
Ideas for dinner recipes. fruit bread pie

Original post by povarru

Li.Ru Culinary Community - Quick Recipes

Quick Recipes

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Solyanka in a hurry

Delicious and hearty soup is especially good in winter when you need a lot of calories. And this soup goes well after a big party :) I give you a quick recipe for hodgepodge!

Smetannik in a hurry

Smetannik in a hurry - a very tasty and delicate cake. Cooking it is easy and fast. Eat with tea and pleasure :) I share the recipe.

Cheesecakes in a hurry

Such cheesecakes are perfect for a quick breakfast or for capricious children who do not like to eat cottage cheese. Everyone eats hot and fragrant cheesecakes in a hurry!

Gingerbread in a hurry

Very tasty gingerbread in a hurry. Cooking is easy and simple, affordable products, a minimum of time for baking and a decent result.

Pilaf in a hurry

Pilaf in a hurry cannot be called real, but it is also pilaf in terms of the composition of the ingredients. Yes, and the taste, in general, is very close. A quick pilaf recipe helps out when there is absolutely no time.

Donuts in a hurry

Such delicious and ruddy donuts will always be welcome in your family. They are prepared quickly and you can involve the kids in the process. Interesting? Then read how to cook crumpets in a hurry;)

Belyashi in a hurry

Airy and soft whites with a delicious filling and a breathtaking smell :) These whites are prepared really quickly, in haste, although they are made from yeast dough. I share a secret.

Quick dumplings

There are just no dumplings. And with cottage cheese and cherries and cabbage. My family loves dumplings with potatoes. When I have very little time, I make quick or lazy dumplings. Just!

Mannik in a hurry

Delicious semolina cake for evening tea in a hurry will succeed in any housewife. This recipe will never fail.

Cheese cakes in a hurry

Cheese cakes in a hurry - an incredibly tasty and satisfying addition to tea. Cook them, and your breakfast will become much brighter and more fun :) Fortunately, they are prepared very simply and quickly.

Cutlets in a hurry

Juicy and tender meatballs for dinner in half an hour. Virtually no effort - and a delicious dish on the table. I tell you how to make meatballs in a hurry!

Biscuit in a hurry

A biscuit is an indispensable thing for any housewife, you can cook it in half an hour, and even with fillings - it all depends on your imagination. Light, airy biscuit in a hurry.

Chebureks in a hurry

Who doesn't love pasties? Thin, puff pastry, hot juicy filling. Everyone loves it, but cooking is a hassle. And long and troublesome. But this recipe is the opposite. Cooking chebureks in a hurry!

Sweet buns in a hurry

Curd cake in a hurry

Delicious, tender and beautiful cottage cheese pie in haste. And yes, it's also useful. Easy to make and a masterpiece!

Bread in a hurry

The light and unique smell of freshly baked bread will fill your home with aromas of warmth and comfort. It will not be difficult for anyone to bake such bread - the recipe for whipped bread is extremely simple!

Quick honey cookies

Unusually tender and tasty honey cookies in a hurry will not leave anyone indifferent. Prepare it for children, guests or just for yourself, it won't take you much time.

Quick homemade cookies

This easy recipe makes delicious and crunchy homemade cookies in no time. Children can and should be involved in the process :) Preparing very quickly!

Liver in a hurry

For those who really want to eat, but are in a hurry on business, very tender and soft chicken liver, which we will cook in half an hour. The rest of the time can be spent relaxing.

Rolls in a hurry

These bagels refute the prevailing opinion that nothing delicious is obtained in haste. Learn the recipe for bagels in a hurry and break the stereotypes!

Curd casserole in a hurry

The most delicate taste of this casserole will conquer you and your children. Very healthy dish, quick and easy to prepare. We are studying the recipe for curd casserole in a hurry!

Quick Cheesecake

Cheesecake is a delicious dessert that is loved all over the world. The classic cheesecake is baked and takes a lot of time. There are options for cheesecake without baking. I want to propose a lighter and simpler one. Try!

Quick honey cake

Delicious and delicate cake with honey flavor is a good dessert for any family holiday. I tell you how to make a honey cake in a hurry.

Quick cheese pie

Are guests on the doorstep or do you want something tasty and unusual? Make a delicious and hearty cheesecake in no time. It's easy and simple!

Yeast dough in a hurry

Yeast dough for pies, pizzas, bagels and buns in record time. Products from such a test will be appreciated by the whole family, and, of course, by you. Making yeast dough in a hurry!

Honey cake in a hurry

If you want to make something really delicious with your own hands, then this easy honey pie recipe is just what you need.

Quick Biscuit Roll

If you have free 20 minutes and really want homemade sweets, then this wonderful recipe is for you. Just take your favorite jam from the pantry and start cooking.

Cake "Napoleon" in a hurry

Everyone knows the cake. But the recipe is simplified for those who do not have time for the classic performance of this masterpiece. The taste will not suffer :) So, we are preparing the Napoleon cake in a hurry!

Pancakes in a hurry

Wonderful plump pancakes have been a traditional Sunday morning dish in my family for many years. Quick and tasty, ruddy and fragrant - what could be tastier.

Fritters in a hurry

This is a great option for a quick and tasty breakfast that you can safely prepare before work or for children before school. Very tasty and satisfying and does not take much time.

Buns in a hurry

Quick, fragrant and tasty buns for tea. Fill your home with the smell of cinnamon, comfort and tranquility. The recipe for quick buns is extremely simple and understandable - so everyone will figure it out.

Muffins in a hurry

Pies are good for everyone, but they have a small drawback - it is not very convenient to eat. Especially for children. Another conversation is muffins. There's just something to do - a couple of bites. Let's make it quick? You'll like it!

Khachapuri in a hurry

If in half an hour you expect guests, and there is absolutely no time to cook something delicious, then quick khachapuri will undoubtedly come to the rescue and pleasantly surprise your guests.

Sweet cake in a hurry

For those who do not like to stand at the stove for a long time, but at the same time like to treat themselves to sweets. This is a very simple and quick pie, and you can safely come up with the filling for it yourself.

Lasagna in a hurry

When there is very little time for cooking, but you want to cook something unconventional, whip up lasagna according to this recipe. Unusual, tasty and most importantly - fast!

Quick biscuit cake

When you want something tasty and festive, and you are running out of time to cook, this recipe for a biscuit cake in a hurry will help you out.

Meat pancakes in a hurry

Quick and unusual pancakes will help to feed the whole family tasty and at no extra cost. I tell you how to make meat pancakes in a hurry!

Chocolate cake in a hurry

This cake is perfect for a surprise celebration or if you just want to make yourself something tasty quickly. In any case, its taste will unexpectedly and pleasantly surprise you.

Cheesecake in a hurry

I tell you how a tasty and tender cheesecake is made for those who sorely do not have enough time to cook. Everyone can whip up a cheesecake!

Caesar salad in a hurry

It happens like this - you know exactly what dish you want. And you also know for sure that there is no time to cook it according to the classic recipe. Or strength. Or both. Let's try the same recipe, but accelerated.

Chocolate Cake in a Hurry

Well, who has not had such a state when you want something tasty? Or again, unexpectedly, guests are on the doorstep ... This is where this recipe will help you!

Sweet roll in a hurry

In the evening, when the whole family is together, it's great to drink tea. Yes, not just a seagull, but with something tasty. And the sweet roll will come in handy here. Ready!

Soup in a hurry

If you urgently need to feed the whole family, and time is sorely lacking, then this wonderful recipe is your salvation. It will take you 30 minutes to cook it, and you will get a hearty, rich soup.

Quick cabbage pie

If you think that pies are long and troublesome, then you are deeply mistaken! From this recipe, you will learn how to cook a cabbage pie in a hurry, and please your family and friends with fragrant fresh pastries without unnecessary troubles.

Quick homemade biscuit

Delicious homemade biscuit suitable for making cakes, pastries and desserts. It is much tastier than store-bought, because love and warmth of beloved hands are invested in it.

Biscuit cake in a hurry

Ah, this cozy smell of home, a warm blanket, a cup of tea and a fresh biscuit... What could be better? And, if you have a blanket and tea, let's do a biscuit.

Borscht in a hurry

Yes, do not be surprised, it is possible - indeed, borscht can be cooked in haste. And it turns out very tasty borscht, believe me!

Quick oatmeal cookies

A healthy, sweet and tasty treat for a sweet tooth - oatmeal cookies in a hurry. Very quick recipe - see for yourself!

