
Mushroom mushroom sauce recipe with photo. Easy Mushroom Sauce Recipes

Vegetable casseroles, pasta, mashed potatoes, cereals or meat steaks can become tastier and juicier when they are complemented by mushroom gravy. We offer you a lean option for preparing champignon gravy, which can always be changed depending on your taste preferences and capabilities.

We will cook the mushroom gravy on the water. You can replace it with chicken broth if you like. Some recipes add cream or milk to add a milky note. As a thickener for a more delicate texture, we use flour, which is fried in a pan along with mushrooms.

As for the mushrooms, the choice is yours, which ones you want to use for gravy. We use champignons because they are available all year round and are safe for health. In addition, they do not need to be cooked for a long time, and this facilitates the process of creating a dish.

Taste Info Second: Mushrooms


  • champignons or other mushrooms - 300 g;
  • water - 1.5-2 tbsp.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • pepper, salt;
  • seasoning for mushroom dishes - optional;
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook champignon mushroom sauce

Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan or frying pan. Add chopped onion and grated or finely chopped carrots. Saute until golden brown.

Cut the champignons and send them to the frying pan for sautéing.

Season with salt and pepper. Saute for 5-7 minutes until almost all of the liquid has evaporated. At this stage, you can add seasoning for mushroom dishes, as well as sour cream or cream.

Add flour and stir.

Fry mushrooms with flour for about 2 minutes.

Pour in 1.5-2 cups of hot water. Take the amount of liquid at your discretion. Thoroughly mix the contents of the pan so that there are no lumps. Simmer covered for 5-7 minutes.

Remove from heat and serve mushroom sauce hot.

On a note

  • Gravy can be prepared from forest dried mushrooms. To do this, fill them with water and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Then boil the mushrooms for about 1 hour. Drain the mushroom broth into a separate bowl. Prepare sautéed onions and carrots. Mix it with mushrooms, season with salt and pepper. Fry for a few minutes. Add flour and mushroom broth. Simmer for about 15 minutes covered.
  • To prepare frozen mushroom gravy, defrost the product, rinse and then let the water drain. Put in a heated pan with vegetable oil. Fry until liquid evaporates. Then add onions and carrots. Fry for a few minutes until golden brown. Then you can add spices, flour and water. Simmer approximately 10 minutes.
  • To prepare gravy from fresh wild mushrooms, first sort the product. Then rinse thoroughly and clean. Boil for an hour in salted water. Let the liquid drain. Fry in vegetable oil with onions and carrots. Add flour and broth in which mushrooms were boiled. Season with salt and pepper. Simmer covered for 15-20 minutes.
  • As for oyster mushrooms, you can cook this dish from them according to the same principle as from champignons. The only difference will be the frying time of the mushrooms - it will increase. In this case, it is better to add onions with carrots after the oyster mushrooms are fried.
  • Fenugreek herb will help enhance the taste of mushrooms, in particular champignons. It is added to the pan during stewing, and thrown away at the end of cooking.
  • Prepare the gravy at one time just before serving so that it does not lose its ideal taste. If you had to leave it, place it in a glass container with a lid. Store in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. Warm up before use.
  • So that the mushroom gravy does not become covered with a film when cooling, it can be kept in a water bath for some time before serving.
  • Do not add a lot of spices to mushroom dishes, so as not to interrupt the taste and aroma of mushrooms.

Prepare a delicious and very tender champignon mushroom sauce to complement meat, fish, vegetable dishes, as well as poultry, pasta or potatoes. After all, champignon sauce is designed to make food more interesting.

We will cook on the basis of cream. Thus, our creamy mushroom sauce will acquire a magnificent milky hue. As for the consistency of this dish, it should be adjusted at your discretion. However, the sauce should not be too thick. In order for the mass not to be too liquid, we will use a thickener - flour.

In this case, you should not take too bright spices, so as not to interrupt the delicate taste and aroma of our champignons. A small amount of plain ground black pepper will do. Also, if you wish, you can use ready-made seasoning for cooking mushroom dishes, which contains natural spices (allspice, cumin, garlic, bay leaf, etc.).

Taste Info Sauces


  • cream 10-15% - 200 ml;
  • champignons - 200 g;
  • butter - 60-70 g;
  • flour - 2 tsp;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • pepper, salt - to taste;
  • parsley.

How to make Mushroom Creamy Mushroom Sauce

Put a piece of butter on a heated pan. Melt it. Then put in the finely chopped onion. Saute until it becomes slightly ruddy.

Cut mushrooms into small cubes. Pour them into the frying pan. Season with salt. Saute until all the liquid has evaporated and the mushrooms are golden brown.

As soon as the mushrooms are reddened, you can add flour. Two teaspoons for this amount of mushrooms will be enough. Just sprinkle the flour on top and mix thoroughly while keeping on fire.

Fry for about a minute more.

