
Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic boiled. Horseradish appetizer of tomato with horseradish and garlic for the winter

Horseradish exhibits an antibacterial effect, protecting against colds and infections, lowers glucose levels, cleanses the blood, stimulates kidney function, and awakens appetite. However, its beneficial properties are fully preserved for two weeks after the preparation of horseradish, and then gradually decrease. Therefore, if possible, it is better to store the root crop fresh in the cellar, and make the seasoning as needed in small volumes.

Selecting the main ingredient...

Popular rumor says that you need to dig up a vegetable in the autumn months. The fruit obtained at this time has a special pungency and a characteristic mustard aroma. Three rules will help you choose a root crop in the store.

  1. Skin. Knotty, without traces of decay and mold. The "skin" is light brown. Rubbing it with your fingernail, you can instantly feel a pungent, pronounced smell.
  2. Pulp. Must be white.
  3. Size. The best choice is a root crop 25 cm long, at least 1 cm in diameter.

Eating horseradish is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children, as well as for certain diseases of the stomach and intestines, severe kidney and liver ailments, and individual intolerance. Eating a product in large quantities can provoke internal bleeding, burns of the mucous membranes of the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and increased pressure.

... and other components

It is possible to make horseradish for the winter only from horseradish, chopping it and mixing it with salt, however, traditionally, the following are also introduced into the hot sauce:

  • tomatoes - only red ones or together with green ones (in the same proportions), since the workpiece is usually prepared without heat treatment, only fresh, not spoiled fruits are suitable;
  • garlic - preferably winter, "nuclear" varieties, if the vegetable is used young, you can take it more than indicated in the recipe;
  • salt - table, large, not iodized.

Vinegar, lemon juice, hot pepper pods, ground black pepper and other spices, herbs, vegetables and fruits can be added to the preparation.

culinary rules

When harvesting horseradish, you need to take into account that a spicy snack begins to lose its pungency after two months. Here are four more rules that will be useful to hostesses.

  1. Grinding. The workpiece has a liquid consistency, so a meat grinder, food processor or blender is used to grind the main components.
  2. Protection. The caustic ethers contained in the vegetable, during the processing of the fruit, make it “shed tears”. Mistresses "with experience" recommend fixing a plastic bag on a ring with a lattice using an elastic band. For some, this does not help, but a gas mask or respirator will certainly save.
  3. Meat grinder cleaning. To remove the skin of tomatoes from the internal mechanism of the meat grinder, you need to skip a few pieces of carrots.
  4. Sterilization. Jars for blanks must be sterilized in any way before being filled with sauce. Pour boiling water over the lids or boil for five to ten minutes.

Judging by the reviews, a manual meat grinder copes with horseradish better than an electric one, in which the fibrous root crop often gets stuck. When using a blender, the root pieces are too large.

Horseradish recipe for the winter: for quick consumption and storage

Peel the horseradish from the skin with a sharp knife, cut large root crops into pieces to make it easier to chop. Release the tomatoes from the stalks, garlic - from the husk.

Traditional "daily" options

Traditionally, the sauce is prepared without cooking: the vegetables are ground, combined with spices and distributed in jars. The blanks are closed with lids, but not rolled up, and stored in a refrigerator or cellar for three to six months.

The classic recipe for horseradish: grind five horseradish roots, a head of garlic and 5 kg of tomatoes, add two tablespoons of salt, pack in jars. Here are seven more sauce options with different proportions and additional ingredients.