Charlotte in a hurry

Delicious and fragrant autumn cake will cheer you up in inclement weather. It's easy to cook and delicious to eat. I tell you how to make charlotte in a hurry!

Quick Meat Pie

A delicious and satisfying pie will appeal to everyone, especially men. And most importantly, this meat pie is prepared in a hurry - you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort on its preparation!

Donuts in a hurry

Golden and fluffy donuts will certainly delight your children, and rarely any adult will refuse such a delicious treat. How to make donuts in a hurry!

Hot sandwiches in a hurry

A wonderful option for a quick breakfast for those who do not have time in the morning. Very quickly and easily you can cook delicious and crispy sandwiches in a hurry, which even children will appreciate.

Cold sandwiches in a hurry

Cold sandwiches in a hurry are very relevant for students! Fast, beautiful, satisfying and for a big company. Sharing the recipe ;)

Pancakes in a hurry

Everyone loves pancakes, both children and adults, and there are a great many recipes for making them. This recipe is wonderful, delicious and fluffy pancakes that you can cook in 15-20 minutes.

Quick fish pie

The pie is prepared very quickly, because ready-made puff pastry and canned fish are used. It turns out a very tasty cake that your whole family will love.

Homemade pizza in a hurry

A simple and easy version of everyone's favorite pizza. We just use what we have at home and make dough without yeast - and we are ready for the arrival of unexpected guests, and the family will be satisfied.

Quick Apple Pie

Excellent taste and aroma, ease of preparation and availability of ingredients - these are the main advantages of this pie. Cook this apple pie in a hurry and enjoy the result!

Buns in a hurry

A very simple and quick recipe for making buns in a hurry. The dough is prepared without butter and without yeast, and therefore very quickly.

Cakes in a hurry

A hot tortilla in a hurry will make your Sunday breakfast much tastier and more varied. Products - a minimum, pleasure - a maximum :) I share the recipe!

Easy quick sandwiches

These are actually probably the simplest salmon sandwiches, which will take 10 minutes to prepare at most. Three simple steps and we get delicious and beautiful holiday sandwiches.

Quick peasant soup

Delicious and easy soup, very inexpensive and prepared quickly. Peasant - because without meat and with a lot of vegetables. Cooking peasant soup in a hurry!

Quick fried pies

Delicious homemade pies are made very quickly. A recipe for the very busy or for those who love to eat, but are too lazy to cook :)

Sweet buns in a hurry

Amazing, fragrant and delicious buns in a hurry are obtained according to this recipe. Take a little of your time and bake this miracle, you will love the result!

Mini pizza in a hurry

If you do not have time, but you want to pamper your loved ones with something tasty and hot, the recipe for this dish will come in handy. Fast, simple and very tasty.

Dough in a hurry

An excellent quick dough option that works well for making pies and savory pies, and is also a great option for baking during Lent.

Pickled cucumbers in a hurry

Lightly salted cucumbers in a hurry - a delicious addition to lunch or dinner. They are prepared quickly, look unusual and practically no hassle.

Julien in a frying pan

Julien in a frying pan - my dad's signature dish. Pairs very well with mashed potatoes. I cook julienne in a pan with chicken fillet. Try it.

Salad "Beloved Woman"

The salad recipe "beloved woman" will be very popular with men. After all, it will take a maximum of 10 minutes to prepare it. Simple, quick and few ingredients.

Salad "Favorite" with chicken

Salad "favorite" with chicken, I cook with open chicken fillet or smoked. Both options are very tasty. Try it.

Pizza in a pan

Delicious, juicy pizza in a pan in 10 minutes - a great dish for lunch or a quick dinner. A simple recipe for pizza in a pan is especially good for beginner cooks.

Hospitality is one of the qualities that is highly valued in people.

Moreover, this quality distinguishes representatives of many nations and cultures.

A warm welcome is most often associated with a delicious treat.

Whether it's fragrant tender pastries with a cup of tea, coffee or a wonderfully laid table for lunch or dinner.

Meanwhile, an unexpected situation called “guest on the doorstep” often arises.

It is only in the proverb that an uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar. And if he is uninvited, but very expensive and pleasant, such guests are received with joy. However, often in the event of an unexpected visit, the joy of the hostess is overshadowed by anxiety: what to serve at the table? To make it tasty, beautiful and most importantly - quickly? To solve this problem, there are a number of different dishes from the "guest on the doorstep" category.

Something tasty in a hurry - general principles of cooking

The main condition for such dishes is that they are prepared really "in haste". That is, quickly, simply and from the usual available products, which are most often found in any home. However, products are subject to change and may vary depending on availability. Dishes from the "guest on the doorstep" series usually do not require the most exact adherence to the recipe and allow a fair amount of improvisation.

Most often, from tasty in a hurry they cook:


  • Various desserts.

In this case, a variety of products are used. As ready-made: bread, pita bread, sausage or sausages, cheese, salted or smoked fish, canned fish, fresh vegetables, berries, fruits, and requiring cooking. Often, eggs, dairy products, flour are needed for a tasty quickie. Spices, seasonings, salt, sugar, vegetable oil complete the list of ingredients.

In a hurry, you can cook such full-fledged dishes as soups, side dishes, meat, fish - there are also many simple recipes here.

If heat treatment of the dish is required, then this may require both a stove and an oven, a microwave oven and even a slow cooker. Assistants in preparing delicious in a hurry will be a mixer, blender, devices for chopping vegetables.

Hot sandwiches from the category of delicious in a hurry

The simplest dishes that are usually prepared in haste are sandwiches. Neither help out precisely in cases where there is little time. Whether it's a family breakfast, a surprise visit from guests, or a quick bite to eat. Hot sandwiches have already become familiar, but thanks to some nuances, they can acquire additional flavor notes.


10 slices of white bread or loaf slices

200 grams of sausage or sausages

200 grams of hard or processed cheese

½ can of canned corn

2-3 spoons of mayonnaise

1 garlic clove

Black ground pepper to taste.

Bread slices can be dried in the oven, fried in a pan on one or both sides, or used without initial preparation. It depends on how crispy the sandwiches will be.

Cooking method

Cut sausages into small cubes. Sausages can be used frozen, then it is convenient to grate them.

Rub the cheese too.

Pass the garlic through a garlic press or grate it on a fine grater.

Mix all filling ingredients.

Spread filling on top of bread and place in oven or microwave.

Hold until cheese is melted and serve.

When serving, you can decorate with parsley sprigs or chopped fresh dill, onion feathers.

Options: Instead of corn, you can take finely chopped pickled cucumber or fresh tomato, remove excess juice. An additional touch of taste to hot sandwiches will be added to the filling of ketchup, adjika, and other tomato sauces. By the way, thanks to the tomato, they will acquire a nice shade.

Sandwiches with cottage cheese - healthy and tasty in a hurry

For many, cottage cheese is more familiar in its sweet form, but it can be a filling for regular, savory sandwiches.


10 slices white or rye bread

300 grams of cottage cheese

2-3 spoons of sour cream

2 tomatoes or fresh cucumbers

A handful of parsley, dill, onion and garlic

Salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Cooking method

Mash the cottage cheese well, you can use a blender.

Add sour cream, salt, pepper, chopped herbs to it. You should get a thick, moist, slightly salty mass with a taste of dill and garlic.

Spread the slices of bread liberally with curd mass.

Put thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomato or cucumber slices on top, you can do both, add a little salt if desired.

Suitable for breakfast or as an appetizer for strong drinks.

Options: If there are no green garlic feathers, you can take a regular clove and, after chopping, add it to the filling. In addition to cucumber and tomato, such sandwiches with fresh bell pepper are very tasty. For a brighter taste, you can mix cottage cheese with finely grated hard cheese.

Lavash roll as something tasty in a hurry

In conditions of culinary time pressure, a layer of pita bread often becomes a lifesaver. If it is in stock, it is easy to prepare a delicious snack with a lot of different toppings.


For topping #1: 300 gr. hard cheese, 3 spoons of mayonnaise, garlic clove

For topping #2: 100 gr. Korean carrots, 200 g of ham, 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise

For topping #3: 100 gr. boiled beets, 1 small onion, 200 gr. salted herring fillet

For topping #4: a jar of canned tuna, 2 boiled eggs, 100 gr. hard cheese, 2 spoons of mayonnaise

For topping #5: 200 gr. fillet of salted red fish, 3 tablespoons of soft processed cheese, parsley and dill.

Cooking method

Lavash spread out, if it has rounded edges - it is better to cut the edges, giving a rectangular shape.

