
Zucchini caviar in a slow cooker. How to cook zucchini caviar in the traditional way and in a slow cooker

Cooking vegetables for the dish. First, wash the zucchini, if the seeds are already quite large, then remove them along with the middle. If the peel is old and tough, it is advisable to cut it off. It is convenient to do this with a special knife for peeling vegetables. Cut the remaining hard pulp into medium-sized slices.

We put the vegetables in the capacity of the multicooker, pour water (100 ml).

Cook (in the "Extinguishing" mode) for 15-20 minutes under the lid.

Then we drain the water, and interrupt the soft vegetables with a blender into a homogeneous mass.

Add spices, salt and tomato to this mass.

Instead of a blender, you can use an ordinary crush, but in this case, the structure of the caviar will turn out to be coarser, with grains. Another way is to grind vegetables through a meat grinder, setting the finest mesh.

Stir and cook the caviar without a lid for another 5 minutes.

To give a more delicate creamy taste, as well as to increase satiety, vegetable caviar is sometimes cooked with mayonnaise. For this amount of vegetables, 2-3 tablespoons of sauce will be enough. Mayonnaise use the preferred fat content.

I recommend adding minced garlic (1-2 cloves) or a pinch of dry granulated garlic to this appetizer. Thanks to this, the dish will acquire a spicy aroma and a special taste.

We transfer the finished appetizer to a dish, add greens if desired, and as soon as it cools down, put it on the table.

Such caviar is an excellent addition to meat, fish dishes, cereals, boiled or fried potatoes, goes well with pasta. Some prefer to spread it on bread or toast, similar to pâté. A great idea is to stuff the halves of boiled eggs with caviar. But tartlets should not be filled with zucchini caviar, as they will quickly get wet due to the high juiciness of the filling. Bon appetit!

This caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. by placing in a food tray or glass jar with a lid.

On a note

Vegetable caviar will become tastier, and carrots will be healthier if they are lightly fried in vegetable oil beforehand. Along with carrots, you can also fry onions. While onions and carrots are fried (this can also be done in a slow cooker), you can put stew (or boil) slices of zucchini in parallel to save time. At the end, combine boiled and fried vegetables, chop them with a blender, add tomato paste.

Zucchini caviar is a simple but very tasty winter preparation.

Many housewives have their own recipes for this wonderful snack, but few cook it in a slow cooker. In fact, it is very convenient, easy and saves a lot of time.

Zucchini caviar in a slow cooker for the winter - general principles of cooking

Even ripe and overripe zucchini are suitable for caviar, you just need to remove the skin from them and remove the hard seeds. If the fruits are young, then you can use the whole, removing only the ends on both sides.

What is usually put in caviar:

Tomatoes or pasta;

Bulb onions;


Pepper sweet and hot;

Vegetable oil.

Various spices are also added to the caviar, there are recipes with mushrooms, eggplants and even cereals. In a slow cooker, vegetables are usually stewed. Some ingredients may be pre-fried, but not zucchini. They are too juicy and it will not work to fry pieces of vegetable in a slow cooker.

Zucchini caviar in a slow cooker for the winter through a meat grinder

Recipe for ordinary zucchini caviar in a slow cooker for the winter. All vegetables, except for onions, are twisted through a meat grinder in their raw form. Tomato paste is used instead of tomatoes.


3 kg of zucchini;

150 ml of oil;

200 g of tomato paste;

500 grams of onion;

1 head of garlic;

3 spoons of sugar;

1.5 tablespoons of salt;

0.5 tsp citric acid;

250 grams of carrots.


1. Pour the oil into the multicooker. Turn on the baking program, let it heat up for now.

2. Cut the onion into cubes, transfer to fry. It can also be twisted with other vegetables, but then it will be impossible to fry due to the abundance of juice.

3. Cut zucchini and carrots into pieces. If the zucchini seeds are large, then it is better to remove them.

4. We shift the vegetables into the slow cooker. We rearrange the mode for stewing, cook the caviar for an hour.

5. Open, lay salt with sugar, pour lemon, other spices are possible. We spread the tomato and immediately chopped garlic. You can skip the entire head and add just a couple of cloves.

