
What is fireweed honey made from? Common recipes of traditional medicine

09.11.2016 0

Without exception, all bee products are used in folk medicine. Fireweed honey is unique in its composition and especially valuable, having many useful properties, but there are also contraindications.

Its main component is willow-herb pollen. What it is? This plant with bright pink flowers up to one and a half meters high, is distributed mainly in Altai, the Urals, and Siberia. In the process of processing one kilogram of pollen, bees give out up to 700 kilograms of the finished product.

Main characteristics

This honey is white. So it is made by unique substances that make up:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • flavonoids;
  • enzymes;
  • glucose and fructose;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals.

The color of the product is atypical, while immediately after pumping it is light green or yellowish, and after a few months it is rich white. Buyers who are not familiar with Cypriot honey are wary of it and buy it very rarely.

Fireweed honey has a sweet floral smell and a specific taste with a slight bitterness. Due to the fact that the product is rich in glucose and fructose, it quickly crystallizes, clots and lumps form, and the light green viscous mass turns into bright white. This is also the reason for the high level of calories: 100 grams of honey contains more than 300 kilocalories.

Beneficial features

Fireweed honey, the beneficial properties of which can hardly be overestimated, has found rich application in folk medicine. And here it is important to remember the key rule - this beekeeping product is useful only in moderation. Its use will help:

  • strengthen the protective functions of the body, fill the gap in the immune system, resist various diseases, including cancer;
  • block even the smallest inflammation;
  • cope with any kind of pathogens;
  • restore the gastric mucosa, get rid of ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea and constipation;
  • cure a cold as soon as possible;
  • strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular system, get rid of insomnia, prevent nervous breakdowns;
  • defeat various skin diseases, acne and damage;
  • improve blood composition by activating the process of hematopoiesis and increasing the level of hemoglobin;
  • relieve painful symptoms in diseases of the urinary tract;
  • improve skin elasticity during bath procedures.

Such an impressive list is due to the fact that the use of honey is allowed externally. In cosmetology, it is a component of anti-aging creams and scrubs.


Fireweed honey, in addition to useful properties, also has contraindications:

  1. Any type of allergy - even a dosed intake can spur or develop a reaction due to the glucose content. It is not recommended to be taken by people who have had an allergy at least once.
  2. Asthmatic diseases - the enzymes that make up the product can provoke an asthmatic attack of suffocation.
  3. Hypertonic disease.
  4. Diabetes due to high glucose levels.
  5. Excess body weight due to the high calorie content of the product.

The unique composition of the product has no contraindications for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding. There are also no age restrictions, except for the age of three.

How to choose real nectar?

Buying fireweed honey, buyers are wondering how to distinguish a fake and not fall for the tricks of scammers. This is quite simple to do, but you need to pay attention to a few nuances.

After pumping out. It has a bright white color and the density of liquid sour cream. The taste of the bee product should be homogeneous, without crispy crystals, with a bitter aftertaste. Otherwise, this is evidence that sugar was used in the feeding of bees.

The consistency of fireweed honey is homogeneous. If you scoop it up with a spoon, then it should drain in a continuous stream, which you will not see with an artificial counterpart.

If the selected product does not have the listed characteristics, then it is not recommended to purchase it.

Video: useful properties and contraindications of fireweed honey.

Methods of reception

The use of natural honey involves compliance with the following rules:

  1. Strict dosing, since Ivan tea is a potent drug.
  2. The use of honey along with medicinal plants will enhance its healing effect. For example, for the treatment of stomach diseases, the product is combined with cudweed, sore throats with sage and plantain, skin diseases with eggs.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to expose honey to high temperatures, heating and melting. These processes will instantly destroy all the beneficial substances that are contained in the product.


