
Cooking sea buckthorn jelly for the winter: a classic and quick recipe. Sea buckthorn jelly recipe: an amber dessert with an exotic taste

Sea buckthorn is a source of nutrients. It contains almost the entire list of vitamins that are so necessary for the body. To date, there are a huge number of different dishes from sea buckthorn. One of them is sea buckthorn berry jelly recipe for the winter. It is tasty and healthy, and it is very easy to prepare.

For the first time, sea buckthorn began to be used in ancient Greece. Priests and shamans used all kinds of mortars to prepare their dishes. It is possible that in those days they began to make jam without boiling. Honey was used as a preservative.

Features of making sea buckthorn jelly

Jelly can be prepared from the juices of berries and fruits rich in pectin. If this substance is not enough, edible gelatin can be added.

To obtain a semi-liquid jelly, the fruits must be selected slightly unripe. Jelly will get a good consistency and taste better if cooked with fruit sugar. It can be used as an independent dish and for decorating confectionery.

Selection and preparation of the main ingredient

The fruits are harvested as they ripen. Ripe berries have a glossy surface and an orange color.

It is very important to pick the berries on time and not let them overripe, because then they will simply fall apart in your hands.

The ideal time for collection is the end of autumn.

There are two methods for picking berries:

  1. Breaking from branches - is used most often. It takes a long time to collect, as the fruits are small and are plucked one at a time. The tree does not suffer, and the berries are all whole. You can use special combs for collection.
  2. The second method is suitable for freezing. Here the berries are cut along with the branches. Put in the freezer and cut off when frozen. This method is used less often, and harms the tree.

The juice is bright and can ruin clothes. Therefore, the uniform must be taken care of in advance.

Methods for making sea buckthorn jelly

Consider the most common recipes.

Easy winter recipe


  • berries - 3 cups;
  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • gelatin - 1 pack;
  • egg whites.


  • Place the torn sea buckthorn in a basin and pour cool water over it. Mix the berries well. All leaves and small motes will be on the surface. Change water several times.
  • Pour gelatin with warm water and let it swell.
  • Pour the berries into a saucepan and boil over medium heat.
  • Cool and strain using a sieve. To obtain a clear jelly from the juice of the berries, do not squeeze with a spoon.

  • Add two cups of sugar and stir.
  • Put the mass on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Skim off the foam as it forms, this will allow you to get a light syrup.
  • Add swollen gelatin and mix.
  • Pre-sterilize jars.
  • If the syrup is cloudy, you can add proteins with water. It is important that both components have the same temperature. If you introduce proteins into a hot mass, they will curl up. Proportion: 1 protein per 2 cups of water.
  • Stir the solution again, heat over low heat and pour into jars.

with gelatin


  • sea ​​buckthorn - 2 cups;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • gelatin - 100 grams.

Cooking method:

  • For better thickening of the syrup, gelatin is added. It must first be soaked in warm water. One sachet of gelatin requires a liter of water. After the gelatin swells, remove excess water.
  • Ripe berries are pre-sorted to remove leaves and twigs. Rinse under running water using a colander.
  • Let the liquid drain.

  • Get juice with a juicer.
  • Put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Gradually add sugar, stirring constantly. Taste the syrup. The amount of sugar depends on personal preference.
  • Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Prepare sterilized containers in advance.
  • Roll up with lids and cool at room temperature. Then put in a cool place to save.

No gelatin

The dish can be made without the addition of gelatin.


  • berry - 1 part;
  • sugar - 1 part.


  • Pre-prepared fruits must be folded into a stainless steel bowl and heated until juice is released.
  • After the mass has cooled, grind through a sieve and cover with sugar.
  • Put on the stove and bring back to a boil, but do not boil. Remove from heat and let stand 10 hours.

  • This time is enough for the jelly to independently acquire the desired consistency.
  • Sterilize jars and let dry.
  • Stir the resulting jelly with a wooden spatula.
  • Cover with dry nylon lids. You can store at room temperature.