6. We close everything again and stew the caviar for another half hour. This time is enough to prepare the jars.

7. We lay out the hot billet of zucchini in sterile jars and immediately twist. Let cool upside down.

Zucchini caviar in a slow cooker for the winter with mayonnaise

A fairly well-known recipe for caviar for the winter, to which mayonnaise is added. Ideally, homemade sauce is used, as it is difficult to find a good composition in the store. But if there is an opportunity to buy a quality product, then feel free to use it.


1.5 kg of zucchini;

1 spoon of sugar;

0.5 tablespoons of salt;

250 grams of onion;

100 grams of paste;

1-2 carrots;

0.5 cups of oil;

Any spices (pepper, coriander).


1. Pour the oil into the saucepan from the multicooker. We set the frying program.

2. Add chopped onion, cook for ten minutes.

3. Add grated carrots, lightly fry with onions.

4. The recipe indicates the weight of already peeled zucchini without anything superfluous. Cut them into pieces, shift to the vegetables.

5. Add mayonnaise, close and cook on the stewing program until soft. On average 40-50 minutes. But it all depends on the degree of maturity of the vegetable.

6. Open, cool the vegetables to a warm state, transfer to a convenient saucepan and grind with a blender to a puree state.

7. We return the zucchini back to the slow cooker. It's time to add pasta, spices, salt to them. We mix everything well and try. If the paste is not sour, then you can add a little lemon or vinegar for taste.

8. Close, simmer for another half hour. We lay out, seal.

Zucchini caviar in a slow cooker for the winter with tomatoes

The recipe for an amazing preparation that needs fresh tomatoes. As a rule, in the summer there is no shortage of them. Caviar is prepared in two stages, followed by grinding through a blender or meat grinder.


2 medium-sized zucchini;

2 carrots;

4 bulbs;

4-5 tomatoes;

2 cloves of garlic;

50 ml of oil;


1. Immediately wash all the vegetables, dry them, as they will be needed almost simultaneously.

2. Cut the onion into pieces, absolutely any. You can quickly chop it into half rings and immediately throw it into the slow cooker. Fry on baking mode until light golden.

3. While the onion is fried, cut the zucchini into 1-2 cm pieces.

4. Cut the carrots into circles, as it turns out.

5. Next, cut the tomatoes. It is not necessary to remove the skin, the pieces can be of any shape and size.

6. Put the tomatoes on the onion, as they are the most juicy. Followed by all the other vegetables in any order.

7. We close our assistant, set the “Pilaf” mode and cook until the signal.

8. Then you need to cool the caviar a little so as not to spoil the blender. Puree. But you can use a conventional meat grinder and just twist everything.

9. We return the chopped vegetables back, add two tablespoons of sugar, add salt to taste, throw in the garlic cloves, previously chopped.

10. Close and cook caviar for another twenty minutes. You can use the extinguishing mode or put it on pilaf again.

11. We roll the finished caviar into jars.

Zucchini caviar in a slow cooker for the winter in pieces

Recipe for zucchini caviar in slices for a slow cooker. Many people prefer to make an appetizer of just this kind, it turns out something in between caviar and salad. At the same time, the recipe is very simple, busy housewives will like it.


3 zucchini;

2 carrots;

2-3 red and green peppers;

2 onion heads;

2-3 tomatoes;

1 leaf of laurel;

4 tablespoons of oil.


1. Pour oil into the bottom of the bowl.

2. Cut the onion into small cubes and pour the first layer.

3. Put the chopped carrot on top. It is better not to use a grater so that the pieces can be seen in the finished caviar.

4. We clean the zucchini, take out the seeds and cut into cubes of half a centimeter. Could be a little bigger. Spread over carrots.

5. Next, put the chopped pepper, freed from seeds. It is better to use fruits of different colors, caviar will be interesting.

