
Hot drinks with alcohol. Winter alcoholic drinks: recipes from different countries

Hot alcoholic drinks warm very well in the cold season. They are fragrant and pleasant in taste. The alcohol content is low and with moderate use they will not cause serious harm to health. But do not forget that daily use can lead to addiction and the transition to stronger alcohol. The composition should contain a minimum amount of alcohol and have a warming effect.

Actually, there is not very much alcohol in all of them and the degree is low, but these drinks warm up much better than regular tea or coffee.

A bit of history

Hot drinks containing alcohol have been consumed since ancient times. They were especially popular in regions with a harsh climate.

When it's cold, slushy, damp outside, it's time for hot drinks prepared on the basis of alcohol.

They served as a means of warming and preventing colds.

  • Many references to hot alcohol have been preserved in the recipe books of the ancient Roman culinary specialist Apicius. It was the Romans who first began to prepare mulled wine, which they called "flaming wine."
  • Grog was very popular among English sailors. It was prepared very simply - dark rum was mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 4. Over time, the recipe began to change. Instead of rum, they began to pour vodka or cognac. To give a more refined taste and aroma, put lemon, honey, various seasonings.
  • In Russia, sbiten was used in ancient times. It was obtained by fermenting hops, honey and water. Added spices, berries, medicinal herbs. After the mixture had fermented, it was filtered and hot water was added. This process was quite laborious, so now the technology has changed. Instead of a long fermentation, wine, rum or cognac were added to obtain degrees. The main and unchanged component is honey, which goes well with herbs and spices. Sbiten has a pleasant taste and is an excellent warming agent.

Over the years, such drinks have improved, the technology of preparation and ingredients have changed. Although some of them remained in their original form with minimal changes in the recipe.

Modern hot drinks with alcohol content

Nowadays, alcoholic beverages are made in a huge assortment. Hot cocktails have not lost their popularity either. Their composition is so diverse that it can lead to confusion. It is worth remembering that alcohol abuse can lead to addiction and serious health problems.

Hot spicy mulled wine based on red wine

Translated from German, it means hot or flaming wine. It can be found in almost every country. The composition may differ depending on national culinary traditions.

The main component is dry or semi-dry red wine. But in Germany they add a small amount of rum to it, and in England - gin. In some countries, white wine is used instead of red wine.

The wine is boiled together with spices and sugar. Fruits are usually added - apples, oranges, and prunes may also be present. As spices use cloves, cinnamon, star anise. Honey is used to impart medicinal properties.

Apple cocktail with Calvados
First appeared in France. It is produced by distillation of apple cider. The composition includes Calvados, apple juice and ginger.

Fragrant cocktail is served in transparent glasses. It should be hot, but not burnt.

You can drink it with fruits, especially apples and pears emphasize the taste.

Traditionally, in classic grog, instead of cognac, there is rum, plus a little more spice for flavor.

Vice-Admiral of the British Navy Edward Vernon was the first to prepare grog. To save money, he began to give his sailors rum diluted with water. The resulting drinks were light and did not burn. Sailors liked this, and grog became very popular.

Cinnamon, cloves, ginger are used as spices. They are added with lemon juice to strong alcoholic drinks. Sometimes milk is included in the recipe, it softens the burning properties of the cocktail. You can add honey, which will make it more useful.

The punch recipe has many variations. Any alcoholic beverages can serve as the basis. They are heated to 60-70 degrees, so the taste properties are not violated.

Juice from citrus fruits - orange or lemon - must be present. Fruits are added to taste. It can be apples, oranges, grapes or peaches. For sweetness put honey or sugar. Spices are added at will, cinnamon is more often used. Punch is served with fruit in a large bowl.

To make Irish Coffee, you need...

The combination of coffee and cognac is difficult to surprise anyone. But if you add some components, then the taste will be completely different.

