
Fig peach - cultivation, benefits and harm to the body. Fig peach (nectarine): the choice of seedlings, growing rules and an overview of the large size Saturn

Flat peaches - they are also figs, many people consider a hybrid, the result of crossing a peach and a fig. The flat peach is actually a variety of peach in its own right, and gets its name from its surprisingly sweet flavor, as sweet as a fig.

Fig peach has several varieties: fig white, fig new, Vladimir. They are distinguished by the shape, color and taste of the fruit, the degree of yield and other agricultural characteristics. Flat peaches, unlike other species, are less whimsical to grow. Trees tolerate frosts better and are not so critical to the lack of sun and heat.

Flat peaches do have a very sweet taste. Unlike other varieties of peach, figs have almost no sour notes. At the same time, the pulp of the fruit is distinguished by softness and tender juiciness.

Composition of flat peaches

The calorie content of a flat peach is approximately 60 kcal per 100 grams. The average fruit has exactly this weight. Therefore, fig peaches are very convenient in terms of counting calories. Ate a peach - ate 60 kcal.

Almost all of the energy value comes from carbohydrates - mono- and disaccharides, in particular, fructose and glucose. The starch content reaches 1.2 g. There is a small amount of fat, but their content is small and has no significant nutritional value (0.9 g). Protein in flat peaches is also a minimal amount (0.8 g).

But there is water, ash, organic acids, pectins, essential oils, fiber and other biologically active substances, as well as vitamins and minerals. Among organic acids, citric, malic and tartaric acids should be noted.

Flat peaches are a vitamin and mineral complex. So, 100 grams of flat peaches contain 11% of the daily requirement of vitamin C (10 mg), 10% of the daily requirement for beta-carotene (0.5 mg), 9% of the daily requirement of vitamin A (900 mcg). As well as all the vitamins of groups B, E, PP and H.

Among the minerals, it should be noted the high content of silicon (28% of the daily norm is contained in 100 grams of fruit), phosphorus (33%), potassium (15%). Peaches also contain other micro and macro elements: phosphorus, iron, manganese, sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine.

The benefits of flat peaches

Flat peaches can be used as a multivitamin remedy for recovery after illness or surgery. A rich vitamin and mineral composition can replace vitamin preparations from a jar.

Peaches as a source of vitamins and minerals strengthen the immune system, help to cope with viruses and bacteria. Enriching the diet with flat peaches will make the body less susceptible to various pathogens.

Flat peaches can and should be eaten by children, pregnant women and the elderly - those whose body is sensitive to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Flat peaches will help restore strength and give vigor on a hot summer day. Structured water of peaches will restore fluid loss, and minerals and vitamins - the loss of these substances, which inevitably occurs during sweating.

Flat peaches stimulate digestion. The content of organic acids improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in gastritis with reduced secretory function. Peaches can be eaten before meals to improve digestion. Eaten 15-20 minutes before a meal, flat peaches stimulate the production of digestive juices.

Peaches contain up to 8% fiber, which makes them doubly useful for people with digestive problems. I stimulate intestinal motility, peaches help get rid of constipation, including chronic ones. The mild laxative effect of flat peaches can be experienced by eating a couple of fruits every evening.

It is useful to eat flat peaches and those who want to lose weight. Flat peaches are a healthy and tasty snack that saturates perfectly. The pronounced sweet taste makes flat peaches a real find for those who are on a diet. Usually, diets contain a ban on sweets, which provokes depression and, as a result, breakdowns in those with a sweet tooth. One flat peach satisfies the need for sweets, and does not harm the figure.

Nutritionists advise those who are used to relieving stress with sweets to do this with the help of flat peaches. The low calorie content combined with high palatability makes flat peaches an excellent food antidepressant.

Flat peaches also have a diuretic effect. They can be eaten to prevent edema in kidney disease. Traditional medicine ascribes to peaches the ability to remove sand from the bladder. If traditional medicine is right, then peaches should be eaten with caution by those with kidney stones to avoid stone movement.

Silicon is very useful for pregnant women. It is silicon that underlies the formation of bone tissue in the fetus in the first half of pregnancy. With a lack of this element in the diet of the expectant mother, the risk of fractures in the child in the future increases. Three flat peaches a day will provide the daily requirement for silicon. This is a more natural and enjoyable way to help your unborn baby grow up with strong bones than taking vitamins.

By the way, flat peaches help to cope with the symptoms of toxicosis in early pregnancy. The refreshing taste of peaches, combined with a high content of vitamins and minerals, helps to cope with many unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis.

Elderly people need an increased intake of silicon in the body. The body compensates for the lack of silicon in the bone tissue with calcium, and the bones lose their elasticity, become hard and more brittle. A diet rich in silicon helps to avoid age-related fractures of the limbs by maintaining the elasticity of bone tissue. Therefore, flat peaches should be present in the diet of the elderly to prevent osteoporosis.

Phosphorus is another basic element for the formation of bone tissue. Dental health is impossible with a deficiency of phosphorus, and bones will break from the slightest load. In addition, phosphorus plays an important role in the process of cell division, being a carrier of genetic information, since it is part of nucleic acids. Phospholipids and phosphoproteins that form cell membranes contain phosphorus. Phosphorus is also involved in metabolic processes, converts proteins, fats and carbohydrates into clean energy.

