
Buckwheat porridge on the water. Buckwheat in bags - cooking secrets

Step-by-step recipes for cooking buckwheat porridge on water on the stove, in the oven and in a regular thermos

2017-10-11 Yakovleva Kira





In 100 grams of the finished dish

4 gr.

8 gr.


19 gr.

161 kcal.

Option 1: Buckwheat porridge on the water - a classic recipe

The main secret of any delicious dish, including loose buckwheat porridge on the water, is the love and tenderness with which you need to approach cooking, everything else is just a set of simple steps and a few ingredients. Even a child can cope with this recipe.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of buckwheat, it is known and cooked all over the world - on water, milk and even broth. It is considered a dietary product, helps to cope with excess weight, cleanse the body of fats, toxins and harmful things. Buckwheat porridge contains many vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. Drinking it in the morning will give you energy for the whole day.


  • buckwheat - 300 gr;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • butter - 50 gr;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml.

Step by step recipe for buckwheat porridge on the water:

Sort the cereal from low-quality grains, rinse in a colander until the water runs clear. Pour warm water and leave for forty minutes, this will make the cereal softer.

Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan, heat and add cereals, fry for three minutes.

Pour boiling water over, cover with a lid and cook over low heat until tender - until the buckwheat absorbs all the liquid.

A few tips for making perfectly tasty and crumbly buckwheat porridge:

Compliance with the proportions of 1 cup of cereal to 2 cups of water;
- purified water;
- washed and sorted cereals, slightly fried in a pan before cooking;
- to make the taste more tender, it is necessary to add a small piece of butter to each serving of the finished porridge.

Option 2: Buckwheat porridge on water - a quick recipe for cooking in a thermos

This recipe is ideal for those who do not have time to cook at all or for lazy hostesses. You don’t have to stand by the stove and wait patiently until the porridge is cooked.

The products will need the same as in the classic recipe, and oil, salt, sugar and other additives can be used to taste. Buckwheat can be taken less or more, the main thing is to keep the proportions: part of the cereal to two parts of water.


  • buckwheat - 300 grams;
  • water - 0.6 l;

How to quickly cook buckwheat porridge on water in a thermos:

Rinse the cereal and pour it into a thermos, salt if necessary, usually based on the calculation: a teaspoon of salt per 0.5 liter of water.

Pour boiling water over buckwheat and screw the lid of the thermos tightly. Leave for 10-15 minutes.

Buckwheat is very useful for both health and beauty. Its extraordinary properties have been known for a very long time, once it was even called the food of heroes. It got its name thanks to Greece - a country that glorified cereals throughout the world.

Buckwheat porridge on the water is an integral part of any diet, as it has very few calories, and on the contrary, there are a lot of useful substances. For example, it contains vitamins B, P and E, as well as zinc, iron, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, manganese and copper. In addition, it contains 19% protein and a whole complex of organic acids, such as oxalic and citric. This is a real leader in benefits among all known cereals.

Option 3: Buckwheat porridge on the water with dried fruits

In autumn and winter, buckwheat is useful in the treatment of viral diseases, as it helps to increase and strengthen the immune system. Those who adhere to a healthy diet should definitely eat buckwheat porridge.

Dried fruits will be a great addition to the usual porridge. So it will only become tastier, but also healthier.


  • buckwheat - 250 gr;
  • prunes - 100 gr;
  • dried apricots - 100 gr;
  • walnuts - 100 gr.

Step-by-step recipe for buckwheat porridge on water with dried fruits:

Ignite the grits in a deep frying pan so that a pleasant smell appears, add one tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil.

Rinse the dried fruits and stew them in a small amount of water for 5-7 minutes until they become soft. After finely chop.

Grind the nuts and, together with dried fruits, add to the buckwheat, pour everything with boiling water in the proportion of 1 cup of buckwheat to 2 cups of water.

Cover the porridge with a lid and cook over low heat for twenty minutes.

