
An interesting question: dried bacon - what kind of cuisine? Making your own bacon. Recipe for Cooked Smoked Bacon

Bacon is the flaky part of pork belly. It is valuable in that it immediately has layers of meat and fat. The delicacy is made from the best pigs of bacon breeds. With proper fattening, animals get a good product at the output, which many people love to treat themselves so much. How to cook bacon the right way to get rich flavor and crispy slices?

Classic roast

Meat layers should be fried in a well-heated frying pan. The degree of heating should not be strong (medium). Over high heat, the bacon burns and turns dry. And slow heating allows you to melt most of the fat, the bacon will have a juicy and crispy taste.

There is no need to add vegetable or butter here, because the bacon is fried in its own juice. It is recommended to fry for about 10 minutes. During frying, the layers need to be turned over several times. It is advisable to use special kitchen tongs so that it is more convenient to take the brisket and not get your hands dirty.

When the delicacy has acquired a golden hue, then it is ready. After frying, it remains to put the bacon on paper napkins or a towel to drain all the fat. Bacon is ready! What to cook from such a cut of bacon? It can be served for breakfast, added to pasta, salads or soups.

Recipe from a renowned French restaurant

This roasting secret is used by a famous French chef in his restaurant in the south of France. This recipe produces crispy, melt-in-your-mouth bacon.

The secret is simple! Put raw bacon slices into a heated pan. While it is frying, you need to add a little hot water to the pan. For a few minutes, allow the brisket to fry in the water. When all the water has evaporated, the bacon is ready! With the help of this little secret, the bacon will always have an even and beautiful shape and will not curl.

How to fry bacon in the oven

How to cook bacon in the oven? It is necessary to lay the strips tightly on a baking sheet with high sides (high walls will not allow fat to leak out). Line the bottom of a baking sheet with foil or parchment paper. Top the bacon with another sheet of paper.

Next, you need to set the oven to warm up to 200-220 degrees and place the brisket there. Cooking time for bacon in the oven is about 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, take it out and blot excess fat.

Exclusive Recipe for Crispy Bacon Frying

For this method, you will need a baking sheet with a grill or something that imitates a grill. This baking sheet is good because the bacon is fried on a wire rack, and all the fat flows to the bottom.

In order to enhance the taste, you need to add a little sugar to the bacon. Sugar gives light caramelization. The combination of salted bacon and sugar will give crunchy slices an enhanced and rich taste. You can season the bacon with smoked paprika, maple syrup, black pepper, or any of your favorite spices.

How to cook bacon:

  1. Lay the brisket on the grill.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200-220 degrees.
  3. Send it to cook for about 10 minutes.
  4. After a couple of minutes, get a wonderful crispy and fragrant bacon.
  5. Use paper towels to remove all unnecessary grease. Such bacon can be put in burgers, added to pasta or scrambled eggs.

Do not put the finished bacon in the refrigerator, where it will lose all its properties, taste and crispy structure. Bacon should be wrapped in a clean paper towel and left on the kitchen counter.

How to cook bacon in the microwave

The fastest and easiest way. Let's take a closer look at how to fry bacon:

  1. Take a microwaveable plate and place paper towels on it.
  2. Arrange bacon strips on top and cover again with paper towels.
  3. Cook in the microwave for about 3 minutes. It is very important not to overcook the bacon, otherwise it will dry out all over.
  4. If 3 minutes is not enough, then you can add another 30 seconds, but no more.
  5. The dish is ready!

How to fry bacon in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, bacon can be fried in the “Frying” or “Baking” mode. Also on the "Multipovar" program at a temperature of 170 degrees, if such a function is available. You need to fry for 5-7 minutes, constantly turning it over with kitchen tongs. After that, it remains only to put on paper towels in order to stack excess fat.

Now you know how to make crispy bacon at home. These simple tips will help any housewife serve slices of fragrant bacon that melts in your mouth! Bon appetit!

Thanks for your time

Good afternoon, Orthodox, and also all the rest who believe in the big bang theory.

I did not indicate the faithful for ethical reasons, since the main character of the post will be pork.