The high content of potassium makes flat peaches good for the heart, because potassium is “food” for the heart muscle. Potassium is considered one of the most important trace elements for heart function. It is a prophylactic agent for heart attacks, helps with arrhythmia and tachycardia. Sometimes it is enough to provide your body with the necessary amount of potassium to normalize the work of the heart. In addition, potassium improves brain function, stimulates memory, and increases mental performance.

Peaches help increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. And while it's not to say that peaches can cure glandular anemia, peaches can improve blood counts.

Peaches in cosmetology

From the pulp of peaches, you can prepare face masks. Such masks stimulate cell regeneration, rejuvenate the skin, giving it a young, well-groomed appearance. The presence of beta-carotene in the composition of flat peaches will give the skin a beautiful tone of youthful skin. Beta-carotene perfectly tones the skin, restores its youth, tightens it.

The fruit acids in flat peaches are especially beneficial for oily, porous skin. The pulp of flat peaches will even out the skin, reduce the appearance of acne, limit the work of the sebaceous glands and give the skin a pleasant haze.

The pulp of flat peaches will help reduce the pain of sunburn, make up for the loss of fluid after sunbathing. Peach juice acts on the skin no worse than many restorative after-sun products.

Contraindications to the use of flat peaches

Flat peaches, however, like any other fruit, can cause allergies, however, allergies to flat peaches are rare. However, you should be aware of this possibility.

It is undesirable to eat flat peaches for those who have an increased secretory function, since peaches contain fruit acids.

fig peach- a plant of the rose family. For the first time, they learned about this fruit in China. Today fruits grow in Central Asia. There are several varieties of this fruit, which differ in size, color and ripening time. With figs, this type of peach is connected only by the form.

The fruits are disc-shaped with a flat depressed top and a hole that can reach up to 5 cm in size (see photo). The fruit contains a deep ventral suture. The dense peel has a small amount of fluff and does not separate from the pulp. Fruit color can be yellow, orange, red with different shades. The juicy pulp consists of fibers and it is painted in a light beige color. There is a small seed in the center of the fruit.

How to choose and store?

Fig peach is a very healthy fruit, but it must be properly selected and stored so that it brings maximum benefit to the body and in no way harms it. We suggest you take note of a few recommendations that you will find in our article. With their help, you can easily choose a quality product that will delight you and your family.

  • First of all, pay attention to fruit smell. A high-quality and fresh peach smells very tasty, and its aroma is very rich and pleasant, it is difficult not to feel it. Missing figs may have a sour smell or no smell at all.
  • It's no secret that the most delicious fruits are ripe, so be sure to check the degree maturity fig peach. To do this, lightly press on the fruit. In this case, a characteristic dent should appear, which will disappear over time, and the surface will take its original shape. If the pulp is hard and does not deform under slight pressure, then the peach is not ripe.
  • When choosing a fig peach, it should be remembered that in nature fruits are rarely found in a perfectly round shape and too large in size. A fruit grown without human intervention in the ripening process often has an irregular and asymmetric shape. Too rounded edges indicate that chemicals may have been used in growing such a peach. The shape of real fig peaches is slightly flattened.
  • With regard to color, quality fruits often have orange-red or yellow-maroon color. At the same time, the color of their pulp can be bright yellow or almost white, respectively. Buy fig peaches in other colors at your own risk.
  • Peel surface The product does not have to be smooth and free from flaws. Only rotted sides or wormholes are not allowed, but hail holes or small cracks on the surface of a fig peach are not uncommon.
  • Make sure that there are no boxes with half-rotten or wormy fruits next to the products you buy, as such a “neighborhood” can end badly for fig peaches.
  • The fruits should be carefully examined for diseases. So, if you see blue or purple streaks on the skin or flesh, it means that a fig peach can be dangerous to eat.

However, choosing a fig peach is only half the battle. It is very important to store the fruits properly so that they do not deteriorate very quickly, and are also not affected by insects.

First of all, you should know that you need to go to the fruit store not with a bag, but with a convenient basket or container. Ripe fig peaches are very easily deformed, and their flesh is quite tender. Because of this, using the bag, you can bring home crushed fruits that will lose their appetizing appearance.

It is necessary to store fig peaches in a cool place, but it is better not in the refrigerator. In winter it can be a balcony or a loggia, in summer it can be a cellar. If the refrigerator is the only option, then arrange the fruit in a single layer on the bottom shelf, and also try not to shift food unnecessarily. Peaches can start to rot prematurely if you touch them too often.

You can also freeze peaches for long-term storage in the freezer, but before that, you need to completely peel the fruits, and then put them in a spacious container, sending them to the freezer.

Beneficial features

Numerous beneficial properties of this fruit are due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition. It is worth noting that the fig peach contains more vitamins and minerals than the classic peach.

So, there is vitamin A and pectins in fruits, which are excellent cancer prevention. Due to the large amount of fiber, which has a positive effect on bowel activity, constipation can be prevented, and, consequently, the risk of colon cancer can be reduced. Also, the coarse fibers found in fig peaches resist the occurrence of constipation, as well as heartburn.

Given the low calorie content, fruits in a small amount can be eaten during the period of weight loss.

There is potassium in the fig peach, which favorably affects the activity of the cardiovascular system, thereby preventing the occurrence of heart diseases. In addition, the composition of the fruit includes iron, which is necessary for hematopoiesis and the normal functioning of the body as a whole.