Grind the ingredients for the filling: grate the cheese and mix with crushed garlic, ham, onion, chop salted fish into pieces, grate boiled eggs and beets, mash canned fish.

Spread the layer with mayonnaise or soft cheese.

Lay out the filling ingredients in layers.

Wrap pita bread in the form of a roll as tightly as possible.

If you have time, wrap in cling film and chill in the fridge for an hour.

Carefully cut the roll into narrow pieces, you can serve with lettuce.

Options: Almost any salads or variations on their theme can serve as a filling for pita bread. An appetizer using hard cheese can be sent to the oven or microwave for a few minutes to melt the cheese. Then, after cooling slightly, cut into pieces.

Salad based on "Mimosa" - a simple and tasty dish in a hurry

The Mimosa salad, beloved by many, involves the use of boiled vegetables, and this is additional time. If you remove these components, then the dish can be prepared very quickly, and without compromising taste.


A can of canned fish in oil or in its own juice "Mackerel", "Sardinela", "Tuna"

5 boiled eggs

1 medium onion

mayonnaise to taste

Parsley or dill greens.

Cooking method

Peel the onion, chop finely, add a little salt and mash to reduce bitterness. You can marinate the onions by sprinkling with lemon juice or vinegar. You can pour over boiling water, then it will be completely without bitterness.

Arrange the prepared onion on a dish, lightly smearing with mayonnaise.

The next layer is mashed canned fish.

Grate the eggs on top or only the whites, putting the yolks aside, grease with mayonnaise.

For decoration, you can use greens, as well as chopped egg yolks.

Options: As a basis, you can take canned "Sprats". Grind the fish, and leave a few halves with tails. When the salad is assembled, stick the remaining parts of the sprats on top with their tails up, imitating diving fish.

Delicious quick cheese soup


100 gr sausages or sausages

1 processed cheese type "Friendship"

4 potatoes

1 carrot

1 bulb

Salt, pepper, herbs to taste.

Cooking method

Peel the potatoes, cut them and lower them into a saucepan with 1.5 liters of water.

In parallel, prepare the dressing: saute the finely chopped onion, add grated or chopped carrots.

When the potatoes are close to cooked, put chopped sausages, dressing and finely grated cheese into the soup.

Let it boil until the cheese dissolves, try for salt - sausage and cheese are salty foods, so it’s better not to salt in advance.

After seasoning with herbs and black pepper, turn off the soup.

You can serve with croutons, crackers.

Options: You can reduce the amount of potatoes and add any cereal to the soup - rice, buckwheat, millet, and vermicelli. This soup will have a brighter taste if the sausages are slightly fried.

How to cook something delicious in a hurry from minced meat: square cutlets in the oven

The advantage of these cutlets is that you do not need to spend time not only on frying, but even on shaping. If there is ready-made minced meat, future cutlets can be quickly loaded into the oven and do other things.


1 kg of minced meat - pork plus beef or any other

2 large onions

2 slices of white bread

Salt, black pepper to taste.

Cooking method

Soak bread in water or milk for five minutes, knead thoroughly.

In minced meat, add chopped onion, bread, salt, pepper in any way.

On a greased baking sheet, lay the minced meat in a layer as thick as an ordinary cutlet. Smooth out.

With the handle of a spoon or spatula, draw deep lines along and across, dividing the minced meat into squares or rectangles.

Put in the oven and bake until cooked until clear juice appears.

Serve like regular meatballs.

Options: You can make a similar dish by adding boiled rice to minced meat. It will be especially tasty if you sprinkle the minced meat on top with cheese before baking.

Baking from the category of delicious in a hurry - chocolate bun

Very quick to prepare and very chocolate pastries everyone will like it. Five minutes to prepare the dough, half an hour in the oven, a little more time to cool - and you can drink tea or coffee with this chocolate miracle.


1 glass of milk

2/3 cup unscented vegetable oil

1 cup of sugar

2 tablespoons cocoa

Approximately 3 cups flour

Vanillin to taste.

Cooking method

Mix milk, butter, sugar, cocoa with a mixer or blender.

Pour off half a cup of the mixture and set aside.

Add eggs, vanilla to the rest, mix.

Pour the flour in parts until you get a thick dough of the consistency of sour cream.

Pour into a round shape, you can not pre-lubricate with oil, as there is oil in the dough.

Bake for half an hour: first over high heat, then reduce.

Let stand for five minutes after turning off, put on a dish and pour over the set aside mixture.

Options: Nuts, dried apricots, raisins, prunes added to the dough will diversify this basic recipe. An excellent addition is chocolate broken into pieces.

Secrets and tricks of cooking delicious in a hurry

    Choose dishes with a minimum of heat treatment and various other operations.

    All components must be fresh and of high quality, and not according to the principle of "what is left in the refrigerator."

    Frozen ingredients may not be thawed prior to heat treatment.

    Do not forget to look at the canned food, semi-finished products expiration date.

    Beautiful cuts in fast food are half the battle. At the same time, you should not engage in fanciful decoration of dishes, this is a waste of time and effort, often ineffective.

A tasty and healthy dish is not necessarily one that has been cooked for a long time. You can choose a lot of wonderful recipes for something delicious in a hurry!

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Dinner itself is a meal at which the whole large family gathers. In the morning, no one can get together, because everyone has their own personal affairs: some need to run to kindergarten, others to school, and still others to work. You also have to dine separately, not counting weekends. But it is precisely in the evening at the table during dinner that the whole family gathers, and of course everyone appreciates this time until the last minute, as they can calmly chat in a relaxed atmosphere and without rushing anywhere.

It turns out very ugly when at this moment the wife will disappear for a long time near the stove in order to cook an enchanting dinner and please her whole family. That is why, even regardless of family income, you need to have several recipes in stock that can be prepared in the shortest possible time.

For this, a selection of a variety of dishes was created that will suit any budget and will appeal to all family members. That is, you can cook a real masterpiece from the simplest products that are almost always at hand. So, have dinner with us, and you will understand how useful it is - literally and figuratively! Spaghetti with cheese and eggs

Meat casserole with potatoes in the oven

This dish is very easy to prepare and very tasty. As for the ingredients, we can say with confidence - they are in the kitchen of every good housewife.

The main ingredients of the dish:

  • minced meat (preferably pork and beef) - 350 g;
  • raw chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes (it is desirable to choose a medium size) - 4 pcs.;
  • red tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • onion (small) - 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 200g;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream with high fat content - 150g;
  • spices - to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil - for lubrication of the mold.

If sausages or sausages were at hand, but there is no minced meat in the refrigerator, then you can easily replace it with these components. It will turn out very tasty too.

Step by step preparation:

  1. In pre-prepared minced meat, you need to add raw chicken eggs, spices, and mix it all well.
  2. Peel the potatoes and cut into slices, not stripes. The bottom of the mold is pre-lubricated with sunflower oil, and potatoes should be carefully laid out on the prepared surface and salted a little.
  3. In order for the potatoes to turn out well baked and tasty, you need to pour the top layer of it with your own prepared sauce. In order to prepare the sauce, you do not need to make great efforts, you just need to take mayonnaise or sour cream in the amount of 4 tbsp. spoons and add 3 tbsp. spoons of boiled water. To this consistency, add your favorite spices to taste.
  4. Onions are also peeled and cut into rings, then spread over the surface of the potatoes poured with sauce.
  5. The next layer in our masterpiece is minced meat (or, for example, sausages).
  6. Fresh tomatoes are laid out directly on the layer of minced meat.
  7. We draw a grid of mayonnaise.
  8. On top of all this, we rub hard cheese on a fine grater, and put the mold in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for at least 30-35 minutes.

And after half an hour, an excellent dish is ready. Bon appetit!

Shish kebab in the oven from pork in the sleeve

Just a great barbecue recipe that you can cook without going out into nature, but just use your oven. Meat cooked in this way is simply indistinguishable from what was fried on the grill. Very tasty and easy! You should definitely try.

Products that will be required for cooking:

  • pork (preferably the pulp);
  • bulb onions;
  • table vinegar 9%;
  • granulated sugar;
  • lemon juice (can be replaced with citric acid);
  • spices.

The main secrets of cooking this juicy and fragrant meat is that you need to cook it in a sleeve, and be sure to spread it on an onion pillow so that the kebab gets a brighter and richer taste.


Oven French Potatoes - Step by Step Recipe

French potatoes are a dish that is cooked only in the oven, and its main components are onions and meat. The recipe is very easy to prepare, and at the same time, the finished masterpiece has simply excellent taste. It also looks very appetizing, so you can use this dish not only for a family dinner, but also for a festive table.