Pour cream into the pan, season with pepper. Stir all the contents of the dish. And let it boil. Keep the pan on the heat for another 2-3 minutes, stirring the mass occasionally.

If the sauce seems too thick, you can add a little water or milk to adjust the consistency, but it is better to do this with cream, without disturbing the taste and structure of the dish. Also add chopped parsley at the end of cooking.

Mushroom mushroom sauce is ready to use. Fill a gravy boat with it and serve warm.

On a note

  • So that the champignons do not absorb water, they can not be washed (the exception is too dirty mushrooms). Just take a small knife, scrape the stem of the mushroom a little. Then remove the thin skin from the cap. This can be done by hand without using a knife. Thus, we get the purest mushroom without excess moisture. This is done very simply and quickly, especially when the mushrooms are fresh.
  • Before buying mushrooms, decide for yourself whether you will wash them or not. If you plan to clean, it is better to choose large ones. They are much easier to work with.
  • Store mushroom sauces based on dairy products for no more than a day in a closed glass container in the refrigerator.
  • You can prepare champignon sauce not only on the basis of cream, but it is also acceptable to use milk or sour cream. In addition, the broth is also used for the base of the sauce.
  • If you want to prepare a lean version of the sauce, use vegetable broth instead of butter, and vegetable or mushroom broth instead of dairy products from liquids.
  • If desired, the usual mushroom sauce can be transformed by adding processed or hard cheese. This component is put into the sauce at the end of cooking in grated form. It is necessary to let it melt, stirring constantly and keeping it on low heat. As soon as the product becomes one with the sauce, you can remove it from the stove.

Mushroom mushroom sauce from champignons will decorate any dish. It goes well with meat and fish. The taste of the sauce harmonizes well with pasta, potatoes, rice, buckwheat. They can be seasoned with thick soups, mashed potatoes, poured over dishes or served separately.

It can be made of different consistency, shade the aroma of mushrooms with various seasonings. All this makes mushroom soup versatile. Mushroom mushroom sauce can be prepared at any time of the year. This is the easiest and most affordable option, suitable even for housewives who do not have culinary experience.

Features of the preparation of the sauce

The technology for preparing champignon mushroom sauce is not difficult, however, there are some subtleties, the knowledge of which allows you to make the aroma and taste of the sauce more saturated.

  • To prepare the sauce, you can use frozen and canned champignons, but still it turns out to be the most delicious from fresh mushrooms. At the same time, it is better to choose young champignons that are not too large. Read more:
  • When washing the mushrooms, try to keep them in the water as little as possible so that they do not have time to absorb it. After that, be sure to blot the mushrooms with a napkin.
  • When sautéing mushrooms in a small pan, spread them out in small batches. If the mushrooms are browned rather than stewed in their own juice, they will retain their flavor better in the finished sauce.
  • Onions can be fried immediately with mushrooms or in front of them. In the first case, it will be soft, like stewed, in the second case, it will acquire a golden hue.
  • Flour is often used to make a thick mushroom sauce. It is desirable to first fry it to a caramel color, and then combine it with other ingredients. In this case, it will give the sauce a pleasant shade, improve its taste.
  • If there are lumps in the sauce, it must be rubbed through a sieve or stirred with a blender.
  • In order for the finished champignon sauce not to be covered with a film, after cooking it can be covered with baking paper, after moistening it.

Mushroom sauce can be used both cold and hot instead of gravy.

Classic champignon sauce


  • champignons - 0.2 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • wheat flour - 20 g;
  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the mushrooms, dry with napkins, cut into thin plates.
  2. Free the onion from the husk, finely chop it with a knife.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan or saucepan, add chopped onion. Fry it until it becomes soft. This usually takes no more than 3 minutes.
  4. Add mushrooms to onions. Fry them until they are browned.
  5. In a dry frying pan, fry the flour to a caramel color, pour it into a saucepan with champignons. Continue frying them for a couple of minutes along with the flour.
  6. Mix sour cream with clean boiled water, pour this mixture into a saucepan with mushrooms, beat with a whisk. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Stew mushrooms in sour cream for about 5 minutes. The sauce will thicken during this time.
  8. Transfer the sauce to a bowl. Using an immersion blender, puree the mushrooms and onions until the sauce is smooth.
  9. Transfer the creamy mushroom sauce to a gravy boat.
  10. Mushroom sauce prepared according to this recipe goes especially well with meat and potatoes. It is usually served cold with beef or pork, hot with potatoes.
  11. However, the right of the final choice remains with the hostess.

