
Storing peaches. How to freeze peaches for the winter fresh in the freezer at home

Many people love peaches, because these fruits have an incredibly pleasant taste and delicate aroma. This is a real pantry of vitamins and nutrients. To be able to feel the excellent taste of these fruits in the cold season, you can stock up on them for future use. One of the most convenient ways is freezing. How to freeze peaches for the winter? You can do it in different ways, it's easy and fast. Properly frozen and stored fruits will be a wonderful delicacy in the winter.

Such a blank can be used in the future for the preparation of desserts, as well as a filling for baking. Fragrant slices will be a great addition to various cereals in the diet of both adults and children. They are delicious on their own.

Features of freezing peaches for the winter

Peaches are a very delicate fruit and can be easily damaged. Therefore, when preparing for freezing, they must be handled with care.

To prevent oxidation of the pulp and its darkening, peaches are dipped for several minutes in an acidic solution. Prepared slices of ripe fruit can be placed in a weak solution of citric acid (an incomplete teaspoon per liter of water is added). In this case, they will not darken during storage.

It is also prepared quite simply: from lemon juice and water at a temperature of about 15 degrees. For a liter of water, adding 4 tablespoons of juice will suffice.

It should be noted that these fruits absorb odors very easily, so the bags must be airtight, and during storage, fruits should not be placed next to products that have a strong odor (fish, meat, seafood).

It is also worth thinking in advance about where the fruit will be used in the future. Depending on this, the portion in the package may be more or less.

Selection and preparation of fruit

Peaches that will be subsequently frozen must be carefully selected. The fruits should be moderately ripe, without damage and traces of rot. Fruit must be washed, even if it is planned to harvest without skin.

It is preferable to freeze whole fruits of small size. It is better to cut large fruits into pieces - this will save space in the freezer. Overripe fruits do not need to be frozen whole or in slices, but they will make an excellent fruit puree, which can also be successfully stored in the freezer.

Peaches should first be washed gently and allowed to dry naturally or patted dry with a towel.

Recipes for freezing peaches at home

Freezing is a great way to store fruits and vegetables. Plus, it's fast and convenient. However, you can freeze fruits in a variety of ways. The following is a list of the most popular recipes.

Whole peaches with pit

This is the fastest way to freeze, since no additional processing of fruits is required, except for washing and drying.

To freeze whole with a stone, each prepared peach must be wrapped in paper, put in a bag so that the fruits do not crush each other, and sent to the freezer.

Dry paper towels are great for wrapping fruit.

There should be enough space in the freezer for such a blank.

Sliced ​​without skin

When freezing peaches in the refrigerator with peeled slices, they must be washed and peeled. To do this, the fruits are blanched for 20-30 seconds in boiling water. Then you need to remove the skin from the fruit and cut them into slices. After that, the prepared peaches are dried, carefully folded into plastic bags and sent to freeze in the freezer.

With parchment

To properly freeze peaches with parchment, you first need to wash them, peel them and, if desired, remove the skin from them. To do this, you need to make cuts in the shape of the letter “X” on the peaches and lower them into boiling water for thirty seconds. After that, get the fruits and put them in ice water.

Then the fruits need to be cut into convenient parts, remove the stone and cut them into slices. Next, lay out the slices on parchment so that they do not touch each other, cover with another sheet of parchment on top and send to the freezer.

This method of freezing also requires a significant amount of space in the freezer.

Bulk peaches

You can freeze peaches in bulk with a skin or it is possible to remove it if desired. It will not affect the taste of the product. If there is a desire to remove the skin, then the washed fruits should first be placed in boiling water for 15-20 seconds, and then in cold water, after which the skin will be easy to remove.

Next, you need to divide the fruit into halves or smaller slices. To avoid darkening during the freezing process, the workpiece is placed briefly in water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice or citric acid.

Then the fruits are pulled out of the water, additionally dried and placed on any flat dish, covered with foil or baking paper. Peaches should not touch each other. In this form, fruits are sent to the freezer for 3-4 hours for pre-freezing.

After that, they are put in bags or other containers, and sent for long-term storage in the freezer.

With sugar

Typically, such a blank is most often used for baking sweet confectionery, so it is better to pre-cut the peaches into convenient slices. For this method of freezing, prepared peaches are placed in a bag or container, layering the fruit with sugar. Storage containers are filled to the desired height, tightly closed and placed in the freezer.

