
Hypoallergenic milk-free and palm oil-free infant formulas: a list and range of products based on high quality milk fats. Palm Oil Free Infant Formula - Formula, Cereals and Why You Shouldn't Buy Them

Mother's milk is the perfect product for the baby. What should I do if it is unavailable for some reason? The high calcium content in cow's and goat's milk puts a heavy burden on the baby's kidneys, so they are not suitable for nutrition. Artificial mixtures are the only possible option for a complete diet for a baby up to 6 months. Their composition is being improved every year and raises many doubts not only among parents, but also among specialists in neonatology and pediatrics.

Why are vegetable fats added to baby food?

Especially a lot of controversy arises about vegetable oils, which are legally allowed to be used in dairy products for infants. They are added to enrich the fatty acid compositions that are necessary for the formation of the nervous system and brain of the baby.

The recommended level of dietary fats in the diet of a baby up to a year is from 45% to 50%. Why are vegetable fats added to baby food? Because animal lipids contain a lot of cholesterol, they cause indigestion. In plant foods, the cholesterol content is negligible, they contain many useful substances, the body absorbs them almost completely. In addition, they are stored for a long time and have a low price.

Fatty acids of palm, sunflower, rapeseed, coconut, soy are used in women's milk substitutes.

What is the value and harm of palm oil?

The use of palm oil in baby food raises many questions. They began to add it because of the content in it of a record amount of palmitic acid - a special substance that is also present in breast milk. The percentage of palmitic acid in mother's milk is 25%, in palm fat - 45%. That's just the lack of the necessary enzymes in the baby's body does not allow this beneficial substance to be absorbed. As a result, it forms insoluble compounds that can lead to colic, flatulence and constipation.

This substance has a high content of vitamin E and enzymes. But when refined, it loses its useful properties. Its lipids cannot be called easily digestible - it contains refractory substances that form a bond with calcium. In the intestines of an infant, such food turns into soap, and calcium is excreted in the stool without saturating the bone tissue with minerals. There is scientific evidence that feeding a baby for 3-4 months with products containing the fat of this culture reduces the strength of the skeletal system by 10%.

Oil palm oil has a low content of the most valuable essential acids - linoleic and alpha - linoleic - only 9%. For comparison: in sunflower it is 62%. This substance is also half composed of fatty acids, similar in composition to animal fat. Thanks to these properties, it is stored for a long time, without loss of taste and aromatic properties. But it is a large amount of these substances that leads to atherosclerosis.

What other arguments are there for palm oil free infant formula? There is evidence from research that suggests that palm oil in infant formula can lead to obesity and diabetes. This substance is found in many products for children: ice cream, cookies, cottage cheese.

How to choose baby food

What to look for when buying a box of nutrition for an infant? After all, the health of the baby depends on the right mixture for the newborn. First, carefully study the composition on the label. If it includes a substitute for milk fat, vegetable oils without specifying the name, then, with a high probability, the product contains palm substances. Secondly, carefully choose the brand, giving preference to trusted manufacturers. Thirdly, the purchase should be made in accordance with the age of the child.

With a huge assortment, it is quite difficult to choose blends without palm oil. The fact is that they have a serious drawback - they have a high cost.

Here is a list of palm fat-free infant formulas:

  1. NENNY. New Zealand product based on whole goat milk, vegetable lipids, marine fish oil. This composition does not cause allergies, and the prebiotics included in the composition ensure good digestion. Recommended for children prone to spitting up.
  2. NAN- developed by NESTLE, the products contain vitamins, lactobacilli, microelements. The product has an optimal hypoallergenic composition, budget price, good quality.
  3. Semilak Premium- Irish infant formula, included in the list of products without palm oil and GMOs. The composition contains maltodextrin, which has a high energy value. Does not cause colic and gas formation. Well absorbed.

Many manufacturers of breast milk substitutes include structured palm fatty acids in their products, preserving the good properties and minimizing the harmful ones. These are the companies included in the rating of the most popular, producing "Baby", "Agusha" "Hipp", goat milk mixtures "Cabrita" "Nutrilon", "Nestozhen".

What little-known companies produce palm oil-free infant formula?

  • This is a Ukrainian brand
  • Danish
  • French "MD Mil".

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Pediatricians also join in the opinion that modern products for babies are relatively safe. So, O. A. Komarovsky in the programs advises parents to choose products based on the family budget and the state of health of the newborn.

In his opinion, palm oil in mixtures does not cause adverse reactions, provided that the products are manufactured in accordance with all standards. According to him, the activities of manufacturers of products for children are controlled at the state level, and the ingredients that make up the composition are recommended by Russian and international organizations. Also, a well-known pediatrician claims that the doctor who observes the child from birth should recommend the baby's diet, especially if there are developmental disorders.

A well-known opinion of Dr. Komarovsky is the statement that for children under one year old, any mixture of good quality is better than whole or diluted milk of animal origin. The main criterion that the baby's diet is chosen correctly is the optimal weight gain, normal stool, and general well-being. Allergies, obesity, indigestion are largely associated with an increase in the daily caloric intake.