Ingredients needed for cooking (based on 2 servings):

Step by step preparation:

  1. You need to start by washing the meat, dry it and cut it into pieces that will have a small thickness;
  2. Beat the prepared meat with a kitchen hammer;
  3. Potatoes need to be peeled and washed thoroughly. It is at this stage of cooking that you turn on the oven so that it warms up;
  4. Peel and wash the onion as well as potatoes, and then cut into thin rings;
  5. Cut the washed potatoes into slices of small thickness;
  6. Take a baking sheet, or a frying pan without a handle and grease it with oil. Put half of the existing potatoes on it and add a little salt;
  7. The next layer is beaten meat, which is laid out in such a way that the previous layer is completely covered. Add spices;
  8. Spread the onion over the meat;
  9. And on top of the onion - the remaining potatoes;
  10. Salt, add spices and grease well with mayonnaise;
  11. Place the molds with the contents in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes;
  12. At this point, while everything is being prepared - rub the hard cheese on a fine grater;
  13. About 10 minutes before the dish is ready, you should remove the baking sheet from the oven and sprinkle it with grated cheese. Place the mold in the oven for about 10-15 minutes;
  14. After the allotted time, the potatoes are ready and you can serve them to the table. Bon appetit!

Spaghetti with cheese and eggs

What can be cooked quickly and tasty? Yes, this is a very simple dish - spaghetti with cheese and eggs. Even if guests suddenly appeared, they would not be ashamed to serve such a dish.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

Step by step preparation:

  1. Put on the stove and boil about 2.5 liters of water in a saucepan;
  2. While the boiling process is taking place, you need to rub the cheese, but only this should be done on a coarse grater;
  3. Peel, rinse and chop the existing onions;
  4. Wash the greens well and finely chop;
  5. When all the ingredients are ready and the water boils, add salt and one large spoonful of vegetable oil. Put the pasta in the pan;
  6. Bring the water (but with pasta) back to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil for 10 minutes over low heat;
  7. Heat the pan well and put butter on it;
  8. Put the cooked chopped onion into the hot oil, and fry over medium heat for 3 minutes;
  9. Drive the existing eggs into a separate container, pepper and salt;
  10. Beat the eggs well with a whisk and add about half of the grated cheese to this consistency. Mix well;
  11. When the spaghetti is cooked, they should be placed in a colander and left for a while to let the water glass;
  12. In the pan where the fried onions are located, put the pasta, mix well and fry everything together for several minutes;
  13. Then add eggs and cheese to pasta, mix again and fry for about 2 minutes;
  14. The finished dish is laid out on a plate and sprinkled with grated cheese;
  15. Spaghetti is ready and they can be served to the table, for greater beauty and giving additional taste, you can sprinkle chopped herbs on top of the dish.

Azu in Tatar style with beef pickles

What are the most popular dishes that grandmothers like to cook for their beloved grandchildren? Naturally, this is something very tasty. And what do Tatar grandmothers prefer to cook, even if there are severe frosts outside the window? This is Azu in Tatar.

Products needed for cooking:

Step by step preparation:

  1. Peel and chop the existing onion into half rings;
  2. Lightly salted cucumbers should be peeled and cut into oblong strips;
  3. For this recipe, I used beef. Cut the meat into pieces (not very finely), basically the meat for that dish is cut approximately 4-5 centimeters thick;
  4. Pre-prepared cauldron is thoroughly heated on fire and put oil, on which the beef should be fried. You need to fry over high heat until a golden crust is visible, but you must make sure that the meat does not let the juice out;
  5. Put the meat pieces in a clean plate prepared in advance, and leave for a while;
  6. Add a small amount of oil to the cauldron and proceed to fry the onion;
  7. After the onion begins to acquire a golden color, put meat in a cauldron, salt and sprinkle with spices. It's good to interfere;
  8. Stir in tomato or tomato paste. Stir again, but when cooking, in no case cover with a lid in order to boil away excess water;

  9. Add the meat broth, mix well and now cover with a lid and leave to simmer, after reducing the heat to a minimum. This will take approximately 45-60 minutes;
  10. While the meat is stewing, you should put the chopped cucumbers in a small saucepan and sweat in the meat broth;
  11. Peel and cut the potatoes into pieces and fry it until tender in butter;
  12. After an hour, you need to check the readiness of the meat;
  13. At the moment when the beef is ready, place potatoes and lightly salted cucumbers in a cauldron. Mix well, cover with a lid and leave to simmer for about 15 minutes over low heat;
  14. In the meantime, you can cut the greens;
  15. When the azu is ready, sprinkle with herbs when serving, and garlic can be added for a brighter taste. Bon appetit!

Lavash with chicken and vegetables

Lavash, it's just a miracle of culinary art. It is with this flour product that you can make a lot of delicious things, and most importantly, do not spend a lot of time. That is why lavash cooked with vegetables and chicken is recommended for preparing a quick family dinner.

Ingredients (calculated for 2 servings):


  1. Chicken fillet or ham (depending on what is used for cooking) must be boiled. Cool well, separate from the bone and cut into small pieces;
  2. Cut the cabbage into thin strips;
  3. Cook carrots in Korean or use ready-made ones;
  4. Spread pita bread on a clean countertop, spread with mayonnaise and ketchup;
  5. Spread chopped chicken evenly over the surface of the pita bread and sprinkle with spices and salt. Spread the cabbage on top of the meat and add a little mayonnaise;
  6. The next layer is Korean carrots;
  7. When all the components are on pita bread, it should be rolled up in the form of an envelope or a roll;

  8. Spread the wrapped pita bread over the butter and bake in the microwave for 2 minutes. If there is no microwave oven, then you can simply fry in a pan until a golden crust appears;
  9. The dish is ready! Better served hot. Bon appetit!

Chicken breast stroganoff with cream

Beef stroganoff recipe that has been loved by many for a long time, but with the use of chicken meat. Such a dish is prepared very quickly and it turns out just incredible yummy, which will appeal to anyone.



  1. Rinse chicken breast or fillet well under running water and leave to drain excess water;
  2. Cut the chicken meat into thin strips;
  3. Pour sunflower oil into a preheated frying pan, and after it warms up, lay out the meat;
  4. Add salt, add spices and fry over low heat, stirring constantly for 5-10 minutes;
  5. Peel and rinse the onion thoroughly, cut into half rings;
  6. After 10 minutes of frying the meat, add the onion to the pan and fry it until a golden crust appears (about 5 minutes);
  7. Add flour and mix well;
  8. Pour cream;
  9. Mix tomato juice with mustard;
  10. To the contents that are in the pan, stir in tomato juice with mustard;
  11. Put out all the contents over low heat, for 15 minutes under the lid;
  12. After the allotted time, the dish is ready, and you can serve it with absolutely any side dish.

Bon appetit!

Potato pancakes - step by step recipe with photo

It is potato pancakes that is the dish that can be prepared in a short period of time, and it is very tasty, that is, the whole family will like it.


  • medium-sized potatoes - 5 pieces;
  • sour cream 25% - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • flour of the 1st grade - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - to taste.

Step by step preparation:

Meatballs with rice in the oven with gravy (Hedgehogs)

A simple recipe for very tasty and satisfying meatballs that any housewife can make.



  1. Rice should be washed well beforehand;
  2. Pour exclusively cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil. After boiling, boil for 20 minutes;
  3. Pour the contents with rice into a sieve, but do not rinse. Wait until it cools down well;
  4. At this point, you should turn on the oven so that it warms up. Peel the onion from the husk, rinse under running water and finely chop;
  5. Put minced meat, chopped onion in a separate bowl. Salt all the contents, add pepper, and mix well;
  6. Mix the cooled rice with minced meat and add half of the available tomato paste or tomato juice. Mix well again.
  7. The form in which the dish will be prepared must be greased with sour cream;
  8. Make small balls of minced meat, and put in a mold at a small distance from each other;
  9. To prepare the sauce, we need to mix sour cream, tomato juice, spices and half a glass of water;
  10. Using a tablespoon, pour each ball with the prepared sauce;
  11. Put the form in a preheated oven, and cook at a temperature of 200 degrees for 30 minutes. That is, until a golden crust is formed;
  12. After the allotted time, the meatballs are ready and you can serve them for dinner with any side dish. Bon appetit!

