
Cooking kvass at home. Oat kvass is tasty and healthy

Hi all!

Friends, how are you with the summer?

For some reason, it decided to linger with us, it’s only + 10 on the street, and you don’t feel the heat in any way ...

Sad, but hoping for the best, I decided to make kvass at home ☺

I collected a lot of interesting information about him and decided to write this post.

So today I will tell you how to make delicious kvass and share interesting recipes ☺

From this article you will learn:

Kvass at home - cooking recipes

Kvass is a Slavic sour drink, which is prepared on the basis of fermentation from flour and malt (rye, barley) or from dry rye bread, sometimes with the addition of fragrant herbs, honey, wax; also prepared from beets, fruits, berries

Why is kvass useful?

Why kvass?

Taste, usefulness, availability - the main answer. Traditions also play an important role: for Russia, kvass is practically a national pride.

Many centuries ago, it was quite strong, but historians believe that thanks to the appearance of alcohol and vodka, the attitude of the Slavs towards kvass changed, kvass-makers stopped chasing the fortress, and focused on flavor variations.

The proven benefits of kvass are based on the fermentation process and yeast, as well as vitamins and minerals of the raw materials from which kvass is made.

Like kvass, it is the result of lactic acid fermentation, respectively, it can help with various intestinal and gastric disorders, normalizes metabolism and digestion, and the resulting acids cleanse the body, removing toxins, pathogenic cells, toxins.

Healing properties of kvass:

  • It also helps with enterocolitis, obesity, eating disorders, gastritis with high acidity.
  • But most importantly, if you make kvass according to the classic recipe, with yeast, then the enzymes and amino acids contained in yeast fungi destroy the microbial cells of many pathogens.
  • Therefore, this drink is directly indicated for any inflammatory and purulent processes, as well as for nervous atrophy, pancreatic dysfunction, diabetes mellitus.
  • The tonic and nutritional properties of kvass have also been proven, so it is used as a food product during hospital treatment, during and after illness, for a general increase in tone and performance, for nervous and physical exhaustion, and intoxication.

Another interesting property was studied by a Russian scientist: almost any bacteria in kvass die, therefore, in epidemiologically disadvantaged areas, in conditions of natural disasters, this is the safest drink.

Why is it better to cook kvass at home?

Kvass is easy to prepare both industrially and at home.

And now, and in the Soviet Union, kvass barrels were a symbol of summer, freshness, thirst quenching, but it was the barrels that forced us to consider the drink not the most “clean” and healthy.

Without control, they were no longer properly dried and washed, and, accordingly, plaque and dirt on the walls became simply dangerous.

Kvass bottled at the factory seems to be of better quality, but, unfortunately, the industrial process and carbonation do not make it healthier and tastier.

That is why many have returned to self-preparation of kvass, there are a huge number of options!

After all, it can be prepared from various types of flour and bread, you can use non-cereal products like beets and sea buckthorn, add various fruits, berries, and herbs to give flavors.

Recipes for making homemade kvass

To get exactly your drink, experiment!

Well, I will share a few basic recipes for homemade kvass.

Kvass at home from sourdough

Cooking technology:

  1. The easiest way to get sourdough is to mix yeast, flour (preferably rye) and sugar: I take three tablespoons of flour and sugar and a spoonful of yeast for a three-liter jar of future kvass.
  2. Pour warm water, mix thoroughly and wrap for half an hour.
  3. After that, we add the leaven to the jar with the liquid from which you will make the kvass.
  4. In general, the concept of “sourdough” is rather arbitrary, even if you don’t prepare it on purpose, everything that you mix in a container with yeast is, in fact, a sourdough and a fermentation process.
  5. The first liquid is then, as a rule, drained, and what remains becomes the starter for the next portions.

Bread kvass - a delicious recipe

Usually we are talking about kvass from crackers.

  • Bread dried in the oven to a dark state should be poured with warm water, and after a few hours, strain and add ready-made sourdough there.
  • Stir, close the container with gauze and leave to infuse for a day at room temperature.

A slightly different variation, without extra steps:

  1. Boiling water should be poured over flour or crackers (the classic version is rye), stand for several hours, strain and add sugar and yeast. There is not much yeast, I usually add one tablespoon per three liters.
  2. In a warm place, let it roam for about a day.
  3. Such rye kvass is especially rich in vitamin B, it is useful for people with liver problems, it perfectly stimulates the production of gastric juice, quenches thirst and enriches the diet.
  4. It is good to add raisins to kvass from bread, it gives a pleasant flavor

For more information on how to cook kvass at home, see this video recipe

Beet kvass - a simple recipe

It has a rather specific taste and has a cleansing effect, acting both on the intestines and on the liver.

Cooking technology:

  1. Beets are grated, stew a little until soft
  2. Then add water to the top and bring to a boil (I take about 500-600 grams of beets for three liters of water).
  3. The broth must be allowed to brew and cool
  4. After that, it is filtered
  5. Add 100 grams of sugar, a handful of rye crackers and a teaspoon of dry yeast.
  6. Everyone, let it roam. After straining, the drink is ready.

Kvass from oats - a delicious recipe

Most often I cook this particular kvass.

In general, oats have settled in our house on a permanent basis, because it helps to alleviate even chronic problems with the liver and stomach, has cleansing and enveloping properties.

Of course, we are talking about natural non-husked grain.

In the cold season, I pour washed oats in a thermos with boiling water overnight in order to drink a warm and very pleasant drink on an empty stomach in the morning. When it's warm, we drink kvass.

Oatmeal kvass at home:

  1. First you need to prepare the starter.
  2. Pour a handful of washed grains with water in a three-liter jar (not to the top) and add 5 tablespoons of sugar.
  3. Cover with gauze on top and wait 5 days in a warm dark place, then pour out the liquid, fermented oat grains become the leaven for the next portions.
  4. It “works” for several months, you just need to add purified warm water and sugar or honey to taste (a few tablespoons are enough for me) and insist for a day at room temperature.
  5. Such kvass is yeast-free, its usefulness is achieved due to oats and fermentation products.

Bread kvass without yeast - recipe

For various reasons, not everyone uses yeast, in which case you can simply take the recipe for yeast kvass and not add them there.

That is, pour bread or crackers with water and sugar, leave for one to three days (depending on the temperature at home), and then drain the liquid and use the resulting sourdough for the next kvass.

