
Breast calories per 100 grams. How much energy does boiled chicken give? Fried chicken breast calories

Chicken breast is known to everyone as a tasty and dietary product. Chicken breast is an integral part of the diet of any athlete, a person leading a healthy lifestyle or just watching their weight. Various diets contain dishes that have breast in their composition.
The dietary properties of the breast are due to the fact that how many calories are in chicken breast. It is worth noting that the price of this product compares favorably with, for example, the same meat. That is, in addition to being useful, it also takes care of your budget. Not to mention the fact that in skillful hands this product can turn into a wide variety of dishes, for every taste and whim.

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What is its calorie content in numerical representation, or in simple terms how many calories in 100 grams of chicken breast? This figure is 112 kcal. The breast contains:
  • Proteins - 23g.
  • Fats - 2g.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.3g.

These figures may vary slightly depending on the breed of bird, its weight, age, keeping conditions, nutrition, etc.

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How many calories in boiled chicken breast

Tony Primerano

Rinse the breasts before cooking. Then place in a saucepan and fill it with water so that the water covers the breasts completely. During the cooking process, do not forget to remove the foam.
After boiling water, salt it, throw peppercorns and bay leaf. Turn off the fire and cook. Regarding how much to cook the breast, I have a simple rule: if you have a boneless fillet, then cook for 20 minutes, if on the bone, then half an hour.
Now the main question how many calories in boiled chicken breast? If the breast is with skin, then it contains 170 kilocalories, if without, then 110 kcal. As you can see, there is a difference, if this figure is significant for you, then it is better not to eat the skin.

Today, the Rublevsky sausage factory offers connoisseurs of good food to taste a slice of fragrant chicken fillet according to an old recipe. It was taken from the records of its creator - Giuseppe Cipriani, who is a talented culinary specialist and restaurateur. The appearance of the dish The history of the meat delicacy begins in...

How many calories in chicken breast broth

Who among us has not tried chicken broth. This appetizing dish will please any gourmet on a hot summer day and on a cool autumn evening. The calorie content of the broth can vary significantly, depending on what part of the bird we use to cook it.
Here we look at the lowest calorie option, namely chicken breast broth. Provided that the volumes of meat and water are approximately equal, the calorie content of the broth with breast will be about 130 kilocalories. In the previous chapter, we found out that boiled breast contains 110 kcal. Accordingly, the broth itself without meat will contain only about 20 Kcal. The number is impressive.

Do not be too lazy to drain the first water of the broth. At this stage, the broth absorbs harmful substances and a significant part of the fat.

How many calories in fried chicken breast

Elsie Hui

It is generally accepted that fried foods are harmful a priori. I will give a simple recipe with minimal use of oil and a delicious result in the end.
We will need:

  • Breast 400 grams
  • Olive oil 1st.l.
  • Red sweet peppers (paprika) 1.tsp.
  • Ground nutmeg 0.25 tsp
  • Oregano 0.25 tsp

Proper nutrition of a pregnant woman is a good basis for the full development of the fetus. Proper selection of products and a balanced diet will not only have a positive effect on the health of the baby, but will also save the expectant mother from problems with the figure in the future. Pregnancy is happy and...

Prepare the marinade by mixing all the ingredients. Nutmeg has a pronounced taste that not everyone likes. If you are one of them, remove it from the recipe.
Coat the chicken with marinade so that it evenly covers the entire surface. Since there is already oil in the marinade, we will no longer add it when frying. To do this, the pan must be with a good non-stick coating.
We spread the pieces on a well-heated pan. Fry on both sides, reduce the heat and cover with a lid, leave for 10 minutes.
The calorie content of such a fried breast will be approximately 190 kilocalories.

How many calories in baked chicken breast

In order for the baked chicken breast not to be dry, it is best to bake it in a special sauce.
For the sauce we need: 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. soy sauce, your favorite seasonings, and the secret ingredient is mustard. The mustard will make the breast much juicier.
Mix the ingredients for the sauce and coat the chicken breast with it. Let it marinate for 10-15 minutes.
Place the pickled breast in foil and put in the oven for 10-15 minutes.
In such baked chicken breast contains 150 kilocalories.

