has already been forgotten. In general, to obtain 1 kg of chips, you need up to 5 kg of potatoes, so it is more convenient for manufacturers to use different mixtures.
The well-known and advertised Pringles chips contain no more than 42% of potatoes, so their manufacturer was even spared from paying the necessary taxes for a long time. It's just that Pringles chips were not considered a product made from potatoes, but rather relatives of baking, since the manufacturer used yeast dough for their preparation. Meanwhile, Pringles production technology is no different from others.

What they don’t write on packs of chips: with cheese, with bacon, with crabs and red caviar, etc. True, lately manufacturers have become more honest, and they write - "with taste" of a particular product, but consumers still buy - they are already used to crunching chips for any reason and for no reason: for company with friends, in front of the TV to interrupt an appetite that arose at the wrong time or simply “kill” time.

However, time is just turning against us, and gradually fans of chips get heartburn, gastritis, allergies, and problems with bowel function.

How much salt is in chips? After all, this is precisely why many lovers of “salty” are drawn to the bag, not thinking or trying not to think that excess salt in the body inhibits normal bone growth, causes metabolic disorders and heart disease.

Pringles are a potato and wheat-based dry snack brand owned by Kellogg. Pringles (chips) are now sold in more than 140 countries around the world, the company has an annual sales turnover of more than 1.4 billion US dollars.

These snacks were invented by Procter & Gamble (P&G), which launched its first sales in 1967. Kellogg bought the brand in 2012.

When inventing Pringles (chips), P&G wanted to create the perfect shape and packaging, taking into account consumer complaints about broken and unappetizing snacks, as well as the presence of air in bags. The snack was given a new saddle-like shape, and the packaging was made in the form of an elegant cylinder in which the chips were not in danger of “breaking”.

As a result of the research in July 2008, an attempt was made to classify Pringles chips as a separate type of snack. The composition of these snacks suggests only 42% potatoes (it should be at least 50% in chips), the rest is flour mixed with vegetable oil, emulsifier, salt and seasonings. Thus, the product can rather be attributed to containing potatoes.

Speaking about how Pringles chips are made, it is worth noting that this is a fried product, not a baked one (contrary to a common misconception).

Pringles come in a variety of flavors. The standard series includes original flavors with salt and vinegar, sour cream and onions, farm sauce and barbecue. Some flavors are only available in certain countries. For example, Pringles (chips) with flavors such as shrimp cocktail, spicy cheese, wasabi, smoked bacon and curry are available only to residents of the UK. Sometimes there are limited editions that represent seasonal flavors. So, earlier there were snacks with the taste and aroma of ketchup, lime and spicy and cheese, pizza, paprika, Texas style and so on. In addition, abroad you can find "Pringles" (chips) labeled "low fat".

As already mentioned, in different countries, the tastes of snacks produced can vary greatly. As a rule, this is based on the preferences of consumers of a particular region. So, in Mexico, Pringles with flavors of jalapeno, honey mustard, fried cheese and Mexican spices are regularly sold. In Asian countries, five exotic flavors have been introduced, namely: soft shell crab, seaweed, blueberry and hazelnut, and lemon with sesame. "Pringles" (chips) with the taste of fried shrimp - pink, and with seaweed - green.

In the United States, two limited varieties of these chips periodically appear on sale - with cheeseburger and taco flavors.

Remembering the history of this brand, it is impossible not to mention the corn "Pringles" (chips), which were produced in some countries in the early 1990s. Their packaging was black with a "cartoon" corn on the cob.

Today, Pringles are advertised in the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and Ireland with the slogan, "Once you try, you can't stop." In Russia, advertising appeared in the mid-1990s, and its slogan was adapted into "Having tried once - I eat now."