Pizza in a hurry in the oven

Just a great pizza recipe. In just 30 minutes, two unsurpassed pizzas will be ready. It is not necessary to use the toppings such as in the recipe, you can choose it at your own discretion.

Products for cooking:

  • flour of the 1st grade - 0.5 kilograms;
  • cow's milk 2.5% - 300 ml;
  • edible salt - 1 tsp. spoon;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • dry yeast - half a bag (5 grams);
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons.


  1. We preheat the oven to 200 degrees;
  2. Pour milk into a metal bowl and put on fire, heat up to about 40 degrees and dilute yeast in it. Then add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and mix thoroughly;
  3. Mixing well, at the same time gradually add flour;
  4. After that, knead a soft dough. When the dough is ready, leave it in a bowl and cover with a towel for about 10 minutes;
  5. Cut meat and sausage into cubes or strips;
  6. Pepper should be thoroughly washed and cleaned of internal seeds. Cut into strips. Wash the tomatoes and cut into rings;
  7. We take cheese and three on a large grater;
  8. Divide the finished dough in half, and roll each part into thin cakes;
  9. The form in which our work of culinary art will be baked must first be lubricated with oil and the dough is carefully placed in it;
  10. Spread the dough with mayonnaise and ketchup;
  11. Put the existing filling on top and put the pizza in the oven. Bake for 20 minutes. In the meantime, we are preparing the second;
  12. The pizza is ready. Bon appetit!

Chicken pasta with cream sauce and mushrooms

Just the perfect dish for an ordinary family dinner, as well as for receiving unexpected guests.



  1. Put a pot with 2.5 liters of water on the fire. Salt and add one tablespoon of vegetable oil. When the water boils well, add pasta and stir. Turn down the heat and cook pasta until tender. Basically, if it is pasta from durum wheat, then it will take 10 minutes to cook it;
  2. Peel the onion from the husk, rinse and chop into half rings;
  3. Rinse the mushrooms well and cut into small plates;
  4. Rinse the chicken meat well and cut into small pieces;
  5. Heat up a frying pan and pour in the oil. Put the chopped onion on the hot oil and fry, stirring constantly until it acquires a golden hue;
  6. Then place the mushrooms in the pan and simmer for 3 minutes;
  7. After that, add chicken meat, constantly stir and simmer for about 7 minutes. Add salt, add spices and a small amount of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes;
  8. Pour boiled pasta into a colander and rinse with cold water;
  9. Pour the pasta into the pan;
  10. Mix well. Remove from fire;
  11. The dish is ready, you can serve and delight your family and friends.

Bon appetit!!!


Tell VK

Known to everyone since childhood. Minimum food, maximum nutrition. A great solution when you want something tasty, but the fridge is empty.


  • 4 medium potatoes;
  • 2 small onions;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of flour;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • sour cream - for serving.


Peel the potatoes and rub on a coarse grater. You can do the same with the onion, or you can just finely chop it. Add egg and flour to potatoes and onions. You can put more chopped herbs or fried mushrooms or play with spices. Salt, pepper and mix thoroughly.

Spread the resulting dough on a well-heated and poured with vegetable oil frying pan. It is most convenient to do this with a tablespoon, pressing each pancake on top of it a little. Fry until golden brown on both sides.

Serve with sour cream. Draniki are delicious both hot and cold.

George Wesley & Bonita Dannells/Flickr.com

If you had baked or boiled potatoes for dinner yesterday, then this recipe will help you.


  • 2 sausages;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 1 teaspoon rosemary, oregano, or other seasoning of your choice
  • 4 boiled or baked potatoes;
  • ¼ cup sour cream or plain yogurt
  • 100 g hard cheese.


Cut sausages into cubes and fry them in vegetable oil. Once golden brown, place them on paper towels to remove excess oil. Fry the chopped onion in the same pan. When it becomes transparent, add the garlic passed through the press, diced peppers and seasonings to it.

Cut the potatoes in half, remove the core with a spoon, leaving the walls about 5–7 mm thick. Inside each half, put a little sour cream or yogurt and sausage and vegetable filling. Grate cheese on top.

The dish can be served on the table already in this form, or you can put it in the oven or microwave for a couple of minutes so that the cheese melts.

Guilhem Vellut/Flickr.com

Seasonal: Cheapest after harvest. There can be any number of variations of this dish - it all depends on your culinary imagination. Here is one of them.


  • 1 medium zucchini;
  • 1 medium eggplant;
  • 2 small hot peppers;
  • 2 medium sweet peppers;
  • 2 small onions;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 glass of beans;
  • 1 can of canned corn;
  • 3 tablespoons of tomato sauce;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • salt, ground black pepper, oregano - to taste.


Prepare the vegetables by peeling and dicing them. Don't forget to get rid of the bitterness in the eggplants and remove the seeds from the peppers. Beans in lightly salted water.

Put vegetables (except hot peppers and beans) in a well-heated and oiled pan or pan with a thick bottom. Simmer everything on low heat.

When the vegetables are soft and liquid, add the tomato sauce, salt, pepper, oregano, and other spices of your choice. Instead of tomato sauce, you can use finely chopped tomatoes in their own juice. Now the main highlight of the dish is the chili pepper. The more you put it in, the spicier the stew will be.

Close the lid and simmer for 20 minutes. Serve with sour cream and bread.


A burrito is a Mexican flatbread with a variety of fillings wrapped around it. Since in our selection of dishes of an economical option, you can use Armenian lavash instead of tortilla.


  • ½ cup beans;
  • salt - to taste;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • 1 large tomato;
  • 1 thin pita bread;
  • 2 tablespoons hot sauce;
  • 100 g hard cheese.


Boil beans (preferably white) in salted water. Wash and chop the lettuce and tomato. Winter option - tomatoes in their own juice and Chinese cabbage.

Warm the pita bread a little and brush it with hot sauce. Arrange vegetables and sprinkle with grated cheese. Roll the pita bread into a tube or an envelope.

Serve with sour cream or other sauce of your choice.

5. Vegetarian burgers


Who said a burger patty has to be meat? In a budget version, it can be made from vegetables.


  • ½ cup beans;
  • 50 g walnuts;
  • 1 bunch cilantro or other greens;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 egg;
  • ½ cup flour;
  • salt and black ground pepper - to taste;
  • 2 burger buns;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • 1 tablespoon ketchup;
  • 1 tablespoon green curry paste.


Grind the boiled (as an option - canned) beans in a blender, but not much. Add chopped nuts, herbs, garlic, onions and egg white to it. Mix thoroughly, gradually adding flour. If it's runny, add more flour.

Salt, pepper, mix well again and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, toast the burger buns in a dry frying pan. Then pour in the oil and fry the formed bean patties on it. They should be about the size of a bun, but not too thick. You need to fry until crispy.

Brush the bottom bun with green curry paste, put the bean patty on it, pour the ketchup over it and lay the second part of the bun. If desired, you can add lettuce leaves and tomato slices to the burger.


This is a great solution when you want hot, but there is no time to prepare a full-fledged soup. At the same time, the dish is very, very dietary.


  • salt - to taste;
  • 2 large potatoes;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 2 large onions;
  • sour cream - for serving.


Take a three-liter saucepan and fill it with water about three-quarters. Bring to a boil. When the water is about to boil, salt it. Place peeled and diced potatoes into boiling water. Rinse and discard bay leaf.

When the potatoes are soft, the soup is ready! Pour it into bowls, adding a handful (or even more) of chopped onions to each of them. Whiten the soup with sour cream (the more, the tastier) and proceed to the meal.


This is both an independent dish and an excellent one. It is prepared very quickly, and the set of products is so elementary that it is sure to be found in any home.


  • 3 large onions;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 100 g flour;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.


Peel the onion, cut into rings and separate them. To get rid of excess bitterness of the onion, pour boiling water over it. It is most convenient to do this in a colander to immediately place the rings under cold water and prevent them from boiling.

Prepare the batter. Beat the eggs into the foam, add sour cream, flour and salt and stir everything with a whisk. If you like spicy, you can add pepper or mustard to the batter. In addition, grated cheese is sometimes added: this way the rings are more crispy.

Sprinkle the onion rings with flour, then dip in the batter and dip in well-heated vegetable oil. When a golden crust appears, you can take it out. Place cooked onion rings on paper towels to remove excess oil.

You can serve with any tomato.


The cheapest thing in the fish department of the store will cost you pollock. At the same time, it can be cooked in such a way that it tastes no worse than elite varieties.


  • 500 g pollock fillet;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • 2 small tomatoes;
  • 1 bunch of green onions;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.