There are a number of popular recipes based on fireweed honey:

  • with pancreatitis, it is necessary to prepare an infusion of three tablespoons of honey and two hundred grams of boiling water. Eating before meals will improve its absorption;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach is treated by regularly taking an infusion of two liters of water and a tablespoon of fireweed honey;
  • skin diseases will help to defeat the "elixir" of a couple of glasses of water and three hundred grams of beekeeping product;
  • with painful symptoms of prostatitis, a decoction of a couple of tablespoons of Ivan tea, 50 grams of honey and two glasses of boiling water will help;
  • an infusion of half a liter of vodka, Ivan-tea flowers and honey will help to cope with painful menstruation and manifestations of menopause. Just 25 drops of this substance will help improve the condition in a few days.

In folk medicine, fireweed honey with royal jelly is also widely used. This substance has a white color and a thick consistency, it serves as a kind of food for bee larvae. Uterine milk can be added to the product only after it begins to crystallize.

The resulting composition has unique healing properties, but its use is possible only after consulting a doctor. This circumstance is due to the fact that royal jelly is the strongest biological stimulant.

The well-known plant willow-tea (scientific name - fireweed) was popular with our ancestors. Many useful properties of the plant were valued and used for medicinal purposes in ancient times.

According to the assurances of beekeepers, the delicacy product is valuable due to equating its medicinal qualities with the general properties of linden and clover honey. Its distinctive features are an indescribable aroma, excellent taste, creamy consistency, a minimum number of side effects and a huge benefit to the human body.

Characteristic features of fireweed honey

The healing culture of Ivan-chai often grows in places of forest fires, as well as in the vicinity of a cut down forest. That is why it has become a habit to call him the orderly of the forest. A rather high culture in some cases can exceed the height of a person. According to popular belief, no vegetation has been observed at the place where the fireweed appeared for another 10 years. The perennial flower willow-tea can be found in the Caucasus, Bashkiria, Chuvashia, etc. The plant is distinguished by bright blue-lilac flowers with a characteristic elongated shape. Ivan-chai is an excellent honey plant, it is liked by the bees that swarm around it from the dawn of the sun until sunset. The plant is able to give a lot of nectar, so there is no shortage of honey in our country.

In its normal consistency, fireweed honey is like thick cream. It has a remarkable greenish or yellowish hue. Some beekeepers even get a pinkish tint. This is absolutely normal and does not impair the quality of the natural product. Rare enzymes, as well as the unique composition of nectar, can give it a specific color. At the same time, fireweed honey is sold on domestic markets in a thick state of light (almost white) shade.

Fireweed honey is characterized by an extremely fast crystallization process, which is accompanied by the appearance of white grains. For this reason, the erroneous opinion of uninformed buyers about the ability of a natural product to deteriorate quickly is common, which leads to low demand for it. However, such an appearance and consistency are considered quite normal phenomena, and the presence of white grains should not bother anyone. In some cases, small lumps may also form in the product, this process is also quite natural and does not affect the healing properties of the product.

The speed of sugaring directly depends on the increased glucose index. In order for fireweed honey to become liquid, it must be heated in a water bath. It is strongly not recommended to use the traditional method of heating in a container, since in this case it will lose almost all of its useful properties. In Canada and the United States, many producers start whisking honey before selling it. In this way, the product becomes like a creamy and especially delicate soufflé. It can perfectly complement tea drinking in the morning.

Useful properties of fireweed honey

Due to the beneficial properties of honey, with its direct help, many common diseases can be effectively dealt with. It is characterized by powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and can also "overtake" many expensive antibiotics. It is customary to use it for external use as an effective remedy for ulcers and other skin lesions.

The main beneficial properties of fireweed honey are to perform the following functions:

  • calming effect on the nervous system (help with neurosis and insomnia);
  • antibacterial effect (especially relevant for colds, flu and acute respiratory infections);
  • positive effect on the digestive system (recommended for constipation);
  • acceleration of hematopoietic function (useful for anemia);
  • normalization of blood pressure (strengthening of blood vessels and heart muscle);
  • elimination of headaches (stops migraine attacks), strengthening immunity and improving the general condition of the body.

Thanks to the antioxidants contained in honey, the likelihood of developing cancer cells is minimized. An effective anticonvulsant has positively recommended itself among our compatriots. Regular consumption of honey by representatives of the strong half of humanity can reduce the likelihood of progression of prostate diseases. Use of useful fireweed honey can be recommended to people without allergic reactions to bee products. At the same time, sweetness should not be abused either, since white fireweed honey is primarily a medicine, and only then a delicacy.