  1. Burning. 1 kg of horseradish and garlic, 3 kg of tomatoes, sugar and salt to taste. This recipe for horseradish with tomatoes and garlic will appeal to lovers of "sharper".
  2. With vinegar. Horseradish and garlic 300 g each, 1 kg of tomatoes, a tablespoon of salt and sugar, half a teaspoon of 9% vinegar.
  3. Without tomatoes. The Gorloder recipe for the winter suggests making an appetizer with garlic and horseradish (1 kg each), 20 tablespoons of sugar and ten tablespoons of salt.
  4. Soft. For a less spicy version of horseradish with garlic and tomatoes, you will need: one horseradish root, 100 g of garlic and 1 kg of tomatoes, salt and sugar to taste.
  5. With carrots. 100 g of garlic and horseradish, 2 kg of tomatoes, 600 g of carrots, hot pepper pod, eight to ten drops of vinegar essence, salt to taste.
  6. With plums. 100 g of horseradish and sour-sweet plums (pitted), 1 kg of tomatoes, a head of garlic, sugar and salt to taste.
  7. From chile. Snack "Spark" of tomatoes and garlic is prepared without horseradish, replacing it with an equal amount of hot pepper.

Making apple horseradish requires pre-treatment of fruits. Chop four large apples of sweet and sour varieties into large slices, remove the core, add water and, after boiling, cook over low heat until soft for two to three minutes. Condemn, grind through a sieve. Enter three tablespoons of chopped horseradish, a tablespoon of sugar and half a tablespoon of lemon juice. Send for storage in the refrigerator.

It is impossible to roll up a “raw” blank that has not undergone heat treatment: botulism bacteria, which are life-threatening, can develop in the appetizer.


Recipes for horseradish snacks for long-term storage (from eight to nine months to a year) involve either sterilization of blanks or long-term stewing. Here are four options for seaming horseradish for step-by-step implementation.

  1. Marinated. Grind 1 kg of horseradish, combine with 15 g of salt and 200 ml of 3% vinegar. Boil, cook for one or two minutes and put in jars. Sterilize liter containers for 20 minutes, half-liter - a quarter of an hour. Roll up.
  2. With bell pepper. Grind 3 kg of tomatoes, boil the mass and cook over moderate heat for 20 minutes. Stir in processed horseradish (200 g), garlic (100 g) and pepper (400 g), after boiling again, cook for ten minutes. Mix three to five minutes before readiness three tablespoons of salt, two tablespoons of sugar and, if desired, ground black pepper. Put the hot mixture in a glass container, roll up.
  3. With tomato paste. Grind 1 kg of bell pepper and horseradish, pour in 400 g of tomato paste, boil, cook for ten minutes, add a glass of sugar, a tablespoon of salt, 200 ml of vegetable oil and 100 ml of 9% vinegar, boil for another one or two minutes. Distribute to banks, roll up.
  4. With beets. Boil 1 kg of beets for an hour, free the fruits from the peel and chop into thin plates. Put in jars, alternating with chopped horseradish, layers. In four glasses of water, mix 40 g of salt and 400 ml of 3% vinegar, boil for one to two minutes. Pour the hot marinade into the jars with the workpiece, sterilize the 1 liter containers for 20 minutes, 0.5 liters for a quarter of an hour. Roll up.

Horseradish for the winter from tomatoes is usually prepared from tomatoes processed along with the skin, however, the “skin” can be removed by first dousing the fruit with boiling water.

How to keep fresh

How to make the sauce prepared without heat treatment not sour for as long as possible? Here are five rules of experienced housewives.

  1. Increase the proportions of horseradish and garlic. The more of these products in the sauce, the longer it is stored.
  2. Introduce natural preservatives. Adding lemon juice or vinegar to the workpiece will extend its shelf life.
  3. Use the cold pickling method. Process with a meat grinder 1 kg of garlic, tomatoes, hot peppers, large horseradish root. Stir in 200 ml of apple cider vinegar and salt to taste. Marinate for 12 hours, arrange in glass jars, close, but do not roll up.
  4. Cover with a "protective disk". Cut out a circle from wax paper that matches the diameter of the jar, soak it with alcohol or vodka, put it on the workpiece, close the lid.
  5. To freeze. Pack the sauce in small bags or plastic bottles and place in the freezer.