Thanks to the valuable substances that make up the composition, dried fruits are incredibly useful. In fact, this is such a delicious pill created by nature. This is the best remedy for beriberi and anemia. Calcium contained in dried fruits has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails, magnesium and potassium on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and fiber helps the stomach.

For buckwheat porridge on the water, you can choose any kind of dried fruit. Each of them consists of unique components and has a different effect on the body. For example, prunes help with swelling, raisins are a natural laxative, figs have an anti-inflammatory effect, dates are diuretic, and dried apricots cleanse the liver.

Option 4: Buckwheat porridge on water with meat in a pot

This recipe will help to diversify the usual diet and surprise your household. Porridge in pots is more satisfying and fragrant. And if you cook some kind of sauce for her, then everyone will definitely require supplements. Cooking will take longer than the classic recipe, but the result will definitely justify all the efforts.


  • buckwheat - 100 gr;
  • meat - 150-170 gr;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • onion - 75 gr;
  • carrots - 75 gr;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.

How to cook buckwheat porridge on water with meat:

Cut the meat into pieces of any size.

Finely chop vegetables, fry them for 5-7 minutes and mix with meat.

Rinse the buckwheat and put it in a pot, salt, pepper, put a bay leaf.

Add vegetables with meat to the cereal, pour water and cover with a lid so that a small gap remains. Then the water will not splash in all directions, and the steam will be able to escape freely.

Put the pot in a cold oven and cook for forty minutes at a temperature of 180-190Cº.

It is very important not to preheat the oven in advance, the dish should be heated gradually, then the porridge will be tastier. To make the porridge more tasty, you need to buy cereals of the highest quality from whole grains, and not crushed, the unground is ideal - the variety with the largest grains.

Option 5: Buckwheat porridge on the water with mushrooms

Mushrooms are one of the most popular additions to buckwheat. To achieve the perfect taste, they must be fried in a small amount of oil before adding to the cereal. At the same time, you can mix both with ready-made porridge, and cook with it, mixing well.


  • buckwheat - 1 tbsp.;
  • carrots - 75 gr;
  • onion - 75 gr;
  • champignons - 300 gr.

How to cook buckwheat porridge on water with mushrooms:

Finely chop and fry vegetables.

Mushrooms cut into quarters, add to the pan to the onions and carrots, fry for five minutes.

Put all the ingredients in a saucepan, cover with water and salt a little.

When it boils, reduce the heat and cook covered for another half an hour until the liquid has completely evaporated.

While the porridge is cooking, you don’t need to interfere with it, just check the water level so as not to miss the moment when it all boils away. Mushrooms are usually used in this recipe, but in fact, you can choose any mushrooms whose taste you like best.

Option 6: Sweet buckwheat porridge on the water "Pukhovaya" with sauce

Most people are used to eating and preparing buckwheat as a lean dish or side dish, few people know how to cook it sweet. This recipe will especially appeal to children. Of course, even sweeter, porridge will be if you cook it in milk, and not in water.
You can experiment a lot with the sauce, for example, make it berry-like by adding grated cranberries or lingonberries.


  • buckwheat - 200 gr;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l;
  • sugar - 70 gr;
  • cream - 140 ml;
  • cinnamon and vanilla - 5 gr.

Beat the eggs thoroughly with a mixer, add buckwheat to them and mix so that all the grains are covered with the egg mass.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the cereal evenly on it.

Bake for twenty minutes at 150 Cº.

Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, add buckwheat and butter to it, cook for fifteen minutes over low heat.

While the porridge is cooking, make the sauce: boil the cream, stir in the vanilla and cinnamon, slowly add the yolks mashed with sugar into the mass. Whisking constantly, wait until the sauce thickens.

Drizzle the prepared porridge with the sauce.

Despite the huge number of useful properties, it also has a downside, which should not be forgotten. For example, doctors do not recommend eating buckwheat on an ongoing basis, a maximum of three times a week.