It is necessary to take fireweed honey especially carefully for hypertensive patients. In the case of its combination with individual plant extracts, it often provokes an increase in blood pressure. First of all, this applies to echinacea, eleutherococcus, etc. Plant honey contains enzymes with amino acids, as well as many vitamins and minerals. But besides the undoubted health benefits, fireweed honey with royal jelly can contribute to allergic reactions. Problems can also arise due to the use of homemade cosmetics, which was made on the basis of honey. Therefore, at the preliminary stage of testing homemade beauty recipes, it is necessary to test the resulting mixture on the bend of the elbow. If there is no redness after 12 hours after applying the mask to the skin, then the product can be safely used.

The benefits and harms of fireweed honey in conservative medicine are represented by the positive and negative effects that it has on the human body. Doctors advise using the product as a dietary supplement or as a means to maintain immunity. According to the reviews of our compatriots, its effectiveness has already been proven in the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza during epidemics, etc. Contraindications to the daily use of a natural product are hypertensive patients, diabetics and people who are overweight.

Common recipes of traditional medicine

Natural fireweed honey is rightfully considered a powerful and harmless remedy for depression and bad mood. According to traditional medicine recipes, it is recommended to use it 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening. To enhance the effect, you can additionally use a decoction of St. John's wort. But this combination is not recommended for hypertensive patients. However, with reduced pressure, as well as surging fatigue during the spring (autumn) season, honey can really help.

We list common recipes with fireweed honey:

  • Angina. Mix 0.5 tbsp. l. plantain, lungwort and sage, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 2 hours. After cooling, add 2 tablespoons of honey. Take a decoction should be 100 ml before meals 3 times a day.
  • Gastric ulcer. To prepare a medicinal potion, 1 tablespoon of cudweed is poured with a glass of boiling water and heated for 15 minutes in a water bath. After cooling the broth, add 1 tablespoon of honey to it. Take the prepared medicine 30 minutes before meals (1 tablespoon). It will be convenient to wash wounds and other skin lesions with such a drug to speed up healing.
  • Prostate adenoma. In equal proportions, it is necessary to mix propolis tincture and honey. Take the medicine should be 30 minutes before eating (1 teaspoon). It is recommended to put it under the tongue until it is completely absorbed.
  • Digestive disorders and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. A teaspoon of honey is dissolved in a glass of cold boiled water. The resulting mixture should be taken on an empty stomach every morning.
  • Strengthening the immune system and improving the body. Eat 1 teaspoon of honey daily (no additives).
  • General anxiety, insomnia and the occurrence of disorders in the nervous system. Every night before going to bed, eat 1 teaspoon of honey and drink 1 glass of warm boiled water.

With the help of honey, you can make lotions and baths that have a disinfecting and wound healing effect. To do this, 50 grams of eucalyptus leaves should be poured with 500 ml of boiling water. After warming up for 15 minutes in a water bath, strain the broth and add 2 tablespoons of honey.

The healing product has proven itself positively in cosmetology. It rejuvenates the skin and eliminates obvious defects (using honey water). The tool is especially suitable for problem skin, which is characterized by the formation of acne. Healing tonic will be useful in the morning and evening to wash your face. In some cases, it will be appropriate to add a decoction of chamomile to honey water in the following proportions: 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 liter of chamomile decoction. The resulting antibacterial lotion will be affordable and easy to prepare. It should be kept refrigerated for extended use, and used to cleanse acne-prone skin.

Due to its growing popularity, many unscrupulous sellers offer to purchase an artificial product with no useful properties. Not only experts know how to distinguish natural honey from a fake. During crystallization, the product acquires a light white color (you can see it with the naked eye even from the photo), and in the liquid state it can be distinguished by its characteristic green tint. It has a floral aroma, delicate and pleasant taste. Reviews of the natural product are mostly positive, which is why it is popular with our compatriots.

