
Beef liver pieces in a frying pan. Liver fried in a pan

It would seem that it could be easier than cooking fried chicken liver with onions. However, culinary specialists have managed to invent many ways to prepare such a seemingly simple dish. And each of them is good in its own way. Below are the most popular recipes. In more detail, with step-by-step photos, we will cook chicken liver according to the classic recipe.

This is the easiest recipe. This dish is prepared incredibly quickly. In addition, tender chicken liver can be served on the table if guests suddenly burst into the house. Another advantage of this dish is that it requires a minimum set of ingredients to prepare it.


  • chicken liver- 600 g;
  • Onion- 300 g (2-3 heads of medium size);
  • Flour- 100 g (about 3 tablespoons);
  • Salt and spices- taste;
  • Vegetable oil- for frying.
  • How to fry chicken liver with onions in flour

    1. First of all, you need to defrost the liver. Then dry by laying on a napkin. Cut the liver in half so that the pieces are "one bite". If the pieces of chicken liver are small, do not cut them. To preserve more internal juices and avoid overdrying the liver during the frying process.

    2 . Pour flour into a plate. Each piece of chicken liver must be dipped in flour, first on one side.

    . Then roll the piece on the other side. Place all floured liver slices on a plate.

    4 . Peel the onion, cut into cubes or half rings. Fry in a pan with vegetable oil for 1-2 minutes. It is important that the onion does not fry, but only becomes soft.

    . As soon as the onion begins to acquire a blush, we send the liver to the pan.

    . Stir gently, allowing the liver to fry. Cook over medium heat with the lid closed for 5 minutes.

    . When the chicken liver is almost ready, that is, when all the pieces have changed color, add spices and salt. Fry for 3 more minutes over low heat. Disable. Pre-check readiness by cutting a piece of liver in half. The cut should not have the color of fresh meat or blood. Cooked in this way, chicken liver with onions can be served with potatoes, rice, or as an independent dish.

    Delicious chicken liver with onions is ready

    Bon appetit!

    One of the most affordable offal is chicken liver. You can buy it in almost any supermarket or specialized "bird" store. So dishes from this product often appear on the tables in many families. However, chicken liver would be even more popular if everyone knew about the benefits of this product. With this, perhaps, it is worth starting.

    A few words about the benefits and harms of chicken liver

    First of all, I would like to report on the energy value of chicken liver. Indeed, for many of our fellow citizens, this indicator is almost the main one when buying a particular product. So, in raw form, 100 g of chicken liver contains about 140 kcal. Not too much. Therefore, many nutritionists recommend this product to their clients.

    Chicken liver contains many useful substances for our body. In a simplified form, their beneficial effects can be represented as a small list:

    • folic acid has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory system and helps strengthen the immune system;
    • a large amount of vitamin A improves vision, and also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
    • the amount of iron in 100 g of chicken liver corresponds to the daily rate required by each person, due to which this product is recommended for people suffering from anemia;
    • iodine and selenium normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland;
    • natural acids have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus, so chicken liver is also recommended for pregnant women.

    So you need to eat chicken liver regularly. The exception, perhaps, is people who have high cholesterol levels. Well, pediatricians do not advise giving dishes from this product to children under 3 years old.

    Cooking Tips for Chicken Liver

    The beauty of chicken liver lies in its tenderness. And so that this excellent quality does not disappear during cooking, it is advisable to follow a few simple tips:

    • in order for chicken liver dishes to really benefit, you first need to make sure that the product is fresh;
    • for frying, it is better to use fresh chilled liver. When preparing a frozen product, a lot of juice will be released from it, and the finished liver will turn out to be stewed rather than fried;
    • Before frying, the liver must be washed. If there are fatty layers or any veins, they must be removed. It is also necessary to get rid of those fragments that do not look quite high quality;
    • after washing, the chicken liver must be dried by laying it on a paper towel. This is quite enough to remove excess moisture from the product;
    • fry the chicken liver only in hot oil. So that the oil temperature does not drop sharply, you need to put the product in the pan in portions - in two or three passes;
    • salt the chicken liver at the very end of cooking. Otherwise, salt will take away moisture, and the liver will become harsh;
    • stir the chicken liver very carefully and no more than 2-3 times. This product is very gentle and with frequent stirring it can simply fall apart, turning into porridge;
    • Ready chicken liver should be elastic. You can check this by lightly pressing. Excessive rigidity indicates that the product is overcooked;
    • as soon as the dish with chicken liver is ready, it must be immediately put on a plate. The fact is that the pan does not cool immediately and the liver can overcook without even being on the stove.

