
Thick raspberry jam for the winter. Pitted raspberry jam

Raspberry jam is associated with childhood. This is a delicious cold remedy that goes great with herbal teas and pancakes. Despite the simplicity of preparation, there are many ways of cooking. Someone boils for a long time, and someone is against such an “execution”, since the juicy and tender berry boils in a few minutes. Raspberries are ground with sugar, combined with herbs, berries, fruit slices. Among the many options you can find "your" recipe for raspberry jam.

Easy to cook

Raspberry is a juicy sweet berry with small seeds. To make the treat more uniform, you can rub the raspberry mixture through a sieve. Raspberries contain a lot of juice, so it is recommended to prepare a viscous syrup so that the jam does not turn out to be liquid.

Useful composition

Some cooks are worried about how much to cook raspberry jam. The point is not so much in the aesthetic form (liquid or dense delicacy), but in the useful properties remaining after cooking. Vitamin C begins to break down already at 60 ° C, after cooking only 5-10% remains. The remaining vitamins lose 15-50% of the total content.

This does not mean that raspberry jam is a useless treat. Pectin, fiber, microelements are preserved in berries. If the gourmet is worried about the benefits, then it is better to grind raspberries with sugar without cooking. In the process of conservation, the berries will turn into syrup, but they will retain most of the nutrients. The table shows the chemical composition of heat-treated raspberries.

Table - The content of nutrients in raspberry jam

CompoundQuantity in 100 g, mg
Vitamin C7,4
Vitamin E0,5
Vitamin PP0,5
Vitamin B20,04
Vitamin B60,04
beta carotene0,02
Vitamin B10,01
Vitamin A0,003
Vitamin B90,002

Raspberry jam helps with colds, radiculitis, fever, because. contains salicylic acid. It is a natural antipyretic and pain reliever. The delicacy relieves fever, headache, increases hemoglobin, improves appetite and speeds up metabolism.

A variety of recipes for "pure" raspberry jam

To make the dessert beautiful, healthy, tasty, you should pay attention to four nuances.

  1. Dishes . It is recommended to cook in an enameled or heat-resistant pan with a non-stick coating. Cooking in aluminum containers is not allowed, because. aluminum oxide is destroyed by the acids in the berries. The metal that gets into the jam will affect the taste and benefits of the jam. It is undesirable to use such dishes for cooking in several approaches and storage.
  2. Sugar . Raspberries are a sweet berry that does not need to be generously sweetened. This raises the question of how much sugar is needed per kilogram of raspberries for jam. Usually, proportions are calculated 1: 1, but the amount of granulated sugar can be reduced or increased to taste.
  3. Sterilization. Sugar is a good preservative that prolongs the shelf life of the workpiece. Therefore, the dishes do not have to be sterilized. However, the containers must be clean and dry before laying out the jam. According to reviews, many housewives wash the container with baking soda, and before laying it out, they scald it with boiling water and dry it.
  4. Berries . It is necessary to take sweet, ripe berries without rot and dried places. If raspberries are collected from the site, then it is not necessary to wash them. Purchased berries are recommended to soak for a while in water. It is convenient to make frozen raspberry jam in any season. The berries are thawed, and then put to boil without draining the water, according to the recipe.

If, after cooking, the raspberries ferment, and the lid is swollen, it means that they did not put enough sugar. You can correct the situation by re-cooking. Heat the jam, add 100 g of sugar per kilogram and boil for a few minutes, removing the foam. It is advisable to use this jam immediately. You can use it for pies.


Description . Jam according to the classic recipe, depending on the desired consistency, is cooked from five to 40 minutes. The longer the treat is boiled, the thicker and darker it becomes. Berries can be crushed (the time of infusion with sugar will be reduced) or left whole.

What to prepare:

  • raspberries - 1.2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

How to cook

  1. Wash and dry the berries.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar, leave for six to eight hours.
  3. After the formation of juice, put the mixture on low heat.
  4. Remove the resulting foam, cook until boiling.
  5. Boil for 15 minutes, turn off the burner.
  6. Transfer the cooled jam to dry sterile containers, roll up.

You can do without cooking, preserving the freshness and usefulness of the berries as much as possible. Pour the selected, washed and dried berries with an equal amount of sugar and mash with a crush to the desired consistency. Put the jam in sterile dry jars. Sprinkle a 1 cm layer of sugar on top. This will protect the product from spoilage. Store under tin or nylon lids.

With whole berries

Description . One of the simple recipes for raspberry jam involves boiling in your own juice. To make jam with whole berries, do not stir, remove the berries carefully, do not boil for too long.

What to prepare:

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

How to cook

  1. Pour the berries for five minutes under running water.
  2. Remove floating debris, insects, rinse and dry the raspberries.
  3. Sprinkle the berries with sugar, leave overnight under a lid or gauze.
  4. Put the berries with a slotted spoon into a separate container.
  5. Put the resulting syrup on the burner.
  6. Bring to a boil and simmer for about ten minutes, skimming off the foam.
  7. Add the berries, wait for the boil and boil for five minutes, removing the foam.
  8. Turn off the burner and put the finished jam in jars.

Do not stir the mixture during the cooking process. Otherwise, the berries will lose their integrity. Ripe berries will “spread” even at the stage of infusion with sugar, but most of them will remain intact.


Description . Natural jam only from berries, without sugar, can be given even to small children. The delicacy retains the original aroma of ripe berries. Those with a sweet tooth will not be disappointed: the jam is obtained without a caramel, sugary taste, but quite sweet and rich. Be sure to sterilize and dry the containers before packing.