In some cases, sellers add harmful dyes to give fake honey a believable appearance. In this case, there is a high risk of poisoning, allergic reactions and other troubles. Thus, fireweed honey is a real gift of nature, which painlessly and with a minimum number of possible side effects relieves a person from common diseases. Having tried the healing product and feeling its healing properties, each person begins to believe in magical abilities from fireweed honey.

Fireweed honey is a beekeeping product that is obtained from a honey plant common in the vastness of Russia - Ivan-tea. The beneficial properties of grass with amazingly beautiful purple flowers have been proven by our ancestors, who used it to make tea and various kinds of tinctures that can protect against diseases. As you know, honey is able to preserve the benefits of plants, so this product has found application in traditional medicine. In addition, it is often used as a delicious treat, characterized by a delicate taste and breathtaking aroma.

Composition and nutritional value of fireweed honey

Like other bee products, fireweed honey in its composition has many useful components that have a beneficial effect on the human body. The indisputable advantage is good, complete digestibility by the body, which provides a boost of energy, good health. The constituent elements include:

  • B vitamins - B1, B2, B3.
  • Vitamin E
  • Antioxidants.
  • Tannins.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Tannin.
  • Useful trace elements: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc.

Characteristics: color, taste and aroma

Fireweed honey has non-standard characteristics for a beekeeping product, which distinguishes this species from other varieties:

  • Taste. According to the reviews of people who have tried natural high-quality fireweed honey, it has a delicate, delicate taste. Adding a product to tea, pastries will add some zest, emphasizing the best qualities of the cooked dish.
  • Color. Fresh, only harvested product has an unusual yellowish-green tint, which is not inherent in other varieties of honey. After a short time, the color and consistency change dramatically: the product crystallizes, becomes thicker and acquires a lighter shade. White honey reminds many people of whipped cream, thick sour cream. This does not indicate that the products have deteriorated and lost their useful properties, because this is a natural, natural process. To find out what the product looks like, see fireweed honey photo:

  • The aroma is light, barely perceptible with herbal notes.

Useful and medicinal properties

Many people often wonder how useful fireweed honey is, where it can be used and what effect it has on the human body. The medicinal and beneficial properties of the bee product are used in such cases:

  • With colds, reducing pain in the throat, removing aching joints.
  • Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  • It has a positive effect on the work of the intestines, relieving a person from constipation, heartburn, discomfort in the abdomen.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the blood, helps with anemia, improves blood circulation.
  • Cope with insomnia, avoid nervous breakdowns will help regular use of honey from Ivan-tea just before bedtime.

  • It has a beneficial effect on men's health, having a positive effect on potency, reproductive function, and helps in the treatment of prostatitis.
  • Helps to get rid of cramps, favorably affects the joints.
  • Antibacterial properties help get rid of boils, skin diseases, ulcers on the mucous membranes.
  • It is an excellent pain reliever, thanks to its analgesic properties, it helps to cope with pain of any origin.


The healing properties of fireweed honey are used in folk and traditional medicine, as well as in cosmetology. In the latter version, the beekeeping product is used as follows:

  • As a scrub with the addition of ground coffee, sea salt. This procedure has a positive effect on the skin, giving it smoothness and elasticity.
  • It is used in the bath: the product is applied evenly on the body, and after a short time it is washed off with warm water. This helps to maintain a perfect figure and beautiful skin.

  • As an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent that helps get rid of acne on the face, promotes wound healing. Bactericidal properties help fight pathogens of skin diseases.
  • It is used to create homemade creams, masks. Such a cosmetic product helps to keep the skin in good shape, give it a velvety texture, even out the complexion.

How long can you store

Fireweed honey retains its beneficial properties throughout the year, after the expiration of the period it is worth refusing to use the product inside, but it can be used for external use. Store beekeeping products in a glass container with a tightly closed lid in a dark, cool place. It is important to remember that only a fresh product retains the maximum amount of useful properties and trace elements.


Fireweed honey has no contraindications, in most cases it is well accepted by the body, having a positive effect on the general condition of the body and human well-being. It is worth refusing to use for people who are allergic to any bee products. However, even if there is no allergic reaction, you should not use an excessive amount of the product, experts believe that fireweed honey is designed more for the treatment, prevention of diseases than for taste pleasure.

