
Stuffed cabbage lazy layers recipe. How to cook lazy cabbage rolls

The recipe for the laziest cabbage rolls cooked in layers in a saucepan is quite simple. It is necessary to prepare all the ingredients, put them in a saucepan in layers. Your stove will do the rest of the work. You can hardly serve such a dish on the festive table, but on a weekday you can cook very lazy cabbage rolls. It turns out satisfying, rather quickly, without much effort on the part of the hostess.

Ingredients for very lazy cabbage rolls:

  • 700 gr homemade minced meat
  • half a fork of fresh white cabbage
  • carrot
  • bulb
  • one and a half cups of rice
  • 3 teaspoons tomato paste
  • 4 bay leaves
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • boiled water
  • ground black pepper

Very lazy cabbage rolls, recipe for cooking in layers in a saucepan

Peel the carrots, wash, grate on a coarse grater. Peel the onion from the husk, chop.

Fry the minced meat for 5 minutes in a pan in oil, breaking up the lumps. Transfer the carrots and onions to the pan with minced meat. Salt and pepper the filling for cabbage rolls, season with tomato paste, mix, simmer for another 5 minutes.

Rinse rice several times in running water. Shred fresh cabbage.

Transfer about one-third of the chopped cabbage to a wide saucepan. The next will be a piece of minced meat with vegetables, half of rice, then cabbage, again layers of minced meat, rice. All layers must be leveled. The final layer will be shredded cabbage. If liquid or oil remains in the pan after frying, send it to the cabbage rolls too.

Insert a lavrushka between the walls and the contents of the pan. Pour very lazy cabbage rolls with boiled water so that it barely covers the cabbage. Bring the liquid to a boil, lower the heat and simmer the lazy cabbage rolls in layers in a saucepan for 40 minutes. During cooking, stir the contents of the saucepan is not necessary.

It will be convenient to remove lazy cabbage rolls from a wide dish with a spatula, minimally disturbing the layers. From a narrow deep saucepan you will get stuffed cabbage porridge.

If you have more time, you can form lazy cabbage rolls with cutlets from the same products, the recipe is here.

Recipes for delicious dishes


Unusual tasty dish - lazy cabbage rolls in layers

Good afternoon friends!

A long time ago, in a restaurant in the city of Odessa, where I went on a tour package, we were served a delicious unusual dish. Then I found out that these are lazy cabbage rolls. Since then I have learned how to cook this dish and I want to offer you a recipe with a photo of cooking lazy cabbage rolls in layers.

I don’t know why they are called that, probably because you don’t need to wrap minced meat in cabbage leaves, but simply lay all the ingredients in layers, but there is a lot of work here, and the cooking process is not fast.

I can’t say what taste this dish has and what lazy cabbage rolls resemble in layers. They are very different from classic cabbage rolls. This is an independent dish, unlike anything else. Here, too, pilaf cannot be compared with anything, except perhaps with rice porridge (especially if the pilaf was not successful, but here you just need to know all the secrets of its preparation and everything will turn out great).

By the way, do you know what to do so that cabbage rolls wrapped in cabbage do not burn? How do you make delicious mashed potatoes? Read useful tips for housewives in the kitchen.

Perhaps, lazy cabbage rolls can be compared with stewed cabbage, to which other products are added, which makes this dish unique and very tasty, although it may not look very attractive.

  • 1 kg cabbage
  • 1/2 kg of any minced meat (I often use chicken or half with pork)
  • 1/2 cup rice
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/2 st. spoons of flour
  • 1 st. a spoonful of tomato paste
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sour cream
  • 2 glasses of water
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil for stewing

The number of products is approximate. You can take as much cabbage as you usually spend on a family when cooking stewed cabbage, and vary the amount of minced meat and other ingredients accordingly. In general, it is not necessary to maintain strict proportions here.

How to cook lazy cabbage rolls in layers

All ingredients must be separately slightly stewed in vegetable oil, except for rice, of course. Rice will be used raw.

  1. First of all, we chop, salt and stew the cabbage, as this is the longest process in time. Stew the cabbage until soft, do not fry it too much, because it will still have to reach in the pan along with other products.
  2. Fry minced meat in a pan, salt it, you can add ground pepper if desired.

3. In another pan, we sauté finely chopped onions, put carrots grated on a coarse grater to it, simmer everything until soft.

  • Rice is well washed in several waters.
  • The products prepared in this way are laid in layers in a pan.
  • I did not photograph these preliminary stages, I think everything is clear here.

    I want to note that it is best to cook this dish in a cast-iron cauldron, which I usually do. But this time I used a pan specifically for a photo shoot. At the same time, the taste is not particularly different, but it can burn in the pan.

    The first layer is laid on the bottom of the pan, greased with vegetable oil, half of the cooked stewed cabbage.

    We put the fried minced meat in the second layer, and pour raw rice on it and level it over the surface with a spoon.

    And the last layer is the second part of the cabbage.

    Sauce for lazy cabbage rolls in layers

    You can use any sauce you like to make for cabbage rolls.

    I fry half a tablespoon of flour in well-heated vegetable oil, add a spoonful of tomato paste, a spoonful of sour cream and immediately pour a little hot water, without fail stirring until a homogeneous mass is obtained. I continue to pour out the water, stirring the sauce, salt to taste.

    I pour the boiling sauce into a pan with lazy cabbage rolls.

    Try to get the sauce to the bottom of the pan, you can make “moves” with a spoon. Thus, the whole mass will be covered with sauce, soaked with it and, moreover, nothing will burn.

    Simmer the dish under the lid over low heat for 15-20 minutes, without stirring! Check the readiness of the rice.

    Note. If you cook from more products, then you need to make more sauce. It should take up about half of the pot in which lazy cabbage rolls are stewed.

    You can cook lazy cabbage rolls in layers in the oven. I really love oven food. The cooking process is the same, only of course, it will take longer to cook in the oven.