Fruits can be frozen in this way immediately, without pre-treatment in the freezer.

in syrup

For freezing in syrup, you can use slightly overripe peaches and those that let the juice go. You will need the following ingredients:

  • fruit;
  • sugar;
  • water.

You should first prepare a sweet syrup. To do this, take 350-400 grams of sugar for every 600 ml of water. Bring the water to a boil, stir the sugar in it well until completely dissolved.

Slightly cooled syrup is poured over fruits placed in a container. In this case, the use of plastic bags will be impractical.

The workpiece is allowed to stand for 1-2 hours to impregnate the fruit, and then it is frozen in the freezer.

It is important not to fill the container to the very brim with syrup in order to avoid spilling it.

peach puree

To prepare a healthy and tasty fruit puree, peaches must first be peeled. Then the bone is removed, cut into pieces and crushed with a blender.

Sugar can be added to taste or not added at all if desired. In this case, it will be completely natural. The prepared puree is distributed into containers. They are tightly closed and sent to the freezer.

Puree can be pre-placed in ice-freeze molds and frozen. Then the finished cubes of mashed potatoes are put in a sealed bag and frozen. Such cubes are a wonderful addition to baby food in the cold season.

Further storage

It is not enough to freeze this delicate product, it is important to follow the rules for its storage.

If the freezing rules have been followed, then the peaches will not darken during storage and will continue to have a pleasant appearance and taste.

If the temperature in the chamber is from 9 to 12 degrees, then frozen fruits can be stored for 6 months. At temperatures below 12 degrees, frozen fruits are stored for at least 9 months. There must be enough space in the freezer for the blanks.

How to defrost peaches

Frozen fruits should be thawed for further use.

When properly defrosted, fruits retain their flavor and shape. Peaches should be defrosted gradually, at room temperature or on a refrigerator shelf.

The slower the process is, the better the fruit will look in the final version. In no case should defrosting in hot water or a microwave oven be allowed - this will not only worsen the appearance of the product, but also destroy most of the stored vitamins.

Frozen peaches can be used in a variety of desserts or eaten just like that.

There are over three hundred types of peaches, and they bear fruit from June to September. If during the period of spring frosts their heat-loving flowers were not damaged by frosts, then usually peaches give a bountiful harvest. For the last days of ripening peaches, a characteristic rapid weight gain of the fruit. Therefore, you need to be very careful and responsible in harvesting.

Basically, fruits begin to be harvested when they change their main color. In varieties with white flesh, the optimal moment to start harvesting is the period when the green turns to cream, in varieties with yellow flesh, to a yellowish color. Taking peaches off the tree too soon is as big a mistake as harvesting them too late.

Early removal will cause the fruits to look shriveled, and if the fruits are overripe, they will quickly rot.

In the case of eating the fruits on the spot, they must be plucked with fully ripened fruits.

If it is planned to transport fruits, then it is necessary to take into account its duration and method of delivery.

If the harvested peach crop will be transported under chilled conditions, then the fruit must be harvested 5 days before full ripening. For long-distance transportation, only firm fruits of a not yet quite bright color are suitable.

Peaches do not ripen all at once, so harvesting occurs selectively in several steps. Peach fruits are very delicate and easily damaged when pressed with a finger. Therefore, it is better to pluck them with gloves and with the whole hand. This will help avoid damage to the protective fleecy cover. First you need to turn the fruit, and then just break it off from the ringlet with a “tail” and put it in a container.

Features of storing peaches

Where and how to store peaches at home? This question interests all lovers of these amazingly tasty fruits. Peaches cannot be stored for very long. They tend to quickly wither, lose their vag and rot. However, there are a number of certain conditions under which the shelf life of fruits will be significantly extended:

Plastic bags are not suitable for storing peaches due to the presence of condensation and lack of air.

In such conditions, tender fruits will quickly deteriorate and begin to rot.

How to make peaches ripen faster at home?

Usually the degree of maturity of a peach is determined by its color. But sometimes this opinion turns out to be erroneous, since the side of the fruit that has been in the sun for a longer time gets a more saturated red color first.