What to prepare:

  • raspberries - 2.5 kg.

How to cook

  1. Wash and dry the berries.
  2. Put in a sterile jar, without crushing, to the very top.
  3. Place the containers in a water bath in a large pot of water.
  4. Let stand until the berries give juice and begin to lose shape.
  5. Cover with lids, boil for another 15-30 minutes, depending on the volume of the container, roll up.

To prevent the containers from bursting, lay a voluminous towel on the bottom of the pan or lay a wooden board. Arrange the container at some distance from each other and from the walls of the pan.

"Five Minute"

Description . Many people know Pyatiminutka raspberry jam for the winter. It really only takes a few minutes to prepare. The berries covered with sugar are left for several hours until the juice is formed. Then the mixture is boiled for five minutes and laid out in jars. There is another way to quickly make jam.

What to prepare:

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water.

How to cook

  1. Sort the berries, rinse well.
  2. Grind with a pusher into a puree.
  3. Place a saucepan with a small amount of water (about 150 ml) on the stove.
  4. Gradually adding sugar and stirring, boil the syrup.
  5. If the sugar mass is too steep, add a little more water.
  6. When the syrup is ready, add the raspberry puree and turn off the burner.
  7. Mix well, remove the resulting foam.
  8. Transfer the homogeneous mass into containers and seal.

You can quickly make jam in the oven. Place the clean berries in a heat-resistant saucepan or in a baking dish. Add sugar and stir. Preheat the oven to 180-200 ° C and place the workpiece inside. Simmer until boiling, then stir and hold for another five minutes. Pour hot into containers, roll up.


Description . A tender delicacy prepared without bones. Getting rid of small seeds is not easy, it will take some time, but the result is worth it. It turns out a fragrant dessert that goes well with pancakes.

What to prepare:

  • raspberries - 1.2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon juice.

How to cook

  1. Wash and dry the berries.
  2. Simmer or bake at 100°C until the juices stand out and the raspberries are soft.
  3. Wipe the resulting mass through a sieve or squeeze through cheesecloth.
  4. Mix with sugar, squeeze lemon juice.
  5. Put on fire and cook, stirring, until the sugar grains dissolve.
  6. Boil the mixture until the desired consistency is reached.
  7. Pour into jars and seal.

To determine the readiness of the jam, put a small amount on a saucer and observe. If the drop spreads quickly, then cooking should be continued. A droplet lingering on the surface indicates the density of the brew.


Description . There are many ways to add thickness to a delicacy. Traditionally, in order to evaporate excess moisture, raspberry jam should be cooked in several approaches. Mix the raspberries with half the sugar, wait for the juice to separate. Boil, boil for a couple of minutes, leave overnight, covered with a lid. Boil and add the remaining sugar. Stir, chill. Repeat the procedure one or two more times to achieve the desired consistency, and pour into jars. You can get a thick jam using gelatin granules. The more gelling agent, the more the delicacy looks like marmalade.

What to prepare:

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • gelatin - 50 g.

How to cook

  1. Sprinkle washed and dried berries with sugar.
  2. Leave for a few hours (possibly overnight) for the juice to form.
  3. Put to boil on a slow fire.
  4. As soon as the mixture boils, turn off the burner and leave the workpiece to cool.
  5. Repeat the boiling and cooling procedure.
  6. Steam the gelatin granules according to the instructions.
  7. Let it boil a third time and add the swollen gelatin mixture.
  8. Stir gently and remove from heat.
  9. Arrange in banks, cork.

Instead of steamed gelatin granules, you can use Gelfix mixed with sugar. One package (40 g) is enough for a kilogram of berries. First, grind the raspberries into a pulp, and then add a little sugar with a gelling agent. When the mixture boils, add the remaining sugar and cook for three minutes after boiling. You can also make jam with agar-agar.

In a slow cooker

Description . A slow cooker is great for making jam, especially in the hot season, when it’s impossible to be near a working stove. The device will help to prepare both classic jam and raspberry jelly.

What to prepare:

  • raspberries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

How to cook

  1. Rinse, discard spoiled berries.
  2. Put in a bowl, add sugar.
  3. Close the lid, set the "Quenching" for an hour.
  4. Put in containers, roll up.

To make jelly, set the Multi Cook program at 170 ° C and prepare a syrup from 1 liter of water and 2 kg of sugar. Place the washed 1 kg of berries in the syrup that has cooled to room temperature and leave for an hour. Set "Multi-cook" for 20 minutes. A couple of minutes before the end of the program, add two teaspoons of diluted citric acid or juice.

Options with berries and fruits

Having figured out how to cook raspberry jam exclusively from berries and sugar, you can experiment. Raspberries are unusually combined with various berries and fruits, which will add variety to the traditional delicacy. If the raspberry crop is small, then adding different components will increase the volume of jam.


Description . Jam will help fight colds, cheer you up and pleasantly surprise you with its aroma. The treat is ready in about an hour.

What to prepare:

  • raspberries - 1.5 kg;
  • orange - three pieces;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water.

How to cook

  1. Sort the berries, rinse, dry.
  2. Peel orange fruits.
  3. Divide into slices and remove the film from the pulp.
  4. Connect the prepared components.
  5. Pour in sugar, mix.
  6. Leave for a few minutes for the juice to form.
  7. Boil the mixture for five minutes, skimming off the foam and stirring.
  8. Turn off the burner and let it sit for ten minutes.
  9. Repeat the cooking process twice.
  10. Put in sterile jars and roll up.