Kvass at home without yeast

Just pay attention to the bread that you take for kvass! Ideally, of course, homemade, but in any case, use one with a minimum of additives, oils and impurities.

Kvass from apples - tasty and healthy

There are many recipes for apple and fruit kvass, I will write my favorite here☺


  1. Any high-quality ones must be cleaned, including pitted, cut and boiled a little, like compote, add sugar to taste.
  2. Then add two grams of dry yeast, after the drink has cooled, mix and cover with gauze. Fermentation lasts approximately 12 hours, unless you have a cold house.
  3. Everything, the drink is ready, you need to strain it as carefully as possible and put it in a glass sealed container in the refrigerator.
  4. It is stored longer than other homemade kvass, about a week.

Kvass with hops - recipe

This is a more "adult" recipe, spied on the Internet, I liked it☺


  1. in the form of inflorescences (about a third of a glass per 3 liters of kvass) and rye bread crackers (we take half a small roll) must be poured with boiling water and allowed to cool to room temperature.
  2. Add warm boiled water to the full volume, 100 grams of sugar, a teaspoon of yeast and leave for a day in the room.
  3. Strain, bottle and refrigerate!

A little about the contraindications of kvass

It also causes fermentation in the intestines, you can not drink it if you are allergic to individual components.


It is stored after readiness in the refrigerator for no more than a few days, since it does not contain preservatives.

Enjoy quenching your thirst☺

I will be glad to see your proven recipes for homemade kvass, send me!!!

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!!!

Kvass has been the most common drink during the festive feast since the times of ancient Rus'. True, in those distant times, it was quite thick and much stronger than beer and was considered an alcoholic drink. Therefore, drunkards were called "fermenters", from the word "ferment".

Kvass- a traditional Slavic sour drink, which is prepared on the basis of fermentation from flour and malt (rye, barley) or from dry rye bread, sometimes with the addition of fragrant herbs, honey, wax; also prepared from beets, fruits, berries. The drink is the basis for the classic cold soups of Russian cuisine (okroshka, botvinya, etc.). From Wikipedia.

A special property is its refreshing taste, which makes it popular in extreme heat. In addition, kvass improves metabolism, and due to the content of carbon dioxide in it, it contributes to good digestion. It also contains many vitamins, amino acids and enzymes.

True, there are a lot of synthetic surrogates on the market now - kvass drinks, which consist of soda, sweeteners and various flavors. Which, of course, cannot be useful, but on the contrary - such sodas, under the brand name of the old word, only harm the body and increase blood sugar.

How to make sourdough at home and cook sourdough

This article tells how to make good kvass using interesting and simple recipes that will truly be considered a natural product, many of which will taste like from a barrel. And the best thing is that you can use this drink for okroshka. covered in previous articles...

The easiest way is to use dry kvass!

Perhaps the easiest and fastest way to make kvass is to use it dry. There are all the necessary ingredients ... We just add sugar and yeast.


  • Dry kvass - 5 tablespoons with a slide
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l
  • raw yeast - 5 grams

Cooking method:

In a three-liter jar we put five tablespoons of dry kvass and the same amount of sugar. Add half a teaspoon of raw yeast.

But unlike the previous recipe, add to the jar of boiled water to the very top and mix well. We cover the throat of the jar with gauze and leave to ferment for two days. At the end of the fermentation process, we pour the finished kvass into another container, and you can put the drink on the remaining sourdough again.

How to make kvass at home with black bread without yeast


  • Rye bread 1/2 roll
  • sugar - 60 gr
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr.

Cooking method:

Rye bread is cut into small pieces and dried in the oven. If you have ready-made crackers. then you can use them.

We put the finished crackers in a three-liter jar, pour 60 grams of sugar and pour boiling water to half. We leave the finished sourdough for 10-15 minutes, so that the crackers are well soaked.

Then fill the entire jar with water and pour vanilla sugar.

We close the jar with gauze, fixing it with an elastic band.

We put kvass to cook for a day. When the drink is ready, pour it into jars or bottles, and the remaining sourdough can be used further.

How to make a sharp drink from rye flour?


  • Rye flour - 1 kg
  • water - 10 liters.

Cooking method:

The preparation is based on a liquid dough wound on water. For one liter of water, we need 1 kg of rye flour. Pour the flour with boiled water and mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency.

After that, we shift the dough into a jar and put it in for 2-3 days for fermentation.

As soon as the dough rises, fill it with warm water and set for further fermentation. When kvass is ready, we filter it through cheesecloth and pour it into prepared dishes (jars, bottles, etc.). And in a jar of sourdough, add a new portion of water and flour according to the recipe.

Method without yeast from dry kvass (taste like from a barrel)


  • Dry kvass - 1 glass
  • sugar - 2/3 cup
  • boiled water - 2 liters.

Cooking method:

This recipe is quite easy to prepare. Pour dry kvass, sugar according to the recipe into a three-liter jar and carefully pour hot water. The main thing is that the bank does not burst.

Having covered the jar with gauze, we leave the kvass to ferment for two days. At the end of the fermentation process, we pour the finished drink, and you can put it on the remaining sourdough again.

Bread kvass with yeast


  • Bread - 1/2 roll
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l
  • dry yeast - 1 pinch
  • raisin.

Cooking method:

If you do not have ready-made breadcrumbs, take fresh bread (preferably black) and cut it into slices. You can mix white and black bread. Dry the cut pieces in the oven.

To prepare the sourdough, put ready-made crackers, two tablespoons of sugar in a three-liter jar and pour boiling water up to half. After the water has cooled, add some dry yeast.

Everything is mixed, covered with gauze and set to ferment for two days.

After our sourdough is ready, we proceed directly to the preparation of kvass. To do this, take another jar, put crackers in it, pour 4 tablespoons of sugar, half fill with boiling water. Mix and leave to cool.

When everything has cooled down, add the sourdough prepared earlier and top it up with boiled water. Covering the jar with gauze, leave to infuse for two days.

When kvass is ready, we filter it through gauze into jars or bottles and set to cool.

Enjoy your "quasom"!

  • 8 liters of water
  • 60 grams fresh yeast
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 loaf of rye (Borodino) bread weighing 500-700 grams
  • raisin

How to cook

Cut the bread into slices, dry in the oven at maximum temperature until brown, the darker the crackers are, the darker the kvass will be in color, but do not overcook the bread, otherwise the kvass will be bitter.