There is ascorbic acid in fig peach, which strengthens the immune system and increases the protective functions of the body. Given this, the fruits are recommended to be consumed during the period of viral diseases.

The smell of fig peach has a positive effect on the nervous system, improves mood and helps get rid of depression.

Use in cooking

In food, fig peach is consumed like the usual options. For example, the fruits are used in cooking in the formulation of various desserts: ice cream, mousse, jelly, and they are also used to prepare a variety of confectionery products. Fig peach can be used to make drinks and sauces. Some people like to put the sweet pulp in salads.

Preparation for the winter

Fig peach, like any other product, can be easily prepared for the winter. This can be done in a variety of ways. For example, you can make delicious jam or jam from this fruit, as well as make compote or just freeze the fruits in the freezer. We suggest taking note of a few recommendations from our article, which will tell you in detail about how you can prepare a fig peach for the winter at home.


It is very easy to prepare delicious jam from fig peaches, any hostess can cope with this task. To do this, you will need the following set of ingredients: three kilograms of fig peaches, one and a half kilograms of sugar, a mug of drinking water. Also prepare jars or other glass containers for storing the finished jam. The recipe for the delicacy is as follows:

  1. First, rinse and peel the peaches, and remove the pits. To make the peel much easier, you can rinse the fruit with boiling water. At the same time, make sure that the fruits do not boil.
  2. Cut the peeled peaches into slices, and then put the pan on the fire. Wait until it heats up to such a state that a drop of water that has fallen on it immediately evaporates, then put the chopped fruit and mix the contents of the pan.
  3. After the ingredients are softened enough and the juice is released, it is necessary to pour water into the container and add sugar. To make it convenient to stir all this, you should choose a deep frying pan with high edges.
  4. Keep stirring the sweet mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. Wait until the jam boils, then boil it for about fifteen more minutes. While the treat is being prepared, prepare the required number of sterile containers.
  5. Put the finished fig peach jam into the prepared container and tighten the lids tightly. Put the treat under a warm blanket at night, and by morning the jam will be ready to eat.

If you have a sweet tooth, you can increase the amount of sugar added to the recipe to your liking. However, be careful not to add too much sweetener, as this can make the dish too sweet, ruining its taste.


Compote of fig peaches for the winter will help you not only quench your thirst, but also saturate the body with useful trace elements and vitamins, which are especially lacking in the cold season. Such a drink can be easily prepared with your own hands, using our simple recipe. In order to do this, you will need: two kilograms of fig peaches, two liters of water and a pound of sugar. The cooking process is as follows:

  1. During the preparation of compote, peaches should not be peeled. Just rinse them in cool water and, if necessary, use an old toothbrush to clean the fruit from contamination.
  2. Cut the fruit in half or quarters, and then prepare the jars in which you will close the compote for the winter. They must be clean and sterilized so that the drink does not spoil!
  3. Having prepared the container, lay the chopped fig peaches on the bottom and boil two liters of water. When the liquid boils, pour it into jars and cover them with lids, but do not roll up yet. Let the water cool, then pour back into the saucepan and bring to a boil again.
  4. Pour the same amount of sugar into each jar, and then fill it with boiled water again, after which you can roll up the containers with lids.
  5. Wrap the jars with warm blankets and leave the compote to cool for a day, after which you can treat your family and friends with a ready-made drink.

You can store compote of fig peaches in winter in the cellar, on the balcony or on the loggia. Having opened a jar of drink, you need to use it within four days, since it is not recommended to store open compote for longer.


Fig peaches can be frozen for the winter in order to have tasty and healthy fruits on hand at any time, from which you can cook compote, make jam, stuffing, or simply defrost and enjoy fresh fruits.

Before you start freezing, you should clarify a few important points.

  • Ripe but not overripe peaches are suitable for freezing. The fruit should be firm enough and also sweet in taste.
  • Although many people recommend not washing fig peaches before freezing, it is still best to rinse them in cool water and also get rid of the skin, as it can be bitter after defrosting. However, if you are going to use the fruits to make compote, you can not do this.
  • You can store frozen fruits in the freezer from three to eight months. In this case, it is necessary to defrost only the amount of ingredients that you are going to use. With each subsequent freezing, the quality and taste of the fruit suffer greatly.

You can freeze fig peaches in several ways: whole, in pieces and in sugar syrup. To freeze whole fruits, you need to rinse and dry them with a paper towel, and then wrap each peach with white thick paper and put it in a large plastic container or plastic bag. After that, you can put the food in the freezer and use it for its intended purpose.

To freeze fig peaches in pieces, you need to wash and dry them, get rid of the peel, remove the stone and cut the fruit into slices. You will then need a plastic tray or cutting board. Cover the selected item with parchment and lay peach slices on it, then send the whole structure to the freezer. When the food is frozen, you can put it in a bag and freeze a new portion.

As for freezing peaches in sugar syrup, this can be done as follows:

  1. First, prepare sugar syrup by taking about four hundred grams of sugar per six hundred milliliters of water.
  2. Prepare containers in which to place the fruits cut in a way that suits you so that they do not lie too tightly together.
  3. Pour the products with syrup, cooled to room temperature, so that a distance of one centimeter remains to the edge.
  4. Leave the container of peaches to infuse at room temperature for about three hours, after which you can send the treat to the freezer.