Description . A juicy black berry is a source of vitamin C. It turns out a jelly-like jam with a pleasant sour taste. If desired, you can increase or decrease the amount of raspberries, adhering to the proportions with sugar.

What to prepare:

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • currant - 1 kg;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

How to cook

  1. Rinse and dry the berries well.
  2. Make syrup from water and sugar.
  3. When the mixture boils, add currant berries.
  4. Stir, wait for a boil and remove from heat.
  5. Leave covered overnight.
  6. In the morning, put to boil on a small fire.
  7. Boil five minutes and add raspberries.
  8. Boil for about ten minutes, skimming off the foam and stirring.
  9. Divide into containers and seal.

Lazy recipe. Pour berries of two types with sugar and leave for a couple of hours. Boil the mixture and boil for ten minutes, removing the foam. Add citric acid to prolong shelf life, mix and pour into jars.


Description . You can take both ripe and green berries. If the "minke whales" are not ripe, then you should increase the amount of sugar. Unripe berries have more pectin, so the jam will turn out to be a jelly-like consistency, similar to confiture.

What to prepare:

  • raspberries - 300 g;
  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the berries, sort, remove the tails.
  2. Pour gooseberries with sugar, mix and leave for a couple of hours.
  3. Grind the raspberries with a blender, meat grinder or crush and add to the gooseberries.
  4. Boil the mixture and boil for seven minutes, stirring occasionally.


Description . A truly summer jam, the aroma of which will remind you of warm days on a frosty evening.

What to prepare:

  • raspberries - 500 g;
  • strawberries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 500 ml.

How to cook

  1. Sort, clean, rinse the berries.
  2. Quarter large strawberries, add raspberries.
  3. Sprinkle the mixture with sugar.
  4. Leave for half an hour, stir.
  5. Pour in water, bring to a boil, not forgetting to remove the foam.
  6. Reduce heat and simmer for ten minutes, stirring occasionally.
  7. Cool and pour the finished jam.

Vanilla adds spice. When boiling, put the pod cut along, remove after a couple of minutes. Density will give pectin mixed with sugar.


Description . Traditional jam with a little secret. Fresh spices set off the raspberry flavor, making it more intense. It is not necessary to use only fresh leaves. You can experiment with cardamom pods or clove buds.

What to prepare:

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 350 g;
  • lemon - half;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • cherry pits - 15 pieces;
  • basil - five sheets;
  • mint - seven sheets.

How to cook

  1. Sort, wash the berries.
  2. Fill with water, add sugar.
  3. Stir, close and leave for five hours.
  4. Put on the burner and wait until it boils.
  5. Boil for ten minutes, stirring occasionally.
  6. Cover and leave for five hours.
  7. Cut the lemon zest, squeeze the juice from the pulp.
  8. Wash the leaves and seeds.
  9. Place the prepared spices on a bandage tape and tie in a tight bag.
  10. Pour the juice into the raspberry mixture, lower the spicy bag and set to simmer over low heat.
  11. Stirring occasionally, bring to a boil.
  12. Boil on low heat for 20 minutes.
  13. Take out the spices and pour the jam into the container.


Description . Unusual sweet and sour jam with a pleasant cherry aroma. It is recommended to remove the bones first.

What to prepare:

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the berries, dry.
  2. Pour raspberries with 1 kg of sugar and put on fire.
  3. Wait for the boil, add the remaining granulated sugar and cherry pulp.
  4. Stir and cook after boiling for 40-50 minutes over low heat.
  5. Remove foam and stir.
  6. Pour the resulting jam into jars.


Description . Related berries complement each other perfectly. The jam turns red-purple. You can use frozen berries from the supermarket.

What to prepare:

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • blackberry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

How to cook

  1. Sort and wash the berries.
  2. Pour in sugar, mix.
  3. Leave in a cool place overnight.
  4. Carefully remove the berries, and put the syrup, along with undissolved sugar, on the stove.
  5. Bring to a boil, stirring until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.
  6. Add berries and boil for five minutes, not forgetting to remove the foam.
  7. Leave covered overnight.
  8. Boil again for five minutes and put in a sterile container.

To get rid of insects and spiders, the berries are soaked in saline for five to ten minutes. It is enough to dissolve a tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of water. When the bugs float to the surface, collect them and wash the berries.


Description . Blueberry jam itself is incredibly tasty and healthy. Raspberries are a sweeter and more pronounced berry, so it is recommended to reduce the amount so as not to overpower the blueberry flavor.

What to prepare:

  • raspberries - 500 g;
  • blueberries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml.

How to cook

  1. Pick out the trash, wash the berries.
  2. Combine water with granulated sugar and set to boil.
  3. After boiling, boil for a couple of minutes.
  4. Pour the berries with the resulting syrup.
  5. Close the lid and leave for four hours.
  6. Boil the mixture over medium heat.
  7. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring and skimming off foam, until desired thickness.
  8. Pour into banks, roll up.


Description . The easiest way to diversify raspberry jam is to add apple slices. The taste is unusual and largely depends on the type of fruit.

What to prepare:

  • raspberries - 2 kg;
  • apple - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg.

How to cook

  1. Cut the washed apple fruits into slices, cut out the cores.
  2. Put in a saucepan and add 500 g of sugar.
  3. Leave covered for about a few hours.
  4. Rinse the raspberries, sort and cover with the remaining sugar, leave to infuse.
  5. Boil the apple mixture over low heat.
  6. Stir and chill.
  7. Repeat the cooking and cooling procedure three times.
  8. Boil the raspberries the same way.
  9. Combine the two mixtures, cook for about half an hour over low heat.
  10. Divide into jars and seal.

