
Yoghurt muffins and muffins. Raspberry yogurt muffins

Aleshkina approached the approach of summer responsibly - she decided to fatten her friends in order to look no worse against their background. Insidious woman...

When I woke up this morning, I felt a culinary itch - I urgently needed to get confused with something. Since my husband is always away, I don’t spray myself especially when cooking, because I’m too lazy for myself. Well, I don’t eat pastries, because spring will come soon and show who ate how much in winter))). But you do want to! And since a meeting with Helga was scheduled for the day, I decided to please her with my creation. I climbed into the refrigerator, found the products - everything is available for my favorite duty recipe. So let's make yogurt muffins!
I must say, my recipe was dug out for a long time on the Internet, tested many times and never failed. Even an armless handcuff can do it.
A simple set of products:

A glass (125 grams) of yogurt
200 gr sugar
125 gr vegetable oil
3 eggs
375 gr flour
Baking powder sachet
- anyone can, this time pear jam

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat them without fanaticism. Add sugar and continue beating. Add egg yolks one at a time, beat. Add butter and yogurt, beat. Add baking powder and flour. Stir the flour and, to be sure, go through the mixer again.

The dough turns out approximately like on pancakes - the same density.
At this stage, if there is a desire, we add any bonus to the dough - cocoa, candied fruit, nuts, anything else that is enough for your imagination. I have today without him.
For such baking, my husband brought me such a silicone mold - I insert paper capsules into it, but in principle it is possible without them. Pour a tablespoon into all capsules, put a teaspoon of jam and close the top with another spoonful of dough. If there is no filler, then simply fill the forms 2/3 in height. If you put more, then the dough will come out and will not be very aesthetically pleasing.

Here's a closer view.

We put in a preheated oven. This must be said separately - adjust if possible. Mine heats up to about 180-190 degrees, and I bake muffins for about 25 - 30 minutes. But you need to check somewhere from 15 minutes.
While baking is in the oven, you can do something socially useful))). For example, clean the cage for birds.

After a while, we pull out the form, we look. Here is such a beauty.

We pour tea, coffee, compote on the kraynyak - and enjoy the delicate, porous, delicious morning pastries.

I would like to add the following. I cooked this dough in the form of a pie - also normal, baked it in a round shape, cut it in half and smeared it with cream. But most of all I like it in this version - in the form of cupcakes. Here are a few photos from my previous cooking

With a filling of chocolate paste, baked in a muffin, chocolate (they turn out to be denser, because I usually don’t regret cocoa) and simply decorated with protein custard and seasonal berries - I cooked for my husband’s birthday.
And one more thing - the color may depend on the yogurt (I somehow put blueberry in the dough - it was a cool greenish color). And you can replace yogurt with sour cream or kefir - in general, the scope for imagination is inexhaustible! Create!

P.S. By the way, Helga was pleasantly surprised by the surprise - she seems to like it!

Thank you for your attention,
© Aleshkin

Cupcakes are a fairly easy-to-prepare dish that all sweet teeth love. These flour delicacies are prepared from various ingredients. The dough is taken biscuit or yeast. The base can also be different, both kefir and yogurt. The latter gives the pastry a special delicate taste. In addition, yogurt for baking cupcakes can be taken both with fruit fillings and in the classic version, this allows you to vary the taste of the confectionery.

In order to prepare pastries, you will need silicone or metal molds and the basic set of products that can be found in every home: eggs, flour and vegetable-cream mixture or margarine.

Similar confectionery delicacies are also widespread - muffins. Unlike cupcakes, they are smaller in size.

An interesting recipe, a good combination of a delicate taste, which was obtained by filling with yogurt and a slight sourness, obtained due to the addition of strawberries. The yogurt cupcake is quite spicy. A delicious addition to tea.

Products for cooking

  • Butter or margarine - 250 gr.
  • Sugar sand - 400 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp.
  • Flour - 500 gr. Or 2.5 tbsp.
  • Salt, soda - half a teaspoon
  • Yogurt base (any) - 230 gr.
  • Milk - a third of a glass
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  • Strawberries - 350 gr.

The recipe is made for six servings.