In the case of using honey as a traditional medicine, it is important to follow the dosage, the proportions indicated in the recipe in order to get the maximum effect. Even women during the period of bearing a child can introduce the product into the diet in small quantities - this will favorably affect the health of the mother and the development of the child. With the abuse of fireweed honey, the opposite effect can be observed:

  • Deterioration of well-being.
  • Intestinal disorder.
  • Allergic reaction.

How to distinguish fireweed honey from a fake

For many people who are not very well versed in beekeeping, it is sometimes extremely difficult to distinguish natural fireweed honey from a fake. Unscrupulous product analyzers take advantage of this and try to sell a low-quality product at a high price, passing it off as a fresh natural product. It is extremely difficult to distinguish fireweed honey from a fake, since it does not meet the basic requirements that are put forward for quality products:

  • It should be translucent, bright yellow, amber in color.
  • It flows well from a spoon in an even thin stream.
  • Does not crunch on the teeth, has a uniform texture.

Fireweed honey, in fact, does not meet any of the above stated requirements, since by nature it has other properties. It is extremely difficult to identify and choose natural products, but when choosing, you should rely on your taste buds, intuition and take into account the characteristic features of Ivan-tea products:

  • It has a white-yellow tint.
  • The structure is heterogeneous, crystals are observed.
  • The aroma is light, floral.
  • The taste is slightly tart, but not cloying.
  • The beekeeper or seller can give a description of the product.
  • The place of origin should be a region where Ivan-chai grass grows in abundance, for example, Chuvashia, Bashkiria, Udmurtia, Perm, Oryol regions.

Having bought a beekeeping product from a beekeeper, it is possible to check the naturalness of honey at home to make sure the quality of the products used. To do this, it is necessary to combine the product and warm water in a 1: 1 ratio, mix well. Pour 2 ml from the resulting solution and add the same amount of ammonia to it. If a precipitate has formed, and the color has changed to brown, you have a low-quality product in which various preservatives and chemical additives have been added.

Any kind of honey is a unique creation of nature. But its composition and the presence of useful properties depend on the source of pollen. The availability of a bee product can be determined by the habitat of the honey plant. The plants that occupy large spaces include fireweed, which accompanies the coniferous forests of the European part and Siberia. It is considered by beekeepers to be the champion in terms of the amount of raw materials, no other plant can compare with it in terms of pollen volume. Scientists have calculated that from 100 m 2 of plantations, an average of 6 kg of honey is obtained.

Fireweed honey - what is it, useful properties

Often, admiring the bright pink thickets of angustifolium fireweed, it does not occur to us that this is not only a beautiful perennial, but a generous source of pollen for one of the best types of honey. The herbaceous plant has long been used for medicinal purposes, the people call it Ivan - tea. Naturally, all the healing qualities are transferred to honey. It is used for colds, sore throats, gastrointestinal problems, heart disease. Doctors especially appreciate the soothing feature that fireweed, white honey has.

Characteristics of fireweed honey, wikipedia

From other species, this variety is distinguished by a characteristic greenish tint. This is due to the color of the pollen. The consistency of honey is interesting, it quickly thickens, forming large white crystals. Learn more about its properties.

Color, taste, smell

Those who see this variety for the first time are alarmed by an atypical shade for honey - sulphurous yellow. Despite the unusualness, this is the natural color that characterizes the natural fireweed product. During storage, due to rapid crystallization, the color changes to a white tint.

Subtle taste qualities leave the same bitter aftertaste as tea from it.

What is fireweed honey made from? Sources of mining

The fireweed plant is extremely unpretentious, it can be found in any corner of the fifth and fourth geographic zones (USDA). The long flowering period from June to August allows the bees to collect pollen all summer long. Beekeepers do not need to specially sow the fields with honey plants, Ivan-chai is a wild-growing species that reproduces on its own. Large plantations of fireweed allow you to get a large amount of honey at minimal cost.

