
Dark chocolate: benefits and harms to human health. Benefits of Dark Bitter Chocolate

The recipe for making a drink from crushed cocoa beans and water has been known for over 3,000 years. Its rich history goes back to the time of the birth of ancient Indian civilizations. Although then not everyone could drink a magic potion. Chocolate delicacy endowed with extraordinary magical properties. Therefore, the honor of tasting the ancient drink was given only to especially revered persons - priests, tribal leaders, etc.

The fruits of the cocoa tree were also highly valued. For a long time they served the Indians as currency. For example, a slave was sold for a hundred beans, a rabbit cost 10 beans. There are even cases of counterfeiting such unusual money.

All this time, cocoa beans were consumed in the form of a drink. The first chocolate bar appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. Since then, the sweet dessert has not lost its popularity, and its preparation options are already in the thousands.

Criteria for choosing chocolate

Modern store counters delight with an abundance of various varieties of chocolate. However, this variety easily confuses the inexperienced buyer. What to pay close attention to before purchasing a sweet tile?

  • Compound. In a good product, all ingredients must be natural. The content of various substitutes, trans fats and flavors indicates the low quality of the product. The composition of high-quality chocolate: 1st place - cocoa mass (55% or more, optimal - 72%), 2nd place - cocoa butter (30% or less), 3rd place - sugar. The addition of lecithin emulsifier is acceptable.
  • Best before date. Natural chocolate cannot be stored for a long time. If the manufacturer promises the safety of his product for a year, you should think about whether you need to make such a purchase.
  • Compliance with GOST. A mark of compliance with all manufacturing standards should be on the label.
  • Variety. Of all the options for sweets, only dark chocolate can be considered real. It is he who is the most useful and most close to the original recipe of the ancient delicacy.

Useful properties of dark chocolate

Known since ancient times, the benefits of dark chocolate are explained by the richest composition of the main ingredient - cocoa beans. They contain about three hundred minerals and other useful substances - a whole vitamin complex:

  • amino acids- soothe, relax, improve emotional mood, stabilize sleep;
  • antioxidants- improve metabolic processes and the functioning of the cardiovascular system, free cells from free radicals, normalize cholesterol levels;
  • theobromine- improves heart function;
  • tannins- have antidiarrheal and hemostatic properties;
  • magnesium- protects against depression, increases the body's immune forces, strengthens memory;
  • tryptophan- Dealing with stressful situations.

In the journal " Basic Research» for 2014 (No. 7), the results of a scientific work on the study of the effect of dark chocolate on the emotional state of patients were published. As a result of research, it has been convincingly proven that drinking 20 g of dark chocolate (72% cocoa) daily for 3 months significantly reduces signs of anxiety, anxiety, improves mood and general well-being, and increases resistance to stress.

The benefits of dark chocolate for women

Most women have a sweet tooth. There is an opinion that all sugar-containing products are unhealthy. However, a few slices of good chocolate will have an extremely positive effect:

  • stimulates mental activity by nourishing the brain;
  • antioxidants in the composition of the product prolong youth;
  • theobromine, present in dark chocolate, is useful for bronchopulmonary diseases, eliminates discomfort in the throat and cough with a cold that begins - it is enough to slowly dissolve a small slice;
  • calcium contained in the product strengthens bone tissue;
  • thanks to magnesium, it regulates and accelerates metabolism, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improves mood;
  • fluorine and phosphates have a positive effect on the condition of the teeth.

In addition, the unique composition of chocolate allows:

  • relieve PMS, reduce discomfort during menstruation;
  • reduce at times the likelihood of developing diabetes;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • protect against heart disease
  • normalize cholesterol levels;
  • minimize the production of cortisol (the stress hormone) while stimulating the production of endorphins (the hormone of joy);
  • improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • dull the feeling of hunger during the diet;
  • normalize blood pressure (30 g of chocolate daily can handle this).

Pregnant and lactating women chocolate should be used with caution. First, it is high in calories. Secondly, it can provoke an allergy. However, in small quantities, the delicacy does not hurt.

The use of chocolate in cosmetology gives amazing results: tones, tightens, heals and nourishes the skin. In addition, chocolate masks have a rejuvenating effect. And wraps instantly relieve excess volume and manifestations of cellulite.