Boil water in a large enameled saucepan, remove from heat, add sugar and put crackers, leave it until it cools, I usually put the saucepan in a sink with cold water. The water should be slightly warm. yeast, pour it back into the pan, you can stir a little with a spoon so that the yeast is evenly distributed.

We tie the pan with a cloth or gauze, I usually put it on the table, where our kvass will ferment for a day and a half, that is, a full day and one more night.

After the expiration date, strain the kvass into another pan through cheesecloth, you can add more sugar to taste, but do not pour it too much otherwise the kvass will be too strong. 6 liters), throw a pinch of raisins into each jar (it additionally carbonates kvass, which makes it sharper). Cover jars with saucers, but not with lids, put kvass in the refrigerator for another day, or overnight.

After this period, sediment will collect on the bottom of the jar, you will need to carefully pour the kvass through a sieve into other jars, trying not to shake the sediment, put the raisins back into the kvass, put the jars with kvass in the refrigerator and you can enjoy.!

Recipe step by step photos

Additional information about the recipe

How to make kvass at home

Do not throw away the bread wort that remains after the leaven, the second kvass made from it turns out to be even tastier than the first, with a pleasant sour taste.
We boil again this time 7 liters of water, add a little sugar to it (half a glass), add another 300 grams of dried Borodino bread, let it cool to a warm state, transfer the wort to lukewarm water, add another 40 grams of yeast (usually I take yeast briquette 100 grams, just enough for 2 runs).
pan with a cloth and leave in time as indicated above. A
the rest is already according to the recipe. Okroshka is obtained from homemade kvass just very tasty!


  • black bread crusts - 100 grams
  • water - 3 liters
  • raisins - 7 pieces
  • sugar - 1.5 cups
  • yeast - (dry) 1 teaspoon


  1. Boil water and cool.
  2. If there are no dry crusts of black bread, cook them yourself.
  3. Dry the slices of bread in the oven until the color changes slightly.
  4. Put the peels into the water.
  5. Add sugar, yeast and raisins here, mix and cover.
  6. Leave overnight at room temperature.
  7. After a day, strain the kvass and bottle it, put 2 raisins in each and send it to the refrigerator for a day.
  8. Preparation time of ingredients --- 30 minutes.
  9. The ripening time of kvass is 2 days.

Recipe #3 Video recipe for making kvass

And many more interesting things about cooking kvass

How to make kvass at home


How to make kvass at home? Kvass is considered an old Russian drink, which is loved by all Russian people. And therefore, many people think that kvass was invented in Rus'. But, in fact, the birthplace of kvass is Ancient Egypt. But we consider it our native and familiar drink to quench thirst in the summer heat.

How to cook homemade kvass

It is not necessary to buy delicious kvass, you can easily cook it right yourself. A drink prepared at home is stronger, invigorating and tasty. To prepare it, you will need products that almost any housewife almost always has. This is rye bread, preferably stale. If the bread is fresh, then it must be cut into cubes and dried in the oven. Then the dried crackers are placed in a three-liter jar and poured with water at room temperature, previously boiled and cooled. In the water where the crackers are, add sugar (three tablespoons), yeast (one hundred grams) and mix everything.

fermentation process

The jar needs to be covered with a lid, wrapped and left to ferment the mixture. In order to make kvass faster, you can add more sugar to speed up the process. Usually the drink is ready to drink after two days. Before use, kvass should be filtered using gauze. In the resulting liquid, you need to add another spoonful of sugar and let it brew for about six more hours without warming. The homemade kvass is then bottled and chilled before drinking. The remaining thick must be transferred to another three-liter jar. It will serve as a starter for the next servings of delicious kvass. Three or four spoons of it is enough for sourdough, and you need to cook using the same technology as the first time. To keep the sourdough from spoiling, it is best to store it in the refrigerator.

Cooking method

Homemade kvass from rye bread, which is baked at modern bakery plants, does not have a special strength and aroma. It depends on the fact that various additives are often used in the preparation of bread, the presence of which affects the taste of kvass. In order for kvass to be special, similar to the one that was prepared in the distant past, it is advisable to make it on sourdough. There are a lot of sourdough recipes. To prepare the simplest sourdough, you need to take dry yeast, mix it with a tablespoon of sugar and two tablespoons of flour.

fermentation process

Everything is mixed, poured with half a glass of warm water, wrapped up and left for half an hour.

In another way, you can get homemade sourdough using a longer technology. 500 grams of rye bread are crumbled into enameled dishes, half a liter of water is added, the temperature of which is not higher than 75 degrees. After the swelling of the bread should be a homogeneous mass. Then yeast, diluted with water, is added there, but there should be a little of them, and a teaspoon of salt and sugar. The resulting mass must be wrapped and left for half an hour. Without ceasing to interfere with the mass, pour half a liter of boiling water into it and again leave the sourdough for fermentation for two hours. If more time passes, the kvass may become cloudy. The resulting dough is placed in a preheated oven at a low temperature for one hour. If during this time the baking is burnt, then the kvass will be dark.

The cooked cake is broken into small pieces and put in a five-liter saucepan. After that, pour everything with boiling water completely.

After two hours the wort will be ready, it can be drained. Then the sourdough will settle at the bottom of the pan. If you cook kvass from it one more time, then it will be lighter.

In order for the fermentation process to start, it is necessary to add a little yeast and sugar to it. The dishes must be closed or left without a lid. The main thing is that the pan should not be filled to the top. Because during fermentation, the foam can crawl out over the edge. It will be better if the dishes with the wort are corked. In this case, the drink will turn out to be stronger and more saturated. Usually, two or three days are enough for fermentation, after which the kvass is filtered and placed in a cool place for about a week.

Cooking method

Currently, the industry produces a semi-finished product in the form of dry kvass, from which a drink is prepared. To prepare it, the contents of the package must be poured into a saucepan and pour a liter of boiling water, close the lid and leave for twenty minutes. If the powder is poorly mixed, then the lumps should be crushed, add more boiling water (fifteen liters) and stir again. The drink is cooled to a temperature of 35 degrees. To get ready-made kvass, you need to add yeast to the dry one, which is diluted with water, you can also use ready-made sourdough. Everything should be kneaded and left to ferment for three hours. After adding sugar, the drink is bottled, closed tightly and wrapped.

fermentation process

After the drink begins to ferment, the bottles are placed in cold weather. Usually kvass from a dry powder is ready for use in a day.