    Well, in the now fashionable multicooker, this yummy will turn out great. I don't have it yet, so I can't give you the recipe. I think that it will not differ from the recipe for cooking in a regular pan.

    Try it, it's very tasty!

    Try other delicious recipes:


    Lazy cabbage rolls in layers

    Here is a simple recipe for lazy cabbage rolls in layers, and I really hope that you will like this dish. In fact, everything is so simple here that even a beginner in the kitchen can handle it! Hearty and delicious!


    • Mince 1 Kilogram
    • Cabbage 1 Kilogram
    • Carrots 4 Pieces
    • Bow 2 Pieces
    • Rice 200 Grams
    • Tomato paste 2-3 Art. spoons
    • Spices to taste

    1. Mix minced meat with chopped onions and carrots, add spices as well. We will wash the rice and also send it to minced meat.

    2. Finely chop the cabbage, knead with your hands. Now just put it in a large saucepan, alternating a layer of minced meat and cabbage. You can salt each layer of cabbage a little and knead with your hands, this will speed up the cooking time.

    3. When all the ingredients are laid out, we make three “holes” in the layers, pour in about a liter of clean water and add tomato paste and spices.

    4. Cook for an hour on low heat under the lid. When serving, mix the layers. That's all! Bon appetit!


    Lazy cabbage rolls in layers in the oven

    I love stuffed cabbage very much, but I don’t like messing around with cabbage leaves. Therefore, I cook the usual classic cabbage rolls only a few times a year. But lazy cabbage rolls- a hit of the autumn-winter menu. Today I’ll show you an option for hurrying housewives - without fussing with cabbage leaves (you don’t need to wrap anything), without pre-cooking rice and without frying onions and carrots for minced meat. It does not look as aesthetically pleasing as ordinary cabbage rolls, but it is also tasty and much faster.

    Total cooking time - 1 hour

    Active cooking time - 20 minutes

    Calorie content per 100 gr - 158 kcal

    Servings - 8

    How to cook lazy cabbage rolls

    White cabbage - 400 g (1/2 small head or 1/3 large)

    Minced meat - 700 g (+ - 100 g). It is optimal to use beef and pork mixed in equal proportions. Pork must be present so that the minced meat does not become too dry after baking.

    Onion - 2 pcs. It is also necessary, otherwise the meat layer will turn out dry and tasteless.

    Rice - 150 g (about ¾ cup)

    Sour cream - 300 g (fat content from 20 to 25%)

    Tomato sauce - 3 tbsp. (or 1 tbsp tomato paste mixed with 2 tbsp water and 1 tsp sugar)

    Water - 1.5 cups

    Pepper - to taste

    The first step is to put the kettle on the fire. We will need boiling water a little later.

    Then we prepare the sauce. To do this, mix sour cream with tomato sauce and water. Add salt and spices to taste.

    Now it's up to the stuffing. Finely chop the onion and add it to the minced meat. Also salt and pepper to taste.

    Finely chop the cabbage. The smaller - the better and tastier lazy cabbage rolls will turn out. Cabbage of winter varieties should be poured with boiling water for 1 minute after shredding (water from the kettle came in handy). After that, lay a layer of cabbage on the bottom of the baking sheet.

    We soak rice and cabbage with sauce. For this we need half of the finished sauce.

    Spread the minced meat on top and level it evenly over the surface of the "stuffed cabbage".

    Pour the other half of the sauce on top.

    That's all, lazy cabbage rolls are ready in layers. Sprinkle with fresh herbs before serving.


    Lazy cabbage rolls in layers

    In autumn, when there is a lot of fresh cabbage, you want to cook cabbage rolls more often.

    Cabbage rolls can be prepared according to the traditional recipe, when minced meat is wrapped in cabbage leaves.

    This cooking method requires a lot of preparation time.

    There are two ways to cook lazy cabbage rolls:

    • cabbage is crushed and added to minced meat
    • cabbage leaves and minced meat are laid in layers.

    In the second case, lazy cabbage rolls are tastier and do not differ in taste from ordinary ones at all.

    These are the stuffed cabbage and we will cook. Take a pot for cooking cabbage rolls so that you can fry in it. For example, stainless steel or cast iron cauldron.

    Recipe for lazy cabbage rolls in layers:

    Rinse rice, pour boiling water and leave to swell.

    After 15 minutes, put the rice in a colander and rinse with water.

    Peel onions and carrots. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrot on a coarse grater.

    Add the egg, half the chopped onion and the prepared rice to the minced meat.

    Salt, pepper, add spices to taste and mix well.

    Wash and dry the head of cabbage.

    Cut the leaves near the stalk, remove from the head, cut off the thick veins and cut the leaves into 4-5 pieces.

    So that the leaves are not convex, make cuts on the sides.

    In a saucepan, fry the grated carrot and half of the onion a little in vegetable oil, add a spoonful of tomato paste, a little water, simmer for one or two minutes and remove from heat.

    If you cannot fry in your pan, then fry the vegetables in a pan, and then add to the pan.

    Put cabbage leaves in the first layer for cabbage rolls, filling the entire bottom evenly.

    If the cabbage is large, 2-3 leaves will be enough for one layer.

    The next layer is half minced meat, then a layer of cabbage leaves and the remaining minced meat.

    Put a layer of cabbage leaves on top again, pour hot water, salt and bring to a boil.

    Then reduce the fire, loosely cover the pan with a lid and leave the cabbage rolls to simmer for 40-45 minutes.

    5 minutes before cooking, add bay leaves, dried dill and parsley or other favorite spices.

    To get lazy cabbage rolls in layers, you need to cut them right in the pan in sectors, like a cake.

    Then carefully remove each sector with a slotted spoon, picking up all the layers.

    Serve puff lazy cabbage rolls in broth with sour cream.

