
Yorkshire stuffed pudding recipe. Step-by-step recipe for making Yorkshire pudding with a photo

Today I want to tell you about one of the most popular Yorkshire puddings in England. Many housewives think that preparing a dish with such a pathetic name requires skills and a lot of expensive ingredients. But they are very much mistaken in this judgment. Therefore, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with a simple recipe for Yorkshire pudding.

Yorkshire Puddings by Jamie Oliver

Kitchen utensils and equipment: oven, iron baking dish, whisk, large deep bowl, jug or pouring vessel, sieve.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • To prepare this dish, we need very few ingredients. We must have chicken eggs, milk, wheat flour and vegetable oil available. It couldn't be easier than that.
  • It is important to choose high-quality products so that the taste is tender and airy.
  • If you have the opportunity, then use homemade chicken eggs, in this case the whole result depends on them. Since initially the creators of this dish, Yorkshire pudding was conceived as an omelet on animal fat with the addition of flour. Later, he already acquired the name pudding.
  • Flour should be only the highest grade and proven brands. It is recommended to always sift flour before adding.
  • Milk should be high fat. It is ideal if it, like eggs, will be homemade.
  • Vegetable oil must be suitable for long-term use at high temperatures. It is not desirable that the oil has an odor. Otherwise, it will give a taste to the finished puddings.

Cooking sequence

  1. Break 4 eggs into a large deep bowl and beat with a whisk.
  2. Add 200 g of milk and continue beating.

  3. Sift in the same bowl 200 g of wheat flour. With the help of sifting, we ensure that our dough is free of lumps.

  4. Add 1-2 g of salt, mix everything well and check that our mixture is viscous and does not have even the slightest lumps.

    To quickly and accurately determine the presence of lumps in the dough, run the outside of a teaspoon over it. The correct dough should remain on the spoon with a uniform film without lumps and flow smoothly from it in a trickle.

  5. Pour our mixture into a jug or something similar. You should be comfortable pouring the dough into the molds.

  6. Pour 1 cm of vegetable oil into each mold for baking muffins. Forms must be iron. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius. We put baking dishes with vegetable oil in a preheated oven.

  7. When the oil is hot, take out the molds and start pouring our dough over them. We do this very carefully so as not to spill. Pour the mixture up to the edges of the mold.

  8. We put the forms back in the oven and leave there for 20-25 minutes.

    It is important that you do not open the oven until the end of cooking. Otherwise, the puddings will not rise.

  9. After the time has passed, we take out the puddings and serve with various fillings.

How to serve and how to complement the dish

You can complement this wonderful dish with no less wonderful fillers. Here are examples of chic and very tasty savory toppings.

  • An excellent filling would be grated cheese with garlic and mayonnaise.
  • There will never be a superfluous filling of potatoes with mushrooms. This will give a satisfying pudding and will please all members of your family.
  • The pudding will have a rather interesting taste if you add to it a mixture of finely chopped salted salmon or salmon, fresh herbs, cucumber, and lemon juice. Lemon can be replaced with light mayonnaise or yogurt.

  • A rather interesting filling would be ham with cheese and a boiled egg. You can also season these ingredients with sauce.
  • Sweet fillings can contain cottage cheese, cream cheese, various fruits, chocolate, nuts, candied fruits and much more. It all depends on your imagination and willingness to experiment.
  • Yorkshire puddings are served as a substitute for bread, if without toppings. And if with fillings, then as an independent dish.

Yorkshire pudding video recipe

Make Yorkshire pudding at home with the help of a great video and tips from an experienced chef.

English cuisine is famous for its variety of puddings.. We can say that the inhabitants and culinary specialists of this country are obsessed, in the good sense of the word, with the recipes of this interesting dish. Now you can count several hundred such recipes. Puddings are sweet, salty, snack, with fish, meat, and even dedicated to a holiday. Thus, for example, no Christmas table in a traditional English family is complete without Christmas pudding.

And here are some more options for preparing the most famous dish of English cuisine.

