
Yogurt cream for sponge cake with pineapples. Divine pineapple yoghurt cake

I want to offer a recipe for another cold cake. Such cakes are made on the basis of a sponge cake, and the main part of the cake consists of milk-based jelly - it can be sour cream, milk, yogurt or cream. Based on sour cream, we cooked with oranges, tangerines, bananas and pineapple. Yogurt cake can be prepared with bananas, oranges, pineapples or kiwi - choose any fruit, in any case it will turn out juicy, beautiful, appetizing! Today we will prepare a cake based on whipped cream and yogurt with a biscuit base and canned pineapples. This yoghurt biscuit cake is very easy to make. So let's get ready pineapple yogurt cake.

We have to:

  • 1 can canned pineapple rings
  • 1 can of canned pineapple chunks

for biscuit cake

  • 2 eggs
  • 2 full tablespoons with a slide of sugar
  • 2 full heaping tablespoons of flour
  • 1 heaping tablespoonful of starch
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife or vanilla sugar 10 g

for yoghurt base

  • natural yogurt (not sweet) - 500 g
  • cream 33% - 400 g
  • sugar - 100 g
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g
  • gelatin - 25 g
  • water - 70 ml

jelly filling

  • pineapple syrup (from a jar) - 300 g
  • water - 50 ml
  • gelatin - 10 g

Homemade yogurt cake

This cake needs to be prepared ahead of time. If you have a celebration planned tomorrow or you will be preparing a cake for another occasion, then start cooking today. This cake will be ready the next day. Alternatively, you can prepare the cake early in the morning to serve it to guests in the evening.

!!! I want to note that instant gelatin appeared on sale in small bags, which does not require time to swell and it hardens much faster. So, if you find one in stores, then your yogurt cake will be ready much faster!

How to make yogurt cake? We will cook in a certain sequence.

For yoghurt base and jelly filling let the gelatin swell in different containers, for this we fill the gelatin with cold boiled water.

Let's bake a biscuit cake. Pour starch and baking powder into flour.

Beat eggs + sugar + vanillin (or vanilla sugar) for 3-5 minutes until white.

Add the flour mixture to the beaten eggs in several additions.

We cover the bottom of the detachable form with baking paper or tracing paper.

Pour the dough into a mold (diameter 24 cm). Bake the cake for about 15 minutes t = 190 degrees. The finished biscuit must be cooled without removing it from the mold, then carefully transfer to a dish.

While the cake is cooling preparing yogurt base . To do this, put the yogurt in a bowl + sugar + vanillin (or vanilla sugar) and beat until the sugar dissolves. If you have sweet yogurt, then sugar, of course, is not needed!

We dissolve the swollen gelatin until transparent on the stove (do not boil!) And pour it into yogurt with vigorous stirring.

Whip the chilled cream until firm peaks. In portions, add yogurt to the cream.

We begin to form our cake. We wrap the side of the detachable form with cling film and put it on the chilled biscuit cake.

Cut pineapple rings in half. On the cake 4-5 tablespoons of creamy yogurt cream, distribute over the cake. Lay the pineapple halves around the edge.

Pour the remaining cream, level. Top with cling film and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

While the cake is cooling prepare the final jelly filling . Dissolve swollen gelatin in hot pineapple syrup from a jar. We cool.

And finally we finish cooking . Decorate the chilled yogurt cake with the remaining pineapple halves along the edge, and fill the middle with pieces of canned pineapple. Pour the cooled syrup with gelatin so that the layer of pineapples is completely covered with gelatin filling.

Again, we tighten the cling film on top and in the cold for the night or for 5-6 hours until the gelatin completely solidifies. We remove the side of the detachable form and remove the film. Delicious yogurt cake is ready, very appetizing!


Dessert for today 🙂 — fruit plate decoration (pineapple, melon, orange, grapes, strawberries)

2016, . All rights reserved.

We present to your attention a recipe for a very tasty cake that will conquer everyone with its amazing taste.

It turns out incredibly tender, fragrant, fresh and mega tasty. Such yogurt cakes are loved in every family. I often cook it for any events. Everyone will like it, and it is very easy to prepare. Gobbled up by guests with immense pleasure. I recommend every housewife take this recipe for a note. Save it so you don't lose it.