If you replace cognac with Irish whiskey, add sugar and whipped cream, you get a great composition. Such drinks perfectly warm and invigorate. Cold cream combined with scalding coffee make the drink unusual.

For the first time, Irish coffee began to be prepared in Ireland to warm up from the cold of the winter, but even now they are very popular. It should be used with caution in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Favorite drink of the Spaniards. At what they drink it at any time of the year. In summer it is served chilled, and in winter it is slightly warmed up.

It is very easy to prepare, just mix the wine with spring water. Orange slices are added to enhance the taste. Cinnamon and cloves are used as spices.

Hot alcoholic cocktails made from sparkling wines are very tasty. Pairs well with lime and orange.

The recipe includes almost the same components as in mulled wine. But glegg is much sweeter due to the addition of raisins. To create an aroma and individual taste, fruits, spices, almonds are added.

Restaurants in Sweden and Denmark offer it in various interpretations. And on the street you can warm yourself with it anywhere, on the trays they pour glegg into ordinary plastic cups.

Cocktail "Old Tom"
Whiskey is combined with hot water, lemon juice and honey are added. Sometimes the recipe suggests putting cinnamon and lemon in boiling water, and then pouring alcohol.

Most often, such hot cocktails can be tasted in English cafes and restaurants.

Hot beer cocktail
The taste is quite specific, but gourmets appreciated its uniqueness. For cooking, you need light beer. According to the recipe, you need to beat eggs with sugar, add lemon and nutmeg. All this is combined with warmed beer, whipped cream is spread on top.

There are a huge number of recipes for making alcoholic hot cocktails at home. Choose for them only high-quality alcohol and the necessary products.

Hot drinks with alcohol - the benefits and harms

Alcoholic cocktails have a pleasant taste and aroma. A wide variety of recipes allows you to create original combinations. But is it worth treating them as the only way to keep warm in bad weather.

Beneficial features


  • Alcoholic cocktails are hazardous to health precisely because of the alcohol content. Even a small amount of it with regular use can lead to health problems and even alcoholism. Therefore, you need to drink in moderation and only on special occasions.
  • It is necessary to prepare alcoholic drinks only from high quality alcohol. Otherwise, instead of a warming and healing effect, you can get health problems.
  • Be careful with ready-made cocktails in the store. Their composition is difficult to verify and the quality may be questionable.

Hot drinks with alcohol have not lost their popularity for many centuries.

Hot drinks with alcohol content are good in moderation. And if you cook them in accordance with the recipe and do not use them often, then they can be a good tool for warming and preventing colds.

If there were no winter... We would not only not know about the cold and winter clothes, but we would never have tried the most beautiful invention that appeared in the north of Europe. It was in the snowy countries of the Old World that they first came up with the idea of ​​heating alcohol, and even adding mixtures of spices, fruits and honey to it to get a drink that awakens fire in the blood, gives strength and strengthens the spirit. This secret weapon helps in the fight against winter troops: cold, dullness and despondency.

Every nation that knows what a real winter is has invented its own special recipes for hot alcoholic drinks. Russia also boasts an original recipe, but we will tell you about it a little later.

Those who have never encountered winter strong drinks should take note that:

  • winter alcoholic drinks are never too strong, because after a certain dose, alcohol begins to play on the side of frost;
  • although alcohol is the basis of the drink, it does not play the main invigorating role in the cocktail;
  • it is better to drink a full mug of mulled wine than 50 grams of pure alcohol;
  • alcohol in winter drinks should never be brought to a boil;
  • the number and composition of ingredients for a winter hot cocktail is limited only by your taste and capabilities;
  • if you replace alcohol in a drink with a light syrup, then you can drink it to children, while the invigorating effect will remain;
  • it is better to drink hot drinks indoors, limit yourself to one serving on the street;
  • The main principle of a hot cocktail is to warm and invigorate, not to intoxicate.

mulled wine, gluwine

Basis: fruit and berry wine.