    Also other delicious recipes:

    Vegetable stew with eggplant

    Today we will learn how to cook a wonderful culinary thing, namely, lazy cabbage rolls in the oven - in layers and in the form of "cutlets" - on a baking sheet with gravy of sour cream and tomato sauce. Personally, I consider working women to be the inventors of this dish. They liked such a find - getting the taste of real cabbage rolls without much time expenditure - very much to their liking.

    By the way, puff cabbage rolls can be formed not on a baking sheet, but in roast pots. They turn out to be portioned and insanely delicious.

    Lazy cabbage rolls in the oven in layers

    All the preparation of this yummy fits into a few simple steps - it’s not for nothing that lazy cabbage rolls in the oven are considered the most “lazy” among such dishes in layers.


    • ground beef - 1 kg;
    • 2 large cloves of garlic;
    • 1 onion;
    • cabbage - medium-sized forks;
    • tomato - 700 ml;
    • carrots - 3 pcs.;
    • rice - 2 cups;
    • water - one and a half glasses.

    Put the minced meat in the pan. Add chopped onion, minced garlic and seasonings. Fry until the meat changes color from pink to gray. Cool down.

    We cut the cabbage arbitrarily, in squares or shavings.

    Don't cut the cabbage too much. Otherwise, it will be too shaded and will not be heard in our puff “bouquet”.

    Rinse the rice and drain the water thoroughly. We rub the carrots on a large grater. We measure the right amount of tomato or prepare the tomatoes. They must be peeled off, otherwise it will come across while eating.

    You don't have to scald the tomatoes. We just cut the skin and begin to rub the vegetable on a grater at the place of the cut. The pulp flows into the bowl, and the skin remains in the hand.

    Lubricate the baking sheet, spread the cooled minced meat with the first layer. Pour the tomato on it, salt, pepper. The next layer is cabbage.

    Season the cabbage generously with salt and pepper. Pour washed raw rice on top of it.

    Pour water evenly around the entire perimeter of the pan. We press the surface with a spoon, allowing the liquid to soak all layers.

    We cover our future lazy puff cabbage rolls with foil and send them to the oven (t 180ºС) for 1 hour. After this time, we take out, put the grated carrot on top, cover again and bake for another 30 minutes.

    Serve hot with sour cream.

    Lazy cabbage rolls with gravy in the oven - step by step recipe

    Guys, write down the topic of the lesson: "Lazy cabbage rolls with gravy in the oven - a step-by-step recipe." But seriously, I offer you the basic formula of the dish, on the basis of which other options are prepared.

    The main secret: in order for lazy cabbage rolls to turn out successful, they must have more meat and less cabbage and rice. And not vice versa.


    • assorted ground meat - 700 g;
    • 2 medium carrots;
    • cabbage - 150 g;
    • 1 egg;
    • large onion;
    • sour cream - about 2 tablespoons;
    • rice grains - 50 g.
    • broth - one and a half glasses.

    Rice quickly cook for 2 minutes from the moment of boiling. Shred the cabbage finely, pour boiling water for 20 minutes. It will become softer and cook faster. Grind the carrots on a medium grater, cut the onion into cubes.

    For gravy, fry onions and carrots until golden brown, season with salt and pepper to taste. We divide the mass in half. Put one part in a separate bowl, and add sour cream to the rest in the pan.

    Mix everything, pour in the broth and simmer for 20 minutes until lightly thickened. The gravy is ready.

    In a bowl with part of the onion and carrots, we send the minced meat, rice, egg and squeezed cabbage, salt.

    Squeeze the cabbage diligently. Excess water will not allow cabbage rolls to seize properly.

    Mix thoroughly, even with your hands. You should get a dense homogeneous mass, like cutlets.

    We sculpt oblong-shaped duckies, put them on a greased baking sheet. Top with gravy. We send it to the oven for 40 minutes.

    When serving, sprinkle hot cabbage rolls with chopped herbs. At this crazy aroma, homemade ones will catch up instantly.

    Lazy cabbage rolls in the oven: a recipe with rice and minced meat in sour cream sauce

    One of the options for lazy cabbage rolls in the oven would be a recipe with rice and minced meat in sour cream sauce. The dish is tender, with mild sourness. Therefore, I advise you to take light minced meat, for example, chicken.


    • ground chicken fillet - half a kilo;
    • 1 large onion and carrot .;
    • a little flour - about 2 tablespoons;
    • long rice - 0.5 stack;
    • 1 chicken egg.;
    • cabbage - 200 g;
    • medium fat sour cream - 400 ml.


    Finely chop the cabbage, pour over with boiling water, let stand. Saute chopped onions and carrots until golden brown. Wash and boil the rice.

    Ideal rice is obtained under the lid, in proportion with water 1: 1.2. Let it boil, keep on maximum heat for 1 minute, then another 5 minutes. - at the minimum. Cover everything 6 min. Don `t open

    Mix minced meat, vegetables, rice and cabbage, add egg and flour, season. We form oval cutlets-stuffed cabbage. We put them on a greased baking sheet and put them in a preheated oven for half an hour. While they are standing there, let's take care of the sauce: dilute the sour cream with water (a little less than 1 cup). Salt quite a bit.

    We take out the cabbage rolls, turn them over to the other side, pour over the sauce and bake for another 15 minutes.

    Lazy cabbage rolls in the oven in tomato sauce

    Just as good as with sour cream, cabbage-meat-rice goes well with tomato dressing. Therefore, lovers of expressive tastes will appreciate lazy cabbage rolls in the oven in tomato sauce.


    • ground meat (pork + beef) - 0.5 kg;
    • long grain rice - ½ cup;
    • cabbage - half a medium head;
    • celery - 1 stalk;
    • fresh dill and thyme - each for an incomplete tablespoon;
    • tomato - 2 cups;
    • 1 onion and carrots .;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • egg - 1 pc.


    Thinly planed cabbage is softened in boiling water under the lid for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, chop the onion, carrot, celery and garlic. Boil rice until half cooked. Mix meat, squeezed cabbage, vegetables. We break the egg there.