Some housewives add one crushed aspirin tablet (per liter of horseradish) to the blank in order to increase the shelf life. However, the introduction of the drug can be unsafe, so you should not do this, especially since horseradish itself has pronounced antiseptic properties.

You can cook horseradish "with a twist" by adding cloves, oregano, basil, cinnamon or chopped fresh herbs. The sauce should be served with homemade dumplings, meat and chicken, boiled potatoes, or simply spread on a slice of rye bread.

Horseradish or horseradish- a spicy sauce made from horseradish, ripe tomatoes and garlic, without heat treatment. Siberia and the Urals are considered its homeland, from where it spread to other territories. In addition to these names, you can also find others - horseradish snack, cobra, Siberian light, gorloder. To your taste, it can be compared with, only more spicy and burning. This sauce will be an excellent addition to dishes of meat and fish, pasta, vegetables. In addition, it is also used to prevent influenza, acute respiratory infections, viral diseases, to increase immunity. Because horseradish tomato very sharp and burning, then with caution it should be used by people with diseases of the digestive system.

Some recipes recommend adding a crushed aspirin tablet, due to the fact that the sauce does not undergo heat treatment and in order to better preserve it. Adding aspirin to horseradish, as well as to other types of preservation, is strictly prohibited. , which is part of the sauce, already has antiseptic properties, and together with salt and sour tomatoes, under conditions of proper storage and preparation, you can not be afraid of souring horseradish. I would also like to note that the more garlic and horseradish you put in it, the longer it will last.

Ingredients for tomato horseradish for the winter:

  • Horseradish root - 300-400 gr.,
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg.,
  • Garlic - 1 head,
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon,
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon.

Tomato Horseradish - Recipe

So, to cook horseradish, you need to cook ripe fleshy tomatoes, garlic and horseradish roots. You will also need some salt and spices. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly, tear off the stalks. It is advisable to use ripe and undamaged tomatoes, without damaged areas. Next, cut them into 2-4 parts, so that later it would be easier to scroll them in a meat grinder. Pass them along with the skin through a meat grinder.

Rinse horseradish roots with water. Using a sharp knife, remove the rough skin from them. After that, cut into several pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Be sure to tie the neck of the meat grinder tightly with a plastic bag, this will allow essential oils not to spread around the apartment and save you from tears. If you have a blender, then you can use it. Remove the bag of ground horseradish, tie it up and set aside.

Peel the garlic cloves. Adjust the amount of garlic to your liking. If you want to make a hotter sauce, feel free to add more of it. Garlic, like horseradish with tomatoes, also needs to be passed through a meat grinder. Add the horseradish to the bowl with the tomato puree. Put out the garlic.

For extra flavor, I also add spices. To make it even more vigorous, you can add a pinch of red ground pepper or finely chopped chili pepper.

Add kitchen salt. If your tomatoes are sour, then you can sweeten the sauce a little with sugar. For one liter of horseradish add 1 teaspoon of sugar.

Mix all the ingredients, be sure to taste it. After making sure that all the components are enough, put them in sterilized half-liter jars. Close jars with metal or screw caps. In addition, nylon steaming caps can also be used. Since this sauce was not amenable to heat treatment, it is advisable to store the jars in a cold room.

Horseradish from tomatoes. Photo

Harvesting horseradish at home for the winter is a whole art! So the season of pleasant troubles, preparations for the winter has come. Vegetables and fruits have already been put away in the cellar, either in a barrel, or in jars, or simply in boxes. It was the turn to think about seasonings, without them nowhere. One of the favorite and necessary seasonings in the winter is horseradish. After all, it gives some dishes an amazing, piquant taste, a certain zest.

What are the ways to prepare this wonderful root for the future? The most famous and favorite preparation of horseradish for the winter is spicy traditional spice. After all, it is suitable for all meat, fish and even vegetable dishes.

But harvesting is not only canning. But what about harvesting horseradish for the winter without additives? It is stored fresh, in boxes with sand, preferably in a cellar or basement, occasionally sprinkled with water. In this form, the root is stored until the next harvest.