Without cooking


  • berries - 600 grams;
  • sugar - 800 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind prepared and washed berries with a wooden mortar.
  2. Strain the mass with a cloth sieve or using a piece of gauze.
  3. Add sugar.
  4. Mix well so that the sugar is evenly distributed.
  5. Pour into sterile jars and close with sterile lids.
  6. Store at a temperature not higher than +5.

with grapes


  • berries - 400 grams;
  • sugar - 6 tablespoons.
  • gelatin;
  • grape.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil prepared berries until juice appears.
  2. Add sugar and stir until the crystals dissolve.
  3. Strain and add gelatin.
  4. Mix well and add 2 cups of boiled water.
  5. Arrange grapes in sterile jars.
  6. Fill jars and chill. Close with capron lids.

With honey

  • berries - 2 cups;
  • honey - 6 tablespoons.


  1. Extract juice from washed and pressed berries. It is easier to do this with a juicer.
  2. Strain the juice and add honey. Mix everything well.
  3. Add gelatin and pour into prepared containers. Store in the refrigerator under nylon lids.

With agar-agar

In a similar way, jelly is prepared with agar-agar.

Prepare juice with sugar or honey. Agar-agar must first be soaked in water and brought to a boil. Cool and add to juice. Mix everything well and store in the refrigerator.

Because of the bones. We suggest you make sea buckthorn jelly, a recipe for the winter with a photo will tell you how. It will contain only sugar and sea buckthorn puree. The taste is indescribable! If you want sea buckthorn puree to turn out sour, add sugar according to the recipe. If you want to get a sweet jam, increase the amount of sugar by 300 grams.

- sea buckthorn 1.5 kg;
- granulated sugar - 1 kg.

Sort the berries, remove debris and leaves. Check for rotten berries. Ideally, jelly should be boiled from freshly harvested sea buckthorn, because the berries are very tender, quickly lose their shape, and the juice flows out. And before cooking, they need to be washed. Take a colander, pour berries on it and rinse under running water. Leave for 15 minutes so that all the water is glass and the berries dry.

Put the berries in a saucepan, pour boiling water so that it just hides the berries. Detect five minutes and drain the boiling water. You can use it for cooking jelly or compote by adding berries there.

Puree the sea buckthorn with an immersion blender. You can also use a juicer to separate the pulp.

Now strain the sea buckthorn puree through a sieve. From the cake you get an excellent jelly or compote. Just then strain it and throw it away, and it will give all the taste to the drink. This sea buckthorn cake can also be frozen for the winter in ice molds. And in winter, cook compote from sea buckthorn with the addition of cake.

Pour the puree into a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil over medium heat.

Then reduce the gas, cook, stirring, for an hour. It is better to use a wooden spoon for mixing. The ideal saucepan for making sea buckthorn jam is a stainless steel saucepan with a thick bottom. If there is none, use any other, but not aluminum. Sea buckthorn mass will become dark in color and will decrease in volume by about half.

Prepare banks in advance. Small ones are best. Rinse well, sterilize and dry. Arrange the sea buckthorn jelly in hot jars, cover with a clean towel and leave to cool completely. If you immediately close the jam with lids, condensation forms on them, which subsequently leads to mold.

Store sea buckthorn jelly in a cool, dry place for up to a year. Storage in the refrigerator is not necessary if the jars and lids are well sterilized and no water gets on the jam. It is also important that there are no rotten berries that cause fermentation.
By the way, check out the other

Sea ​​buckthorn! It is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology, which means that in terms of usefulness it occupies one of the first places among summer berries. Our culinary site already has a selection.

Most recently, I told you how to cook a healing, and today we have a live medicinal dessert - sea buckthorn jelly.

This little miracle berry, bright yellow or orange, really works wonders for health. By the amount of vitamin C, it has no equal. Just one spoonful of healing live sea buckthorn jelly, and you are not afraid of flu and colds. We will take sea buckthorn jelly every day for lunch as a dessert, starting today.

To prepare sea buckthorn jelly for the winter without cooking, you will need ripe sea buckthorn berries and sugar.