And one more thing: if artificial milk is suitable for a child, you should not change it for another, even the most expensive and prestigious one.

The content of GMOs in foods for babies

Parents should think about more than just palm oil in infant formula. Today, the benefits and harms of genetically modified foods are widely discussed. There are two points of view: the first argues that products with an extra inserted gene are absolutely safe and necessary. The second opinion, based on animal experiments, says that the use of such products leads to allergies, developmental disorders and even infertility. Since the research is local and the results are not advertised, non-GMO products should be preferred.

From the point of view of Dr. Komarovsky, the danger of such products is exaggerated and caused by prejudices and clash of interests of food concerns. The altered gene cannot damage a person's DNA if it enters through the stomach. However, in many countries such products are prohibited, especially for pregnant and lactating mothers and children.

It is impossible to determine the content of a harmful substance in domestic conditions. Even such large manufacturers as Nestle, Similak, Hipp, Danone were suspected by Greenpeace of using products with GMOs. Many manufacturers, especially Russian ones, do not provide information about the presence of a dubious substance. It remains only to hope for the honesty of manufacturers and strict control by the state. In the meantime, you need to carefully study the labels, check the composition and be aware of the latest in food engineering.

Every parent wants to provide their child with the best from infancy. Therefore, moms and dads often strive to find out which infant formula is free of palm oil and other harmful additives. In this article, we will talk about why you should be wary of the oil palm product at all and where to look for quality nutrition for newborns and one-year-old babies.

From this article you will learn:

Harm of palm oil for children

Palm oil belongs to a number of vegetable oils. To obtain it, the fleshy part of the fruits of the African oil palm (Eleis Guinea) is used. For the first time, such pomace appeared 5 thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt, and since 2015, the production of the product has outpaced the production of sunflower oil by 2.5 times. The same Nestle company, known in the world of baby food, annually buys 420 thousand tons of this product. The largest producing countries are Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.

Contrary to existing myths, palm oil is obtained in the classic version without the use of trans fats and chemicals. Fresh fruit clusters from a palm tree are first sterilized, threshed, boiled, and then sent under a mechanical press. Then the raw material is filtered and washed, after which it goes through the stages of deodorization and refining.

To determine the risks of this product, let's first examine the composition and properties of palm oil:

  1. The main feature of the chemical composition of this substance is the high content of saturated fatty acids. This component has useful functions in the human body, in particular, participation in metabolism, assistance in the formation of hormones, accelerating the absorption of vitamins, etc. However, an excess of saturated fat leads to overweight, an increase in the number of cardiovascular diseases and an increased risk of diabetes. Saturated fatty acids contained in palm oil clog blood vessels, increase the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and increase the level of toxins in the body.
  2. A particular physical characteristic of the palm fruit product is its high melting point. For this reason, it is not completely broken down in the digestive system and is not absorbed. Thus, even the good substances in palm oil - vitamins A and E, unsaturated fats, strong natural antioxidants - do not have the opportunity to enter the body and benefit. The unprocessed part remains in the body, namely, it hangs in the intestines. The fact is that the compounds of palmitic acid and calcium do not dissolve in water, are not absorbed by the walls of the intestinal tract and are difficult to excrete with feces. As a result, the child simply begins to have problems with the stool.
  3. Along with such digestive difficulties as constipation, gas, colic, regurgitation and bloating, palmitic acid brings another problem. It weakens the absorption of calcium by 20%, which can lead to thinning of the bone tissue and slowing down the growth of the skeleton.

Now that you know why you should not buy palm oil formulas, let's take a look at the opinion of an expert in children's medicine, let's take a look, so to speak, from an outside perspective.

Dr. Komarovsky about palm oil

A well-known pediatrician and TV presenter throughout the country is trusted by hundreds of thousands of mothers, and for good reason. The specialist knows how to decompose any complex topic on the shelves and clearly answers all questions. Dr. Komarovsky has his own point of view on any issue, and the benefits and harms of palm oil are no exception.

  • Komarovsky recalls that although baby food with palm oil is absorbed worse than mother's milk, its absorption rates are not so bad. In particular, milk fat from cow's milk is absorbed by 90%, and palm oil - by 95%. So an infant formula with such an ingredient should not cause difficulties in a small organism.
  • The doctor notes that the main thing in such baby food and mixtures, including, is the manufacturing technology of the palm product that was added there. If not a “pure” component is taken, but only palmitic acid and olein, then no harm to the child is observed. In no case should you buy food with technical palm oil, but it is best to choose a modified version: the modified composition allows you to avoid digestive problems in a child. That is, we come to the conclusion that a milk formula without palm oil, as well as a mixture with it in the composition, has an equally beneficial effect if the manufacturer mixes all the ingredients correctly and adds vitamins and minerals.
  • Palm oil, according to Komarovsky, helps diversify baby food, make the mixture complete, because it contains vitamins that are useful for the baby. It is better to let the child consume specially formulated food, even with palm oil, than cow's or goat's milk, often given by parents instead of mother's. Animal milk should not be given to children under one year old, because there is a lot of calcium and phosphorus, which creates a load on the kidneys. Remember that processed protein, even in combination with palmitic acid, is more natural for a fragile body and does not cause allergies if technology is followed.
  • If you are giving your baby formula with regular palm oil, try to prevent or correct calcium deficiency. To do this, you need to increase the amount of this element in the daily diet. At the same time, reminds Komarovsky, it is important to monitor the child's stool and regularly visit a pediatrician.

