
Caviar of chum salmon or coho salmon - which caviar is better? Whose caviar from salmon fish is larger, tastier, healthier, more expensive, more valuable - chum salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon or pink salmon: a comparison. Red caviar: what happens, what is the best and how does it differ in different salmon fish? Better red

Nowadays, almost no festive feast is complete without such a delicacy as red caviar. In order for the celebration to be a success, and the guests to be satisfied with the proposed snacks, it is important to determine which red caviar is the best before the feast and purchase only the best-tasting product.

Not only tasty, but also healthy!

Red caviar, due to the presence of many useful substances in it, allows you to fight against premature aging, helping to rejuvenate the whole body, and also fight against sexual weakness. The protein of this product is absorbed much better, improving the vitality of a person, that is, the use of red caviar helps to improve metabolic processes in the body and a person feels a significant surge of energy. In addition to protein, such caviar contains iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. The product also contains vitamins A, E, D, which help maintain human health and improve its immune system.

Delicious product from salmon!

This incredibly valuable and useful product is obtained from fish belonging to the salmon family, which are represented by pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, trout, coho, chinook salmon. In terms of protein content, usefulness and fat content, the caviar of these fish is the same, but its taste characteristics differ.

Therefore, each person decides for himself which red caviar is the best and most delicious, because some people like small caviar, and someone is a lover of large grains. But which of the salmon has which caviar - you should carefully understand this in order to be able to choose a product according to your taste preferences.

Chum caviar has large sizes (usually 5-9 mm). It is distinguished by its regular shape in the form of a ball and amber-orange color. Thanks to such a bright color, caviar is a wonderful decoration for any kind of dishes. Despite its high taste characteristics, not everyone likes it, but all because it has a very dense shell.

Pink salmon caviar in our country can be called the most popular. Its universal taste is liked by almost all people. The eggs of this fish have a not very dense shell and an orange color. In terms of the amount of caviar received, pink salmon is in first place, so in our supermarkets you can often find this particular type of caviar.

Sockeye caviar is not often found on sale today, since the number of this salmon fish is rapidly decreasing, and the taste of the meat of this fish is much better than the taste of caviar. The eggs of this fish are small in size, bright red in color and have a hint of bitterness.

Trout caviar is now massively entering the Russian market and gaining popularity among buyers. This caviar is the smallest, and its color can be from yellow to orange. Those who decide for themselves which red caviar is the best should definitely try this delicacy, because many people consider the taste of such caviar to be excellent.

Coho salmon caviar does not exceed 4 mm in size. Often it is confused with sockeye salmon caviar, but the main difference of this product is the absence of spicy bitterness, usually inherent in sockeye salmon caviar.

Chinook caviar is quite large (6-7 mm), has a bitter taste and a rich red color. However, it is not so easy to find caviar of this fish in supermarkets, since this salmon species is presented on the pages of the Red Book.

What is the best red caviar?

The best caviar will be only natural. Before making a purchase of red caviar, you should carefully read the label on the jar. The composition should contain caviar, salt and a minimum of preservatives. It is better to take a glass jar of caviar in order to better examine the contents. The eggs should be the same color and whole, and they should also be easily separated from each other.

It is also very important to look at the date of manufacture of the product - remember that caviar is mined in the summer (July-August). Therefore, if caviar is made in December, then you should think carefully before purchasing such a delicacy.

kerescan - Sep 26th, 2015

Properly processed and salted fish eggs are called caviar. Each of us at least once in his life tried fish caviar. Someone liked it and became a favorite delicacy for life, while someone remained indifferent to it. Be that as it may, let's try together to understand the whole variety of types of caviar, salting technology and determining its quality.

And so, there are 4 types of caviar:

Black caviar is extracted from sturgeon fish such as sterlet, beluga, sturgeon and stellate sturgeon.

Red caviar - caviar from salmon fish (salmon, chum salmon, chinook salmon).

Pink caviar - from pollock, vendace and whitefish.

Yellow or partial - is extracted from pike, roach, pike perch, ram, striped mullet and mullet.