I believe in God, not in a trinity, not with horns, not with a suitcase of money, but simply - God. The one who was able to show imagination and came up with a pig. Yes, raw foodists will forgive me, but I consider those who do not eat meat to be flawed people, to some extent. Man, by nature, is a predator, this fact is given out even by his teeth, which means that a person needs meat for normal life. A good pork belly is a pill for many diseases. Eating meat and lard is not only tasty, but also extremely necessary. Especially the inhabitants of Siberia. For me, fat is a kind of "non-freezing". I ate a sandwich with homemade bacon in the morning and no frost for anything! In addition, and this is probably the most valuable thing - it is amazingly delicious.

Fragrant, absorbing the smells of rosemary, laurel, hot and allspice, flowing with a tear after the freezer, cut thinly, which is translucent through, a piece of homemade bacon, and on fresh black bread, and under the vodka smoothly pouring from the sweaty old grandmother's decanter ... Isn't this real, not washed away by domestic troubles, work, wasted nerves (I'm talking about football), true, crystal clear male happiness? Undoubtedly...

Pork belly without bone, with skin, 3-4 cm thick and 20x30 cm in size (rectangular piece) - 1.5 kg
Husk from at least 2 kg of onions
4 bay leaves
10 allspice peas
10 black peppercorns
1 teaspoon dry chili flakes (or red hot ground)
2 medium carrots
1 medium onion
1 head of garlic
2 sprigs fresh rosemary (can be replaced with 10 juniper berries)
Dill and parsley stalks (if any)
1 st. a spoonful of coriander seeds
5 st. heaping spoons of sea salt
Pot for 4-5 liters
Twine, twine or strong bandage - 1-2 meters

To start
Wipe the brisket dry with a paper or regular towel. Place skin side down on a cutting board. Make punctures from the side of the meat with a thin narrow knife and stuff with garlic. Garlic can not be spared.
Prepare the brine: boil 4 liters of water, add onion skins, peeled carrots, onions and stems of bunches of aromatic herbs to boiling water. Boil 30 minutes. Remove vegetables and stems of dill and parsley. Add all the salt. Rub the brisket with salt from the side of the meat, roll into a tight roll and tie with twine. Tighten the ends of the roll especially tightly so that the juices do not come out.

boil bacon
Dip the roll into the boiling brine. Boil for 40 minutes, then add all the spices and fresh rosemary. After that, turn off the fire under the stove and leave the pan on the stove for 2-3 hours, until it cools to room temperature. Remove the pan in the cold for a day. You can put it in the refrigerator, or you can put it on the floor by the balcony door.

Condition the bacon
Take the roll out of the pan. Dry with a paper or any other towel and put under oppression in a cold place for another day. By the end of the day, the bacon is ready!
Cut off a slice of black Borodino bread. Remove twine from bacon. Slice the bacon thinly. Pour 50 grams of vodka, or rather, put bacon on bread, sprinkle with a little coarse salt, pepper, drink, grunt, have a snack.
And understand that life is good! A good life is even better!

To dill stalks, etc. herbs did not scatter all over the pan - tie them with a thread, or fold them into gauze and tie them in a knot. After boiling, let cool and squeeze into brine.

Shelf life in the refrigerator - 2 weeks
Shelf life in the freezer - eternity

For those who like it spicier, you can rub the spices broken in a mortar into the meat until the brisket is rolled up.

The main part of the fat is rendered during cooking into brine, so this bacon can be consumed even by those who do not like themselves and are on a diet.

Before starting, I will answer a possible question: which of the recipes do I consider the best? In my opinion, cooking bacon in a pan is the most difficult, plus everything at home is not very neat. In the microwave, of course, it will be easier, but personally I don’t really like to mess around with paper napkins or towels. The oven is a great option. Cooked in the oven, bacon has a wonderful flavor and a very crisp texture.

In short, if you want to impress someone with your culinary skills, cook in a skillet. If there is no time, use the microwave, and if you want to achieve the best result, then choose the oven. So let's get started.

Recipe 1: Cooking bacon in a pan

Step 1: Place 3-4 slices of bacon in a skillet and lower the heat to just below medium. Our goal is to “fry” as much fat as possible, but in no case burn it.