Summing up, we can say that the most dietary option for preparing chicken breast is boiling or preparing broth. In these cases, the breast will contain the least amount of calories.

Chicken meat has always been considered healthy and low-calorie food, especially its sirloin section. Fillet means breast meat without skin. It is in it that contains the most useful properties. The calorie content of chicken breast largely depends on its content and method of preparation. It can be increased or vice versa reduced by choosing how to process it. Also, the calorie content of a dish from it will be determined by the use of related ingredients.

Composition of chicken breast

The fillet is the most important and significant element of the carcass. It contains the following substances:

  1. Animal proteins containing amino acids. They contribute to the saturation of the body and help with the development of living tissues;
  2. Magnesium and sulfur;
  3. Chrome and Phosphorus. He is involved in the process of building new cells;
  4. Cobalt. 100 g of the product includes the daily norm of the trace element;
  5. Vitamin B 2;
  6. Iron, which has a beneficial effect on the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Thanks to trace elements, white meat is found to be a healthy and dietary product, which is especially beneficial for a person's weakened health. Eating them improves metabolic processes in the body and helps strengthen the immune system. Chicken meat is characterized by a preventive product for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

It also strengthens the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails of a person. The fillet part of the breast contains four times less fat than the ham. There are practically no harmful components in the breast. But it can cause an allergic reaction to the protein. When eating fried meat, a feeling of heaviness or heartburn may occur. To avoid such problems, there are many different recipes that will help you prepare a delicious and easy chicken breast dish. The rest of the chicken contains harmful substances and fat.

Calorie content of chicken breast depending on the method of preparation

The energy value of chicken fillet per 100 grams is 163 kilocalories. Most of this indicator is proteins, which play an important role in the nutrition of body cells. The calorie content of the product may vary depending on the methods of preparation and the use of various additives and spices.

For cooking low-calorie food, it is best to opt for chilled meat. The most common cooking methods are boiling, frying, baking and stewing. The most balanced meat will be steamed or baked. The most high-calorie and heaviest are fried foods.

  • Without processing - 110;
  • Baked - 114;
  • Marinated meat in mayonnaise - 147;
  • Marinated meat in vinegar - 117;
  • For a couple - 113;
  • Fried - 243;
  • Smoked - 204;
  • Boiled - 135;
  • Grilled meat - 114.

According to the specified list, it is clear that the most useful and low-calorie dish will be food that uses boiled or steamed breast. It will retain all the important qualities and ensure the correct process of digestion and absorption in the stomach.

You can cook low-calorie food not only by choosing the right meat, but also using certain techniques and secrets that will help to significantly reduce the calorie content in certain dishes.

As you know, fried breast meat is considered heavy and high-calorie food. If it is difficult to deny yourself such a delicacy, grilled chicken breast is an alternative. The taste will be more intense, and the number of calories will be significantly lower than with standard frying. Boiled meat is considered the most dietary. To increase its nutritional properties, you need to cook in 2 stages. First, put the breast in cold water and let it boil. After that, take it out and rinse, peel it and cook further in a new portion of water until fully cooked. This approach will remove harmful antibiotics and chemicals.

For baking the breast, it is best to use foil. This will make the dish juicy and low-calorie. When cooking, you can also use low-calorie vegetables: carrots, zucchini, onions. They will contribute to the quick and easy assimilation of the dish in the body.

Chicken breast in the diet

Due to the fact that chicken breast is considered a low-calorie meat, dishes from it are popular in the diet menu. Losing weight and maintaining a stable figure is much easier when white meat is included in the diet. There is a wide variety of dishes that can be consumed daily without worrying about the appearance of extra pounds.

Nutritionists are developing new diets daily that include breast fillets. They are based on a quick process of losing weight, without the risk of regaining the lost kilograms back.