  • Try your culinary powers and cook an interesting one. This dish is distinguished not only by its taste, but also by its benefits.
  • And if you have semolina at home and you don’t know where to use it, except in the preparation of banal semolina porridge, then try to cook an unusual one. I am sure that all members of your family will be surprised by this dish.
  • And be sure to try the recipe in action.

Dear housewives, often a dish with a loud and complex name does not imply anything complicated and impossible. There is no need to be afraid only that the dish is called Yorkshire pudding. As practice and this recipe have shown, there is nothing complicated and costly in preparing this dish. Therefore, cook for health, take risks, experiment and delight your loved ones with your culinary achievements. Write your recipe options in the comments, leave feedback and be happy. Bon appetit!

A special English pudding belongs to the ancient culinary traditions of the state. This dish has strict cooking rules, but the result is worth it to follow them exactly.

History of Yorkshire pudding

Who would have thought that cooks from the north of England would come up with a way to use the fat dripping from roasting meat in cooking. Once the chefs noticed that the dough, placed for baking under the grill with meat, turns out to be incredibly tasty.

Thus, in 1737, the recipe for Dripping Pudding was born. Such a culinary insinuation would not have been possible if wheat flour had not appeared in the everyday life of the common people of England.

The new recipe was so sensational that it was written about in newspapers and also mentioned in the book The Whole Duty of a Woman.

The book made the following recommendations about dripping pudding: add fat from meat to pancake batter or similar batter. The dough was placed on a greased tray under the grill with meat in the oven. Sometimes it was recommended to shake the dough for more airiness. When the meat reached readiness, the puddings were also taken out, turning them over to the main dish..

In 1747, Hannah Gleiss gave the dish a new name in her cookbook. She named the culinary creation "Yorkshire Pudding", referring to the origin of the recipe.

Conservative England is a country where it is not customary to give preference to gourmet dishes. Therefore, the new recipe was adopted by all housewives from Yorkshire to Wales.

To clarify the recipe, in 2008 the English community ruled that only dripping pudding that is over 4 inches tall can be called Yorkshire.

Rules for eating Yorkshire pudding

This pudding has become an English Sunday dinner tradition. Sometimes the English use pudding before the main meal, sometimes after or during the dinner itself.

The inexpensive recipe gained popularity also because it served as an excellent means of saving money. With the help of pudding, it was possible to diversify lunch without additional dishes. Water, eggs, milk, salt, flour - these are the simple ingredients that made it possible to create a Yorkshire pudding in a hurry.

Yorkshire pudding recipe

Today, Yorkshire pudding is made in special cupcake tins. The dish can be made according to traditional English recipes under meat on the grill, or you can bake it as an independent snack for tea. For Modern Yorkshire Pudding you will need:

  • Egg;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • a teaspoon of vegetable oil;
  • Half a glass of milk;
  • Half a glass of flour.

The cooking algorithm will be as follows:

To prevent puddings from falling off, do not open the oven door during cooking, as well as create drafts in the house. The dish must be baked until a uniform golden hue, pale puddings will be difficult to get out of the molds.

The dough in each mold should not reach the edges. There should be enough room in the pan for the puddings to rise and brown.

Yorkshire pudding is traditionally served with roast beef. It is not forbidden to use an appetizer with other dishes. As a standalone product, Yorkshire pudding is good with sweet tea or wine.

Among all European cuisines, it is not for nothing that it is considered one of the most conservative. She sacredly honors old traditions, and to this day, at family Sunday dinners, dinner parties in honor of national holidays, roast beef, turkeys and puddings are put on the table. Here is the last dish we will talk about.