In terms of cooking technology, glögg is very similar to mulled wine, with one significant difference: it is heated twice, allowing it to brew for more than a day between heatings, while mulled wine is always drunk immediately.

Glögg recipes contain the following ingredients: ginger, raisins, almonds, cinnamon, cloves, lemon. The drink is usually served with gingerbread. And since the alcohol from the glögg evaporates during double heating and in a pause between them, it is customary to add syrup from sugar and a strong alcoholic drink to it, usually vodka or rum.


Base: hops and honey.

The honey drink sbitne has been known in Rus' for a very long time: it is mentioned in the annals of 1128. A hot mixture of honey, herbal infusion and hops was sold at all fairs from special knocked down samovars. Sbiten had an invigorating effect, warmed in any frost, cheered up.

The composition of the herbal infusion included St. John's wort and sage, seasoned sbiten with pepper and ginger. Sbiten remained a natural product, because even the alcoholic component was obtained as a result of yeast fermentation and the addition of hops. The canonical sbiten recipes are not easy to repeat, but this drink is still produced by private breweries today.

Puerto Rican coquito

Finally, we share the recipe for another cocktail. This drink is a traditional Christmas cocktail in Puerto Rico, and it is made from rum, egg yolks, coconut milk, condensed milk and spices (nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and ginger). You need to cook it in the usual way: warm up the rum with water, make a mixture of spices and additives separately and combine with a hot drink.

New Year's Eve creates a special holiday mood. Feel free to decorate it with delicious sensations too. And may you be warm and tasty this winter!

It's snowing... It's getting cold and the roads are covered... Now the only place where I can stretch my girlfriends for communication is the place where delicious warming drinks are served. But in order not to spend budgets on trips to various establishments, I found a better way, namely, to prepare these warming drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) at home, which I advise you. And how to do it, the secrets of cooking, I am ready to share right now!

So here's my list of the 10 best winter warming soft drinks and recipes for making them.

1. Hot chocolate


bring half a liter of milk to a boil, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and a bar of dark chocolate to it, breaking it into pieces and completely dissolving in hot milk.

2. Liquid strudel cocktail


mix together and heat (without boiling) green apple juice, one or two lime wedges, and 25 ml of cinnamon-flavored syrup. The cocktail is served in a tall glass garnished with green apple slices.

3. Orange Cranberry Punch


mix together and bring to a boil 3 cups orange and 3 cups cranberry juice, ¾ cup water, ½ tablespoon ground cinnamon, ½ tablespoon ground ginger and a little nutmeg. As soon as the punch boils, boil it for another 5 minutes over low heat. The cocktail is served in glass mugs garnished with frozen cranberries, mint leaves and orange slices.

4. Non-alcoholic strawberry Mojito cocktail


Mash 10 g of mint together with 2 lime slices, add 20 ml. mint syrup and strawberry puree, 150 ml of water. Heat the resulting mixture without boiling. Strain the cocktail through cheesecloth. The cocktail is served in a glass garnished with a mint leaf.

5. Sbiten


boil 5 liters of water, then gradually add 500 g of honey, 700 g of sugar syrup in water and spices to taste (mint, cinnamon, cloves, etc.). Boil the mixture for 30 minutes. Sbiten is served in a large cup, like tea.

6. Mulled wine


warm, without bringing to a boil (mandatory condition!) dry red wine, add to taste, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon and a tablespoon of sugar.

7. Grog


boil 1 - 2 cups of water, add a similar amount of vodka (can be replaced with cognac or rum to taste) and 200 g of sugar. Boil for 5 minutes over low heat. Add strained strong tea and a glass of warm vodka to the resulting mixture. Stir and enjoy!

8. Rum hot chocolate


mix 25 ml of rum and 125 ml of hot freshly brewed cocoa, decorate the cocktail with grated chocolate and whipped cream.

9. Cider


boil for a couple of minutes over low heat 1 liter of apple cider, juice of two or three oranges, a couple of clove buds, 2 bay leaves, slices of one orange and a tablespoon of honey. Serve after straining through cheesecloth.