Rinse the fish fillet, make sure there are no bones in it, and cut into small pieces. Each of them must be rolled in flour and fried in a hot and oiled frying pan. This takes about 7 minutes.

Then, in the same pan, put coarsely chopped tomatoes and chopped green onions (the more, the better). Salt, pepper and squeeze a clove of garlic to the fish and vegetables. Stir and simmer for about 10 more minutes. If you see that there is little liquid in the pan and the contents begin to burn, add a little water.

At the end of cooking, you can sprinkle everything with grated cheese. This fish goes well with pasta.

Rachel Hathaway/Flickr.com

Another dish familiar to everyone since childhood. Many housewives are experimenting with (or cottage cheese). Others believe that the classic version is ideal.


  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • ¼ teaspoon salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 30 g butter;
  • sour cream or jam - for serving.


In a deep bowl, mash the cottage cheese with a fork. Add salt, sugar and flour to it, break the egg. Knead the dough. It should be soft, but not sticky to the hands. If the cottage cheese is too greasy and wet and the dough does not stick together, add a little more flour.

Form cutlets about 2 cm thick from the resulting cheese mass. Fry the cheesecakes in butter for about 5 minutes on each side.

Cheesecakes are best served hot, although they are delicious when cold. They can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or poured with jam. Those who like the less sweet option eat syrniki with sour cream.

This recipe is puzzling for many: chicken, salt and that's it ?! But it’s worth trying once - and baking a chicken in the oven somehow becomes just too lazy. Moreover, in this case, it turns out just a breathtaking crisp!


  • broiler chicken weighing 1.5–2 kg;
  • 1 kg of table salt.


Rinse the chilled chicken carcass and pat dry with paper towels. If desired, the chicken can be rubbed with dried herbs and lemon juice, but this is not at all necessary. If the chicken is fat enough, it will already turn out juicy and fragrant.

Cover the baking sheet with parchment and sprinkle salt on it with a layer of about 2 cm. Place the chicken on the salt with its back down and send it to the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 1.5 hours. You can test for doneness by piercing the chicken with a toothpick. If clear juice stands out, the chicken can be removed.

What quick dishes do you know? And are there people among the readers who can literally cook a delicious dish out of nothing?

Experienced housewives who know the art of cooking, whose knowledge is backed up by skill, can quickly and easily prepare dinner. For novice cooks, we offer to make the task easier and get acquainted with a series of dishes that will help bring novelty and variety. Below are dinner options for every taste and wealth.

What to cook for dinner from chicken quickly and easily?

For dinner, a variety of chicken dishes are excellent. They can be cooked hearty, but at the same time quite light. Especially if you use a low-calorie breast.

Grilled chicken baked in the oven

Ingredients: poultry carcass (about 1.5 kg), 1 tbsp. l. coarse salt, the same amount of sweet mustard, 1 small each. spoon of black pepper and paprika, rast. butter, mayonnaise.

  1. Salt and black pepper are mixed. The carcass is smeared with dry ingredients both inside and out. It is necessary to rub seasonings into the meat with strong active movements so that it does not turn out bland.
  2. Top the chicken with a mixture of mayonnaise and mustard. Then it is installed on a special spit. If there is no such accessory, you can simply place the bird on the grill. But in this case, you will have to turn it very often so that the meat is cooked evenly from all sides.
  3. First, the carcass is baked for 15 minutes at 200 degrees. And then another 40 minutes at 200 degrees.

Approximately 10 minutes before the dish is ready, the rotating bird is smeared with a mixture of a small amount of rast. oils and paprika. This will allow her to quickly become ruddy.

Chicken rolls with mushrooms and cheese

Ingredients: 3 chicken fillets, onion, 120 g cheese, 370 g fresh champignons, salt, spices.

  1. The meat from the chicken breast is cut into thin even pieces, beaten a little, rubbed with salt and selected spices.
  2. Washed and peeled champignons are cut into small cubes. The onion also shrinks. Products are fried together until cooked. They are salted, flavored with spices.
  3. Grated cheese is poured into the finished filling from the pan, and it is left to cool.
  4. A thin layer of the mass from the previous step is laid out on the fillet blanks. They are rolled up and tightly tied with threads. This will keep the meat from falling apart during the cooking process.

The rolls are fried in hot oil until golden brown and only after that they are freed from the threads. If the meat turned out to be not soft and juicy enough, then you can transfer it to a heat-resistant form, pour it with salted cream and send it to languish in the oven for 40-55 minutes.

Chicken cutlets stuffed with cheese

Ingredients: half a kilo of poultry fillet, 220 g of high-quality cheese, a pack of butter, half a glass of crumbs, salt, a mixture of peppers, half a bunch of fresh dill.

  1. The fillet is skipped with a meat grinder. Salt, pepper.
  2. The cheese is rubbed coarsely, ground with chopped dill and softened butter. Balls are formed from the mass and put in the freezer for a few minutes.
  3. Small cakes are formed from minced meat. A cheese and butter ball is laid out in the center of each. The edges are securely fastened. Neat cutlets are molded.
  4. The blanks are rolled in crumb crumbs.

It remains to fry the cutlets until appetizing ruddy and serve for dinner with any side dish.

Chakhokhbili from chicken in a slow cooker

Ingredients: whole chicken, 740 g of tomatoes in their own juice, a pinch of coriander seeds, salt, suneli hops, sweet paprika, 2 onions, 1 small. a spoonful of black peppercorns.

  1. All spices are ground in a mortar.
  2. Bulbs are cut into half rings.
  3. Peeled tomatoes, along with the liquid from the jar, are crushed in a blender.
  4. The chicken is washed, dried, cut into portions.
  5. Meat is sent to the bowl of the device first. It is fried for 7 - 8 minutes on one side (without oil). Then it turns over, sprinkled with all the seasonings, salt, onion slices. The cooking continues the same way.
  6. Tomato puree is laid out in the "smart pan". In the Meat program, the mass languishes under the lid for a little less than an hour.

This slow cooker recipe allows you to cook very soft and tender chicken. When serving, it is sprinkled with any chopped herbs.

Chicken hearts stewed in sour cream

Ingredients: 620 g hearts, a full glass of medium-fat sour cream, large onions, 1/3 tbsp. boiled water, ½ tbsp. l. flour, half a bay leaf, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. Hearts are well washed under running water. Then they are poured with water and stewed until soft (about an hour) in a small saucepan.
  2. Onions are cut into quarters and fried until golden brown in any fat. Then it is poured into a saucepan with offal.
  3. Approximately 10 min. until the end of the quenching, lavrushka, salt, aromatic herbs are sent to the container.
  4. Flour is poured to the finished hearts. It quickly mixes with the broth. Lumps of bulk ingredient should completely disperse.
  5. Sour cream is added.
  6. As soon as the mass reaches a boil, it is removed from the heat and left to infuse under the lid for 10 minutes. Lavrushka is removed.

Served with fresh white bread for a delicious sauce.

Fillet stewed in tomato sauce

Ingredients: 6 pcs. medium fillets, 320 ml tomato sauce, half an onion, sweet pepper, carrot, 2 cloves. garlic, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, 70 ml of chicken broth and dry white wine, salt, fresh herbs, pepper.

  1. Large pieces of fillet are fried in heated olive oil until a crust appears.
  2. Chopped garlic, peppers, onions, carrots are fried in a separate frying pan. After softening, the sauce is poured into the mass, salt and chopped herbs are added. After 7 - 8 minutes of stewing, broth and wine are poured into the sauce.
  3. Immediately after that, you can add the fried meat.
  4. Under a closed lid over low heat, the dish will languish for about half an hour.

The treat is obtained with a fragrant delicious gravy, so it is delicious to serve with any dry side dish.

Pasta with chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce

Ingredients: 230 g of any pasta in the form of bows, 170 g of champignons, a full glass of heavy cream, 300 g of chicken fillet, garlic, onion, salt.

  1. First, onion and garlic are fried in hot fat. Then chicken pieces are added to them.
  2. At the same time, pasta is cooked until done.
  3. Cream is poured into ready-made mushrooms with chicken. Salt is added. You can use any spices.
  4. When the sauce begins to thicken over low heat, bows are immediately laid out to it.

After a couple of minutes of languishing the dish, it is removed from the fire and served hot for dinner.

Cooking from minced meat

Minced meat dishes can be cooked deliciously even by a novice hostess. They are simple and delicious. It is advisable to choose homemade homemade minced meat for your culinary experiments. The most delicious combinations are pork + beef and pork + chicken.