Also, there is the so-called white or snail caviar, but this is no longer fish caviar.

Black sturgeon (grained, pressed) and red salmon caviar are among the most useful and nutritious food products.

Caviar contains a large amount of proteins, healthy Omega-3 and Omega-6 saturated fats, vitamins and other beneficial substances. Caviar is recommended for people who need enhanced nutrition.

By itself, fish caviar is very high-calorie, it surpasses even milk, meat and other products. For example, 100 grams of pressed or granular black caviar contains about 280 calories, and red caviar - 270. As for meat, only 120 calories per 100 grams, and 70 calories per 100 grams of milk.

Sturgeon caviar is considered the best and is valued higher if the grains are larger and lighter. Salmon caviar, on the contrary, is tastier if the grains are smaller, and bright red caviar (sockeye salmon) is inferior in quality to light orange caviar (pink salmon).

Video: Pink salmon caviar - Kunashir Island 2012.

River fish produce yellow or partial caviar. Partial caviar is practically always of the ovary type and is salted in ovaries. They are first salted with dry salt. Take 12-12.5% ​​salt to the total weight of caviar. Salting takes place over 8-12 days, in chests (special boxes) made of wood. After that, the caviar is thoroughly washed and laid out in barrels, in rows. Also, caviar can be salted in a strong saline solution (brine is called) for 3-4 hours, and then dried for two weeks. This is how mullet and mullet caviar is salted.

Of all river fish, only pike caviar is released from the ovaries, and then salted.

Partial caviar is not as valuable as, for example, black or red, but in terms of nutritional properties, it is practically equal to fish meat.

Here are a few methods to check the quality of gourmet red and black caviar:

- if you put a caviar on a plate, blow on it and it rolls, then the caviar is of high quality;

- if you lower a metal ball on a string into the caviar and it does not fall down for a few seconds, then the caviar is not of the highest quality;

- if the caviar does not crush in the mouth when pressed and requires chewing, then it is overripe, if, on the contrary, it melts immediately, without the slightest effort, then it is still immature.

Video: 11 rules for buying red caviar.

How to distinguish black caviar from a fake

Habitat. How to choose fresh caviar

How to distinguish red caviar of different types of salmon

From the grain of the Far Eastern salmon fish (Fig. 1, B), mainly granular and ovary caviar is prepared. For the preparation of caviar of the 1st grade, fresh fish ovaries with crumbling grains are used. From poorly crumbling grain obtained from weakened ovaries, caviar of the 2nd grade is prepared. If the grain is stuck together in the ovary, then it is unsuitable for the preparation of standard granular caviar.

The ovaries taken out of the fish are washed from mucus and blood (in cold water), sorted by quality, and then pierced on a screen. The resulting grain is loaded into baths with concentrated pre-boiled and then cooled saline. Salting of caviar with constant stirring and a brine temperature of about 10 ° C lasts 6-18 minutes, depending on the condition of the grain and on the desired salinity of the finished product (1st grade - up to 6%, 2nd grade - but more than 8%).

Salted caviar is transferred with sieves to special stacked sieves, on which it is left until the grain becomes crumbly. The overstayed caviar sticks together, takes the form of pressed. Insufficiently drained caviar can later give the so-called sludge of caviar liquid. After draining, 50 kg caviar is loaded into special containers, where it is mixed with antiseptics (borax and urotropin), and then with refined sunflower, corn or olive oil and glycerin. Oil prevents the grain from sticking together, and glycerin softens the taste of bitterness and prevents the caviar from drying out. After that, caviar is stuffed into barrels with a capacity of 50 liters, covered with paraffin from the inside and lined with coarse calico soaked in vegetable oil. Before capping, the surface of the caviar is covered with fan-shaped calico and parchment. Parchment mugs are placed on the bottom and under the lid.

The granular caviar of Far Eastern salmon is often called red caviar, or chum caviar, although they are made not only from caviar of chum salmon, but also pink salmon, chinook salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon and sim.

Salted Far Eastern salmon caviar contains more than 30% proteins, 12-14 fat and no more than 50% moisture.