As you can see, preparing fig peaches for the winter is very simple. Following our recommendations, you will provide yourself with a supply of vitamins not only for the cold season, but for the whole year.

Fig peach benefits and treatment

The benefits of fig peach are due to the rich composition. With regular consumption, the fruits saturate the body with structured water and strengthen the immune system.

You can use the fruits and oil, which is extracted from the seeds, for cosmetic purposes. Thanks to masks using fruit, the skin condition improves, it becomes moisturized and elastic.

The benefit of fig peach is also that it is used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of major diseases and their symptoms, in which the use of fig peach will be beneficial.

  • Regular use of this variety of fruits in the diet helps to reduce the development and spread of cancer cells, and also ensures the prevention of their occurrence.
  • In case of malfunctions in the intestines, which lead to diarrhea or constipation, these fruits should be consumed at least three times a week. The fiber contained in them allows you to normalize the work of the intestines, and will also serve as a prophylaxis against heartburn.
  • For those who often get sick with a cold, it is recommended to eat fig peaches as a remedy that boosts immunity and prevents the occurrence of colds and viral diseases.
  • This fruit is an excellent antidepressant, so its use contributes to the normalization of the nervous system.
  • Since fig peach contains an impressive amount of potassium, eating the fruit has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, and also prevents vascular disease.
  • This product can be consumed even if overweight, as its calorie content is low. Nevertheless, fig peach helps to saturate the body for a long time.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are also an indication for the use of fig peach, as this product contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the internal organs of a person.
  • For men, the benefits of the fruit are that the components contained in it have a positive effect on sexual function, and are also the prevention of prostatitis.
  • It is very useful for women to eat fig peaches during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the vitamins absorbed by the body of a young mother penetrate into the child's body along with milk. However, you should know that the product should not be abused so that the baby does not develop an allergy.

At the same time, you can use fig peaches fresh or frozen, in salads, pastries or any other dishes. First make sure that you do not have allergies or individual intolerance to this product.

Harm of fig peach and contraindications

Fig peach can harm people with individual intolerance to the product. Avoid this fruit if you have diabetes. Allergy sufferers and people with severe problems of the nervous system have contraindications to the use of fig peach.

A contraindication to the use of fig peaches is an allergy to this product. If you ignore this contraindication, the fruit can harm the body. Symptoms of an allergy to fig peaches can include:

  • mild or severe itching over the entire surface of the skin;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose and larynx;
  • sneezing and runny nose;
  • pain in the eyes and redness of the whites;
  • nausea, vomiting, indigestion;
  • cough, mostly dry.

If several symptoms appear from the list, it is necessary to immediately give the victim an anti-allergic agent, and if the condition worsens, call an ambulance.

Varieties - description with photo

There are several varieties and varieties of fig peach, a description and photo of which you can find in our article.

Among all the currently known varieties, the following are considered the best: "Saturn", "Vladimir", "Sweet Cap", "Nikitsky Flat" and "UFO". Let's take a look at each of them separately.

  1. Fig peach variety "Saturn" is medium late. The tree has a lush crown, and begins to bear fruit early enough. Fruits weigh on average about one hundred grams, but there are also quite large specimens. Distinctive features of the variety of fig peaches "Saturn" is that the fruits have a rich yellow color with ruddy spots, their shape is flattened, and the taste is very pleasant and sugary. . Unlike its relatives, this variety of peaches tolerates transportation very well and has a fairly elastic peel and dense pulp, if the fruit is not overripe..
  2. Fig peach varieties "Vladimir" has exactly the same shape as its previous relative, but differs in a rather faded light yellow color with dark red spots on the sides. The average weight of one peach can reach 200 grams. The pulp has a gentle cream shade, is very juicy and tender. Gardeners love to cultivate this variety of fig peach for the reason that it is frost-resistant, and also it is not afraid of diseases that other varieties overcome.
  3. Peaches varieties "sweet cap" significantly differ in appearance from other varieties, since their colors are completely red. The average fruit weight is one hundred and forty grams. The pulp is very fragrant, has a white color and a sour-sweet taste. The fig peach tree bears fruit early, and its yield is considered more than satisfactory.
  4. Peach variety "Nikitsky flat" is the best for cultivation in Russia, as it perfectly adapts to almost any conditions. The average fruit weight is from one hundred to one hundred and fifty grams. With its coloring, this variety of fig peach is similar to the “sweet cap”, but at the same time the peel of the fruit is much lighter, and there are also yellow spots on it. The taste of the fruit is very pleasant and rich, and the aroma is delicate and appetizing.
  5. Fig peach varieties "ufo" has a rich orange hue with a red gradient. The flesh has pinkish streaks that distinguish this variety from all others. The taste of such a peach is sweet, reminiscent of honey, and the aroma is strong and cloying. This variety does not tolerate low temperatures quite well, and also has a not very high, but regular yield.

Any of the above varieties of fig peach can be found on store shelves or cultivated independently. If you are a gardener, then you will need information on how to properly plant, grow fruits, as well as how to care for them. You can find out about this in our article.

Growing: planting and care

Growing, planting and caring for fig peach is a responsible business that requires at least theoretical knowledge of gardening. If you are a beginner gardener, do not despair, as the recommendations of our article will help you easily grow a fig peach at home.