Thus, from the point of view of the famous doctor, palm oil is just one of the factors that can, in theory, affect the health of the baby. But under other normal conditions, when a child eats with appetite, has a varied and high-quality menu and actively spends accumulated energy, there will be no harm from a palm product. Moreover, in some situations, the addition of this ingredient not only does not reduce the cost, but increases the cost of the entire production. So, according to Komarovsky, you can buy milk formulas with palm oil, but it is important that they are properly adapted according to the age of the crumbs and preferably hypoallergenic.

Baby formula without palm oil

Palm Oil Free Infant Formula

Vegetable oil is added to the mixture in order to restore the fat content as close as possible to breast milk. If we refuse palm oil in production, technologists still need to look for a source of fatty acids and vitamins for the child. Before we know exactly which companies are producing olein- and palmitic-free baby food, let's find out what alternative types of palm oil-free infant formula exist today:

  • Milk mixture. In addition to valuable amino acids and micro and macro elements, lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, probiotics and prebiotics are included in the composition. These mixtures are developed for children of different ages, but they always have a positive effect on the microflora of the stomach and intestines, improving the digestive process.
  • Nutrition with modified palm oil. This product does not react with calcium, so the composition of vegetable fat immediately approaches human breast milk. In the modified formula, palmitic acid occupies a central position in triglycerides and does not interfere with absorption. At the moment, there are mixtures with modified fats not only of palm, but also of other vegetable oils. But they are very expensive.
  • Goat milk mixture without palm oil. It is well absorbed even in children prone to allergies and difficult digestion. It has the necessary set of vitamins and minerals, a complex of high-quality vegetable fats, lutein and kartinin. Such casein mixtures are often hypoallergenic and as close as possible in composition to mother's milk.
  • Serum blend. Closer to breast milk than the previous one (although also made with goat milk, but with the addition of whey), therefore it is considered highly adapted. Reduces problems with stool, improves the condition of the intestines, but does not contribute to the sufficient production of bifidobacteria.

Palm oil-free formula for newborns: a list

Classic blends without palm olein are from the following well-known brands:

  • "Similak";
  • "NANNY";
  • "Unstable";

They also stopped adding oil palm oil to mixtures from NAS: 1, 2, 3 and 4.

The palm oil-free blends you saw above unfortunately contain other vegetable extracts. So, traces of safflower, soybean and coconut oil were found in Similac products. In the latter, by the way, there are much more saturated fatty acids than in palm. Vegetable fats are in any case different from mother's milk, especially if they are not modified.

Also, Similac, like NANNIE, is not considered a highly adapted blend. This means that in them the ratio of casein and whey proteins is equal, while in human milk the latter prevails over the former. Therefore, such mixtures are not suitable for newborns. So we study the rating further and look for more acceptable and high-quality options.

Infant formula 0 to 6 months: which is better without palm oil?

  • The complex of modified vegetable fats, which will be well absorbed, is in the Materna infant formula. Cheaper analogues only with beta palmitate are Nutrilon Comfort 1, Heinz Infanta 1, Kabrita Gold 1, Hipp Comfort, Celia Anticolic, Humana Anticolic.
  • Among the whey mixtures, you can choose the Danish products "Mameks" from International Nutrition Co, "Nestozhen", which, however, has coconut pomace, and "NAN" (coconut + rapeseed). They also recommend Kabrita Gold.
  • The most famous representatives of casein mixtures are Nanny Classic and Similak Premium baby food products.
  • Fermented milk formulas are represented on the baby food market by Nutrilak, Nutrilak Premium and Nutrilon products without palm oil.

Hypoallergenic mixtures for newborns without palm oil: a list

Palm oil-free formula for newborns: a list

In the presence of artificial feeding, the occurrence of dermatitis and skin irritation in general is not uncommon, especially if there is a hereditary factor. Then it is better to switch to hypoallergenic mixtures, where partially hydrolyzed whey protein is added. It is ideal for feeding babies up to six months. There are different types of such baby food:

  • Dairy-free on soy protein - for children with an absolute intolerance to cow's milk.
  • Low lactose and lactose free. Useful for diarrhea and intestinal infections.
  • Adapted protein - are prescribed for poor weight gain in a child, severe allergies, as well as premature babies.
  • Gluten-free - with intolerance to cereals.
  • Without phenylalanine - for babies with phenylketonuria.

The hypoallergenic mixture can be therapeutic and prophylactic for its intended purpose, and in the form of a dry, ready-made or in the form of a liquid concentrate. Today, the best mixtures in this category are recognized:

  • "Nan hypoallergenic";
  • "Similak hypoallergenic";
  • "Nestogen hypoallergenic";
  • "Nutrilak hypoallergenic";
  • "Bellakt hypoallergenic";
  • "Friso hypoallergenic";
  • "Baby hypoallergenic."