Required Ingredients

For biscuit

  • 50 gr flour
  • 20 gr starch
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 gr granulated sugar
  • 10 gr vanilla sugar
  • 3 gr baking powder

For cream

  • 600 gr natural yogurt
  • 400 gr cream 33%
  • 130 gr granulated sugar
  • 10 gr vanilla sugar
  • 25 gr gelatin
  • 70 ml water
  • 1 can of pineapple rings
  • 1 can of pineapple chunks

For jelly

  • 300 ml pineapple syrup
  • 50 ml water
  • 10 gr gelatin

Starting the process

  1. First of all, we send gelatin and water to a separate container. Mix everything well and leave to swell.
  2. Sift flour into another bowl and combine with cornstarch and baking powder. We mix everything.
  3. In the third container we place eggs, granulated sugar and vanilla sugar. Using a mixer, beat all 5 minutes. Without stopping in this process, add the flour mixture in several stages.
  4. Take the bottom of a springform pan and line it with baking paper. Then put the prepared dough into the form and level it.
  5. Then we send it to the oven, preheated to 190 degrees, for a quarter of an hour.
  6. After the required time has elapsed, we take out the finished biscuit and leave it in the form for 10 minutes. Then we draw a knife along the edge of the mold and remove it to a dish.
  7. We take the side of the detachable form and wrap it with a food form. Then we set it around the biscuit.
  8. Take out the pineapple rings and cut them in half.
  9. In a separate container, combine yogurt, granulated sugar and vanilla sugar. Mix everything with a whisk.
  10. Melt gelatin in a water bath and pour it into kefir, stirring constantly.
  11. Beat the chilled cream with a mixer until soft peaks. Then add the yogurt mixture here in several steps, gently mixing with a whisk after each addition.
  12. Then grease the biscuit with the prepared cream. Then on the sides we install half rings of pineapple. We send the remaining cream and evenly distribute it. We send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  13. Now in a separate container we place 10 g of gelatin and 50 ml of water. Mix and leave to swell.
  14. Pour pineapple syrup into a saucepan and heat it up. Then add the prepared gelatin and, stirring constantly, completely dissolve it.
  15. After the required time has elapsed, we take the cake out of the refrigerator and place slices of pineapple on top. Then pour over the jelly, which had to cool beforehand. Distribute it evenly. We send the cake for 5-6 hours in the refrigerator.
  16. After the required time has elapsed, we take it out and remove the detachable form. Remove the cling film and serve.

You may also like the recipe of which you will find on our Recipe Ideas website.

Bon appetit!

Hello my dear hostesses and hosts! What are the plans for the new year?? No, well, what? Already, by the way, November is over - it's time to think about what we will put on the festive table. For those who even try for the holidays stick to diet food- my today's sponge cake based on light mousse with Greek yogurt, white chocolate and fruit, I have canned peaches.

I will not insist that this cake will help you lose weight, but compared to and, it is quite a diet cake, because most of it is simply air. Such mousse cakes are very popular today, not only because they are tasty and light, but also because, being a rather expensive pleasure, not so high in cost as it might seem at first glance.

The most primitive composition of such a mousse cake: an ordinary vanilla biscuit soaked in syrup and a layer of mousse. In this case, we have a yogurt-based mousse, which makes its composition even easier.

If Greek yogurt required for this cake is not available to you, you can cook it yourself from homemade or store-bought yogurt. The only condition is that yogurt must be natural and pure - without any extraneous additives.

How to do it, tell you more.

How to make Greek yogurt for cake yourself?

And it's very easy to make it. The principle of preparation of Greek yogurt is similar to the method of preparation of cottage cheese, in which excess liquid is squeezed out of the original product. For today's cake, we need 250 gr. Greek yogurt, which is approximately 400 gr. regular natural yogurt.

  1. To get started, make or buy natural yogurt (not drinkable!) with no sugar, preservatives, or any other additives. Ideally, natural yogurt should consist of only milk and sourdough yoghurt cultures.
  2. We take a colander, put gauze moistened with water and squeezed out, folded in 3-4 layers, and spread the yogurt. We place the colander on a deep container so that the colander does not reach the bottom of this container. This is done so that the flowing liquid does not touch the yogurt.
  3. We put this structure in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours. After this time, our homemade Greek yogurt is ready.

If you have the opportunity to hang the cheesecloth on the shelf of the refrigerator, then it will be even better and you won’t need a colander. And if it is winter and cold outside, then yogurt can be hung on the balcony, to the clothes dryer, for example.

Well, now let's proceed directly to the cake itself.

yogurt cake recipe

First, let's prepare a classic biscuit.

For the biscuit we need:

  • butter - 20 gr. + for mold lubrication
  • flour - 75 gr.
  • starch - 75 gr.
  • eggs - 225 gr. (4-5 pieces)
  • sugar - 150 gr.
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife or vanilla sugar with natural vanilla - 1 sachet

It is better to bake a biscuit the day before making a cake so that the cake dries out a little for easy cutting. Read all the details about the proper baking of a biscuit here.