Before you start planting, you need to choose the right quality seedling in order to get a good harvest from it. There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a seedling:

  • do not be afraid to ask the seller questions, but first of all, ask if the seedling of this plant is suitable for cultivation in certain areas;
  • pay attention to the root system of the seedling, and also check the color of the wood under the bark (it should be green);
  • the place where the seedling is cut must be even and dry, without unnecessary cuts and damage;
  • ask the seller a question about the age of the tree from which the seedling was taken, as it is preferable to use annual plants for this purpose.

Having decided on the choice of a seedling, you should take note of the rules for planting a fig peach. First of all, you need to know that the plant is very thermophilic, so you need to choose a sunny place for planting it, protected from winds and drafts. Also take care that the fig peach seedling is not in the shade of other trees, if any, in the garden, or buildings.

So that a fruit tree is not exposed to diseases, you should not plant it in that part of the site where strawberries or melons grew less than three years ago. In addition, attention should be paid to groundwater, the depth of which should not be more than three meters.

The best time to plant a fig peach is early spring, and if it is not possible to plant at this time, then postpone this idea until early autumn.

Planting a seedling is carried out as follows:

  1. The land is pre-fertilized with organic and mineral fertilizers, and also carefully watered. If the fig peach is planted at the beginning of autumn, then it will be enough just to lay humus on the bottom of the planting pit.
  2. Make a shallow hole and plant a seedling, then dig in the root system and part of the trunk with earth, trampling it down.
  3. Fill the soil with two buckets of water, after which the ground around the peach will need to be fertilized with manure.
  4. The next day after planting, it is necessary to treat the plant with a special agent that will prevent pests from encroaching on it.

After planting a fig peach, ensure the plant is properly watered. The tree tolerates periods of drought well, but they can adversely affect the quality of the crop, so it is necessary to water the plant once every two weeks, pouring about two to three buckets of water in case the summer is dry.

Periodically introduce top dressing in the form of mineral fertilizers into the soil. Every couple of years, the land should be fertilized with organic matter, and a couple of times a year it is necessary to spray the plant with a mixture against pests. The fig peach does not require special care, so even a novice gardener can handle it.

As for growing peach from the stone, it is necessary to sow the seed into the ground almost immediately after it has been extracted from the fruit so that it does not dry out. Some gardeners first plant a bone in a pot, but this cannot be done, otherwise the plant will grow weak and will not bear fruit well. You need to make sure that the peach immediately gets used to the harsh realities of the outside world, so plant the stone immediately in open ground in the same way as a seedling, ensuring regular watering and protection from pests.

By growing a fig peach on your site, you will not only provide yourself with tasty and healthy fruits, but also decorate your own garden.

Recently, many amateur gardeners are interested in fig peach, which has a very delicate and pleasant taste, as well as high winter hardiness. The article will introduce you to this fig-like species - what is needed for its cultivation and which varieties are most popular.

In fact, this is not a hybrid at all, as many people think, and figs have nothing to do with this type. In fact, according to breeders, it is not possible to cross figs with peach. Fig peach (pictured) is one of the types of ordinary peach.

It looks like a fig and has a characteristic flattened shape, the fluff on its skin is much shorter than on ordinary varieties. An important advantage is that this species has a very small bone, its weight is not more than 4 g. Its fruits are very fragrant and tasty, large (the diameter of the "saucer" reaches 7 cm, and its height is 4 cm), weighing 80-120 g The fig peach differs from the usual color of the pulp - it is mostly white in it (in some varieties it is yellow). It also has an excellent taste, evenly distributed throughout the fruit, which is not typical of ordinary species. They are characterized by a pronounced taste only under the very skin and the closer to the bone, the taste will be lost and “dissolved”.

Due to the flattened shape, it is much easier to transport. In general, the fig peach has most of the characteristics that are so lacking in the usual look.

A fig peach in European countries is often called a "donut" because of the stone - when it is removed, a neat hole remains exactly in the middle of the fruit.

A useful property is that most varieties of this species are late and the fruit ripening period is mid-August. Together with high frost resistance (both buds and branches), which significantly exceeds the frost resistance of ordinary species, it tolerates spring frosts better and gives large yields in years with difficult winters.

But there is also a minus: the species is very poorly adapted to the fight against gray rot, although it copes well with other diseases.


Caring for this species is practically no different from the agricultural technology of conventional varieties. When buying a seedling, it is advisable to check a few points:

  • check with the seller about adaptation to the climate of the region where the tree will grow;
  • the root system should be healthy, and if you pinch off the bark, there should be a green layer under it (brown color is a sign that the seedling is sick and should not be taken);
  • the place of vaccination should be clean and even: without juice and sagging;
  • the best survival rate was noted in annual seedlings, so it is necessary to clarify the age of the tree.


All peach trees love plenty of sunlight, so you should plant a seedling on the south side of the garden in a place that is not blown by the winds. Avoid planting in swampy or damp places, as well as in lowlands.

If you plant in a garden where there are mature trees, then try to ensure that the seedling is not in the shade of larger neighbors - in such conditions, the wood of a young plant does not have time to mature over the summer, which leads to inhibition of the laying of color buds.

Do not plant a fig peach in a garden plot where strawberries, solanaceous crops, melons or alfalfa grew before - you have to wait 3-4 years, otherwise the risk of the tree becoming verticillium is high.

It is worth paying attention to the depth of groundwater - it is desirable that they pass no deeper than 3 meters from the ground.