Sea buckthorn must first be sorted out, sorted from overripe soft berries.

Rinse with cold water over a sieve. Dry on a towel.

To prepare sea buckthorn jelly for the winter without cooking, we will use thick sea buckthorn juice. Twist the berries with a juicer or meat grinder. If you are using a meat grinder, then you will need a sieve.

From sea buckthorn juice we will take the thick part, and put the more liquid into syrup. Add sugar to the juice puree and mix thoroughly with a plastic spoon.

Let's leave it for 5-7 hours. In the process, we will mix several times until the sugar is completely dissolved. Sea buckthorn juice contains a natural gelling agent - pectin. That's why healthy live sea buckthorn jelly can be made without additives.

Pour the finished jelly into small glass jars. The container must first be heated in the oven, and the lids boiled.

Close the lids and store in the refrigerator.

Our jelly will differ in consistency from the usual store-bought version with gelatin. Sea buckthorn jelly prepared for the winter without cooking is more tender, more lively and more useful.

Sea buckthorn can rightly be called one of the most useful berries for our body. And yet it has a completely incomparable taste and aroma.

And so they like to drink tea with her, and of course, they prepare them for the winter.

It can be used as an additive to various dishes, desserts, or as a filling for baking. And how much can be made from it: and compote, and jam, and jelly, and juice, and much more. What is worth only jelly, mmm ... Have you tried it? It's amazingly delicious! And compotes, this is generally a godsend - it’s so convenient for a holiday, for example, to open a jar.

And most importantly, it is a completely natural product!

Today I would like to bring to your attention several options for harvesting this miraculous berry for the winter season.

You can learn how to make delicious, healthy jelly for children's "capricious" breakfasts. How to make compote for all occasions, amber jam for tea, and just how to prepare a “magic” berry for the winter. All recipes are quite simple in their execution and do not require much time.

Fresh sea buckthorn without boiling berries is a real "vitamin bomb" that supports and protects the body from all sorts of ailments and diseases.

Besides, it is also very tasty. Putting a few spoons in hot tea, we get a fragrant drink, pleasant in taste.

I always harvest a berry in this way also in order to make healthy delicious morsiks. Children from such, just delighted.

And be sure to stock up on a few jars. What’s more, it’s all so easy to do.

We will need:

  • 700 grams of sugar
  • 1 liter sea buckthorn

If you count in kilograms, then for 1 kg of sea buckthorn you should take 1300 - 1500 sugar, depending on what degree of sweetness you prefer.


1. Of course, the berry must be washed before starting to work with it, remove excess leaves and twigs. Then let her dry. Since we will not cook it, it is not desirable that water remain on the surface. It can cause the fermentation process.

Therefore, it is better to wash the fruits in advance so that all the water has time to evaporate before cooking. And to be sure, also get wet on top with paper towels.

2. After that, grind it in a meat grinder, or in a food processor, but try not to let your assistant beat it at the same time.

You can also grind the berry with a blender. And if you don’t want bones and skins in the finished jam, then rub through a sieve.

Although I wouldn't recommend it to you. It is in the skins that most of the useful substances are contained, and precious sea buckthorn oil is made from the seeds.

3. Sugar can be added after grinding the orange "beauty". If you use a blender or combine, then it is better to pour it in even before the start of churning.

In this case, the crystals will dissolve faster and it will not be necessary to mix the contents for a long time to achieve the desired state.

4. Transfer the resulting puree to clean, sterilized jars and pour two tablespoons of sugar on top. Thus. we will create a "cushion" of safety, and the finished fragrant puree will not ferment.

Store the finished grated yummy in the refrigerator, or in a cold cellar. If the storage temperature is above 4 degrees, then fermentation processes may begin in the jar.

After the onset of cold weather, you can take the workpiece to the glazed loggia, thereby freeing up space in the refrigerator.

5. Eat at any time with tea, or make delicious fruit drinks. In this case, pass the diluted drink through a sieve, where all the skins and bones that are already unnecessary by that time will remain.