Food features

Pudding in England is made from meat, vegetables, cereals, fish. And serve for the second. They are also baked as desserts, sweet, fruit and berry based. And from the depths of the Middle Ages, the recipe for one of the oldest puddings, Yorkshire, became known. His homeland is the famous county in Great Britain, the largest of the country's land formations. Why did the inhabitants of foggy Albion like the dish so much that it is included in the mandatory menu. The basis is the same as for batters, that is, the most simple. This is milk, eggs, a little salt and flour. An obligatory ingredient is lard - interior melted fat. But here's an interesting detail. The basis of the Yorkshire pudding is also the fat that drips from meat baked under roast beef. After all, the dish is often served not by itself, but with meat gravy and a fair portion of baked lamb or beef.

traditional recipe

On average, the basis of a Yorkshire pudding is a third of a 200-gram glass of milk and the same amount of flour, mixed with 1 egg. The dough is poured into small molds, carefully greased, and baked quite quickly. But in order for the dish to turn out the way it should be, all the subtleties of its preparation should be observed. Otherwise, even if the base of the Yorkshire pudding matches the recipe data, the taste of the baked goods will not be the same. What we mean: first you should thoroughly beat the eggs, then knead the dough, be sure to let it brew for at least half an hour. And a little earlier, you should send a piece of juicy, fatty fillet of a young lamb or veal to the oven. Moreover, they are obliged to put not on a pallet, but on a grate. And when fat begins to drip from the meat, place the forms with the dough so that it falls directly on the baking. This is what the cooking process looks like in general terms. Now let's take a step-by-step look at how to cook Yorkshire

Recipe "from the pan"

Take 2 fresh chicken eggs and beat them thoroughly with a whisk to double the volume. Gently add 160 g of sifted flour and half a liter of milk and knead the dough. Cover it with a napkin and let it rest for 30 minutes. Put a few tablespoons of melted lard in a frying pan, heat it up. Lay out the dough and place in a hot oven. The pudding is usually baked for 20 to 30 minutes. Watch the dough: as soon as it settles a little, take out the pastries and bring them to the table. Well, advice on how to make Yorkshire pudding especially tasty: for this, you should fry (bake) a good piece of meat in the oven on a wire rack, and so that the fat flows into the container with the dough. In this case, it is recommended to put the pudding about 20 minutes before the roast beef is fully cooked.

with pudding: ingredients

So, now that you already know what the basis of Yorkshire food is, it's time to introduce you to the technology of cooking the whole dish. That is, how to fry, and pudding.

Ingredients for the meat part of the delicacy: about 2 kg of beef fillet, a glass of vegetable oil, 5 tablespoons of cognac or sherry, 2 of the same spoons of soy sauce, about a teaspoon of ground pepper and salt. For pudding, you need 2 cups of milk and flour, 6-7 eggs, salt, ground pepper (a pinch), a little pork lard.

Roast Beef Pudding Recipe: Cooking

Let's start with the "protagonist" of our article. Boil milk and let cool completely. Pour eggs into a blender, add flour and beat slowly. Pour a little milk, add nutmeg and add salt and pepper to taste. When the dough is ready, cover the blender with a lid and put the refrigerator or other cool place for an hour. Now get on with the meat. It needs to be washed, dried, cut with a lattice layer of fat. Prepare a marinade from oil, soy sauce, cognac and pepper. Rub the meat well with it and let it soak for 40 minutes. Turn it over 2 times. Then wipe, salt and send to the oven on the grill (grease it!). Set the temperature to about 250 degrees. Beef should be baked for 15 minutes. At this time, return to the test. You have a baking sheet under the roast beef rack, right? And the juice has already dripped into it. Add pork fat to it, mix. And spread the dough, smooth it with a spoon until even. Put again under the meat, pinpoint 10 minutes. And then reduce the temperature to 200 ° and hold the dish for another 15 minutes. Now turn off the oven, put the meat on a dish, put it on the wire rack again and let it stay with the pudding for another 10 minutes. And only after the specified time, remove the products from the oven, cut into portions and bring to the table!

Among the great variety of forms that English pastries can take, Yorkshire pudding is one of the most interesting examples. And besides, perhaps the easiest to perform. It's amazing what transformation ordinary pancake dough can do if you create certain conditions for it! This everyday magic never ceases to amaze me. And I still love to watch what happens in the oven - like a thousand Yorkshire puddings ago.

