
Greek yogurt yogurt maker recipe. Greek yogurt - what is it? Classic yogurt in a thermos

According to its composition, taste, texture and useful properties, Greek yogurt is similar to Georgian yoghurt and Mechnikov yogurt. If we compare it with ordinary yogurt, then it is denser (“the spoon is standing”) and more concentrated. This is not accidental - in the manufacture of the Greek fermented milk product, 2 times more milk is used, in addition, it is squeezed out much harder, and there is practically no whey, no lactose, no sugar left in it. The latter is three times less than in ordinary yogurt.

Composition of yogurt

Per 100 g of fat-free yogurt: 4 g sugar, 10 g protein (equivalent to 40 g chicken breast), 6 g cholesterol, 33 mg sodium, 10% of the daily value of calcium. Greek yogurt is high in magnesium, riboflavin and pantothenic acid. But the main thing, of course, is live lacto- and bifidobacteria.

Calorie content of Greek yogurt - 53 cal.

Benefits of Greek yogurt

The uniqueness of Greek yogurt is in the combination of its characteristics:

  1. Low calorie content, low sugar content and high protein content make it ideal for weight loss, metabolic disorders, diabetes (maintains a stable blood sugar level), vascular and heart diseases.
  2. The high content of calcium and probiotics improves immunity, eliminates inflammatory processes in the intestines, diarrhea and constipation. Yogurt protects against osteoporosis and supports weakening muscles.
  3. Live bacteria in large quantities normalizes the process of digestion and assimilation of food, contributes to the prevention of certain cancers.
  4. Greek yogurt helps with depression and age-related changes. It makes it easier to maintain a healthy weight, optimism and a sense of well-being after 50.
  5. Such useful properties of the product as the prevention of kidney stones and stomach infections are awaiting confirmation. Far from everything is still studied and open, other pleasant surprises can await us.

Doctors recommend consuming a fermented milk product up to 3 servings a day, but it is still better to start with one. Greek yogurt is especially good in the winter when colds are common. Greek yogurt is a product that has just begun to appear on our market, while in other countries it has been used for a long time and actively.

Is there too much yogurt?

The fact that the thick fermented milk drink appeared in our country later than in the market of other countries has its advantages. The fact is that in addition to the benefits, researchers have learned quite well the harmful sides of yogurt, and today we can consume it more consciously.

The old adage - too much of a good thing is bad - applies here as well. This is due primarily to calcium. Excess calcium, which is abundant in yogurt, impairs the absorption of iron and zinc, increases the risk of kidney stones, calcification in the blood vessels, and prostate cancer if prone to it.

Another caveat concerns the craze for fillers. As manufacturers add fillers in the form of syrups, the sugar content in the product increases dramatically, and the main advantage of Greek yogurt is negated.

How to make Greek yogurt at home


  • Milk (cow, goat or sheep) - 800 ml
  • Natural yogurt (or sourdough) - 130 ml

Important: milk should not be pasteurized and boiled, otherwise live beneficial bacteria will not remain in it.

  1. Heat the milk to a temperature of no more than 40-45 degrees Celsius.
  2. Dilute natural yogurt without any additives or sourdough in warm milk.
  3. Cover the bowl with the Greek yogurt mass and wrap it in a towel to maintain the original temperature.
  4. After about 7-8 hours, the yogurt will “ripen” and reach the desired consistency. It is important not to shake or mix it, because in this case the whey will begin to separate, and the detached yogurt will lose its density.
  5. From the resulting liquid mass, set aside the required amount for the starter to use it next time.

On a note:

  • For a thicker Greek yogurt, strain it through a sieve lined with a double layer of gauze or a thick cloth.
  • Carefully pour the resulting product and leave it alone for a couple of hours. The result will be approximately 400-450 ml of thick yogurt and the same amount of whey, which can be used for baking, drinking or cosmetic masks.
  • Greek yogurt can be sweetened with honey if desired, enriched with berries or fruits, mixed with chocolate pieces.

How to cook with yogurt maker

Why do many people prefer to cook in a yogurt maker? The device keeps the temperature most suitable for fermentation, has cups, which is convenient, and cooking in it is more comfortable and carefree. You can choose even the simplest option, and it will make it easier for you to prepare the product.