Composition of honey

When they first see a greenish mass, many people ask themselves: “If this is real fireweed honey, what are bees made of, and why is it so useful?

It has a high content of ascorbic acid, it is much more than in lemons. In addition, it includes vitamins B 1, B 2, B 3, E, enzymes, tannins - tannins, fructose and glucose.

Useful substances are stored in the bee product, as well as in the fireweed drink.

Calorie table

Fireweed honey - useful properties and contraindications

Most of us treat honey kindly and even reverently, thanks to its miraculous qualities. But, do not forget that its composition is not suitable for everyone. The use of any bee product requires a balanced approach.

Fireweed white honey useful properties

Since ancient times, healers have noticed the calming effect of Ivan tea, and later it turned out that fireweed honey also retains this property. It is he who is recommended by traditional medicine for a nervous breakdown. This is one of the few types that nursing mothers use during postpartum depression, provided that the child does not have a negative reaction.

Another positive effect is the strengthening of immunity, which is important for the prevention and treatment of colds. It is successfully used in cosmetology, for massage and hair strengthening.

Harm of honey

Unfortunately, fireweed honey is not good for everyone. Categorically you should not use it for those who are allergic to any bee products. It is not excluded the situation when other varieties do not cause a reaction, but for this variety it may appear, due to the substances that the Ivan-chai plant contains. What is a contraindication to this particular variety.

In small quantities and carefully, it is worth using honey for diabetics and people with high blood sugar.

How to take, how is fireweed honey useful in medicine?

The daily diet of an adult includes no more than three tablespoons (without slides) tablespoons. Children from 7 to 17 years old are recommended half the rate. After two months of use, you need to take a break for 2 to 4 weeks.

Official medicine successfully uses fireweed honey in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • increased acidity;
  • stomach ulcers.

Popularly known as "Man's honey", used to treat inflammation of the prostate gland.

It is successfully used in cosmetology, for massage and hair strengthening.

When deciding to eat or, as a medicine, fireweed honey, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are of equal importance, it is important to analyze the positive and negative consequences that are possible in the future.

Indications for the use of white fireweed honey


They heal faster and more efficiently if a healing product is added to a plentiful drink. At the same time, it is important to remember that the drink should not be hot, the optimum temperature is up to + 38 0, which is easy to set by dropping liquid on your wrist. It should not be hot for the skin. Do not get carried away with the amount of honey, an adult is enough 3 tbsp. spoons, divided into 3 - 5 doses, give children 2 times less.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

One of the effective recipes, doctors consider tea from marsh cudweed with fireweed honey. To prepare a drink, you need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry grass per 200 ml of water. The decoction is prepared in a water bath. After cooling, filter and add 1 teaspoon of honey. Taken after meals.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Successfully cured with the participation of corn stigmas. The effect can be made more significant if you add fireweed honey.

2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable raw materials brew 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos. Insist 2 hours. Before use, add 1 teaspoon of honey.

Diseases of ENT organs, bronchial asthma

For gargling, prepare a decoction of sage, plantain, lungwort. For 1 cup of boiling water of each herb, take 1 teaspoon. When the liquid has cooled, 1 teaspoon of honey is added to it.

Skin diseases

For lotions and baths in the healing of wounds and burns, a mixture of eucalyptus infusion with the addition of honey helps. For a decoction - 50 g of dry leaves per 0.5 l of water. Add 2 tbsp to the cooled, filtered liquid. spoons of honey.

Recovery of the nervous system after stress

For a restful sleep, doctors recommend honey water, for a glass of warm water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey Take half an hour before bedtime. For neurosis and depression, a tincture of aloe juice, Cahors wine and fireweed honey is used. The mixture is prepared in a ratio of 1:2:2, kept in a dark place for 14 days, shaking occasionally. For treatment, drink 0.5 cups half an hour before meals. The drug is taken for 2 weeks.

beauty recipes

Face masks

To moisturize dry skin, a mixture of 1 teaspoon of honey with the same amount of olive oil and one egg yolk helps well. The product is applied for 30-40 minutes on a dry, cleaned surface. It makes the face supple and velvety.

