
Year of the rooster what to cook for the holiday. Classic rolls with salmon, cucumber and cheese

What not to cook for the New Year 2017? This question is asked by many housewives, since over the past few decades it has become customary to cook New Year's dishes, taking into account the preferences in them for the symbol of the year according to the Chinese (Eastern) horoscope. In 2017, this symbol will be the Fire Rooster.

Symbol of the New Year 2017 - Fire Rooster

If you know the nature and characteristics of the next patron of the year, in this case the Fiery Red Rooster, then from the very beginning of his “entry into office” you can appease and win his favor so that the year goes exceptionally well and without loss.

2016 is the year of the Fire Monkey, which, according to the Eastern calendar, transfers its powers to the Rooster on January 28, 2017. But the New Year from December 31, 2016 to January 1, 2017 should already be celebrated with traditions that will please the future owner of the year.

The rooster is elegant, extraordinary, sociable in character and appearance. Likes demonstrative behavior, brightness. The element of the current Rooster in 2017 is Fire. Color - Red. You can and should take these aspects into account when choosing New Year's dishes 2017 for the holiday menu.

What dishes can be cooked in the year of the Rooster?

New Year's menu 2017 can be very diverse. Its main touches are an abundance of vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, and cereals. Also, the New Year's table should surprise with a variety of colors, decorations, and a hostess with a rich imagination.

From meat products, those that are less fatty should be used. Seafood, fish and dishes from them will be welcome guests on the festive table. All kinds of colorful sauces for dishes can be on the table in large quantities.

From cereals, you can cook casseroles, cereals, colored (mixed) side dishes.

You need to come up with a lot of all kinds of vegetable salads, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bvegetables. Vegetables can be used on the New Year's table 2017 fresh, baked, stewed, fried. Greens should certainly decorate the New Year's table 2017.

Vegetable snacks can be prepared the simplest, but they must be served in a rather original way. A simple example is a New Year's appetizer with mozzarella cheese.

Recipe for a New Year's snack with mozzarella cheese. She will need 200 grams of mozzarella cheese, cherry tomatoes, fresh basil (leaves), vegetable oil, balsamic vinegar, ground black pepper. Prepare snack foods. Wash and dry the tomatoes, cut into halves, cut the cheese into small pieces, rinse and dry the basil. Next, you should string the products on skewers in the following order: tomato, cheese, basil leaf, rolled up in 2-3 layers, again half of the cheese. Put the appetizer on a plate, sprinkle the appetizer with a sauce of vegetable oil, balsamic vinegar and pepper.

Unwanted dishes and products for the New Year's table 2017

There are exception products that should not be used in the 2017 New Year's menu, even if they are used to seeing them on the festive table. Their presence on the New Year's table can anger and alarm a generally peaceful bird. Such dishes include, for obvious reasons, dishes from any bird, wild or domestic.

That is, you should not use chicken, quail, duck, geese, turkey, chickens and other types of birds in New Year's recipes.

You should also not use chicken eggs too obviously to decorate the New Year's table 2017. They can be used in dough, in desserts, preparing pastries, soufflés, puddings based on them. But you should not make New Year's figurines against their background, for example, snowmen. No need to cook stuffed eggs either.

New Year 2017 is the year of the Rooster, but not a simple one, but a Fiery one. Simply put, everything will be “fire” in the new year, especially if you celebrate it well. The Fire Rooster loves everything colorful and catchy, but at the same time elegant and tasteful. This applies to outfits and to the festive menu. The site offers several tasty and healthy dishes that will decorate any feast.

Menu for the New Year 2017: snacks

An appetizer is an obligatory dish on the festive table. Small toasts, sandwiches, canapes and tartlets give guests the opportunity to have a snack before the main course is served.

Healthy snack rules:

  • the appetizer should be light, especially if it is part of the New Year's menu. The main task is to stimulate the appetite, and not to feed the guests to satiety. It is better to forget about traditional fatty tartlets on shortcrust pastry and croutons fried in butter;
  • snacks should be combined with an aperitif - a drink that is served before the main course to increase salivation and appetite. For example, if you chose red wine as an aperitif, it is better to prepare an appetizer from hard or soft cheeses, white canapes with fish, etc.;
  • during the preparation of snacks, avoid;
  • it's time to turn on your imagination, because snacks increase appetite and create mood not only with their taste, but also with their appearance.

We offer several universal dishes that will suit any (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) aperitif, will look great on the table and will not weigh down the stomach .