In a simple yogurt maker, it looks like this: at the stage of adding sourdough to milk, you pour the entire product into glasses, and in the yogurt maker it languishes for about 8 hours, reaching the desired state. Then you cool it and just put it in the refrigerator. Fast and convenient, and you always get good yogurt, unlike the manual method, which often fails due to the fact that it is not possible to maintain the desired temperature.

  1. After preparing yogurt, do not eat it right away - put it in the refrigerator for an hour or two, and it will become even tastier.
  2. Suitable for sourdough: Greek yogurt itself or other live yogurt that does not contain preservatives and dyes, sour cream (sour), curdled milk, matsoni. Sour cream is not the best option, as it does not contain bulgarian sticks that ferment yogurt. But even if you use ordinary sour cream, and then again make a new one from the prepared yogurt, then over and over again the yogurt will be saturated with the necessary bacteria and it will turn out better.
  3. Do not eat all the yogurt, do not forget about the starter, leave it for the preparation of the next portion.
  4. It is better to cook 2-3 portions of yogurt at once, since in a large volume of milk heat is retained longer, and the bacteria “work” more actively (this applies only to the manual method).
  5. To determine the right moment to add sourdough to milk, you need to either dip your finger into it and count to 10, or wrap your hands around the jar and also count. If the temperature is comfortable for you (milk and the jar do not burn), then it's time to add.
  6. For the preparation of real Greek yogurt, milk will take 2-3 times more product "at the exit", since it is filtered from whey. Calculate the portion you want to receive based on this.

Greek yogurt in cooking

The Greeks use their yogurt wherever possible: they eat and drink it just like that, add it to meat, fish, vegetable dishes, knead dough on it, and come up with original dessert drinks.

It is often used as a substitute for sour cream, mayonnaise, cream cheese or butter, as it is thick and dense and suitable for dressings and sandwiches.

Ready to marinate the kebab - use Greek yogurt. Do not like fatty meat - pour it with yogurt, marinate in it - this sauce perfectly neutralizes fat. And paradoxically, it makes tough and dry lean meat “fatter” (softer, more tender).

At least one yogurt-based dish has gained real world fame - this is the dip sauce tzatziki, or tzatziki. Anyone who has been to Greece knows its special refreshing taste!

And 100 + 1 more applications, for example:

  • women use Greek yogurt as a cosmetic, wash their hair and wipe their faces;
  • ulcers and allergy sufferers dine with them in the office;
  • Greek yogurt is used for medicinal purposes for constipation, poisoning and high fever, stress and constant fatigue syndrome.

How to choose yogurt in the store?

If you live in a big city and you are lucky enough to find Greek yogurt, do not rush to buy it, first check for quality:

Pay attention to the shelf life: it should not exceed 4-6 weeks;
- study the composition: milk should not be pasteurized, dyes, thickeners, preservatives should be absent, product fat content - within 2-4%, protein - at least 10%.

Opened packaging is best eaten immediately and not stored.

Important: European producers of Greek yogurt use thickeners, so it is safer in terms of composition to cook the product at home.

Are you tired of looking in supermarkets and grocery stores for tasty and healthy yogurt without any additives?! Yes, in our time, even despite the gastronomic diversity, it is quite difficult to find truly natural, fermented milk products. But there is a way out of such a “difficult” situation - it is to cook this diet yummy on your own at home! Today we just want to tell you how to make Greek yogurt.

Learn how to make Greek yogurt at home!

Not many, probably. ate Greek yogurt. Yes, this type of fermented milk product is not found in all stores, but if anyone has tried it, they know how tasty and healthy it is. Reminds me of this product, the most ordinary one, but this fermented milk dietary product has its own raisins that make it special. The peculiarities of this sour milk are that it takes much more milk to cook than in yogurt and other yoghurts and the presence of whey is almost negligible.

Due to these two features, the consistency of the product becomes dense, as if it is slightly softened with a pleasant, pronounced sourness. He also has a nice plus - this is a lower carbohydrate content than other sour-milk counterparts, which means that people who are very afraid to eat extra pounds can safely feast on them without fear for their figure. We talked about the features and advantages of this product, now you can “go” to how Greek yogurt is prepared at home. We must say right away that the cooking process is not complicated and you will master this recipe without any problems. Making Greek yogurt won't start without 2 simple ingredients.