Also, due to the high starch content, blood sugar can jump up, so diabetics and people with kidney failure need to eat buckwheat very carefully. The same applies to hypertensive patients. Too frequent use of buckwheat porridge can provoke lethargy and migraine.

There are much fewer minuses for this type of cereal than pluses, and they all boil down to one thing - everything needs a measure, if you remember this, then buckwheat porridge will only bring health benefits.

Option 7: Buckwheat porridge on the water for children

Buckwheat porridge should be given to a child from the age of one. Some pediatricians advise preparing cereals without sugar and salt, instead of them you can use, for example, fructose syrup.


  • buckwheat - 1/2 tbsp;
  • water (drinking bottled) - 1 tbsp.;
  • butter - 10 gr;
  • fructose - 100 gr;

How to cook - step by step recipe:

Fry the grits in a pan and cook.

Sprinkle porridge with oil, mix.

Prepare fructose syrup: bring 50 grams of water to a boil, stir fructose in it, cook for ten minutes, stirring occasionally.

Mix porridge and syrup.

For children, only special bottled water should be used. You can buy fructose in the diet departments of stores and pharmacies. Ready syrup can be stored only three days in a closed container in the refrigerator.

Option 8: Buckwheat porridge on the water with sprouted fruit

Sprouted cereals can be made independently or bought ready-made in the store. It doesn't need to be cooked.


  • sprouted buckwheat - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 1 tbsp;
  • banana - 1 pc;
  • apple - 1 pc;
  • cinnamon, dates - to taste.

How to cook - step by step recipe:

Rinse the sprouted groats thoroughly under running water.

Blend all ingredients in a blender.

To make sprouted buckwheat out of ordinary buckwheat, it is enough to soak it for several hours in water, rinse and put it on a germinator for seven hours. You can store such cereals for several days, but only in the refrigerator and in a glass jar.

On water, so that it turns out crumbly and very tasty? This question is of particular interest to those who like to eat such a lean and healthy dish, but do not know how to make it. It is worth noting that for the preparation of this dinner you will need only half an hour of free time.

We cook on water

Required Ingredients:

  • odorless vegetable oil - 45 ml (for frying vegetables);
  • buckwheat - 1.5;
  • purified drinking water - 3 glasses;
  • sea ​​salt, allspice black pepper - add at your own discretion;
  • medium-sized onions - 3 pcs.;
  • dill and parsley - 1/3 bunch each (for decoration);
  • fresh butter - 45 g (to add to the finished dish);
  • medium-sized carrots - 2 pcs.

Cereal processing

Before you cook buckwheat porridge on water, you should definitely process the purchased cereal. After all, not always such a product is sold in a store in a purified form. Thus, buckwheat must be sorted out, and then put in a fine sieve and washed thoroughly in hot water. At the same time, it is recommended to intensively knead the cereal with your hands. So all the dirt and dust that has settled on the product is completely washed off.

Thermal processing of cereals

How much and so that it turns out crumbly? To do this, you need to take a small saucepan, put the previously processed cereal there, and then pour it with three glasses of drinking water. If you want to get a more liquid dish, then it is better to increase the amount of liquid a little (by about 0.5-1 cup). After that, you need to bring the water to a boil, add sea salt, close the lid tightly and do not open it for the next 25 minutes. It is during this time that buckwheat will absorb a sufficient amount of liquid, become soft and crumbly.

Processing vegetables

How to cook buckwheat porridge on water, you already know. But what measures should be taken to make such a dish more satisfying and tasty? For this, experienced housewives recommend using browned vegetables, which are added to a ready-made dinner.

To prepare such a fragrant dressing, you need to peel the carrots and onions, and then grate them on a large grater and chop them with a knife, respectively. Next, the vegetables need to be placed in a saucepan, seasoned with vegetable oil and fried until golden brown. After that, the products must be salted and peppered.

The final step in preparing dinner

As you can see, on the water does not include any hard-to-find and expensive ingredients. To complete the preparation of such a healthy dinner, you need to put all the browned vegetables, as well as a small piece of fresh butter, to the boiled cereals. Next, all the components must be mixed with a spoon and spread out on portioned plates.