For those who have oily skin, cosmetologists advise adding 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey with 50 g of cleansing clay.

Hair masks

This mixture is good for hair loss:

  • 1 st. spoons of honey
  • 1 st. a spoonful of kefir or yogurt,
  • ½ teaspoon of medical alcohol,
  • ½ teaspoon of onion juice.

The mask is applied to clean scalp for 1 hour. Wash off with warm water.

Also, this recipe is popular:

  • One tablespoon of mustard powder, vegetable oil and honey.

You can add the yolk of one egg.

Body honey

Any cosmetologist agrees that even the best body cream will successfully replace honey. Its action will become more effective if it is combined with vegetable oil.

The product moisturizes the skin and supplies essential nutrients.


Coarse-grained fireweed honey cleanses the skin well through deep peeling. This promotes active blood flow and metabolism. As a result, toxic slags contained in the epidermis are removed. This property is used for weight loss and the fight against cellulite.

Fireweed honey drink recipes

Apple honey:

  • 0.5 kg apples finely chopped or grated.
  • Pour in 1 liter of water.
  • Add 5 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Kissel honey and oatmeal:

For cooking you need:

  • Oatmeal - ½ cup
  • Water - 2.5 l,
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Honey is added to oatmeal after cooling.

Vitamin decoction:

  • ½ cup of rose hips pour 2 liters of boiling water and soak for a day (preferably in a thermos).
  • After the infusion has cooled, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Recipes to lower blood pressure:

  • Freshly squeezed chokeberry juice - 200 ml,
  • Currant juice - 100 ml,
  • Citric acid on the tip of a knife
  • Fireweed honey - 100 g.

For the prevention of colds:

  • Raspberry juice - 200 ml,
  • Honey - 100 g,
  • Water - 200 ml.


Allergy can be caused by non-acceptance by the body of at least one of the components that make up the apiproduct. For example, fireweed honey contains tannins that are not found in other varieties. This is a likely reason for contraindications, in addition to diabetes, obesity, severe forms of chronic diseases.

Storage conditions

In order for a healthy delicacy to retain its healing qualities, it is placed in a glass, tightly closed dish and kept in a dark place away from strong-smelling foods, onions, garlic, fish, pickles, etc. The optimum temperature is + 5 0 - + 10 0 .

Proper preservation of this product is a kind of method for determining its authenticity. The color changes from a transparent yellowish tint to a milky white tone. In a thick mass, granular formations appear, similar to snowflakes. To make sure that this is real fireweed honey, how to distinguish a fake and not be mistaken, other tests will help.

Fireweed honey how to distinguish a fake?

Signs by which you can recognize a real product and establish that it is not a fake:

  1. Fresh honey is runny and greenish, but quickly crystallizes, turns white and creaks on the teeth. Unfortunately, this is used by scammers.
  2. If external signs are confusing, you can resort to a chemical reaction. In a 1:1 solution of honey and water, add a couple of drops of ammonia. If the color has changed to gray-blue, then this is a poor-quality product.

If the thick honey is fireweed white, how to distinguish a fake will be prompted by the characteristic bitter taste characteristic of Ivan Tea. In the event that you are familiar with this plant.

Fireweed honey is interesting in color, taste, aroma. It will support health and ensure peaceful sleep, cure many diseases and preserve beauty. Provided that it is real and brought from the region where Ivan-chai grows.

We have all heard about linden and acacia honey. But if you are offered fireweed honey, most likely you will ask for its name again. Many have not heard of him. No, he has nothing to do with Cyprus. Fireweed, or Ivan-tea - honey plant of this variety. Hence the name honey.

by color fresh fireweed honey light yellow with a greenish tint. Its pallor gives an unsightly presentation.

Because of this, buyers bypass it, buying amber, rich yellow or dark honey. And absolutely in vain. Often looks are deceiving. Fireweed honey is valuable for its composition.

Candied this variety quickly. Grains similar to snowflakes appear in its structure.

After crystallization, fireweed honey becomes white with a pink tint.. Its clots come across in the form of lumps.