The necessary products can be bought at the nearest grocery store:

  • One liter of milk, not too fatty;
  • 150 ml. milk sourdough or "Activia", "Biobalance".

Now we will analyze the recipe for Greek yogurt step by step, the instructions for culinary actions are as follows:

  1. Pour the milk into a ladle and put it on the fire to heat up, you need to heat the liquid to a maximum of 45 degrees, use a kitchen thermometer to control the heating.
  2. We take a large spoon and with the help of it we begin to shift the sourdough into the milk. Be sure to put the starter in portions, if everything is poured into milk at once, then your homemade Greek yogurt will take on the wrong consistency.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a large container, then wrap it well with a large towel and leave it in a warm place for 8 hours.
  4. It's been 8 hours, we unwrap our container and now send it to cool in the refrigerator. In no case should you stir and splash the mixture, otherwise our cooking will go down the drain.
  5. On a wide colander or kitchen sieve, place a thick cloth or waffle towel. Slowly, we begin to pour out our cooled sour-milk slurry. Drained and left everything alone, the state of “rest” should last until the serum is completely out of our “mixture”.
  6. Whey removed, that's it, homemade Greek yogurt is ready for you!

As you yourself saw, making Greek yogurt is just a trifle that any culinary specialist can handle without exception. A little patience and skill, and now on your table is a delicious sour-milk mixture that can be eaten with fresh berries, fruits, or seasoned with jams and honey.

Mediterranean cuisine is considered the healthiest. Yogurt is a traditional dairy dish on the Greek menu. This natural product is loved not only in Greece, but also abroad. What is the composition of Greek yogurt, what are its beneficial properties and what is the calorie content?

What is Greek yogurt?

In Mediterranean countries, this fermented milk product is made from sheep's or goat's milk. In mass production, cow's milk is most often used for the basis of this dairy product. It is filtered yogurt cheese. During the manufacturing process, the Greek dairy product is filtered to remove the whey.

By consistency, it turns out to be thick, homogeneous and light. There is nothing artificial in the composition of the product, but only natural ingredients. This type of dairy product contains:

  • cultures of live bacteria;
  • bifidobacteria;
  • lactobacillus;
  • lactic coca.

Used for cooking cow, goat or sheep milk and combine it with live bacteria. After obtaining an almost finished mass, it is filtered. This results in a thick consistency. Now the product is ready for use. All-natural Greek yogurt should not have a long shelf life. If the packaging indicates that the shelf life is no more than a month, then it is completely natural.

After the fermentation process, there is no whey, sugar and lactose left in it. However, it contains valuable live bacteria, a lot of calcium, protein and magnesium. The Greek product has a characteristic creamy taste with a pleasant sourness.

Beneficial features

In addition to the pleasant taste and natural composition of Greek yogurt attractive and many other features. It has no fat and minimal carbohydrates. The basis of its composition is proteins (46%) and calcium (25%). In finished form, such a milk mass resembles a cocktail of beneficial microorganisms, with which you can improve the body.

All these properties of Greek yogurt have made it a popular product among dieters. A large amount of protein and lack of fat attracts those who want to lose weight and take care of their health.

High calcium content helps to strengthen bones, and also helps to speed up the metabolic processes in the body. Calcium together with probiotics helps to strengthen the immune system, eliminate constipation and diarrhea, and remove inflammation in the intestines. Calcium supports weakening muscles and eliminates the risk of osteoporosis.

The protein acts as a blood glucose stabilizer. This is very important for those on a strict diet, as this protein intake prevents hypoglycemia. A large number of live bacteria normalizes the processes of digestion. The consumption of such a product is a good prevention of certain types of cancer.

Greek yogurt is very useful for people suffering from kidney stones, stomach infections. It helps a lot with depression and age-related changes.

However, such sour-milk food, in addition to benefits, can be harmful. The high content of calcium in the product with excessive consumption of yogurt is harmful to health. It is worth paying attention to the composition of the product, because sometimes it may contain various fillers. In its pure form, natural mass brings much more benefits.