In terms of taste, caviar of chum salmon and pink salmon is most valued; caviar of other salmon has a slightly increased natural bitterness.

The grain of caviar from different Far Eastern salmon is not the same in color and size. The caviar of chum salmon and pink salmon is light orange, while sockeye salmon and coho salmon are reddish. In addition, the degree of maturity and processing speed affect the color of caviar: overripe caviar of chum salmon and pink salmon has a pale, yellowish color; caviar, which has lain for a long time before salting, darkens, products from it are of poor quality. The smallest grain is in sockeye salmon caviar (no more than 4.7 mm in diameter), pink salmon caviar has a diameter of about 6 mm, chum salmon caviar is about 7 mm.

They salt the granular caviar of the Far Eastern salmon in brine; after salting and draining the brine, antiseptics are added to the caviar to prevent spoilage: borax and urotropin, and in order for the grains not to stick together, add 1-1.5% vegetable oil or glycerin.

By quality, granular salmon caviar is divided into two grades: 1st and 2nd. Caviar of the 1st grade should be uniform in size and color, as it is prepared from fish of the same species; color heterogeneity is allowed only for coho salmon and sockeye caviar. In the 2nd grade, there may be a mixture of fish caviar of different names.

The consistency of caviar of the 1st grade is uniform, without the admixture of pieces of film and blood clots, slight viscosity and a small amount of burst grains are allowed. Caviar of the 2nd grade can be viscous, with pieces of film and sludge, eggs are weak, with the presence of a spatula.

It is required that the taste and smell of caviar be pleasant, inherent in this type of fish, sometimes with a slight aftertaste of sharpness and bitterness (especially for coho and sockeye caviar). In caviar of the 2nd grade, a slight sour smell is allowed.

The caviar of Far Eastern salmon is prepared from defective immature or overripe eggs or from frozen fish caviar. For this caviar, sharp fluctuations in color and consistency are acceptable. Caviar ovaries of the 1st grade must be whole, strong, elastic; caviar of the 2nd grade may contain mechanically damaged ovaries, as well as bursting grains. The salt content in caviar of the 1st grade is 3-5%, of the 2nd - 5-10%.

Caviar of other fish. This caviar is divided into ovary and punched. In addition, mullet caviar is used to produce salted-cured devoiced roe.

The ovary caviar of partial fish is prepared from the caviar of pike perch and Balkhash perch (galagan) and from the caviar of vobla and ram (tarama). In terms of taste and nutritional value, this caviar is incomparably lower than sturgeon and salmon caviar, since it contains more incompletely valuable proteins and less fat.

Salted caviar of these fish is divided into two grades - 1st and 2nd. Quality assessment is carried out according to the following indicators: appearance and integrity of the ovaries, consistency, taste, smell, content of potassium nitrate, which is added to preserve the pink color. Saltpeter in all grades should be up to 0.1%. Salt content: up to 14% for tarama and up to 16% for galagan.

Punch caviar is made from caviar of vobla, carp, bream, asp, kutum, ide, ram, Siberian roach, pike, pike perch, Balkhash perch, whitefish, cod and herring, gobies and lumpfish. This caviar is not divided into varieties. It should be prepared from fish of the same name, have a uniform color and texture.

Salted-cured mullet caviar, which is distinguished by a peculiar pleasant spicy taste, contains about 16% moisture, over 40 fat, about 38 proteins, 8-12% salt. The yastyks taken out of the fish are salted and dried, then covered with a thin layer of wax. The combination of all these types of processing gives the product greater stability during storage.

Quality requirements for salmon caviar. Salmon granular caviar is divided into the 1st and 2nd grades.

Caviar of the 1st grade must be from the same breed of fish and of a uniform color. The eggs are clean, without admixture of pieces of film and blood clots. A small amount of shovel is allowed, and in caviar of sockeye salmon and coho salmon, in addition, color heterogeneity. The smell of caviar should be pleasant, without discrediting signs, and the taste should be characteristic of this type of caviar. Salt content from 4 to 6%.