Mushroom sauce with cream


  • champignons - 150 g;
  • cream - 0.2 kg;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • hard cheese - 0.25 kg;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • oregano, salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the mushrooms, dry them with napkins. Cut the mushrooms into very small cubes. The less you get them, the better.
  2. Also finely chop the peeled onion.
  3. Pass the garlic clove through a press.
  4. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, after washing the fruit well.
  5. Mix lemon juice with garlic, salt, nutmeg, pepper and oregano.
  6. Grind the cheese on a grater with small holes.
  7. Melt the butter in a frying pan. In this recipe, it is not recommended to replace it with vegetable oil or margarine, since in this case the sauce will not have a pronounced creamy taste, for which many gourmets appreciate it.
  8. Put the onion in the oil and fry it for 3 minutes.
  9. Add the mushrooms, continue to fry the onions with them for about 5 minutes.
  10. Pour in the cream, mix well and simmer until the liquid has evaporated by about a third.
  11. At the same time add lemon juice with seasonings and grated cheese, mix immediately. Continue cooking, stirring, until the sauce has a uniform consistency. Thanks to the cheese, it will be thick enough.

Mushroom sauce with milk


  • champignons - 0.2 kg;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • flour - 20 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the washed and dried mushrooms into small cubes.
  2. Peel and chop the onions with a knife.
  3. Melt the butter, put the onion and mushrooms in it, fry them over low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. In a separate pan, fry the flour so that it acquires a caramel hue.
  5. Pour milk in a thin stream into the pan with flour, constantly whisking it with a whisk. Boil a little until thickened.
  6. Pour the thickened milk to the mushrooms and onions, mix.
  7. Add salt, pepper and cook the sauce for another minute.
  8. If desired, the sauce can be given a uniform consistency by whipping it in a blender.
  9. The sauce can be served both cold and hot with absolutely any dish.

Mushroom sauce in broth


  • mushrooms - 0.25 kg;
  • flour - 40 g;
  • broth (meat, mushroom, vegetable) - 0.4 l;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. In a dry frying pan, fry the flour, pour in the broth to it, stirring constantly. Boil it a little, stirring constantly. Remove from fire and cool. Strain or beat with a blender so that there are no lumps.
  2. Wash the mushrooms, blot with a kitchen towel. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces.
  3. Melt the butter in a clean frying pan and fry the mushrooms in it.
  4. When the mushrooms are browned, pour the broth over them, add salt and seasonings, stir and cook the sauce for about 5–10 minutes.
  5. This is the easiest and most versatile recipe for mushroom sauce that can be made from champignons. It goes well with any dish and is delicious hot or cold.
  6. When using mushroom or vegetable broth, vegetable oil or margarine, this sauce can be a great addition to vegetarian dishes.

Mushroom sauce with eggs


  • champignons - 0.2 kg;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 80 ml;
  • broth or milk - 125 ml;
  • vegetable oil - how much will go;
  • salt, nutmeg, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil eggs, peel. Remove the yolks, mash them with a fork. Add sour cream to the yolks and rub them with a fork.
  2. Mix the creamy yolk mass with salt and spices. Dilute with warm broth or milk.
  3. Finely chop clean and towel-dried mushrooms.
  4. Fry them for 5 minutes in hot vegetable oil.
  5. Add sauce prepared with egg yolks and sour cream. Stir.
  6. Cook for another 5 minutes.
  7. The sauce prepared according to this recipe has a delicate and slightly unusual taste. It will appeal to those who do not like onions, because this ingredient is not in its composition.

Mushroom sauce from champignons is universal. It can be served with any meal. The abundance of recipes allows you to choose the most suitable option. All of them are quite easy to prepare. In addition, the cooking process does not take much time.

Basic champignon sauce


  • fresh mushrooms - 0.3 kg (or 100 g dried);
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • wheat flour - 35 g;
  • butter or margarine - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 60 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash mushrooms and pat dry. If you use dried ones, they must first be soaked in water so that they return to their shape and volume.
  2. Fill the mushrooms with water. Put the peeled and halved onion into the pan.
  3. Put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 2 hours. Half an hour before readiness, salt and add spices to your liking.
  4. Strain the finished broth. Finely chop the mushrooms or pass through a meat grinder.
  5. Finely chop the remaining onion and fry until soft in butter.
  6. Add mushrooms, fry them with onions for 5 minutes.
  7. Add sour cream, simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  8. In a dry frying pan, calcine the flour, brew it with 0.5 liters of mushroom broth. When introducing the broth, be sure to beat it with a whisk so that there are no lumps.
  9. Pour the mushrooms and onions with the broth, mix and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
  10. This mushroom sauce can be served with meat dishes as a gravy or used as a base for other sauces.
  11. In particular, it can be mixed with herbs, grated cheese, pepper paste, tomato puree, garlic, each time adding new notes to the taste of the sauce.

Mushroom mushroom sauce for meat


  • fresh champignons - 0.2 kg;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • wheat flour - 45 g;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • sour cream - 50 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash mushrooms, dry and cut into thin slices.
  2. Onion, freeing from the husk, cut into small pieces.
  3. Melt the butter and put in the mushrooms and onions. Fry them until excess moisture evaporates from the pan.
  4. In a separate pan, calcine the flour until a nutty smell appears and pour it into the pan where the mushrooms and onions are fried. Fry for a minute.
  5. Add salt and pepper to sour cream, pour mushrooms into it. Simmer them for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Grind the mushrooms with a blender, if desired, and bring the sauce to a boil again.
  7. The sauce prepared according to this recipe is tender, fragrant, pleasant to the taste. It will gently shade the taste of meat.