10. Punch


heat 0.5 l of rum, 300 ml of cognac, 300 ml of tincture, 0.7 l of hot water, juice of 6 lemons, 100 ml of sugar dissolved in water and a tablespoon of grated ginger. The resulting cocktail can be sprinkled with grated nutmeg.

And most importantly - do not get sick! Have a nice time at home with a cup of fragrant warming drink!

With the onset of cold weather, chilled drinks are replaced by warming ones. The Russian people are used to warming the soul and body with vodka, but doctors say that this does not save from the cold: after a temporary expansion of blood vessels, the opposite effect occurs, fraught with frostbite and more tragic consequences.

Meanwhile, there are many recipes for really warming drinks, where a small amount of alcohol, coupled with other healthy ingredients, serves as an effective and even tasty prophylactic against colds.

Translated from German - red-hot (hot) wine. But the main highlight of the drink is not heating, but the addition of an abundant amount of all kinds of spices that have a beneficial effect on the body. Most popular in the countries of Northern and Central Europe. An example is the simplest classic recipe.


  • Dry red wine - 1 bottle.
  • Water - 0.3 liters.
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon.
  • Nutmeg - 1 piece.
  • Carnation - 6 buds.


  1. Mix all the ingredients (except sugar) in an enamel pan.
  2. Heat the drink without boiling. Then strain and add sugar. Mix.
  3. Pour mulled wine into mugs, drink hot.

The drink was invented by English sailors and quickly spread throughout Europe.


  • Vodka (, rum) - 2.5 cups.
  • Water - 2 glasses.
  • Strong black tea - 0.5 cups.
  • Sugar - 250 grams.


  1. Boil water, add two glasses of alcohol and sugar to it.
  2. Boil the mixture for five minutes over low heat.
  3. Pour the rest of the alcohol and tea into the resulting syrup. Since the drink is very strong, you should drink it carefully.

The drink got its name from the Sanskrit "panchan", meaning "five". Initially, the drink consisted of five components: hot water, rum, tea, sugar and lemon juice. Then there were many more recipes, other components were added.


  • Rum - 0.5 liters.
  • - 0.3 liters.
  • Berry tincture (preferably cherry) - 0.3 liters.
  • Water - 0.7 liters.
  • Sugar syrup - 0.1 liters.
  • Lemons - 6 pieces.
  • Ginger and nutmeg (grated) - one tablespoon each.


  1. Pour juice squeezed from lemons into a heated ceramic dish, add sugar syrup and ginger.
  2. While stirring the mixture over low heat, add all the alcohol and water to it.
  3. Heat the mixture well, but do not boil. Pour into cups and sprinkle with nutmeg.

Bombardino (Bombardino)

This drink is most popular in the ski resorts of Northern Italy.


  • Brandy - 100 grams.
  • Egg liqueur - 100 grams.
  • whipped cream - 1 glass.


  1. Heat the egg liqueur on the stove.
  2. Pour liqueur and brandy into a glass of Irish.
  3. Stir and garnish with whipped cream.

The name of the drink comes from the Latin “Sicera” (“intoxicating drink”), but the French dispute the primacy of its invention and call it “Cidre”. In Germany, it is known as "Apfelwein" - "apple wine".


  • Apple cider - 1 liter.
  • Oranges - 4 pieces.
  • Carnation - 7 buds.
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces.


  1. Pour the cider and squeezed juice from three oranges into a saucepan, add honey, cloves, bay leaves and a chopped fourth orange.
  2. While stirring, cook over low heat for a few minutes. Do not bring to a boil.
  3. Strain and serve in tall glasses.

Japanese jasmine sake


  • Sake - 100 milliliters.
  • Jasmine tea - up to 100 milliliters.
  • Lemon - 1 piece.
  • Cane sugar - 2 cubes.