Well, about a thousand, I may have got excited, but I was going to tell about this wonderful invention of the British for a very long time. Moreover, for a long time I promised a recipe to some of you, my dear readers. And even literary illustrations were ready for me - although, perhaps, not the most successful ones. But something kept getting in the way of finishing the job.

Some time ago, I received a letter from a reader, in which she, in particular, recommended that I pay attention to the work of James Harriot as a source of entertaining details about the life of the Yorkshire outback - including local cuisine. This turned out to be exactly what I was missing. To be honest, I had never come across James Herriot's books before, although I had a general idea of ​​their content. Perhaps the fact is that in childhood and adolescence, “books about animals” did not particularly fascinate me - it only later became clear that there are many other things besides animals.

I have never been to Yorkshire yet, but the name has always conjured up a picture of a land as positive and unromantic as its pudding. I expected to meet benevolent solidity, boredom and the complete absence of any charm. But under the groan of an old bus, I began to be imbued with the conviction that I was mistaken.

I started reading “On All Creatures - Great and Small” in translation and at the same time got into the original - already aiming to look for interesting gastronomic details. And almost immediately I came across a wonderful episode - a description of a Sunday dinner in a family of farmers, with all its obligatory attributes, including Yorkshire puddings. I decided to mark this moment in the Russian-language text - and ... I did not find it there.

Thus, I made a surprising discovery for myself: the book published in the USSR under the title "On all creatures - great and small" is actually a compilation of selected chapters from two original books by Harriot. Of course, there is some logic in this: in our country, Harriot was published as a kind of didactic manual - for career guidance of the younger generation. Therefore, many "unnecessary" details were quietly discarded. I began to study the issue further - and completely confused. It seems that other Harriot books that have come out with us are built on the same principle. In the end, I decided not to be boring and focus on what we have in Russian. Fortunately, a solid layer of "kitchen" realities has come down to us. Perhaps the most information on the topic can be found in the book "From the Memoirs of a Rural Veterinarian." Yorkshire pudding also appears here in all its glory.

Sunday lunch included traditional roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. My wife had just placed a large chunk of pudding on my plate and was now pouring an indescribable meat sauce over it. After a typical Sunday morning for a veterinarian, busy rushing from farm to farm, I was ready to eat a bull, and it occurred to me, as it had happened more than once, that if I happened to introduce some foreign gourmet to the virtues of English cuisine, I would certainly treated him to Yorkshire pudding.
Thrifty farmers at the very beginning of dinner stuffed the bellies of their children and households with slices of Yorkshire pudding with meat sauce, using a sly joke: “Whoever eats more pudding gets more meat!”. The latter did not quite correspond to the truth, but the dish itself is divine.

Yorkshire pudding is an indispensable element of a traditional Sunday lunch, a faithful companionSunday roast- Sunday roast. In addition to it, meat is usually accompanied by vegetables and a special sauce -gravy. Harriot never tires of repeating that Yorkshire pudding with this sauce is incredibly beautiful even in isolation from meat. From myself I will add: Yorkshire pudding is wonderful even without sauce! But no prescriptiongravyI won't leave you though.

Sunday lunch (photo source)

Our today's hero is a perfect example of the transformations that simple products are capable of. In fact, this is pancake dough: eggs, milk, flour. First you need to keep it in the refrigerator - at least 30 minutes, an hour is better, you can overnight. During this time, it should be well cooled in order to slow down the cooking process at the first contact with hot oil. In addition, during this time, the gluten in the dough will swell, which will also benefit the result. The second important point concerns the actual preparation. The pudding mold(s) are first filled with a fair amount of oil or fat and heated to a high temperature. Cold dough is poured into already hot oil and baked at a fairly high temperature. Due to this, a “miracle” happens: the dough is quickly sealed at the edges, but at the same time it does not bake to the walls of the mold, inside it is still liquid and mobile - and the pudding grows upwards, doubling and tripling in volume.