Non-GMO Palm Oil Infant Formula

Products with genetically modified organisms should not be given to children in order to avoid intoxication and allergic reactions. In addition, after the use of GMOs, antibiotic treatment is more difficult. According to the technical regulations, the level of GMOs in any product should not exceed 0.9%. In 2015, an examination was carried out, which showed that GMOs are 100% absent in the following mixtures:

  • "Agusha-1";
  • "Nestle NAN 1 Premium";
  • "Similac Premium 1";
  • "Nutrilak Soy 1";
  • "Baby-1".

Please note that Nestle was noticed using GMOs in various product lines a few years ago, but NAN premium blend is acceptable without any complaints.

Baby cereal without palm oil

In dairy-free cereals, there is no need to replace milk fat, so you will not find palm oil there. In dry milk porridges with dry cream and the same whole milk, there are also no vegetable fats, and, consequently, palmitic acid and olein. You can safely buy high-quality and natural milk cereals from brands:

  • "Bibikashi"
  • "Mamako";
  • "Heinz";
  • "Bellakt";
  • "Diaper";
  • "Clever";
  • "Frutonyanya";
  • "Baby".

Modified palm oil is found in Nutrilon milk porridges, but the usual harmful variation of the product can be found in the manufacturers of Nestle, Malyutka and Humana.

By the way, following the advice of Dr. Komarovsky, when choosing a manufacturer of baby formulas and cereals, pay attention to companies with an assortment for different ages. This way you can be sure to gradually change the diet without sudden fluctuations in taste and aroma that may reject the child. In general, it is not recommended to change mixtures often. Try to buy the baby food that you are guaranteed to be able to find on the shelves of a nearby store in your country on any given day.

Which mixture is best for a newborn

The best mixture for newborns in composition

All milk mixtures can be conditionally divided into two large groups: those made on the basis of goat's milk and those made on the basis of cow's milk. Experts believe that goat milk formulas are better suited for a baby, since its proteins are more similar to breast milk proteins.

The best food for a newborn is adapted milk formulas. They are the most suitable for replacing breast milk, since they are completely absorbed by the baby's body. But it is advisable to choose milk formulas for a newborn without palm oil. The use of this oil in large quantities is fraught with a weakening of the growth of the child, poor formation of the skeletal system and the occurrence of problems with the teeth.

Modern manufacturers offer milk formulas without sugar, but enriched with various minerals and vitamins necessary for the proper development of the child. In addition, prebiotics and probiotics are added to the composition of the mixtures. Adapted milk formulas with prebiotics help create an environment for “good” microflora in the baby’s digestive system, and mixtures with probiotics are responsible for the health of the organs involved in digestion. Research shows that the presence of pre- and probiotics in infant formula helps reduce the risk of food allergies and even diseases like asthma.

What is the best infant formula for newborns by age

Children's bodies at different ages have different nutritional needs. And this is a completely natural process. After all, the composition of breast milk changes with the growth of the baby. Therefore, the formula of milk formula also depends on the age of the child. It is believed that mixtures for an older child should be more satisfying and high-calorie than for a newborn. In their composition, the amount of non-adapted cow's milk proteins, as well as the content of minerals and vitamins, increases, since the need of the child's body for these substances increases.

For each age group, manufacturers offer a separate product, created taking into account the needs of the child's body at a certain age. For children of the first six months of life, the so-called "initial" or milk mixtures of the first stage are intended. The composition of the “follow-up” mixtures is designed to meet the needs of older babies. Adapted milk formulas from 0 to 12 months can be used throughout the first year of a newborn's life.

Which mixture is better to choose for a newborn: dairy and sour-milk formulations

Baby formulas without preservatives are very popular with mothers today, due to their low cost and composition, which includes all the useful ingredients that contribute to the active development of the little one. These mixtures can be fed to both infants and older children. Powdered fermented milk mixture Malyutka normalizes the composition of the intestinal microflora, improves digestion, strengthens the child's immune system, and reduces the risk of intestinal infections.

Our review includes the following manufacturers:

  • Abbott is a diversified international company engaged in the production of a wide range of products, including baby food. It produces products that are necessary for optimal development, growth and health of a person at all stages of his life;
  • BIBIKOL- this company has been presenting unique products on the baby food market for almost two decades, which are made on the basis of goat's milk;
  • Nestle is a company that has been producing infant formula for many years. Every year its products are improved, so completely new mixtures appear on the market, designed for certain categories of children and taking into account their needs;
  • Kabrita- under this brand, the most modern mixtures for children based on goat's milk are produced. They combine all the benefits of goat milk and modern ingredients for the development, growth, protection and nutrition of babies;
  • Nutricia is a Dutch commercial organization specializing in scientific research in the field of healthy nutrition and the production of foods with special needs. It is now part of the Danone group of food companies.