Creamy mushroom sauce for chicken


  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • champignons - 0.3 kg;
  • flour - 30 g;
  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • cream - 0.3 l;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and cut the onion into small pieces.
  2. Cut the washed and dried champignons into medium-sized cubes.
  3. Fry mushrooms and onions in a large amount of butter for 20 minutes, transfer to a blender bowl.
  4. In a separate pan, fry the flour until creamy.
  5. Mix it with mushrooms and onions.
  6. Add salt, pepper, sour cream and 150 ml of cream. Whisk everything together to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  7. Place in saucepan with remaining cream. Put on a slow fire and bring to a boil.
  8. If you want to get a thicker sauce, the amount of cream in the recipe can be reduced by one and a half times.

Spicy tomato sauce


  • 1 tomato
  • 1 onion
  • 6-7 champignons,
  • 10 g butter,
  • 6-7 olives,
  • 3 art. l. soy sauce,
  • 1 green onion.


  1. Wash the tomato and chop finely. Remove the husk from the onion and also finely chop. By the way, instead of a fresh tomato, you can use ready-made grated tomatoes, whole peeled tomatoes, tomato juice or tomato paste (previously slightly diluted with water).
  2. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly, scrape the cap and legs, finely chop. You can use royal mushrooms. However, although they have a more pronounced mushroom flavor, they are denser and the sauce will not turn out so tender.
  3. To make the sauce have a delicate, creamy flavor, it is best to fry vegetables with mushrooms in melted butter. Make a low heat and transfer the tomato, onion and mushrooms to the pan. Pass over low heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring.
  4. Add classic soy sauce to the pan. There is no need to add salt to the sauce, as the sauce itself is salty. Cut the olives into halves and also send to the pan. Stir and simmer for another 5-7 minutes.
  5. When the mushrooms and onions are soft, transfer all the ingredients to a large cup or glass, grind with a blender until smooth.
  6. Wash green onions and finely chop. Transfer the sauce to a gravy boat, sprinkle with green onions before serving. You can serve the sauce as it is, or pour it over a finished dish, such as a steak or chop.

Mushroom champignon sauce with cream


  • CREAM 10% 200 ml
  • BUTTER 50 g
  • ONION 1 piece
  • HARD CHEESE 1 tablespoon
  • Nutmeg to taste
  • GARLIC 1 head
  • LEMON JUICE 1 tablespoon
  • SALT to taste


  1. Good butter is the key to a delicious creamy sauce, so we choose butter for champignon mushroom sauce with a pronounced creamy taste.
  2. Dip the onion in the butter and immediately season it with salt and pepper. Pass until transparent. Melt the butter in a frying pan, and at the same time cut the onion into small cubes.
  3. We wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth and cut into slices. You can cut it very finely so that the sauce is more uniform, but I like it better when the mushrooms in the sauce are large enough.
  4. Add a little more salt and pepper to taste, garlic and a pinch of grated nutmeg. It is always desirable to add nutmeg to creamy sauces, it helps to better manifest the taste of cream.
  5. If you are preparing this sauce, be guided by your taste. It is not necessary to add all of these ingredients if you do not like them, garlic, for example, or herbs, or lemon juice.
  6. Either way, the sauce is delicious!

Mushroom sauce

This sauce is considered the most delicious of all mushroom sauces. And it's not in vain. It has a surprisingly delicate salty-sour taste and a bright mushroom aroma. It is served with any dishes - boiled or fried meat, meatballs. It will make banal pasta or cereals indescribably delicious. It can even be simply spread on rye bread and eaten as a sandwich.


  • 200 g fresh champignons
  • 1.5 cups of any broth or water
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 20 g butter
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour
  • 0.5 tsp salt


  1. Put the pan on a large fire and pour flour into it. Fry with constant stirring until light brown and strong aroma, then pour the toasted flour onto a saucer.
  2. Mushrooms are very finely chopped or grated on a medium grater. Melt a small piece of butter in a frying pan, put the mushrooms. Simmer for 3~5 min. Mushrooms should lose volume, become soft, but NOT fried.
  3. Pour in lemon juice, add flour and mix well. Pour in the broth. Salt to taste. Cook at a low boil for 2~7 minutes.
  4. When the sauce has reduced to the desired thickness, remove the pan from the heat.
  5. To obtain a paste-like homogeneous sauce, the finished sauce can be rubbed through a sieve or whipped in a blender. Cool the sauce to room temperature before serving.