Cooking delicious kvass without yeast yourself

To prepare such a drink, you need rye bread, or even just crusts from it, which are poured with cool boiled water on a one-to-one basis.

fermentation process

The mixture that turned out must be removed and insisted in a warm place for a whole week. Ready kvass is drained. And stale rye crusts are added to the remaining wort and water is added, leaving again for fermentation.

Cooking method

To prepare homemade beet kvass, one fruit weighing about 200 grams is enough. Grate the beets, place them in a glass jar and pour 1.5 liters of boiled lukewarm water. Add sugar (three tablespoons) and a little yeast to the jar.

fermentation process

The jar should be placed in a warm place, periodically take and stir the mixture to improve the fermentation process. It should start somewhere in a day. Raisins or a little more sugar are sometimes added to speed up the fermentation process. Kvass is ready in three days. In addition to the fact that beet kvass quenches thirst well, it has many beneficial properties for the body.

Cooking method

To prepare white kvass at home, you need to use rye flour (300 grams), pour it with three liters of boiling water. The mixture is stirred until all lumps are gone. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, sugar is poured into it and honey is added, approximately one hundred grams. Raisins and sourdough are added to the mixture cooled to 35 degrees. If there is no sourdough, then you can cook it or use slices of rye bread. The dishes with all the ingredients must be covered with a lid and left covered for 1.5 days.

fermentation process

After the appearance of a large amount of foam on top of the mixture, white and tasty kvass is ready for use. It must be filtered, bottled, corked and put in a cold place. What remains after straining can be used for the next portion of kvass.

Cooking method

For preparation of alcoholic kvass fermentation of the wort is necessary, so the finished drink contains slightly more than 1% alcohol. For this type of kvass, barley malt, rye flour, rye bread crumbs, crushed in advance, molasses, raisins and water are used. Using malt, flour and water, knead the dough, cover the dough and leave for about an hour to come up. Then the dough is placed in a mold and in the oven for three hours. During this period, the dough is steamed, kneaded, hot water is added to make it liquid, and left in a warm place for a day.

After that, put it in a bowl, sprinkled with stale bread, raisins, pour water and knead the dough again. After a day, the wort is poured into another bowl, and what is left is poured again with boiling water. After five hours, the wort is once again drained.

The wort is poured into the mint infusion, adding molasses and raisins. Put in a warm place for a couple of hours, then in a cold one. Then the dishes are closed and cleaned for ten days, after which the kvass will be ready.

You got acquainted with how to cook kvass at home on your own, learned what types of this drink can be prepared at home, so that in the warm season not only quench your thirst, but also delight your family and friends with this invigorating fizzy drink. Now the choice is yours. You can choose the recipe that suits you. We wish you a pleasant preparation of homemade kvass! Be with us

Correct kvass

It would seem that there is nothing simpler than kvass. However, does everyone know how to cook it correctly, to whom it is useful, and to whom it is not? Here are some "general" tips.

Sour kvass should not be abused for chronic ulcers and gastritis, high acidity, colitis, gout and liver diseases. To reduce the acidity of kvass, honey can be added to it.

Kvass is cooked on cooled boiled water.

Ready kvass should be consumed in 2-3 days. With longer storage, it loses its taste and becomes sour.

Champagne bottles with dense and reliable polyethylene stoppers are the most convenient for making kvass.

The utensils in which the wort is infused must be glass or enamelled. It is impossible to cook kvass in aluminum dishes, as it oxidizes.

For the preparation of berry kvass, only ripe intact berries are used.

Rye kvass is prepared like this. Cut the bread into slices and dry in the oven so that they are lightly browned. Crackers pour boiling water, close and leave for 3-4 hours. Strain the resulting infusion (wort), put yeast, granulated sugar, mint diluted in warm water into it, cover with a napkin and let it ferment for 10-12 hours. After the appearance of foam, strain again and bottle into bottles, putting 5 washed raisins in each half-liter bottle. Close the bottles tightly with corks soaked in boiling water and hold for 2-3 hours at room temperature, and then put in a cold place. In three days, young kvass will be ready. For 500-700 g of rye crackers you will need 4-5 liters of water, 10-15 g of yeast, 100-150 g of granulated sugar, 10 g of mint, 25 g of raisins.

In the prepared kvass, you can add an infusion of calamus roots (1 cup per 3 liters of kvass). The resulting drink sharpens vision and hearing, strengthens the gums, calms nervous excitement and lowers blood pressure.

Mint kvass also has a calming effect and promotes sound sleep. Dip a gauze bag with 20 g of mint into 3 liters of drink and add 2 tbsp. honey.

If you put 100-150 g of grated horseradish and 100 g of honey and sugar instead of mint, you will get "Petrovsky" kvass. It helps to fight chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.

You can add hop cones (50 g per 3 l) to the finished kvass, insist for at least 5 hours. This drink is used in dietary nutrition for gastritis and in cosmetology to strengthen hair as masks.

Juniper kvass is a good remedy for strengthening the immune system, which has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. When warm, it helps with coughing. To prepare it, you need to pour a small amount of juniper fruits into 200 ml of water, bring to a boil and cook for several minutes. Add this decoction to rusk kvass 4 hours before it is ready.

Kvass is also made from fruits, berries, oats, wheat crackers and other products.

An old recipe for making berry kvass: wash blackcurrants, raspberries, blackberries, lingonberries or blueberries, knead and place in an enamel bowl. Pour warm sugar syrup at the rate of: 1 kg of berries and 500-600 g of sugar per 4 liters of water. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly, cover with gauze, keep for a day at room temperature. After that, strain twice and bottle with a few raisins. Keep in a cold place for 1-2 weeks.

To prepare apple kvass, cut 1 kg of apples, pour 5 liters of water over them, bring to a boil and leave for 2-3 hours. Then strain, add 50 g of yeast diluted in warm water, 500 g of sugar, 3 g of citric acid and leave for 3-4 days for fermentation.

Kvass at home

The production of kvass under economic conditions almost always required a grandiose skill. Ethnic cooking knows a large number of various "secrets" of this business. Regrettably, the richest skill of the Slavic peoples was not clearly studied at one time and the skill of household kvass brewing was forgotten over time .. We inherited only individual articles, records, recipes and descriptions in ancient books and instructions. Below we give more accessible recipes for making various kvass under economic conditions, first describing an exemplary technology.