It is worth noting one interesting pattern - if grapes grow in your region, then peach ones will also feel good here.

Fig peach can be planted in a permanent place in early spring or, if you did not have time to carry out the procedure, favorable conditions for planting are formed in early autumn.

When planting, the land should be fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers. Here you need to look at the fertility of the soil and the time of planting: if the earth is poor in useful minerals, then superphosphate, potassium, ash, manure or humus are added. If chernozem - limited to mineral additives and ash. In autumn, fertilizers are not applied at all, but only humus is added to the bottom of the planting pit.

Having planted a seedling, they trample down the ground and fill it with 2-3 buckets of water, and then mulch the soil with manure to a depth of 10 cm.

Due to the fact that the seedling is at high risk of infection with gray rot, immediately after planting it is treated with pesticides.


All peach trees tolerate drought well, but the lack of moisture affects the yield. Therefore, if the summer is hot, it is recommended to pour 2-3 buckets of water under the tree every 2-3 weeks from June to August.

top dressing

Mineral fertilizers are applied to the trunk circle annually during spring digging. Organic matter (manure, humus) is added to the soil around the tree every 2-3 years. It can be replaced by planting green fertilizers in the near-trunk circle - rapeseed, colza or oil radish.

It is also necessary to constantly carry out preventive spraying from pests and spring thinning of the ovaries, since all peach trees have an increased yield, due to which there is a significant load on the tree branches.

It is advisable to do corrective pruning every spring to form the crown of the tree, as well as remove dry or diseased branches, covering the cuts with garden pitch.

Video "Thinning peach ovaries"

This video will tell you how to properly thin out the ovaries of peach varieties.


There are several varieties of fig peach. All of them are united by the appearance of the fruit: flattened, in the shape of a plate. There are varieties "Fig White", "Fig New", "Vladimir", "Sweet Cap", "Nikitsky Flat", "Saturn", "UFO" (3, 4, 5). Consider the description of the most popular and common of them:

  • fig peach variety "Nikitsky flat" (pictured) - the most adapted to our climatic conditions. The crown of the tree is spreading, the tree itself is low. Fruits weighing up to 94-100 g, with sweet light cream pulp. Fruits in mid-August.
  • "Vladimir" - a medium-sized variety, ripens in early August. Fruit weighing up to 180 g. Color is white with a light red blush. The flesh is very sweet, creamy in color. It has a high yield and is less prone to disease than others;
  • Sweet Cap. Tree of medium height. Fruits in mid-August. The fruits are burgundy, up to 140 g. The pulp is white, slightly sour. Begins to bear fruit in 3-4 years.

Fig peach is perhaps the most adapted variety for growing by amateur gardeners due to its winter hardiness, natural immunity from most diseases, and high yield. But, besides this, this type of peach for owners is an additional source of income due to the high market price of the fruit.

One of the most unusual and popular varieties of peach trees is fig varieties. All of them have fruits of an unusual, flattened shape, and excellent taste. We will find out what varieties of fig peach are, and what conditions are needed for its cultivation.

Selection history

The fig peach has been known to Europeans since the 19th century - missionaries brought it here from China. A little later, an unusual fruit came to Russia - since the end of the 19th century, we began to grow it in the southern regions.

There is a misconception that the fig peach is a hybrid. In fact, this is a separate variety, originating from wild Chinese varieties. China is the birthplace of the fig peach.

What is unique about the fig peach?

Fig peach has a unique chemical composition, due to which it has a powerful preventive effect. Even the smell of this low-calorie fruit is useful - it weakens the depressive state.

Composition of fruits:

  1. organic acids.
  2. Essential oils.
  3. Pectin.
  4. Micro and macro elements (potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, chlorine, copper, iron, zinc, fluorine, chromium, manganese).
  5. Vitamins:
    • C - strengthens the immune system;
    • H - participates in carbohydrate metabolism;
    • E - has an antioxidant effect, participates in cell regeneration;
    • K - contributes to the work of the liver, strengthens capillaries;
    • beta-carotene - is a prophylactic agent for cancer;
    • B vitamins - normalize the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, strengthen the immune system, improve bowel function and emotional state.

Calorie content of fig peaches: 100 g - 60 kcal. 100 g of peaches contain:

  • proteins - 1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 14 g;
  • fat - 0 g.

Fig peaches are contraindicated for diabetics and those who are allergic to Pink fruits.

General description of the variety

Fig peach is easily recognizable by its unusual shape. Unlike other varieties of peaches, it does not have spherical, but flattened fruits, similar to either figs or turnips. This peach has no botanical relationship with figs, but it has many interesting and memorable names - Fergana, saucer, Chinese turnip.

In some European countries, a fig peach is called a "doughnut" - for the round depression that remains in the middle of the fruit after removing the stone.

Brief botanical description:

  • Tree. Reaches a height of 5 m. The crown is sprawling.
  • Leaves. Lance-shaped. The upper surface is dark green, the lower surface is grayish.
  • flowers. Petals are pale pink. They look like rose hips.
  • Fruit. Flat shape. The skin is not as pubescent as that of ordinary peaches. The bone is small. The color depends on the variety, there are fruits of yellow and orange shades. All have a red blush. Weight - 100-200 g. Diameter - up to 7 cm.