  • Fresh champignons - 100 Grams
  • Onion - 60 Grams
  • Butter - 50 Grams
  • Salt - 1 Pinch
  • Cream - 300 milliliters
  • Flour - 1 Art. spoon
  • Sunflower oil - 4 Art. spoons
  • Pepper, spices - — To taste


  1. Wash the mushrooms and cut into small pieces.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion until golden brown.
  4. Add chopped mushrooms to the pan and fry, covered, until all the moisture has evaporated.
  5. Fry the flour in another pan. The toasted flour will give your sauce a nice creamy color. Then add butter to the flour. Stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps in the sauce.
  6. Pour cream into flour. Mix thoroughly and cook over low heat without boiling.
  7. Add the sautéed mushrooms to the sauce and simmer for another 3 minutes. If you want a thinner sauce, thin it with milk.
  8. Pour the finished sauce into a gravy boat, garnish with fresh herbs and serve warm.

Mushroom mushroom sauce for chicken

Creamy champignon mushroom sauce is a great addition to many dishes, which makes them not just delicious, but amazingly tasty. Served with pasta, fish, meat, potato cutlets. Preparing quickly and very simply.


  • 150 g fresh champignons
  • 200 ml cream 10% fat
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 st. l. grated hard cheese
  • 1 pinch grated nutmeg
  • 1 garlic clove or dry garlic at the tip of a teaspoon
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • a pinch of thyme, oregano (optional)


  1. Good butter is the key to a delicious creamy sauce. Therefore, we choose oil for champignon mushroom sauce with a pronounced creamy taste.
  2. Melt the butter in a frying pan, and at the same time cut the onion into small cubes.
  3. Dip the onion in the butter and immediately season it with salt and pepper. Pass until transparent.
  4. We wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth and cut into slices. You can cut it very finely so that the sauce is more uniform, but I like it better when the mushrooms in the sauce are large enough. Read more:
  5. Fry the mushrooms with onions, stirring until they are slightly browned. After that, pour in the cream.
  6. Add a little more salt and pepper to taste, garlic and a pinch of grated nutmeg. It is always desirable to add nutmeg to creamy sauces, it helps to better manifest the taste of cream
  7. At the same stage, you can add a pinch of dry Italian herbs to the mushroom sauce if you like their taste.
  8. Stir the contents of the pan and keep it on low heat for 15-20 minutes, allowing the sauce to evaporate a little and thicken.
  9. On a fine grater we rub a little cheese, literally 1 tbsp. l., and add it to the sauce.
  10. Stir quickly to melt the cheese, add another 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice and turn off the stove.
  11. Mushroom champignon sauce with cream turns out to be tender, very fragrant, with an amazing creamy taste, and any dish with it becomes much more appetizing.
  12. If you are preparing this sauce, be guided by your taste. It is not necessary to add all of these ingredients if you do not like them, garlic, for example, or herbs, or lemon juice. Either way, the sauce is delicious!

Champignon mushroom sauces are a great addition to meat, poultry, fish and seafood dishes.

Sauces and gravies, and can be generically called seasonings, improve the taste and increase the nutritional value of the whole dish as a whole. They are often cooked with a lot of spices and spices, which makes the dish spicy, promoting the secretion of gastric juice and stimulating the appetite.

Mushroom seasonings are distinguished by their sophistication, they can ennoble any simple dish. Seasonings are often prepared from champignons. Champignons are the most popular mushrooms in the world. In addition to the natural environment, they are grown in special greenhouses, where a special microclimate is created for them. Their price is quite affordable. This circumstance, multiplied by the taste properties, makes champignons an initial product for various mushroom dishes, including sauces. They are prepared with the addition of cream, dry wines, broths and many spices. Consider recipes for champignon sauces, with brief explanations on the use.

Sauces for meat dishes

Mushroom mushroom sauce goes well with meat, meatballs, meatballs, poultry, sausages, sausages, offal. Here is the recipe.

Tomato and cream sauce


  • champignons - 250 gr.,
  • onion - 30 gr.,
  • tomatoes - 60 gr.,
  • butter - 50 gr.,
  • flour - 20 gr.,
  • cream - 100 gr.,
  • salt,
  • pepper.

Mushroom sauce with a step by step recipe.

Mushrooms are washed, chopped and fried with onions in oil, then sprinkled with flour and browned a little.

The washed tomato is rubbed on a grater.

Add the tomato mass to the mushrooms, salt, pepper, dilute the mixture with water and boil for 15 minutes.

At the very end of cooking, put the cream and bring to readiness for another 5 minutes. The use of cream makes the sauce soft and velvety.

Cutlets, meatballs are poured with hot sauce, served separately for chops or langet.

Mushroom sauce with red wine

This gravy is a little tricky to make. Gourmet condiment recipe.


  • mushroom decoction - 400 ml,
  • beef broth - 350 ml,
  • red dry wine - 150 ml,
  • margarine - 50 gr.,
  • flour - 2 tablespoons,
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt.

Mix mushroom broth, broth and boil for 15 minutes.

The flour is fried in margarine until brown.