Caviar of the 2nd grade can be from different types of salmon fish, with grains of non-uniform color and size, viscous, with the presence of pieces of films, but without significant sludge of caviar liquid. Slightly sour smell with tastes of bitterness and sharpness is allowed. The salt content in both varieties of caviar is up to 8%, borax 0.3% and urotropin 0.1%.

Common defects in salmon caviar are as follows.

The sludge of caviar liquid accumulates at the bottom of the barrel and consists of the remains of brine and the protein mass of eggs. There is a defect with insufficient groaning of grain after salting, with oversalting of caviar, and also with salting of immature grain and grain from delayed ovaries. The caviar above the sludge is subject to urgent sale, and the sludge is used for animal feed.

Inclusions of white crystals between the grains are an indicator of overripe caviar as a result of its storage at elevated temperatures. Caviar is subject to urgent sale.

Lopanets occurs in eggs from weak grains from retained ovaries, as well as from ovaries taken from defrosted fish. The amount of lopanz increases at elevated storage temperatures.

A sour taste (sharpness, oxide) appears when the raw material is kept until salted and at an elevated temperature of caviar storage.

Bitterness is a natural aftertaste of coho and sockeye caviar. In other types of caviar, this defect is formed when the preservative is unevenly distributed, the use of non-standard salt, and also when the fat goes rancid.

Various representatives of the salmon family, such as salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, etc. give us one of the most valuable products on our planet - red caviar. It is worth noting that in terms of its useful properties, all red caviar is approximately the same, regardless of from which it was obtained. However, its taste and appearance can vary greatly. There are no comrades for taste and color, as they say, some people like eggs that are larger and darker in color, while others, on the contrary, are brighter and smaller like cereals.

Pink salmon caviar

Pink salmon caviar has become quite popular in Russia and there are several good reasons for this. Firstly, pink salmon ranks first among the salmon family in terms of fertility, and secondly, the taste of caviar in this fish can be called universal and suitable for most lovers of red caviar. The size of pink salmon eggs is medium in size (approximately 5 mm), bright orange in color. The shell of the eggs does not have sufficient strength, therefore, when the eggs are stirred, some of the eggs burst, forming juice. In terms of its nutritional value, pink salmon caviar is in second place (in the first place is chum salmon caviar), and in terms of production it is in an honorable first place.

coho caviar

The eggs of coho salmon are smaller compared to the eggs of other fish of the salmon family (approximately 4-5 mm). The color of caviar is dark red, sometimes even with a burgundy tint. The taste of coho salmon caviar is a bit bitter. In Russia, this type of red caviar is valued somewhat less than the caviar of other fish species. Despite its bitter taste, the content of vitamins and useful trace elements in coho salmon caviar is very high, and it ranks first in its beneficial properties.

Trout caviar

Trout has the smallest eggs (the average size of eggs does not exceed 2-3 mm). It is brighter in color compared to other types of red caviar. The color of trout eggs can vary from dark yellow to bright red. Now in stores you can often find trout caviar, every year it becomes more popular. The taste is distinguished by the presence of bitterness.

Sockeye caviar

The caviar of sockeye salmon is bright red and slightly smaller than that of pink salmon (average size 4.5 mm). This type of caviar is extremely rare on the Russian market, because sockeye salmon is not common here. This fish is most widely distributed along the American coast (from Alaska to California).


Chum salmon caviar is second in size after Chinook salmon caviar (diameter 5-6 mm). In the pre-revolutionary period, this type of red caviar was called "Royal" and was exported abroad with great success. The color of the eggs is found from amber to orange. All eggs are of the correct spherical shape with a well-visible spot in which the embryo is located. Chum salmon caviar looks more presentable compared to other types of salmon caviar and is often used to decorate various fish and seafood dishes.

Chinook caviar

Chinook caviar is the largest of all types of red caviar (diameter 6-7 mm) of bright red color. It tastes less bitter than coho salmon caviar, but a slight bitterness is still present. Despite its large size, royal salmon caviar (this is what chinook salmon is called) is very delicate in taste and the shell of the eggs is not as dense as that of chum salmon. Chinook caviar is considered the most expensive and scarce.

