
Baton croutons in a frying pan. Irreplaceable croutons from a loaf

Breakfast, especially on weekends, is a great occasion to get together with the whole family. Put a simple treat on the table and enjoy communication over a cup of aromatic coffee. Of course, with croutons. Everyone loves these crispy records. Often I make them in the toaster, they just serve as the basis for sandwiches. And if you cook sweet croutons from a loaf with egg and milk, as in this recipe with a photo, then this is a really tasty treat. Pieces of a bun in a light shirt made of a beaten egg, lightly fried in a pan, have such a delicate taste that it is simply impossible to stop. If you have a not quite fresh loaf or just bread, it doesn’t matter. It will still be delicious. You can take regular pasteurized milk, but with homemade batter it will be easier. For children, cook cocoa or compote for croutons, for example.
- loaf,
- 35 milliliters of fresh milk,
- 1 chicken egg,
- 1 tablespoon refined sugar
- 50 grams of butter.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Release the egg into the container. Pour in the milk.

Add granulated sugar and shake the egg-milk mixture until a homogeneous creamy consistency is obtained.

For croutons, I usually buy sliced ​​or mustard loaf. Such rolls are better stored, do not dry and do not get stale. In the summer, on the second day, I put all the bread products in the refrigerator. Cut the loaf crosswise into slices of equal thickness so that they are evenly fried and look aesthetically pleasing.
Dip each slice in the sweet milk-egg batter and place in the preheated skillet. Add butter and fry both sides until desired light or golden brown and crispy.

To prevent the croutons from burning and not being saturated with the smell of overcooked butter, set the optimal intensity of the fire. Do this with the rest of the slices. Serve hot with your favorite jam or honey. If some of them remain after breakfast - do not worry, they retain their taste when cold. Although you can warm them up in the microwave or in a frying pan with a lid. Bon appetit and have a nice day.

Turn out very tasty

Croutons are a simple and delicious meal that is great for breakfast, an afternoon snack, or as an accompaniment to other meals. Cooking croutons is very simple: they can be with milk, egg or vegetable oil, spicy, salty or sweet. Everyone will be able to find a suitable recipe for their taste, and even a child can make croutons, because it's just toasted bread with spices. In this article, you will find some of the best white bread toast recipes - a regular loaf is suitable for making them.

Sweet croutons with milk

Sweet croutons are a great breakfast or afternoon snack. They are recommended to be served with coffee, tea or cocoa. Croutons soaked in milk will be especially tasty, soft and will have a pleasant golden color. It is very easy to prepare such a delicious breakfast. You will need a loaf, milk, butter and powdered sugar. To prepare, use the following recipe:

  1. To make croutons especially tasty, it is better to take a slightly dried loaf. If you have it fresh, you can first hold it slightly in the oven at a low temperature.
  2. Now pour some milk into a deep plate, pour a couple of tablespoons of powdered sugar into it and mix thoroughly.
  3. Cut your banana into thin slices.
  4. Soak slices of white bread in milk for 2-3 minutes. The bread should not be completely softened, but it is important that it is soaked with milk and sugar.
  5. Melt a small amount of butter in a pan.
  6. Lay the loaf slices on the surface of the pan, hold them for a few minutes on one side, then turn over. Wait until the top of the croutons dries a little and they have an appetizing crust. At the same time, the inside of the croutons should remain soft.
  7. Serve the croutons hot, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Egg croutons

Egg croutons are a delicious and nutritious breakfast. They can be made both sweet and savory - everything will depend on your tastes. These croutons go well with nuts and fruit, bacon or cheese - they can be an excellent addition to a full hearty breakfast. For cooking, you only need an egg, butter and a loaf, as well as spices to taste. Consider the following simple recipe:

  1. Take a slightly dried loaf, cut it into thin beautiful slices.
  2. Whisk a couple of eggs in a separate bowl until smooth. If you are going to make sweet croutons, you can sprinkle some sugar, vanilla and cinnamon into beaten eggs. If you're making spicy croutons, you can add herbes de Provence, lemon balm, pepper, or curry.
  3. Soak the croutons in the egg.
  4. Melt butter in a frying pan or pour a little vegetable oil.
  5. Fry the croutons for a few minutes on each side until a rich yellow crust appears.
  6. Sweet croutons should be served with powdered sugar, honey or jam. Spicy croutons can be sprinkled with salt and drizzled with olive oil.

