
Gorloder with garlic is a hearty snack for a holiday and for every day. Interesting recipes for cooking gorloder with garlic from a professional

Tomato gorloder is a very spicy spicy condiment that can include garlic, horseradish root, hot peppers (this option is for fire eaters), sweet peppers, vinegar, ground peppers, apples, and even plums.

It is prepared for the winter from both red and green tomatoes. The ingredients are ground either with a blender or passed through a meat grinder. Less often - when there are no kitchen devices at hand - they rub on a grater.

The most popular gorloder recipe is made from tomato, garlic and horseradish. Such a seasoning is stored without problems for several months in the refrigerator; neither vinegar nor citric acid needs to be added to it.

Tomatoes and chopped horseradish root will be a natural preservative. Spicy seasoning is great for meat dishes, it can be served with fish or spread on bread in a small amount.


  • ripe fleshy tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • horseradish root - 10-12 cm;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • table salt - to taste.

How to cook tomato gorloder with garlic and horseradish

Tomatoes are best taken fully ripe, fleshy, so that the seasoning does not turn out watery. We wash, remove the branches. If there is damage on the skin - cut off. The skin does not need to be removed, it is not felt in the finished seasoning.

Cut the tomatoes into slices or large pieces. We scrape the horseradish root with a knife, peeling off the skin. We cut into pieces. We clean the garlic cloves.

We pass through the meat grinder first the tomatoes, then the garlic and lastly the horseradish. Hard fibers of horseradish will push out the tomato pulp, clean the screw and the meat grinder knife.

Mix the chopped vegetables with a spoon. If the seasoning turned out to be too watery, the excess liquid can be drained, but not poured out, but added to adjika or tomato sauce. Salt to taste.

Let the seasoning sit for a few minutes to dissolve the salt. Then we lay out in clean sterilized jars and twist the lids.

We remove the seasoning for storage in the refrigerator or take it out to a cold cellar, basement. If the proportions and storage conditions are observed, horloder can be stored for several months. Good luck with your preparations!

To make a delicious gorloder, you will need not only high-quality vegetables, but also a blender or a meat grinder. If there are no tools at hand, a regular sieve or grater will do. For different housewives, the product is prepared from a tomato with or without skin. The difference is only in the obtained, more delicate texture in the second version.

Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for a couple of minutes, after which the skin can be easily removed from the fruit. Do not forget to remove the stalks, and you can start cooking. Gorloder is prepared in two ways: without heat treatment (can only be stored in the refrigerator) and boiled (can be stored in sterilized jars for up to 3 years.). It is very important to follow the sterilization rules when processing jars over steam, in an oven, or in another convenient way.

Traditional winter recipe

It is prepared from the following products:

1 kg of ripe, juicy tomatoes;
- 6-7 garlic cloves;
- 1 teaspoon (7 grams) of salt.

Peel the skin off the tomatoes. Together with garlic, skip all the tomatoes through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. The hostesses claim that in the consistency that is obtained after a meat grinder, the gorloder is much tastier.

Mix well the resulting mass with salt. In the process, you need to try whether the dish turned out to be salty enough, adding more salt if necessary. To bring down the aftertaste after each sample, eat a small piece of black bread. Gorloder may not seem salty when you first taste it, but feel free to add more! The workpiece must stand at room conditions for at least 30 minutes, then all components will evenly disperse in it.

Pour the mass into sterilized jars, roll up and put in the basement or in the refrigerator.

Gorloder from tomato for the winter with bell pepper

We will add other ingredients to the traditional recipe and this is what we get:

3 kg tomato;
- 1.4 kg of bell pepper;
- 3 hot, hot peppercorns;
- 400 grams of garlic;
- 40 grams of salt.

This dish has a surprisingly bright, beautiful shade and unique taste. But it is important to use red, ripe peppers.

Wash all the vegetables, peel the tomatoes and remove the pits from the peppers. Pass everything together through a meat grinder, add salt and mix. Garlic can also be passed through a meat grinder or finely chopped with a knife, added to the tomato mass.

If the tomatoes are sour, not sugary enough, then you can add a tablespoon of sugar to the gorloder. Leave the mass to brew overnight in the refrigerator. You should not keep more than 12 hours, as the taste begins to deteriorate. Pour the horloder into sterilized jars. A little secret: since horseradish is not added to the product, mold can form on the surface. Pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil into the jar under the lid to prevent this. The second option is to sprinkle the surface of the horloder in a jar with a thin layer of mustard powder.

Remove the finished blockage in the basement or in the refrigerator for the winter.

"Lady's" gorloder from tomato with apples

The recipe got its name due to the lighter taste compared to the classic version. But this does not mean at all that men will not appreciate it: as practice shows, the finished dish is tucked into both cheeks. It will require the following ingredients:

3 kg of tomatoes;
- 1 kg of apples;
- 1 kg of carrots;
- 1 kg of bell pepper;
- 550 grams of garlic;
- 5 chili peppers;
- 50 grams of salt;
- 30 grams of table vinegar;
- 200 ml of vegetable oil.