    Fried Chicken Liver Recipes with Onions

    With soy sauce

    Soy sauce is an excellent ingredient for preparing a wide variety of dishes. It will also be useful in the case of frying chicken liver with onions. Soy sauce will give the finished dish an incredible taste and aroma. To prepare for this version of the fried liver with onions, you need the following products:

    • chicken liver - 500 g;
    • onion - 150 g (2 heads of medium size or 1 large);
    • soy sauce - 4 tablespoons;
    • honey (liquid) - 2 tablespoons;
    • salt and spices - to taste;

    Heat oil in a frying pan and add finely chopped onion to it. After 5 minutes, add the chicken liver there and fry everything together over medium heat for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then you need to add honey, soy sauce, a little salt and spices to the semi-finished product. Mix everything thoroughly and fry for 7-10 minutes. The same rice or mashed potatoes will serve as a side dish for such a dish.

    With white wine

    Well, this version of chicken liver with onions is perfect for regaling guests. The dish, flavored with table wine during cooking and cooked with shallots, will become a real delicacy on the festive table. To prepare for this version of fried chicken liver, you need the following ingredients:

    • chicken liver - 600 g;
    • shallots - 150-200 g (3-4 onions);
    • white table wine - 150-200 ml;
    • flour - 50-60 g (about 2 tablespoons);
    • butter - 30-50 g;
    • salt and spices - to taste;
    • vegetable and butter - for frying.

    Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and melt the butter. Butter should be taken a little - 20 grams. As a result, a liquid oil mixture should be obtained, into which the chicken liver, rolled in flour, should be sent. It should be fried for a short time - 3-4 minutes, then salt, add spices, mix thoroughly and put on a plate.

    Finely chop the shallot and fry for 10 minutes over low heat in the same oil in which the liver was fried. At the same time, the cooked onion must be stirred regularly so that it does not burn. When the onion is fried, pour wine into it and continue heat treatment until the amount of liquid is halved.

    After that, add butter to the pan. As soon as it is completely melted, the resulting sauce must be mixed, removed from heat and pour over the fried chicken liver.

    Garnish in this case can be anything, but the best options would be, again, potatoes or rice.

    With tomato paste

    Another recipe for fried chicken liver with onions will appeal to those who cannot imagine life without tomato sauces. In this case, the dish is not only tasty, but also very satisfying. You can serve it, unlike the previous options, with almost any side dish, including pasta, buckwheat and other favorite cereals, as well as a variety of vegetables. To prepare such a lunch / dinner, you will have to stock up:

    • chicken liver - 500 g;
    • onion - 100 g (1 medium-sized onion);
    • carrots - 100 g (1-2 not too large root crops);
    • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
    • water - 100 ml;
    • salt and spices - to taste;
    • vegetable oil - for frying.

    Fry the chicken liver in vegetable oil for 4-5 minutes. Then add the onion cut into half rings and the carrots chopped on a coarse grater into the pan. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for another 10 minutes. Stir the mixture periodically so that nothing burns. After the specified time, add tomato paste, salt, spices and water to the pan. Mix all the ingredients, cover and cook for another 10 minutes on the lowest heat, after which the dish can be served.

    With sour cream and mushrooms

    This option cannot be called 100% fried. In this case, the chicken liver is not only fried, but also baked. Although ... given that the primary heat treatment of the offal is still roasting, this recipe can be considered relevant to the general theme. So, for such a dish you need to prepare:

    • chicken liver - 500 g;
    • onion - 200 g (2-3 small or medium onions);
    • champignons - 200 g;
    • carrots - 200-300 g (2-3 not too large root crops);
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • sour cream - 200 ml;
    • salt and spices - to taste;
    • vegetable oil - for frying.

    First you need to cut the mushrooms into thin slices and fry them for 15 minutes in vegetable oil. Mushrooms should be stirred occasionally. Put the finished champignons on a plate, and put the chicken liver in the pan instead. You need to fry it for a short time - about 5 minutes, after which it is also transferred to a separate plate.

    Finely chop the onion, chop the carrots and also fry in a pan for about 10 minutes. Transfer the finished passivation to a baking dish, put a layer of mushrooms on top, and fried chicken liver on them. All this must be poured with sour cream mixed with eggs, salt and spices.

    The dish prepared in this way must be sent to the oven preheated to 180 ° C and wait 30 minutes. You can serve the resulting “casserole” without a side dish, although mashed potatoes or boiled rice will also be useful here.

    And with other ingredients...

    Experimenting with the classic recipe for fried chicken liver with onions is endless. After all, in the end, any recipe is not a strict instruction, but only one of the successful options for preparing a particular dish.