Baskets with artichokes


  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1/4 cup sour cream;
  • 1-1/2 cups grated mozzarella cheese;
  • 1/4 cup parmesan;
  • 1/2 cup canned artichokes (dry and chopped)
  • 300 g frozen spinach (dry and cut);
  • 2 cloves of garlic (chopped);
  • salt to taste;
  • freshly ground black pepper to taste;

For test:

  • 3 cups flour
  • 200 g margarine
  • 200 g sour cream


  1. Chop flour with margarine or butter with a knife until crumbs, add sour cream, knead, refrigerate for an hour.
  2. In a large bowl, combine cottage cheese, mozzarella, parmesan, artichokes, spinach, and garlic. Season with salt and pepper. Postpone.
  3. Roll out the dough, cut into squares and make small envelopes.
  4. Put the filling.
  5. Bake until golden brown.

Cheese balls


  • 300 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1/3 s. grated cheddar;
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder;
  • 1 teaspoon paprika;
  • salt;
  • freshly ground black pepper;
  • 8 slices bacon, fried and finely chopped
  • 1/3 s. finely chopped green onions;
  • 1/3 s. finely chopped nuts.


  1. mix cream cheese, cheddar, garlic powder, red pepper and season with salt and pepper;
  2. form 18 small balls and set aside in the refrigerator for an hour;
  3. in a shallow bowl, mix bacon, onion and nuts;
  4. Roll the balls in this mixture and insert a straw into each of them.

Menu for the New Year 2017: salads

Puff salads on mayonnaise from the grandmother's Soviet recipe book - an attribute of the 90th, not 2017. And if without jokes, every housewife has the right to choose what to cook for her for the year of the Rooster. And if it is a good old “fur coat” or Olivier, do not be lazy and cook. It has a lot less calories and more nutrients. Or, experiment and come up with something unusual and not flaky.

Brussels sprouts salad with apples


  • 1/4 s. wine vinegar;
  • extra virgin olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • 1/4 s. chopped parsley;
  • salt;
  • freshly ground black pepper;
  • 1/2 s. chopped walnuts;
  • Brussels sprouts (chopped)
  • 1 large apple (thinly sliced)


  1. in a small bowl, whisk vinegar, 2 tablespoons olive oil, honey, half of all parsley, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, set aside;
  2. fry walnuts in a dry frying pan until slightly golden;
  3. toss brussels sprouts, apples and walnuts with dressing;
  4. Sprinkle with the remaining parsley when serving.

Mandarin salad with turnips


  • 170 g spinach;
  • 3 oranges;
  • 1 large turnip;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sherry vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • ¼ lime or lemon;
  • ground chili pepper;
  • 5 tbsp olive oil;
  • ½ avocado;
  • 50 g cilantro;
  • ½ head of red onion;
  • salt to taste.


  1. squeeze the juice of one orange and lime, pour it into a jar with a lid and add vinegar, oil, honey and chili peppers, salt to taste;
  2. close the jar, shake;
  3. peel two oranges, divide into slices and get rid of the films;
  4. turnip cut into strips;
  5. peel the avocado and cut into cubes;
  6. wash and cut cilantro, chop;
  7. mix all the ingredients and pour over the sauce.

Menu for the New Year 2017: main course

In the year of the Fire Rooster, roasting a rooster as a main dish ... somehow “not commelfo”. Wait, because recently scientists justified pork and said that. So why not cook a steak?! The main thing is to adhere to the daily norm - portions of 70-80 g per guest will be enough.

Steak with cranberry sauce


For cranberry sauce:

  • ¼ s. cranberries;
  • diced white onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp light brown sugar;
  • 1 tsp red wine vinegar;
  • ¼ s. dark beer;
  • 1 tsp soy sauce.

For the steak:

  • small pieces of pork (according to the number of guests);
  • salt;
  • black pepper;
  • olive oil.

Sauce preparation:

  1. combine all ingredients in a stainless steel saucepan and simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the sauce thickens (about 1 hour);
  2. place the sauce in a blender and mix until smooth;
  3. Strain the sauce through a fine sieve and chill.

Meat preparation:

  1. Remove meat from refrigerator 1 hour before cooking. Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Sprinkle the steak with salt and pepper to taste;
  2. add 1 tablespoon of oil to the pan and fry the meat until golden brown;
  3. bake the steaks in the oven (180 degrees, 10-20 minutes);
  4. serve steaks with sauce.

Menu for the New Year 2017: alcohol

Champagne in the New Year, like Easter cake for Easter. And for many, the year of the Rooster will not be an exception. But isn't it boring to drink the same drink over and over again? You are right, traditions cannot be changed. But they can be refreshed and diluted!

New Year's champagne


  • 2 apples (chopped);
  • Frozen cranberries;
  • green grapes (cut in half);
  • pomegranate seeds;
  • ¼ s. grape juice;
  • 1 bottle of champagne or sparkling wine.

Cooking: put all the fruits and berries in a large jug. Top with champagne and grape juice before serving.