6. Tomatoes can be simply cut, but it is better to remove the skin first. To do this, make a small incision on the tomatoes and dip in boiling water. After a few seconds, dip the tomatoes in cold water. The skin will peel off easily. Cut the peeled fruit into cubes.

7. Close the multicooker, set the stew mode and cook for an hour.

8. Open, salt to your liking and stir. Throw a bay leaf on top.

9. We continue to stew caviar until cooked.

10. As soon as all the vegetables become soft, put the squash blank into jars, immediately twist it. It is very important here not to overcook in time so that the vegetables retain the appearance of pieces. Discard the bay leaf.

Zucchini caviar in a slow cooker for the winter with eggplant

Recipe for mixed caviar from zucchini and eggplant for the winter. If the blue ones are bitter, then soak in salted water in advance.


2 zucchini;

3 eggplants;

4 bulbs;

2-4 tomatoes;

2 cloves of garlic;

0.3 glass of oil;

1 tsp vinegar 70%.


1. Pour the oil into the slow cooker, add the chopped onion. Fry until half cooked in the baking mode.

2. Cut the eggplant into cubes, send to the onion. We fry together. If the eggplant is bitter, then, as mentioned above, you can soak it slightly in water with salt. But then you need to squeeze the vegetables well.

3. Place sliced ​​​​tomatoes on top of the eggplant.

4. Now comes a layer of zucchini, diced.

5. Close, rearrange to extinguishing mode, cook for 45 minutes.

6. Fill the caviar with salt, add an incomplete teaspoon of vinegar, garlic cloves and stir.

7. Close, simmer for another half hour. We cork caviar from clean jars.

Zucchini caviar in a slow cooker for the winter with mushrooms

A chic recipe for zucchini caviar for the winter in a slow cooker, which is cooked with champignons. Mushrooms give the appetizer not only an amazing taste, but also enrich the preparation with useful substances, make it more satisfying and fragrant.


1 kg of zucchini;

2 carrots;

400 grams of champignons;

2 onions;

Vinegar, spices;

0.5 lemon;

2 tomatoes;

0.25 cups of oil.


1. Wash the mushrooms and cut into small cubes.

2. Heat the oil in a slow cooker on the baking program. We put the mushrooms only in well-heated oil so that they do not let out a lot of juice. Fry until ruddy.

3. We take out the mushrooms from the multicooker.

4. In the same bowl, without additional oil, put onions and carrots.

5. Put chopped tomatoes, bell peppers and, at the very end, slices of zucchini on top.

6. Close the slow cooker and simmer the vegetables in the appropriate mode for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

7. Transfer to a convenient container and grind into puree. Can be twisted.

8. We return the squash mass to the slow cooker, add spices: a spoonful of sugar, salt to taste, black pepper. Pour in fresh lemon juice.

9. We spread the previously fried champignons.

10. We cook caviar for another half an hour on the stewing program.

11. It remains to decompose the mushroom blank into jars and put it away for storage.

Zucchini caviar in a slow cooker for the winter - tips and tricks

Quickly, easily and with minimal loss, you can remove the skin from the zucchini using a regular vegetable peeler for potatoes and carrots.

To remove the seeds from the zucchini, you need to cut it in half, stick a tablespoon from one end and walk it in a circle. We take out the pulp and get peeled boats.

If vinegar or lemon goes into the caviar, then you should not add them at the very beginning of cooking, as the acid will slow down the process and the vegetables will remain tough for a long time. Also, do not lay sour tomatoes right away, it is better to add them in the middle of the process, when the vegetables will be easily pierced with a sharp object.

From this article you will learn the recipe for cooking zucchini caviar in a slow cooker. Recommendations are also given so that the caviar turns out to be tender and you will definitely like it.