Croutons with ginger and herbs

If you like spicy, you might like these croutons. Most often, dried herb bread is used as an addition to lunch or dinner. These croutons are especially good to complement soups or stewed vegetables. Spicy croutons are very easy to prepare - you will need a mixture of seasonings to taste, fresh ginger root and vegetable oil - olive, grape or pumpkin oil is best. To prepare, use the following simple recipe:

  1. Cut the dried banana into slices. If you want crunchier toast, make the slices thinner, and if you want the inside of the bread to be soft, make the slices larger.
  2. Rub the bread with fresh ginger root on both sides. It works best on lightly toasted bread.
  3. Soak the banana slices in vegetable oil. Make sure the bread is well saturated with oil.
  4. Roll bread in spices on both sides. Suitable ground pepper, salt, a mixture of Caucasian herbs. However, spices can be chosen to taste.
  5. Pour a little more vegetable oil into the pan, heat it up and fry the croutons on both sides.
  6. You can also sprinkle the finished croutons with curry and paprika to give a beautiful color. For extra flavor, you can also rub some ginger root on a fine grater on top of them. It is better to serve such croutons for lunch or dinner instead of regular bread.

Croutons with garlic

Garlic croutons is a traditional simple and tasty recipe. These croutons will be an excellent addition to any dish. Cooking them is very simple - you only need bread, vegetable oil, garlic, salt, dried onions and parsley. The recipe is the following:

  1. Cut the banana into slices.
  2. Soak slices of bread in any vegetable oil, olive oil is best.
  3. Toast the bread in a hot skillet until crispy.
  4. Rub the toasted bread with garlic, sprinkle with herbs and salt, and drizzle with a little more oil.

Croutons can be very different - spicy, spicy, sweet or salty, it all depends on your tastes. If your loaf is dry, you can easily prepare such a simple and tasty dish from it. A variety of recipes allows you to combine croutons with almost any other dish.

The hostess in the morning does not always have enough time to prepare culinary delights. In this case, croutons from a loaf with an egg can be an ideal option for breakfast. You can cook them in different ways. They are tasty if you make them with milk and without it, with and without sugar, with the addition of your favorite seasonings and without any spices.

The recipe for ordinary croutons in a pan

To make this recipe for croutons from a loaf, you need a minimum of products. But, despite this, they turn out to be tasty and quite nutritious in order to stock up on energy for a while. The dish is perfect for breakfast and for a quick snack during the day.

The following ingredients are required for cooking:

  • 5-6 slices of loaf (rolls, white bread);
  • 2 eggs;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • a little oil (you can take vegetable or butter) for frying.

Cooking croutons according to this recipe is very simple and fast. Pour the milk into a deep bowl, break the eggs into the same place and shake the contents until smooth. Heat up the oil in a frying pan. Dip each piece of loaf in the prepared egg-milk mixture, then fry them first on one side, and then on the other side until golden brown. Best served hot.

Advice. According to this simple recipe, sweet croutons can also be made by adding sugar to the mixture of milk and eggs, then thoroughly shaking the entire contents until its grains dissolve.

French croutons

To treat yourself and your loved ones to a real French breakfast, fragrant loaf croutons can be prepared with vanilla and cinnamon. Cooking a dish according to this recipe will also not take more than 10-15 minutes, but the composition of the products will be slightly different.