The recipe is recommended to be supplemented with spices. Ginger, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon go well with apple-raspberry dessert. If the spices are used whole, then it is better to tie them in a gauze bag and lower them into the brew for a few minutes. Ground seasonings are used in small quantities (no more than one teaspoon without a slide) so as not to interrupt the overall taste.

Raspberry jam for the winter is a delicacy and a delicious medicine. Rolled cans can be stored in the room. Containers under nylon lids are best stored in the refrigerator. If the jam is well boiled and flavored with sugar, the workpiece will stand until spring. Scrolled jam, grated with sugar, is recommended to be consumed during the winter.

Reviews: "My children are always delighted"

Raspberry jam is very healthy, and by the way currant. In vain that someone thinks so that there are no vitamins. Of course, the vitamins in these jams are not like in fresh years in the summer season, but decently to boost immunity and cure a cold. I always cook jam and add sugar less than required, about a third. And I cook no more than 5-10 minutes, depending on the berry. It turns out just stunning. Berries are fresh. Nothing sour. It costs a year or two the freshest. Just jars need to be well sterilized. This is where it can get sour easily.

Eva, http://www.woman.ru/home/culinary/thread/3904315/

The jam starts to ferment if you didn't add enough sugar initially. Put the jam in a bowl, add sugar and boil. That's all. If the jam is cooked correctly, it will be stored even in 40 degree heat. First, cover with parchment paper and top with a nylon lid.

Elya, https://she.ngs.ru/forum/board/cooking/flat/1880677461/?fpart=1&per-page=50

Grated berries with sugar do not tolerate metallics - oxidation occurs, so boil the raspberries with sugar, and then again under a plastic lid and into the cold. So everyone loves berries. And even better - spread it in a plastic bag in a small layer and put it in the freezer for 5-6 days (flat), then shake it and they will take up little space. And in winter, defrost - almost fresh berries. My children are always delighted.

Polechka, https://otvet.mail.ru/question/61422998


Raspberry jam has always been considered not a simple delicacy or an addition to pies and sweet dishes. It is also a well-known folk remedy for the treatment of colds. There are many different ways to make delicious and healthy raspberry jam, but they are all simple and require few ingredients, the main ones being berries and sugar.

Raspberry jam - a classic recipe

To make your jam really tasty and fragrant, you will have to spend time on it - this is not a very fast business, but the result will definitely please you.

For any raspberry jam, you will need fresh raw materials, ideally freshly harvested. Raspberry - the berry is very tender and, after lying down, quickly gives juice and loses its properties.

For the simplest classic recipe, you only need sugar and raspberries in equal proportions, that is, for a kilogram of berries you need a kilogram of sugar.

  1. The berry must be well cleaned of leaves, dirt, rinsed and only then proceed to cooking. Pour the fruits into a saucepan, pour half a measure of sugar into it and set the dishes aside for 2 or 3 hours. During this time, the berry will give juice.
  2. Next, put the pan on the stove and turn on the heat. As soon as the jam boils, remove it from the heat and let it brew. Better to let him rest all night.
  3. The next morning, the pot with jam must be put on fire again, let it boil and again remove from the stove. Then you should immediately pour in the second half of the sugar, mix everything well until the grains dissolve and pour the jam into jars.

Confiture prepared according to this recipe is not only tasty, but also healthy. Thanks to this method of heat treatment, the maximum benefit of raspberry jam is preserved, since it is not exposed to high temperatures for a long time. A short boil is needed only to dissolve the sugar and better preserve the jam in winter.

Quick recipe "Five Minute"

"Five-minute" is called jam ... which is cooked in just 5 minutes! This recipe is suitable for making a dessert at the height of the summer season, when in country conditions you don’t want to spend a lot of time at the stove. In addition, this recipe will allow you to save the maximum benefit in the berry.

To execute it, take:

  • kilogram of raspberries;
  • 0.5 kilograms of sugar.

If you have more or less raspberries, proportionally count the right amount of granulated sugar.

It is best to cook jam in an enamel bowl - a saucepan or a basin.

  1. Pour the pure berry into the pan in small layers, sprinkling with sugar. Let the fruits stand for a couple of hours so that they give juice.
  2. Turn on a small heat on the stove and put a pan on it. The berry should warm up slowly so that as much juice as possible flows out of it.
  3. While stirring, let the jam boil and cook for 5 minutes. Stir everything carefully so as not to crush the berries. During the cooking process, foam will form, it needs to be removed, but you should not throw it away - try it, this is a separate delicacy.

Raspberry jam is one of those that should be in every home. And most likely it shouldn't even be, but it is! After all, everyone is trying to stock up on this most useful product for the winter. With such a delicacy, we not only get cured of a cold in the cold winter, but also get a lot of useful substances and positive emotions with it. Well, who doesn't love him! Probably hard to find.

Did you know that raspberries contain a large amount of natural salicylic acid. It also contains citric, malic, tartaric acids. Therefore, this berry is considered the best natural antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

And if we are cold and we have the first signs of a cold, the first thing we do is drink hot tea with her. And after a good sweat, it happens that the disease does not go further. From drinking two cups of tea with this berry, there is simply no trace of feeling unwell. The berry often helps. Most importantly, do not forget to stock up on it for the winter! So that there is always a treasured jar in the refrigerator!

Why in the refrigerator? To maximize the preservation of all useful vitamins and minerals! The berry is either simply crushed with sugar, or, for better preservation, it is prepared in the form of a “five-minute” and then stored in the refrigerator. With such methods, all useful substances are preserved in full.