Tips for cooking zucchini caviar in a slow cooker:

  1. The size of the zucchini doesn't matter. It is important that all seeds are removed. If seeds from zucchini get into the caviar, then the consistency will not be so tender. Solid particles from seeds will not decorate this dish.
  2. It is important to remove the bay leaf and other large spices from the dish after stewing. If this is not done, the taste of squash caviar may be spoiled.
  3. Tomato paste can be replaced with fresh tomatoes. But before adding to the dish, they must be stewed for at least 40 minutes in order for the excess liquid to evaporate. You can also remove the skin from a tomato. To do this, you need to dip fresh tomatoes in boiling water for about 30 seconds. After such a procedure, the skin from the tomato is removed easily and simply.
  4. Garlic can be added to zucchini caviar for a more piquant taste. But it is important not to overdo it with this ingredient. Enough 1-2 slices.
  5. Greens - dill, parsley, celery and other herbs are best added to the finished dish. When stewing, the color of the greens becomes dark and does not look as appetizing in the dish as we would like.
  6. To get zucchini caviar in a slow cooker with a taste like store bought, add two tablespoons of flour fried in a pan 15 minutes before the end of cooking.

This dish is very versatile, it is often smeared on bread, or, for example, on.

When stewing, you can also add a couple of bell peppers to caviar, for an amateur. In addition, if you freeze fresh zucchini, diced and some other vegetables for the winter - preparations for squash caviar, then you can cook it at any time.

Cooking time: up to 3 hours


  • 4-5 zucchini;
  • 2-3 large carrots;
  • bulb onions;
  • tomato paste;
  • lemon juice concentrate;
  • salt, sugar, bay leaf, pepper;
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook zucchini caviar in a slow cooker

Peel vegetables. Fry carrots and onions separately in a pan

Transfer the roast to the multicooker bowl

Zucchini cut into small cubes. We put everything in a multicooker. Add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, salt, sugar, spices. Pour in vegetable oil, about half a glass. You can use fresh tomatoes, two medium-sized things, pre-dip them in boiling water and remove the skin, cut into small pieces

You do not need to add water because vegetables will give so much of their own juice. We put on the "Baking" mode. For 60 min.
Do not forget to periodically stir our zucchini caviar in a slow cooker.

You can cook unattended in the “Pilaf” mode with the lid permanently closed, if there is no liquid left, the multicooker will turn itself off, in which case if the bowl is filled almost to the brim, the caviar will cook up to 3 hours. But in the “Baking” mode, the juice will evaporate faster

Add lemon concentrate five minutes before the end of the stew, about 2 tablespoons. Need to try. Thanks to him, zucchini caviar cooked in a slow cooker can be stored not only in the refrigerator, but also in the basement for about 8 months.

After turning off the multicooker, leave the zucchini caviar to cool slightly

Then we pass through a meat grinder.

Important! Be sure to remove the bay leaf before chopping! You can use a blender

Wash jars with lids thoroughly and sterilize in a water bath for about ten minutes.

We lay out the zucchini caviar in jars and put it on sterilization for twenty minutes from the moment the water boils in the pan

We close the lids, you can twist them, if you want more reliable - then with the help of a seaming machine

Zucchini caviar in a slow cooker is ready!

Bon appetit!

Spicy zucchini caviar in a slow cooker

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes

For lovers of spicy, we offer a recipe for zucchini caviar in a slow cooker with a set of various spices, the so-called "Piquant". This option is, of course, not for children and far from dietary. In fact, it is even a sauce that complements the taste of a piece of toasted black bread with butter or a meat dish. Cooking such a dish in a miracle assistant is also easy.

Zucchini caviar is harvested during the season when homemade vegetables can be bought in the market at affordable prices in large quantities. Almost every hostess makes it, because it is even more nostalgia, food from childhood, starting from kindergartens, in which even today it is always included in the diet. Caviar is served both on the festive table and for everyday lunch. Jars from such blanks should always be in the pantry or basement. Of course, it’s easier to go and buy a store-bought version, but how can it compare with homemade, cooked with love from fresh delicious ingredients!