And for those who love this vigorous canned root, there are several ways.

Canned horseradish - a recipe for cooking for the winter


  • Horseradish roots - 1 kg;
  • water - 20 ml;
  • table vinegar 9% - 20 ml;
  • salt, sugar - 30 g.


Wash and soak the horseradish roots in water for a day, then carefully clean them, scraping with a knife. Next, clean roots need to be grated and poured with marinade. Boil water, add salt, sugar, pour vinegar. Pour the horseradish gruel with this solution, mix and pour into small jars, sterilized, close.

Homemade horseradish



Peel fresh horseradish roots, scrape them with a knife, wash well in running water. Pull a plastic bag over the neck of the meat grinder, take the smallest grate. Scroll all horseradish through a meat grinder, add salt and sugar, dilute with boiling water until gruel is obtained and arrange in small jars. Top with a few drops of lemon, but do not interfere. Close and store such a snack in the refrigerator.

And calculate the number of ingredients after the whole horseradish scrolls. From the amount of the resulting mass and dance. For example, if one and a half kilograms of mass came out of the meat grinder, then salt will need 1 tbsp. l. sugar - 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Whatever way you use horseradish for the winter, you need to know one simple trick. You need to store such blanks in a glass dish, tightly closed with a lid, so horseradish retains its sharp, vigorous taste.

I hope that preparing horseradish at home for the winter will become a good tradition in your country.

How to prepare horseradish for the winter?

Well, who doesn’t know that with horseradish any dish, not even perfect, seems tastier? A wonderful seasoning for the winter is simple in execution and unique in taste. Of course, it is easier to buy a ready-made supplement for meat and fish dishes in a store. Here are just home-made preparations that are guaranteed to be healthy and harmlessly tasty.

The best punishment for a guilty husband is to make him rub horseradish on a grater. And tears will flow and flu prevention is effective, thanks to volatile, antibacterial substances.

Traditional recipe for harvesting: "White horseradish"

  • 1 kg of horseradish roots;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar essence or lemon juice.
  1. Drive the culprit of all the misfortunes into the kitchen, make him grate clean horseradish roots on a fine grater.
  2. If there was no reason for executions, put on swimming goggles.
  3. Grate better in a food processor.
  4. Mix with vinegar, salt and sugar.
  5. Close tightly, put in the refrigerator.

Red horseradish with beetroot juice

A beautiful color, a familiar smell and a pleasant pungency will delight fans of vigorous Russian seasoning for the winter in the cold sometimes.

  • 1 kilogram of horseradish;
  • half a liter of beetroot juice;
  • 30 gr of acetic essence;
  • 3-4 large spoons of granulated sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt.
  1. Wash the roots well and scrape off the upper skin a little.
  2. Put a tight bag on the socket of the meat grinder, secure with an elastic band.
  3. Chop the crap.
  4. Mix with beetroot juice.
  5. Add sugar and salt, pour essence.
  6. Mix thoroughly and arrange in a prepared, suitable size dish.
  7. Cover with lids, sterilize in a water bath for about a quarter of an hour.
  8. Roll up, put away for storage.

You can find the recipe for adjika for the winter without cooking here.

Spicy seasoning "Spark" for the winter

  • 250 gr. horseradish roots;
  • 3 kg of large, very ripe tomatoes, red varieties;
  • 1 large spoon of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of table salt.
  1. Grind the roots into a pulp.
  2. Grind the garlic along with the tomatoes.
  3. Mix both purees.
  4. Add sugar and salt, mix.
  5. Divide into a container and place in the refrigerator.

How to prepare horseradish for the winter according to all the rules

And the point is not only in taste, to which not a single person will remain indifferent, but also in the amazing properties inherent in this nondescript root. Preparations for the winter with horseradish, very tasty!

Properly prepared horseradish for the winter improves digestion, helping the body cope with hearty and fatty foods, has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and tonic properties.