The presence of small green or white spots may indicate that the fruit has not yet ripened. Such fruits are quite hard to the touch, the skin is not elastic. However, even when plucked, this fruit can acquire the degree of maturity it needs. If the peaches are still quite unripe, this is not a problem. The question can be quite easily solved without resorting to particularly complex devices.

Peaches should only ripen at room temperature. You should not put them in the refrigerator, as they will not be able to ripen there, but they will quickly deteriorate.

Method number 1 - use a paper bag

In order to quickly ripen peaches, use a bag of brown wrapping paper. Plastic bags are not suitable for this, as fruits spoil too quickly in them.

The fruits must be placed in a bag. You can also put a banana or an apple there. They will speed up the ripening process of peaches. Next, the peaches are placed in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 22-24 degrees Celsius for a day.

If after this time the fruits have acquired a pleasant aroma and become softer, then they can be eaten. Otherwise, they must be placed back in the bag for another day. This must be repeated until the fruits ripen. Then they should be stored in the refrigerator.

Method number 2 - use linen fabric

On the kitchen worktop, you need to lay out a clean linen napkin or towel (you can use cotton). Peaches are placed cuttings tightly down, keeping the same distance between the fruits.

The fruits should not touch each other, otherwise they will quickly deteriorate. Then the fruit must be covered with another linen napkin on top. They must be completely covered so that there is no inflow of fresh air anywhere.

Peaches will be ready in a few days. If after 2-3 days they are not ready, repeat the procedure again. Fruit prepared in this way will be especially fragrant and soft to the touch.

A ripe peach is hard to come by. Its taste is somewhat reminiscent of melon, but still remains special. Unusually good fruit in the ripening season. But you can’t eat a lot of them at once, you want to prolong the pleasure.

Information on how to store peaches will help you enjoy the juicy fruits of summer longer.

How to keep ripe peaches longer

So that the taste of peaches does not disappoint and they lie for at least a few days, you need to choose the right fruits. When putting fruit in a basket, you should pay attention to the following:

  • The fruits should not have dents, skin damage, rot or green spots.
  • Peaches give off a pleasant aroma.
  • The fruit is covered with a red blush.
  • No need to give up irregularly shaped fruits. If they are not damaged, then such peaches are considered to be the most delicious.
  • With a slight pressure on the fruit, the pulp is slightly squeezed.
  • The bone should not fall apart and be wrinkled. If so, then the peaches have undergone significant chemical processing and are not safe to eat.

In order for the fruits to remain in good condition longer, they must be transferred to the refrigerator, choosing a place intended for fruits.

Peaches are best preserved in paper bags. Polyethylene should not be used, because fruits are saturated with moisture in them and deteriorate faster.

Ripe peaches keep well in the refrigerator for a week or a little longer.

Unripe peaches: how to store

Peaches are among those fruits that can ripen when picked from the tree. Therefore, most often slightly unripe fruits are used for transportation.

You should not bypass them, although in sweetness they are slightly inferior to their relatives, ripened on a tree. The reason is that in a plucked peach, sugar stops being produced. Surely, there are those for whom such a feature of unripe fruits is positive.

To ripen peaches, they should be placed in a cozy corner of the kitchen. They can turn into ripe fruits only at room temperature. In the refrigerator, the fruits will either deteriorate or remain as they were at the beginning.

Peaches ripen faster in the company of other fruits. Therefore, apples, pears, bananas can be placed next to unripe fruits. After a couple of days, the peaches begin to blush and turn into juicy fruits that are time to eat.

How to keep peach harvest longer

The following conditions must be observed:

  • Choose the right storage location. The temperature should be positive, but not exceed two degrees. The optimum air humidity is 85–90%. Part of the peaches can be placed in the refrigerator, the rest - in the cellar or pantry.
  • Each fruit must be wrapped in paper. For indoor storage, boxes with or without cells are suitable. Lay out the peaches in two or three layers. It is desirable that there is a small distance between the fruits.
  • It is necessary to place containers with peaches away from other fruits, as they can "help" each other spoil faster.

Under these conditions, peaches can be stored for a month. Periodically, it is necessary to check the fruits and remove those that begin to rot.