The Best Palm Oil Free Infant Formulas

Similac Milk Formula (Abbott) Free of Palm Oil and Sugar

Milk formula Similac (Abbott) in its composition as close as possible to mother's milk and contains nutrients for the full development of the child. First of all, this is the unique IQ Intelli-Pro complex, which includes docosahexaenoic (DHA) and arachidonic (ARA) acids, which are present in breast milk and ensure the proper development of the brain and vision. Prebiotics help the gut form its own healthy microflora and soft stools, and probiotics (live bifidobacteria) support this microflora.

The composition of the mixture also includes substances indispensable for the healthy development of the child's body, such as calcium, iron, magnesium, ascorbic and folic acids, riboflavin, lactose, coconut, soybean and sunflower oils, vitamins B12, D3, K1 and other vitamins and minerals, with through which the child will grow and develop properly. Price - from 900 rubles for 900 g.


  • live bifidobacteria have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora of the child;
  • prebiotics help to normalize the stool and microflora, reduce colic and the frequency of regurgitation;
  • the presence of an antioxidant such as lutein in the mixture is very important for eye health. Lutein is not produced in the body, so you can get it only with food;
  • the fatty acids DHA and ARA (Omega-3 and Omega-6) included in the mixture help the proper development of the brain;
  • the absence of palm oil in the composition provides the child with healthy and strong bones and teeth in the future.

No significant cons were found.

BIBIKOL Nanny 1 mix with goat milk

BIBIKOL Nanny 1 is an adapted milk dry formula for artificial feeding of children from the first days of birth to six months. It is made from whole goat milk from New Zealand goats. New Zealand is one of the most environmentally friendly countries. That is why goat milk is so natural and rich in various nutrients, and infant formulas made on its basis contain all the components necessary for the full development and growth of the baby.

Nanny 1 formula is recommended for feeding healthy babies or those who have intolerance to cow's milk proteins and soy. Goat milk proteins contain lower amounts of beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-S1-casein compared to cow's milk, so they are better absorbed by the child's body. In addition, goat milk contains biologically active components such as phospholipids, nucleotides and oligosaccharides, which have a positive effect on the immune system of children.

Minerals, vitamins and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids contribute to the proper development of the brain and organs of vision. The Nanny 1 mixture also contains a complex of plant prebiotics that normalize digestion.


  • the mixture does not contain sucrose, glucose, demineralized whey, modified proteins, dyes and flavors;
  • all components of the mixture are made from natural products of plant origin with an unchanged gene structure;
  • the possibility of feeding children who are at risk of developing food allergies or intolerance to cow's milk proteins.


  • low dissolution rate at the recommended water temperature of 35-40 degrees. This may make the mother want to use hotter water, but in this case vitamins will be lost;
  • somewhat overpriced.

Infant formula NAN (Nestle) 1 Optipro

The mixture NAN (Nestle) 1 Optipro is intended for feeding healthy babies from their very birth, if breastfeeding is not possible. It is made from high quality raw materials, free of genetically modified ingredients, flavors, colors and preservatives. NAN (Nestle) 1 Optipro is a milk formula that contains all the nutrients necessary for the harmonious mental and physiological development of a child.

Optipro is a quality and quantity optimized protein complex found exclusively in NAN blends. The baby, thanks to him, receives exactly the amount of protein that is necessary for his proper growth and development. Price - from 700 rubles for 400 g.


  • the product does not contain palm oil, dyes, preservatives, flavors, genetically modified substances;
  • optimized protein complex;
  • the presence of bifidobacteria BL, which help to normalize intestinal motility and increase the ability of the child's body to fight various infections;
  • omega-3 fatty acids present in the mixture contribute to the proper formation of the brain and organs of vision;
  • the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals for the development of the child at this stage.

Among the minuses can be noted the higher cost compared to domestic mixtures.

The best adapted mixtures for newborns

Milk formula BIBIKOL Nanny Classic

BIBIKOL Nanny Classic milk formula can be used for artificial feeding of healthy children, as well as those who are at risk of developing an allergy to cow's milk protein. It is made from whole milk from New Zealand goats., which is much closer in protein structure to mother's milk than cow's.

The composition of the mixture contains all the nutritional components that are necessary for the full development and growth of the child. These are goat milk proteins, which, compared to cow's milk, contain less alpha-S1-casein and beta-lactoglobulin, as well as high-quality vegetable oils, natural milk fat, as well as nucleotides, phospholipids, oligosaccharides, which are naturally present in goat milk .

Nanny Classic blend is enriched with additional fatty acids DHA and ARA (Omega-3 and Omega-6), which are especially important for the development of the brain and organs of vision of the child. No sweeteners are added to this mixture. The only carbohydrate present in Nanny Classic is lactose, which is a natural milk sugar and helps maintain a healthy intestinal microflora. Price - from 1200 rubles for 400 g.


  • naturalness. The mixture is made on the basis of natural goat's milk and has a mild creamy taste;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • the possibility of using for feeding children suffering from intolerance to cow's milk and at risk of developing food allergies.


  • low dissolution rate;
  • high price.

Kabrita 1 GOLD Infant Formula with Prebiotics

Based on goat's milk, Kabrita 1 GOLD contains nutrients that are essential for the proper mental and physiological development of the child, as well as for strengthening his immunity. Goat milk, unlike cow milk, has a higher degree of digestibility, therefore, mixtures based on it can be a godsend for those parents whose babies suffer from intolerance to cow's milk proteins. This problem is quite common and can cause difficult digestion, skin problems and complaints related to the respiratory system.