Step 2: During cooking, turn the bacon constantly so that it browns evenly on both sides. If suddenly too much fat comes out, then its excess can be drained into some container. Watch carefully so that the bacon does not burn - if you notice that it burns - you need to urgently reduce the heat. Of course, it all depends on the thickness of the slices and their number, but on average 10-15 minutes will be enough. You will know that the bacon is ready when it turns dark brown. Then wrap the bacon slices in paper towels. As the paper towels soak up the grease, the bacon will take on a crisp texture.

Recipe 2: Cooking Bacon in the Microwave

Step 1: Take a plate, put two paper towels on it, and on them 3-4 strips of bacon so that they do not touch. After that, cover the bacon with a paper towel on top, otherwise it will splatter the entire microwave with grease! Just put the napkin on the bacon without pressing it, otherwise it will not be exactly what we need ...

Step 2: Put the plate of bacon in the microwave, turn it on to maximum power and set the time to 3 minutes. Check if the bacon is ready, if not, turn on the microwave for another 30 seconds (the power of our microwaves may vary slightly, so choose according to yours).

Recipe 3: Cooking Bacon in the Oven

Step 1: Turn the knob to the middle position and preheat the oven to 200°C.

Step 2: Wrap a baking sheet with aluminum foil. After that, place the bacon slices on the baking sheet, parallel to each other.

Step 3: Place the tray in the oven. In the process of cooking, check for excess fat, if there is, drain it, we don’t need it.

Step 4: The bacon should be crispy in 15-20 minutes. Remove it from the oven and use paper towels to soak up any remaining grease.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in any of the methods, so choose the one you like and go ahead and cook the bacon!

In contact with

Bacon is a special meat product, part of a pork carcass without bones and cartilage, from the side of a specially fed animal. Layers of meat in bacon are interspersed with thin layers of fat. Bacon is used to prepare various dishes: scrambled eggs, sandwiches, various snacks, salads, soups, etc.

You can buy ready-made cooked smoked bacon or cook it at home, so you will be sure of the cooking methods and quality.

We will tell you how to cook bacon at home, these recipes, one might say, are traditional for our rural residents, time-tested methods and technologies.


  • raw pork bacon with skin - about 2 kg;
  • table salt - about 500 g;
  • dry ground spices (coriander seeds, cloves, bay leaves, black pepper, etc.);
  • garlic;
  • juniper berries - 10-20 pcs. (if you find it).


We will need a container the size of a piece, preferably with a lid (enamelled or plastic). If necessary, cut the meat into smaller pieces so that they fit compactly in the container. Mix salt with spices, add crushed juniper berries. Sprinkle the bottom of the container and lay the pieces of bacon. Sprinkle them generously with a mixture of salt and spices. Add chopped garlic, cover the container and place in the refrigerator. It will be even better if you put boards with oppression. After 24 hours, we drain the released liquid. We fall asleep again with a salt mixture. Repeat the cycle twice more, each time draining the juice that stands out. After 4 days, salted homemade bacon is ready.

Making baked bacon at home

This recipe is good for family holidays.


  • raw pork bacon with skin on;
  • garlic;
  • dry ground spices (black and red pepper, coriander seed, etc.);
  • table salt.


Sprinkle bacon in the form of large pieces with a mixture of salt and dry spices, stuff with garlic and pack each piece separately in foil. Bake in the oven at a temperature of about 180-200 ° C for 40 minutes. Even in the process of cooking, a wonderful, incomparable smell will spread around the house, your family will happily inhale and swallow saliva in anticipation of the meal. Before slicing, baked homemade bacon will still need to cool at least a little. Cut it into thin wide slices and beautifully lay out on a serving dish. Decorate with greens. We eat with restraint - it flies away at the moment.

Boiled Homemade Bacon - Recipe


  • raw pork bacon with skin (brisket, undercuts, just bacon);
  • dry spices;
  • onion peel;
  • fragrant greens (parsley, cilantro, dill, etc.);
  • garlic;
  • salt.


Bacon (or whatever you are cooking), cut into large pieces, stuff with garlic and boil in a small amount of water with onion peel and salt (salt should be 2-3 times more than in the soup). Cook for 40 minutes. 15 minutes before the end of the process, add spices and herbs. Cool in the broth, then remove and put under oppression for at least 2 hours.