It is useful to add horseradish to food for the prevention of acute respiratory diseases, with urolithiasis, inflammation of the joints and problems with potency.

A quality product should be at least a finger thick, juicy and strong, without damage. It is very important to properly prepare horseradish for the winter, choosing the most suitable option for you.

Fresh storage.

Carefully review the roots. Without regret, throw away the horseradish with the slightest damage, cut off the tops. Shake off the roots from the ground, put them in rows in a wooden box so that the roots do not touch each other and fill each row with sand - sifted and clean, without impurities of earth or clay.

To keep the horseradish fresh, the sand must be slightly damp all the time, for which once a week it is evenly sprinkled with water. The temperature should not be below 00C and rise above +40C.

Storing horseradish in the winter in the freezer.

The roots need to be washed, peeled and cut into pieces suitable for grinding in a meat grinder. Now horseradish can be decomposed into plastic bags and put in the freezer. Horseradish prepared in this way for the winter will retain all the useful qualities of a fresh root, and the taste will become even sharper.

Dry storage.

Dried horseradish is used in the preparation of various pickles so that the vegetables remain firm and the filling is tasty and transparent. To prepare the seasoning, wash the roots, grate them on a coarse grater and dry in the oven without closing the door. After drying, the roots must be ground in a coffee grinder.

How to cook horseradish for the winter

Of course, freshly prepared table horseradish is difficult to replace, but when guests suddenly arrive or a cold sets in, it can be difficult to do without a jar of pickled root.

Horseradish recipe for the winter:

Take fresh horseradish roots, wash, peel. In total, 1 kg of peeled root should be obtained, which must be soaked in water for a day. Now you can proceed to the most difficult operation - grinding horseradish in a meat grinder. Experienced housewives recommend putting a plastic bag on the meat grinder, so it is much easier to cope with the pungent smell.

Then take one glass (250 ml) of water, boil, dissolve in it one tablespoon of sugar and salt. Remove the solution from the stove and add 20 ml of citric acid or 125 ml of 6% vinegar, and then all the ground horseradish. Stir quickly and close the lid. Everything, hell is ready for the winter! It remains only to decompose it into banks.

This must be done quickly, filling and twisting each jar in turn. In total, you get one and a half kilograms of fragrant and, of course, “evil” seasoning!

Horseradish is a spicy sauce made from crushed tomatoes, horseradish, garlic and salt. All ingredients are passed through a meat grinder. Black, red, sweet, bell pepper, granulated sugar, table vinegar, carrots can also be added. Horseradish is very common in the Urals and may have other names, for example, horseradish, gorloder, light, horseradish snack, Siberian adjika.

Tomatoes in the horseradish recipe are red, less often green, and their number may vary depending on what level of spiciness you want to get. The more tomatoes, the less spicy. Horseradish is stored in a cool place, the snack can stand in the refrigerator for a long time even without being canned. Horseradish and garlic are excellent preservatives and the more of them in the sauce, the better and longer it will be stored. Horseradish is often served with dumplings, other meat and simply savory dishes. Some especially ardent fans of horseradish smear it on bread.

It should be noted the health benefits of horseradish, this sauce is an excellent antimicrobial agent, it protects against colds, lowers blood sugar levels, regulates the excretory system, and even improves appetite. According to the content of vitamin C, horseradish can compete with citrus fruits.

Consider several ways to cook horseradish.

Horseradish recipe with tomatoes and garlic


  • 1 kg ripe juicy tomatoes,
  • 80 g horseradish
  • 60 g garlic
  • a couple pinches of paprika
  • 3 tsp salt,
  • 1 tsp Sahara.

Horseradish roots should be young. The old root is easy to distinguish - it is yellow and loose, such a root is not suitable. If desired, you can remove the peel from the tomatoes before cooking, it is quite simple to do this - pour them with boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then just peel them like boiled potatoes. After that, put the tomatoes in the bowl of the combine or twist through a meat grinder. Add salt, sugar, ground paprika. Although, if the tomatoes are from a home garden, then sugar may not be needed at all.