Christmas sangria


  • 2 bottles of white wine;
  • 3/4 cup sparkling apple cider;
  • 1/4 cup sugar;
  • 1/4 cup cranberries (cut in half)
  • 3/4 cup whole cranberries;
  • 1 apple;
  • 3 sprigs of rosemary

Cooking: stir all the ingredients in a pitcher with a large wooden spoon until the sugar has melted. Cool down. Serve with ice.

Menu for the New Year 2017: dessert

If you are sure that your household or guests will also draw dessert, do not buy cakes or sweets. It is better to put a bowl of fruit on the festive table and cook homemade cakes.

Cookies Fire Rooster


  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 2/3 tsp soda;
  • ½ cup powdered sugar;
  • 2 tbsp starch;
  • lemon acid;
  • 2 pinches of natural red dye.


  1. mix sugar, flour and soda, mix;
  2. add the yolk, and butter (cut into pieces);
  3. knead the dough, roll into a ball and wrap with cling film. Place in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes;
  4. roll out an adze 5 mm thick, cut out cookies using a cookie cutter or a paper stencil in the form of a cockerel;
  5. put the cookies on a baking sheet covered with parchment;
  6. bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees;
  7. prepare the glaze: mix the protein, powdered sugar and citric acid with a mixer. Add starch and stir with a fork.
  8. divide the icing into two parts: add the dye to one and mix, and add the starch (0.5 tbsp) to the other and mix too;

How to make a menu

It is not enough to pick up good recipes for the new year 2017, you also need to deal with them. Of course, each housewife has her own delicious and proven recipes, but if you use new recipes for the New Year's table, then I recommend trying the dishes to understand how long it will take you to cook them.

Try to accommodate the tastes of all guests. My mother always prepared a large table, and it seemed to me that the same dish was on the table several times - as a child, I thought that it was just for beauty, but in fact my mother repeated her best recipes in several readings.

For example, the same salad could be with mayonnaise, or it could be unseasoned - among our guests, not everyone eats mayonnaise. There were also options without meat, fish and other allergens. Take an interest in the tastes of your guests before compiling a menu.

Also, simple recipes should be included in the New Year's menu - after all, it takes five minutes to cook ordinary beets with prunes, and they eat them pretty quickly.

If you have any difficulties with serving the dish, photography will help you - study the pictures and try to repeat the serving as close to the original as possible.


It is better to choose New Year's snack recipes for the year of the rooster in such a way that it is easy to cook them - guests sweep away snacks first.

fried avocados

  • 3 ripe avocados;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g of breading mix;
  • Deodorized oil.
How to cook
  1. Beat the eggs, salt the mixture, pour into a convenient plate. Next to put two plates - one with flour, one with a mixture for breading.
  2. Peel the avocados, cut lengthwise into 6-10 slices.
  3. Pour oil into a frying pan with high sides and heat up, the degree of heating of the oil can be determined by a small slice of bread - it should fry quickly.
  4. Roll each piece of avocado in flour, dip in egg and breadcrumb mixture, and then put in oil.
  5. Remove all pieces and put on a plate, previously covered with absorbent napkins, allow excess fat to drain.
  6. Serve with a sprig of greens.

A very simple appetizer to prepare, but very effective and tasty.


  • 1 sheet of ready-made puff pastry;
  • 10 sun-dried tomatoes;
  • 20 olives;
  • 1 egg for lubrication;
  • Provence herb blend.
How to cook
  1. Roll out two large sheets of dough thinly.
  2. Arrange sun-dried tomatoes and olives on one layer of dough.
  3. Lubricate the place free from the filling with a beaten egg, grease the edges well.
  4. Cover with a second layer of dough, roll out slightly and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. Remove the semi-finished product from the refrigerator, and cut into strips.
  6. Put strips of dough on parchment, coat with beaten egg, and then sprinkle with Provence herbs and put in the oven for 20 minutes.

Hot meat dishes

We choose recipes for hot dishes for the new year 2017. New Year's dishes prepared for the new year 2017 can be almost anything, but it is better to use original recipes - this way you can emphasize the importance of the holiday.

Turkey breast chops

  • a small jar of mozzarella;
  • turkey breast;
  • 8 pcs. small tomatoes;
  • 4 strips of lard with a meat layer;
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper;
  • extra virgin olive oil;
  • salt and pepper;
  • Provencal herbs;
  • a few leaves of rosemary.
How to cook:
  1. Put the oven to heat up and take care of the meat - the turkey breast must be cut into 4 pieces, rinsed with cool water, dried and beaten off.
  2. Bulgarian pepper must be cleaned, and then cut into thin strips along. Divide the chopped peppers according to the number of chops, and wrap each part with a strip of bacon.
  3. On the beaten turkey meat you need to put crumbled mozzarella.
  4. Put on chops pepper with a piece of lard and form a roll.
  5. Put each roll on a separate sheet of baking paper, add 2 cherry tomatoes to each parchment, drizzle with olive oil, and add salt, spices, and then decorate with rosemary.
  6. Pack each roll in parchment (roll up like a candy), tie the edges with a harsh thread.
  7. Put the bundles in a mold and bake in a preheated oven for 30 minutes, then cut the parchment and bake for another 10 minutes - to get a beautiful crust.
  8. Serve with fresh tomatoes and any side dish.
When compiling the New Year's menu for the holiday of 2017, select recipes with photos. These can be New Year's proven recipes for the holiday in the year of the rooster or just unusual recipes for Christmas and New Year 2017 with a video or photo - this way you will simplify the task of preparing the table in advance.