It's very simple and very tasty! And many housewives harvest fruits in this way.

Recipe for making sea buckthorn in your own juice without boiling berries

This recipe is even simpler than the previous one. The most difficult thing in it is the preparation of berries, that is, sorting it out from debris and twigs, washing and drying.

Ready-made jam is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

We will need:

  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1400 gr


1. Wash and sterilize jars and lids. Dry them.

2. Pour clean dry fruits into jars with a layer of about 2 - 3 cm. Then pour this layer with sugar. And thus, alternating, completely fill the entire glass container.

3. Close the lid and let stand at room temperature for 12 hours. The berry will release some juice, and that's good, so the process is running.

Now you can put our workpiece in the refrigerator, the process of formation of sugar syrup will continue to occur there. After a while, the whole berry will be in it.

After about a week, the juice will stand out about half the jar, and after another week, all the fruits will be in their own fragrant juice.

Filled jars and store without removing from the refrigerator.

Needless to say, it turns out just an incredibly tasty preparation, the berries of which seem to have just been picked from a bush!

Sea buckthorn jam - the best recipe for cooking without sterilization

This red berry turns out to be divinely tasty even when cooked with sugar. This beautiful amber jam will not leave anyone indifferent. But of course, we will not cook the delicacy for a long time, so as not to lose the beneficial properties.

In this case, we will use a little more sugar than in previous recipes. This is due to the fact that we will cook the jam according to the “five-minute” principle.

We will need:

  • 1 liter berries
  • 1 kilogram of sugar


1. We free the sea buckthorn from small litter, wash it from possible dust and dirt - we get a berry to a berry! We pour the pure fruits into an enameled kitchen basin or a wide pan, so it will be more convenient to cook them.

2. We fall asleep with sugar and leave for twelve hours, it is best to do this at night. During this time, the berry will have time to give juice.

Now put on fire and bring to a boil. We boil for five minutes, no more, we want to preserve all the useful trace elements and vitamins.

Do not forget to remove the foam, which you can eat right away!) We always line up for it! And no wonder with such and such a flavor! ...

3. Pour directly into sterilized jars while hot and close with sterile lids. Allow jam in jars to cool at room temperature and store in pantry or refrigerator.

Since it did not cook for a long time, it is better to store it in a cool place. Although we made sure by adding a significant amount of sugar.

We don't keep this yummy for a long time. Within a month, we eat it with tea, and soon there is no trace of the jam.

Sea buckthorn jelly with sugar

Many of us are more fond of jams and jellies, especially children. It's great that you can combine useful and tasty in one.

What you need:

  • Sea buckthorn berries liter
  • Sugar - kilogram


1. To begin with, be sure to sort and rinse the berry. Then we need to get juice and puree from it, removing the skin and bones. To do this, we pass the berry through a meat grinder or blender. And if you have a combine, then the whole process will take a few minutes.

In this case, it is only important to chop the fruits, it is not necessary to knock them down.

2. Now we take a sieve, put it on a deep plate and pour the sea buckthorn mass into it. It is better to spread the content in small batches so that it is easier and faster to work.

3. Grind with a spoon so that the sea buckthorn juice and puree fall into the plate under the sieve.

If there is no large sieve, you can take gauze and squeeze through it. It's always been done that way in the past. It may take a little longer, but the result is the same everywhere.

We don’t throw out the cake, you can drink tea with it, just putting it in hot tea leaves.

4. Add 80% sugar to the resulting juice and mix thoroughly until it dissolves. You can leave it for a while on the kitchen table and stir every 15 to 20 minutes.

Then we put it in the refrigerator for three hours.

5. In the meantime, sterilize the jars and lids, let them cool completely. It is better to do this in advance so that the water has time to drain or evaporate.

And you can pour the future jelly into jars. In each of them, on top of the jelly, pour the remaining sugar, about a couple of tablespoons per jar.

If you have very small containers, then accordingly you should pour less.

After a day, the mass is gelled and our dessert will be ready.