When losing weight using such menus, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Cook meat using the most useful processing methods: steaming, boiling or baking;
  2. Chicken skin should not be consumed, as it contains a high content of fat and dangerous elements;
  3. Cook food without salt;
  4. Divide your meal into five meals a day in small portions.

Compliance with these tips will allow you to get the maximum effect from the diet.

Chicken breast fillet is included in the diet menu not only for weight loss, but it is also relevant for patients suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

To lose weight with chicken breast, you can use the following:

  • 1 day: 150 grams of boiled rice and 500 grams of chicken fillet;
  • Day 2: half a kilo of pineapple in syrup and 700 grams of boiled breast;
  • 3, 4 and 5 days: 150 grams of cabbage, 5 apples, 2 carrots. You can use this list in the form of a salad or separately;
  • Days 6 and 7: 100 grams of lettuce leaves and 700 grams of boiled breast meat. In the evening, 200 g of one percent kefir.


Dietary properties of chicken breast:

According to leading nutritionists, chicken meat is the most important component of dietary nutrition, especially when it comes to the meat of laying hens. With its low calorie content and very low fat content, chicken is the basis of many diets.

Chicken meat is an excellent source of protein: in terms of protein content, chicken meat is superior to beef and lean pork. Proteins are the most important substances for the human body, since our cells, hormones, antibodies, and enzymes are composed of them.

Special protein compounds present in chicken meat can act as an increased dose of vitamins, which explains the recommendation to use chicken broth for colds.

These substances help fight viruses and infections, increase the protective functions of the body.

The great advantage of chicken meat is also its biological value, which is explained by the usefulness of its proteins: chicken meat protein by 92% consists of amino acids necessary for humans, which are in the optimal quantity and ratio.

Poultry meat, unlike the meat of other farm animals, is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids essential for humans - linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic, which account for 22% of the mass of all fats. Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids have a broad and deep effect on various body systems: they are necessary for the normal functioning of brain cells; help remove cholesterol from the body; ensure the stability of the heart and blood vessels; normalize blood pressure.

Chicken is a recognized leader among other types of meat in terms of protein digestibility, which is determined by its low content of connective tissue fibers containing collagen. Therefore, chicken meat is recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, it has been proven that with a large amount of adipose tissue in any meat, the relative content of proteins decreases, and their digestibility also decreases. Therefore, the meat of laying hens is the most optimal nutritional option for such diseases.

Poultry meat contains vitamins: A, groups B, E, K (phylloquinone), nicotinic acid, as well as magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, selenium - a whole complex of substances necessary for the harmonious functioning of the body.

Chicken meat contains histamines, which in some cases can cause allergies. Therefore, people suffering from this disease need to be careful about eating chicken.

Speaking about the benefits or harms of chicken meat, it is necessary to take into account the fact that chicken is different from chicken. Alas, today store shelves are littered with huge broilers, the meat of which often has a pronounced chemical taste and certainly cannot be useful!

If the chicken was raised in normal natural conditions, ate ordinary food without any chemical additives, nibbled on grass, then its meat will be much tastier and healthier.

And the broiler, which has never seen the sun in its short life, spends it in a very limited space and in conditions of constant stress. And besides, from early childhood, he is literally stuffed with antibiotics and hormones in order to get the maximum body weight. It is precisely these “chicken jocks” that we have to buy ... It is quite natural that such chickens will not give anything but harm to our health!

Chicken meat is loved and cooked regularly by many of us. It becomes the basis of a mass of different dishes, and a useful addition to the daily menu. But the most useful is boiled chicken breast, often included in the diet of athletes and just people who want to keep their figure and health in order.

How many calories are in chicken breast?

The calorie content of chicken breast largely depends on the method of its preparation. Take a look at this table:

Chicken breast calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of chicken breast cooked in different ways is as follows:

Table of nutritional value of chicken breast (BJU), per 100 grams of product:

Recipe? Recipe!