    For a more interesting taste, cook rice not in water, but in broth.

    We turn everything into a dense mass, salt. We sculpt cabbage rolls of a round or oval shape, let them grab in the oven for 20 minutes.

    While they are cooking, make the sauce. We breed tomato paste or take the pulp of fresh tomatoes, add chopped greens and pepper well (pepper range to taste - from allspice to chili).

    We take out a baking sheet, turn the cabbage rolls on the other side, add the sauce. We cook another 20 minutes.

    Recipe for lazy cabbage rolls in the oven in tomato and sour cream sauce

    Taking a little bit from each of the two previous options, the housewives came up with a recipe for lazy cabbage rolls in the oven in tomato and sour cream sauce.


    • ground meat - 1 kg;
    • 2 pcs. carrots and onions;
    • rice - ¾ cup;
    • cabbage - 0.5 large heads;
    • 1 chicken egg;
    • tomatoes - 3 large (or ½ cup tomato juice);
    • seasonings (garlic, salt, pepper, sugar, spices, herbs).


    1. Cabbage is finely chopped into thin shavings, steamed with boiling water for a quarter of an hour.
    2. Rice is boiled until half cooked.
    3. We cut the onion into half rings, put the carrots on a coarse grater, fry them in oil until golden brown, squeeze the garlic in the same place and keep it for 5 minutes.
    4. We combine minced meat, strained cabbage, fried vegetables, rice. We release the egg, mix everything very carefully, season to taste with spices and herbs.
    5. We make cabbage rolls in the form of balls, cutlets or tongues, fill a baking sheet with them and send them to a heated oven for half an hour.
    6. Combine tomato juice with sour cream, mix until smooth, add salt, sugar, lightly pepper, add chopped greens.

    Replace sour cream with kefir - get a less high-calorie gravy.

    We take out the baking sheet, pour the cabbage rolls with sauce and return to bake for another half an hour. Sprinkle the dish with dill on the plates.

    And finally, I suggest watching a video recipe for cooking lazy cabbage rolls in the oven

    Bon appetit!

    The recipe for the laziest cabbage rolls cooked in layers in a saucepan is quite simple. It is necessary to prepare all the ingredients, put them in a saucepan in layers. Your stove will do the rest of the work. You can’t serve such a dish on the festive table, but on weekdays you can cook very lazy cabbage rolls. It turns out satisfying, rather quickly, without much effort on the part of the hostess.

    Ingredients for very lazy cabbage rolls:

    • 700 gr homemade minced meat
    • half a fork of fresh white cabbage
    • carrot
    • bulb
    • one and a half cups of rice
    • 3 teaspoons tomato paste
    • 4 bay leaves
    • vegetable oil for frying
    • boiled water
    • ground black pepper

    Very lazy cabbage rolls in layers in a pan

    Peel the carrots, wash, grate on a coarse grater. Peel the onion from the husk, chop.

    Fry the minced meat for 5 minutes in a pan in oil, breaking up the lumps. Transfer the carrots and onions to the pan with minced meat. Salt and pepper the filling for cabbage rolls, season with tomato paste, mix, simmer for another 5 minutes.

    Rinse rice several times in running water. Shred fresh cabbage.

    Transfer about one-third of the chopped cabbage to a wide saucepan. The next will be a piece of minced meat with vegetables, half of rice, then cabbage, again layers of minced meat, rice. All layers must be leveled. The final layer will be shredded cabbage. If liquid or oil remains in the pan after frying, send it to the cabbage rolls too.

    Insert a lavrushka between the walls and the contents of the saucepan. Pour boiled water over very lazy cabbage rolls in layers in a saucepan so that it barely covers the cabbage. Bring the liquid to a boil, lower the heat and simmer the lazy cabbage rolls in layers in a saucepan for 40 minutes. During cooking, stir the contents of the saucepan is not necessary.

    It will be convenient to remove lazy cabbage rolls from a wide dish with a spatula, minimally disturbing the layers. From a narrow deep saucepan you will get stuffed cabbage porridge.

    If you have more time, lazy cabbage rolls can be formed from the same products, recipe.


    Despite the fact that the set of ingredients is almost identical, their “lazy” counterparts are seriously distinguished from the classic cabbage rolls cooking procedure. First of all, it is aimed at significantly reducing the hostess' time to prepare a tasty and satisfying dish - hence the name "lazy cabbage rolls". In this article, we offer various ways to prepare this super dish.

    A step-by-step recipe for making delicious lazy cabbage rolls with gravy in the oven

    This section is dedicated to cooking lazy cabbage rolls in the oven: out of hundreds of recipes, we have selected the laziest and most delicious ones! In the oven, cabbage rolls cook much faster and are healthier than fried in oil.

    To make lazy cabbage rolls in the oven with sour cream, you need the following ingredients:

    • 0.5 kg of minced meat (pork, beef, chicken, turkey);
    • 0.4 kg of fresh cabbage;
    • 3 art. l. regular (unsteamed) rice;
    • bulb of medium size;
    • egg;
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • for sour cream sauce: 1 tbsp. l. flour, 150 g 15% sour cream, 2 tbsp. l. tomato sauce or ketchup, a glass (250 ml) of water, seasonings to taste (salt, dried or fresh herbs, pepper).

    Products for cooking lazy cabbage rolls

    Cooking method lazy duckies with gravy step by step with a photo:

    1. The upper leaves are removed from the head and finely chopped, after which they are slightly ground in a bowl to extract the juice.

    Finely chop the cabbage

    2. Rice is washed and cooked until half cooked.

    3. Finely cut or chopped onion in a blender.

    4. Minced meat, cabbage, rice, onion, egg are combined in a suitable container. Pepper and salt, mix well until a homogeneous consistency.