How to make Greek yogurt?

For us, this food is still a rarity and it is almost non-existent on store shelves. It can be prepared at home according to the recipe. To make Greek homemade yogurt You will need quite affordable components:

  • 800 ml of milk (cow or goat);
  • 140 g of sourdough, you can also take natural yogurt.

Fresh milk must be poured into a saucepan and heated to a warm state. It is impossible to bring milk to a boil, otherwise it will not contain useful properties valuable for the body. Then sourdough or natural yogurt is introduced into the milk. Everything is thoroughly mixed and left for several hours. The pan is covered tightly with a lid and wrapped with a blanket or towel so that the product does not cool down. The container must be placed in a warm place for 7-8 hours, otherwise the yogurt will not work.

To make a good product, the container must not be touched, for example, disturbed or beaten. He must remain at rest and be warm. When time passes, the mass is filtered through a fine sieve, gauze. The finished product will turn out without whey, but you should not eat it right away. Yogurt is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then it will be ready to eat.

Low-fat milk can be used to make fat-free Greek yogurt. Such a product is especially useful if there are health problems or those who are on a strict diet.

Doctors consider Greek yogurt longevity product. They recommend including it in your daily diet. Not everyone has the opportunity to buy it in the store, so the question arises of how to replace Greek yogurt or how to cook it. The recipe is simple, so if you want, you can cook at home. You can replace it with low-fat sour cream, kefir or regular natural yogurt.

The calorie content per 100 g of this fermented milk product is 66 calories. Its energy value is expressed in the following terms:

  • proteins - 5 g;
  • fats - 3.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.5 g.

Such a low-calorie product is always useful to include in your diet, especially women after 40-50 years. If you do this regularly, you can lose weight well and provide the body with calcium and other beneficial substances. Fat-free Greek yogurt has even fewer calories. Given the minimum carbohydrate content and the absence of lactose, it will be a great way to lose those extra pounds.

A fermented milk product in many countries replaces mayonnaise and sour cream. Due to this, the calorie content of cooked dishes is reduced. It is often used in the preparation of many dishes in Greek cuisine, as well as in other parts of the world.

I bought a yogurt maker about two months ago. Once, after watching a program about the composition of store-bought yogurts, I realized that yogurts should be made at home. I know that Soviet newspapers are not read after dinner, but the price of the issue is low, and homemade yogurts beckoned with irresistible force. I needed time to experiment to write this post. Sorry, I do not have time for scientific research, so this article reflects only my experience.

What is a yogurt maker?

In fact, this is a device that maintains a certain temperature at which yogurt is fermented. It is a base with a transparent lid. Jars are most often attached.

I only bought this one because it was the cheapest in the store near my house. All sorts of timers and other joys, in my opinion, are pampering.

Do you really need to spend money on it?

Not necessary. You can bother with pots and towels. But the issue price is 1000-2000 rubles, and the yogurt maker is convenient. It does not need to be warmed by the heat of one's own body.


I started with expensive imported yogurt. The result was not bad, but the yogurt turned out to be quite liquid. The same thing happened with our usual danone. Therefore, it makes no sense to spend money on expensive yogurt.
I wanted thicker yogurt.

I began to add powdered milk, as many do. The yogurt turned out thick and creamy, but had a specific aftertaste. I tried 3 types of milk powder, but the taste remained. It's the milk, I guessed. I still can't figure out who and what uses this muck.

Then I bought sourdough at the pharmacy. Bingo! Fine thick yogurt without the addition of prepared yogurt or milk. Delicious.


I will say right away that there are options, but in general:

Milk (fresh or pasteurized) is heated almost to a boil (90 degrees) with occasional stirring. Then it cools down to about 52 degrees. Leaven is introduced into it. If it is yogurt, then milk is gradually poured into it, and stirred with a whisk. Powdered milk is diluted with a small amount of warm milk and also gradually mixed with the rest of the milk. Instructions will be attached to the sourdough of your choice. Most often, it is diluted with a small amount of warm milk, and then introduced into the rest of the milk. Next, milk with sourdough is poured into a container and stored at a temperature of about 40 degrees for about 8 hours.