  • zucchini - 1 kg;
  • onion - 500 g;
  • carrot - 600 g;
  • sweet Bulgarian pepper - 150 g;
  • tomato paste - 40-50g;
  • vegetable oil - 90-100 ml;
  • garlic - 30 g;
  • sugar - a pinch of 10 g;
  • curry powder - a pinch of 10 g;
  • coriander - a pinch of 10 g;
  • nutmeg - a pinch of 10 g;
  • salt, allspice and black pepper to taste.

How to cook spicy zucchini caviar in a slow cooker

Finely chop the onion and garlic, turn on the multicooker in the “Frying” mode, pour a couple of tablespoons of refined vegetable oil, wait until the bowl warms up and fry until half cooked, i.e. quite a bit.
Add all the spices and sugar to the tomato paste, put it in a bowl with the onion, mix gently with a wooden or silicone spatula and continue to fry for no more than five minutes.
In advance, cut into cubes all the washed peeled vegetables: zucchini, carrots, bell peppers.
Place them in a slow cooker for frying, pour the remaining vegetable oil. Switch the mode to "Extinguishing" for 60 minutes.
After cooking, leave to cool in a closed multicooker. Then grind with a blender and you can serve.
Such zucchini caviar can be preserved for the winter in the same way as described in the first recipe above.
Bon appetit!

Zucchini caviar in a slow cooker according to GOST

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutesServings: 1 liter

I got this recipe for zucchini caviar from my mother, and she got it from my grandmother. This dish was (and remains) one of the most popular preparations for the winter in every family during the Soviet Union. I adapted the recipe for cooking in a slow cooker, which greatly simplified the process !!!

At our dacha, growing zucchini and zucchini is a long tradition, we also like to cook zucchini jam with lemon. In general, there is always plenty of vegetables for caviar and there is no need to resort to the help of the market). Of course, I prepare caviar in large quantities, wrap it in medium-sized jars - 600-800 ml, so that it is enough for one or two meals.

The recipe itself - how to cook zucchini caviar in a slow cooker - has been verified to the milligram for many years, this is exactly the option that used to be in mass production, many people want to remember their favorite taste - so try it - cook it yourself!


  • zucchini - preferably young, already peeled and peeled - 2 kg;
  • tomato paste - 200g;
  • peeled onion - about 90g;
  • carrots - 130g;
  • refined vegetable oil (preferably sunflower) - 90g;
  • ground allspice and black pepper - 1-2 g each;
  • salt - 15-20g;
  • sugar - 20g

How to cook delicious zucchini caviar in a slow cooker according to GOST as in childhood

First of all, we prepare the vegetables. I prefer to take young zucchini, there are almost no seeds in them, and if there are, they are so tiny that you won’t even notice them, but in large ones they have grown accordingly, with a hard shell. In addition, the flesh of the young is more fleshy.
I peel it without fail, cut it in half lengthwise and embroider the part with seeds, a tablespoon or a knife. I cut into cubes about 1 cm by 1 cm, you can slightly larger.

Peeled washed carrots rub on a grater, you can also on a large one - it's faster, I cut the onion into cubes.

I burn the slow cooker on the “Frying” reshim and pour in the oil. when it warms up - I put onions, carrot zucchini - fry until the latter become reddish in color, they are transparent, about 5 minutes, maybe a little more.

I put the preparation of our squash caviar from the bowl of the multicooker into the dishes (I also pour the oil with vegetables), in which the mixture can be pureed with a blender. I grind very hard! I return it back to the multi bowl and set the “Extinguishing” mode for 40 minutes. I leave the lid open - it is important that the caviar is boiled down, i.e. excess liquid with steam and condensate left the mixture.

I spread the tomato paste, pepper, salt, sugar and carcass in this mode for another 20 minutes.

At this time, I prepare the dishes for preservation - I sterilize the washed jars. I boil the lids in boiling water for a couple of seconds and before blocking, for reliability, I also lower them into boiling water.

As soon as the zucchini caviar is cooked in a slow cooker, I put it in jars and cork it with a typewriter.

I turn it upside down, put it on the floor on a blanket and cover it with it from above until it cools for a day, then into the basement.