Production of kvass wort. In order to prepare kvass wort, 1 of 3 methods are used: from baked dough; infusion; mash decoction. Consider 1 method, because it is possible to get the sweetest and most fragrant kvass using it. It consists in the following: 1 kg of bread products is kneaded into dough with 0.75 liters of water at a temperature of 60-70 ° C. Bread products are added in small portions into a bowl with water, continuously and thoroughly mixing. After that, the dough is left alone for 15-20 minutes, after which it is diluted with boiling water. For 1 kg of dough, 0.75 liters of water is needed, which is added in small portions, spraying it and continuously mixing the dough. The dough is kept for 2-2.5 hours for saccharification.

It is possible to withstand the dough for 1.5-2 hours, in such a situation the wort settles less, it turns out to be cloudy, dense, although the most sweet and fragrant and the most nutritious! A good kvass is characterized by its own density, blinding the fullness of taste and smell of kvass, as a result of this, kvass is not filtered. After saccharification, the dough is placed in clay pots or other dishes, poured a little water and put in a hot, properly heated oven or oven for 2 - 3 hours. The baked dough is laid out, refreshed, broken into pieces and placed for infusion in a vat of water at a temperature of 90 - 95 ° C. Water is isolated at the rate of 9 - 10 liters per 1 kg of grain products taken. After 1.5 - 2 hours, the so-called “mash” is ready. After that, the clear kvass wort is carefully drained (“removed from the sediment”), mixed according to the recipe, with honey, molasses or sugar, with mint or spices. Refresh the wort to the fermentation temperature (25 - 30 ° C), set bread sourdough or yeast and ferment. With all this, only the first wort is fermented. To make less extractive kvass, it is possible to fill the thick with hot water, insist and get the second wort. Before fermentation, color or toasted crackers from rye bread are added to the wort to obtain the most saturated color.

Fermentation of kvass wort. To turn the wort into bread kvass, it is fermented with bread sourdough yeast and lactic acid bacteria, baker's and brewer's yeast, raisin wine yeast and by yeast-free (spontaneous) fermentation. With yeast fermentation, kvass is tasty, although less stable in saving, and with spontaneous fermentation, sour, although the most stable. The must can be fermented in 2 ways: aerobic (open), in which the fermenting must is not separated from the atmosphere and is saturated with atmospheric oxygen; anaerobic (without air access) - in sealed bottles. It is believed that kvass is better when fermented in bottles. After fermentation, kvass is kept in bottles, i.e., stored until consumption in freezers or in cellars. When using compressed baking yeast for the production of kvass, the required amount of yeast is weighed (from an approximate calculation of 15 g of yeast per 100 liters of finished kvass), they are crushed and mixed with a tenfold amount of kvass wort, into which 8% sugar syrup was first added. Diluted yeast is kept at a temperature of 26-30 ° C for 3 hours. This yeast starter is referred to in the following as "liquid yeast". It is also possible to use liquid wine or beer yeast.

When making kvass under economic conditions, you should have the following equipment: utensils for kneading dough - preferably enameled; not a very large wooden vat for wort infusion; not a very large tub. An infusion vat must have a lid, a false bottom and a faucet. The false bottom is a metal mesh stretched over a hoop with holes of 2-4 mm; the hoop is placed on a wooden cross. The tap for decanting the wort is installed between the bottom and the net. The must must be fermented in enamelware, in glass bottles or in a strong oak barrel, properly steamed and washed with hot and frosty water.

Kvass recipe at home

Kvass rescued everyone. Have you tried real kvass? No, not purchased, but economic? Virtually no soda compares to this magical drink. The recipe for kvass in economic conditions is my present for you. Although in the early days there is not much about kvass.

Since ancient times, kvass has been quite preferred in Rus'. For more than a thousand years, it has been considered a national drink and at the same time food, try to remember everyone's favorite okroshka. In the old days, many dishes were prepared with kvass: botvinya, tyurya, which are currently a novelty for us. Kvass was tasty and sour, berry, fruit, honey. How is kvass made? By fermentation and infusion of bread, sugar, water, yeast and malt. Once you drink kvass, vitamin deficiency is not dangerous for you, you will not get tired. It is also an excellent bactericidal agent. No wonder in the old days he was given out in military hospitals. Kvass can be prepared in any way. The base remains constant, plus various additives: lemon, raisins, herbs, which make it possible to taste this excellent drink. The best way is to do it in person.

I offer simple recipes for kvass in economic conditions.

Bread kvass. You will need: 1 brick of rye bread; 3 liters of water; 1 cup of sugar; twenty grams of yeast; 2 tablespoons of raisins. Production: 1. Cut rye bread, dry in the oven. Put in a saucepan, pour boiling water. Let cool. Strain through cheesecloth. Add sugar, yeast, mix. Leave for 10 hours.

2. Pour kvass into bottles, put raisins, cover tightly, put in the freezer. After 2 days the drink is ready. I believe you know that the drink is bottled in 2 one and a half liter bottles and for any bottle one tablespoon of raisins.

Honey kvass. 5 liters of water, 400 grams of honey, 1 lemon, 400 grams of raisins, 8 grams of yeast, 1 tablespoon of rye flour.

In order to prepare honey kvass according to this recipe from Russian cuisine, add lemon to honey, cut into thin circles, and pour raisins with 4 liters of frosty boiled water, in which yeast and flour are mixed. Well, after a day, add 1 liter of boiled water. And as soon as the raisins and lemon float to the surface of the water, we filter the finished liquid through a sieve. Pour kvass into bottles, close, with all this, putting 1-2 raisins in the bottles, and store in a cool place. Well, after 2-3 days, honey kvass is ready for consumption.

Making kvass under economic conditions urgently requires a grandiose skill. Regrettably, the rather large and richest skill of the Slavic people was not clearly studied, and the ability to make household kvass began to be forgotten over time. We know only separate records of recipes and descriptions in ancient books and instructions. The first mention of kvass was found in 988. As soon as the people of Kiev were baptized, Vladimir ordered food and drinks to be distributed to everyone, honey in barrels and bread kvass were served from drinks.