Stuffed bell peppers

Ingredients: 620 g homemade minced meat, 6 - 7 pcs. bell pepper, 2 pcs. tomatoes, carrots, onions, eggs, 6 tbsp. l. sour cream, a glass of round rice, salt, spices.

  1. Washed cereals are cooked until half cooked.
  2. Carrots are peeled and rubbed coarsely. The onion is cut into cubes. The tomato is cut into small pieces.
  3. Vegetables are fried together in hot oil. They should soften well and lightly brown.
  4. ¼ of the frying from the previous step is laid out to the minced meat. Salt, raw eggs, spices are added.
  5. The meat mass is mixed with the cooled rice.
  6. A “cap” with a stalk is cut off from each pepper. The core is removed.
  7. Vegetable preparations are filled with rice and meat filling.
  8. The remaining frying is laid out in a thick-walled dish. It has peppers on it.
  9. Salted water with sour cream is poured into the pan. It should cover the peppers almost completely.
  10. Under a closed lid, the dish languishes for about an hour.

The finished treat is served with sour cream for dinner.

Lazy pies with meat

Ingredients: a pound of store-bought puff pastry, the same amount of minced pork, 3 eggs, a mixture of peppers, salt.

  1. Minced meat is salted, peppered and fried in a pan until it changes color.
  2. To the cooled ready meat, cubes of pre-cooked eggs are laid out.
  3. The filling mixes well. You need to add salt and pepper to it. You can use any of your favorite herbs.
  4. The dough is cut into 15 even identical squares. Each rolls out a little.
  5. The dough is laid out in the center with a spoon. Its edges are connected by a "boat". The center must remain open. Pies are molded according to the principle of khachapuri. Their edges can be neatly folded with bundles.
  6. Pies are laid out on a baking sheet covered with oiled parchment so that they do not touch each other.

The dish is baked for 20 - 25 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.

Classic navy pasta

Ingredients: 360 g pasta, 90 g onion, 320 g minced meat, 90 g butter, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. Pasta is boiled until fully cooked in salted water.
  2. In a hot frying pan with butter, minced meat with small onion cubes is fried until the vegetables and meat are fully cooked. The mass is salted and flavored with aromatic herbs.
  3. The finished pasta and the mixture from the pan are combined and mixed well.

Delicious served with any vegetable salad.

Rice casserole with minced meat

Ingredients: 2 cups of fat sour cream, 340 g of long rice, onion, 3 eggs, half a kilo of meat (pork + chicken), a pinch of sweet paprika, salt, 70 g of butter.

  1. The groats are well washed and boiled until half cooked. If you overcook the product, then the casserole will eventually fall apart.
  2. Eggs are beaten until frothy, combined with sour cream and cooled boiled rice.
  3. Minced meat is fried separately with chopped onion, salt, paprika.
  4. Half of the cereal is laid out in a heat-resistant form, then minced meat comes. The casserole is covered with a second layer of rice.
  5. Small pieces of creamy meat are laid out on top.

The casserole is cooked in the oven at 190 degrees until golden brown. To taste, you can sprinkle it with any grated hard or semi-hard cheese.

Casserole with minced meat and pasta with Bechamel sauce

Ingredients: a pound of any pasta and the same amount of minced meat, a liter of full-fat milk, a glass with a slide of flour, 40 g of plums. oil, 50 g tomato paste, salt, spices, onion.

  1. Minced meat with onion pieces is re-passed through a meat grinder. Next, the mass is fried and mixed with tomato paste, salted, sprinkled with spices. Instead of pasta, it is delicious to use fresh tomato puree.
  2. For the sauce, melted butter is mixed with flour. With constant stirring, the mass is cooked to a golden hue. It is very important that the flour does not burn. Milk is slowly poured into it. After that, the ingredients are intensively whipped with a whisk. Salt is added.
  3. Pasta is cooked until half cooked and divided into two parts. The first is stirred with half the sauce and laid out on a baking sheet. Minced meat is distributed on top. The dish is closed with the second piece of pasta. All remaining sauce is poured out.

The dish is baked for 40 - 45 minutes at 180 degrees. When it has completely cooled, you can cut the casserole into portions and arrange on plates.

Balls of thread with minced chicken

Ingredients: 330 g minced chicken, egg yolk, onion, 130 g yeast-free puff pastry, salt, spices.

  1. For the filling, minced meat, finely chopped onion, salt, seasonings are combined.
  2. Large neat meatballs of approximately equal size are molded from the mass.
  3. The same thin long strips are cut from the dough.
  4. Each meat ball is completely wrapped with “threads”. The test strips will intersect and overlap each other.
  5. The balls are placed on a baking sheet covered with oiled paper away from each other. The blanks are smeared with whipped yolk.

The treat is baked at a high temperature for about half an hour. Served for dinner with any side dish or as an independent dish.

Potato gratin with minced pork

Ingredients: 630 g raw potatoes, large egg, 2 teeth. garlic, 320 g of hard cheese, 2 garlic cloves, salt, 170 ml of milk, 330 g of minced meat, a mixture of peppers.

  1. Potatoes and garlic are cut into thin circles, and laid out in one layer in an oiled form.
  2. Next, minced meat is distributed with salt and a mixture of peppers. A portion of grated cheese is poured on it.
  3. Layers alternate until the products run out. The thinner they turn out, the more tender the finished dish will be in the end.
  4. The dish goes into the oven for half an hour. Then it is extracted from it and poured over with a mixture of milk, eggs, salt.

The potatoes with meat are returned to the oven and baked for another 15 to 17 minutes.

Cabbage pie with minced meat

Ingredients: a pound of fresh cabbage, an onion, 220 g of minced pork, a pinch of 12 herbs seasoning, half a carrot, a kilo of yeast dough, 30 g of butter, salt.

  1. Cabbage is shredded with medium straws. It is combined with onion semi-rings and carrot straws.
  2. Vegetables are fried until soft, salted and cooled.
  3. Minced meat is fried with salt until tender. Mixed with vegetables.
  4. The dough, which has already lain warm for half an hour, is cut into two parts. The first is rolled out and placed on an oiled baking sheet.
  5. The filling of meat and vegetables is distributed on top. Fitting the second part. The edges are pinched.
  6. A hole is made in the middle of the workpiece for steam to escape.
  7. The pie is smeared with half of the melted plums. oils.

The dish is baked for a little over half an hour at 190 degrees. The finished cake is smeared with the remaining melted butter.

What to cook for dinner with meat?

For dinner, you can use more satisfying meat options - fresh pork or beef. For example, in combination with potatoes and other vegetables. Such nutritious dinners are especially liked by the representatives of the stronger sex.

Delicious pork skewers on skewers in the oven

Ingredients: 820 g of pork pulp, half a glass of medium-fat sour cream, 3 large onions, 40 g of mustard, salt, a mixture of peppers.

  1. A clean bar of meat without excess fat is cut into cubes of the same size. The skin is removed from the onion.
  2. Wooden skewers are immersed for 15 - 17 minutes in ice water.
  3. The meat is sprinkled with salt, pepper and large onion rings.
  4. A mixture of spicy mustard and sour cream is added.
  5. After mixing, the mass is left in the cool to marinate for an hour.
  6. Pork is strung on prepared skewers. Meat alternates with onions.
  7. The blanks are placed on the sides of a heat-resistant form and removed into the most heated oven.
  8. Then the temperature drops to 180 degrees.

Under such conditions, the dish is cooked for 45 - 50 minutes. Several times the skewers with meat are turned over.

Potato with meat in the sleeve

Ingredients: 2 kilos of pork neck, 6 - 7 potatoes, 3 small. tablespoons of salt, small a spoonful of pepper of two colors - red and black, 2 sprigs of thyme, 3 - 5 teeth. garlic.

  1. Pork whole piece is rubbed with two types of pepper and salt. Shallow incisions are made throughout the workpiece. They are stuffed with minced garlic. Its quantity is adjusted according to the taste of the cook himself.
  2. Chopped thyme is sprinkled on top of the meat. You can also take rosemary.
  3. The piece moves to cool for 2 - 3 hours.
  4. The potatoes are cut into arbitrary pieces, sprinkled with salt and placed on the bottom of the sleeve. Prepared meat is placed on top.

The dish is baked for 40 - 45 minutes at medium temperature. Served for dinner with any light spicy sauce.