To prepare French croutons, you need to take 1 loaf or roll, about 60 ml of cream, 2 eggs, 50-60 g of butter, as well as sugar, cinnamon, vanilla to taste.

Step by step preparation:

  1. First you need to prepare the mixture for dipping slices of bread. To do this, in a deep container, combine cream, sugar, eggs, vanilla and cinnamon together.
  2. Melt half of the specified amount of butter, add it there, then thoroughly mix all the ingredients.
  3. Then grease the frying pan with the remaining oil and heat it over a fire.
  4. Cut the loaf into neat slices, dip them in the prepared mixture and fry on both sides in a preheated pan until golden brown.

Attention! Sliced ​​loaf pieces should not be too thin (they may fall apart when dipped) or thick (poorly saturated with the mixture, remaining dry inside). The optimal thickness of the slices when cutting is about 0.8-1 cm.

Before serving with tea or coffee, you can additionally sprinkle the finished croutons with cinnamon and powdered sugar.

Croutons without milk

The dairy component of this breakfast dish is optional. Very appetizing and fragrant croutons are obtained without the use of milk. And such recipes can be called quite popular, especially among those who do not use this product.

Ingredients needed to make sweet croutons:

  • half a loaf;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • vegetable oil for frying the slices.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the loaf into pieces, the thickness of the slices should be no more than 0.8 cm. Combine the eggs and granulated sugar in a deep bowl.
  2. Thoroughly beat the contents with a whisk until the sugar is completely dispersed. To make whipping easier for yourself, you can use powder, which will dissolve much faster than grains of sand.
  3. Dipping each piece in this mixture, fry in a pan in hot oil on both sides until a beautiful crust forms.
  4. When the croutons are ready, put on a plate, serve immediately.

Baking croutons in the oven

The dish can not only be fried in a pan, but also baked in the oven. And such croutons are less high-calorie than those fried in oil in the usual way. Outwardly, if you look at the photo, they look very elegant and no worse than after frying in a pan.

To prepare such a dish, you will need the following products:

  • loaf - 6 slices;
  • medium-sized eggs - 2 pieces;
  • milk - half a glass;
  • sugar - 30-50 g;
  • butter - about 20 g.

How to cook:

  1. Combine eggs, sugar and milk together in a deep bowl, beat thoroughly until smooth.
  2. Heat the oven to 180-200 degrees.
  3. Lightly oil the baking dish so that the croutons do not burn to the bottom during cooking.
  4. Dip slices of white bread in the prepared mixture, place on the bottom of a greased form.
  5. Bake for 20-25 minutes.
  6. When the croutons are ready, transfer them to a plate. Serve them immediately after cooking, before they have cooled down.

All recipes are very easy to follow. They do not require any special skills, are available even to a novice hostess. Baton toast is a simple and quick breakfast from those products that are always available in the kitchen. Bread for them can be used both fresh and stale, which is already somewhat stale.

What croutons do you like to cook?

It's still great that someone once upon a time came up with the idea of ​​frying small pieces of fresh or stale bread in butter, resulting in amazingly delicious crispy croutons. They are prepared easily and quickly, for this you do not need to have any special skills.

They use croutons both in the daily menu and for holidays, they are especially convenient for buffets and outdoor events.

Croutons can be used as an independent meal in the form of a light snack, or act as a flour side dish.

Toasts are simple and complex. In the first case, you only need to fry bread slices on both sides. And for the second option, they already use all kinds of additives in the form of meat, mushrooms, fish, cheese, vegetables and fruits, eggs or seafood.

There are salty croutons. In their preparation, ground black pepper, salt, other seasonings and spices are used. They are served with beer, soups or used as an ingredient in salads. You can make salted croutons from any kind of bread.

Sweet croutons are most often made from long loaf and wheat bread. They are served with hot drinks (cocoa, tea, coffee) as an independent dish. To prepare such croutons, they are often pre-soaked in milk or a specially prepared mixture called lezon (milk is mixed with eggs). Ready-made sweet croutons can be sprinkled with powdered sugar, poured with jam, honey, jam or condensed milk.