The benefits of dark chocolate for men

The effect of chocolate on the male body has been carefully studied in Karolinska Medical Institute(Sweden). Scientists have proven:

  • improvement of blood parameters, which significantly reduces the risk of thrombosis and atherosclerotic formations;
  • reducing the risk of alcoholism - to achieve a significant effect, the body must receive a sufficient amount of salsolinol (one of the components of cocoa);
  • increased stress resistance and a general beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system - significantly improves the quality of life;
  • normalization of blood pressure and lowering cholesterol;
  • prevention of heart disease - the risk of stroke or heart attack is reduced by 15 percent with regular consumption of a hot chocolate drink (up to 50 ml per day);
  • the presence of a natural aphrodisiac in cocoa beans, which is able to restore potency, increase libido and increase the duration of sexual intercourse;
  • increasing the activity and viability of spermatozoa, as well as stimulating the production of testosterone due to zinc in chocolate.

The harm of dark chocolate and possible contraindications

Dark dark chocolate is considered the safest. The benefits and harms of this product are not comparable. Of course, moderate consumption of sweets will only benefit. However, there is a small risk of adverse health effects. What can be dangerous chocolate:

  • It is very tasty. Therefore, it is difficult to stop in time and not eat the whole tile at once. And such imprudent behavior entails very unpleasant consequences: weight gain, a rapid increase in blood sugar, insomnia, etc.
  • Cheap bars have nothing to do with real chocolate. But it is precisely them that children love so much for a colorful wrapper and a low price. Careless attitude to the composition of the products used can cause serious damage to health.
  • Uncontrolled consumption can increase the allergic reaction.

It is better to exclude chocolate from your diet in the presence of the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • urolithiasis (there is a possibility of formation of kidney stones);
  • migraine (possibly aggravation of the condition due to vasoconstriction);
  • allergy;
  • metabolic disease.

Interaction with drugs

British doctors have discovered and proven the ability of chocolate to enhance the effect of certain drugs used to eliminate inflammation, lower cholesterol and other purposes. Currently, on the basis of this discovery, fundamentally new drugs are being developed, consisting exclusively of natural ingredients. The expected effectiveness is 10-20 times higher than that of existing drugs.

It is not recommended to consume chocolate at the same time as taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors (antidepressants). In this case, a sharp increase in pressure is possible.

In other situations, the general rule should be taken into account: chocolate enhances the effect of stimulants and reduces (sometimes even neutralizes) the effect of sedatives and hypnotics.

Brief conclusions

For chocolate to bring only benefits, you need to follow simple principles:

  • Buy only a quality product from a trusted manufacturer.
  • Eat a moderate amount of sweets - 20-30 g per day is acceptable.
  • It is correct to eat - in small pieces, without chewing, allowing the delicacy to slowly melt in your mouth.
  • Consider calories.
  • Study the label carefully.

The carefully studied benefits and harms of dark chocolate allow lovers of delicacy to draw the right conclusions and eliminate errors in the use of this most valuable product. Given the information received, you can pamper yourself with your favorite treat without harm to the body.


For the most part, according to statistics, the weaker sex prefers milk chocolate. In extreme cases, white or porous. But bitter, with its natural bitterness in taste, is welcomed by few people. But in vain. After all, the benefits of bitter natural chocolate are really significant, while milk chocolate is none at all, except for dubious pleasure. Why is dark chocolate so useful for a woman, and can it harm?

Bitter chocolate: composition optimal for healthy use

Each type of chocolate has its own method of preparation and composition, ranging from the amount of cocoa to the taste properties. As for dark chocolate, it is made on the basis of a certain combination of cocoa and powdered sugar. Moreover, the more cocoa, the richer the bitterness. Ideal option - 72 percent cocoa of excellent quality . In bitter quality chocolate, you will never you will not feel a sour taste and will not find toppings or nuts .

Why dark chocolate is good for women - the benefits of dark chocolate

This type of chocolate is really very good for health in general and for specific purposes, but with one caveat - you should use it a little bit. That is, no more than 25 g per day (quarter of a tile) . Then the effect will really only be positive. So what's the use?