Kabrita 1 GOLD blend also features a unique combination of prebiotics and probiotics. Prebiotics (fructooligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides) in combination with BB-12 bifidobacteria (live probiotics) ensure proper digestion, strengthen the child's immune system and contribute to the development of the protective functions of the child's body. The presence of arachidonic (ARA), docosahexaenoic (DHA), linoleic and linolenic fatty acids in the mixture ensures the proper development of the child's brain. Price - from 1800 rubles for 800 g.


  • the mixture in terms of the ratio of casein and whey proteins is as close as possible to mother's milk;
  • the optimal ratio of prebiotics and probiotics improves the digestion of the child;
  • the mixture has a natural sweetness. It is made without the addition of fructose, glucose, maltodexin, crystalline sugar;
  • the mixture does not contain soy lecithin, flavors, flavor enhancers and preservatives.


  • contains palm oil;
  • high price.

Fermented milk mixtures for newborns Malyutka

Dry fermented milk mixture Malyutka (Nutricia) 1

Sour-milk products significantly improve digestion, but they are quite complex food for the delicate tummy of a newborn baby. Nutricia created Baby 1 - specially adapted fermented milk formula for infants, which combines the benefits of sour-milk products and good nutrition. The secret behind the formula of this blend lies in the special manufacturing process of Lactofidus, using a special starter culture to support natural digestion and promote tummy health.

The mixture also contains the essential amino acid L-tryptophan, which is used by the brain to produce serotonin, which is called the good mood hormone, as well as the free sulfonic acid taurine, which is necessary for the formation of brain tissues and has an anticonvulsant effect. The mixture contains a vitamin complex, contributing to the harmonious physiological and mental development of the little man.

Fermented milk formula Malyutka 1 can be used to feed healthy babies with a sensitive digestive system (with a restless tummy, a tendency to colic) and babies with reduced appetite, including during the period of prevention after an intestinal infection. The mixture can be used as a main food or combined with breast milk.


  • a balanced composition of the mixture that provides the infant with good nutrition;
  • the presence in the composition of the mixture of milk demineralized whey, as adapted as possible to the characteristics and needs of the body of the newborn;
  • prebiotics that improve bowel function and reduce the manifestations of dysbacteriosis;
  • the presence of a variety of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids.


  • the presence of palm oil in the mixture. The possibility of its significant harm has not been proven, but it is known that it is digested rather hard;
  • the presence of soy lecithin. There is an opinion among consumers that genetically modified soybeans can be used in its production.

Sour-milk baby formula Malyutka (Nutricia) 2

Formula Malyutka (Nutricia) 2 is recommended for feeding children over six months of age. when breastfeeding is not possible. The composition of the mixture contains the whole range of useful elements and vitamins that ensure normal digestion and maintain the immunity of the crumbs.

Fermented milk formula Malyutka 2 is produced according to a special technology using a special starter culture that promotes the health of the baby's tummy and supports natural digestion. It is a completely balanced product, so it can be used as a main food. A mixture of Malyutka 2, unlike Malyutka 1, contains "smart iron" - the optimal combination of the amount of iron, zinc and vitamin C. This ensures better absorption of iron, which is especially important for the prevention of iron deficiency. Price - from 330 rubles for 350 g.


  • provides the child with a balanced diet;
  • nutrients, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals are selected taking into account the age of a six-month-old child, therefore they ensure healthy growth and development;

Rumors about the irreparable harm to health that causes today have led many consumers to refuse to buy a product if the manufacturer indicates the presence of this product in the composition. Is it really that dangerous or is it just a common misconception? Let's try to figure this out for ourselves. So what do we have...

Palm oil in baby food

If an ordinary person thinks about his health only when something gets sick, aware - almost every day, day after day, then the mother's worries about this for her child are very significant, one might say hourly.

Therefore, those mothers who, for whatever reason, cannot enjoy the "benefits" of breastfeeding, have to worry about the presence of palm oil in specialized infant formulas. Why is "goods" in quotation marks? This topic is not this article, but these benefits are greatly exaggerated. There is evidence that formula-fed babies gain weight faster, they get teeth faster. This is because an exhausted mother at 6 months of breastfeeding usually looks like water ... And the calorie content of water, as everyone knows, is zero calories. It does not contain vitamins, trace elements, minerals. But artificial mixtures are very high in calories and contain everything.

Manufacturers are trying to create a complete product, as close as possible in quality to the breast milk of a nursing mother. But not the one from which “everything is squeezed out”, but the one that is just beginning to feed. However, there is no consensus about the composition of the mixture. So there was no consensus on whether to include palm oil in the composition.

Benefits of palm oil in baby food

Palm oil is a product made from the fruit of the African oil palm. In addition to Africa, the plant grows in those countries where tropical climatic conditions are observed. So, Malaysia and Indonesia are its leading producers today.

Palm kernel oil, as it is also called, has a reddish-transparent saturation and a pleasant nutty taste. In the culinary industry, it is considered the best product of plant origin.