Rinse and clean horseradish roots. Now it needs to be crushed. Using a meat grinder is not very convenient, since the knives are constantly clogged, you often have to disassemble the entire structure. It is much more convenient to use a food processor. Garlic cloves need to be peeled and also chopped, you can pass through a special press.

Now mix all the prepared ingredients, arrange in pre-prepared sterile jars and tightly tighten the lids. You don't need to sterilize. It is very convenient to use small jars so that the open blank is not stored for long - the horseradish will lose its “fiery” qualities. Despite the fact that horseradish is perfectly stored, properties are lost even in closed jars over time, so you can close several jars with a lot of horseradish and garlic - you will open these jars last.

How to cook thick horseradish

To some hostesses, horseradish made from whole tomatoes seems watery, so it is prepared from tomato thick. Such a thick mass remains after the production of tomato juice using a juicer.

Accompanying ingredients are horseradish, garlic, hot pepper and salt.

If the tomatoes were not the most ripe, then the horseradish can turn out sour, and in this case it is better to add a little sugar. Twist horseradish, garlic and hot peppers with a combine, and if you decide to use a meat grinder, then you are guaranteed tears - very caustic and aggressive fumes will come from the ingredients for the sauce. As for the proportions, they are as follows: for 6 liters of tomato mass you need to take:

  • 2 pods of hot pepper,
  • 350 g garlic
  • 450 g horseradish.

Twisted horseradish, garlic and pepper are added to already salted tomatoes, everything is mixed and laid out in prepared jars. Close the jars with ordinary nylon lids and put them in the refrigerator; horseradish can be stored in this form for about 4 months. If you keep the snack longer, it will become less burning. If your horseradish turned out to be spicier than you planned, then the usual grated sour apple, for example, the Antonovka variety, will save the situation.
Sometimes sunflower oil is also added to horseradish so that the top of the workpiece is not covered with mold.

It is very disappointing when a jar already packaged and rolled up starts to deteriorate. Unfortunately, this happens, and not infrequently. Everything happens because the following mistakes were made during cooking:

  1. Banks were not prepared. The hostess was too lazy to sterilize the container, and as a result, bacteria remained on its walls, which provoked spoilage of the product.
  2. Spoiled tomatoes were used in cooking.
  3. The absence or insufficient amount of preservatives in the preparation (salt, vinegar, etc.).
  4. The lid does not fit tightly on the jar. Air enters the container.
  5. The workpiece is stored at room temperature.

It is imperative to avoid such mistakes, then horseradish with tomatoes and garlic will definitely not turn sour and will stand for at least 1 year.

How to properly prepare food

The main ingredients from which horseradish (or gorloder, burnt) are made are tomatoes and horseradish. Spices and other vegetables are already added to them as desired.

Preparation of tomatoes should take place on the day of preparation of the workpiece. They take fleshy fruits, the size does not play any role. The main condition is juicy sweet pulp and thin skin. The skin can be removed from the fruit in advance so that it does not interfere with cooking. Tomatoes need to be crushed. Any kitchen appliance with a knife is suitable for this - a blender, a juicer, a meat grinder.

The second component of the snack is horseradish, or rather its root. If horseradish grows in the country, then you can prepare it yourself. Dig up the rhizome in dry weather in mid-August - early September. Then it is thoroughly washed from the ground and dried in an oven at a temperature of 60-80 degrees for 5-6 hours. Dried horseradish root must be ground in a coffee grinder or blender. Another option - horseradish is used fresh.

To grind the horseradish root, you can rub it on a fine grater.

The best horseradish recipes for the winter

It's ready in just an hour. Then it is packaged in glass jars with a nominal capacity of 100 to 500 grams, it can be in liter, but no more. The workpiece is stored in any cool room - in the basement, cellar. You can store horseradish in the refrigerator.