How to serve

Buckwheat porridge with fried vegetables should be served hot for dinner. If desired, this dish can be decorated with fresh chopped herbs. It is also recommended to present any meat product or sausages to this side dish.

Knowing how to cook buckwheat correctly based on ordinary drinking water, the hostess will be able to quickly prepare a delicious budget breakfast or side dish. The main thing is to observe the exact proportions of cereals and liquids. And, in addition, find out how long it takes to cook the dish under discussion.

Most often, an ordinary stove and a pan with thin walls are used to cook buckwheat on water. The liquid used is filtered unboiled.

Ingredients: 1 cup buckwheat, 2 cups water, rock salt to taste, a little sugar, peasant butter.

  1. First of all, the cereal is carefully sorted out from unnecessary inclusions and debris, washed. Spoiled or dark hard grains will squeak unpleasantly on the teeth and greatly spoil the taste of food.
  2. Buckwheat is poured into the selected pan, poured with water at a comfortable temperature from above. Other components declared in the recipes (except oil) are immediately added.
  3. When the contents of the pot boil, the heating of the stove is brought to a minimum.

The dish will be cooked until the liquid is completely absorbed by the cereal. The finished cereal is flavored with a portion of butter.

How long does it take to cook buckwheat?

In order not to spoil the treat, you need to know exactly how long to cook buckwheat. Otherwise, you can easily cook burnt porridge or even leave the grains undercooked.

On average, 17-20 minutes are enough to cook the discussed cereal on the stove. The correct result is buckwheat with a crumbly structure that has completely absorbed the liquid component.

It is advisable to wrap the already prepared porridge right in the pan with a blanket. After half an hour, the dish will evaporate well and become even more appetizing.

The proportions of water and buckwheat

Equally important are the correct proportions of dry and liquid components. To make the treat crumbly, you need to use 2 parts of liquid for 1 part of buckwheat.

If porridge is cooked for the smallest members of the family, then the amount of water can be safely increased by 1.5-2 times. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the baby to use crumbly buckwheat that is dry for him.

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker?

Ingredients: 280 g of buckwheat, 630 ml of filtered water, 1-2 pinches of table salt, granulated sugar to taste, butter or ghee. How to properly and tasty cook buckwheat in a slow cooker is described below.

  1. First, the cereal is thoroughly washed from debris. In the process, the water changes repeatedly. All black grains are removed. But soaking buckwheat is not required.
  2. The prepared cereal is poured into the bowl of the device and immediately salted. Sugar can also be added to taste.
  3. Cold water pours out from above.

For cooking buckwheat, therefore, different “smart pan” programs are suitable. For example, "Porridge", "Pilaf" or "Groats". The treat will languish under the lid for a little less than half an hour.

Cooking in the microwave

Ingredients: half a glass of buckwheat, 2 times more filtered water, table salt at the tip of a spoon, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of refined oil, a small bunch of fresh dill and parsley, aromatic herbs.

  1. Dry cereals are immediately poured into a bowl suitable for use in a microwave oven. It can be an ordinary deep glass bowl.
  2. Buckwheat is poured from above with purified water of any temperature.
  3. The ingredients are mixed, the container is covered with a lid and sent to the microwave for 5-6 minutes at maximum power.
  4. Then a little more liquid is added to the bowl, the mass is salted, poured with oil, sprinkled with aromatic herbs and salt. The container is again sent to the furnace for the same amount of time.

The finished dish is served with chopped herbs.

Buckwheat in bags - cooking secrets

Today, cereals packaged in portion bags are very popular among buyers. Such a trick helps protect the dish from burning, and, in addition, in general, it simplifies the process of preparing your favorite porridge.

For two bags of packaged buckwheat, 1.5 liters of filtered drinking water is taken. The liquid is simply salted to taste, brought to a boil, after which bags of cereal are lowered into it. Some housewives also immerse 1-2 bay leaves in water for a brighter aroma of porridge.