  • Brain nutrition and mental stimulation, thanks to the phosphorus in the composition. Useful for knowledge workers, will not interfere with writers for inspiration.
  • , contributing to a more efficient functioning of the digestive tract, thanks to magnesium.
  • Strengthening of bones(calcium).
  • Teeth strengthening thanks to fluorine and phosphates.
  • Sore throat treatment, when sucking pieces of dark chocolate.
  • Mood boost. No matter how skeptical everyone is about this fact (they say, all these fairy tales are invented by women), but this is really a fact. It is bitter natural chocolate that is able to pull a woman out of spleen, thanks to such an antidepressant as magnesium.
  • PMS Relief. Such an "analgesic" as a 25-gram piece of chocolate can significantly alleviate the usual symptoms.
  • Youth extension. Say, again a fairy tale? Nothing like this. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that can slow down the aging process. The main thing is not to overdo it. Enough daily allowance, on a regular basis.
  • Prevention of vascular and cardiac diseases.
  • Normalization of cholesterol content.
  • Normalization of pressure with excess weight.
  • An increase in the body of such a property as digestion of sugar in food due to flavonoids. Which, in turn, strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation and prevent the appearance of blood clots, neutralizing "free radicals".
  • Reduction of inflammatory processes(level of C-reactive protein).
  • Decreased production of cortisol, stress hormone.

The harm of bitter chocolate for the female body - what is harmful bitter chocolate

Common consumption of chocolate not recommended for children and adults with metabolic disorders, diabetes etc. But, as a rule, these recommendations relate to milk, white and other types of chocolate. Bitter chocolate can harm only if you use it above the specified norm. But is it so perfect, this dark chocolate? When does it become harmful?

  • You should not get carried away with chocolate for those who are periodically tormented by migraine attacks . The tannin in chocolate is a vasoconstrictor.
  • Low-grade dark chocolate can lead to an exacerbation (and appearance) of gastritis.
  • Too much dark chocolate can cause dizziness , insomnia and allergic reaction.
  • Considering (although, in comparison with other types of chocolate, it is very low), excessive consumption of dark chocolate contributes to the appearance of extra centimeters at the waist .

How to identify quality dark chocolate - important tips for choosing chocolate

People are used to thinking that chocolate does not bring any benefit. Spoiled teeth and figure, high blood pressure and blood sugar - an incomplete list of what they fear when eating any treat. Such statements have nothing to do with dark chocolate. You can eat it at least every day, and this will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, brain function, nervous system, and even improve the figure. To achieve such results, it is necessary to choose the right delicious tiles and adhere to the permissible norm.


Vitamin and mineral composition of dark chocolate

Unlike most sweets, even people with diabetes, obesity, and metabolic disorders can consume dark chocolate. The benefit of the product is in the ability to normalize metabolic processes. Not only will it not aggravate the situation, on the contrary, it will help to cope with the problem. The vitamins and minerals contained in the delicacy have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole:

  1. Vitamin E, present in dark chocolate, is called the "vitamin of youth". It maintains the beauty and elasticity of the skin, normalizes the production of hormones. The action of tocopherol is equated with the action of progesterone, which is important for the female reproductive system.
  2. Vitamin B2 is necessary to maintain visual acuity, is involved in almost all chemical processes in the body. Without it, the production of red blood cells is impossible.
  3. Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) is an essential component in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, it “cleanses” blood vessels and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  4. Magnesium improves efficiency, improves brain processes: attention and memory. Together with potassium, which is also sufficiently contained in chocolate, it is involved in ensuring the full functioning of the heart muscle.
  5. Iron prevents the development of anemia, relieves its symptoms: dizziness, darkening of the eyes, pallor.
  6. Fluorine and calcium help strengthen bones, nails, teeth. Dark chocolate is an excellent tasty prevention of osteoporosis.

A piece of dark delicacy is able to restore strength, energize. All the useful substances included in its composition are absorbed by the body quickly and in full.

Useful properties of dark chocolate

The properties of dark chocolate are associated with a high content of cocoa beans, which contain flavonoids. These are a kind of antioxidants that prevent the development of many vascular diseases, have a rejuvenating effect on the body as a whole, and regulate hormone levels.

Cocoa fruits have antimicrobial and antibacterial effects, help prevent oral diseases, plaque formation, and relieve bleeding gums. How prophylaxis is used in official medicine to prevent the development of atherosclerosis and anemia.