Peeled and washed onions are chopped and dipped into the broth.

Toasted flour is also spread there and boiled for another 20 minutes.

Then the mixture is filtered through a sieve, the gravy should be homogeneous and without lumps, wine is added and brought to a boil. Get an excellent variety of mushroom sauces.

Cold apple sauce


  • mushrooms - 500 gr.,
  • apples - 1 pc.,
  • onion - 40 gr.,
  • cream - 300 gr.,
  • ready-made mustard - 0.5 tsp,
  • parsley - 1 bunch,
  • salt.

Mushroom mushroom sauce from champignons is also prepared in a cold way. Here is the recipe for this dish.

Apple and onion are cut, as well as mushrooms.

Pieces of boiled mushrooms, apple and onion are mixed, seasoned with cream, the fat content of the cream does not matter, mustard and salt. The cold creamy champignon sauce is thoroughly mixed, sprinkled with chopped parsley and served with boiled chicken.

Sauces for fish or seafood dishes

Of all types of mushroom sauces, sauces for fish dishes are the most time-consuming to prepare. They are prepared on the basis of fish broth, the stronger it is, the tastier and more refined the gravy. Mushroom gravy can go with any fish and improve its taste. Sauces and condiments can be prepared in a variety of ways, but are mostly made with white fish dressing.

white fish dressing recipe

  • fish broth - 1.1 liters,
  • flour - 30 gr.,
  • butter -45 gr.

The recipe for making white dressing is not complicated. A strong fish broth is boiled from the heads of large fish, fins and tails, then it is filtered. Flour is sautéed in butter. It is butter that gives all seasonings a peculiar creamy taste, dilute a third of the broth and mix well. Then the remaining broth is added and the dressing is prepared for 25 minutes. At the same time, the dressing is constantly stirred and the foam is removed.

Gravy with white wine


  • mushrooms - 450 gr.,
  • white fish dressing - 850 gr.,
  • decoction of champignons - 50 gr.,
  • wine - 100 ml,
  • lemon juice - 30 ml,
  • spices.

Boiled mushrooms, finely chopped a little mushroom broth, lemon juice, wine, salt, pepper and bring to a boil are added to the white fish dressing.

The cooled mass is crushed in a blender or in a meat grinder.

Gravy is good for boiled or baked in foil salmon, trout, sterlet.

Champignon sauce with shrimps


  • mushrooms - 500 gr.,
  • white wine - 120 ml,
  • peeled shrimp - 100 gr.,
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.,
  • egg yolks - 3 pcs.,
  • For the tomato base:
  • white fish dressing - 500 gr.,
  • tomato puree - 2 tablespoons,
  • carrots - 1 pc.,
  • parsley - 30 gr.
  • spices.

Start cooking with a tomato base. To do this, add tomato paste, fried onions, carrots to white fish dressing and cook for 20 minutes.

Small shrimp are boiled and peeled.

Shrimps, chopped boiled mushrooms are laid out in tomato dressing, lemon juice is squeezed out and wine is poured in, mixed well and boiled for 30 minutes.

Add egg yolks to the dish and mix vigorously. Next, the gravy is ground through a sieve.

Gravy is suitable for fried fish or shrimps, mussels.

Mushroom pasta sauces

Pasta: spaghetti, horns, feathers, are popular in Russia. And, if you choose the right seasoning for them, you can serve them as an independent dish. Seasonings for pasta are prepared using cream, apples, ham, lemon juice. Mushroom sauces from champignons are one of the best seasonings for pasta.

Cream sauce


  • fresh champignons - 400 gr.,
  • leek - 60 gr.,
  • vegetable oil - 70 gr.,
  • cream - 200 ml,
  • dill -20 gr.,
  • spices.

The simplest sauce, even a teenager can cook such a dish. The presence of cream in the recipe will give it a rich creamy - mushroom taste.

The white part of the leek is cut off and finely chopped, fried until transparent in olive oil.

Mushrooms are washed and cut into thin slices. Then they are fried with onions. In this case, an abundant secretion of mushroom juice occurs.

Spices, cream, preferably the fattest, are put in mushrooms with onions, and stew for about 15 minutes until thick, stirring constantly. For refinement of taste, some cooks add a little more cream.

Mushroom sauce from champignons is transferred to a saucepan with hot pasta, mixed and laid out on plates.

The finished dish is sprinkled with dill.

Sauce with ham in Czech style

This mushroom gravy is easy to make. Here is the prescription.


  • mushrooms, onion butter - as in. the recipe above
  • ham - 120 gr.,
  • meat broth - 750 ml,

readiness 30-40 minutes. While frying, peel the onion, chop and

add to the fried mushrooms, mix everything well and give more

10 min. brown the onions. Separately dilute sour cream, cream,

flour, salt, pepper and the whole whipped mixture pour into the mushrooms with onions and

boil. You can add herbs to the finished gravy.

Suitable for any side dish. Time 40 min.