Ginger Christmas ham

  • pork weighing about 2.5 kg.
  • 1 tbsp dry ground ginger root;
  • 6 garlic heads;
  • salt;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • a little cayenne pepper;
  • ginger - about 10 centimeters;
  • a couple of limes.
  1. Cut off some fat from the ham, the meat should have fat no more than one and a half centimeters.
  2. Peel and finely chop the ginger (you can use a grater). You need to remove the zest from citruses - with a vegetable peeler or the same grater, and also squeeze the juice out of them separately.
  3. Part of the lime zest is mixed with grated ginger root, a little less than a teaspoon of salt and lime juice should be put in this mixture.
  4. Mix ginger powder with pepper, zest and salt.
  5. The meat should be put on the table with fat up and stuffed with a mixture of salt and ginger. In several places you need to stick a knife, then turn it and put the ginger-lime mixture into the resulting hole, gently tamp and close the hole by removing the knife.
  6. After the ham is stuffed, you need to cut the fat on it diagonally and rub with a mixture of ginger powder, salt and pepper zest.
  7. Make foil envelopes - put a head of garlic in each, from which remove the top dry layer, and a piece of fat cut from the ham, roll each envelope.
  8. Take a frying pan that can be cooked without oil and "seal" the notched part of the ham (where the fat is) for a few minutes.
  9. Place the ham on the wire rack and in a baking sheet, which put in a very hot oven for 25 minutes.
  10. It is necessary to reduce the heat, pour 1-1.5 cups of water into a baking sheet, put garlic heads on the grate in a baking sheet.
  11. Bake at the rate of 20 minutes for every pound of weight. A 2 kilo ham will take 80 minutes to cook, if the weight of raw meat is 2.5 kg, then it will take 100 minutes to cook - that is, 1 hour and 40 minutes.
  12. Remove the ham, cover with a sheet of foil for 20 minutes and then you can serve.
When choosing recipes for New Year's meat dishes, do not forget to also resolve the issue with sauces - will you cook them yourself or just buy ready-made ones? In any case, this point needs to be thought through and taken into account.

Unusual fish dishes

If you rarely cook fish, then it’s better to watch New Year’s 2017 recipes with a photo - so you can quickly figure out how to cook a particular dish, and most importantly, how the final result should look like.

Fish mousse on black bread

  • Mascarpone or soft curd cheese without a bright taste - 150 g;
  • 3 bunches of green onions;
  • 150 g salmon;
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice;
  • Provencal herbs;
  • sliced ​​Borodino bread.
Cooking like this:
  1. Grind mascarpone, salmon and lemon juice in a blender to a paste-like state.
  2. Finely chop the green onion and stir into the fish mixture.
  3. Using a pastry bag, drop the mousse on pieces of Borodino bread, sprinkle with Provence herbs.

Tuna carpaccio on a pillow

  • 400 g tuna fillet (necessarily fresh);
  • 3 tbsp olive oil;
  • 1 tsp chopped fresh oregano;
  • 1 large handful of arugula;
  • juice and zest of 1 lemon;
  • half a head of lettuce;
  • salt to taste.
How to cook
  1. Rinse the tuna, separate from the skin, dry with paper towels and wrap in foil, then put in the freezer for half an hour.
  2. Tear the arugula and lettuce into large pieces with your hands, mix well.
  3. Mix olive oil and lemon juice, add salt and oregano.
  4. Remove the tuna from the freezer, cut into very thin slices (using a sharp knife or a special shredder).
  5. Form a lush pillow of greens on a plate (leave a little for decoration).
  6. Lay out the tuna so that the slices overlap each other and decorate a little with lettuce leaves on top.
  7. Fill the salad.

New Year's side dishes

Agree, is it stupid to put ordinary pasta on the New Year's table 2017 as a side dish? A couple of interesting side dishes will help diversify the menu for the new year 2017.