Wash and clean all the vegetables used, remove the skin from the apples too. Grind everything and turn into a homogeneous mass in a blender or with a meat grinder. Put the mass on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for another 40 minutes. A foam will form on top, which must be carefully removed.

Add salt, mix well and cook for another 10 minutes. At the end, add the garlic, cut into small pieces with a knife.

Lastly, add vinegar and vegetable oil. As soon as the mixture boils, stir, cook for 2 minutes and immediately pour into sterilized jars. Roll up the blockage with lids, store for the whole winter.

Gorloder with plums

1 kg of ripe sweet plums;
- 1 kg tomato;
- 400 grams of garlic;
- 200 grams of horseradish;
- 50 grams of salt;
- 50 grams of apple cider vinegar.

Wash all the vegetables, peel the plums, peel the tomatoes and remove the stalks. Grind everything together with garlic, passing through a meat grinder. Put the plum-tomato mass on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for another 15 minutes. Salt, stir well and remove from heat.

When the sauce becomes cold, pour vinegar and chopped horseradish into it. Mix and arrange the snack in prepared sterile jars. Roll up and store in the basement or in the refrigerator. An appetizing snack for barbecue or other dishes for the winter is ready!


Gorloder with garlic for the winter- This is a simple folk snack, which includes garlic and tomatoes. Massively it began to be made back in the 70s of the last century in the USSR as a homemade product. Unfortunately, such an appetizer is not prepared in other countries, even in those where there are a lot of tomatoes. Classic gorloder includes three main components: salt, garlic cloves and tomatoes. The ratio of these products is better to choose according to your taste. Approximate proportions - a pinch of salt, one tomato and one garlic clove. However, everything needs to be tasted. You may need to add more of something and less of something.

Gorloder with garlic: a recipe for the winter

Remove the peel from the tomatoes first. However, this step can be skipped, it is not mandatory. Chop vegetables. It doesn't really matter which way you do it. You can use a blender, food processor, meat grinder, etc. Even a simple kitchen grater will do. You can prepare a horloder even if you don’t have any special tools for slicing at hand. Just crush the fruit with a knife and knead with your hands. Crush the garlic with a garlic press, twist. Separately chop all the necessary vegetables, put garlic in tomato puree, mix thoroughly. Taste and adjust to desired taste. When you try a snack for the first time, it should be slightly undersalted. So it should be, after stirring, the pieces of garlic and salt will disperse throughout the mass and the appetizer will turn out what you need! For a sample, you can have a bite of black bread - it will remove the aftertaste.

The snack should be infused for about a day in the refrigerator. Only then can it be eaten. Previously, an appetizer was prepared exclusively for the future. Now you can eat it right away, serving it for dinner.

It turns out very piquant. It has some cooking features, so we recommend that you consider them.

Gorloder with garlic - a delicious recipe for the winter


Kilogram of tomatoes
- garlic cloves - 7 pcs.
- salt - ? tsp


Cut the tomatoes into quarters and chop them with an immersion blender. Garlic can be processed through a garlic press. Very high quality you can process vegetables through a meat grinder. The only drawback of such methods is the disassembly and assembly of equipment, as well as its washing. However, if you are preparing a snack in large volumes, then a meat grinder is best to use. The second place in terms of grinding quality is occupied by a blender. The only drawback of this method is that garlic is poorly chopped. Last but not least, use a stationary blender. And the thing is that he grinds the mass to the state of a foamy cocktail or puree. Garlic is best crushed separately. The main principle is the smaller the better.

The last stage is bringing the appetizer to taste. To do this is quite simple. First you need to add the minimum amount of salt and garlic, and then add what is missing to your taste. Remember that it is better to under-salt than over-salt.


Red tomatoes - ? kg
- sugar - half a teaspoon
- salt - 1.5 tsp
- garlic clove - 30 g
- horseradish root - 45 g

Additional components:

Refined vegetable oil - 220 ml
- sweet pepper - 200 g
- carrot - 195 g
- a large spoonful of vinegar

How to cook:

It is better to select only red tomatoes for gorloder. Roots should only be young. If you took loose and yellow roots, then you need to take only the middle part of them. The amount of horseradish may be more than indicated in the recipe, or less. Here you need to focus on your own taste preferences.

Prepare the tomatoes: wash the tomatoes, peel the garlic and horseradish. Put garlic cloves and tomatoes in a blender, grind. Rub on a grater or twist with a meat grinder. In this case, put on a food bag on it, which must be tied around near the outlet. This little trick will keep you from crying. Stir the mixture thoroughly.

What is useful appetizer gorloder.

Horseradish root has been used in cooking and medicine since ancient times. It perfectly raises the immune system, helps a person cope with diseases of the respiratory tract, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you eat at least 10 g of seasoning per day, then you will significantly reduce your blood sugar levels. Horseradish roots contain even more vitamin C than lemons. Enriches the composition of the seasoning and garlic, which is also rich in vitamins.