Contains theobromine, an analogue of caffeine, involved in the production of the “hormone of happiness”, endorphin. Flavonoids contribute to the activation of the production of nitric oxide, which improves blood flow, including cerebral. Catechin protects tissues from the effects of free radicals. This prevents the development of cancer cells, protects the heart and blood vessels from diseases.

Nutritional value of dark chocolate

Video: Nutritionist about the beneficial properties of dark chocolate

Application of chocolate

Nutritionists have developed a special diet based on dark chocolate. It lasts from one to three days and is designed for a healthy person. It is noted that after the chocolate diet, not only extra pounds go away, but also the appearance improves due to the removal of toxins, the normalization of metabolic processes.

On a note: Fasting days are arranged on dark chocolate, helping to reduce weight up to 2 kg at a time. For a one-day diet, one 100-gram bar of high-quality dark chocolate is eaten. At this time, you should not limit yourself to liquids, it is permissible to drink coffee, black, green and herbal tea without sugar. Such unloading can be carried out no more than once every 2 weeks.

Dark chocolate is also used in cosmetology for the manufacture of tightening face masks. Chocolate wraps quite effectively help fight cellulite and stretch marks. It is no coincidence that chocolate extracts are present in many hair, face and body skin care lines.

Video: Cosmetic procedures using chocolate at home

When choosing, you should carefully study dark chocolate: its benefits and harms directly depend on the composition. The higher the content of cocoa beans in a bar, the more useful it is. Chocolate, in which cocoa beans account for at least 70%, will bring real benefits.

The composition should not contain starches, oil (especially palm). If a white coating has formed, then the storage conditions have not been met. Of course, such a product will not bring harm, but useful properties will be lost.

The tile should not melt in the hands. If, at one touch, melted chocolate remains on the fingers, this indicates impurities (perhaps not indicated in the composition), of the low quality of the product.

The low cost of dark chocolate should also alert. A truly high-quality chocolate has a rather high price, but it is he who will bring pleasure and be the most useful.

Contraindications and precautions

Dark chocolate has practically no contraindications. It can be used even by people suffering from diabetes and obesity, in reasonable quantities. However, the calorie content here is also significant - 540 kcal per 100 grams of product. With excessive use, healthy carbohydrates accumulate in the form of body fat.

Dark chocolate should not be abused by those who have problems with sleep, as the caffeine contained has a tonic effect on the body. It is also contraindicated in severe metabolic disorders.

Any chocolate is a potential allergen, so people who are prone to allergic reactions should eat it with caution. During pregnancy, you should limit yourself to a small piece of goodies, if you really want to. During lactation, it is better to completely exclude such an allergenic product from the diet, otherwise the child's body may be harmed.

Sweetness, familiar from childhood and does not need magnificent epithets in order to wake up the appetite and want to feel this great taste on the tongue as soon as possible.

One word, three syllables, seven letters. Chocolate. And mountains of milky, white, porous, with raisins, nuts, dried apricots, fruit filling, so alluring and sweet, immediately appear in my head ... Or extra black, the most bitter and classic - how many lovers of this taste? And is it true that it is he who, of all his “brothers and colleagues”, is the most beneficial to health?

How is it made?

Real dark chocolate is obtained after fresh cocoa beans are dried, roasted, oil is squeezed out of them (by special pressing) and cocoa powder (also using a special technology), sugar is added to them (in the case of making a dietary option, various substitutes are used) . The higher the percentage of cocoa content, the brighter the taste and aroma of the product. However, many still prefer milk chocolate to dark chocolate. To obtain it, milk or cream is also included in the composition of sweets.

But it is black, and sometimes extra black, with a high content of cocoa (such types have recently begun to appear more and more on sale), which is associated with a real chocolate taste. However, he is not loved by everyone.

Bitter chocolate: benefits and harms - that's what should be considered in as much detail as possible. After all, there are too many myths and legends about him. So, for example, they say that sweetness is useful in the following cases.

Bitter chocolate. Benefit and harm to the body

First of all, of course, they try to determine the effect of the product on the physical condition of a person. Is it worth it to use bitter dark chocolate as a medicine? Its benefits and harms as opposite concepts are described below.

For vessels

The benefits of dark chocolate have been proven by its effect on cerebral blood flow. A dosage of 100 grams of this product changes the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, improves its circulation throughout the body. Regular consumption of sweets will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the likelihood of strokes.