Cauliflower with cheese

  • 1 medium head of cauliflower;
  • 3 tbsp refined oil;
  • 1 tsp ground paprika;
  • garlic to taste;
  • 50 g of hard cheese;
  • salt to taste.
How to cook
  1. Set the oven to heat up, you need about 180 ° C.
  2. Wash the cabbage, remove the stems and leaves, cut so that it lies flat.
  3. Place cabbage in a baking dish.
  4. Grate garlic on a fine grater, mix with vegetable oil, paprika and salt.
  5. Coat cabbage with garlic oil.
  6. Grate hard cheese on a fine grater and sprinkle with cabbage.
  7. Place the baking dish in the oven and cook for about 1 hour.
  8. Check readiness with a sharp knife in the middle of the head - the knife should go in easily, without a crunch.
  9. A whole cabbage looks very impressive, so it’s better to cut it in front of guests, on the table.

  • half a kilo of green peas (frozen);
  • 3-4 stalks of celery;
  • 1.5 tbsp butter
  • 2-4 cloves of garlic;
  • fresh thyme;
  • 2 tbsp dry white wine;
  • 1 st. cream (fat content over 30%);
  • 1 tsp lemon peel;
  • 1 tsp mustard (preferably with grains);
  • 1 tsp flour or starch;
  • pepper and salt to taste;
  • parsley for decoration.
How to cook
  1. Cut the garlic into thin slices.
  2. Cut the celery into diagonal slices.
  3. Pour boiling water over the peas (without defrosting).
  4. Put butter in a frying pan, add thyme and garlic.
  5. After the butter has melted, add the peas and celery, salt and pepper.
  6. Sprinkle with flour and add cream, bring to a boil, stirring lightly.
  7. Season with lemon zest, mustard, garnish with parsley when serving.

New Year's desserts

New Year's recipes with photos will help you prepare amazing and simple desserts.

banana cheesecake

  • 0.5 kg low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 6 ripe bananas;
  • 2 tbsp starch;
  • 1 egg.
How to cook
  1. Beat the egg, cottage cheese and starch.
  2. Grind peeled bananas in a blender.
  3. Thoroughly knead the dough and put in a mold.
  4. Bake until golden brown.

carrot muffins

  • 1 st. Sahara;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • 0.5 st. odorless vegetable oil;
  • zest of 1 orange;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 st. flour;
  • 1 sachet of baking powder;
  • nutmeg and cinnamon to taste.
How to cook
  1. Beat eggs with sugar, add vanilla sugar to the mixture and beat again.
  2. Grate carrots.
  3. Mix flour with baking powder and sift.
  4. Pour flour and carrots into the egg mixture, pour in vegetable oil, mix cinnamon and nutmeg into the dough.
  5. Divide batter between muffin tins and bake for 20 minutes.
You should not include too many desserts in the menu for the new year 2017, 1-2 will be enough, but let them be delicious recipes. You can make an ordinary cake, or you can include something truly unique in the menu for the celebration of 2017.

Bonus: delicious drink

Usually, as drinks, many simply buy alcohol and soda, but it is possible to make unusual drinks - especially since it is quite easy.

It's already December and the most important holiday of the year is getting closer and closer. And the question "What to cook for the New Year?" becomes more and more relevant. Everyone, both children and adults, is waiting for the New Year, they are carefully preparing for this event for a long time. until the Year of the Fire Rooster. And also, in what to meet? What to give your loved one this New Year. And of course, what is best to cook for the New Year 2017.

In this article, we will share with you the most delicious recipes for the New Year's table with photos. We will tell you how to serve and decorate the New Year's table and what dishes will be relevant in the year of the Fire Rooster.

Since 2017 is the year of the Rooster, first of all exclude all dishes prepared from poultry, replace meat with pork, beef or fish. The Old Believers claim that if you serve chicken dishes on New Year's Eve, then the whole year will be unsuccessful.

It is very important to think over the menu in advance. Consider the preferences of your guests and those that will please the Patron of 2017, the Rooster.

Appetizers and salad recipes for the new year 2017

To attract and win over the Rooster, you need to make a nest and put it in the center of the table. I have a proven and very tasty salad recipe, it is called "The Nest". The salad looks very original and will look out of place on the New Year's table.


  • French fries - 250 gr.
  • Cheese -200 gr.
  • 2-3 garlic cloves.
  • Lettuce leaves - 6 pcs.
  • Beef - 150 gr
  • Champignons - 150 gr
  • Onion 1 pc. medium size
  • Pickled cucumbers, pickled - 2 pcs.
  • Quail eggs - 8-10 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise

Cooking method:

Cook beef cut into strips. We fry the french fries. Can be substituted with Pringles chips. Peel and cut the onion very finely, fry a little, until golden brown. Finely chop the mushrooms and also fry a little, 1 minute. We cut cucumbers finely. Grate the garlic on a fine grater or pass through the garlic. Dry my greens on a towel. Boil eggs, peel. 4-5 pcs. grate on a fine grater, the rest will go into the nest itself for decoration. We rub cheese.