What can be cooked with chicken breast? Here are some recipes:

Chicken breast baked with potatoes and yogurt:


Chicken breast, 200 ml natural unsweetened yogurt, 30 g butter, 1 tablespoon wheat flour, 4–5 potato tubers, 2 carrots, 1 onion, 20 g melted butter, 1 bunch parsley and dill, 2 bay leaves, 5– 6 black peppercorns, salt.

Cooking method:

Wash parsley and dill, finely chop. Peel carrots and onions, wash and chop finely. Wash potatoes, peel, cut into cubes, put in a pan with onions and carrots, add ghee and fry for 5 minutes.

Rinse the chicken breast, separate the meat from the bones, cut into small pieces, put in a pot, add butter, yogurt mixed with flour, bay leaf, peppercorns and bake in a microwave at 70% power until done. Then add the fried vegetables, salt and cook for another 5 minutes at the same power.

When serving, pour over the sauce formed during baking, decorate with parsley sprigs.

Greek salad with chicken breast:

  • ¼ cup coarsely chopped parsley
  • 3 art. l. coarsely chopped green dill
  • 1 st. l. extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 st. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 6 cups chopped romaine lettuce leaves
  • 3 cups chopped tomatoes
  • 1 cup thinly sliced ​​red onion
  • ½ crumbled fat-free feta

1 cucumber, peeled, cut lengthwise into 4 pieces and cut into thick slices
6 grilled chicken breasts (85 g each)

Combine the first 5 ingredients in a large bowl and stir with a whisk. Add lettuce and next 6 ingredients (from lettuce to chicken breast); shake well. Serve with pita.

Nutritional value for 1 serving:

Calorie content - 215 kcal

Fats - 3.8 g.

Proteins - 45.7 g.

For dieters, it is important to know the calorie content of boiled breast in order to control their weight. As you know, this product is often included in the menu for weight loss, because it consists of useful components and does not pose a threat to the figure. Moreover, according to nutritionists and medical workers, chicken breast is of particular value in boiled form without skin. As you know, it is in the skin of the chicken that contains the greatest amount of fat.

On a note! Chicken meat in the breast area is slightly dry. When raw, it has a pale pink hue, and after cooking it becomes almost white. As for the taste, it is neutral. Boiled chicken fillet is dense, contains visible fibers. It is important to be able to properly boil the meat, otherwise, with prolonged heat treatment, it can become tough.

Calories in boiled chicken breast

Many people know that the calorie content of this product is small - boiled chicken breast without skin in the amount of 100 grams contains only 120 kcal. Meat with skin has a slightly higher calorie content. For people who have set themselves the goal of losing weight, frying chicken is not recommended, since the number of calories in this case increases dramatically. But these are not all negative properties, because the load on the digestive system also increases. Finding out how many calories are in boiled chicken breast is easy enough if you look at the data in the table.

Calorie table of boiled chicken breast

Table BJU boiled chicken breast

On a note! To increase the amount of nutrients in chicken breast, you need to cook it in a certain way. First, the product must be washed. Then add water and bring to a boil. Drain the liquid, rinse the fillet again and pour cold water over it. Salt, remove the foam formed on the surface of the broth, cook until tender over low heat. This method of cooking is relevant for meat bought in a store. By draining the first water, you can get rid of most of the chemicals. If a home product is used, such manipulations are not necessary.

When fresh chicken fillets are boiled, the weight of the meat decreases, which occurs as a result of the removal of water. In this case, part of the calories goes into the broth.

Composition and useful properties

In addition to the relatively low calorie content of chicken breast, a positive feature of the product is a large amount of proteins in its composition. This is the most useful part of the chicken carcass. Chicken fillet in the brisket has a unique composition:

  • sulfur;
  • chromium;
  • magnesium;
  • cobalt;
  • phosphorus and other trace elements.

In addition, boiled chicken breast contains vitamins of groups B, C, PP, A, E and others.

On a note! The brisket fillet contains 4 times less fat than the leg meat of the same chicken.