Other ways to store peaches for a long time

  • Fruits sweet and sour and sweet are suitable for their dry. In this form, peaches are stored for more than one year. You can dry the fruits in the sun or using a fruit dryer. For this procedure, peaches are cut in half or into four slices, the stone is removed.
  • Sand storage. Slightly unripe fruits of late varieties should be selected. They should be solid and not have flaws. For three or four days, peaches are left in a dark room with good ventilation. During this time, the fruit will lose a significant amount of moisture.

    Then the fruits are wrapped in paper and laid out in boxes in no more than four layers. The space between the peaches is abundantly covered with dry and clean river sand. The fruits do not spoil for two to three months.

  • Freezing peaches. It is possible that this is the most optimal way to preserve fruits for a long time (up to a year) without losing all the useful properties. Fruits are frozen both as a whole and in slices. Fruit with stones should be placed in a container or in a bag and sent to the freezer.

    Peach slices are frozen with syrup. To prepare the latter, four cups of cold water are mixed with three cups of sugar. Three tablets of ascorbic acid are added to the mixture.

Previously, peaches were considered exotic, but now they have become available to everyone. This sweet fruit has a lot of vitamins and minerals and is very beneficial for the body. It is not always possible to buy a ripe, ready-to-eat fruit, so many are interested in whether peaches ripen at home.

Storing unripe fruit

Semi-ripe peaches may ripen after they have been picked. Because of this, green fruits are chosen for transportation.

It is worth remembering that the taste of such fruits will be slightly inferior to those that have ripened on their own. This is due to the fact that the plucked fruit stops producing sugar.

In order for peaches to ripen at home, they must be placed in a dry paper bag and left in the room. You can not put them in the refrigerator, because there they can deteriorate.

In order for unripe peaches to become ready for consumption faster, they should be stored next to other fruits. The best neighbors for them are bananas, pears, apples and nectarines.

Bananas are one of the best neighbors for storing unripe peaches.

In order for peaches to ripen and not deteriorate, it is important to follow some rules.

  1. When storing a large number of fruits, do not stack them on top of each other. So they will be stored much less.
  2. It is better to keep peaches in special boxes with separate cells for each fruit. It is important that the fruits do not touch. So ripening will be faster.
  3. If there are a lot of peaches, I can store them in boxes, sprinkled with sand or wrapped in paper. So the fruit ripens faster and stays fresh longer.

Shelf life of peaches

These fruits stay fresh for several days even when stored at room temperature. It is important that they are kept cool and protected from the sun. If the fruits are damaged or there is rot on them, they must be thrown away, otherwise the whole peaches that are nearby will also begin to deteriorate.

It is better that they are stored at temperatures from 0 to +5 ° C. This mode is provided in special departments of the refrigerator. The higher the temperature rises, the faster the fruit spoils. At 0°C they will keep fresh for 2-3 weeks.

These fruits can stay fresh for more than three weeks if stored in special warehouses. Therefore, immediately after the purchase, it is important to determine the degree of freshness of fruits and take the necessary measures for their storage.

Cut unripe peaches can only be stored in the refrigerator. If they are stored at room temperature, then after a few hours they will begin to lose their taste and rot. To extend their shelf life by a few days, put them in a container and close it tightly with a lid.

Rules for choosing peaches

It is important to be able to choose the right peaches. Then they will not be overripe or green.

It is worth paying attention to the details if the fruit is unripe:

  • lack of damage and dents on the skin;
  • nice smell;
  • slight blush;
  • when you press your finger on the fruit, the pulp should be slightly squeezed, you should not choose too hard and hard fruits.

When choosing peaches, you should pay attention to the condition of the skin - it must be whole

You need to be careful if the bone falls apart. This suggests that the fruits were treated with chemicals several times. Also, do not give up irregularly shaped peaches. If they are not damaged or show signs of rot, they can be eaten.

To keep peaches longer, put them in the refrigerator in the dedicated fruit section. In this case, they will remain fresh for several days.

Ways to keep peaches fresh

Few people know, but these juicy fruits are suitable for drying. It is necessary to rinse them well, get the bone and cut in any convenient way. Then put on a baking sheet and put in the oven on a small fire, and then bring to readiness. In this form, they are stored for up to a year and retain most of the useful properties.

Also known is a method of storing peaches in the sand. To do this, choose unripe fruits, it is better to take representatives of late varieties. It is important that they are tight and without flaws. First, they are left for several days in the basement, during this period they will lose some of the moisture.