My description may seem rather tricky, like the technology itself. But in fact, everything is elementary. As for the technology, it appeared for a reason and is also very logical, if you look into it. This is not the case when the chef deliberately excelled in order to surprise everyone. Yorkshire pudding is a very pragmatic thing.

Historically, this was a way to save the fat that is rendered from meat during baking - and immediately put it into action. The meat was roasted on a spit over an open fire, the fat dripped down. Someone came up with the idea of ​​substituting some vessel down, and then pouring batter into it. This is the generally accepted version of the origin of the dish.

This photo is not about pudding, but about a goose and potatoes, but imagine a dish with pancake dough instead of potatoes, and you will get the right picture ()

In addition, it is known that later - in the XVII-XVIII centuries - meat was often baked in heavy thick-walled forms with a lid, and in this case the dough was poured there, into this form. Thus, the pudding was cooked in direct contact with the meat.

Over time, meat and pudding nevertheless began to be cooked separately from each other. Obviously, this happened when the kitchen equipment became closer to modern. Baking on an open fire became a rarity, ingeniously arranged ovens and hobs appeared. But the task of maximizing the use of resources is relevant at all times. And if the hostess bakes a large piece of meat or a whole bird (it doesn’t matter how), she still wants to use the “by-product”, that is, valuable fat.

When meat and pudding began to be baked separately from each other, there was more freedom in the preparation of the latter. This was reflected, in particular, in its size. Yorkshire pudding was originally a large "pie" that was cut into pieces when served (or simply torn with the hands). Now we have no restrictions in the choice of forms, and therefore you can bake portioned puddings, or even very small ones - several pieces per serving.

In some families it was preferred that everyone baked their own pudding in a separate round mold, but in most houses they baked one large pudding for everyone, cut into squares. Some liked the crispy edges, others liked the softer pieces in the middle.

Theoretically, there is a special form for making portioned Yorkshire puddings - like a form for portioned muffins / muffins. There are only four recesses in it, and they are large - about 10 cm in diameter. But it seems that now such a form is a rarity, and usually, when you want to bake small puddings, just a universal cake form is used. The main thing to keep in mind is that depending on the size of the mold, the exact baking time will change. In my recipe, it is based on small muffin-shaped puddings. If you decide to pour all the dough into one large form, it is unlikely that it will have time to cook in the same 20 minutes - you will have to find out the exact time empirically.

Harriot's episode, which I found in the first place (and then did not find in translation), featured portioned Yorkshire puddings - but large ones. For the main photo, I decided to recreate them. Although usually my Yorkshire puddings look like this:

As I said, they can be eaten just like that, without anything. They are quite pulling on independent buns. If desired, you can fill them with any fillings - even savory, even sweet.

The Inner World of Yorkshire Pudding

But, if we want to be closer to English realities, the best accompaniment is meat saucegravy.It is also, to some extent, a product of economy, since it is also prepared from what remains after roasting meat. In this case, it is a vegetable “pillow”, on which meat is laid out and which is saturated with its aromatic juices.

How to feed your family
Those who eat more pudding will get more meat - this was announced to family members when they sat down to dinner. However, the housewife knew perfectly well that a generous portion of crispy squares of pudding with a delicious meat sauce would save expensive beef.

Both puddings and sauce are usually prepared just before consumption. After roasting the meat, in any case, you need to rest for about 20 minutes. During this time, you can just prepare the sauce and Yorkshire puddings (the dough is made in advance and is only baked at this stage) to serve them as a classic addition to meat. Well, puddings, in principle, can be prepared in advance (although there is not much point in this). But this will not work with the sauce, since it needs vegetables with which the meat was baked.

Classic English meat sauce (Gravy)

Although this sauce in Russian translation appears everywhere as meat, there is no meat as such in it. Moreover, it is quite possible to make it vegetarian. To do this, you just need to bake the vegetables in the oven (after sprinkling with olive oil). The temperature can be made higher - even if they are a little charred. At the same time, they should be well baked and become soft. Then we act with them in the same way as described below. This method can be useful to us not only if we are vegetarians, but also when we just want puddings with sauce, but we do not plan to bake meat. By the way, chicken broth can be replaced with vegetable broth if desired.