Bon appetit!

Caviar from fresh zucchini spread on a slice of bread, a delicate and light dish. A whole treasure of natural vitamins and low calorie content allow you to enjoy an unforgettable taste in full. Squash caviar in a slow cooker - the cooking process is much simpler and therefore faster than cooking on the stove. Caviar is bright in color, with a delicate aroma of baked vegetables.

Zucchini caviar in a slow cooker for the winter according to the classic recipe is subject even to a beginner. It is cooked like a guest - the recipe was popular in Soviet times.


  • zucchini - 5;
  • large carrot - 3;
  • bulb 1;
  • tomato paste 2 table. spoons;
  • lemon juice concentrate;
  • salt;
  • granulated sugar;
  • laurel;
  • pepper;
  • sunflower oil - 100 ml.


Thoroughly clean vegetables.

Fry the carrots together with the onion in a pan, transfer to a slow cooker.

Cut the zucchini into small pieces, add to a bowl. Place pasta, salt, granulated sugar, seasonings here, pour in oils.

Water is not required, vegetables give a lot of juice. Activate the baking program and continue cooking for an hour.

Stir occasionally during cooking.

5 minutes before cooking, place 2 tablespoons of lemon concentrate in a bowl with vegetables. spoons. This helps keep the product up to 8 months.

Leave the multicooker lid open after turning it off to cool down. Grind through a meat grinder (remove bay leaf).

Steam sterilize jars for 10 minutes. Arrange zucchini caviar in jars, continue sterilizing for another 20 minutes.

On a note. Pasta is replaced with fresh tomatoes in season, thick ketchup can be used.

General principles of preparation

There are many ways to make squash snacks. The dish can be supplemented with mayonnaise, tomato paste or fresh tomatoes, eggplant, spicy spices ...

But the cooking system is almost the same: vegetables are fried, ground, and evaporated for density.

Young zucchini can be used completely, cutting off only the ends from 2 sides. For mature or overripe vegetables, peel the skin and remove the hard seeds.

Main Ingredients

The main components are:

  • tomato paste;
  • onion bulb;
  • carrot;
  • sweet or hot peppers;
  • sunflower oil.

In addition to a variety of spices, you can add eggplant, mushrooms or even cereals to caviar. This is done solely at the request of the hostess and gastronomic preferences. Vegetables in a slow cooker are stewed. Some products can be additionally fried, but not zucchini - they are too juicy.

Zucchini caviar in a slow cooker for the winter through a meat grinder

Easy and simple option, but definitely worthy of attention. The recipe is time-tested and recommends itself exclusively on the positive side. Worth a try!

Products for caviar: 8 kg of zucchini; 1 kg of onions; 1 kg of carrots; 1 kg of tomatoes; 250 ml sunflower oil; 250 ml of tomato paste; salt.

Rinse vegetables and remove skins (seeds).

Zucchini, tomatoes, carrots - all cut into medium cubes or oblong bars. Grind through a meat grinder.

Chop the onion and fry until appetizing.

Combine vegetables in a wide bowl and mix thoroughly. Place in a container: oil, tomato paste and salt.

Simmer over medium heat, after mixing all the ingredients.

Reduce heat when contents begin to boil. Continue to simmer until the liquid has evaporated and the dish is a bright orange color.

Dill, parsley report 15 minutes before readiness (optional).

Place the finished caviar in jars, in boiling form, without removing it from the stove.

Immediately start rolling, carefully turn the cans upside down. Cover with a blanket or blanket.

Now the caviar is ready for long-term storage.

On a note. Use only whole, without damage and rotting, vegetables.

Recipe in a slow cooker with mayonnaise

Preparing a blank for the winter with the addition of mayonnaise sauce follows the same pattern as regular zucchini caviar. The only difference is that together with the tomato paste, mayonnaise is added to the bowl with the contents (in the same amount as the paste), everything is thoroughly mixed. After a while, the product is laid out in jars and rolled up.