Mar 12, 2011 Marina

The first thing to remember is that salmon is not a fish! This is a whole family of fish, which includes chum salmon, pink salmon, coho, sockeye salmon.

In terms of taste, caviar of different types of fish varies significantly. Therefore, if a jar simply says “salmon caviar”, this means that there can be anything, up to “porridge”, mixed from different types and qualities of caviar.

What to pay attention to

✓ Marking

It is best to choose caviar with markings GOST on packaging and produced in Kamchatka and Sakhalin. So you will reduce the likelihood that the caviar is made from stale frozen eggs - a thin shell with caviar. They are frozen when the producer cannot immediately process the caviar. It is better to choose a product labeled first grade. Caviar packed in the same place where it is caught is better than that which is laid out in jars in non-fish places. Needless to say, raw frozen caviar is not as tasty as fresh caviar?

✓ Appearance

When buying caviar in a glass jar or by weight, consider it before buying. The eggs of the first class must be whole, not stuck together, of the same color and size. When turning the jar over, the caviar should not immediately begin to crawl along the walls. Caviar, in which there is too much "caviar juice" (jus), will immediately slide onto the lid.

This product is actually a "natural antidepressant", which is why it is so important that it be prepared in the right way. Rating of the best chocolate.


Caviar, salt and preservatives (with the exception of E239, which is hazardous to health) - this is the ideal composition of the product. There is no caviar without preservatives: if they are not indicated, then the manufacturer is disingenuous. The allowable amount of salt is 4-6% percent. This is not a matter of taste, but the strict requirements of GOST.

✓ Storage temperature

If there is a thermometer in the refrigerator, check at what temperature the caviar is stored. Ideally for her - from -4 to -6 ° С. The shelf life of caviar without preservatives is less: barrel caviar is stored for 2, and canned - 4 months from the date of manufacture.

Best before date

The shelf life of caviar without preservatives is less: barrel caviar is stored for 2, and canned - 4 months from the date of manufacture.

The All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography has developed technologies for preparing salmon caviar by freezing and pasteurization methods. They help to increase the shelf life by about half (up to 8 months). At the same time, the appearance, color, texture, smell, taste, shell strength and vitamin value of caviar are completely preserved.

✓ Bank

Embossed numbers on a tin factory can with caviar should be convex, not depressed - this is a sign of a factory product. Inspect the jar for external damage, it should not be swollen. Give preference to caviar in a transparent - glass or plastic - container: you can see the eggs in it. In addition, glass does not affect the taste of the delicacy.


It should have the word "caviar" in the third row and two rows of raised numbers - the date of manufacture and the number of the master. If the numbers are pressed "inside the can", most likely it is a fake.


Caviar is an expensive product, and a 140-gram can cannot cost less than 180 rubles even at a sale.

Catch date

July and August of the highest quality. The label should contain the dates of manufacture and packaging: the closer they are to each other, the better.

Types and color of caviar

If possible, choose chum salmon caviar. Experts believe that it is tastier than pink salmon and salmon. It is easy to distinguish it: small orange eggs with a red glint in a thin elastic film.

Black- in sturgeons (sturgeon, beluga, stellate sturgeon, sterlet).
Red- in salmon (salmon, salmon, chinook salmon).
Pink- in whitefish, vendace, pollock.
yellow- in pike, pike perch, roach, ram, mullet, striped mullet.
White- snails.
orange- at sea urchins.
Green, black and purple- Flying fish have tobiko. Its natural color is brown, so it is tinted with wasabi horseradish, cuttlefish ink or seaweed pigments.
White with a golden sheen- albino beluga. This is the most expensive caviar in the world!

Signs of poor quality caviar

If you decide to buy loose caviar, and when scooping it with a spoon flowing like a goo, which means it was most likely frozen. Other signs of a poor quality product - foreign inclusions(blood clots, a large number of films from ovaries), bubbles and white patches. Moisture drops on the walls may indicate that the manufacturer overdoes it with vegetable oil.