People who bought such honey complain that a fake was purchased, because the result does not match their ideas about a sweet bee product. This consistency of fireweed honey is normal. On the contrary, it indicates that you have purchased a quality natural product.

The taste is gentle, pleasant. Bitterness is absent. How to distinguish a fake?

Unscrupulous sellers do not try to fake it. Rather, buyers wrongly suspect natural fireweed honey that it is a fake. It's all about the color, consistency and stereotyped idea of ​​what natural honey should be like.

Ingredients: vitamins and minerals

Fireweed honey is high-calorie. 100 g of the product contains 328 kcal.

The composition is as follows:

This bee product contains many minerals:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • sodium.

vitamins are represented by group B (1, 2, 5, 6, 9), as well as PP, H, C.

Beneficial features

The fact that bees extract nectar for honey from the medicinal plant Ivan-chai, speaks not only of usefulness for humans, but of a double benefit, since the unique composition of honey itself has been added to the healing properties of pollen and nectar.

Fireweed honey helps in the treatment of blood diseases, kidneys, liver, in cardiovascular diseases. In addition, honey is indispensable for colds and viral infections, other respiratory diseases. For prevention, it is taken one tablespoon per day. You can - two teaspoons on an empty stomach in the morning, and also in the evening before bedtime.

This variety is valuable. healing properties. Therefore, for wounds, external and internal, it is recommended to use it in the form of compresses and in food. Therefore, honey is not just sweet. Sometimes its useful properties are exaggerated, you can read about contraindications below.

fireweed honey used in medicine, cooking. In cosmetology, it is used in creams and cleansing scrubs. The face after using the masks becomes clean, and the skin is silky.

Honey is not a panacea for all ailments. It helps the body recover, increase immunity, start recovery processes in the body, but it is unlikely to be able to cure an advanced disease.

Contraindications and harm

Due to the high content of carbohydrates and sugar, it not recommended for patients with diabetes.

Under no circumstances should honey be heated., especially - bring it to a boil. Otherwise, it contributes to the appearance of cancer-forming carcinogens.

You should not overeat fireweed honey, because it contains a large amount of sugar and carbohydrates. This contributes to obesity and the appearance of allergies not only to this variety. Therefore, it is better to limit its use for an adult to two tablespoons per day, for a teenager - to one. It should not be given to children under three years of age.

About honey plant Ivan-tea

The honey plant for this variety of honey is a herbaceous medicinal plant - fireweed, or Ivan-tea. It grows along country roads, in meadows, forest edges. Found in temperate climates. Likes northern areas. It is unpretentious to growing conditions.

Blooms from mid-June to mid-August. It is a good honey plant for bees. They are attracted by the smell and a large number of aromatic substances. Up to 60% of honey is obtained from the pollen of this plant.

Storage conditions

Fireweed honey candied quickly, but the useful properties do not disappear. On the contrary, such a change of state in consistency is natural. To avoid souring store it at a positive temperature of 3 - 9 degrees. Air humidity - not higher than 60%. Otherwise, honey in the open state absorbs excess moisture.

When using it it is not allowed to heat honey above 40 degrees Or put it in the freezer. It is possible to save it in the latter case, but as a sweetness, since the unique healing properties are lost. Glassware is preferred for long-term storage, but not plastic or metal.

What are the main diseases treated?

Fireweed honey helps in healing diseases of the prostate, kidneys, liver. But its beneficial effect on the body is not limited to this. It also helps:

  • at skin diseases;
  • improve dream;
  • at neuroses;
  • treatment peptic ulcer;

In acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, periodontal disease, persistent headaches, it is also used. Fireweed honey has clear antibacterial properties..

Medicinal properties of fireweed honey

It is better to eat it in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed. Natural stimulants and enzymes, which are part of the bee product, contribute to the restoration of the human energy potential. He perfectly cleanses and nourishes the skin. After consulting a doctor, it is used for dermatitis.

It cannot be said that fireweed honey is fundamentally different in its composition or useful properties from other varieties. Lovers of this bee product celebrate it soft and delicate taste. Sometimes this variety is called "children's".