Pizza in a hurry with beef

Ingredients: 620 g ready-made pizza dough, 230 g beef, onion, 180 g cheese, 60 g butter, 3 garlic cloves, 3 tomatoes, salt, ground black pepper.

  1. Onions and meat are cut into strips. Fried on melted plums. oil.
  2. Chopped garlic, salt and pepper are added to the ingredients.
  3. Fresh tomatoes are cut into even cubes along with the skin.
  4. The dough is rolled out into a layer and laid out on a baking sheet greased with any oil (a very thin layer so that the finished pizza does not float in fat).
  5. The fried filling from the pan and fresh chopped tomatoes are placed on top.
  6. The future pizza is generously sprinkled with grated cheese and sent to a very hot oven for half an hour.

The finished treat is cut in portions and immediately served for dinner.

Azu in Tatar in a slow cooker

Ingredients: half a kilo of beef, 6 potatoes, 3 pickles, 2 tbsp. l. rast. oils and pastes from tomatoes, 2 tooth. garlic, large onion, salt, spices.

  1. Pre-thawed meat is cut into cubes. In the "Fry" program without a lid, the slices are left for 6 - 7 minutes.
  2. Then half rings of onion are poured to the meat. Roasting continues for another 15 - 17 minutes.
  3. Tomato paste and very tiny pieces of cucumbers are added to the bowl. After another 6 - 7 minutes of frying, water is poured into the container. It should completely cover the products.
  4. The dish is left in the stewing program for 80 - 90 minutes.
  5. While in a frying pan with oil, potato slices with salt and spices are lightly fried to a crust.
  6. About half an hour before the treat is ready, the potatoes are transferred to the slow cooker along with chopped garlic.

Freshly ground black pepper can be added to the resulting dish to taste.

beef stroganoff

Ingredients: half a kilo of meat pulp, onion, 2/3 tbsp. fat sour cream, a large spoonful of flour and the same amount of tomato paste, 160 ml of water, salt, a mixture of peppers.

  1. The beef is covered with a film and lightly beaten off with a hammer with a whole piece.
  2. After that, the meat is allowed in thin slices across the fibers. And crushed into straws.
  3. The onion is chopped into the thinnest quarters of the rings.
  4. In hot oil in a frying pan, beef is first fried in small portions to a crust, then a vegetable.
  5. Already ruddy onions are sprinkled with flour, mixed well and fried for another minute. Then tomato paste is laid out to it and all sour cream at once.
  6. Water, rock salt, a mixture of peppers are added.
  7. After the next mixing, the mass is left on fire for 35 - 40 minutes under a tightly closed lid.

Delicious served with pasta.

Pork in French

Ingredients: 620 g meat pulp, 350 g fresh tomatoes, 80 g cheese, 2 onions, 120 g mayonnaise, small. a spoonful of ground pepper, salt.

  1. Pork flesh is cut into large plates. Their thickness should be about 1 cm.
  2. Each piece is beaten off under a cling film, rubbed with salt and pepper.
  3. Chopped onion is laid out on top. The more it is, the juicier the dish will end up.
  4. Next, slices of tomatoes are distributed.
  5. A mayonnaise net is drawn on the tomatoes. Any other sauce can also be used.
  6. The blanks are sprinkled with grated cheese.

Pork in the oven according to this recipe is baked at an average temperature for a little more than half an hour. The finished dish is left on the baking sheet for a few more minutes so that all the released juices are absorbed back into the meat.

fish recipes

You can choose any fish for cooking dinner. Starting from noble trout and ending with affordable pollock. It can be tasty baked in the oven with vegetables, stewed in delicate sauces, fried, or even used as the basis for a light soup.

Simple fish soup

Ingredients: 330 g fish fillet, 60 g plums. oils, 1 pc. onions, carrots, potatoes, a bunch of dill (fresh), 730 ml of pure water, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. The fillet is cut into medium pieces and sent to boiled water along with all the chopped vegetables. Many housewives prefer to add the head and tail of the carcass to the soup for fattening. In this case, the already boiled parts are eventually removed from the bones, get rid of everything superfluous, and only after that they return to the broth.
  2. 10 minutes after the start of cooking the fish, salt and selected aromatic herbs are added to the pan.
  3. Chopped greens are poured into an almost ready dish.
  4. When the potatoes soften, you can turn off the soup.

It is poured into bowls and served with melted butter.

Pollock baked in foil in the oven

Ingredients: whole fish carcass, onion, carrot, ½ tsp. curry and sweet ground paprika, salt, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

  1. Everything superfluous is cut off from the carcass. Especially carefully with pollock, you need to remove the black film (inside). It will add bitterness to the finished dish.
  2. Next, the carcass is cut into large pieces.
  3. The fish is sprinkled with lemon juice, rubbed with all the spices and salt. In this form, pollock should stand for about an hour.
  4. All chopped vegetables are sprinkled with pickled fish.
  5. The resulting mass is laid out in a heat-resistant form, covered with foil. A “lid” is also made from this material on top.

The dish is baked for a little less than an hour at medium temperature. For a few more minutes, the fish can be left in the oven without foil coating. Thanks to this, it will be covered with a delicious ruddy crust.

Trout in sour cream sauce

Ingredients: large bell pepper, half a kilo of fish fillet, onion, 130 g of fat sour cream, 70 g of plums. oil, half a lemon, salt, pepper.

  1. For the butter sauce, all finely chopped vegetables are fried until soft. Sour cream is added to them. The mass is stewed over low heat for 8 - 9 minutes. Vegetables should soften during this time.
  2. The trout is cut into small pieces. Each of them is rubbed with a mixture of salt and pepper. Slices are sprinkled with freshly squeezed citrus juice.
  3. The fish is laid out in a heat-resistant form. Topped with sauce.

The treat is baked at a high temperature for 15 - 17 minutes.

Mackerel baked with potatoes

Ingredients: large whole fish (weighing about half a kilo), onion, 6 - 8 potatoes, carrots, 3 - 4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, salt, seasoning for fish.

  1. The fish carcass is not completely cut and laid out on the table. Her fins and tail are removed. The spine is carefully pulled out.
  2. Now the workpiece is sprinkled with salt and seasonings.
  3. The potatoes are cut into thin circles, salted and laid out on the bottom of a heat-resistant form. Chopped onion and carrot slices are distributed on top.
  4. Next comes the fish, turned upside down.
  5. Mackerel is generously smeared with mayonnaise on top.

The treat is cooked in the oven for 40 - 45 minutes at 190 degrees.

Cod stewed in mustard cream sauce

Ingredients: 2 fish carcasses, seasoning for fish, salt, flour for breading, a bunch of dill, 2 tbsp. l. grain mustard, 170 ml medium-fat cream, pepper, mustard oil.

  1. Thawed fish gets rid of the tail and fins. Rinse and dry thoroughly with paper towels.
  2. The cod is cut into pieces. Gets rid of the black bitter film inside. Salted, rubbed with seasonings.
  3. The slices are rolled in flour and fried until golden brown in mustard oil.
  4. Mustard, chopped dill, cream are mixed for the sauce. Pepper, salt are added.
  5. Fried fish is laid out in a mold, poured with sauce from the previous step.

A treat is baked at an average temperature for a little less than an hour.

Red fish steak in the oven

Ingredients: 3 fish steaks, lemon, half a glass of dry white wine, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, spices for fish, salt.

  1. Steaks are salted, sprinkled with spices.
  2. The fish is sprinkled with lemon juice and poured with olive oil.
  3. Dry white wine is also added to the trout.
  4. The steaks will marinate in the fridge for at least 2 hours.

side dishes

It is important not only to prepare delicious fish or meat for dinner, but also to serve them with a suitable side dish. Below are the recipes for the three most popular and versatile options.

Boiled rice with corn and tomatoes

Ingredients: a glass of long rice, 80 g plums. oil, a pound of tomatoes, a can of canned sweet corn, 2 onions, 130 g of cheese, parsley, salt, black pepper.

  1. Groats are boiled in salted boiling water until tender.
  2. The tomatoes are cut into cubes. Liquid is drained from corn.
  3. The onion is arbitrarily cut into miniature pieces.
  4. All cheese is coarsely rubbed.
  5. The parsley is finely chopped.
  6. The finished cereal is fried in butter. Then corn, tomatoes, onions are added to it. The mass languishes for 8 - 9 minutes.

It remains to add salt and pepper the side dish, sprinkle with grated cheese and parsley.

Loose buckwheat porridge

Ingredients: a full glass with a slide of unground cereals, 2 tbsp. purified water, 1/3 tbsp. ghee, salt.