    Stuffing for lazy cabbage rolls

    5. With hands moistened in water (so that the resulting mass does not stick), cabbage rolls are formed in their traditional form - oblong cutlets with slightly pointed tips.

    6. Stuffed cabbage rolled in flour are fried in a pan, after which they are laid out in a baking dish.

    7. Preparation of the sauce: after frying, water is poured into the pan, sour cream, tomato sauce (or ketchup), flour, herbs, salt and pepper are added to taste. Stir gently and bring to a boil.

    8. Stuffed cabbage rolls laid out in a mold are poured with sauce, baked in the oven for half an hour at 180 °.

    Below is a photo of the finished dish. Lay the duckies on a plate, pour over sour cream: everyone will appreciate this dish without exception!

    Lazy cabbage rolls cooked in the oven

    The recipe in the oven without frying excludes the step of frying the prepared cutlets in a pan: they are immediately laid out in a baking dish, poured with sauce and put in the oven. This cooking method will take even less time.

    How to deliciously cook a casserole of lazy cabbage rolls in layers in the oven?

    The calculation of the ingredients is given for 6 servings:

    • white cabbage - 1 head;
    • minced meat (pork, beef, poultry, combined) - 0.4 kg;
    • rice (not steamed) - 1 cup;
    • two bulbs;
    • sweet bell pepper;
    • tomato - 2 pcs.;
    • sour cream (25%);
    • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l., butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • seasonings to taste: ground black pepper, paprika, salt.

    Cooking method(it will take 1.5-2 hours for everything):

    1. The stalk is removed without cutting the cabbage. Boil the head of cabbage in salted water until the leaves are easily separated - no longer than 7-8 minutes, remove the cabbage from the water and leave to drain and cool.
    2. Meat filling for puff pastry: one onion is finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil, rice is boiled in salt water and leans back in a colander. Rice and fried onions are added to the minced meat, mixed well, seasoned with seasonings to taste.
    3. Vegetable filling: washed peppers and tomatoes are cut into strips, fried with a second onion in vegetable oil with the addition of butter. Tomatoes are blanched and chopped in a blender, added to the vegetable mixture. Add a quarter cup of water and simmer for 10-15 minutes, at the end add tomato paste.
    4. Lubricate a high baking dish with a volume of 2.5-3 liters and collect the casserole in layers:
    • 1 layer: we separate the leaves of the boiled head of cabbage and divide them into four piles - the first pile is for the first layer, which we smooth out to the bottom of the mold;
    • 2 layer: a third of the meat filling, grease with sour cream;
    • 3 layer: a third of the vegetable filling;
    • 4 layer will be the next bunch of cabbage leaves, etc. until the end of the ingredients;
    • last layer should be cabbage leaves.

    The layers laid out in the form are filled with water, covered with foil and placed in the oven. The casserole is cooked for about an hour at 180 °, the foil is carefully removed in about twenty minutes, the puff lazy cabbage rolls are brought to full readiness in the oven.

    Photo recipe for cooking in a saucepan at home

    Way how to do lazy cabbage rolls in a pot, differs from the previous one in the following way:

    1. The cooking container will be a 2.5-3 liter pot.
    2. To lay out on the bottom of the pan, a few sheets are left, the rest of the cabbage is chopped and stewed in a pan in vegetable oil until soft. Clue: it is not necessary to stew young cabbage - its tender leaves are already quite soft, you can simply chop it and put it in the desired layer in the pan.

    Fresh cabbage for lazy cabbage rolls

    3. The finished meat filling is combined with stewed vegetables.

    4. Tomatoes are blanched, crushed in a blender to a liquid mass (in winter, you can use tomato paste or juice).

    Tomato sauce

    5. Meat stuffing with vegetables mixed with cabbage is laid out on the leaves, poured with liquid tomato mass on top.

    6. The pan is covered with a lid and set on medium heat for 30–35 minutes.

    Cooking in a saucepan

    No exotic products are required for this dish, and cooking does not take much time: most of the cook's time is spent only on preliminary preparation of minced meat and vegetables.

    You can also cook lazy cabbage rolls with meat and rice. For such a recipe, you will need ordinary, not steamed rice (about 100 g, half a glass), which is boiled in salted water. The cooled rice is later added to the minced meat, otherwise the preparation remains traditional.

    How to cook lazy cabbage rolls with minced meat in a saucepan in layers at home?

    This method differs from the previous one in that the following layers are laid out in the pan: cabbage leaves, part of the stewed cabbage, minced meat, the remaining stewed cabbage, tomato puree is evenly poured onto the top layer. It takes the same amount of time to prepare, about half an hour.

    Posted by Elena.♌ (@prusenkoelena) Aug 26, 2017 at 5:47 PDT

    Step-by-step recipe with rice, cabbage and minced chicken in a slow cooker

    We will not repeat ourselves: the basic ingredients for the dish under discussion remain the same (rice, cabbage, we use minced chicken as the meat component). This dish is cooked in a slow cooker.:

    1. The meat is passed with the onion through a meat grinder, the carrots into a coarse grater, the cabbage is finely chopped.
    2. Put cabbage, minced meat, carrots into a deep bowl, add washed rice. Mix well, seasonings and salt are added to taste.
    3. Pour a little vegetable oil on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, spread the cabbage with minced meat, pour sour cream, ketchup and water mixed in a separate container, add adjika if desired. One or two glasses of water.
    4. Lazy cabbage rolls in a slow cooker are cooked in the “baking” mode for about an hour (if the cabbage is tender young, then only 40 minutes), after which they “reach” on heating for another half an hour.

    Lazy and tasty cabbage rolls in a slow cooker

    Here is such a simple recipe for the most delicious lazy cabbage rolls step by step, bon appetit!

    How to cook lazy cabbage rolls in a pan video

    Even a novice hostess can cook lazy cabbage rolls with fresh cabbage in a pan according to a recipe and with a photo, but it’s even easier to watch this video - simple and very tasty!