  1. Wash the lemon. Rub sugar cubes on it so that they absorb the essential oils of the zest.
  2. Heat sake, add sugar and stir.
  3. Pour sake into a mug and top up with freshly brewed jasmine tea.

Romfastian (Rumfustian)

At one time, English athletes warmed up with a drink. The recipe dates from 1862.

Composition of raw materials:

  • El - 1 liter.
  • Sherry - 0.7 liters.
  • Gin - 0.5 liters.
  • Chicken eggs - 12 pieces.
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick.
  • Grated nutmeg - 1 piece.
  • Sugar - 12 tablespoons.
  • Lemon - 1 piece.


  1. Separate the yolks and beat them. Add to ale and gin.
  2. Pour the sherry into a saucepan and add the nutmeg, cinnamon, lemon zest and sugar. Boil.
  3. Mix both mixtures. Drink hot.

Negus (Negus)

This is one of the oldest warming drinks. Invented at the beginning of the 18th century by the famous English colonel Francis Negus, an expert in heraldry.


  • Port wine - 0.7 liters.
  • Water - 1 glass.
  • Lemon - 1 piece.
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons.


  1. Cut the zest from the lemon, barely touching the white skin.
  2. Place the zest in a saucepan and add the squeezed lemon juice, port and sugar.
  3. Stirring constantly, heat over low heat until sugar dissolves.
  4. Add a glass of boiling water and strain. Drink hot.

In order for people not only to keep warm in winter, but also to enjoy it, hot alcoholic drinks were invented a long time ago. Actually, there is not a lot of alcohol in all of them and the degree is small, but these drinks warm up much better than regular tea or coffee. However, in order not to grab a drink that you don’t like, it’s better to figure everything out in advance. For example, what is the difference between mulled wine and punch, and both of them - from glegg? What drinks did the cunning French come up with, and what will please lovers of a higher degree

Mulled wine This is the most famous and popular of the hot alcoholic drinks, which is prepared almost everywhere in winter with minor national differences. Mulled wine is red wine boiled with sugar and spices; very often fruits are added there. It appeared in the Middle Ages in Europe, was originally made on the basis of Bordeaux and claret. Now red dry and semi-dry wines are used for preparation. Mulled wine is prepared in winter in almost all European countries, sold from stalls at Christmas markets, and in many cities such stalls are open from December to February - you can have a glass, stopping for a minute on the street. However, there are slight differences between countries. For example, in Germany, a little rum and agave syrup are added to wine, in England - gin, honey and rosehip syrup. There is even white mulled wine for those who do not like red wine.

Apple cocktail with Calvados In France, there are many original drinks that are produced only in this country, and Calvados is one of them. It is obtained by distilling apple cider, and with the onset of the cold season in Normandy, they begin to prepare a hot cocktail based on Calvados. No wonder they make it here! The classic local recipe calls for calvados, apple juice and ginger. The mixture should be quite hot, but not scalding, and is usually served in clear glasses. This is a fragrant, warming and very healthy drink.

Grog A spiced rum diluted with water was invented by Edward Vernon, nicknamed Old Grog, Vice-Admiral of the British Navy, back in the 18th century. In order to save money, he ordered the sailors to distribute rum diluted with hot or cold water, and the crew suddenly liked it. The drink took root, over time, spices were added there, and now it is one of the most popular hot cocktails. Grog is a quick and easy-to-make winter drink, since you don’t need much spices here (usually cinnamon, ginger and cloves, and even that is optional), you need only strong alcohol and lemon juice. Sometimes milk, honey or coffee infusion is added and the resulting drink is served in porcelain cups. Traditional rum-based grog is served either in Irish coffee glasses or in warmed glasses with glass holders.