So if you really want to please your family with delicious and fresh pastries, but you have neither the time nor the desire to mess around with the dough, take the recipes below into service and cook long loaf croutons with egg and milk. Consider four cooking options.

Plain toast with milk and egg

Croutons with milk and eggs have now become almost the most popular type of breakfast. Why not? While oatmeal is being brewed and coffee is brewing, fry slices of yesterday's long loaf in a pan in a matter of minutes, get a traditional Western European breakfast and enjoy crispy fragrant pastries.

Taste Info Various Snacks


  • bread slices - 5-6 pieces;
  • milk - 0.5 cups;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil (for frying) - 10-20 ml.

How to cook delicious fried loaf croutons with egg and milk

Break the eggs into a deep bowl or plate, add milk.

Using a fork or kitchen whisk, whisk the milk and eggs until smooth. For sweet croutons at this stage, you can add sugar (powdered sugar is best), and for salty croutons, spices (salt, curry, paprika, black pepper).

If your loaf is not sliced, then cut it into slices no more than 1 cm thick.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan so that it covers the bottom. Dip each piece of loaf on both sides in the milk-egg mixture.

Place slices in skillet and fry over medium heat until golden brown. Then turn the croutons over and fry on the other side. Make sure that the oil in the pan always covers the bottom, otherwise the slices of the loaf may burn.

Put the finished croutons on a flat plate and serve hot to the table. Brew fragrant tea, pour berry jam into a vase and enjoy.

Loaf toast with egg, milk and cheese

Long loaf croutons with egg and milk, and cheese will turn out to be even more satisfying. A great, tasty and nutritious start to the day. This option of croutons is suitable for taking them with you to work, to school, on the road as a snack.


  • loaf slices - 5-6 pcs.;
  • milk - 1/2 cup;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 0.2 tsp;
  • hard cheese - 140-160 g;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil (for frying) - 20-30 ml.


  1. In a deep bowl, using a whisk or fork, carefully mix the eggs with milk and salt.
  2. Rub the cheese on a fine or medium grater, mix with egg yolk.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, dip each slice of a loaf in a mixture of milk and eggs, put in a frying pan, fry until golden brown.
  4. Then turn the croutons over, spread the cheese mass on the surface of each evenly, cover the pan with a lid (so that the cheese melts) and fry for another 4-5 minutes.
  5. When serving, you can sprinkle such croutons with finely chopped fresh herbs.

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Loaf croutons with egg and milk in the oven

If your family loves to watch football matches on TV, while friends with beer, nuts and chips often drop by to watch, then the proposed recipe will suit you just in time. Refuse these store-bought snacks for beer, better cook fragrant and spicy loaf croutons with egg and milk in the oven.


  • slices of loaf or bread - 10-12 pieces;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - 4-5 pieces;
  • salt - 0.3 tsp;
  • seasonings and spices - to your liking;
  • hard cheese - 180 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1-2 tsp.


  1. Bread slices can be left in the form in which they are cut. But you can make them more original by cutting off the edges of the crust and shaping them into a rectangle, rhombus or square.
  2. In a bowl, mix chicken eggs with milk and your favorite spices (dried dill, parsley, thyme, basil, oregano; ground black and red pepper; Italian and Provence herbs; cardamom; curry).
  3. Peel the garlic cloves and pass them through a press, add to the milk-egg mass. Mix everything well to get a homogeneous mixture.
  4. Lay parchment paper on a baking sheet and grease it with vegetable oil. Dip each bread slice on all sides in the prepared mixture and place on a baking sheet.
  5. Grate the cheese. Sprinkle them with the future croutons laid out on a baking sheet, send them to the oven, heated to a temperature of 160 degrees, for 10 minutes.
  6. Put the finished croutons on a flat dish, take out the beer from the refrigerator and enjoy your football evening!