Although, if you want to respect the brewing of kvass, then read the work of Dr. L.I. Simonov published in 1898. He wrote that kvass brewing flourishes in our country in the same way as bread baking. Everyone cooks it, both men and merchants, boyars, in monasteries and in soldiers' barracks, in hospitals and clinics. Well, in megacities there are kvass factories where kvass is brewed for sale. Medical workers consider kvass to be a necessary drink, not only for patients, but also for healthy people.

It is possible to drink kvass with fish, I rather prefer it, I recommend it to you too. I will be quite happy, since these recipes will be your applied ones, in your household kitchen. And you will delight your own household and guests with this kvass. I understand that those readers who prefer kvass will appreciate these recipes. And it will be great if they ask you to give them a recipe as well, then more people will already know this kvass. Consequently, more people will have fun, and eat and treat guests.

How to cook bread kvass

Even our ancestors knew how to cook the bread kvass of the building. And they especially knew about the healing properties of kvass, which perfectly quenches thirst, can help renew strength, and increase hunger. Nowadays, scientists have found scientific confirmation of these precedents and explain the healing effect of this drink by the content of the original combination of amino acids, enzymes, lactic acid and vitamins. Bread kvass has refreshing properties, pleasant sour taste. Saved for a long time. Everyone has the opportunity to cook kvass, because. products to achieve the desired result are found in any home. Although almost all progressive people have no idea how to cook the bread kvass of the building. But as.

We cut half a loaf of rye bread into simple slices, after which we cut them into a number of pieces. Put the slices of bread on a baking sheet and put it in the oven on a medium flame. We dry the bread properly, although we watch it so that it does not burn, as kvass will become bitter from this bread. We dry the crackers within 10-15 minutes, after that we turn off the oven, leaving the baking sheet in it. After drying, slices of bread must be pliable inside.

We put the finished crackers in a regular three-liter jar. We add to it almost 3 liters of boiled water that has already cooled to body temperature. We put 3 tablespoons of sugar in a three-liter bowl, stir thoroughly. Pour half a pack of dry yeast "Saf-moment" into the water. This is about 25 grams. Again, thoroughly mix the entire contents of the jar. Then we cover the jar with bread kvass with a lid and set aside in a warm place for 2 days.

During fermentation, which continues vigorously for the next 2 days, the sugar in the wort will be converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide by the act of yeast and by the act of lactic acid bacteria into lactic acid. At room temperature, kvass will be ready in 2 days. After this period, we filter the infusion through a rather small sieve in order to completely fence off the thick. Drain the thickening into a separate jar.

Add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar to the strained infusion, mix thoroughly so that it dissolves. In addition, we add a well-washed handful of raisins and leave the kvass infusion at room temperature for another half a day. Then we pour our bread kvass into plastic bottles and carefully tighten the lids. We put the bottles with ready-made bread kvass in the freezer, and in a day it can be consumed.

We do not throw away the thick obtained during the manufacture of kvass, but store it in the freezer in a glass jar. And this is already a ready-made sourdough. And already, in order to prepare a second portion of kvass, instead of diluted yeast, add 4 tablespoons of sourdough to breadcrumbs. Next, let the kvass brew for 2 days, drain, add sugar and raisins, let it stand again and put the bottles in the freezer. It is better to update the sourdough.

Good day to all!

Today we will talk about the preparation of such a very tasty and invigorating drink as kvass. Perhaps there is no such person who would not like to drink this drink, especially in the hot summer season. However, kvass is always good and always by the way.

In addition, this bread drink can not only be drunk, but also added to such a cold dish as okroshka. Of course, you can pour kefir, mineral water, and even water into it. But with kvass, okroshka is still better.

In this article, we will look at several recipes for making Bread Kvass. This is true, as summer is approaching, and hence the heat. Kvass during this period will become simply priceless.

Homemade kvass from rye bread - a recipe for 3 liters without yeast

So, we are preparing a fairly simple recipe and method of preparing kvass. The only thing is that we make it without yeast.

For three liters of water you will need:

  • Crackers (from dark bread) - 0.2 kg.
  • Sugar - 10 tbsp. spoons.

Rye bread is cut into pieces, which we dry, but do not fry. Boil water and cool.

For better fermentation, you can add a little raisins. We close the jar with gauze, set to wander in a warm place for three days.

If foam appeared on the surface on the first day, then the fermentation process has begun.

After three days, we take out the jar, filter the contents through several layers of gauze. Add some sugar again and bottle.

The drink should not reach the end of the neck. Close the lids tightly, put in a dark place for 6 hours. It is advisable to unscrew the cap every hour and release the gas.

After this time, we put the bottles in the refrigerator.

As for the remaining starter, it can be reused for a new batch of kvass. To do this, the pulp is poured with boiled water, sugar and a small piece of fresh bread are added.

Homemade kvass without yeast on breadcrumbs

The process is similar to that described above, but instead of drying the bread, you can use purchased crackers. They should be regular, no additives. Sometimes, bread crumbs are sold in the form of cubes. You can use both rye and mixed.

The amount of sugar, crackers for a 3 liter jar is the same (10 tablespoons and 200 gr.)

We take a three-liter jar, pour crackers, sugar and pour boiled water. For fermentation, add raisins. The jar covered with gauze should be placed in a dark place.

Three days later, when the fermentation process decreases, we filter the drink, bottle it. We also leave the bottles to ferment a little more for three days. Don't forget to add some sugar.

After that, we put the bottles in the refrigerator.

Homemade bread kvass - grandmother's recipe with yeast

Surely in childhood, everyone who had grandmothers necessarily drank only homemade kvass. Grandma's recipe is practically a recipe for individual homemade kvass.

Basically it is a dark kvass with a rich taste.

To prepare such kvass, it is necessary to fry crackers very strongly. Even if they are a little burnt.

Well, then - we take a jar, put these crackers in it. Separately, in warm water, we dilute either 3 g of dry or 10 g of live yeast. Pour the prepared water into a jar of breadcrumbs, then diluted yeast and 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.

After that, put the jar covered with gauze in a warm place. After two days, the fermentation will stop - the bread will float, there will be no bubbles.

We take out the softened bread - it can be used to prepare the next portion of kvass. We filter the liquid well, bottle it and put it in the refrigerator.

How to make kvass for okroshka

This recipe describes the process of making kvass for okroshka. It may seem at first glance that kvass is kvass, and you drink it, and you pour it into okroshka. However, okroshka makes its own drink.