Store the finished delicacy in the refrigerator, closed. After the jar is opened, it is better to use it within a week or two.

Sea buckthorn with honey for the winter without boiling berries

Honey, of course, is not such a good preservative as sugar, but it is very useful, and in combination with sea buckthorn - a real benefit! If you take this delicacy just a teaspoon a day, it will help your immune system cope with colds.

And besides, it's just delicious!

We will need:

  • Three glasses of berries
  • One glass of honey


1. We remove small rubbish, leaves from the berry and rinse it thoroughly under running water. Place on a clean kitchen towel to absorb any excess water.

Since we will not boil the berry in this version either, water is not needed here at all so that it does not cause fermentation processes.

2. Put the dried berry into an enamel basin, or a large glass container. Armed with a pusher, mash all the contents into a puree, which, of course, will turn out with skins and bones.

If desired, of course, you can remove them, but together with them we will then remove most of the useful substances. What we do not want, therefore, we leave everything as it is.

3. Add honey to this mass and mix well. We give it the opportunity to completely disperse and saturate all the contents with its taste. To do this, leave the dishes with mixed berries on the kitchen table for 3-4 hours.

During this time, the mass should be mixed several times.

4. Then pour our yummy into sterilized and dried jars and cover with clean lids.

Sea buckthorn compote in jars

Sea buckthorn compote is a separate issue. When I first tried it, it was just a flavor explosion in my mind. I never even imagined before that it could be so tasty.

In general, this is a drink for all occasions - and just to quench your thirst, it is good, and it is a master of pampering yourself with exquisite taste, and it is always happy to treat guests.

With all that, it is also so useful that you want to drink it without stopping ...

We will need:

  • liter of berries
  • three glasses of sugar
  • three liters of water


1. Sea buckthorn, for starters, of course, needs to be sorted out and washed. The berries should be all clean, without ponytails and litter.

2. After the water drains, put the fruits in liter jars, filling them in 1/3 part and pour boiling water over them. Cover with lids and let stand in this form for ten minutes. The fruits must be very well warmed up.

Both jars and lids must be sterilized without fail.

3. Drain the water into a saucepan. You can use a special lid with holes for this, in which case the berries will remain in the jar.

4. Add sugar to this water and, stirring, bring to a boil, all the crystals should, of course, dissolve.

5. We got a syrup and fill it with the contents in jars. It should be poured right up to the neck so that when you close the lids, the excess even pours out a little.

Compotes are best closed with iron lids using a seamer. This is the most reliable way to preserve.

6. Turn over the finished compote and put it on the lid, wrap it with a blanket. Leave it to cool slowly for about a day. or rather, until the syrup has completely cooled.

This is an additional sterilization of the contents, called pasteurization. Slow cooling promotes better storage in the future.

7. Keep the compote in a cool and dark place. Perfect for a cellar in your home, or a pantry in an apartment.

In winter, open a jar and fully enjoy the taste, smell and color of the drink!

Compotes can also be mixed. So, it turns out very tasty to cook them with apples. There is a new filling and an interesting flavor combination.

And of course, you can mix different berries - currants, lingonberries, cranberries, and chokeberries will do. That is, almost all the berries are in season.

How to freeze sea buckthorn for the winter

For those who do not like to deal with banks, there is an easy way to preserve the vitamin berry - freezing. It turns out just as tasty and healthy, but without the hassle.

From frozen fruits, you can cook fruit drinks, compote at any time, or simply crush them and pour tea with sugar.

We will need:

  • Sea buckthorn liter
  • Sugar half a kilo


1. We sort out the berries from twigs and small debris, rinse and send to paper towels for drying. It takes about 40 minutes for all the moisture to evaporate.

For fidelity, you can also blot the top with paper towels.

2. Now you need to transfer the berry to a spacing or baking sheet so that they are separate from each other. Put them in the freezer for three hours.

The air temperature in the freezer should be about twenty degrees.

Then take out the baking sheet and arrange it in bags or containers. If you like it sweeter, then you can mix the berries with sugar before laying out the packages.