Boiled chicken breast is beneficial for the human body. It enriches it with the necessary protein, without loading it with extra calories, bad cholesterol and fat. And the protein contained in the fillet is perfectly digested. If you cook the chicken correctly, it will turn out not only low-calorie and healthy, but also very tasty. There are a huge number of dishes in which chicken breast is present, so the menu will not be monotonous.

Benefits for weight loss

By eating boiled chicken breast, athletes enrich their body with healthy protein without the threat of receiving a large number of calories contained in fats and carbohydrates. It is worth recognizing the obvious fact that not only people associated with sports use the valuable properties of the product. Often, boiled chicken breast is included in the menu when losing weight. According to nutritionists, it is enough to use it several times a week as a main dish to keep the weight within the normal range.

But this does not mean that you can only eat boiled chicken breast without including other foods on the menu. Despite the large amount of useful substances contained in the loin of a chicken carcass, other valuable components are also required for the development of the human body. For example, missing trace elements are present in sea fish and other types of meat.

On a note! In accordance with the diet, it is enough to consume up to 400 g of boiled chicken breast without skin per day. Moreover, it is desirable to cook meat without salt.

On the basis of boiled chicken breast, you can even arrange fasting days.


Despite the obvious benefits and low calorie content, boiled chicken breast also has contraindications. In some cases, this product will have to be eaten with caution or completely abandoned.

So, the contraindications for use are as follows:

  • allergy to chicken protein;
  • age up to six months;
  • kidney disease - a large amount of animal protein creates an increased burden on the kidneys.

With reduced physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle, you should not eat a lot of chicken fillet, because the kidneys may not have time to process protein.

Since boiled chicken breast without skin has a low calorie content and contains many useful substances, it is recommended to include it in the menu of each person in the absence of contraindications.


Chicken meat is very popular in almost every family. We eat it ourselves and cook it for the children. Moreover, it is not difficult to buy a whole chicken or its individual parts, such as breast, fillet, wings or legs. Most often, we boil chicken, getting tasty and healthy meat, and at the same time chicken broth. Well, the question of how useful chicken meat is and what calorie content boiled chicken has is of concern to many. Especially the calorie content of boiled chicken is of interest to women who want to maintain a slim figure. What is useful chicken meat?

First of all, high in protein. Protein in chicken meat contains 22.5%. Is it a lot? More than pig meat, beef or turkey. Another distinctive feature of chicken protein is that it has an almost complete set of amino acids that are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. You will not find such a set in other varieties of meat.

Chicken meat is also rich in vitamins, in particular, B vitamins. It is also not deprived of microelements: zinc, iron, calcium, selenium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and others. By the way, in terms of phosphorus content, chicken can compete with seafood. Well, to all these benefits, you can add a low calorie boiled chicken.

Chicken is good for our immunity. The presence of a number of valuable trace elements in it allows you to create a kind of protective barrier for the body. Those who regularly consume boiled chicken meat are much less likely to suffer from colds than those who love, for example, pork and beef.

A very useful product is chicken broth. It is quite nutritious, and at the same time it is able to quickly give strength. In view of this, it is the most popular product for patients during the recovery period.

However, do not think that buying a broiler chicken at a local supermarket, you can cook broth from it, which has healing properties. Such a decoction can be harmful. Stuffed with preservatives, drugs that stimulate its growth, harmful substances that prolong the freshness of the product, the broiler is categorically not suitable for broth.

In order not to get harmed, in order to prepare a real broth, you need to buy homemade chicken, a laying hen. People call them "running" chickens. They grow in nature, eat environmentally friendly products, breathe the air of the fields, drink clean water.

Chicken has a beneficial effect on our nervous system. A set of useful vitamins and trace elements ensures the normal functioning of nerve cells. Chicken is especially useful for those who suffer from insomnia, stress, and depression. In addition to potassium and phosphorus, chicken meat contains many other mineral components and vitamins. These are vitamins A and E, B vitamins, iron, magnesium. There are practically no carbohydrates in chicken, which is also its advantage.