Then each fruit is wrapped in paper, put in a box and the space between the fruits is poured with sand. With this method of storage, they will remain fresh for at least 1-2 months and will be able to ripen.

The most convenient way to preserve peaches and their beneficial properties is freezing. The fruit can be frozen whole or cut, it is also candied. Peaches are placed in containers, tightly closed and sent to the freezer. In this form, their taste will be well preserved for up to a year. But do not freeze these fruits again.


It is not always possible to choose a good ripened fruit in the store. But peaches ripen well at home. It is enough to leave them for several days at room temperature. The fruits ripen quickly without losing their beneficial properties.

There are many ways to keep this fruit fresh for a long time. A large number of fruits can be stored in boxes by wrapping each fruit with paper. So they will reach maturity and retain all the vitamins. But don't put green peaches in the refrigerator to ripen, where they will spoil quickly.

If peaches are not planned to be eaten immediately after their purchase, then it is recommended to purchase fruits without skin damage, characterized by sufficient surface hardness and without broken dents. Peaches with soft skins or dents resulting from improper transportation can be eaten, but they cannot be stored. The way out of this situation may be the preparation of compote or jam, for which such fruits are considered an ideal option.

The nuances of storing peaches at home:

  • peaches cannot be stored in plastic bags (in the absence of oxygen and under the influence of condensate accumulation, the fruits will quickly deteriorate);
  • you can store peaches at room conditions, in the refrigerator, in basements, cellars and even on the balcony;
  • it is recommended to store peaches in paper or paper bags (in this way, peaches are stored in the refrigerator or at room conditions);
  • when storing peaches, do not stack fruits on top of each other (under such conditions, their shelf life will be reduced);
  • if there are a lot of peaches, then for their storage it is better to use special fruit boxes with cells (this design will prevent damage to the fruit under its own weight);
  • peaches are often used to speed up the ripening process of other fruits, but the peaches themselves also become ripe and spoil faster (this nuance must be taken into account when choosing “neighbors” for peaches during their storage);
  • if the peaches are not ripe, then they should be stored only at room temperature (these fruits will not ripen in the refrigerator, and they will start to deteriorate quickly);
  • a large number of peaches can be stored in a regular box, but the fruits must be sprinkled with sand or wrapped in paper (you can use a regular newspaper or papyrus);
  • cut peaches can be stored in the refrigerator or frozen;
  • you can freeze peaches not only in sliced ​​​​but also as a whole (you can even freeze peaches with a stone).

If you plan to store peaches for a long time in advance, then you can use a simple but effective method of preparing the fruit. First, the fruit must be kept for 3-4 days at room temperature, and then placed in a box. In the process of laying, the fruits must be sprinkled with sand or wrapped with paper. When at room temperature, a certain amount of moisture comes out of the peaches, and when the necessary conditions for further storage are created, their freshness and juiciness will last.

How much and at what temperature to store peaches

At room temperature, ripe peaches can keep fresh for several days. When choosing a storage location, choose a dark and cool place. If the peaches are soft or the first signs of rotting appear on them, then after a while they will begin to rot. A similar situation will occur with beaten fruits.

The optimal temperature for storing peaches is considered to be a level of 0 degrees.. This mode is provided in compartments for storing fruits in refrigerators and is created in cellars or cellars. The higher the temperature, the less the peaches will retain their freshness. At 0 degrees, the fruits are stored for several weeks, depending on the degree of maturity.

The difference in shelf life at room temperature and in the refrigerator for peaches is approximately one week. In the cold, the fruits stay juicy and fresh longer. However, you must follow the rules for their storage in any case. Peaches can keep fresh for several months only in special warehouses, so immediately after buying them, you need to determine the time of eating fruits and take appropriate measures for their storage.

Cut peaches should only be stored in the refrigerator. Their shelf life in this case will be several days. You can extend it by placing the fruit in a container with a lid. If the peaches have been cut and not eaten within two days, it is best to freeze them, which will extend their shelf life by months.

Frozen peaches keep for several months.. Previously, it is better to sort the fruits into portions. Like any other food, peaches should not be re-frozen. A distinctive feature of this type of fruit is the ability to maintain the structure of the pulp after exposure to low temperatures.