And there is something to keep. These are vitamins A, C, E, a complex of vitamins B. Also, the berry contains a large amount of potassium and calcium. Iron, which promotes the process of hematopoiesis, copper, which is part of many antidepressants. And a number of other useful trace elements.

Therefore, you need to stock up on berries. There is never much of it. Plus, it's easy to stock up. Cooking a delicious fragrant delicacy from it is a pleasure!

I offer you 5 super-fast, but no less tasty, recipes for making five-minute raspberry jam, for harvesting for the winter. And I will also share the secrets and features of cooking. To be sure, your delicacy turned out to be the most delicious, and the most useful!

We will need:

  • raspberries -1.5 kg
  • sugar -1.5 kg


1. We sort out the berry. We remove the leaves. We carefully examine. She is loved by all sorts of bugs-spiders. Especially raspberry beetles, which lay their larvae in it.

There is a way by which spider bugs and their larvae themselves get out of the berry. A saline solution is made, based on 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt. The berries are placed in a sieve, and the sieve is placed in the solution. After 5-7 minutes, all living creatures emerge. Salt water is drained and then the berry must be thoroughly washed in two or three waters.

But you can just sort it out. We have our own berry, so we sort it out and do not wash it.

2. If your berry is purchased, then we wash it in cool water very carefully so as not to wrinkle. Then we remove the stem. But not earlier, so as not to damage the berry ahead of time and not lose the juice from it.

3. We spread the berries in a colander, and let the water drain, and the berries dry slightly.

4. Put the berries in a bowl, or other dishes in which we will cook.

Do not use aluminum utensils to prepare treats. The juice that will be released from the berry, when interacting with aluminum, loses its beneficial properties.

5. Crush the berry. Pour in sugar, mix. For mixing, it is better to use a wooden spatula or a plastic slotted spoon. Let sit for 1 hour to allow the sugar to dissolve a little.

6. Put on a very slow fire and stirring occasionally, wait until all the sugar is completely dissolved. Then turn up the heat and bring the syrup to a boil.

7. During cooking, foam will appear, which will need to be removed.

If the foam is not removed, or removed, but not completely, then the jam can quickly turn sour. And all the hard work will go down the drain!

8. After the start of boiling, let it boil for only 5 minutes.

9. Arrange the jam in ready-made sterilized jars and close the lid tightly. Banks I try to take small. To open and not keep it for a long time. An open delicacy, if stored in the refrigerator for a long time, can turn sour. And it's a shame to throw it away.

10. Turn over, cover with a towel and leave to cool completely.

11. It is better to store the finished jam in the refrigerator.

Whole berry jam

It turns out very tasty harvesting for the winter from whole berries. Berries fully retain their taste and beautiful color.

We will need:

  • raspberries - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg

It is clear that we take as much sugar as raspberries. Therefore, everyone can cook from the amount they need, but preferably no more than 2 kg of sugar.


1. Sort the berries, rinse, let the water drain.

2. Pour half of the sugar into a basin or other container in which we will cook.

3. Lay out all the berries.

5. Leave for 5-6 hours. During this time, she will start up the juice and the sugar will partially dissolve.

6. Put on a slow fire, mix gently so as not to damage the berries. We make sure that nothing burns, especially until all the sugar has dissolved.

7. When all the sugar is dissolved, add fire and bring the jam to a boil. Do not forget to remove the foam during the whole process.

If it is cooked only on low heat, it will lose its beautiful raspberry color.

8. Cook for 5 minutes.

9. And then we lay it out in sterilized jars and close the lids.

10. Store in the refrigerator.

Whole berry jam is another way

We will need:

  • raspberries -1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg


1. We sort out and wash the berries. Place in a colander and let the water drain.

2. Pour half the sugar into the basin in which we will cook.

3. Spread the berries on top.

4. Pour the remaining sugar on top.

5. Leave for 5-6 hours, so that they start up the juice and dissolve the sugar.

6. Drain the resulting juice into another bowl. We put it on the fire and bring it to a boil.

7. After boiling, add raspberries and bring to a boil again.

8. Cook for 5 minutes.

9. Pour the contents into sterilized jars and close the lids.

10. Cover with a blanket and let cool completely.

11. Store in the refrigerator.

Raspberry jam using water and sugar syrup

We will need:

  • raspberries -1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water -1 glass


1. Sort the berries, rinse, put in a colander and let the water drain.

2. Pour water into the cooking basin and add sugar. Boil syrup over low heat. Do not forget to stir occasionally so that nothing burns.

3. Carefully, so as not to damage the berries, pour them into the syrup and also gently mix with a slotted spoon. You can simply twist the basin from side to side so that the berries are evenly covered with syrup.

4. Bring the syrup to a boil. With the appearance of foam, carefully remove it.

5. You can cook berries with syrup for 5 minutes, but for better preservation - 10.

6. Pour the finished jam into jars and leave to cool completely. Keep refrigerated.

Raspberries with sugar without boiling berries

Berry can be harvested for the winter and without cooking. To do this, it needs to be crushed with a wooden crush and covered with sugar. Sugar is taken somewhat more than with the hot harvesting method. I usually take 1.5 kg per kilogram of berries. Sahara. But I met recipes where sugar is used and 2 kg. per kilogram of berries.

Then leave the raspberries with sugar at room temperature until the sugar is completely dissolved. It usually takes me about 24 hours to do this. During this time, it must be periodically stirred.

Then put the contents into sterilized jars, but not completely, leaving a little space on top for a "sugar" pillow. Pour sugar with a layer of 1 cm, do not mix it and twist the lid. Better yet, cover with thick paper, and tie with a ribbon.