    For example, a very interesting taste will turn out if the chicken liver is cooked not with raw onions, but pre-marinated in vinegar.

    Not bad to add to the ingredients of the classic recipe and garlic. Such an additive will give the chicken liver an additional aroma and a pleasant aftertaste.

    Much has been written about supplements in the form of mushrooms or carrots above. However, other vegetables can be added to chicken liver fried with onions, for example: potatoes, zucchini, eggplant or bell peppers.

    Chicken liver goes well with cheese. A dish prepared according to the classic recipe can be transferred to a baking dish, covered with grated cheese and sent for 5 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 ° C.

    In general, the scope for imagination here is not limited by anything. The main thing is that the family will like the resulting dish!

    Video recipe from chef Ilya Lazerson:

    « Chicken liver with mulled wine sauce»

    Today I will tell you how to properly fry pork liver with onions (and any liver). On the one hand, the dish is the most elementary, it can not be easier. On the other hand, you need to know how to fry the liver correctly so that it turns out not hard, but juicy, not rubbery, but soft, not bitter, but sweetish-neutral. Let's look at this using the example of pork liver - the roughest and "heaviest" compared to other livers. Learn how to cook pork deliciously - there will be no problems with beef and chicken.

    Secrets of soft and juicy fried liver

    1. I'll start by choosing the right product. Pork liver is a perishable product, the shelf life is about three days. What to pay attention to in the store and in the market? First of all on product color. The color of a quality liver varies from red-brown to red-brown. If the liver is very light in color, it means that it was soaked in water. Check out the smell too. Smell. Fresh liver has a sweetish aroma. If it tastes sour, don't buy it. Try to buy cuts of extreme sections. There are a lot of ducts, vessels and films in the center of the liver.
    2. I start my preparation with cleanse the liver. If you leave it, then it will “pull” the liver during frying, and it will turn out tough.
    3. The next step is also aimed at softening, and at the same time eliminating bitterness. Pork liver differs from tender chicken and even beef liver by some additional roughness. Therefore, I recommend soak pork liver before frying in milk. I write about this in the recipe, but I’ll take it out here: soak the pork liver in milk for at least 1 hour, preferably 2.
    4. And here is such an important technological moment: fried liver should be salt at the end cooking, otherwise it will be tough.
    5. Another piece of advice concerns breading. Not everyone breads the liver in flour, I'm panning. Flour "locks" the meat juices inside, the liver will be juicier. You can also bread in starch or breadcrumbs.
    6. Finally, frying time. It is necessary to fry very quickly, no more than 3 minutes on each side, over high heat. Do not overdry the liver, and then it will turn out soft and tender. Do not worry about the readiness of the meat, then you will fry the pork liver with onions over low heat.

    A few words about the benefits of fried liver

    The liver is an excellent source of ferrous iron that our body needs - 200 g of pork liver contains up to 15 mg of Fe, and this is the daily portion of a strong adult male. People suffering from some types of anemia with low hemoglobin are often advised to include liver in their diet. Also, the liver contains copper, zinc, phosphorus, vitamins B6, B12 and others.

    In fairness, I note that people with problems of the cardiovascular system should eat less fried liver due to the high content of cholesterol in it.


    • pork liver 500 g
    • wheat flour 5 tbsp
    • onion 250 g
    • sunflower oil 35 g
    • salt to taste
    • Provence herbs 2-3 pinches
    • milk 200 ml

    How to cook fried liver with onions

    1. I have carefully chosen the product, and I have a good quality liver in my hands. I remove vessels, films, veins. What was easier to do this, you can pour boiling water over the liver. Rinse well and dry with paper towels.
    2. Cut into small pieces 3-4 cm long, 1 cm high.

    3. I put the pieces of the liver in a deep bowl, pour milk. I leave it for 1-2 hours.

    4. After soaking, I throw it in a colander and leave it for 10-15 minutes to glass the liquid. At this stage, the liver can optionally be marinated with spices or, for example, in wine: pour wine or sprinkle with spices and leave for another couple of hours.

    5. Spread the liver slices on paper towels and dry well on all sides.

    6. I bread the liver in flour or starch.

    7. I pour vegetable oil into the pan. I warm up well. I put in the liver pieces. Fry over high heat for 2-3 minutes on one side. Carefully flip over to the other side and continue to fry in the same mode. I take a piece of the liver and cut it in half, if the inside is the same color, then the liver is ready. I transfer the pieces to a separate dish.

    8. In the same pan add the chopped onion. You can also add garlic to this. If needed, add more oil. Fry over low heat until soft.