Hot beer cocktail In the north of Europe, mainly in Germany, Poland and Sweden, they came up with a drink with hot beer. Its taste is rather peculiar, although this does not negate the warming properties. Beer is a tricky thing, and you have to be very careful when heating it, so the recipe for "hot beer" also includes eggs, sugar, and lemon, plus a little nutmeg. Light wheat beer is used for preparation. Sometimes there is also a “dark” version - then brandy and coffee liqueur are added to the beer. To complete the picture and an interesting combination of flavors, whipped cream is also added on top. This cocktail is a must-try if you see it on the menu! Mulled wine is sold on every corner, and such exotics are prepared only for true gourmets.

Punch A cheerful collective drink that is so pleasant to prepare for a large company. Now this name is collective: if in England, which got the idea of ​​punch in colonial India, it is still a drink with rum, then, for example, in Germany, punch is usually called a mixture of fruit juices with spices and the addition of wine or liquor. Everyone agrees on one thing: fruit must be present in a punch. Usually these are apples, lemons, oranges, pears. Prone to originality, the French add melon, strawberries and bourbon vanilla to their version of punch.

Cocktail "Old Tom" It's time to warm up those who prefer whiskey. The Old Tom cocktail is very fond of conservative Englishmen: apparently, the name and composition resemble the patriarchal atmosphere of closed clubs, the soft light of table lamps and the invariable cigar smoking in an ashtray. The composition includes whiskey, water (it must be hot), honey and a little lemon juice. It also happens that cinnamon stick and cloves are first boiled in boiling water, and then whiskey, sugar, lemon and honey are added. A couple of lemon slices must be put in the glass itself. You will not find this cocktail at street vendors, but in most cafes it is served quite often in winter.

Irish coffee Invented over a hundred years ago in Ireland, Irish coffee is made up of hot black coffee, Irish whiskey, brown sugar and whipped cream. According to the main version, its author is the bartender of the Irish Shannon International Airport, Joseph Sheridan, who figured out adding whiskey to the coffee of frozen Americans and called this mixture Irish coffee. The highlight of this cocktail is not only the contrast of coffee and whiskey, but also the combination of a hot drink and cold whipped cream.

Hot chocolate with rum The sweetest drink is, of course, hot chocolate. And if you add rum to it, as they do in winter in many European countries, then it turns into an incredibly warming one. Sometimes not thick hot chocolate is used for cooking, but cocoa, but this does not interfere with the taste. To prepare the drink, you need dark Cuban or Jamaican rum, from the Dominican Republic it is also suitable. Vanilla, grated coconut, or even chili peppers are sometimes added for flavor. It happens that rum is replaced by liquor or vodka (then the drink, like many mixtures with vodka, is called "Russian" - we are not forgotten in Europe). In addition to being warming, this drink is also highly nutritious and will keep you going until your next meal.

Glegg This Scandinavian version of mulled wine is definitely worth a try in Sweden, Denmark or Norway. It resembles the German version, but tastes much sweeter due to the addition of raisins to the wine. The recipe also includes apples, lemon, cloves, cinnamon and almonds. In Denmark, ginger is added to this, and Sweden generally pours vodka and pours cardamom into it. The result is warm for a long time. To make the taste experience even better, it is recommended to have a bite of gingerbread cookies, oranges and tangerines. In cafes and restaurants, it is served in glasses and glasses, on the street it is poured into simple plastic cups and cooked in vats. And according to the tradition of glegg, you must first smell it, inhaling the aroma deeply, and then drink it.

Hot French wine Vin chaud is a specific French version of mulled wine, which is served on special occasions. This is the gourmet's favorite when it comes to winter cocktails. It is served in glasses, lemon oil, Provencal rosemary and almonds are added to the heated wine. The traditional components of mulled wine - all these citrus fruits, apples, cinnamon, cloves, ginger - are not welcome: it is believed that they will spoil the noble taste of the drink. But families and simpler restaurants do not hesitate to add all this. In the south of France, you can’t do without an orange at all. In vain there are, perhaps, so many of them - the good does not disappear. And with orange, the wine becomes even more aromatic.