Groats are cooked in special bags for only 17-20 minutes. In this case, it is not at all necessary to cover the pan with a lid.

Next, the package with the finished buckwheat is simply leaned back into a colander. When the liquid drains, you can cut the package and put the dish on a plate. At this stage, if desired, the treat is flavored with melted butter and other appetizing additives. You can use crushed garlic, olive oil, chopped herbs, etc.

Steamed buckwheat in a thermos

This version of the dish is usually prepared during a therapeutic diet or for weight loss. Steamed buckwheat is especially low-calorie. In addition, it retains all the useful substances. You can use the finished product only during the day. Therefore, you should not use too much cereal with a margin.

Ingredients: 1 part buckwheat, 2 parts pure boiled water, salt to taste.

  1. First of all, buckwheat is carefully sorted and washed under running water. This will save her from debris and from dark burnt grains that are unfit for consumption.
  2. Buckwheat is poured into a clean thermos. The declared amount of purified salted water is poured from above. The liquid is used at a slightly warm temperature.
  3. Next, the container is tightly closed with a lid and left overnight in natural conditions.

According to this recipe, the dish turns out to be as healthy as possible, but slightly dry and harsh. If you want to cook porridge that is more reminiscent in structure, then you need to steam the cereal not with warm water, but with boiling water. Further, buckwheat is also left all night. In general, breakfast will be completely ready in 7-8 hours.

Buckwheat is one of the most popular cereals in Russian cuisine. It is boiled in broth - meat, mushroom, vegetable, milk and even cream. But buckwheat porridge on water fully reveals all its qualities, you just need to know how to cook it. Who knows how to cook buckwheat porridge on water, crumbly or slurry, can enjoy different tastes and structure of the dish - each option has its own advantages.

Crumbly has a more pronounced aroma, and slurry - delicate and even silky in structure - is more suitable for dietary or baby food.

How to cook loose buckwheat

In loose buckwheat, each grain is easily separated from the others.

To achieve this effect, you should choose unground buckwheat or, in extreme cases, peeled buckwheat.

Nucleus- these are whole grains, steamed, retaining grain shells.

Peeled groats almost devoid of shells and also steamed.

Prodel- crushed steamed cereals with shells - more suitable for porridge-smear.

Like the famous Smolensk- cereals, in which only the middle remains after processing, since all the upper layers are removed.

There are many ways to cook delicious crumbly buckwheat.

Method of cooking in a saucepan

The most traditional method is in a pot. Here's how to cook buckwheat porridge on water in a saucepan:

  1. the cereal is washed in several waters. In many recipes, it is advised to fry it in a dry frying pan - a stronger characteristic aroma and taste. Yes it is, but frying significantly reduces the usefulness and increases the calorie content of the finished dish. Therefore, those who monitor their weight or simply prefer healthy food skip the frying stage;
  2. then the cereal is poured into a saucepan, poured with boiled cold water, salted and heated over high heat;
  3. when the water boils, you should cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to medium;
  4. after boiling for 3 minutes in this mode, you need to reduce the heat to a minimum and, without removing the lid, cook the porridge for 15-17 minutes.

To make buckwheat more fragrant and crumbly, you can add a teaspoon of vegetable oil, such as fragrant sesame oil, directly into the pan.

Cooking in a thermos

Cooking loose buckwheat in a thermos is an unusual way.

The thermos is rinsed with boiling water.

Boiling water is also washed with cereals.

Put pure buckwheat in a thermos, add salt, vegetable oil if desired, and pour very hot or boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2.

Close the thermos and leave for several hours. Ideally, all night long.

Buckwheat prepared in this way retains all the useful and nutritious properties.

Ideal for this method of preparation - not steamed, but only peeled greenish groats.