Experts say that quality chicken meat can be used as a way to fight many diseases, such as gout and polyarthritis, diabetes and peptic ulcer. It is especially necessary to use chicken meat for diabetics, since it helps to increase polyunsaturated acids in the blood, which are perfectly absorbed by the human body.

Another benefit of chicken meat is the presence of glutamine in it. It is an amino acid that helps build muscle mass. This is why bodybuilders love chicken so much.

Chicken provides prevention of strokes and atherosclerosis, normalizes blood pressure. It is useful for the elderly and children.

Chicken meat normalizes metabolism, maintains sugar levels and blood pressure in a normal state. It also lowers the level of bad cholesterol, and activates the kidneys. Chicken meat is useful for people with both low acidity and high acidity.

Can chicken meat be harmful? Unfortunately, maybe. And modern chicken meat producers are to blame for this, who use growth hormones and antibiotics to raise chickens. Therefore, if you buy chicken in a store, do not be stingy to buy chicken breasts, where these harmful substances accumulate in the smallest amount. This is especially important if we want to cook chicken broth. After welding, all antibiotics and hormones go into the broth. Therefore, it is best to boil the chicken for 5 minutes and drain all the liquid. And the best option is to peel the meat from the bones and cook only the meat. Better yet, buy chickens from trusted sellers, homemade, grain-fed.

Well, how many calories are in boiled chicken? And here's how much:

The calorie content of boiled chicken, on average, is 204 kcal per hundred grams of product.

Which is quite a few. In addition, chicken has an optimal ratio between proteins and fats, which may well allow the use of chicken meat in various diets.

It is worth noting the fact that different parts of the chicken have different calorie content. For example, in chicken legs, the calorie content is 160 kcal per hundred grams of product, chicken breast or chicken fillet has only 148 kcal.

Is chicken good for kids? Yes, useful. After all, chicken is rich in vitamins, and most importantly, protein,

which is based on amino acids so necessary for a growing organism. And the optimal combination of protein and fat contributes to the fact that chicken meat dishes are hearty and perfectly absorbed by the growing body of the child. Only for children, take chicken, better homemade.

Well, depending on how the chicken is cooked, its calorie content can be:

Boiled chicken calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of boiled chicken cooked in different ways is as follows:

Table of nutritional value of boiled chicken (BJU), per 100 grams of product:

How much and how to cook chicken

How to boil chicken? Yes Easy! Here's a simple recipe for you:


  • Chicken meat -750 grams
  • Black peppercorns
  • Bay leaf

Wash the chicken meat, put it in a saucepan, into which water has already been poured, and put on fire. We are waiting for the water to boil, drain it, pour clean cold water again and bring to a boil. Remove the foam, salt to taste, throw peppercorns and bay leaf into the pan. Cook until fully cooked. That's all. Eat for health.

Boiled chicken for weight loss

Almost all diet menus are based on the rejection of meat and sweets, that is, from proteins and carbohydrates. On the other hand, completely excluding these substances from the diet, you can cause serious damage to your body. So, you definitely can't do without them. For example, as a source of protein, you can replace meat products with chicken.

Chicken meat is a dietary product. Chicken meat contains such important substances as proteins, B vitamins, amino acids and other important trace elements. For example, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, copper and iron. In addition, chicken meat contains polyunsaturated acids. Another plus of the chicken diet can be attributed to the fact that it contains practically no cholesterol, so chicken is the main food that can be eaten for various diseases of the cardiovascular system.

There are several types of chicken diet. For example, one of them can only be used for one week, but the second is a three-day mono-diet. During the chicken diet, you need to eat at least six times a day. To do this, the entire diet must be divided into six identical parts and eat it all during the day.

What foods are allowed on the chicken diet? In addition to chicken meat, during the chicken diet, you can eat the following foods: vegetables and vegetable salads, in which you can add vegetable oil and lemon juice, fruits, cereals, fresh juices, you can drink a glass of dry wine a day. Despite all the benefits of chicken meat, you should check with your doctor if you can follow this diet.