It's that simple! It will take quite a bit of time and the freezing is ready.

Video on how to make delicious sea buckthorn jam

Favorite jam can be prepared not only from one berry. It tastes best with the addition of walnuts. And the syrup is prepared on the basis of rose hips.

That's so interesting! That is, there is no longer one complex of vitamins, but two, and even three. After all, rose hips are known as a storehouse of vitamin C, and not only ... And nuts also contain quite a few useful things.

Here is a super vitamin jam. Be sure to cook it, it's delicious!

Friends, today these are all the ways of harvesting delicious berries from all that I know. Of course, there are options and variations, but they are all made on the basis of these basic principles and recipes.

Therefore, if you know them, you can cook absolutely any jam, even with cooking, even without it.

In general, you noticed how easy it is to cook sea buckthorn for the winter. And what a delicious "magic" is obtained in each prepared jar! And all this is not only delicious, but also very useful!

So cook, eat with pleasure, and always be healthy!

Bon appetit!

For those who wish to maintain their health in bad weather, sea buckthorn should be an obligatory preparation in the pantry arsenal. This multivitamin plant is one of the most accessible and widespread guarantees of beauty and health, which is used in cosmetic and medical production. For those who do not want to spend money on purchased vitamins or prefer proven homemade and natural preparations, we have prepared a number of sea buckthorn jelly recipes for every taste.

Sea buckthorn jelly for the winter


  • sugar.


Before you make sea buckthorn jelly, you need to squeeze the juice from the fruit. To do this, you can use a juicer, meat grinder, blender, or simply mash the berries with a rolling pin in an enamel basin. We put the cake remaining after squeezing into gauze and once again carefully squeeze the remaining liquid into the juice. The last step is necessary in order for the natural thickener (pectin) to come out of the skin of the fruit, which will turn the sea buckthorn juice into a real jam.

After the juice is ready, it can be poured into a clean and dry enamel pan, mixed with sugar and put on fire. At this stage, it is better to get a cooking thermometer, as we will need to ensure that the temperature of the jam is approximately equal to 70 ° C. As soon as the juice has warmed up to the indicated temperature, it takes about half an hour to continue cooking until the contents of the pan are reduced to 2/3 of the initial volume. The readiness of the jam can be checked using the cold saucer test: just drop the jam on a cold saucer or plate, if it hardens, then it is time to remove the pan from the heat and pour its contents into sterile jars.

You can extend the life of delicious sea buckthorn jelly with the help of additional pasteurization of jars of jelly in a water bath.

Sea buckthorn jelly with grapes


  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1 kg;
  • grapes - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g.


Pass the sea buckthorn and grapes through a meat grinder or puree the berries with a blender. The resulting puree is squeezed through several layers of gauze so that at the exit we get pure juice without stones and skins. We mix the resulting juice with sugar, put the mixture on medium heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the base for our jelly thickens to the consistency of jelly.

While sea buckthorn is being boiled, we can sterilize the jars in any convenient way: in the oven, microwave or in the old fashioned way, in a water bath.

Pour the hot jelly into sterile jars and roll up the lids. Before putting the jars into storage, the jelly must be completely cool in the heat.

Sea buckthorn jelly without cooking

Since vitamins are easily destroyed during heat treatment, healthy sea buckthorn jelly should not be exposed to heat. Of course, keeping such a product all winter will be problematic, since a non-sterile product deteriorates much faster, but storing it in an airtight container in the cold will help keep the jelly fresh for a long time.

To prepare jelly according to this recipe, we, of course, need sea buckthorn and sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. Washed, peeled and dried berries are passed through a meat grinder, chopped with a blender or manually. The resulting mass is passed through several layers of gauze or nylon. The result will be a thick and pure juice with pulp, which will need to be mixed with sugar. Immediately after adding sugar, the mass will begin to gel due to sea buckthorn pectin. The process will become noticeable after 3-4 hours, when the berry juice turns into a thick amber-colored mass. After that, the jelly can be poured into clean and dry jars or airtight containers.