Loose buckwheat in a pan

Another unusual way to cook delicious buckwheat porridge on water is to use a frying pan. The washed cereal is laid out in a thick-walled pan, poured with cold water, salted and tightly closed with a lid. Put the pan on low heat and cook for 20 minutes without removing the lid.

Porridge in a pot

Washed buckwheat is placed in a pot, poured with warm water, tightly covered with a lid and put in the oven.

The oven must be cold so that the pot heats up simultaneously with the air to evenly heat the walls and contents of the pot.

This preserves the whole aroma of buckwheat and its beneficial properties.

We set 180 degrees, after 30 minutes we turn off the oven and let our porridge “reach” for 15-20 minutes.

Easy cooking in a slow cooker

Put the prepared buckwheat into the bowl of the multicooker, pour water - hot for cooking in the "Heating" mode (temperature - 70-80, time - 1 hour) or cold for cooking in the "Porridge" or "Groats" mode (for them, the time and temperature will be set multicooker itself).

in a sachet

It is very convenient to cook loose buckwheat in bags. Many manufacturers of cereals pack their product in bags of 80-100 g. Such porridge is cooked from 8 to 20 minutes - as indicated on the box - depending on the degree of processing and the variety of buckwheat.

The bag is dipped into boiling water (the amount of water is indicated on the package and usually ranges from 200 to 350 ml). After the time has elapsed, the bag is shaken off the water, opened along a special seam and laid out on a plate. Even a child can handle the preparation of such buckwheat, it is absolutely impossible to spoil it.

Cooking delicious porridge

To cook buckwheat porridge on the water, it is better to take prodel or Smolensk groats. Prodel is considered a more nutritious cereal, and the Smolensk dish is ideal for therapeutic diets due to its excellent enveloping properties. The famous "downy porridge" was cooked precisely from their Smolensk cereals.

These cereals are not washed or roasted.

To cook liquid buckwheat porridge on water, you need to pour buckwheat with water and cook for 30-40 minutes under a lid over low heat, stirring regularly.

Proportions and other secrets of delicious buckwheat on the water

  • To cook buckwheat porridge on water, the proportions of cereals and water should be 1:2 for crumbly porridge and 1:3 for slurry porridge.
  • Boiling water can be added to the slurry as needed, but for crumbly this is unacceptable, since it significantly worsens the taste and structure of the grains.
  • Do not forget about adding vegetable oil at the beginning of cooking friable porridge, the calorie content of the dish will increase slightly, but the taste, smell and appearance will be much better.
  • By the way, the calorie content of dry cereals for a beginner in proper nutrition, and even more so if he is aimed at, can repel - almost 300 kcal. Do not be afraid, when cooked, the numbers are smaller: without oil - about 100 kcal, and with oil - 120-130 kcal.

How to cook crumbly buckwheat in the microwave

In a microwave oven, making crumbly porridge on water is even easier. The method is well shown in this video:

Liquid buckwheat porridge is cooked exclusively in milk. Usually, buckwheat is used for such porridge, and for viscous (it is also quite liquid), it is better to take buckwheat. Such porridge is one of the first to be introduced into the diet of a baby, but even as adults, we do not refuse this healthy, nutritious and very tasty porridge. It should be noted that milk in combination with buckwheat enhances the beneficial properties of buckwheat, since milk protein improves the quality of cereals. No wonder, probably, the famous physiologist I.P. Pavlov believed that buckwheat milk porridge contains all the necessary substances for the human body.

List of ingredients

  • buckwheat groats- 1/2 cup
  • water - 1 glass
  • milk - 1 glass
  • butter - to taste
  • sugar - to taste
  • salt - to taste

Cooking method

Heat the water to a boil, and rinse the buckwheat well. Place buckwheat into boiling water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to very low and simmer, covered, until water has evaporated. Reduce the heat further and pour in the separately heated milk.

Add sugar, salt and butter to the porridge. Let the porridge boil, remove it from the stove and let it brew under the lid. Arrange the finished porridge on plates and put a piece of butter in each serving.

Bon appetit!