The main thing in it is that it should not be very sweet, which is good for drinking. One more thing. For okroshka, light kvass is best, not dark.

Below is a recipe for classic white okroshka kvass.


  • Barley malt - 500 g.
  • Rye flour - 4 kg.
  • Yeast - 50 g.
  • Cumin - 100 g.

We make kvass in the following way. Add barley malt to warm water, then add flour and mix. After that, put the mixture in a warm place for 6 hours. After the time has elapsed, add cumin, add boiling water, mix.

We separate the yeast, add to the mixture when it is warm.

We put everything in a cold place for 2 days. Then we filter the Drink through double gauze, bottle it and put it in the refrigerator. You can cut vegetables into okroshka yourself.

Homemade bread kvass for a 3 liter jar of dry kvass

If it is not possible to prepare the sourdough on your own, you can use ready-made or dry sourdough or kvass wort.

In this recipe, we will consider the process of making kvass from dry, and in the next - from kvass wort.

For cooking, take:

  • kvass dry - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 1/3 cup
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon

We take a three-liter jar, pour dry kvass into it, then sugar and yeast. Pour boiled water, cover with gauze and put on the windowsill for two days.

At the end of this period, we filter the drink, bottle it and put it in the refrigerator. The rest of the sourdough can be used further. For better fermentation and a sharp taste, raisins can be added.

In principle, it is even better to add raisins whenever you put kvass.

Homemade bread kvass for 3 liters from wort

Kvass wort is almost concentrated kvass, which you just need to dilute.

We take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. kvass wort
  • water - 3 l
  • sugar - 150 g
  • dry yeast - ½ tsp

In half a liter of warm water, dissolve the wort and sugar. Pour everything into the prepared three-liter jar, add water, yeast. You don't need to mix.

We cover the jar with a lid, set to ferment for 2 days. Periodically, you need to check the taste of the drink, adding sugar if necessary. When the kvass is ready, bottle it and put it in the refrigerator. At the same time, you can add a few raisins to the bottles so that the drink is carbonated.

Homemade kvass for a 3 liter jar of bread with sourdough

In this recipe, we make our own sourdough. To do this, take 250 g of black bread, active rye sourdough and sugar for 3 liters of water. You can also add raisins.

Cut the bread into slices and dry in the oven. You don't need to fry. Add sugar to hot boiled water. Stir to dissolve and let cool.

Then we pour out some water, dilute the active sourdough in it. And pour the finished crackers into the main dish with water. Then we pour the diluted sourdough there and cover the dishes with gauze, leave to ferment for 10-12 hours.

After this time, foam will appear on the surface. We decant the drink through gauze, bottle it. Add raisins and put in the refrigerator. After 12 hours, kvass is completely ready and can be consumed.

Video recipe for homemade kvass on rye sourdough

With the onset of summer and hot days, our diet changes, we want to quench our thirst with soft drinks, and homemade kvass is one of the healthiest drinks. It is not store-bought, but cooked at home, in compliance with simple rules.

When I became interested in the topic of kvass, I was extremely surprised that it turned out to be a very ancient drink. Archaeologists have found descriptions of a drink resembling kvass, which date back as far as the 3rd millennium BC. e. In Rus', the first mention of kvass dates back to 989, i.e. this drink, popular among the Slavs, is more than 1000 years old. The popularity of kvass was so great that there was even a profession of a specialist in its preparation - kvass. Kvass was prepared and drunk by both rich and ordinary peasants. And no wonder, because kvass is not only a delicious drink that quenches thirst, it is also very useful for our health, relieves fatigue and gives strength.

There are several types of kvass - grain, fruit, berry, beetroot. The most common is, of course, bread kvass. That's what we're talking about today.

Kvass is one of the few products that are prepared from natural ingredients and do not contain such dangerous GMOs. Indeed, to make kvass, you need malt, which is made from barley and rye, and, fortunately for us, they have not yet been subjected to genetic modification.

Kvass is essentially one of the healthiest drinks with a pleasant bready aroma. Its effect on the body, thanks to lactic acid bacteria, is compared with kefir or yogurt. Kvass is rich in vitamins C, B, PP, E, amino acids and microelements. In kvass, due to the fermentation process, microorganisms are produced that normalize digestion, prevent the growth of microbes and harmful bacteria, strengthen the cardiovascular system and help reduce bad cholesterol. Homemade kvass helps to strengthen the immune system, reduce fatigue, and invigorates the body. Kvass is recommended for diabetics and people with pancreatic disease. Doctors recommend drinking kvass for various eye diseases, bronchitis and even pneumonia. Kvass is an excellent source of calcium, it strengthens nails, tooth enamel and hair. And even male potency improves this amazing drink. And among other things, it is a low-calorie product, so you can use it, replenish the body with all sorts of useful things, cleanse it of harmful accumulations and at the same time lose weight.

Of course, like any product, kvass has contraindications and limitations. Lactic and fruit acids can play a negative role for those who have chronic stomach conditions such as ulcers. This drink is not recommended for cancer patients, with diseases of the liver and bladder. Well, it is undesirable for pregnant women and drivers to drink kvass because of the alcohol content in it.

It is very important to understand that if you decide to just buy a ready-made drink, then it is unlikely that it will be natural. Read the composition yourself, there you will find flavors, sweeteners, and preservatives. Often such a drink is prepared not by fermentation, but simply by mixing various ingredients. The container for kvass is a obviously harmful plastic bottle. Yes, and the shelf life of such a drink is long. Whether or not to use such "kvass" is up to you. Still, it is more reliable and more useful to cook homemade kvass according to the recommended recipes.

Bread kvass at home - a recipe for a 3 liter jar

A classic recipe for bread kvass, a taste from childhood, when we could enjoy a cold drink from a barrel. At home, making kvass is also not difficult. I give a step-by-step recipe with a photo so that you have an idea of ​​​​the cooking process.


  • rye bread - 200 gr.
  • water - 2.5 liters
  • dry yeast - 2 gr. (about 1 tsp)
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • raisins - 1 handful
  1. Kvass is made from rye bread. Bread can be cut into large slices, but I prefer nice diced cuts. Put the sliced ​​bread on a baking sheet and send it to the oven. The bread should be well fried and even possible to a black crust.