Layer the lettuce:

  1. Arrange lettuce leaves on a plate.
  2. Eggs, grated
  3. Chopped cucumbers
  4. Grated cheese
  5. Small fried french fries

We squeeze a little the middle of our salad, put small lettuce leaves, and lay quail eggs on them. Our salad is ready.

Here is another interesting and non-standard salad of 2017. We violate all the standards for reproducing Olivier salad, this year we will make it with shrimp, and not with sausage or chicken fillet. Let's lure our Rooster.


  • Shrimp - 450-500 gr.
  • Potatoes - 4-5 pieces
  • Carrots - 2-3 pieces (medium)
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Canned peas - 1 can
  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Mayonnaise

To decorate the salad: Bunch of dill, parsley, olives, caviar

Cooking method:

Boil: carrots, potatoes, eggs, and separately cook and peel the shrimp if they need to be cooked. You can buy ready-made peeled ones. Finely chop the onion, soak in soda with a little vinegar and add 1 tsp of sugar. If you don't like onions like my husband does, you can replace it with an apple.

Wash and dry the herbs on a towel. Finely chop the cucumbers. Mix all ingredients with mayonnaise. We decorate our salad with shrimps, olives and herbs.

Recipes for snacks, sandwiches and canapes for the New Year 2017 with a photo

On the New Year's table, not only false dishes should be present, but also all possible snacks, sandwiches and canapes, because New Year's Eve is long and after an hour of sitting at the table, you need to have something to eat. And for those who don't drink, just keep company. So, what snacks can be made on the New Year's table.

Mini sandwiches with balyk, olives and cucumber on skewers

They are made very simply: Toast bread is cut into 4 pieces diagonally, greased with butter. We put thinly sliced ​​ham, cucumber and olive on it. We pierce the boutique with a skewer.

Canape with ham and tomatoes

We cut small squares of bread, coat them with butter. We put a circle of cucumber on it, then again spread the bread, boiled ham on top, then cherry tomato and olive with herbs. Everything is pierced with a skewer. Original and tasty.

Canape with several types of cheese and grapes

Choose cheese according to your taste. It is desirable that your cheese is soft, and the grapes are pitted. Cut the cheese into cubes, wash the grapes, select the seeds, if any, and cut in half. String the entire kebab alternating types of cheese with grapes on a skewer. This kind of appetizer, it will be good to reckon with wine.

For those who are losing weight Canape with shrimp and celery

My celery, cut into a length of 2.5 cm. Put a shrimp wrapped in an olive or olive on it, as in the photo. We pierce the whole thing with a skewer.

Canape with shrimp and grapes on a bread pillow

Cut out the crumb from the toast with a small glass. pressing on it, put it on the advance and pre-dry the bread in the oven. When everything is ready, you need to put grapes and shrimp on bread, piercing them with a skewer.

Also very relevant on the New Year's table is such an appetizer as

"Roll with salmon and cheese"

We spread melted cheese on a sheet of pita bread, cut the red fish into small pieces and spread evenly on the pita bread. Finely cut a fresh cucumber and sprinkle with red fish. You can also sprinkle with grated cheese. To make the roll juicy, make a mesh of mayonnaise and spin the pita bread. When everything is ready, put it in the refrigerator for impregnation. Before serving, cut into slices 1-1.5 cm thick. Arrange and decorate the plate with olives, olives or selenium. You can also put the roll on lettuce leaves or put pieces of it in the roll itself.

Recipes for hot dishes for the New Year's table 2017

The recipe for the most delicious potato dish "Gratin" 2017.

Of course, you can boil just potatoes and serve as a side dish for meat, but Gratin will surprise your guests and will be another original dish on your New Year's table. "Gratin" is very tasty, juicy, and most importantly easy to prepare.

This dish should be prepared immediately before serving on the New Year's table.

  • Potato - 15 pcs. (depending on the number of guests)
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Pickled mushrooms - 150 gr.
  • Parsley and basil
  • Cheese - 250 gr.
  • Sour cream -110 ml.
  • Cream - 250 ml
  • Nutmeg - a little for flavor
  • Bacon - 100 gr
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper, spices - to taste

Mushrooms and bacon, cut into pieces. We cut the potatoes into thin circles of 3-4 mm. Pass the garlic through the garlic, mix it with salt and spices. Put chopped potatoes, garlic sauce with spices, pour cream on the pan. Simmer for 10 minutes until potatoes are soft. Add nutmeg. When everything is ready, arrange everything in baking dishes, sprinkle with cheese, pour over with mayonnaise and bake in a preheated oven for 30 minutes.

This French recipe is for vegetable lovers, vegetarians or dieters.