Step by step cooking

Impregnation for cakes:

  • water - 50 gr.
  • sugar - 50 gr.
  • rum, cognac or liquor - 1 tbsp.
  1. In a small saucepan, mix water and sugar and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and mix with a spoonful of cognac. We remove to cool.

For filling:

  • canned peach halves - 6 pcs.

For yogurt mousse, take:

For the preparation of mousse, we can not do without cooking thermometer. If you want to be in trend, be sure to get yourself SUCH or even THIS IS .

  • sheet gelatin - 12 gr. (Can find here )
  • milk - 250 ml
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • egg yolks - 50 gr. (2-3 pieces)
  • grated rind of ½ lime or lemon
  • white chocolate, chopped - 75 gr.
  • Greek yogurt - 250 gr.
  • fat cream, from 33% - 200 gr. ( for example, such )

Cooking yogurt mousse with white chocolate based on English cream:

And now we form the yogurt cake:

Yoghurt mousse cake turns out to be very light and unsweetened - just what you need after a hearty New Year's feast.

Now let's see each other more often - I'm back and ready for the New Year's Eve fight))

And in order not to miss anything, subscribe to updates in the social. networks.

Until we meet again!

Good luck, love and patience.

Yogurt cake is based on mousse or cream made from natural yogurt. Various fruits and berries, chocolate chips or pieces of jelly are added to it. Dessert can be a solid layer of mousse, or it can have a base of biscuit or shortbread crumbs. In any case, the delicacy turns out to be refreshing, sweet, vitamin and, importantly, low-calorie.

This classic dessert on a hot day can compete with ice cream, and it is prepared from natural products taken in the following proportions:

  • 20 g of gelatin;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 500 ml natural yogurt without fillers;
  • 200 ml of fat (from 33%) whipping cream;
  • 100 g sugar.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Soak gelatin in water for the time recommended on the package, then melt in a steam bath or in a microwave oven, preventing the mixture from boiling.
  2. Whip cream to peaks together with sugar, add yogurt and gelatin to the resulting lush mass. Pour the cake into the prepared mold and leave to harden. After that, dessert can be served.

So that gelatin does not freeze in one lump, it should be “hardened”. Add a spoonful of yogurt (or yogurt with whipped cream) to the dissolved gelatin, mix and add this mixture to the total mass.

How to make fruit dessert

Yogurt cake with fruit is easiest to make, as in the classic recipe, by mixing the yogurt base with chopped fruit. But you can make it on the basis of crushed shortbread cookies, or you can make it in the form of a biscuit sandwich with a yogurt-fruit layer.

In this case, you will need:

  • 2 ready-made biscuit cakes 1.5 - 2 cm thick;
  • 1000 ml of yogurt;
  • 200 g sugar (or to taste, depending on the sweetness of the fruit);
  • 20 g of gelatin;
  • 60 ml of water;
  • 2 - 3 g of vanillin;
  • 320 g of fruits and berries in any proportion (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, bananas, oranges, kiwi, apples, pears and others).

Cooking technology:

  1. Wash fruits and berries, dry and, if necessary, chop into small slices. Combine gelatin dissolved in water with yogurt, whipped with sugar. Add fruit to this mixture and stir.
  2. At the bottom of a detachable form lined with cling film, lay one biscuit cake, and cream with fruit on it. Smooth everything out and cover with a second cake layer.
  3. Remove the cake from the cold, and when it has completely cooled, remove from the mold and decorate as you like.

Cottage cheese and yogurt cake

Cottage cheese and yogurt from ordinary fermented milk products can turn into an exquisite cake, especially if they are supplemented with fresh fruits and berries or, as in this case, canned cherries and bananas.

List of required ingredients:

  • 400 ml of yogurt;
  • 400 g of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 20 g of gelatin;
  • 200 g sugar shortbread cookies;
  • 200 g bananas;
  • 200 g canned pitted cherries.

How to cook:

  1. Beat cottage cheese, sugar and yogurt with a blender until smooth. Introduce gelatin dissolved in milk into the curd-yoghurt mass.
  2. Pour a little cream of cottage cheese and yogurt into a deep form, put a layer of broken cookies on top, a little cream again, a layer of cherries, cream and bananas on it. So repeat the layers until the products run out. The last layer should be cottage cheese and yogurt.
  3. Place the cake in the refrigerator to set. Then hold the mold with it for a minute in hot water to make it easier to remove the dessert onto a serving dish. Serve garnished with chocolate chips or fruit.