Features of making raspberry jam

  • if you have collected or purchased a dense, not crushed berry, then it is better to cook it whole.
  • if the berry is wrinkled or soft, then it is better to grind it. You can additionally grind the berry through a sieve
  • many do not wash it. You can do this if it is your own or forest, and you know how and where it grew. If you are preparing jam from purchased raspberries, then you must wash it.
  • as noted above, aluminum utensils are not used for cooking
  • try to use a wooden or plastic spoon when stirring and putting the jam into jars. It is better not to use metal utensils so that the berry does not oxidize.
  • in these recipes, the proportions of berries and sugar are given everywhere one to one. The amount of sugar can be slightly reduced, this is practiced. But I always stick to these proportions
  • do not try to cook more than 1.5-2 kg of jam at a time, especially from whole berries, so that they do not crush each other with their weight
  • the finished delicacy is laid out only in sterilized jars, it is advisable to sterilize them in advance, and allow them to dry completely.
  • the lid for the jar should be with a smooth lacquered surface. Avoid using used lids.
  • you can close the jar with the blank, as our grandmothers did. That is, just cover with thick paper and tie with ribbon

  • the shorter the cooling time, the more beautiful and natural the color
  • cans can be turned over after twisting, or you can leave them not turned upside down.
  • it is better to store ready-made jam in the refrigerator, or in a cold cellar, or in the "Khrushchev" refrigerator

What to do if the jam fermented or moldy

There are two ways, the first is to throw it out. The second is to try to save!

  • if you cooked the berry according to all the rules, but it still fermented slightly, take it out of the jars and put it back into the cooking pot. Add a glass of sugar for each liter and boil for 10 minutes. Then put it back into sterilized jars.
  • such jars need to be marked and the contents used for baking pies, for making compotes or fruit drinks.
  • if mold appears on the surface of the jam, then remove it, then remove the 2 cm layer of jam, and try to eat it as soon as possible
  • or do the same and sprinkle 2 cm of sugar on top, make a “sugar pillow”. Sugar does not need to be mixed.

In this article, I tried to tell you about all the available options for preparing berries using the “five-minute” method. She also paid special attention to the peculiarities and subtleties of cooking, revealing small culinary secrets. We also considered the troubles that can happen with our jam. And we considered ways to solve them.

I think that now everyone will be able to choose a recipe for themselves to their liking, and without much difficulty cook delicious and healthy raspberry jam in 5 minutes.

Bon appetit!

In ancient times, the process of making ordinary jam was accompanied by a number of rituals. Each jam was even made to cook on strictly defined days. Today, raspberry jam is prepared both easier and faster, but it is still a success. Every modern housewife in the arsenal will always have a jar or two of this wonderful healing jam, fragrant, tasty and indispensable for colds. Previously, homemade raspberry jam was prepared without sugar, in honey or molasses. There is nothing surprising in this, because sugar appeared in Rus' much later. Dozens of recipes for making this amazing jam have survived to this day, and new ones invented today have also been added to them. This complicates the task somewhat, because you really want to try making homemade raspberry jam in different ways. Well, yes, there would be a raspberry berry, and we have prepared all sorts of recipes for you: both to taste and to your liking.

To make homemade raspberry jam, take berries that are not quite ripe, but at the same time large, bright and quite fragrant. To get rid of the so-called raspberry bug, which is often found in raspberries, dip freshly picked berries for 10-15 minutes in a saline solution (1 tsp of salt per 1 glass of water), and then rinse them with clean cold water and dry.

An old recipe for homemade raspberry jam

5 kg of berries,
½ stack water.

Place the raspberries in an enameled pan, put on a slow fire, placing a divider or a baking sheet under it so that the heat is evenly distributed, and boil the berries 2-3 times. After that, place the pan in the oven and boil its contents so that the berry is reduced in volume by 8 times. Arrange the finished jam in sterilized jars, close with nylon lids and store in the refrigerator.

Grandma's raspberry jam

1 kg raspberries,
2 kg sugar
1 liter of water
2 tsp salt,
2 tsp citric acid.

Dissolve sugar in 1 liter of water and boil the syrup. Pour the raspberries into the syrup and leave for 1 hour. When the time is up, put the raspberries on the stove and cook until the jam reaches the desired density. 3 minutes before turning off, add citric acid. Arrange the finished jam in prepared jars and seal.

Homemade wild raspberry jam

800 g wild raspberries,
1.2 kg of sugar.

Collect large, not too ripe raspberries (preferably picking raspberries in dry, good weather) and put them on a dish. Sprinkle the berries with a fourth of sugar and place the dish with berries overnight in a cold place. The next day, prepare a syrup from 1 cup of water and the remaining sugar, cool it and pour it over the berries for 3 hours. Then cook until cooked, let it cool, take out the berries with a teaspoon, put them in a jar, strain the syrup and pour them over the berries.

Raspberry jam "Gentle delicacy"

1 kg raspberries,
1.5 kg of sugar.

Pour the prepared berries into a bowl, sprinkle with sugar and leave for several hours to give juice. Then put the basin on the fire, cook until boiling, stirring from time to time. Use a wooden spoon to remove the foam that appears on the surface of the jam. Boil the boiled jam for another 5 minutes, cool it a little and roll it into sterilized jars.

Raspberry jam "Berry to berry"

1 kg raspberries,
1.5 kg of sugar.