Fig peaches have important advantages over regular peaches:

  • In ordinary peaches, the flesh is closer to the bone, the less saturated its taste is. Fig varieties do not have this - the taste is the same in any part of the fruit.
  • It has more frost resistance.
  • The bone is smaller - only 3-4 g.

Where do fig peaches grow?

This fruit tree is actively grown in the West of China, in Central Asia, in the Transcaucasus, as well as in the eastern regions of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan - and in other Asian republics of the former USSR.

What are the varieties?

All subspecies of fig peach are not only similar in shape and size, but also in terms of agrotechnical characteristics, they are frost-resistant, and tolerate return frosts well. We learn about the features of several, the most popular varieties.


Early maturing variety. Fruit weight - 100-120 g. The pulp is white. Almost the entire fruit is covered with a red blush, only in some places a pale yellow color peeps through. The pubescence is very weak. The grade is winter-hardy, fruits are steady against cracking. Refers to industrial grades. On the palate - honey notes.

The gardener provided a video review of the UFO-3 fig peach variety:


This variety is considered the best for Russia. Suitable for harsh climates. The fruits are reddish shades, the pulp is creamy. Weight - 120 g.


A variety resistant to most peach diseases. The crown is medium spreading. The variety is resistant to frost. Color - pale yellow, sides - red. Weight - 180 g.

Sweet Cap

The peculiarity of this variety is early ripeness. The fruits appear in 3-4 years. Fruiting - mid-August. Ripening is friendly. The taste is sweet and sour. The color of the skin is burgundy, the flesh is tender, white. Weight - 150 g.


The plant is spreading, very beautiful, especially during the flowering period. The fruits are not very large - up to 100 g. When ripe, the fruits turn yellow, a light pink blush appears on the sides. The grade is frost-resistant, fruits are well transported. This is one of the most popular varieties among gardeners.

An overview of the Saturn fig peach can be seen in the video below:

Peach columnar "Fig"

The trees are low, with cylindrical crowns. The tree looks decorative. Fruits early. The fruits are deep red. Weight - 150 g.


The tree is low, the crown is spreading. Blooms later than other varieties. Ripening - the second half of August. Very good dessert taste. The yellow fruits are adorned with a red blush. Weight - 120-140 g. Taste - delicate, pulp - juicy.

You can see the Belmondo fig peach in the video below:

How to plant a tree?

The health of the future tree, its productivity and longevity depend on the correct planting of the fig peach, and on the quality of the planting material.

Site selection and soil preparation

Peach, like most fruit trees, is capricious, therefore, when choosing a place for planting, one must take into account his preferences. Site requirements:

  • The optimal soil is chernozems and loams.
  • Good solar illumination. There should not be a shadow from other trees.
  • Wind protection.
  • South side of the garden.
  • The low level of groundwater occurrence is not less than 3 m.

If a shadow falls on a peach tree, its fruits will be tasteless, or they may not be at all.

The soil has been prepared since autumn - manure is brought in, and then it is covered with earth, with a layer of 20 cm. There are two planting options:

  • Spring. In this case, a pit for a seedling is prepared in the fall. The landing takes place in March.
  • Autumn. The pit is prepared 2-3 weeks before planting. A seedling is planted in late September or early October.

In regions with a warm climate, peaches are planted in the fall, with a more severe climate - in the spring.

Seedling selection and preparation for planting

When purchasing a seedling, pay attention to a number of features:

  • region of acclimatization. You need to choose varieties that are zoned in the area.
  • The root system should not have defects - dry or rotten roots.
  • Age - 1 year.

Pinch off a small piece of bark - on the back it should have a green tint, this is a sign of a healthy seedling.

Peach seedlings are prepared for planting in the same way as any others - a few hours before planting, the roots are placed in water. If desired, add a growth stimulator to the water. If the seedlings were bought in the fall, and the planting is scheduled for the spring, they are “preserved” - by placing the roots in wet sawdust, or another environment, they are wrapped with plastic wrap. They are stored dug in the ground, or in the basement, shed, on the balcony.

step landing

Planting a fig peach seedling:

  1. Dig a small hole. Width - about 40 cm, depth - 55-60 cm.
  2. If planting several seedlings, make intervals of at least 5 m between adjacent pits.
  3. Mix the fertile layer with fertilizers:
    • manure, humus or compost - 2 buckets;
    • superphosphate - 150-200 g;
    • potassium - 100 g;
    • wood ash - 800 g.
  4. Pour the resulting fertile mixture into the pit. Sprinkle it with earth and lower the seedling.
  5. Cover the roots of the seedling with earth. At the same time, shake it from time to time - so that voids do not form between the roots.
  6. The root neck should be 3-5 cm above ground level.
  7. Pour the seedling with water - 2-3 buckets are enough.
  8. When the water is absorbed, sprinkle the near-trunk circle with mulch - a layer of 5-10 cm. Read more about proper soil mulching.
  9. If planting is done in the fall, then wrap the seedling with agrofiber - to protect against frost and rodents.

Growing fig peach

If a peach is planted in autumn, care is delayed until spring. With spring planting, they start immediately. The seedling needs standard care - it must be regularly watered, fed, treated with fungicides and insecticides. It is also important to loosen the soil in time and remove weeds in the trunk circle.

top dressing

  1. In the spring, urea - 50 g, and ammonium nitrate - 75 g are added under each tree.
  2. In autumn, potash and phosphate fertilizers are applied - 50 g and 40 g, respectively.
  3. Periodically - every 2-3 years, 10 kg of humus or manure are applied under peach trees - for autumn digging.