Sponge cake with yogurt cream

To prepare a refreshing sponge cake with yogurt cream and canned peaches in jelly, for the base cake you will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 75 g of sugar;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 10 g butter;
  • 2 - 3 g of vanillin.

Yogurt cream for biscuit cake is prepared from:

  • 700 ml thick yogurt;
  • 170 g of powdered sugar;
  • 25 g of instant gelatin in granules;
  • 100 ml of hot water;
  • 2 - 3 g of vanillin.

Additionally, you will need:

  • canned peaches to taste;
  • 1 - 2 bags of jelly for the cake.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer at medium speed for 5-7 minutes. Then add vanilla, flour and melted, but not hot, butter to this foamy mass. From the resulting dough, bake a biscuit cake with a diameter of 22 cm.
  2. Beat yogurt with powdered sugar and vanilla, combine with gelatin dissolved in hot water. Place a cooled biscuit on the bottom of a detachable form, pour yogurt cream on top of it and put it in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours.
  3. Put slices of canned peach on top of the cream that has set and pour over all the jelly. Put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

Kiwi and banana recipe

To make a yogurt cake with exotic fruits such as kiwi and banana, you will need the following products:

  • 200 g shortbread cookies;
  • 70 g soft butter;
  • 4 medium kiwis;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 500 ml of natural yogurt;
  • 70 g (or to taste) sugar;
  • 20 g of gelatin;
  • 60 ml of water.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Crush the cookies into crumbs, mix with butter and tamp on the bottom of a detachable form. This will be the basis of the future cake, which should be removed for 30 - 40 minutes in the refrigerator.
  2. Pour gelatin with water and leave to swell. Cut bananas into slices, and kiwi into small cubes. Sprinkle green fruit with sugar, mix and heat for a couple of minutes on fire so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Then let the mass cool down.
  3. When the kiwi slices have cooled, mix them with room temperature yogurt and dissolved gelatin, add banana circles and mix everything. Pour the resulting mass onto the base, which has managed to "grab", and remove for six hours in the cool, so that the dessert freezes.

Cake without baking

To prepare chocolate banana yogurt cake without baking, you must prepare in advance:

  • 200 g cookies;
  • 100 g of melted butter;
  • 400 ml of yogurt;
  • 2 - 3 bananas;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 30 g of gelatin;
  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 120 g sugar.

Cooking without baking:

  1. Crush the cookies into crumbs and mix with melted butter. From this mass in a detachable form we form the base, which we remove in the cold for solidification.
  2. Gelatin pre-soaked in water, together with milk and chocolate, should be sent to the fire and brought to a homogeneous state. Beat yogurt with sour cream and gently fold in the chocolate-gelatin mixture.
  3. Peel the bananas, cut into halves lengthwise and lay on the biscuit base. Gently top the fruit with yoghurt cream. After it hardens, decorate the dessert to your liking, for example, with a chocolate “cobweb” or banana slices.

Preparing a treat with strawberries

Strawberry Yogurt Cake is made with the following ingredients:

  • 200 g shortbread cookies;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 30 g cocoa powder;
  • 350 ml of yogurt;
  • 300 g strawberries;
  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 210 ml cream;
  • 125 g of sugar;
  • 50 ml milk (you can take strawberry juice for a more fruity taste);
  • 20 g gelatin.


  1. Put cookies, soft butter and cocoa into the blender bowl. With short pulses, turn these products into buttery chocolate chips.
  2. Line the sides of a detachable form with parchment (or acetate film) and tamp the cookie crumbs in it with an even layer. Place the base in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.
  3. For the filling, dissolve the gelatin in milk or juice. Beat cottage cheese with yogurt and sugar with a submersible blender into a homogeneous mass without lumps. Whip the cold cream into a firm fluffy mass. Gently combine all three components of the cream.
  4. Cut beautiful strawberries of the same size in half and line them with the cut outward along the perimeter of the form. Cut the rest of the strawberries into cubes, mix with cream and place in a mold on top of the sand base.
  5. After the cream has hardened, the cake is ready to serve. You just need to remove it from the mold and decorate it to your liking.

Yogurt cake with pineapples

For the biscuit base of the pineapple yogurt cake, you should prepare:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 20 g of starch;
  • 5 g baking powder.

The composition of the cream includes:

  • 600 ml of yogurt;
  • 400 ml of heavy cream;
  • 140 g sugar (including 10 g vanilla);
  • 25 g gelatin;
  • 1 can of pineapple rings and cubes.