Sprinkle the sorted raspberries with sugar and put them in a cool place overnight. The next day, carefully drain the raspberry juice and bring it to a boil. Then pour the raspberries with the prepared syrup and put on fire. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat, do not forget to remove the foam. Do not stir the jam, but shake in a circular motion so that the berries remain intact. Add lemon juice at the end of cooking. Cool the finished jam in a bowl of cold water, then transfer to sterilized jars, close the lids and store in a cold place.

Homemade seedless raspberry jam

1 kg raspberries, mashed through a sieve
900 g sugar.

Cooking: Heat the sorted raspberries over a fire, and then pass through a fine sieve. Weigh the resulting pulp and, based on the weight, add sugar. Bring the raspberry pulp with sugar to a boil, remove the foam and cook until tender, stirring occasionally. To check if the jam is ready, put a drop of jam on a cold plate. If the drop froze, and did not spread, then the jam is ready. Arrange the jam in sterilized jars, close and put the lids down until completely cool.

Raspberry jam cooked in the oven

500 g raspberries,
500 g sugar.

In two fireproof bowls, place the sugar and raspberries separately. Put in the oven, preheated to 175ºС, for 20-30 minutes. Then remove from the oven, combine the raspberries and sugar, which has turned into a caramel-colored syrup during the cooking process, in a large bowl, and gently mix with a wooden spoon. Put the jam in dry, clean jars, let cool and put in the refrigerator.

Flaky raspberry jam

raspberries and sugar in equal volumes.

Pour the prepared raspberries and sugar into a bowl or jam pan in layers: 1 cup raspberries - 1 cup sugar, and leave for a few hours for the raspberries to release their juice and soak the sugar. Then put the basin on a small fire for 30-40 minutes (depending on the volume of berries and sugar). When the raspberry juice has filled all the sugar, turn on the fire harder and bring to a boil, stirring with a wooden spoon. Pour the finished jam hot into sterilized jars.

Raspberry "Ten minutes"

1 kg raspberries,
500g sugar.

Sprinkle the sorted raspberries with sugar and leave in a bowl for cooking overnight. In the morning, stirring gently, heat until sugar dissolves. After boiling, simmer for 10 minutes, then pour into clean, prepared jars and roll up. The jam is stored at room temperature.

Raspberry jam with alcohol

1 kg raspberries,
1 kg of sugar
¼ stack. alcohol.

Sprinkle prepared raspberries with 500 g of sugar and sprinkle with alcohol. Place the container with raspberries for 6 hours in a cool place. Then add the remaining sugar, shake the mass, put on a slow fire and cook until tender. Then pack the finished jam in sterilized jars and roll up.

Raspberry jam with cognac

1 kg raspberries,
800 g sugar
50 g cognac,
1 tbsp gelatin.

Sort the berries, but do not wash them, sprinkle with sugar, beat with a mixer (or blender), then pour in the cognac and beat again. Soak gelatin in warm water until it swells. Put the raspberry mass in a saucepan and set it in a water bath. Then bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, remove the foam, add gelatin, mix and cook for another 2 minutes. Arrange the finished jam in sterilized jars, cork, let cool and put in a cool place.

Raspberry jam with lemon

2 kg raspberries,
2.5 kg of sugar,
¼ lemon.

Put the berries in an enamel bowl, sprinkle with sugar and leave overnight in a cool place (you can put it in the refrigerator). After 6-7 hours, when the raspberries release enough juice, put the container on a high heat, bring to a boil, and then reduce the heat to a minimum, remove the foam that appears. Then boil the jam for 30 minutes, stirring from time to time with a wooden spatula. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add the juice of a quarter of a lemon to the jam. Cool the finished jam and place in sterilized jars, close the lids and store in a cool place.

Bulgarian raspberry jam

1 kg raspberries,
2 kg sugar
4 stack water,
2 tsp citric acid.

Pour sugar into a bowl intended for cooking jam, pour in water and lay out the prepared berries. Cook over low heat until done in one go. To prevent the berries from burning, remove the bowl from the heat from time to time and mix the contents in a circular motion. Before the end of cooking, add citric acid.

Raspberry jam with redcurrant juice

1 kg raspberries,
500-600 g of sugar.
For syrup:
100 g red currant juice,
600 g sugar.

Sort the raspberries, pour hot syrup made from red currant juice and sugar, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Boil the jam in 2-3 doses, each time adding the remaining sugar (1-1.2 kg per 1 kg of raspberries). Arrange the chilled jam in jars, cover with damp parchment paper and tie with twine.

Raspberry jam with blackcurrant juice

500 g raspberries,
500 g blackcurrant,
1.25 kg of sugar.

Mash the raspberries with a little sugar. Squeeze the juice from the blackcurrant and add it to the bowl with the raspberries. Heat the resulting mass over low heat and, stirring, add sugar. When it dissolves, place the jam in dry sterilized jars and immediately seal with tin lids.

Jelly-like raspberry jam

1 kg of berries
1-1.5 kg of sugar.

A little secret: in this jam, you need to collect not only ripe berries, but also semi-ripe ones, and in a small amount - unripe ones. It is they who will give our jam a gelling effect. This jam is cooked in two stages. Pour ⅔ of the norm of sugar into the berries and leave for 2 hours so that the raspberries release juice. If there is no desire and time to wait 2 hours, put the container with raspberries on a small fire, add 2 tbsp. water to better dissolve the sugar and slowly bring the mass to a boil, stirring and removing the resulting foam. After boiling, cook the jam for 5-7 minutes, remove from the stove and leave to cool completely. In the morning, put the berries on a small fire again and, slowly, bring the jam to a boil. Then add the remaining sugar, stirring constantly until it is completely dissolved, cook again for 5-7 minutes, and the jam is ready! Pour it into sterilized jars, but do not immediately close the lids, but let it cool a little (about 1 hour) so that a frozen film forms on the surface of the jam. And only after that close the jam with sterile lids.