    Of course, each housewife has her own recipe - perhaps you will simplify something in it or make your own adjustments: over time, this cooking method will become so popular in your family that many more generations will know how to make very lazy cabbage rolls in a pan.

    How to make lazy cabbage rolls with meatballs?

    Lazy cabbage rolls in army style, with stew- even lazier than the classic ones: instead of minced meat, they add stew to the fried cabbage. And the ingredients, in fact, remain the same, but with their own nuances:

    • rice is better long-grain;
    • beef stew;
    • onion;
    • cabbage in our recipe is not fresh, but sauerkraut;
    • vegetable oil;
    • seasonings and spices: salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf.

    Cooking sequence:

    1. Diced onions are fried in vegetable oil or fat.
    2. Sauerkraut is added to the pan, after the practical readiness of the cabbage - tomato paste, fry for a couple more minutes.
    3. The next component will be stew - we stew with it the entire contents of the pan.
    4. Rice is poured evenly over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pan. Salt, pepper, add spices to taste.
    5. Pour the contents of the pan with water - it should cover the rice by 1 cm.
    6. Bring to a boil, cover the pan with a lid, cook over low heat for half an hour. The acidic sauerkraut keeps the rice from overcooking, but it does take longer to cook than usual.

    If you wish, you can spend a little more time and form cutlets from canned food, mixed with stewed vegetables and rice, passed through a meat grinder. They are fried in a pan or baked in the oven.

    Recipe for lazy cabbage rolls without rice

    This cooking method differs from the previous ones in the absence of rice among the ingredients. Some in the dish under discussion manage only minced meat and cabbage, others replace rice with:

    • small bread crumbs - most often, a loaf soaked in milk or water;
    • potatoes and beaten eggs;
    • buckwheat;
    • small white beans.

    Not only buckwheat can be used as cereals - it is only recommended to take into account the cooking time

    Diet recipe for lean lazy cabbage rolls without meat

    Minced meat can be replaced with mushroom, according to some recipes, you can add a little semolina to the meat filling - the dish will become softer and more magnificent.

    IN cabbage rolls for vegetarians or adhering to unloading diets, it is recommended to use greenhouse champignons. In all other respects, the lean recipe of our dish practically does not differ from the classic one with meat and goes well with tomato sauce. Such cabbage rolls can also be cooked in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker - let each housewife choose the least time-consuming and pleasant way for herself.

    Recipe for lazy cabbage rolls, like in kindergarten

    Yes, there is such a way to prepare this delicious and satisfying dish! In addition to the standard ingredients (white cabbage, round rice, onions, tomato paste and seasonings), the recipe for children necessarily includes boiled, lean meat (or chicken) rolled in a meat grinder. For a beautiful serving, a boiled chicken egg is cut into slices and laid out on a plate.

    There is nothing tricky about cooking.:

    1. The cabbage is finely chopped.
    2. Saute the onion for babies until golden transparent color and immediately add to the pot with cabbage.
    3. Cabbage and onions are poured with water (half a glass) and stewed under a lid over medium heat with occasional stirring.
    4. Salt, add bay leaf and (if desired) tomato paste or juice.
    5. It is important to work with rice correctly: it is poured over the cabbage without stirring, evenly covering the entire upper surface. Add water to cover the rice, leave to simmer under the lid for another 15 minutes.
    6. Boiled minced meat is also applied on top. To prevent the dish from burning, you should stir it a little later. Leave covered over low heat until the rice is cooked, adding water as needed.

    Like in kindergarten!

    Recipe for sour cream sauce for lazy cabbage rolls

    In addition to tomato sauce, sour cream is also recommended for this dish, its recipe is simple:

    1. Sweet pepper (1 pc.) And a medium-sized onion, finely chopped.
    2. Carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater.
    3. Vegetables are fried in vegetable oil, flour (1 tablespoon) and sour cream (200 g) are added.

    Lazy cabbage rolls with minced meat, cabbage and rice are a great dish that can be cooked in a hurry. Everyone knows that laziness is the engine of progress, without it we would not have a vacuum cleaner, washing machine, dishwasher, etc.! 🙂 And lazy stuffed cabbage is a lazy dish that can be prepared quickly, simply and delicious! 🙂

    In lazy cabbage rolls, all the useful substances necessary for health are perfectly combined. The composition of the dish contains fiber - in the form of cabbage, carbohydrates and proteins - in the form of rice and meat. Lazy cabbage rolls are very healthy and can be cooked very quickly. The recipe for lazy cabbage rolls with rice, minced meat and shredded cabbage is great for children, as they do not like cabbage leaves. Another plus is that the most time-consuming process has been removed - wrapping the cabbage roll stuffing in a cabbage leaf.

    Consider how to cook lazy cabbage rolls - in the oven, in a pan, in a saucepan and in a slow cooker.

    Lazy cabbage rolls - a recipe in the oven

    The recipe for lazy cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat in the oven is a good, standard option for making lazy cabbage rolls. This excellent recipe is from the kindergarten menu, but adults will also like this dish. The combination of cabbage, rice and meat is very healthy. If you are cooking for young children, then the amount of spices and spices can be reduced, or completely eliminated - garlic, pepper and other “non-childish” ingredients.
    We will consider the preparation of lazy cabbage rolls in the oven step by step, with a photo.


    • Minced meat (any will do, including mixed) - 500 g
    • Cabbage - 250 g
    • Rice groats - 100 g
    • Medium carrot - 2 pcs
    • Large onion - 2 pcs
    • A glass of chopped tomatoes - 1 pc.
    • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
    • Flour - 1 tbsp. spoon
    • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons
    • Water - 2-3 glasses
    • Garlic - 1-2 cloves
    • Salt, sugar, pepper - to taste

    How to cook lazy cabbage rolls in the oven:


    We chop the cabbage, if desired - you can cut it coarsely or finely.