    9. When the onion becomes softer, spread the liver. Salt, season with Provence herbs and mix. I cook on low heat for 5 minutes, closing the lid, with the addition of a small amount of water, and turn off the fire. Leave covered for another 10 minutes.

    10. Pork fried liver with onions is ready. Serve with rice and fresh vegetable salad. Bon appetit!

    Properly cooked beef liver, although it is an offal, is in no way inferior to meat, and wins by a wide margin in terms of cost. This offal has a slightly specific, pleasant taste, and is very useful due to the presence of B vitamins, iron and phosphorus. Today we will cook delicious fried beef liver steaks with onions.

    Wash a piece of liver and let it drain with water. Cut the liver into portions, I cooked fairly large steaks. Then you can start cooking the dish, or soak the liver pieces in milk (about 20 minutes), with this step you can kill "three birds with one stone" at once: any bitterness will disappear from the liver, the meat will become soft, tender and juicy. And if you decide to stew the liver, then such a step will allow you to cook the dish without adding water.

    Cut the onion into large half rings (or as you like).

    Pour flour into a plate and roll each piece of beef liver thoroughly. Heat vegetable or olive oil in a frying pan and put meat and onions there.

    Fry the liver on one side for about 10 minutes. Then turn over, salt and season with pepper to taste, fry for another 10 minutes under the lid.

    It has long been argued about whether beef liver is harmful or useful? But today we will not argue and argue on this topic. It's a waste of time. There are such active supporters of the fact that it is harmful that they cannot be argued. Therefore, we will cook for those who love this delicious product!

    And we will cook the easiest option - fried beef liver with onions. Let's cook it so that it will be soft, juicy and very tasty.

    In order to cook it like this, you need to choose it correctly in a store or on the market. To make the dish not only tasty, but also healthy, it is advisable to take a fresh product. A frozen product loses many of its beneficial qualities. It will be possible to cook it deliciously, but do we want to get the maximum benefit from the product? We don’t cook this dish often, we don’t do it that often, so if you come across a good piece in the store, feel free to take it and cook it.

    Before buying, pay attention to the appearance of the offal. It should be shiny and have a smooth, uniform surface. Veal liver is red, beef liver is darker. Do not take very dark, the darker the color, the older the animal, and the tougher the finished dish will be.

    The smell should be pleasant, slightly sweet. If you feel that the smell does not match this, it is better to refuse the purchase. Lightly press your finger on the piece, it should not leave any marks.

    Try to choose a piece where there are fewer ducts. This will reduce the processing time, they will all need to be deleted.

    Do not ignore these tips, the future taste of our dish directly depends on them.

    Beef liver fried with onions

    We will need:

    • liver - 600 gr
    • onion -4 pcs (large)
    • tomatoes - 2 pcs. or tomato paste
    • spices - zira, coriander
    • salt pepper
    • vegetable oil
    • greens for decoration - dill, parsley, green onions


    1. And so we have already acquired a good fresh piece of beef liver. Now you need to rinse it thoroughly, then cut out all the ducts, remove the veins and films. If we do not do this, then it will shrink during frying. And while eating, absolutely chewy pieces will come across. If we remove everything in a timely manner, then this will allow us to get a juicy and tender dish.

    2. When all the excess has been removed and cleaned, cut it into pieces 2 cm thick, 5 cm long. Some pieces will be smaller, but try to make the thickness the same.

    3. Cut the onion into half rings 0.4-0.5 cm thick. Do not cut off the tails; it is convenient to hold the onion for them when cutting.

    4. Grate the tomatoes, remove the remaining skin. And you can hold the tomatoes in boiling water for 1 minute, then the skin will be very easy to remove. Also grate the tomato. Or the second option is to cut the tomato into 2x2 cm cubes.

    If cooking in winter and the tomatoes are not juicy, use tomato paste. I use in preparation. If you have store-bought pasta, take two tablespoons of it. It is more concentrated, so much will be enough.

    5. Put the pan on the fire, pour vegetable oil, a little. So that it slightly covers the bottom. When the oil is warm, put the offal in the pan and fry over high heat for 30-40 seconds. from each side. And then we put it on a separate plate. Note that we did not salt the product beforehand. Our task is to quickly “seal” all the juice in it, so that in the process of further preparation it is preserved in every piece. In this case, it will turn out juicy and tender.

    6. From the amount of product indicated in the recipe, I got two batches. If pink juice appears on the already fried pieces, it's okay, the liver will be subjected to further heat treatment.