Classic way

The simplest cooking recipe is suitable for beginner cooks, as it is clear and does not contain pitfalls. Do not change the proportions of the products, this may affect the final taste properties of the seasoning.


  • ground horseradish (root) - 100 g;
  • 1.2-1.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 5-6 garlic cloves;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • 1.5 tbsp salt;
  • 1s.t.l of granulated sugar;
  • ground pepper - tsp


Stems are cut out of tomatoes and tomato juice is prepared in any way possible. The resulting liquid is poured into a saucepan and heated to a boil. Boil the juice for 15-20 minutes, until slightly thickened.

Bulgarian pepper is washed, the grains are removed and finely chopped with a knife or chopped in a blender. Garlic is passed through a press. Shredded vegetables are sent to the tomato mass and mixed.

Sugar and salt are sent to the hot mass, pepper is added last. Without allowing to cool, pour the mass into jars. Sterilize the container in boiling water for 5-10 minutes and roll up the lids.

Before storing, the workpiece must be cooled at room temperature.

Horseradish for the winter without sterilization

Many housewives exclude sterilization of the product during the cooking process. Horseradish and garlic themselves disinfect the workpiece, so you don’t have to worry about storage.


  • 6-8 garlic cloves;
  • 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 3 tbsp grated horseradish;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp vinegar 6%.

How to cook:

Prepared tomatoes are passed through a meat grinder or juicer. The juice is boiled on the stove for 15-20 minutes.

Horseradish, salt and sugar are added to the boiling juice. Garlic is passed through a garlic press and sent to the contents of the pan, vinegar is added at the end of cooking.

The hot product is poured into prepared containers and quickly rolled up with lids. You can try the snack the next day. A stronger taste and aroma is obtained when the workpiece has been idle for at least 2-3 weeks.

Vigorous crap

In addition to garlic and horseradish, red chili peppers can add spice to the appetizer. Sterilization of snacks can be omitted.


  • 1.5-2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 3 tbsp chopped horseradish root;
  • 1 medium chili pepper;
  • 6-7 garlic cloves;
  • 5 tbsp salt;
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil.


Tomatoes are crushed into meat grinders and poured into a saucepan. Put it on fire and evaporate the excess liquid for half an hour.

Remove the seeds from the pepper and finely chop the skin. Crush garlic cloves and mix them with horseradish and chili peppers. The ingredients are poured with sunflower oil and sent to tomato juice.

Continue to cook the mixture for another 4-5 minutes, then turn off the heat. The workpiece is salted and poured into jars.

Horseradish from tomatoes and garlic with plums

Often, sweet fruits are added to horseradish. They give the appetizer interesting flavor notes and a bright aroma.


  • 1-1.2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 2 tbsp with a slide of ground horseradish root;
  • 2-3 plums;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • 4-5 garlic cloves.

How to cook:

Small cuts are made on the tomatoes and scalded a couple of times with boiling water, then they are placed under cold water and the skin is removed from the fruit. The pulp is ground in a meat grinder or passed through a juicer. The resulting mass is poured into a saucepan and boiled for 10-15 minutes.

The plum is separated from the skin and the stone is removed from it. The pulp is ground to a mushy state and sent to cook with tomatoes.

Grind garlic with a knife, add to horseradish and shift the ingredients to the contents on the stove. Salt the mixture, add granulated sugar and cook for a couple more minutes. Then the heating is turned off and poured into jars.

Banks with the workpiece are placed in the oven and heated for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 80 degrees. Then they take out the container and roll up the lids.

with mustard

The recipe for horseradish with mustard is more like cooking seasoning, since the final product is very spicy. However, to reduce the spiciness, you can add less horseradish or take not very spicy mustard.


  • 1.2-1.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 2 tbsp mustard;
  • 2 tbsp ground horseradish (root);
  • 3-4 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tbsp sunflower oil;
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp 9% vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp salt.