Step by step recipe

  1. Pour flour, grated lemon zest, soda and salt into a deep container. Mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Beat the butter and sugar with a mixer until fluffy (about 3-4 minutes). Next, without ceasing to beat, add eggs (by the piece).
  3. Add milk, lemon juice, yogurt and vanilla sugar to the resulting mass. All components must be mixed well, covered with a mixture of flour and beat a little.
  4. In another bowl, you need to mix pre-cut strawberries and flour (1/4 tbsp.) Then add the berries to the dough and mix.
  5. Molds in which cupcakes will be baked are greased with butter to prevent burning. The prepared dough is laid out in them and leveled. Forms are placed in an oven preheated to 160 degrees, and baked for one hour.

Blueberry yogurt muffins

A very interesting combination of products that makes the recipe special. Blueberry muffins, incredibly delicious pastries. The cooking process takes very little time. If you add a little bergamot to the dough, then the taste and aroma will be unique. The recipe is for 12 muffins.

Product set

  • Yogurt - 125 r.
  • Flour - 400 gr.
  • Brown or white granulated sugar - 250 gr.
  • Melted butter - 150 (200) gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • lemon zest
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Blueberries

For the syrup you will need:

  • Big orange for juice
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Brown sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Step by step recipe

  1. Flour is sifted and mixed with baking powder in a large bowl. Lemon zest and sugar are added there.
  2. Eggs must be beaten well with a whisk, mixed with yogurt, butter, blueberries and add this to the bowl with flour. The whole dough is mixed until lumps are eliminated. Muffins with blueberries, greased with butter. Dough is spread on them and baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.
  3. To make syrup, all of these ingredients are mixed and put on fire. It is cooked over low heat with constant stirring until the syrup becomes thick. After the blueberry muffins are ready, they should be pierced in two places and poured over with syrup so that they have time to soak and can be served with a tea party.

Yoghurt muffins

The recipe is designed for half an hour of preparation, the output is 12 muffins.

This recipe will undoubtedly go into your piggy bank of delicious muffins. The base comes out airy, thanks to the addition of yogurt. As a basis, you can take both fruit yogurt and classic. The recipe is quite simple to follow.

Product set

  • Yogurt for the base - 200 gr.
  • Flour - 300 gr.
  • Sugar sand - 100 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Baking powder for dough - 2 tsp
  • Salt - one pinch
  • Butter or margarine - 100 gr.

Step by step recipe

  1. First of all, eggs and granulated sugar are mixed, no need to beat.
  2. Add soft butter to the resulting mixture, then yogurt, stirring alternately.
  3. Sift flour and add baking powder.
  4. Combine all ingredients in one bowl and mix well.
  5. The dough is laid out in pre-prepared forms. Don't fill all the way through as the dough will rise a little.
  6. We bake muffins in the oven, heated to 180 degrees for thirty minutes.

Served as a dessert, snack, well suited for breakfast and tea drinking.

Step 1: prepare the flour.

To prepare our muffins, the first step is to prepare the flour. We install a sieve over any convenient container and pour flour into it, after sifting, it will be freed from flour lumps and other foreign inclusions, and will also be saturated with oxygen. That will make baking more tender and airy. Add sugar, baking powder to the flour and mix everything thoroughly with a tablespoon.

Step 2: prepare the berries.

Raspberries for this recipe can be used both fresh and frozen. In our case, it will be frozen. Before cooking, the berries will need to be removed from the freezer and rearranged in the refrigerator so that they thaw slightly. And if you are making muffins from fresh berries, then they need to be sorted out, rinsed under running water and put on a kitchen towel to absorb excess liquid.

Step 3: prepare the oil.

Next, put the butter in a small saucepan and put it on the burner. We turn on the temperature of the stove to a low level and with constant stirring, we begin to melt the butter. It is not necessary to bring it to a boil, the main thing is to ensure that it does not burn. And you can speed up the process by dividing the butter into several small pieces.

Step 4: prepare the dough.