  • 2 large carrots
  • 3 medium onions
  • 3 celery stalks
  • A few cloves of garlic
  • Aromatic herbs to taste (and optional)
  • Approximately 2 tbsp. l. with a heap of flour
  • 200 ml red wine
  • 800 ml chicken broth
  • And also a piece of beef or poultry for baking (but they will not go into the sauce)
  • Salt


Pour into a gravy boat, serve hot. In the case of portioned puddings, the sauce can be poured directly into them, in the center. But you can also do the opposite: pour a little sauce on a plate and dip pieces of pudding into it. However, here you are, I think, and figure it out yourself!

Yorkshire puddings

The book of James Harriot "From the Memoirs of a Rural Veterinarian" is notable for the fact that in it the descriptions of everyday realities are arranged in the form of separate inserts - a kind of historical reference is obtained in the course of the story. Among these inserts are many culinary recipes. There is, of course, the recipe for Yorkshire pudding.

To make Yorkshire pudding, place 120 g of flour in a large bowl, mix it with 1/2 teaspoon of salt and make a mound of flour with a hole in the center. Crack 1 large egg into the hole and gradually knead the flour with vigorous movements, adding a little 0.3 liters of milk until you get a batter without lumps. Leave it for an hour. Then heat some fat in a 20 cm square mold, add 2 tablespoons of cold water to the dough and pour it all into the mold. Bake at 230°C for 25 minutes until the pudding has risen and is golden brown.

My recipe is slightly different from the above, but only in details. It is designed for 12 portions of Yorkshire puddings, which are baked in a muffin tin.

(for 12 pcs.)

  • 3 eggs
  • 4 g salt
  • 450 ml milk
  • 185 g flour
  • 70 g goose fat (or melted butter) *

*Traditionally, Yorkshire puddings use fat and meat juices that are rendered when roasting meat or poultry. For lack of those, I often use ghee - it gives a similar result, albeit without meaty notes. Ordinary (not melted) butter is better not to use: it does not behave very well with prolonged exposure to high temperatures - it simply burns, covering the puddings with ugly dark flakes. It is also supposed that you can make Yorkshire puddings simply in odorless vegetable oil (including the usual sunflower), but I have no such experience, so I can’t say anything personally from myself.


We get out of the form. Sometimes it is not superfluous to put the puddings on paper napkins to eliminate excess fat. But it is better to serve it on the table all the same with heat, with heat. When cooled, the puddings fall off a little, but still hold their shape, provided that they have been well baked.

I hung up, rubbed my ear, and turned to Helen.
She raised her head and I saw the anguished face of a woman who vividly imagines her Yorkshire pudding sinking into shapeless ruins.
"But you can stay for a few minutes, can't you?"
- Sorry, Helen, only here and seconds play a role! - A cow appeared before my eyes, which thrashes about in pain and further damages a broken leg. - Yes, and he does not find a place for himself. No, you need to go immediately!
My wife's lips trembled.
- Nothing. I'll put it in the oven until you get back.
As I was leaving, I saw Helen take my plate and turn to the kitchen door. But we both knew that this was the end. No Yorkshire pudding would have lasted until my return.

Yorkshire pudding is a recipe for very simple, light, hollow buns with a crispy crust made from pancake dough. This traditional British dish tastes like eclairs and is usually served hot with rich gravy before a meat course.

In the first printed recipes, the preparation of this dish was described simply:

mix milk, eggs and flour with a pinch of salt and knead the dough like for pancakes. Then pour the batter into a hot greased pan and place it over the fire so that the pudding browns underneath. Then place the pudding in the oven under the lamb so that the hot fat drips onto it.

Of course, puddings prepared according to such recipes were much flatter than modern ones.