    If the cabbage is soft, young, then there is no need to pour boiling water over it. Such cabbage can be simply cut, rubbed with salt and added to minced meat. If the cabbage is ripe, then it must be boiled until half cooked or pour boiling water for 15-20 minutes

    Pour boiling water over our cabbage for 15-20 minutes so that it reaches half readiness. If the cabbage is winter and hard, boil for a couple of minutes.

    Rice sorted, washed. We bring to half-readiness - for this we cook for 10 minutes after boiling.

    Onions, carrots and garlic

    Finely chop the onion. Separately, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. If desired, add garlic and herbs.

    Heat up the oil in a frying pan.

    Saute the onion for 1-2 minutes over medium heat, until the onion is translucent.
    We spread the carrots and sauté for another 3-4 minutes, until the carrots are soft.

    Set aside one third of the vegetables. They will come in handy in order to put them on the bottom of the form to the cabbage rolls.

    Add 1 tablespoon of flour - optional.

    Tomato paste, tomatoes

    Add tomato paste, it gives flavor and color to the filling, you can add chopped tomatoes. You can also add sour cream to cabbage rolls, but at a later stage.

    Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, or chop on a grater. Add tomatoes to vegetables.

    Stir and add sugar and salt to taste.

    Add 2 cups of water, more if desired.

    Cook for 3-4 minutes until the vegetables are soft.

    Add garlic and spices to taste. We can add sour cream.

    If rice has not yet been cooked until half cooked, then it's time to rinse it and put it on to cook for 10 minutes.

    Making minced meat

    Squeeze the cabbage lightly, put it in a separate container.

    We put minced meat in a container with cabbage, add part of the onion, egg and salt, spices.

    We mix the ingredients.

    Add rice cooked until half cooked, and mix again.

    If the mass is dryish, we can add cabbage broth.

    We spread the vegetables that we set aside during sautéing on a baking sheet.

    We form future lazy cabbage rolls, hands can be moistened with water.

    We leave a small distance between the cabbage rolls.

    We heat the oven to 180-200 degrees.

    Top with vegetable filling.

    If the cabbage rolls are not sufficiently covered with sauce, add a little boiling water.

    We send the cabbage rolls to the oven for 30 minutes.

    If you want the cabbage rolls to become quite soft, you can extend the baking time in the oven by covering the cabbage rolls with foil.

    Lazy cabbage rolls are ready. Bon appetit!

    Lazy cabbage rolls in a frying pan

    Lazy cabbage rolls are a traditional Slavic dish that many people love, and they cook it differently in different countries. The main ingredients are cabbage, minced meat and rice. Lazy cabbage rolls are perfect for lunch or a quick dinner. Consider the laziest recipe for lazy cabbage rolls 🙂

    In this version, we will not saute vegetables separately, we will cook our dish in one pan. Cooking will be really simple, and besides, we will look at it with a photo, and step by step 🙂


    • Minced meat (any) - 0.5 kg
    • Rice - half a glass
    • Tomatoes - 1-2 pieces
    • Onions - 1-2 onions

    To save time, it is better to immediately put the rice on to boil. Suitable for round and long grain. We sort and wash the rice. We put it to boil.

    Cook rice for lazy cabbage rolls for 10 minutes until half cooked, over low heat. It will reach readiness during the stewing of cabbage rolls.

    Posting rice and mince into the container.

    cabbage cut into strips, shred a little with a knife. Then add to the rice and minced meat.

    Onion cut into cubes, add to the container with the rest of the ingredients.

    Also add chopped garlic - if desired.

    We lay an egg so that the lazy cabbage roll keeps its shape.

    Add salt, spices, red or hot pepper - as desired. Mix well.

    Pour a small amount of refined oil into the pan, heat it up.

    We form a stuffed cabbage from the resulting mixture of vegetables and minced meat. It is better to wet your hands with water so that the minced meat does not stick to your hands. We choose the shape of cabbage rolls the way you like best - oblong or round.

    We fry our lazy cabbage rolls in a pan, you can use flour or breading.

    Fry lazy cabbage rolls over medium heat until a small golden crust appears on both sides.

    Add chopped tomato.

    Add tomato paste and a glass of warm boiled water.

    You can add bay leaves, black and allspice - a few peas, as well as your favorite spices.

    Cover with a lid, leave to simmer on low heat for 30 minutes.

    As a filling, you can use tomato-sour cream sauce: two tablespoons of sour cream and tomato paste per glass of water.

    You can add carrots to the recipe, but we showed the recipe for very lazy cabbage rolls 🙂

    Lazy cabbage rolls in a pot

    Many housewives do not like or simply do not have time to cook ordinary cabbage rolls. After all, they belong to the category of “complex” dishes. But lazy cabbage rolls do not scare even inexperienced chefs. They are no less tasty than ordinary cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice, and they are easy to prepare - quickly and simply.

    Consider how to cook lazy cabbage rolls with minced meat, cabbage and rice in a saucepan or in a cauldron.


    • Minced meat (any) - 0.5 kg
    • Rice - half a glass (100 gr)
    • White cabbage - a quarter of a small head
    • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
    • Onions - 1-2 onions
    • Garlic - 2 cloves, optional
    • Salt, pepper, bay leaf, spices - to taste


    We wash the rice, put it on a slow fire for 10 minutes until half cooked, in the process of cooking it will have time to cook.

    In the meantime, finely chop the cabbage. We spread the cabbage in a container, pour boiling water, leave for 5 minutes.

    After 5 minutes, drain the water, squeeze the cabbage.

    We spread the minced meat, add rice, salt, seasonings if desired.

    Hands, you can - in gloves, mix the resulting mass.

    We also add 2 eggs so that the lazy cabbage rolls do not fall apart during cooking.

    Mix again. Let's let the stuffing brew a little.

    Meanwhile chop onion, garlic. You can add carrots to the recipe.