Is it so?

Chocolate Therapy really works. The information is confirmed by a number of experiments conducted by Australian scientists. The subjects were given just the same dose of one hundred grams. In real conditions, the main thing is not to abuse the product. The above dosage is used only in extreme, single cases.

For heart

Cocoa beans - an essential component of real dark chocolate, are distinguished by a high content of flavonoids. They are responsible for lowering blood cholesterol, and this is an undeniable benefit.

Dark chocolate should be eaten only 30 grams per day, and this will already be an excellent prevention against cardiovascular diseases.


Numerous studies have confirmed that the use of bitter (more than fifty percent cocoa content) chocolate can be an adjunct to the treatment of heart disease or even an alternative treatment for heart disease.

Against cough

Theobromine already mentioned, one of the alkaloids that make up the notorious product, has one interesting property. As it turned out, with the help of it you can cure an incessant cough. True, it is not clear whether this refers to any chronic diseases or only to typical colds.

Where did the information come from?

Clinical studies have shown that theobromine is thirty-three percent more effective than codeine, previously used in the production of cough medicines. According to the plan, new medicines should enter the market in about two years. In the meantime, for prevention, you can eat a couple of pieces of a tile, and at the same time treat yourself to such a wonderful product as dark chocolate.

Sweetness for the soul

A large percentage of cocoa in the composition determines the great benefits and harms of dark chocolate. However, it can be very difficult to find 90% of it in your favorite sweets on store shelves. Experts say that it is this kind of chocolate that is best chosen among other varieties. Why can you use it to benefit yourself, your body?

For weight loss

Danish nutritionists claim that dark chocolate, whose health benefits and harms are a controversial topic of discussion, can also help those trying to lose weight. Sweetness should contain more than seventy percent cocoa to reduce appetite and at the same time provide energy. In addition, the caffeine and phenol present in the composition contribute to fat burning. Ordinary chocolate does not have such an effect, as studies by scientists from Copenhagen have shown.


British experts put bitter chocolate in one of the first places among products that deal a serious blow to the figure. The benefits and harms of losing weight, in their opinion, do not balance each other: there are much more disadvantages when using this sweet, but they all consist in too many calories.

For happiness

It is widely known how chocolate can help with depression, and just a bad mood. Sadness has been treated with this sweetness for quite a long time. Such an impact on well-being is argued by the content of cannabinoids, as a result of which there is a feeling of euphoria, as well as magnesium, which is involved in the production of serotonin.

Fairy tale or reality?

Italian scientists have appeared before society as myth busters, disproving the idea of ​​a chocolate therapy against the autumn-winter blues, since the dosage of such a medicine should be about 13 kg in order to actually have any effect.

However, this does not negate the fact that true lovers of the product can really cheer up with just one piece because of the wonderful rich taste.

For arousal

Theobromine in chocolate makes it an aphrodisiac, some say. Sometimes its exciting property is praised so much that it is compared with the notorious Viagra. The benefits of dark chocolate in this matter even sound very doubtful. And yet it is this theory that continues to be on everyone's lips.

How are things really going?

In order for the desired effect to manifest itself, sweets will have to be eaten more than half a kilo, or even a whole kilogram. And then you don’t even have to solve the dilemma posed by bitter dark chocolate: the benefits and harms on the two scales will stop constantly swinging them in their own direction. Ultimately, the device will stop at the second option: in everything, after all, it is necessary to observe the measure!

The only thing you can vouch for is that chocolate will definitely give the body extra energy. And then the choice of the person - what to spend it on. Dark chocolate without sugar is preferable in this regard.

Benefit and harm: debunking myths in one fell swoop

Myth 1. Chocolate causes skin problems: rashes, blackheads, blackheads, etc.

Reality. In fact, the situation is such that the cause of such troubles is not sweetness, but hormonal failure.

Myth 2. Chocolate is harmful to enamel, the structure of teeth and gums, and causes stone.

Reality. In fact, dark chocolate is not only harmless, but also useful. It has an antibacterial effect and therefore is an excellent tool for the prevention of caries.

Myth 3. Chocolate is contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

Reality. Sweets rarely cause allergies on their own. Able, however, chocolate to enhance an existing allergic reaction, but to be an independent cause - almost never. It is quite possible to avoid the first option when using the product in moderation (in fact, this rule applies to any food: eat what you like, but little by little).