    7. In a separate frying pan, fry the onion in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown. It is not necessary to make a big fire, let it come slowly over medium heat. This offal is very good with onions, so you don’t need to feel sorry for onions. Firstly, the onion will enrich the dryish liver with its juice, and it will also become juicy and very tasty. And secondly, the onion itself in this dish will become very tasty.

    8. When the onions are fried, add the tomato puree. Fry everything together for 5 minutes.

    9. Transfer the contents to a separate plate. Put a layer of liver into the freed pan. Pour the juice that remained from her in a plate on top. In no case do not pour, it will give the right taste to the finished dish. Salt, put onion and tomato on top, salt it too. First, a little, then when everything is darkened for about 10 minutes, we will try and add more salt, but this is already necessary.

    10. Ceiling zira and coriander in a mortar. Add spices to the pan.

    11. Pour a glass of boiling water and cover. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat to low. Simmer for 15 minutes. Try to see if there is enough salt. Simmer another 10 minutes.

    12. Open the lid, pepper. Cover again, after 5 minutes turn off the gas, do not open the lid, let it brew for 15 minutes.

    The total quenching time is 30-40 minutes. During this time, almost all of the water will evaporate. If you like with gravy, then pour a little more water.

    Beef liver fried with onions - the second option

    1. First, fry the onion. Also golden brown.

    2. As fried, add the liver and spices. Now do not yawn, mix everything well. In order for it to fry evenly, it is necessary to interfere almost constantly.

    3. When the food is browned, pour 200 ml. boiling water. Cover with a lid and simmer for 10-15 minutes.

    4. After this time, add tomato paste or tomatoes, pepper and salt to taste.

    5. Stew for another 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the lid on for another 10-15 minutes.

    If you like lightly fried liver, then you need to fry it over high heat for 10 minutes.

    If you like well-done, then you need to simmer on low heat for 30-40 minutes.

    It can be served on a large separate dish, or on a portioned plate with a side dish. For a side dish, it is good to use,. Today I wanted some variety, and I made a side dish of grilled baby zucchini. Moreover, now there are more and more of them every day, they have a lot of vitamins, and they are just very tasty!

    Grilled zucchini in the oven

    We will need:

    • zucchini - 4 pieces
    • salt - to taste


    1. Wash zucchini, dry, peel if the skin is rough. Cut into 4 parts, salt.

    2. Put on a grate greased with vegetable oil, put in a preheated oven. Bake on the "Grill" mode until cooked. If your oven does not have such a mode, then bake at a temperature of 180 degrees until cooked, about 25-30 minutes.

    Ready-made fresh young zucchini are very tasty, soft and juicy. If you've never made one like this before, I highly recommend giving it a try. I'm sure you won't be indifferent!

    Bon appetit!

    Beef liver fried with onions is a hearty second dish that is very easy to prepare. You can serve it not only for everyday lunch or dinner, but also for the festive table. Slices of liver fried in sunflower oil perfectly harmonize with golden rings of fried onions, and onions only complement the taste sensations, without begging for the superiority of the offal.


    • beef liver - 1 kg
    • wheat flour - 4 tbsp. l.
    • onion - 4-6 heads
    • sunflower oil - for frying
    • freshly ground black pepper - to taste
    • salt - to taste

    Servings: 5


    1. Rinse the liver well under running cold running water. Remove the outer film and strip the bile ducts.

    Cut into slices of any shape and about 1 cm thick.

    2. Sprinkle each piece of liver on both sides with black pepper and salt.

    3. Pour flour into a flat plate. Roll the liver slices in it.

    4. Heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan and lay the slices in one layer.

    5. Fry the liver for 5 minutes until golden brown.

    6. Then pour a little hot boiled water into the pan, cover with a lid and continue to fry the liver over low heat for about 12-15 minutes until soft. Flip the slices over while cooking.

    Peel the onion, wash and cut into thin rings.

    7. Fry the onion until golden brown in another pan.

    8. Fried beef liver is ready. Put it on a dish, pour over the juice formed during frying. Place fried onion rings on top of liver slices. A great side dish for this dish is airy mashed potatoes, boiled or fried potatoes. The duet of liver and potatoes goes well with fresh tomatoes and greens.

    Note to the owner

    The dish will become more satisfying and original if you put a thin crispy slice of fried smoked pork belly on each piece of liver when serving.

    As an addition to the fried liver, you can serve sour cream sauce. It's easy to prepare. In a deep frying pan for 1 tbsp. l. melted butter fry 1 tbsp. l. flour to a straw color. Pour 1 cup of hot meat broth into the pan, add half a cup of sour cream and cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Then salt the almost ready sauce to taste, add half a tablespoon of tomato sauce and mix thoroughly.

    You can also cook veal and pork liver according to this recipe.