Homemade marinated bacon



We stuff bacon in the form of large pieces with garlic, put it compactly in a cramped container and pour the marinade prepared from the remaining ingredients. Cover the container and place in the refrigerator for 3 days. In the process of marinating, we turn the pieces over, when the bacon is ready, remove and put under oppression. To give a pan-Asian flavor, you can add a little soy sauce to the marinade. Marinated homemade bacon is already ready to eat, but if you want, you can now bake it (see above) or smoke it using natural fruit sawdust (smoking, in general, is a separate topic).

Bacon is a special meat product, part of a pork carcass without bones and cartilage, from the side of a specially fed animal. Layers of meat in bacon are interspersed with thin layers of fat. Bacon is used to prepare various dishes: scrambled eggs, sandwiches, various snacks, salads, soups, etc.

You can buy ready-made cooked smoked bacon or cook it at home, so you will be sure of the cooking methods and quality.

We will tell you how to cook bacon at home, these recipes, one might say, are traditional for our rural residents, time-tested methods and technologies.

Pickled homemade bacon

  • raw pork bacon with skin - about 2 kg;
  • table salt - about 500 g;
  • dry ground spices (coriander seeds, cloves, bay leaves, black pepper, etc.);
  • garlic;
  • juniper berries - 10-20 pcs. (if you find it).

We will need a container the size of a piece, preferably with a lid (enamelled or plastic). If necessary, cut the meat into smaller pieces so that they fit compactly in the container. Mix salt with spices, add crushed juniper berries. Sprinkle the bottom of the container and lay the pieces of bacon. Sprinkle them generously with a mixture of salt and spices. Add chopped garlic, cover the container and place in the refrigerator. It will be even better if you put boards with oppression. After 24 hours, we drain the released liquid. We fall asleep again with a salt mixture. Repeat the cycle twice more, each time draining the juice that stands out. After 4 days, salted homemade bacon is ready.

Making baked bacon at home

This recipe is good for family holidays.

  • raw pork bacon with skin on;
  • garlic;
  • dry ground spices (black and red pepper, coriander seed, etc.);
  • table salt.

Sprinkle bacon in the form of large pieces with a mixture of salt and dry spices, stuff with garlic and pack each piece separately in foil. Bake in the oven at a temperature of about 180-200 ° C for 40 minutes. Even in the process of cooking, a wonderful, incomparable smell will spread around the house, your family will happily inhale and swallow saliva in anticipation of the meal. Before slicing, baked homemade bacon will still need to cool at least a little. Cut it into thin wide slices and beautifully lay out on a serving dish. Decorate with greens. We eat with restraint - flies away at the moment.

Boiled Homemade Bacon - Recipe

  • raw pork bacon with skin (brisket, undercuts, just bacon);
  • dry spices;
  • onion peel;
  • fragrant greens (parsley, cilantro, dill, etc.);
  • garlic;
  • salt.

Bacon (or whatever you are cooking), cut into large pieces, stuffed with garlic and boiled in a small amount of water with onion peel and salt (salt should be 2-3 times more than in the soup). Cook for 40 minutes. 15 minutes before the end of the process, add spices and herbs. Cool in the broth, then remove and put under oppression for at least 2 hours.

Homemade marinated bacon

  • bacon or brisket with skin - no more than 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • dry spices (see previous recipes above);
  • natural fruit vinegar 3-5% (preferably light wine) - 3-5 s. spoons;
  • lemon and/or lime juice;
  • rum, table homemade light wine or grape brandy - 60 ml;
  • garlic;
  • fragrant fresh herbs, including blackcurrant leaves (but not onions).

We stuff bacon in the form of large pieces with garlic, put it compactly in a cramped container and pour the marinade prepared from the remaining ingredients. Cover the container and place in the refrigerator for 3 days. In the process of marinating, we turn the pieces over, when the bacon is ready, remove and put under oppression. To give a pan-Asian flavor, you can add a little soy sauce to the marinade. Marinated homemade bacon is already ready to eat, but if you want, you can now bake it (see above) or smoke it using natural fruit sawdust (smoking, in general, is a separate topic).