Gradually, recipes began to acquire rules, sometimes contradicting each other and stating that:

  • puddings should be made from cold dough;
  • the dough should only be poured into a hot mold;
  • pudding must be prepared from freshly prepared dough;
  • it is necessary to give the dough a rest;
  • for their preparation, you need to use more egg yolks;
  • Yorkshire pudding can only be made with whole milk;
  • be sure to dilute the dough with water;
  • in no case, when cooking, do not open the oven door, otherwise the puddings will fall off;
  • cook puddings only in animal fat…. etc

(If you want to learn more about which of these rules work and which don't, read this post)

And in 2008, the Royal Society of Chemistry honored this dish with its attention and decided that:

"Yorkshire pudding is not Yorkshire pudding if it is less than four inches."

See also:

The best Yorkshire pudding recipe

If you prepare the pudding step by step following our recipe, you are sure to get tall buns with a delicious crispy crust and a soft and tender soul.

  • To do this, be sure to let the dough stand overnight (at least about an hour), this will give your puddings a deeper flavor and aroma.
  • The dough should be warm, then, when baking, it will rise higher.
  • The mixture of water and milk gives the puddings more momentum to rise.


  1. 4 large eggs 200 g.
  2. 150 g wheat flour.
  3. 175 g whole milk.
  4. 25 g of water.
  5. 2 grams of salt is about half a teaspoon.
  6. 100 ml animal or vegetable fat.

Optional equipment:

  1. A bowl.
  2. Mixer or whisk.
  3. Forms for baking popovers or muffins, or a cast-iron skillet.
  4. Kitchen scales.

Cooking method:

Prepare smooth dough

  • Break four eggs into a medium bowl, pour in milk and water, add flour and salt. Mix well until you get a smooth dough with a consistency resembling heavy cream.
  • Give it a test "relax" at room temperature for at least half an hour. It's best to make the dough ahead of time, transfer it to an airtight container and refrigerate overnight. Before cooking the puddings, take them out of the refrigerator and let them come to room temperature while the oven heats up. From the rested dough in this way, taller buns with a rich rich taste are obtained.

Heat the molds in the oven with butter

  • Preheat oven to 230°C.
  • Pour the oil evenly into the molds or pans. Put them in the oven and heat for 7-10 minutes until the fat starts to smoke.

Pour batter into hot molds

  • Take cast iron pans or pans with hot fat out of the oven and place them on a heat-resistant surface, an aluminum baking sheet works great for this.
  • Pour batter quickly and evenly into molds. If you are using popover or muffin tins they should be half to three quarters full of batter, if you are using 20cm cast iron pans they should be about a quarter full of batter.
  • Immediately return the molds to the oven and bake until the Yorkshire pudding has roughly quadrupled in size. Their crust should acquire a rich brown color. If you bake the buns in small pans, they will take about 15 minutes to cook, and in pans they will cook for 25-30 minutes.

When and How to Serve Yorkshire Pudding

  • Remove the buns from the oven and serve immediately. This dish must be eaten hot! Usually, by the time the buns need to be taken out of the oven, the whole family is gathering in my kitchen. I just don't have time to add anything else to them.
  • When? - It does not matter. I am ready to eat this dish at any time - for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Add hollandaise sauce to Yorkshire pudding and you have a first-class breakfast. Cook roast beef with him and you will have a wonderful dinner.
  • You can also refrigerate cooked buns, put them in a zipper bag and store in the freezer for up to 3 months, or simply reheat them in the toaster oven before serving.


  • If you let the dough stand overnight before baking, your buns will come out much taller and tastier, but if you don't have time, you can of course make them with freshly made dough. The main thing is to prepare it from warm products and in no case cool before pouring into molds.
  • If you are using skim milk instead of whole milk, remove the water from the ingredients and increase the amount of milk to 200 grams.

Bon appetit!
May your puddings always turn out high!

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Today we call them English muffins, English muffins or English muffins. But they were once the only known cupcakes made by an unnamed British baker in the early 19th century. Thin disks of yeast dough, more like cakes that were not baked, but cooked in fat in a hot frying pan.