Just don't overdo it!

It seems that everything looks quite harmless and even optimistic and positive: chocolate gives happiness, joy and health. And although none of the above facts is completely denied, all this is reliable information, it cannot be said that dark chocolate is only beneficial.

In some cases, the dosage is responsible for a lot: and then losing weight turns into mass gain, and using it for the sake of health leads to a deterioration in the condition. It should be borne in mind that for an adult, the daily dose is not more than 50 grams. And then it must be distributed throughout the day.

In addition, when choosing a chocolate bar for yourself, it is very important to pay attention to its composition: how much sugar is contained in the product, whether vegetable fats are natural and, again, what is the percentage of their content in the bar. By itself, sweetness containing proteins can affect muscle mass and improve muscle tone, while supplements that manufacturers are happy to offer customers are more likely to cause body fat.

Chocolate in large quantities before going to bed will lead to overexcitation and cause insomnia. That is why it is better to leave the sweetness in the refrigerator for the next day at night. Eat a couple of pieces in the morning - energy and positive mood will be provided in the coming hours!

By the way, scientists, in principle, recommend including all sweets in the morning diet. The well-known saying "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend ..." also hints at this behind the scenes. No discrimination of the sweet tooth - just a feature of the human body in the distribution of energy.

Chocolate is harmful for people with eating disorders, allergy sufferers (it is debatable, the warnings are written above), patients with diabetes also have to limit themselves in the use of this sweetness.

But, despite this, this article clearly demonstrates that the benefits of your favorite product are much greater than the harm!


If you have a choice whether to eat dark chocolate or not, feel free to stop at the first option! Perhaps at first it seems not as sweet as milk or white, but it is worth tasting it a little better, feeling this unimaginable taste, and it will immediately become a favorite sweet.

Chocolate has been known to the world for thousands of years. You may be surprised, but until 1847 it did not have a solid form. And cocoa beans, which form the basis of chocolate, were used only for making drinks. Gradually, over several centuries, the delicacy transformed from a bitter drink of Indian tribes into an exquisite dessert, popular and loved all over the world.

Napoleon always carried a bar of chocolate with him.

There is a lot of controversy about the effect of the product on the human body. Some argue that it is harmful, others - useful. Thanks to serious research by modern scientists, its undoubted positive effect on health has been proven. But, of course, we are talking about natural chocolate.

If you see the following composition on the package: cocoa powder, palm oil, refined sugar, flavor, stabilizer, emulsifier and other harmful chemical additives, then you can be sure that this is not a quality product that is dangerous to the body.

What should be the composition of dark chocolate

Real natural chocolate consists of a small amount of ingredients. The base is cocoa bean powder and cocoa butter. They, in turn, are saturated with useful vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B11, B12, C, D, E, PP) and minerals (iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus), organic and fatty acids. , plant proteins, antioxidants, flavonoids, catechins, theobromine, thiamine and essential oils.

It is the seeds of cocoa beans that give great benefits to chocolate. For example, after regular use, thanks to the flavonoids in their composition, the blood is cleansed and its composition improves. Beans also contain a unique substance - theobromine. It got its name from the Latin word Theobroma cacao, which means "Food of the Gods". Theobromine promotes production, which is why this delicacy is so mood-boosting.

Cocoa beans also contain magnesium, which improves memory, helps fight stress and boosts immunity.

Natural (aka dark, bitter) chocolate should consist of at least 55% cocoa. Due to its predominance over oil, the product has a tart taste. But true gourmets give their preference to dessert with 75% -99% of its content. Still, 80-85% is considered optimal in taste.

Another component of chocolate - cocoa butter - is most often used for cosmetic purposes, but it is very effective in fighting coughs and malignant tumors. In cheap chocolate, it is usually replaced with palm or coconut.

Dark chocolate calories 539 kcal per 100 g

Useful properties and benefits of dark chocolate for the body

  • is a powerful antioxidant
  • cancer prevention,
  • eliminates severe cough,
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system,
  • helps with hypertension
  • lowers the level of bad cholesterol,
  • reduces the risk of strokes, heart attacks, atherosclerosis,
  • purify the blood and improve its composition,
  • uplifts mood and energy
  • Reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol
  • improves brain function,
  • enhances memory and mental abilities,
  • relieves the condition during menstruation,
  • tartar prevention,
  • slows down the aging process,
  • moisturizes and tones the skin,
  • fights cellulite.