Gravy for pasta, rice, boiled potatoes

Chicken breast and onions are cut and thrown into a frying pan, salt, pepper and fry in sunflower oil. We throw chopped bell peppers and champignons (canned) .. Fry for a couple of minutes, stirring. We throw half a jar of tomatoes and 100 g of cream and half a tablespoon into the pan dried herbs, finely chopped fresh basil, after a couple of minutes, pour into rice, pasta or potatoes and sprinkle with parsley.

If you cook gravy, which includes flour, then, so that there are no lumps, fry the flour over low heat until creamy and sure !! cool down. Then add water or cream (cream is better and tastier). Stir all the time, kneading lumps. When there are no more lumps, pour in the rest of the water, stir and pour into boiling gravy.

  • add Maggi, Vigeta or something from this series with the content of monosodium glutamate (taste enhancer) to the usual ingredients and then the taste will be incomparable, but it’s really harmful to get carried away with this.
  • Chicken sauce "Nostalgia"
  • Ingredients for Nostalgie Chicken Gravy

    Chicken (any parts)

    Carrot - 2 pcs

    Water for broth - 1.5 - 2 l

    Flour - 1 tbsp. l.

    Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.

    Bay leaf - 3 pcs

    Garlic - 1 tooth.

    Basil parsley cilantro (to taste)

    Recipe "Chicken sauce "Nostalgie""

    Cooking order:

    1. We take our parts of the chicken, wash them, and cook the broth like a soup, but a little longer so that the chicken boils (we don’t need all the broth). I didn't salt.

    2. While the broth is cooking, cut the onion into half rings and the carrot into circles. Fry everything in a frying pan in vegetable oil.

    3. We take out the chicken (we remove the skin and do not use it) and cut it into small pieces. We put our chopped chicken in the broth. We leave only part of the broth. The remaining broth can be used later on the soup.

    4. Add fried onions and carrots, flour and our seasonings and salt and tomato paste to the saucepan.

    5. We interfere, simmer for another 10 minutes ...

    6. Serve with rice, mashed potatoes or buckwheat….

    Bon appetite!!!

  • Tomato sauce
  • Delicious

    tomatoes - 4-5 pcs (~ 1 kg),

    garlic - 1 clove,

    hot pepper - 1 small ring (more or less, depending on the desired sharpness),

    olive or vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons,

    a pinch of sugar

    freshly ground pepper


    Wash the tomatoes and cut into cubes or slices.

    In a frying pan heated with vegetable or olive oil, fry a clove of garlic, cut lengthwise into 2-4 parts.

    * If desired, a small ring of hot pepper (chili or pepperoncino) can be fried along with garlic, but adding hot pepper is not necessary.

    When the garlic is reddened, remove it from the pan along with the hot pepper.

    Put tomatoes in garlic oil, salt a little, pepper a little with freshly ground pepper and simmer, stirring occasionally, ~ 15-30 minutes (you can simmer longer with a slight boil, under the lid).

    At the end of cooking, add salt to taste, add a pinch of sugar and cook for another 1-2 minutes.

    Rub the tomato mass through a fine sieve, removing the skin and seeds.

    Ready-made sauce can be added to any hot dishes instead of tomato paste or ketchup; can also be served chilled with meat, fish and vegetables.

    Enjoy your meal!

  • Looking for what? For gravy, I use sour cream or cream. Fry let's say meat or meatballs. Spread in a saucepan, pour a little water or cream, onion, carrot, tomato and simmer until cooked
  • To prepare gravy from fresh champignons, we will need to take:

    • fresh champignons - 200 g
    • tomato paste - 4 tbsp.
    • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.
    • dried herbs (parsley, dill)
    • black pepper
    • Bay leaf
    • salt to taste

    Wash mushrooms and cut into pieces. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Saute it in a deep frying pan with sunflower oil. When it is a little fried, add the tomato paste and let the onion stew a little. Add boiled water (200-300 ml) and bring to a boil. Then put the mushrooms into the resulting boiling broth and cook for 15-20 minutes over medium heat. The lid does not need to be closed. About 10 minutes before readiness, salt, pepper, add bay leaf and dried herbs. This sauce goes well with pasta or boiled potatoes.

    Mushroom sauce with sour cream

    Mushroom sauce with sour cream will help to give a new taste to familiar dishes - pasta, potatoes or boiled rice. To prepare it, we need:

    • fresh mushrooms - 500 g
    • water - 1 tbsp.
    • sour cream - 1 tbsp.
    • onions - 3 pcs.
    • garlic - 3 cloves
    • flour - 1 tbsp
    • tomato paste - 1 tbsp
    • vegetable oil for frying onions
    • salt, pepper - to taste

    Mushrooms are washed, cleaned and cut into pieces of the same size. We clean the onion and cut it finely. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then add the mushrooms to it and fry until they are browned. After that, add tomato paste and sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. Then add water, flour and simmer over low heat, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes. Then remove the gravy from the heat, put the garlic passed through the garlic press into it and mix thoroughly.