Preparation method and ingredients:

  • Eggplant, zucchini - 5 pcs.
  • Fresh tomatoes - 8 pcs. (medium)
  • Medium potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • Bacon - 150 gr.
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Thyme and basil, ground black pepper, salt - to taste
  • Olive oil - 20 ml.

We clean the potatoes. Wash all vegetables and cut into slices. Arrange vegetables in a greased baking dish, alternating ingredients. Sprinkle with spices, salt, pour oil and pour a little water so that our vegetables do not burn and are well extinguished. We cook the dish before serving in a preheated oven, about 40 minutes, at 200 degrees. Before serving, garnish the Vegetable Tian with herbs and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Interesting drinks and cocktails for the New Year 2017.

Before guests arrive, a range of cocktails and aperitifs can be prepared before the arrival of the New Year 2017, which will cheer you up.

  1. Coca Cola
  2. cherry wine

Pour rum and wine into a glass filled with ice. In the ratio of 1 (rum) to 3 (wine). Top up glass with ice-cold Cola.

  1. Champagne
  2. Martini
  3. Sugar - to taste
  4. Lemon -1 pc.
  5. Mint leaves -1-2 pcs.

Pour champagne, martini and lemon fresh into a glass with ice in equal parts, add sugar. Garnish the glass with lemon slices and mint leaves.

How to decorate the New Year's table.

New Year 2017 according to the Eastern calendar will be held under the sign of the Fire Rooster. At first glance, this bird seems to be simple, but it has a cocky and snobby character, and therefore it will not be easy to please the owner of the coming year.

When preparing for New Year's Eve, it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail so as not to get into a mess and inadvertently anger the Fanfaron Rooster. What to cook on the New Year's table 2017 to satisfy the demanding bird, surprise guests with extraordinary dishes, and what recipes to use to turn the holiday into a culinary extravaganza?

This task is not an easy one, but nothing is impossible if you take up the matter with confidence in your abilities and a sincere desire to please loved ones. When preparing the menu, it is important to take into account some rules, the knowledge of which will save you from many mistakes. So,

  • The first rule is that it is impossible to cook from chicken meat on this holiday. You will have to give up not only this, such a familiar and undoubtedly tasty product, but even eggs, though served too explicitly - for example, stuffed. But you can cook using eggs as ingredients in the same salads or pastries.
  • Rule two - more greens, vegetables and fruits. It is understandable, because the rooster is a bird that eats plant foods. Recipes from cereals and legumes are also welcome on the festive table. What is not a worthy alternative to bored potatoes? Rice, bulgur, corn grits, beans, with proper cooking and serving, can become a real highlight of the culinary program! You can cook salads, main dishes, desserts, cuts from vegetables and fruits. In a word, the more there are, the better.
  • The third rule is simple, but tasteful. Recipes that fully satisfy the strict guidelines of the master of the year are easy to prepare, do not require exotic ingredients, strong frying, and are moderately seasoned with spices.

Having adopted these useful recommendations, let's proceed, in fact, to the most important thing - the choice of dishes for the festive table. And what delicious to cook for the new year 2017 will be prompted by the recipes with photos below. All of them are quite simple to prepare, do not require special material costs and special skills of the chef. Just check out the listed dishes, and you will definitely understand for yourself what is better to cook.

New Year's dishes - simple, but ... exquisite

Since we do not want the next 12 months to pass under the sign of resentment against us by the picky Rooster, we will cook the first hot dishes from pork, lamb and seafood. Such a choice will allow you to remember it as a celebration, where traditional culinary preferences sparkled with new tastes.

Pork with prunes - unusual and beautiful

So, when deciding what to cook for the new 2017 Year of the Rooster, we note that it will be a win-win to bake the most tender pork with prunes and dry red wine (sounds magical, doesn't it?).

On well-washed and towel-dried meat (it is better to take a rump), cuts are made at regular intervals of 1.5 cm. for 30 minutes in warm red wine. The meat is then wrapped in foil and placed in an oven preheated to 200°.

The dish is baked for 40 minutes, then turned over and fried for the same amount. 10 minutes before cooking, the foil opens, which allows the pork to brown and become covered with a golden crust.

Juicy lamb on the bone - incomparable softness and flavor

Also appetizing, as in the photo it looks like another New Year's dish - lamb on the bone. Pieces of lamb meat on the bone are beaten off, flavored with spices (salt, pepper, thyme, basil), onion, cut into rings, and marinated for some time in the cold. Then they are sent to a grill pan, where they are fried on both sides until half cooked. Lamb gets its final softness by baking then in the oven.

Pork and smoked lamb rolls - an interesting combination

Appreciate creativity? Then try to surprise the guests and the Rooster himself with an unusual combination of smoked lamb and tender pork, making original rolls from them. On the cut into squares and salted and peppered pork (850 g), hard cheese (250 g), cut into slices, is placed.