The yogurt maker perfectly copes with this task and does not fail. But exercises with pots and blankets can end in failure. In addition, yogurt is already poured into jars, which is very convenient.

Ready yogurt is cooled in the refrigerator and consumed.

For a liter of milk, 5-7 jars of 200 ml are obtained.

Issue price

45 rubles a liter of milk + 45 rubles a jar of sourdough = 90 rubles for 6 jars of yogurt.

Do you use your yogurt as a starter?

That's your business. I take a new starter each time. My subjective opinion is that savings are already being made, 45 rubles will not save the father of Russian democracy, and yogurt with fresh sourdough turns out tastier. I may be wrong.

I want truffle flavor

It is not necessary to eat only banal natural yogurt. The limit is only your imagination.
I put homemade jam, fresh berries, fruits, dried fruits, nuts on the bottom of the jars, sometimes I add sugar, vanilla extract, mint, etc. and so on.

If someone has more recipes, give me links, I will add to the post.

Greek yogurt

I recently visited Greece and realized that I cannot live without Greek yogurt. Because I want to eat Tzatziki. Spoons and often. Not that tzatziki was a revelation for me, but it was the only tasty thing in our "all inclusive". In addition, only in Greece I realized how delicious it can be. For two days I was digging on the Internet, trying to understand how Greek yogurt differs from regular.

It turned out that everything is simple.
Greek yogurt is strained regular natural yogurt. From cow or goat milk. It contains more protein, more live cultures and probiotics, calcium, and less carbohydrates and lactose, which remain in the whey. Therefore, many consider Greek yogurt to be healthier.

It needs more milk to make it. If you get about the same amount of yogurt from a liter of milk with regular yogurt, then in the case of Greek yogurt, you get 500 grams of yogurt per 2 liters of milk.

Issue price

90 rubles for 2 liters of milk + 45 rubles starter = 135 rubles for 500 grams of yogurt.

Why make it yourself?

In our stores you will not find an analogue of real Greek yogurt. Liquid likeness doesn't count. Just like feta is a sad shadow of a real feta. And very in vain.


Ready-made ordinary yogurt is poured into a colander lined with several layers of gauze. The colander is placed on the bowl. All this design is sent to the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. During this time, the whey flows into the bowl. You get a thick, very creamy yogurt that literally has a spoonful in it.

Instead of jars, I use an Ikea bowl.

It looks like this (I removed the design already without milk) for clarity.

Serum (it was much more, I merged part). You may need to do this in the process so that the whey can drain (it can fill up the bowl).

Do not rush to pour out all the whey. The yogurt may be too thick and you may want to dilute it.

I had to do this, my yogurt after 7 hours was more like soft cheese.

And here is the diluted version.

How much you decide to dilute is up to you. But remember that you filtered it in order to make it very thick.
Beat the yogurt well with a whisk until smooth.


Very tasty Greek appetizer, wonderful dip or sauce. Delicious with bread, potatoes, chicken skewers, salad, and just delicious to eat tzatziki with a spoon.

The basis- Greek yogurt, cucumbers, garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper.
Possible additives- dill, parsley, mint, lemon juice, vinegar.

The cucumber is rubbed on a coarse grater (microplane, of course :)), squeezed. Yogurt is mixed with cucumber, crushed garlic, and the rest of the ingredients to taste.

My proportions: 500 grams of yogurt, 3 small cucumbers, 2 cloves of garlic, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tbsp. olive oil.

I have never seen green tzatziki in Corfu. Or did I not notice?
But today I cooked without. I will continue to experiment, which I wish you.

It is advisable to show willpower and not eat tzatziki until morning. At this time, it will stand in the refrigerator, cool and get enough of the aromas of garlic and the taste of cucumber.

I would like to say bon appetit to you in Greek, but only their “ellllla” is remembered. Which means "come on" or "common" and sounds very common.

Ella, buy yourself a yogurt maker and make your own Greek yogurt!

Questions and comments with your experience are welcome!