Sweet croutons from a long loaf with egg and milk

And this recipe is suitable for hostesses who have incredible sweet tooth in their house - both small and old. Sweet croutons with milk and egg will appeal to both children and old people, because they turn out to be very tasty and tender. A wonderful option for dessert or an afternoon snack, as well as a great excuse to invite a girlfriend or neighbor over and chat in the evening over tea.


  • loaf slices - 8-9 pcs.;
  • milk - 250-300 ml;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tsp;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • dried apricots, raisins and prunes - for decoration.


  1. Beat eggs into a bowl, pour milk and add salt, sugar (regular and vanilla), cinnamon. Mix well with a fork or whisk.
  2. Put dried fruits in a separate bowl, pour warm water, and let them stand for a while to steam and become soft, then cut them into small pieces.
  3. Dip the loaf slices in the milk-egg mixture, you can hold them in the liquid longer (30 seconds on each side), then they turn out to be especially airy.
  4. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Put in it and melt the butter, now lay out the bread slices and fry until golden brown.
  5. Flip the croutons to the other side and fry until cooked through. Transfer them from the pan to a wide flat dish and sprinkle with chopped dried fruit.
  6. Such croutons are ideally combined with cool milk, but they will also fly away with tea and coffee in a matter of minutes.

Cooking Tips

  • To get delicious croutons, it is important to remember that bread or a loaf may not be the first freshness (a little stale), but eggs and milk must be taken fresh. Do not confuse!
  • It is best to fry croutons in a non-stick pan.
  • When frying, try not to pour a lot of vegetable oil into the pan, the croutons will absorb it and turn out to be too greasy.
  • The croutons will turn out even more delicious and crispy if you fry them not in vegetable oil, but in melted butter. But at the same time, remember that they will also be more high-calorie.
  • From the pan, it is better to first transfer the finished croutons to paper napkins or towels so that excess fat drains, and then to the dish.

Now you know how to fry croutons with egg and milk, and satisfy the tastes of all family members. Make them more often - ruddy and sweet for kids, spicy and satisfying for a husband and his friends, tender and appetizing for your elderly parents.

Today I will show you how to fry a loaf of toast with egg and milk in the easiest way, in 10 minutes. By the way, it's a great idea to use slightly dry bread, which ends up being very soft on the inside.

The recipe for sweet croutons from a loaf with an egg is practically no different from salty ones, so I decided to show you the process using one option. You can eat them both with soup and with honey or jam, depending on which ones you cook. Making them is easy and fast, I advise you to try.


  • Baton - 6 pieces
  • Milk - 50 ml.
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp (add it if you want to make them sweet)

Quantity: 6 pieces

Kcal per 100 g

Pan frying

How to cook croutons from a loaf in a pan

I immediately take six pieces of already cut loaf or cut it myself into thin slices, the width of which is about 1 cm, or even thinner.

I beat the eggs into a bowl, add milk and salt. If you want to make them sweet, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of vanilla.

With a whisk, beat this mixture a little so that everything mixes well. It makes no sense to beat until foamy, the main thing here is to break the structure of the yolk and protein. Usually it takes no more than one minute, and if done with a mixer, then even faster.

A frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, put on fire. While it is heating up, use a fork to dip a slice of bread into the egg mixture, turning it over a few times.

When the pan is hot enough, put the slices into it and fry over high heat.

You need to fry on both sides until a beautiful golden color. The time is approximately one minute on each side. Also, make sure that they do not burn, as they cook very quickly.

You can also immediately put the finished croutons on paper napkins to remove excess fat, and then transfer them to a dish.

Now you know how to make egg and milk loaf croutons in 10 minutes. It is very convenient that they can be made both sweet and savory, depending on what you want to serve them with. They are made in an elementary simple way, so you will not have any difficulties with them. Bon appetit!