In a slow cooker with tomatoes

  1. Pre-prepare all products for zucchini caviar with tomatoes. Wash thoroughly, remove the skin and remove the seed part.
  2. 1 kg of zucchini, 3 bell peppers, 2 carrots, 2 onions - cut into small cubes.
  3. Multicooker fill 3 table. spoons of sunflower oil, chopped products, mix.
  4. Season with salt, ground black pepper and dry dill. Mix.
  5. Activate the function in the multicooker "Extinguishing", for 60 minutes.
  6. 2 tomatoes cut into cubes, chop 6 cloves of garlic.
  7. An hour later, add 3 tables to the vegetables in the slow cooker. spoons of tomato paste, tomatoes and garlic cloves. Mix gently.
  8. Set the mode (“Cooking-pilaf” or “Rice”) for 60 minutes.
  9. When cool, grind with a blender.

Delicious, homemade zucchini caviar for the winter in a slow cooker with tomatoes is ready!

In a slow cooker with eggplant

Eggplant-zucchini caviar consists of:

  • 2 zucchini;
  • 2 eggplant;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 3 bell peppers;
  • 2 bulbs;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • vegetable oil, spices, salt - to taste.

Clean zucchini, eggplant, carrots - thinly cut into rings. Onions - medium rings. Bulgarian pepper - in the form of straws, tomatoes can simply be cut into slices.

Load the vegetables into the slow cooker, filling the bottom with sunflower oil in advance. Sprinkle with salt and seasonings. Mix.

Set the function on the multicooker for pilaf. 5 minutes before the end - add chopped garlic.

Give the eggplant appetizer the opportunity to brew a little, only then serve it to the table.

Recipe for zucchini caviar in a slow cooker for the winter with mushrooms

Delicate original taste of squash preparation with mushrooms should be felt by every person. Absolutely any mushrooms are suitable for the dish: purchased, collected in the forest.


  • 2 fresh zucchini;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 200 grams of mushrooms;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • seasonings;
  • salt;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons grows. oils.

Wash and clean vegetables well. It is enough to grate the carrots on a coarse grater, and evenly cut the zucchini into cubes. Finely chop the onion.

Load food into the multicooker, after pouring oil. Select a frying mode.

Fry until the products become ruddy.

Transfer the still hot vegetables to a wide bowl. Grind with a blender until smooth.

Cut clean mushrooms into cubes or small pieces.

Chop the second onion and combine with mushrooms. Activate the frying function.

Rinse dill greens thoroughly, chop.

Add caviar to the mushrooms, mix, set the mode for stewing. Dill, seasonings, salt, chopped garlic - put to the rest of the vegetables.

Carefully place a hot snack in jars. Wrap up with a warm blanket.

After cooling, the product is subject to long-term storage.

In a multicooker in pieces

Components of the workpiece:

  • medium-sized zucchini - 4;
  • bulb;
  • medium carrot - 1.5;
  • tomato paste - 3 table. spoons;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • sunflower oil - 2 table. spoons;
  • to taste: red, black pepper, salt.

Rinse, remove the skin and remove the seed part, cut into pieces. Carrots - in circles, onions - in half rings.

Place all ingredients in a slow cooker. Sprinkle with salt, do not touch for a third of an hour, so that the vegetables give juice. Then pour in the oil, add pasta, granulated sugar. Activate the extinguishing function for 120 minutes. Cover tightly.

Stir thoroughly every 20 minutes.

Put pepper in the prepared vegetables; salt and granulated sugar (if not enough).

Do not let the vegetables cool down, chop, for example, in a separate container with a blender or grind several times through a meat grinder.

Place vegetable puree in a bowl, put for a few minutes, in the same mode.

Load the lids into a saucepan with water, leave to boil for 2-3 minutes. In turn, pour 60 ml of water into each jar and put (just put, not put!) In the microwave. Set the time to 3 minutes and set to maximum power. The water should evaporate from the jars.

Take out the jar, fill it with fragrant caviar, close the lid and roll it up.