Greek yogurt has a denser consistency compared to the usual yogurt for us (see photo). This is due to the use of almost 2 times more milk. In addition, during the manufacture of the product, almost all whey is removed. There is no lactose or sugar in Greek yogurt.

Doctors consider it a product of longevity, and recommend consuming up to 3 servings every day.

For its manufacture, cow, sheep or goat milk is used. It is combined with live bacteria. When yogurt is made, it is filtered to achieve a thick consistency. Then the product is packaged and sent for sale. In some European countries, Greek yogurt is also prepared, but it contains special thickeners.

Greek yogurt has a very unusual taste, which can vaguely resemble Georgian yoghurt with pleasant creamy notes. This delicious product is often used by culinary specialists in the preparation of no less tasty and mouth-watering dishes. For example, Greek yogurt is often seasoned with okroshka, it is used to cook muffins, pies and other pastries, and sometimes salads are also seasoned.

The fat content of the product may vary depending on the method of its preparation. So, in stores you can find yogurt with a fat content of zero, two and four percent fat. Compared to other dairy products, which can have a minimum fat content of twenty percent, Greek yogurt is considered the most low-calorie due to its reduced fat content.

How is Greek yogurt different from regular yogurt?

Greek yogurt, although similar to regular yogurt, still has several significant differences. In our article, you can find the answer to your question, as well as find out which of the products is more beneficial for the body.

One of the main differences between Greek yogurt and regular yogurt is the consistency. Regular yogurt is more liquid, despite the fact that it is additionally dehydrated during the cooking process, throwing the milk mass onto a sieve or cheesecloth. As for Greek yogurt, it is thicker than usual due to its high protein content and more like sour cream in its consistency.

The process of preparing regular and Greek yogurt is the same, however, after fermentation, the maximum amount of whey is removed from the latter to make the product thicker.

The taste of Greek yogurt is richer, creamier, as is the smell. Since a large amount of whey is removed from the product, it becomes more useful due to the high protein content. That is why it is generally accepted that Greek yogurt is more beneficial for the body than regular yogurt.

How to choose and store?

When choosing Greek yogurt, first of all, pay attention to the composition of the product. It should not contain any preservatives, thickeners, etc.

It is best to buy a low-fat version, no more than 4%.

Be sure to look at the expiration date, if the value is more than a month, then you can be sure that preservatives are included in the composition.

Unopened, Greek yogurt can be refrigerated according to package directions. If you open a jar, then you should immediately eat it.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of Greek yogurt are due to the content of various vitamins, minerals and other substances in it. As for the calorie content, it is at a fairly low level, so Greek yogurt can be used for weight loss and obesity. In addition, it does not contain sugar, which helps to improve metabolism.

This yogurt has the ability to stabilize sugar levels, so it is recommended to use it in diabetes.

This product is useful in the presence of problems with the cardiovascular system.

There is a lot of calcium in Greek yogurt, almost 10% of the daily requirement. Its joint action with probiotics increases the protective functions of the body, and also helps to cope with inflammation in the intestines.

Greek yogurt reduces the risk of osteoporosis and supports weakening muscles.

Due to the presence of live bacteria, the digestion process is normalized, which helps to digest other foods better.

Greek yogurt has been proven to have a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system, and therefore it helps to cope with depression.

Use in cooking

Greek yogurt is used in cooking like a more familiar version of this product for many. At home, a national dish, tzatziki, is prepared from it. This is a kind of spread on bread or sauce. In addition, such yogurt can be used as a gravy for meat dishes, and it is also added to baking dough.

Greek yogurt is a standalone product, which can be varied with honey, berries, herbs, etc.

It can be used in place of mayonnaise or for making other sauces.

What can be substituted in the recipe?

Greek yogurt is a rare guest in stores, so sometimes a recipe needs to be replaced with this ingredient. But this is not so easy to do, as the product has a special taste and texture, unlike ordinary homemade yogurt. However, there is a list of ingredients that are suitable as a replacement. These include the following products:

  • curdled milk Mechnikov;
  • yogurt;
  • sour cream with a fat content of not more than 20%.

The choice of product to replace Greek yogurt depends on what kind of dish you want to cook. So, for Greek sauce, you can use thick fat-free sour cream, and for salads or pastries, you can take yogurt. Armenian or Georgian yogurt is also suitable for this purpose, but it has a slightly saltier taste than Greek yogurt.