    Mushroom gravy from mushrooms

    A very fragrant mushroom sauce is obtained from the "king of mushrooms" - the porcini mushroom. Cream gives it a special tenderness. To prepare porcini mushroom gravy, we will need to take:

    • white mushrooms - 200 g
    • cream - 100 ml
    • medium-sized onion - 2 pcs.
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
    • sour cream - 2 tbsp
    • flour - 1 tbsp
    • herbs, spices, salt - to taste

    Wash mushrooms and cut into small pieces. Fry the mushrooms for half an hour in a hot pan with sunflower oil. While the mushrooms, peel the onion and cut into cubes. Add the chopped onion to the mushrooms and fry the mushrooms and onions for another 10 minutes.

    Fry the flour in a separate pan. Then add cream, sour cream, herbs and spices to it, salt to taste. Stir the sauce and bring to a boil. Combine the fried mushrooms with onions with a creamy sauce and mix well.

    Mushroom sauce with vegetables

    Another option for mushroom sauce. It differs from the previous ones in that we add vegetables to the gravy - carrots and parsley root. To prepare it, we will take:

    • champignons - 300 g
    • water - 2 l
    • parsley root - 1 pc.
    • carrots - 1 pc.
    • flour - 1 tbsp.
    • salt - to taste

    Wash the mushrooms with cold water and finely chop. My carrots and parsley root, clean and cut into strips. We heat the flour in a dry and clean frying pan until a nutty shade.

    We put the mushrooms and chopped vegetables in a small saucepan, fill it with water, add flour and put the saucepan on medium heat. Bring to a boil, salt to taste and cook for about 20 minutes. Gravy is ready!

    Bon appetit!

    How to cook mushroom gravy :: what can be cooked from mushrooms :: food :: kakprosto.ru: how easy it is to do everything

    For a lower calorie mushroom sauce, cream or sour cream can be replaced with 1 glass of milk.

    In mushroom sauce before adding cream or sour cream, if desired, you can put 1 teaspoon of tomato paste.

    Instead of dried mushrooms, you can use fresh mushrooms for gravy, champignons are especially good, besides, they cook much faster. Gravy can also be prepared from salted mushrooms.

    Carrots and parsley root, fresh or dried dill can be added to mushroom gravy.

    Gravy with champignons


    200 g fresh champignons,

    2 medium onions

    4 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste

    2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil,

    dried, dill, parsley,

    black pepper, bay leaf,

    salt to taste.


    In a deep frying pan in sunflower oil, sauté the onion, cut into half rings. When the onion is slightly fried, add tomato paste, stew a little, then add 1-1.5 cups of boiled water, let it boil, throw chopped mushrooms into the boiling broth. Cook over medium heat, with the lid open, for 15-20 minutes. 10 minutes before readiness, salt, pepper, throw dried herbs and bay leaf. You can serve potatoes or pasta as a side dish.

    Gravy with mushrooms

    Perfect with pasta, potatoes or cereals mushroom sauce, making the side dish more appetizing and tasty. gravy with mushrooms does not take much time, especially since the result fully justifies this time.

    We will need:

    • 500-600 gr. mushrooms - raw, frozen or canned pasteurized (champignons, oyster mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, boletus, Polish - of your choice)
    • 1 large onion
    • 1 small carrot
    • 2-3 tbsp. l. flour
    • vegetable oil (sunflower)
    • ground black pepper
    • black peppercorns
    • Bay leaf
    • tomato paste or sauce
    • additional spices, herbs optional


    1. If necessary, clean the mushrooms. Mine, cut into medium-sized cubes, as for "Snacks from Kuma".

    2. We clean the carrots and onions, also wash them. Three carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into small pieces.

    3. Pour the mushrooms into a deep frying pan with heated vegetable oil, salt and fry over low heat for about 10 minutes.

    4. At this time, in a small deep bowl (preferably unenamelled), fry the flour in heated vegetable oil.

    5. Fill with water and grind until smooth.

    6. Add onions and carrots to the mushrooms and fry for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    7. Pour the sauce from fried flour, poured with boiling water, into a pan with mushrooms, filtering through a metal sieve (this is desirable to achieve greater uniformity, but not necessary). Add boiling water so that the gravy covers the mushrooms well, mix. The amount of water to add depends on how thick the gravy you want to make.

    8. Add tomato paste (2 tablespoons) or sauce to the gravy, stir. The amount of paste or determined by the color of the gravy - it should be reddish-orange or reddish-brown.

    9. We try the gravy, add salt and ground black pepper to taste, spices as desired. We put peppercorns and bay leaf. We mix. Let the sauce simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Chopped greens can be added to the prepared mushroom gravy, as well as to meat gravy or gravy with sausage, if desired.

    10. Serve this delicious mushroom sauce with pasta, potatoes, buckwheat or other cereals.