How to cook garlic gorloder for the winter


Horseradish - 2 kg
- table vinegar, cool water - 400 g each
- large beets
- salt - 50 g
- garlic head - 2 pieces

How to cook:

After you have dug up the horseradish, wash it thoroughly with a brush. Separate the roots from the tops, pass through the juicer. This process should take place on the street, since horseradish is very irritating to the mucous membrane of the eyes. Using a blender, prepare beetroot puree. Pour water into a saucepan, boil, add salt and sugar, cool. Twist the peeled garlic cloves, mix with horseradish. As soon as the vinegar with water has reached room temperature, add the beet mass, salt, add sugar, stir, quickly spread over steamed jars.

How about exceptional?

How to make a gorloder with garlic for the winter.

Required components:

Tomatoes - 2.55 kg
- a head of garlic - 3 pieces
- a pod of hot pepper

- horseradish root - 195 g

Cooking steps:

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes to remove the peel, chop them in a blender. Scroll with a meat grinder and a pod of hot pepper. Grate the horseradish with the addition of garlic, let the resulting consistency stand for about an hour. Mix all the ingredients in the composition, salt and add a few pinches of sugar. The mass is perfectly preserved in banks. To do this, it is better to roll it up and store it in a cool dark place. If desired, the snack can be diversified - add sweet peppers, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, carrots, pulp of plums.

Gorloder of tomatoes with garlic for the winter.

Peel 500 g of garlic and hot pepper. Peel the bell peppers from the seed pods. Stir the “burning beauty”, put it in jars, cover with nylon lids and send it to be stored in this form in the cellar. You can safely store a snack throughout the year.

"Ladies" horloder.


Hot, sweet pepper - 1 kg each
- apples, carrots - 1 kg each
- tomatoes - 3 kg
- garlic cloves - 195 g
- vinegar essence - a couple of tablespoons (tablespoons)
- sugar, salt - 2.6 tbsp. l.


Wash the vegetables, peel, dip in a meat grinder and twist. You can also grind the mass in a combine. Chop the garlic cloves separately. Place the container on the stove, cook for about 40 minutes. Perhaps this process will take more time. Throw garlic cloves after 5 min. pour in the vinegar. Pour snack into jars.

Treat yourself and.

Green tomato gorloder with dill


Fresh dill - 50 g
- peeled horseradish root - 145 g
- green tomatoes - 1.45 kg
- garlic cloves - 135 g
- granulated sugar - 30 g
- salt - 45 g
- hot pepper - 30 g

How to cook:

Such a blank is prepared in a similar way as all the others. Wash the vegetables, peel the horseradish. Grind these products, combine with twisted garlic cloves, bring the mass to taste with spices and sugar. Be sure to add chopped dill, which will make the dish not only beautiful, but also very tasty. In addition, the snack will turn out to be more fortified.

Antonovka version.


A kilo of tomatoes
- horseradish root - 320 g
- garlic, bell pepper - 295 g each
- antonovka - 295 g
- sugar with salt - to your own taste


Rinse all indicated vegetables. Lightly dry them, and then send them to a meat grinder, salt, sugar to taste. Antonovka also needs to be crushed. Horseradish must be handled exclusively with gloves, otherwise tears cannot be avoided.

Gorloder is a favorite snack of Russian women and men. The strong half of humanity prefers more spicy and spicy options, but women love snacks with the addition of apples, carrots and beets. We even included a special “female recipe” in our selection. When preparing a spicy workpiece, be guided only by your own taste. You can serve the dish with pasta, porridge, fish, etc.

Many people make preparations for the winter from tomatoes and grated horseradish with garlic - gorloder or horseradish, they call it differently. This hot sauce usually keeps well in the refrigerator or cold cellar until next year.

Today I propose to slightly modify the usual composition by adding hot pepper - it additionally acts as a preservative and adds spice to the sauce. Therefore, in this case, you can put a little less garlic and horseradish than in a regular gorloder.

The proportions I give are very approximate - adjust the composition to your taste. The main thing is that you won’t be able to put a little salt if you want to store the workpiece longer. Therefore, the sauce always turns out to be slightly salty, but this is quite acceptable, because. they eat it in small portions with brown bread, spreading it with a thin layer, or serve it with boiled, baked or fried meat, game, poultry.

Ingredients for making gorloder with horseradish, garlic and hot peppers (without vinegar) take from the list.

Prepare vegetables for chopping in a food processor or meat grinder: peel garlic and horseradish roots, coarsely chop ripe tomatoes.

Horseradish, too, try to cut smaller - so it is easier and better chopped.

Cut hot pepper. If you want a softer taste of the sauce, remove the seeds from it.

Now put alternately prepared foods into the chopper bowl, taking a little of everything: garlic, pepper, tomatoes, horseradish. This will make the sauce more homogeneous.

Start the combine first at low speed, then increase the speed to the desired degree of crushing.

Place the resulting mixture in a saucepan or basin and add salt. Mix well with a wooden spatula, leave for a while - until the salt is completely dissolved, stir occasionally.

When the sauce is infused and the salt is completely dissolved, transfer the gorloder with horseradish, garlic and hot peppers to clean, sterilized jars, close the lids, you can use plastic, and immediately put them in a cold place. That's all! Cook the meat and generously season it with the prepared sauce! Bon appetit!