How to make natural Greek yogurt at home?

For our area, this product is still rare, but you have an alternative - make homemade Greek yogurt at home. To do this, you need to take 800 ml of cow, goat or sheep milk and 130 ml of natural yogurt or sourdough.

Please note that milk should not be pasteurized and boiled, as in this case there are no beneficial bacteria in it.

Heat the milk a little, but the temperature should not exceed 45 degrees. Then combine it with yogurt or sourdough. Wrap the container with a blanket and leave for about 8 hours. To achieve a thick consistency, ready-made yogurt must be filtered through a sieve, which must first be lined with gauze. Pour yogurt into it and leave for a few hours. As a result, the whey will be removed, and Greek yogurt will remain in the sieve.

This is how easy it is to make delicious and healthy Greek yogurt at home!

Cooking in a multicooker

A slow cooker is a very useful kitchen gadget with which you can easily prepare Greek yogurt. To do this, you will need glass containers, which are suitable for jars or microwave deep plates.

When cooking Greek yogurt in a slow cooker, pour water into the bowl of the appliance so that it covers the container with the product by a third. The cooking time of the dish is 6-8 hours, and the cooking process itself is as follows:

  1. Choose a suitable container and put in it one jar of regular homemade yogurt, which you decided to use for sourdough.
  2. Warm a liter of milk to room temperature, then begin to gradually pour it into a container with yogurt, thoroughly mixing all the ingredients until smooth. Pour milk should be half a glass, without stopping stirring the mixture. If you pour all the liquid at once, the consistency of the yogurt may suffer.
  3. Cover the bottom of the multicooker with a clean, thick cloth so that the container with yogurt does not crack during cooking, and also so as not to damage the gadget.
  4. Place a jar or plate with sourdough and milk on the bottom of the multicooker, then pour water into the bowl of the appliance.
  5. Select the "Yogurt" mode, and if there is none, set the temperature to forty degrees in the "Multi-cook" mode. Cooking time is eight hours.
  6. After the required amount of time, you can remove the yogurt from the multicooker and let it cool. In the meantime, prepare a sieve and a deep container on top of which it needs to be installed. After that, pour the yogurt from the jar into the sieve so that the whey flows into the container, and send this design to the refrigerator to infuse for six hours.
  7. After the liquid drains, only a creamy mass remains. This is real homemade Greek yogurt.

Ready yogurt can be transferred to a suitable container and stored in the refrigerator. In this case, it is necessary to cover the container with a lid so that the product does not deteriorate and does not absorb the smells of other products.

How to make in a yogurt maker?

You can also make Greek yogurt using a yogurt maker. To do this, you will need the same set of tools and ingredients as in the previous recipe. It is better to take fresh or ultra-pasteurized milk, the fat content of which depends on how high-fat yogurt you want to prepare. The process of preparing the product at home is as follows:

  1. Take one liter of milk. In case you decide to use fresh or pasteurized, it should be boiled for a minute and then cooled.
  2. Carefully cut the bag of starter culture and pour the powder into milk at room temperature, after which the ingredients must be thoroughly mixed.
  3. Pour the milk mixture into cups of the yogurt maker, then turn on the device, set the time to six hours. After the specified time, you should check the yogurt: if it has thickened, turn off the yogurt maker and leave the product in it for another two hours, and if not, wait another hour, then turn off the device.
  4. There are cases when the process of preparing Greek yogurt in a yogurt maker took about twelve hours. But it depends solely on the power of the device, as well as the quality and quantity of milk.
  5. You can put the finished product in the refrigerator. You can store such homemade yogurt for no more than five days, after which it loses its taste.

As you can see, making delicious Greek yogurt at home is very easy, especially if you have a slow cooker or yogurt maker handy. It is important to choose high-quality and tasty milk, since the taste of the finished dish depends on this ingredient..

Harm of Greek yogurt and contraindications

Greek yogurt can be harmful if consumed in large quantities. So, due to an excess of calcium, the risk of kidney stones may increase. The use of Greek yogurt is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to the product.