    And again, let's do minced meat. Add a small amount of flour to the minced meat.

    We begin to make lazy cabbage rolls of arbitrary shape, roll them in flour.

    Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it up. We put stuffed cabbage rolled in flour.

    Fry on both sides over medium heat until golden brown.

    All available blanks - onions, carrots - fry.

    Can be used for cooking - both a pot and a cauldron.

    If you have a saucepan, then carrots and onions are sautéed in a pan

    Pour vegetable oil into a cauldron / frying pan, set over medium heat.

    As soon as the oil is hot, spread the chopped onion (carrots can be added). Pass the onion - until transparent, fry together with carrots - 7-8 minutes.

    While we make the sauce for cabbage rolls:

    • 3 tablespoons tomato paste
    • 3 tablespoons sour cream
    • some water
    • salt, pepper, spices

    Mix the sauce.

    Do not forget to stir the vegetables so that they do not burn.

    We lay out the lazy cabbage rolls on the sautéed vegetables. If you are sauteing vegetables in a frying pan, put the vegetables in a saucepan, and stuffed cabbage on top.

    Pour over the appetizing sauce, bring to a boil.

    As soon as the liquid begins to boil, we cover the lazy cabbage rolls with cabbage leaves.

    So the upper layers are much better extinguished. In addition, it will give a more aesthetic appearance to the dish.

    Cover with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum, leave for 30-40 minutes.

    We decorate with greenery. Lazy cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat are ready!

    It turned out to be a pretty tasty dish!

    Lazy cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat - recipe in a saucepan, Don recipe

    This recipe contains semolina (you can use rice), minced meat, cabbage. All products are also simply crushed and mixed. Also, this dish is quick and easy to prepare. 🙂 Despite the fact that the components of the dish have not changed much, the end result is a slightly different picture.

    This recipe has a rather interesting way of dividing minced meat into equal pieces 🙂
    Consider the step-by-step cooking of this wonderful dish, with a photo.


    • Minced meat (any) - 0.5 kg
    • Semolina - 3 tbsp. spoons
    • White cabbage - a quarter of a small head (250-300 gr)
    • Onions - 1-1.5 onions
    • Egg - 2 pcs
    • Garlic - 2 cloves, optional
    • Flour for rolling lazy cabbage rolls
    • Salt, pepper, bay leaf - to taste

    For sauce:

    • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
    • Tomatoes - 1-2 pieces (if any) 🙂
    • Flour - 1 tbsp. spoon
    • Water -1 l

    How to cook lazy cabbage rolls in a saucepan (cauldron):

    Put the minced meat into an empty deep container.

    Add cabbage and finely chopped onion.

    Add 2 eggs and 2 tablespoons of semolina, you can use semi-cooked rice instead of semolina.

    Semolina will not let stuffed cabbage fall apart when the cabbage gives juice. You can, as in previous recipes, let the cabbage stand in boiling water for 5 minutes, squeeze it out, and gradually transfer it into minced meat in handfuls. Add finely chopped garlic, you can skip it through a garlic press. Salt, pepper put - to taste.

    Mix everything with your hands, you can gloves.

    Put the stuffing in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, we take it out, mix it a little.

    From this mass we form a rectangle or square, and begin to cut it into identical parts.

    We form spherical cutlets from the slices.

    Roll future lazy cabbage rolls in flour.

    Pour oil into the pan so that the bottom of the pan is completely covered.

    Fry our “patties” from 2 sides until golden brown, about 2-3 minutes on medium heat.

    On the cabbage rolls, such a crust should form:

    The pigeons were fried.

    Let's take on sauce.

    Pour into a separate container 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, add a little water and tomato paste, mix it all. If there are tomatoes, add chopped tomatoes.

    We beat. Add salt, pepper, sugar. We mix.

    Stuffed cabbage rolls put in a saucepan, pour sauce, add chopped carrots.

    We put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Lazy cabbage rolls are ready!

    Decorate, serve!

    Lazy cabbage rolls in a slow cooker

    The slow cooker has firmly entered our lives, allowing housewives to save time on preparing delicious and healthy food. With its help, you can cook a delicious dish, retaining all the nutrients and vitamins, besides reducing the calorie content of food. Cooking lazy cabbage rolls in a slow cooker is a great idea, it allows you to save time on cooking, creating an amazing dish in taste.

    Consider how to cook lazy cabbage rolls in a slow cooker - step by step, with a photo.


    • Minced meat - 400 gr
    • Rice - 150 gr
    • Carrots - 2 pcs
    • Onion - 2 pcs
    • Cabbage - 500 gr
    • Vegetable oil

    For sauce:

    • Sour cream - 3 tablespoons
    • Tomato paste - 3 tablespoons
    • Salt, spices, seasonings

    How to cook lazy cabbage rolls in a slow cooker:

    Finely chop the cabbage with a knife, or with a vegetable cutter, pour boiling water for 5 minutes.

    Rice rinse, boil until half cooked - about 10 minutes.

    Cut the onion into small cubes, add to the minced meat. Also add an egg to the minced meat.

    Salt a little.

    Meanwhile, squeeze the cabbage, which has been infused in boiling water for 10 minutes, put it in minced meat, mix. Add rice to the bowl, stir until smooth. We form a dove of arbitrary shape. Roll the cabbage rolls in flour.

    Pour oil into a frying pan, heat up. On medium heat, fry the cabbage rolls on both sides, for 3-4 minutes - until golden brown. We spread lazy cabbage rolls on the bottom of the multicooker in layers.

    We make a sauce from 3 tablespoons of sour cream and 3 tablespoons of tomato paste. Add a small amount of water and spices.

    We put the container in the slow cooker, set the “Baking” program, leave it for 45 minutes.

    Decorate with herbs, add spices.

    Lazy cabbage rolls in the slow cooker are ready! This dish is self-sufficient, no garnish is required, lazy cabbage rolls are served with hot sauce or sour cream.