Homemade raspberry jam with rhubarb

350 g raspberries,
750 g sugar
1.5 kg of peeled and chopped rhubarb.

Mix sugar and rhubarb in a bowl and leave overnight (during this time, the rhubarb will release the juice). Pour the juice through a sieve into a saucepan, boil over low heat for 2 minutes, then add the rhubarb and raspberries. Bring to a boil, stir again and let simmer for 5 minutes to thicken the jam. Fill sterile jars with ready-made jam and roll up.

Homemade raspberry jam without sugar
Sort the berries, rinse gently with water, dry, arrange in sterilized jars and cover with lids. Then put the jars of raspberries in a large container of water, bring to a boil and boil the jars for 10 minutes. Then take out the jars, seal tightly with lids and cool under the covers.

Raspberry jam "Useful" (without cooking)

2 jars of raspberries,
2 cans of sugar.

Grind the sorted raspberries with sugar in an enamel saucepan. Sterilize 0.5 l jars over steam, let them cool, and then transfer the raspberries grated with sugar into them. Boil plastic lids for 30 seconds and immediately put on jars. Store the finished jam in the refrigerator.

Raw raspberry jam

500 g raspberries,
600 g sugar
6 tbsp vodka,
aspirin - for powder.

Lightly sprinkle raspberries with vodka to remove any bugs from the berries. Then beat the berries with sugar with a mixer for 10 minutes, gradually adding 6 tbsp. vodka. Transfer the finished jam to sterilized jars, preferably with screw caps, crush an aspirin tablet and lightly sprinkle the jam in the jar with this powder to prevent the fermentation process. Place a piece of parchment under the lid, seal the jar and store in the cold.

Tasty jam and a wonderful raspberry mood for the whole winter!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Raspberry jam recipes for the winter

To cook delicious raspberry jam with whole berries, you should study the recipe below and strictly adhere to it. Let's prepare...

1 h 15 min

270 kcal

5/5 (2)

Raspberry jam is an amazingly fragrant, impeccably tasty, sweet treat. In addition to high taste characteristics, this sweetness benefits the whole body, and it is especially highly valued as a medicine for colds, flu and other diseases. It is not at all difficult to prepare raspberry jam, and it takes the very minimum of time, but it is not always possible to make the berries retain their shape in the preparation. To cook raspberry jam with whole berries, it is worth study the recipe below and strictly adhere to it.

The most important, he is also the main one, the ingredient is raspberry, must be chosen with particular care:

  • berries should be fresh, not stale - during storage they crumple, lose their shape and juiciness;
  • on raspberries there should be no signs of spoilage, rot, be sure to check each berry for the presence of worms and throw out all spoiled fruits;
  • it is desirable that the raspberry was garden, not forest - it is larger, fragrant and juicy.

Before cooking ingredients should be prepared:

  1. Raspberries are sorted out, only berries suitable for conservation are left.
  2. Raspberries should be washed in fairly cool water collected in a container. As a rule, it is enough to wash the berries in two waters to remove adhering earth and foliage.
  3. Wash the berries only before use, otherwise it will not work to make jam with whole berries.

Banks also need to be prepared in advance - they are washed with soda, rinsed, steam sterilized. Covers for seaming also undergo sterilization without fail - they are boiled in boiling water for at least 5 minutes.

Step by step recipe with proportions

Jam with whole raspberries is prepared according to the classic Five Minute recipe, it contains a minimum of ingredients:


  1. Cooking technology simple - water, sugar and citric acid are boiled for 5 minutes, then berries are poured into the syrup.
  2. Stir the jam carefully so as not to crush the raspberries. The mixture is boiled for 5-8 minutes, during this time the emerging foam is removed.
  3. As soon as the jam is ready, it is poured into prepared jars and rolled up.
  4. Containers should not be turned over after seaming, but it will not be superfluous to wrap them with a blanket or towel
  5. . After cooling, the jars are transferred to a cool place, so the workpiece will stand all winter and not deteriorate.

To make your jam as tasty as possible, and the berries do not fall apart - listen to the following recommendations:

  • It is absolutely not worth washing the berries under running water - they will wrinkle and may “leak”. In general, it is better not to wash raspberries at all, and if necessary, use water poured into a container.
  • To make a thinner jam - reduce the amount of sugar, to prepare a thicker mass - increase the mass of the sweet bulk ingredient.
  • The readiness of the sweets will be checked in the usual way - they drip a little jam on a saucer and see if it has spread. Ideally, the drop should remain the same shape.
  • If you want to get a thick, jam-like jam with whole berries, add pre-soaked gelatin to it.
  • Do not forget about cleanliness - jars and lids for them must necessarily undergo a sterilization procedure, otherwise the jam will deteriorate rather quickly.

How to store this jam

Raspberry blanks kept long enough- summer-made jam can be eaten even next spring. But, as a rule, they are eaten much faster. So that the jam does not lose its qualities, it should be stored under special conditions:

  • the place where the jars with sweet preservation are located should be cool - room temperature is already detrimental to jam;
  • the rays of the sun should not penetrate into the place with the blanks;
  • permanent lighting is also not welcome;
  • if the jar is open, then you can store the jam only in the refrigerator.

Ideal Locations for long-term storage of raspberry blanks - basement, cellar, refrigerator.