Useful properties include its almost complete digestibility. The content of vitamin E (more precisely, tocotrienols in its composition) makes the nervous system complete, stimulates the immune system and blood circulation in the body, improves tissue regeneration, and promotes better absorption of vitamin A.

Vitamin A, in turn, is useful. Retinol, as it is also called, provokes good growth of the body, helps strengthen teeth and bones.

The carotenoids in the oil make it a good antioxidant. This means that it also slows down the aging process of our body.

Thanks to the oleic acid contained in the plant product, bad cholesterol is modulated, which reduces the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Harm of palm oil in baby food

Saturated fats, found in excess in palm oil, can contribute to the accumulation of cholesterol. Therefore, scientists recommend limiting its consumption and replacing it with sunflower, soybean or olive vegetable oil. Such research scientists include the World Health Organization and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.

However, the United Nations University and the Center for Science in the Public Interest emphasize that only excessive consumption of palmitic acid is harmful.

The presence of palm oil in infant formula makes it difficult for a growing child to absorb calcium. But this applies to cheap mixtures. More expensive formulas artificially change the position of palmitic acid in palm olein, thanks to scientific knowledge, so that the oil again allows calcium to be absorbed normally.

More arguments about the harm such. Decreased bone mineralization, decreased metabolism. The chair becomes more dense and less frequent, which provokes constipation in babies. These disadvantages of palm oil supplementation can be balanced by taking sources of probiotic microorganisms and prebiotic substances. Such as "", "Normobact", "" or "". In addition, some mixtures already contain such substances in their composition.

You can also purchase baby formula that does not contain palm oil. True, they belong to the so-called premium class and their cost is higher.

Palm Oil Free Infant Formula List

These are mixtures such as Similak and Nanny, and Nutrilon, Heinz and Kabrita can also be attributed to them. As a rule, they already include prebiotics and probiotics in their composition. "Nanny" and "Similak" include a complex of vegetable oils that do not interfere with the absorption of calcium. The rest of the above mixtures contain beta palmitate.


Thus, it turns out that the benefits of a palm product are equivalent to the possible harm. The harm from its impact was at the very beginning of the production of mixtures, and now we are eliminating it by the main manufacturers. Most likely, the rumor about the harm is artificially inflated by competing companies that are not happy with the distribution of a cheap product. The economic feasibility of using palm oil is pushing other types of vegetable and animal oils out of the market.

One way or another, most mothers will first buy mixtures cheaper, and then, in case of problems, switch to more expensive ones as needed.

You can refuse to use palm oil due to ideological reasons, because large buyers of this product (including baby food manufacturer Nestle) are indirectly guilty of deforestation of tropical forests, which are the habitat of orangutans. There is an opinion, by the way, that this is the most intelligent animal, after man. And it is very sad that their existence is endangered.

If you do not associate yourself with Greenpeace, but still doubt whether it is worth eating foods and feeding mixtures containing palm oil to your child, purchase equivalents without it. However, keep in mind that they will be slightly more expensive. But then, as you know, you can’t buy health for any money ...

Mixtures intended for baby food, in their composition, approximately resemble mother's milk. All components and minerals included in them are selected taking into account the need for their consumption by the child's body. This also includes the fatty component, which is presented in the form of palm oil.

The benefits or harms of palm oil

Opinions are divided on the benefits. Due to the high amount of cholesterol it contains, there is a negative opinion about the presence of palm oil in infant formulas.

Frequent use of products with such a component can lead to a sharp increase in weight, and as a result, to cardiovascular diseases. In addition, palm oil interferes with the absorption of calcium in the child's body, which can result in minimal bone density.

Currently, it is possible to purchase mixtures without palm oil or mixtures with a modified structure that differs from the first, which is achieved artificially.

To find out which blend is palm oil free, just read the product label carefully. As a rule, information about the components of the goods is indicated quite plausibly.

Palm oil and its uses

Palm oil is obtained in tropical countries from fruits growing on the color of palm oil - red. It is rich in carotenoids. Natural oil has a high degree of saturation, which is what distinguishes it from sunflower, corn and olive oil. During processing, most of the nutrients are lost.

Palm oil is used in the manufacture of many food products, since its cost is one and a half times less than the cost of sunflower "colleagues", not to mention olive oil.

Palm is used for dressing salads. It has a specific smell and taste. In the non-food industry, the product is used as a component in the manufacture of soaps, candles, cosmetics and biofuels.

Reason for using palm oil in infant formula

Breast milk includes fats, which are replaced in baby food with a mixture of vegetable oils: soy, coconut, rapeseed, sunflower and palm.

Among all the variety of oils, palm is the only natural vegetable ingredient that can provide infant formula. To be similar to breast milk, the mixture should contain about 20-24% of this acid.

The patent for the first mixture with the addition of whole palm oil was registered in 1953 by the United States.

Young mothers also note the presence of this product in many baby purees. Therefore, with the development of technology, the best nutrition for a newborn baby is still breast milk, endowed with the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals and macronutrients. It is almost impossible to find an analogue replacement for it.