Homemade zucchini caviar will delight in winter and any day of the week.

Differences in the preparation of the workpiece in different multicookers

A huge range of kitchen appliances is presented on the world market of household appliances. The most delicate snack is made in various models of ovens. Zucchini caviar in a Redmond, Panasonic, Polaris or Mulineks multicooker - there will be no differences in the preparation of the workpiece.
The most popular brands are Redmond and Polaris. In both types of multicookers, there are frying and stewing functions that are used during the preparation of squash caviar. Some housewives prefer the Soup program to the Stew mode.

A fragrant and original snack turns out to be delicious, regardless of the model of the multicooker and the manufacturer. Great appetizer flavors depend on the main ingredients and seasonings, and the consistency (mashed or chunked) makes it more or less suitable for sandwiches.

I love zucchini very much and try to cook various dishes from them while they are on sale. What is summer without, with sour cream garlic sauce?

Tender vegetable stew cooked in a slow cooker. Well, and, of course, your favorite squash caviar. It can be prepared for lunch, or you can stock up for the winter. A great appetizer for mashed potatoes or any other side dish.

To tell the truth, I really liked the zucchini caviar from the slow cooker. Since I suffer from heartburn, I try to eat fried vegetables a little at a time. Even from ordinary caviar, I immediately had heartburn. Having tried zucchini caviar from a slow cooker, I kept waiting for when I would feel bad. And there's nothing at all. Wow, cool, I thought! Still, the multicooker works wonders.

And now I invite you to look at the steps, the recipe for cooking zucchini caviar in a slow cooker.

1. Vegetables intended for caviar need to be chopped. How and in what - decide for yourself (blender - chopper, meat grinder or grater). I used a grinder.

I did not peel young zucchini. Just cut off the stems. But overripe zucchini must be peeled and the seeds removed. Cut the washed, peeled zucchini and carrots into small cubes so that they pass into the neck of the meat grinder.

2. Pass these vegetables through a meat grinder with a medium nozzle (it turns out not very large, but not very small). While the eldest son, Nikita, was engaged in this business, I was engaged in onions.

3. I peeled and chopped the onion in a blender - chopper. You can, of course, skip the onion through a meat grinder, but I wanted the onion to be a little larger than all the vegetables.

Delicious zucchini caviar is obtained if the onion is fried before stewing. To do this, I pour half the norm of rast into the slow cooker. oil and fry the onion in the "frying" mode.

4. I don’t fry the onion very much, just a little so that it becomes translucent. Then I spread chopped zucchini with carrots on top of the onion. I mix thoroughly and switch the multicooker to the "extinguishing" mode. Stew vegetable caviar for TWO HOURS.

5. My slow cooker has a maximum "stewing" time of one hour, so after this time I add salt, sugar and ground red pepper. I mix and again set the same mode, with the same time.

6. Half an hour before readiness, I add tomato paste, pressed garlic and the remaining rast. oil. Stir again and close the lid. The slow cooker continues to cook, and I go about my business.

7. Well, now it's time for the last ingredient - citric acid. I add it 15 minutes before the end of the quenching.

From the above ingredients, I got a full 5-liter bowl of zucchini caviar.

We fill clean, sterile jars with hot zucchini caviar.

Best of all for squash caviar, 0.5 liter and 0.7 liter jars are suitable. And here are my cans of squash caviar. The total result is three half-liter and three 0.7 liter jars.

I liked the caviar so much that the next day I rolled up exactly the same batch. In general, I stocked up on squash caviar for the winter. And you, dear friends?

Rolled cans should be wrapped in a blanket. My pickled gherkins also hid there. Delicious just like in the store. Don't miss the recipe, which will appear on the site very soon. Right after, which I baked in the oven with raspberries. Well, and yummy, I tell you. Check it out, don't be shy!
Zucchini caviar, cooked in a slow cooker, turned out to be thick, with a slight sweet and sour taste. Try it, very tasty!

Good luck with all the preparations for the winter and see you soon!