With hypertension, it will be enough to eat 30 g of treats (72% cocoa) to normalize pressure.

Dark chocolate is not harmful to teeth, moreover, it slows down the development of caries and strengthens teeth due to the presence of calcium. This significantly distinguishes it from its dairy counterpart.

Bitter chocolate for weight loss

Dark chocolate belongs to dietary products. It has a low glycemic index, it does not cause a rapid rise in blood glucose and a large release of insulin. Therefore, 50-60 g of chocolate per day is not able to harm the figure.

Glycemic index of dark chocolate (with more than 60% cocoa) - 25

Thanks to these properties, the product became the basis of the chocolate diet, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. Dark chocolate has enough calories to not make you feel hungry. Therefore, they can "pacify the appetite." In addition, it does not apply to fast carbohydrates, unlike a dairy product.

1 bar of chocolate for the whole day. Of the drinks, only herbal teas, and it is best to stop on the water.

Contraindications and harm of dark chocolate for health

  • individual intolerance to the components,
  • frequent migraine attacks (due to the presence of tannin, which constricts blood vessels).

Dark chocolate can only harm if you overeat and use a low-quality product. The first will lead to dizziness, weakness, sleep disturbance and skin rashes. The second is a violation of the digestive system, including the development of gastritis.

It is hard to believe, but the use of this delicacy really favorably affects the general condition of the human body. Therefore, it can be safely included in your daily diet. The main thing is to observe the daily norm.

The daily norm of dark chocolate for children after 3 years is 20 g per week, for adults - 50 g per day (1/2 bar 100 g)

How to choose dark chocolate

First of all, you should pay attention to the composition. Bitter chocolate has a pronounced cocoa content. This has already been discussed above. The natural product does not contain harmful additives.

The color of the dessert is dark brown. White plaque speaks of its depravity.

When cracking the tile, a crunch should sound.

If you doubt the products of our stores, then prepare a delicacy yourself.

How to make natural chocolate

A healthy and high-quality product can only be obtained from natural ingredients. As already mentioned, it is based on cocoa beans and cocoa butter. Optionally, toppings are added (nuts, berries, dried fruits, etc.).

Master chocolate and indulge yourself, your loved ones and friends with this delicacy every day. It will not harm your figure. ;)

Homemade natural chocolate

How to make chocolate wrap at home

Chocolate contains caffeine, which promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue and prevents the appearance of cellulite, which is why it is often used in beauty treatments provided in spas. In addition, the sweet product cleanses the pores of toxins and toxins, thereby rejuvenating and renewing the skin.

Chocolate wrap is a body treatment using increased temperatures and chocolate. If desired, it can be performed at home.

To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to perform 12-15 procedures.

After the full course:

  • the skin becomes softer, smoother, silky and hydrated,
  • it acquires a firm and fresh look,
  • reduced visibility of bumps,
  • excess fluid, toxins and toxins are removed in problem areas,
  • the emotional background improves.

The procedure has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state and nervous system. Since ancient times, the healing effect of aromas on the human body has been known, therefore it is recommended to supplement the sweet aroma of chocolate with essential oils of oranges, cinnamon, and mint. Already during the first procedure, you can feel a surge of strength and positive emotions, an improvement in mood.

Chocolate wrapping at home is quite simple to make. To do this, you will need natural chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 60%, cling film and warm clothes.

There are many recipes for making chocolate mass: you can mix chocolate with olive or orange oil, red pepper, honey or water. The mass must be heated in a water bath to 36-37 ° C. Apply to the body in an even layer, wrap the skin with cling film and wrap yourself in warm clothes. Over the next 20 minutes, you need to relax and enjoy the aroma.

After just a few sessions of chocolate wrapping, you will notice a decrease in volume and an improvement in skin condition. But keep in mind that this will not be enough to keep yourself in great shape. You need to exercise and eat right.

The benefits of dark chocolate for human health and beauty are very high. If you use an exclusively high-quality and natural product, follow the daily norm, you can get amazing results.

How dark chocolate is made: production secrets