What are Palm Oil Free Blends?

Blends that do not include palm oil are premium. They include probiotics and prebiotics. The absence of palm oil ensures the normal stool of the child, and the presence of prebiotics and probiotics allows you to form a healthy intestinal microflora and maintain it at this level.

Milk formula without palm oil contains the IQ complex, which is responsible for the development of the brain and vision. The composition of the complex includes lutein. It is found in breast milk, and it is possible to supply the baby's body with it only through nutrition. During the first year of a baby's life, lutein is not produced by the body on its own.

Using dry mixes without palm oil for feeding a baby, you can save your baby from frequent spitting up, colic and constipation. The presence of starch or gum in the composition of the infant formula provides the necessary viscosity of the mixture in the stomach.

What adapted blends without palm oil exist

The variety of dry mixes greatly complicates the choice. Blends without palm oil are not much different from each other. Among them, the most famous are Similak and Nutrilon. Similac was developed in the USA.

The most popular palm oil-free formulas listed below contain both prebiotics and probiotics. These components contribute to the formation and support of the already formed own intestinal microflora.

The IQ complex, which contributes to the development of the brain and vision, contains lutein. In addition to the IQ complex, we find this substance in breast milk. Lutein enters the body only with the food of the baby.

Consider blends without palm oil. Their list is as follows:

- "Similak";

- "Nutrilon";

- Kabrita.

Differences between one mixture and another

Consider several types of the most popular products in more detail. Mixtures without palm oil "Similak" and "Nanny" belong to the casein group. The disadvantage of these products is the lower protein content than available in breast milk.

Similac contains a mixture of oils such as coconut, soybean and sunflower. A balanced composition allows the baby's body to absorb calcium well.

A mixture of "Nanny" includes coconut, canal and canal oil and has a second name - rapeseed. As you know, it is often used for technical needs.

"Nanny" is made in New Zealand. The basis of this mixture is goat's milk. It is thanks to him that the hypoallergenic function of the product is ensured.

Nutrilon, Heinz and Kabrita baby formulas contain beta palmitate.

Parent feedback

Do moms and dads like baby formula without palm oil? Parents' comments about them are divided. There are no complaints about the quality of these products. Many of the complaints are that it can be difficult to find adapted blends without palm oil commercially. If available on store shelves, the price of mixtures is out of reach for most families.

On health, as they say, do not save. Therefore, the choice before those wishing to purchase the product in question is diverse, and the final word always remains with the baby's parents.

Many mothers praise mixtures that contain palm oil. No adverse reactions during feeding with such mixtures, according to them, they did not notice. Each child is individual and requires special attention. There is no need to buy expensive formulas when it is possible to start with affordable formulas and keep a close eye on the outcome of the child's behavior.

In the absence of adverse reactions, there is no need to transfer the baby to another mixture, since this one suited him perfectly.

With the start of complementary foods, the number of products that contain palm oil in their composition will also increase. And in "adult" products, it is even more common. The presence of such a component is not fatal, and if it is impossible to purchase milk formulas without palm oil, you can opt for any other product from the proposed range. And if there are difficulties with the stool, resort to other ways to solve them, rather than changing the dairy product.

Most children experience bowel problems, but that doesn't mean palm oil is to blame.

Sour-milk mixture as one of the varieties

As a rule, fermented milk mixtures are designed to normalize the baby's stool. Fermented milk formula without palm oil is present in any store. This variety is recommended for use in cases of frequent regurgitation. The fermented milk product is easier and faster to digest, since the protein molecules in this mixture are subject to partial cleavage.

Mixtures for allergic dermatitis

If a formula-fed child develops dermatitis, then when you visit a doctor, in addition to canceling complementary foods, you will definitely be recommended to use a hypoallergenic mixture for feeding.

Hypoallergenic formulas without palm oil contain partially hydrolyzed whey protein, which is perfect for feeding babies from birth to 6 months. It is during this period that children are most susceptible to allergic reactions.

The use of hypoallergenic mixtures in food can significantly reduce the risk of dermatitis. If a child has a hereditary allergy, doctors usually prescribe hypoallergenic mixtures to prevent allergic diseases in a baby.

What does the mark on the product "Does not contain GMO" mean?

Palm oil-free blends are labeled "non-GMO" on the packaging. GMOs are genetically modified products obtained by introducing an artificially derived gene into the DNA of plants. This gene endows the plant with new properties that allow the product to be stored for a long time and make it inedible for insects.

Direct harm from the use of GMOs in food has not been proven, and this issue is still controversial. On the territory of the Russian Federation, such products are prohibited for sale. But the absence of the mentioned inscription does not indicate the presence of GMOs in the product. It is only necessary to carefully study the composition of the purchased goods.

Ultimately, when choosing a formula for their child, parents are guided by many factors. These include intuition, financial situation, experience, illustrative examples from the lives of their friends, advertising, etc. The choice always remains with the parents, as well as the responsibility for the life and health of their children.

Manufacturers, in turn, are trying to provide food to all segments of the population, regardless of status and financial situation. On the shelves of children's stores should not be products of poor quality. Let's start from this.