How to store

Having opened a tin can, immediately transfer the caviar to another dish: you can’t leave it in its original packaging, the metal quickly oxidizes.

Red or black caviar?

If there was a time machine, then it would be worth going to the 1960s for a pre-holiday purchase. At that time, black caviar cost quite different money: not cheap, but quite affordable. And, most surprisingly, it was not in special demand.

But once in Rus', it was not at all considered a delicacy. Black caviar was boiled with porridge, dried and even fried.

And Molokhovets, in her book A Gift to Young Housewives, published in 1861, advised using pressed caviar for ... pulling the broth.

Why is black caviar more expensive? The difference in price is due to the fact that there are fewer sturgeon fish in nature than salmon. In composition, red and black caviar, oddly enough, are similar.

TOP-3 from Roskachestvo*

The best Russian caviar - without water and without germs: "Tunaicha" (Sakhalin region), "Russian Sea" (Nerka), "Obkomovskaya" (Novosibirsk region).

*Roskachestvo is a state-owned company that conducts independent research into the quality of Russian goods and awards the best with the Quality Mark.

Expert comment

Elena Saratseva, Deputy Head of Roskachestvo:

Half of the caviar sold in retail does not meet the mandatory requirements. As a result of laboratory tests, E. coli, staphylococcus aureus and yeast were identified in some cases. This is mainly due to violations of the conditions for the transportation or storage of caviar. This leads to changes that affect the quality of the product.


There is no caviar produced “on the spot”, that is, where caviar is mined and salted, among our contestants. All of it is made in the Leningrad or Moscow regions. Some manufacturers honestly wrote that the product was made from frozen raw materials, while others preferred not to talk about this fact.

According to organoleptic indicators, as well as according to the criteria "mass fraction of salt" and "presence of foreign impurities", only two of our contestants correspond to GOST 1877-2004. Therefore, this time there will also be only two medals. Gold - at the caviar "RPZ Polus", silver - at the "Lukomorye". The rest of the subjects just correspond to a benign product, and that's not bad!

1. Salmon caviar, granular, first grade (pink salmon caviar), 140 g. OOO RPZ Polyus, Moscow

In a good caviar, everything should be perfect - and GOST (one of the few of our contestants that corresponds to it). Everything is good here: both the type of product is caviar to caviar, and its taste is lightly salted, rich, without bitterness. A well-deserved victory in our rating!

2. Grained salmon caviar "Lukomorye", first grade (pink salmon caviar), 140, LLC "Tesey", Moscow region.

The eggs are strong and elastic, the degree of "salinity" is just perfect. A small number of shells and spatula prevented this caviar from winning in our examination. Confident 2nd place and the best recommendations.

3. Grained salmon caviar Abara, first grade (trout caviar), 135, Victoria BIS LLC, Moscow

Delicate, lightly salted, with a bright, insipid bouquet - in a word, this is really tasty caviar. By the way, the only trout in our rating. But, alas, the amount of salt falls short of the GOST indicators. Confident 3rd place.

4. Kamchatka salmon granular caviar Premium (pink salmon caviar), 110 g. ZAO ITA Severnaya Kompaniya, Moscow

Despite the word Premium, the performance of this product is very average. The taste is pungent, the eggs are blown away, there is a small amount of sludge at the bottom of the jar. Yes, and salt is not enough: 2.5% versus the usual 4-6%. 4th place.

5. Salmon caviar "Tungutun", first grade (pink salmon caviar), 95, LLC "North Eastern Company LTD", Moscow

The 2 smallest (95 g each) test participants showed the weakest results. Unlike "Putina", the product does not taste bitter. It simply does not have a pronounced taste, and the eggs are sluggish, wet and unappetizing. 5th place.

6. Salmon caviar granular, first grade (sockeye salmon caviar), 95, LLC "Putina", St. Petersburg

Either there were violations in the production technology, or the caviar was stored incorrectly, but, frankly, it does not look very good. And what is especially unpleasant, it is very bitter. Therefore, it closes our "caviar" rating. 6th place.