So, after we got the melted butter, set the pan aside so that it cools slightly and reaches room temperature. In the meantime, we wash the eggs under warm running water from various contaminants and break them into a separate plate. Using a whisk, beat them until smooth and add yogurt, half a glass of water and cooled butter to them. Then beat the mass again with a whisk until smooth. Next, make a well in the flour mixture and pour in the liquid part of the dough. After that, with the same improvised inventory, mix the contents until all the flour lumps dissolve and the dough becomes a homogeneous consistency.

Then pour the chocolate chips with raspberries into it and gently mix with a tablespoon.

All the dough is ready and you can proceed to baking.

Step 5: Prepare the Muffin Mold.

In order for the dough not to stick to the bases of the forms, they can be greased with vegetable or butter, or paper corrugated molds can be placed in each, as in our case.

Next, with a tablespoon, put the dough into each cupcake container, but remember that it will rise slightly during baking.

Step 6: Bake the muffins.

In the oven preheated to 190 degrees Celsius set the form with the dough and bake the muffins until fully cooked for 30 - 40 minutes. During this time, the cupcakes will be covered with an appetizing ruddy crust, the chocolate chips will completely melt, and the berries will soak the pastries with their juice and aroma. After the right time, turn off the oven and help yourself with kitchen gloves, take out the form.

Step 7: Serve Raspberry Yogurt Muffins.

We leave the muffins to cool in molds for about 10 - 15 minutes and then arrange them beautifully on a plate for serving. Paper molds, if desired, can not be removed from the cupcakes, but served directly with them. As a drink for our dessert, both freshly squeezed juices and hot aromatic tea, coffee, as well as cocoa or warm milk are perfect. Enjoy delicious and tender pastries!

If you like a spice like vanilla, then you can add it to the dough for flavor. To do this, you can use vanilla extract, vanillin or vanilla sugar.

The dough can be prepared not only in butter, but also in margarine for baking.

If you do not have baking powder for the dough, then use ordinary baking soda slaked with vinegar. For this recipe, 3/4 teaspoon of baking soda will suffice.

As a filling, you can use not only chocolate and raspberries, but also various berries and fruits.

Chocolate chips can be replaced with a regular bar of chocolate, both white, milk and bitter.

More fat is added - butter or margarine, and most often cupcakes are made sweet. Muffins are prepared in much the same way, but the dough is not so dense, and they are made not with butter, but with dairy products. Oils are added quite a bit, and due to this, the texture of the dough is soft, but not crumbly, like cupcakes.

You can come up with any filling for muffins - sweet with various fillings or unsweetened, with the addition of ham, vegetables, cheese, herbs to the dough. Sweet muffins on yogurt with raisins very soft, fluffy and perfect for breakfast. They are prepared quickly - it takes 10 minutes to knead the dough and another 20 minutes to bake.

To prepare you will need the following ingredients:

A glass of thick yogurt (can be replaced with fatty kefir)

Half glass of sugar

50 grams margarine or butter

2 cups flour (sifted)

2 tsp baking powder with a small slide

A handful of raisins or other dried fruits, cut into pieces

Raisin yogurt muffins recipe.

Mix sugar and egg with a fork or whisk, beat lightly. You don’t need to beat until fluffy foam, in this recipe you just need to mix both ingredients.

Pour in warm yogurt or kefir. Kefir must be thick, otherwise you will have to add more flour. If you just took the dairy products out of the fridge, pour them into a bowl and warm them up on the stove for just a few seconds. Watch the consistency and temperature, if you overexpose yogurt or kefir, it will begin to curdle.

Melt the butter or margarine over low heat, cool until warm and pour into the egg with yogurt.

Sprinkle in about half the flour and baking powder. Stir. Gradually add (in parts) the rest of the flour, stir immediately so that the dough does not gather in lumps. You may need less flour. The finished dough will not be very dense in consistency, slightly viscous, but it should not pour out of a spoon.

Rinse the raisins. Pour boiling water for a few minutes or put on a sieve and put it on a pot of boiling water (make a water bath). Dry the steamed raisins and add to the dough.

Grease molds for (silicone) with oil - this will guarantee that the finished pastry will not stick to the walls and it will be very easy to get it out of the molds. Fill the molds with dough a little more than half the volume (about 2/3).