2. We throw the fried crackers into a 3-liter jar, they should completely cover the bottom of the jar.

3. Add sugar directly to the jar.

4. Pour the crackers with boiling water, leaving a little room for the liquid to rise during fermentation.

To prevent the glass jar from bursting, place a knife blade under its bottom

5. Dilute dry yeast in a separate bowl with warm water, add a little sugar and let it ferment. During this time, the water in the jar will cool to room temperature, and we will pour “revived” yeast into it.

6. We close the jar with kvass with a plastic lid and leave it for a day in a warm place, preferably on a sunny windowsill. During this time, the crackers will rise up, kvass will acquire a characteristic brown color. We filter kvass through clean gauze.

7. At the bottom of a cleanly washed jar, we throw the washed raisins and pour in the finished kvass. You can add more sugar if you wish, although not very sweet kvass tastes better to me. We close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator.

7. But we will want this amazing drink again? For this we use the old sourdough with bread. We select about 1 cup of sourdough. And we repeat the whole process again. At the bottom of a 3-liter jar we put fried fresh crackers, add sourdough from the past kvass or new yeast, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and pour boiling water. And so each time we continue this procedure until the end of the summer.

8. Enjoy a cold, delicious summer drink - homemade bread kvass.

Recipe for bread kvass without yeast at home

Not everyone likes foods or drinks with yeast. But there is always a way out - kvass can be prepared without yeast, simply by adding more raisins.


  • rye bread - 400 gr.
  • water - 3 liters
  • sugar - 120 gr. for the first time and 2-3 tbsp. l. for each next
  • raisins - 30 gr.
  1. As in the first recipe, fry rye bread in the oven. If you want to get darker kvass, then fry more.
  2. Pour sugar into the bottom of the jar, about 1/2 cup and pour a small amount of hot water. The water temperature should be around 80 degrees. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

3. Pour crackers into a jar and add the remaining water. Water should be poured up to the shoulders of the jar, leaving room for swollen bread.

4. When the water has cooled to about 40 degrees, pour in the raisins. The fermentation process will depend on its quality.

5. We cover the jar with a clean towel and leave the kvass to infuse in a warm place for 3 days. After that, we filter the finished kvass with gauze.

6. Pour kvass into glass jars, after throwing a few raisins into each. Close with airtight lids and send to the refrigerator.

7. We use the remaining starter for a new portion of kvass (it will take about 1/2 of the old starter). Roast the bread again, mix it with the sourdough, add sugar (2-3 tbsp) and raisins and fill it with water.

The second and subsequent starter cultures will be ready faster - in 1.5 - 2 days.

Grandma's recipe for homemade kvass

Probably many grandmothers were treated to vigorous cold kvass in the summer, from which both strength was added and thirst was quenched (almost subsided). Such kvass is traditionally prepared with yeast. The difference of this recipe is that the yeast starter is infused for up to 2 days, and only then kvass is prepared. How to cook kvass at home from bread with yeast will be clear from this video.

Wort kvass recipe

This recipe is useful for those who want not to bother with sourdough and cook sourdough quickly. To do this, purchase ready-made kvass wort for sourdough in the store and start cooking.


  • water - 5 liters
  • kvass wort concentrate - 8-10 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1.5 cups
  • dry yeast - 1 tbsp. l.
  • raisins to taste
  1. Boil water, let it cool a little and add kvass wort concentrate to the pan.

2. Pour sugar gradually and stir.

3. Add dry yeast, stir with a spoon until sugar and yeast are completely dissolved.

4. Cover the pan with a lid and put in a warm place for a day. During this time, there will be an active fermentation process.

5. After a day, pour the finished kvass into jars, adding a little raisin to each. Spilled kvass must be tightly closed with lids, put in a cold place for 4-5 hours so that the kvass becomes more vigorous.

Homemade kvass from rye flour

Kvass made from rye flour is also called village kvass. Its color turns out to be much lighter, and in terms of its usefulness for the body, rye kvass is ahead of others. The process of preparing such kvass takes a lot of time, but the result is an excellent drink that is suitable for both thirst quenching and okroshka.


  • water - 2.5 liters
  • rye flour - 7 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • raisins to taste

Pre-prepare sourdough from rye flour. To do this, in a 3-liter jar 5 tbsp. l. mix rye flour with warm boiled water (200 ml.) to a state of thick sour cream. Add 2 tbsp. l. sugar (can be replaced with honey). Raisins can be added if desired. Mix well to remove lumps. We close the jar with a lid and put it in a warm place for 3 days. The sourdough should ferment and the fermentation time depends on the quality of the flour, sometimes the sourdough is ready earlier.

The next step is to activate the starter. We must pour 2 tbsp into the resulting sourdough. l. rye flour, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and add warm water to the shoulders of the jar, stir well. We close the jar with gauze and send it to a warm place (it would be nice on a sunny windowsill) for 5 whole days.

After 5 days, we filter the kvass and put it in the refrigerator.

But that's not all - the thick, which remains at the bottom, will come in handy for a new portion of kvass. You can use the thick all summer, just activate it every time. To do this, each time after decanting kvass, add new flour and sugar or honey to the thick, add warm water and leave to infuse for a couple of days. Thus, you will get a wonderful healthy drink for all hot days at minimal cost.

Kvass at home from malt

Another easy recipe for making kvass at home from malt. Malt is the soaked and germinated seeds of cereals - barley, rye, oats, etc. Malt starts the fermentation process and is widely used to make beer and kvass. Brewing malt is a labor-intensive process, so we will use ready-made rye malt, which is sold in the store.

We will need:

  • rye malt - 110 gr.
  • water - 5 liters
  • dry yeast - 3 tsp
  • sugar - 400 gr.

We boil water in a saucepan, and immediately after boiling we throw malt into it. Stir well to dissolve all lumps.

In a separate glass pour a little malt solution (about 1/2 cup), cool to about 35 degrees, then add the yeast. We cover the glass with a towel and put it in a warm place for fermentation for 10-15 minutes.

Pour sugar into the remaining solution and mix well until it is completely dissolved.

Add the fermented yeast to the warm malt solution and leave to infuse for about 12 hours.

After that, it remains only to strain the kvass through cheesecloth, bottle it and put it in the refrigerator. It is desirable that kvass stand for another 1-2 days in the refrigerator.

I hope that warm days will finally come and we can enjoy delicious summer drinks.