Topped with a layer of smoked lamb (250 gr). Then all this is rolled up in the form of a roll, and, tied with a thread, goes to the oven for 1-1.5 hours. When serving to guests, the thread is removed. These rolls are good both as an independent dish and as a snack.

Fish feast - salmon under a crust of nuts

A real find for housewives who love simple recipes is salmon with nuts.

First, we make the sauce with which the fish will be poured. To do this, melt the butter, mix with honey and mustard. Mix chopped parsley with breadcrumbs and chopped nuts. We cut the fish into portions, removing, if necessary, the vertebral bones, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. We put it on a greased form and send it to the oven, heated to 190 ° for 30 minutes. Serving salmon to guests, serve it with lemon slices.

Tribute to traditions - fish with sauce

Cooking fish with sauce according to a traditional Russian recipe will be a wonderful surprise for guests and Rooster. We take a fish fillet (salmon, trout, sea bass), salt, sprinkle with lemon juice. Spread a baking dish, greased with vegetable oil, with chopped onion, on which we lay portioned pieces of fish with the skin down. Bake until the fillet turns white (30 minutes).

Mix sour cream, onion, salt and spices and pour over the fish, bringing it to readiness for the next 15 minutes. Serve on the New Year's table, sprinkled with herbs.

Chinese exotic - shrimp with sauce

Cooking for the New Year's table 2017 and not using seafood is nonsense. We correct this misunderstanding by preparing the next delicious and original dish - shrimp with sauce, having our recipes with photos at hand. The cooking time takes about half an hour, and the dish itself pleases not only with its exquisite taste, but also with a reduced calorie content.

So, butter, garlic and cream are laid out in a heated pan and brought to a boil. Peeled shrimps with finely chopped parsley are stewed in the sauce for 10 minutes, then laid out on a separate dish, while the sauce continues to stand on fire. When it thickens, add the shrimp to it again and simmer for a few more minutes. The dish is served warm with rice or pasta.

Vegetable Fair - salad for everyone

We offer to prepare a vegetable salad, from which the discerning Rooster will definitely be delighted, and the New Year's table will only benefit! The main thing is that you can regulate the composition of this interesting dish yourself. The highlight of this unusually bright and easy-to-prepare appetizer is that any (!) Fresh vegetables are cut into not too thin slices and laid out in a bowl, where a cup of boiled pork or ham is placed in the center.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, green salad, Chinese cabbage, onions, garlic, spicy greens are suitable for salad. Separately, vegetables are served with various sauces: sour cream, creamy, homemade mayonnaise, natural yogurt dressing with various spices or garlic. So, each of the guests will be able to "assemble" their own vegetable salad from their favorite ingredients, and season again to their liking. And the rooster is pleased and the guests are delicious.

Serving wonders - crab stick salad in orange baskets

If you want originality and bright colors, you definitely need to prepare a salad of crab sticks in orange baskets for the New Year's table. And how to do it, our recipes will tell you. Mixing boiled eggs, orange pulp, crab sticks, canned corn in a separate bowl, salting and dressing it all with mayonnaise, we are engaged in the most interesting thing - serving. In the halves of oranges, previously peeled from the pulp, with the edges cut around the entire circumference in the form of denticles, we place our salad - voila, an amazing dish for the new year 2017 is ready!

Warm salad in buns - appetizing and satisfying

Having spent quite a bit of time, you can create another culinary masterpiece based on our recipes with photos - a warm salad in savory buns. Cooking it is not so difficult: mix diced smoked meat or sausage, boiled potatoes, pickled cucumbers, grated cheese, sweet peppers and mayonnaise. For sesame buns, carefully cut off the top and remove the pulp. Place the resulting salad inside and bake in the oven until the cheese begins to melt. Before serving, cover the bun with the previously cut top.

Triumph of tenderness - salmon rolls

A wonderful snack for the new year 2017 can be prepared from lightly salted pieces of salmon, cut into thin slices. Inside each fish strip we place any curd cheese mixed with herbs (parsley, green onions) and carefully roll the slices like rolls. We place in the cold for 1-2 hours, and then put it on a dish, previously covered with green salad leaves.

Tasty and fast - pita rolls with ham or fish

As a variant of the previous snack, you can cook pita rolls with ham or any lightly salted smoked fish. To do this, take pita bread, coat it with a thin layer of curd cheese, put ham or fish cut into thin plates on top, roll it into a roll and put it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Then take it out of the fridge and cut into slices and serve.

Our recipes with photos will help you set a stunning table for the new year 2017, which will be held under the leadership of the Rooster. Take a closer look at the dishes described here, and, perhaps, by adding something of your own, create new culinary masterpieces. Good luck!