Fig peach is very moisture-loving. It is not necessary to spare water for him. In summer, during the heat, the tree is watered every two weeks - 20-25 liters of water each. It should be slightly warmed up in the sun - watering the peach with cold water is not recommended.

Pruning and crown shaping

In order for large and sweet peaches to ripen on a tree, each leaf of the tree must receive sunlight. To do this, gardeners regularly prune:

  • Formative. In order for the tree to look beautiful, neat, and the branches with fruits receive enough light, gardeners form a crown, and then regularly make adjustments to maintain its shape. The recommended shape for a peach tree is cupped.
  • Sanitary. Its goal is the elimination of all diseased, damaged and weakened shoots.

The best time for pruning is March and early April. Both types of pruning - sanitary and shaping - can be carried out simultaneously. All sections are covered with garden pitch.

The optimal tree height for fig peach is 1.5 m.

The order of formation of the cup-shaped crown:

  • Cut off all small side shoots - up to 50 cm long.
  • Form a trunk - the lower part of the trunk to the first skeletal branches.
  • After the trunk, leave from 4 to 6 skeletal branches - this will be the base of the crown. These are branches of the first order, there should not be a trunk above them.
  • Branches of the 2nd order will grow from branches of the 1st order - 50-60 cm long. Cut all other branches into a ring.
  • On the skeletal branches, shoots grow, bearing fruit. Their length should be 15-20 cm, all excess is cut off.

Diseases and pests

Most often, fig peach is affected by powdery mildew and leaf curl. For prevention purposes, trees are treated with a solution of copper sulfate twice a year - in early spring and late autumn.

Fig peach diseases and their treatment:


Treatment and prevention

coccomycosis This is a fungal disease. Red spots appear on the leaves. The leaves dry up and fall off. Treatment with fungicides that kill the fungus.
powdery mildew Another fungal infection White bloom first appears on the leaves. The fruits stop growing, become covered with a thick layer of plaque and die. Removal of affected leaves. Replacing the topsoil. Abundant watering with special preparations. Treatment with fungicides - Vitaros, Fundazol and others. Prevention - spraying with a mustard solution (2 tablespoons of dry mustard per 10 liters of water).
leaf curl The leaves are bent, a white coating forms on them, they turn brown and die. Preventive spraying - Horus, Topsin M. A diseased tree is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid.
Perforated spotting (clasterosporiasis) The formation of brown spots on the leaves, which eventually die. Removal of infected leaves and branches. Treatment of sections with a solution of copper / iron sulphate. In the spring - spraying with Bordeaux liquid. Fungicide treatment.

Pests of fig peach and measures to combat them:




Aphid It sucks juices from leaves and shoots. At the initial stage - a decoction or infusion of dandelion, garlic, onion peel. With severe lesions - spraying with Bordeaux liquid 2% (autumn), before and after flowering - 1% Bordeaux liquid and insecticides. Felling of root shoots, weeding, manual cleaning, planting of onions and nettles.
Weevils Larvae destroy buds, flowers, buds, leaves. Treatment with lime milk and whitewashing. Spraying with insecticides before and after flowering. Autumn digging, installation of trapping belts, planting onion-garlic beds, spraying with soapy or mustard solution.
Eastern codling moth A small gray-brown butterfly lays its eggs in the buds, stalks, shoot tips. Caterpillars damage fruits and shoots. During the summer and when the fruits ripen, the tree is treated with insecticides. For example, Koragen, Tonsin M, Chlorophos, Karbofos. Destruction of fallen leaves, soil disinfection. Attaching pieces of matter impregnated with chlorophos to branches.
fruit moth Caterpillars are very voracious, eating buds, leaves, even peach pits. During the period of bud formation, they are sprayed with Karbofos or Chlorophos. When the moth lays eggs, the tree is treated with preparations with fenoxycarb. Pruning affected branches, cleaning fallen leaves.

Where are the fruits used?

How to use fig peaches:

  1. They eat fresh. Peach lovers appreciate fig varieties very much - for their sweetness and rich peach flavor.
  2. In cooking. Add to salads, sauces, pastries, confectionery dishes. The taste of peaches is in harmony with fish and meat tastes. Improves the taste of oatmeal, yogurt, ice cream.
  3. Dry. Fragrant compotes are prepared from dried peaches in winter.
  4. Freeze. For freezing, take ripe, but not soft fruits. Freeze peaches by peeling the skin. If this is not done, after defrosting, the fruits will acquire a bitter aftertaste. Store frozen fruits for a maximum of six months.
  5. Canned. Prepare jams, jams, canned in sugar syrup.
  6. For cosmetic purposes. Face masks are made from the pulp, grated and mixed with sour cream.

What you might not know about fig peaches:

  • They are useful for flatulence and constipation.
  • Helps maintain healthy teeth, heals the skeletal system, prevents the formation of kidney stones.
  • They quickly saturate - therefore they are recommended for snacks.
  • Despite the sweetness, they contain few calories, so they are useful for losing weight.
  • Unlike most fruits, they do not lose their beneficial properties after heat treatment.
  • They have a calming effect. Hungarians, for example, call them "fruits of tranquility."
  • It was the peach that became the first fruit eaten by American astronauts on the moon.