Juice is made from tomatoes and boiled over medium heat for 20-25 minutes. Mustard and horseradish are added to the mass and continue to boil for another 3-5 minutes.

Grind garlic, add it to tomato juice, add oil, vinegar and pour sugar and salt.

Heating is stopped. Pour the liquid hot mixture into a sterilized container and immediately roll up the lids.

Mustard can be used both in powder and in a tube. The powder is sharper than the finished product.

Horseradish from tomatoes and garlic with carrots

Adding carrots will help to dilute the spiciness a little. Such an appetizer can be eaten directly with a spoon or spread on bread.


  • 1.5-2 kg of tomatoes;
  • large carrot;
  • 5-6 garlic cloves;
  • 2-2.5 tbsp ground horseradish;
  • on a bunch of any greens;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar;
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oils.

How to cook:

Tomatoes and carrots are twisted through a meat grinder or chopped in a blender. You should get a homogeneous mass. It is heated on the stove until boiling and boiled for 15-20 minutes, the resulting foam is periodically removed.

Sugar and salt are added to the boiling mixture, then chopped horseradish and butter. Squeeze the garlic into the contents. At the end, sprinkle with chopped greens and mix.

The contents of the pan are transferred to jars, then they are sterilized in the microwave for 6-8 minutes, after which they are closed with lids, cooled and stored in a cool place.

Horseradish with pepper

In the preparation of horseradish, you can use both bell peppers and hot chili. Sometimes both varieties are taken, they complement each other and give the snack a multifaceted taste.


  • 1.5-2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 3 tbsp ground horseradish;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • 4-5 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tbsp vinegar 6%;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • tsp granulated sugar.

How to cook:

The tomatoes are twisted in a meat grinder and the mass is transferred to the pan. Boil it for 15-20 minutes to remove excess liquid.

Both types of pepper and garlic are crushed with a knife. You need to cut it very finely so that the pieces practically do not taste. The chopped vegetables are sent to the boiled tomato mixture.

Vinegar is poured into tomatoes, salt and granulated sugar are mixed. Heating is stopped. The hot mixture is poured into storage containers and rolled up with disposable lids.

Horseradish recipe for long-term storage

In order not to worry about the shelf life of the snack, more vinegar is added to it. It will give the workpiece sourness, it will neutralize excessive sharpness.


  • 1-1.2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 3 tbsp ground horseradish;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • tbsp sunflower oil;
  • 4-5 garlic cloves.

How to cook:

Juice is made from tomatoes. The juice is put on fire and brought to a boil. You need to cook the product for 15 minutes.

At the end of cooking, chopped garlic, horseradish and salt with sugar and vinegar are added to the mass. Add oil. All mix and package the snack in jars.

After cooling, the jars are rearranged in the refrigerator or basement.

Horseradish with paprika

You can replace sweet bell pepper with paprika. Paprika gives the workpiece a beautiful red color and a little sweetness.


  • 2-2.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 2 tbsp paprika;
  • 2 tablespoons chopped horseradish;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • tsp salt;
  • st.l. Sahara;
  • st.l. vegetable oil.


Tomato juice is obtained from tomatoes. It is poured into a saucepan and heated for 10 minutes until boiling. The juice is allowed to boil for 4-5 minutes, after which paprika, salt and granulated sugar are added to it. Horseradish is added last, the heat is not turned off.

Finely chop the garlic with a knife, add it to the oil and let it stand for a while so that the oil absorbs the smell. Then pour the oil with garlic to the tomato mass and continue to cook for another 5 minutes.

After boiling, the hot mixture is poured into a storage container and sterilized over medium heat in a large saucepan filled with boiling water for 10 minutes. The finished snack is rolled up with lids and stored at a low temperature.


In order for the garlic not to lose its taste and aroma. It needs to be chopped with a knife, and not rubbed on a grater.

In order for the snack to stand for a long time, you need:

  1. Before cooking, be sure to wash cans of soda and bake in the oven or sterilize over steam.
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