Additionally, for jelly you will need:

  • 300 ml pineapple syrup;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 10 g gelatin


  1. Gently mix the beaten eggs with sugar with a mixture of flour, starch and baking powder. From the dough that will result, bake one biscuit cake.
  2. Beat yogurt, vanilla and regular sugar, mix with dissolved gelatin. Separately, whip the cream and mix it with the yogurt mass.
  3. Cover the sides of the detachable form in which the biscuit was baked, cover with cling film, put a biscuit on the bottom, half rings of pineapples around the perimeter, and yogurt cream mixed with pieces of fruit in the middle.
  4. Refrigerate the cake for a few hours. Then beautifully arrange pineapple rings on top, which should be poured with pineapple jelly.
  5. Place the cake in the refrigerator for another 5-7 hours. Remove the dessert from the mold before serving.

With berry jelly

To prepare a bright yogurt cake with pieces of berry jelly, you need to take:

  • 200 g shortbread cookies;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 700 ml of yogurt;
  • 40 g of gelatin;
  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 3 packages of dry mix for multi-colored jelly.

How to cook:

  1. Make jelly in accordance with the instructions on the package and pour into a mold so that its layer is no more than 1 cm.
  2. Make crumbs from cookies and butter, from which to form the base of the cake in another prepared form.
  3. Beat yogurt with sugar, mix with dissolved gelatin and multi-colored jelly cut into small cubes. Mix everything carefully and fill the cake mold with yogurt-jelly mass. After the cream has hardened, the cake is ready to serve.

How to make blueberry dessert

Products from which biscuit dough will be prepared:

  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 120 g flour.

Blueberry-yogurt cream is prepared from the following set of components:

  • 400 ml of yogurt;
  • 350 g blueberries;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 60 ml lemon juice;
  • 30 g of gelatin;
  • 500 ml heavy cream.

To make the biscuit cake juicy, it is impregnated with a mixture of:

  • 100 g blueberries;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 40 g sugar.

On top of the cake will be decorated with redcurrant jelly, for which the proportions will be as follows:

  • 70 g of Gelfix powder;
  • 50 g of red currants.

How to make blueberry yogurt cake:

  1. From eggs, sugar and flour, knead a lush biscuit dough. Bake one cake from it, which, after cooling, cut lengthwise into two thinner layers.
  2. Warm blueberries with sugar and lemon juice over a fire to about 60 degrees. Then dissolve the gelatin in it and combine the mass with yogurt. Allow the yogurt-blueberry mixture to cool slightly, then gently fold in the whipped cream.
  3. Put one biscuit cake in a cake mold, cover it with sweet blueberry soak, then put half of the cream. Repeat the same with the other cake.
  4. Put the dessert for two hours in the refrigerator. After this time, cover the cake with currant jelly prepared according to package directions.

Cake "Volcano"

Yogurt cake "Volcano" in composition does not differ from the already given yogurt cakes (biscuit, yogurt cream and fruit), but the original design makes the dessert much more appetizing.

For the chocolate biscuit you need:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 180 g of sugar;
  • 8 g vanilla sugar;
  • 50 g of melted butter;
  • 130 g flour;
  • 30 g cocoa powder;
  • 5 g baking powder.

For the creamy fruit component you will need:

  • 400 ml of yogurt;
  • 400 ml of heavy cream;
  • 850 g canned peaches in syrup;
  • 50 g of powdered sugar;
  • 15 g gelatin.

How to create a sweet "volcano":

  1. Eggs foam with sugar and mix with a mixture of dry ingredients of the biscuit. Then pour in non-hot liquid oil, mix the composition and bake a biscuit from the resulting chocolate dough. Cut the finished cake into three.
  2. Gelatin first soak, and then melt in peach syrup. Combine the gelling component with yogurt and cream whipped with powdered sugar. Add 2/3 of the diced peaches to the cream and stir.
  3. Soak one cake layer with peach syrup and place on the bottom of a detachable ring to form desserts. At the second cake, cut out the middle, stepping back 1.5 - 2 cm from the edges. Put the resulting ring on the soaked cake, and soak the circle with syrup.
  4. Put 1/3 of the cream on the first cake, cover with a cut out circle. Cut the third cake into 12 segments, which are lined up along the walls of the ring, and put the remaining 2/3 of the cream inside.
  5. Press the segments a little to the center to get a pyramid. Make a small well in the center of the cream and fill it with the remaining chopped peaches.
  6. After hardening, remove the cake from the ring and sprinkle a little with powdered sugar.

Just a few recipes, and what scope for culinary fantasies! Experiment and create your own yogurt-based desserts. No less tasty and beautiful.
