
General's salad recipe with pickled cucumber cheese. General salad of green radish with carrots for any occasion in life

Potatoes, onions, radishes, carrots, apples and eggs - the basis of General's salad

I haven't remembered this salad for many years. These years I have enjoyed new possibilities: arugula, basil, avocado, olive oil and parmesan. But recently, a picture from childhood surfaced in my head - a festive table and a salad, beautiful as a cake. It was prepared in layers in a special form, which was then removed, and the salad was simply the king of the table. It was the General's salad. Forgotten for many years, a masterpiece of Soviet culinary art has once again settled on our table. It consists of 6-7 components, including common black radish. Because of its presence, the General's salad is very good as an appetizer for strong drinks. It turns out fresh and vigorous in taste and quite high-calorie. I prepare a salad in two versions, depending on the composition of the guests: with black or green radish. With green radish, the General's salad turns out to be softer, and children eat it with pleasure.

Composition for 6 people:

Potatoes - 2 pcs
Onion - 1 pc.
Radish black or green medium size -0.5 pcs
Large carrots - 2 pcs
Apple sour or sweet and sour - 1 pc.
Egg - 3pcs
Mayonnaise - 200g
Sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons
Salt pepper

How do I prepare the General's salad:

I peel potatoes and eggs boiled a few hours before cooking in their skins. I peel radishes, onions and carrots. Rub potatoes on a coarse grater, set aside. Finely chop the onion and pour boiling water to remove the bitterness. After 10 minutes, drain the water and set aside the onion. I rub the black radish on a fine grater, if I use green, then on a medium one. Finely grate the carrots and set aside. I peel the apple and immediately rub it into a coarse grater. I sprinkle it with lemon juice so that it does not darken. I crush the eggs with a fork. Well, that's all and ready to assemble the general's salad. I do not make a shape for this salad, but just take a beautiful salad bowl. It must be large enough. There is a lot of salad.

The salad consists of six layers. Before assembling, I list the layers from bottom to top:

Potato, salad base
Onion, gives sharpness and sharpness
radish gives the salad an invigorating freshness
Carrot, the sweetness of carrots harmonizes well with the sourness of an apple
Apple, slight acidity
Eggs, tenderness and again tenderness

In this sequence, the layers are harmoniously combined to taste. Powerful potato base, sharp and crunchy onions, freshness and vivacity of radish, sweetness of carrots, apple sourness and a delicate soft layer of crumbled eggs flavored with mayonnaise, pepper and salt. This is a salad that guests will not soon forget.

How I cook Salad General. Details and photos:

I put the potatoes on the bottom. I add a little salt, add a little black pepper and apply mayonnaise. It is important not to overdo it with mayonnaise, salt and pepper. After all, I will repeat this procedure with each layer.

First layer - boiled potatoes

Spread a layer of potatoes with zigzag mayonnaise

Salt, pepper and grease with mayonnaise the first potato layer of salad

Onions go to potatoes and again mayonnaise with salt and pepper. Don't overdo the salt and pepper!

The second layer of lettuce is onions. It will give the General salad sharpness and crunchiness.

And again we coat the onion layer with mayonnaise

We apply mayonnaise in a zigzag pattern on a layer of onions

The third layer is the radish. Squeeze out some of the excess juice. If I have a black radish, instead of mayonnaise, I grease it with sour cream. Sour cream will remove bitterness. Well, if I use a green radish, then again I smear it with mayonnaise. I put a layer of radish on the onion. Salt and pepper.

The third layer - radish, gives our salad freshness

A layer of carrots adds sweetness to the General's salad.

Slightly squeezed apple is placed on top of the carrot. Finely chop the eggs on the apple. I don’t apply mayonnaise to the top egg layer for two reasons: it turns out enough and the testicles look very elegant.

The fifth layer is apples. Apples add a slight sourness to the General's salad, the sixth - chopped egg - tenderness and beauty

Here our General's salad is finally ready.
General's salad does not require excessive effort, but believe me, it will be appreciated. Of course, the radish sets the tone for the amazing taste, and the multi-colored layers are pleasing to the eye.

General's salad is a dish that is still incomprehensible to me by many criteria. Let's start with the fact that I had a chance to try such a salad a couple of times at a party, and each time these were dishes that had nothing in common with each other, except for mayonnaise dressing. Burning with curiosity, I decided to look for a recipe for such a salad on the Internet, and fell into even more confusion. The fact is that the list of such "general" salads is so large, and they all differ so much from each other that it is very difficult to say which one was the first, and which one is the real one. Therefore, I bring you everything that I managed to find, and you decide for yourself which salad is worthy of being called such a big name.

Vegetable salad "general's" with radish

For some reason, it seems to me that this is the very original salad, from which all the variations went. I have no idea why it is convenient for me to hold such an opinion, maybe because I tried it at a party and I liked the rather unusual taste. In any case, I bring you this recipe first, and you decide whether to cook it. For such a salad, you will need to prepare the following products:

  • Boiled potatoes - 5 fairly large tubers;
  • Boiled eggs - 4 pieces;
  • The radish is not too large, you can take not necessarily black, you can use any;
  • Boiled beets - in size it should be the same as the radish, if smaller, then it is better to take a few pieces;
  • Carrots - boiled, you need to take about 2-3 large root crops;
  • Sweet and sour apple - one, but very large;
  • Salad red sweet onion - as much as you like. Love a lot, you can put more, on average one head is enough.
  • Smoked chicken meat - 300 grams (can be replaced with fried mushrooms);
  • Mayonnaise - to taste.

First you need to wash and boil all the vegetables, cool and peel. After that, each of the ingredients must be grated. The radish is usually rubbed into a separate plate and left for half an hour for the juice to drain. This juice is drained, the radish is squeezed lightly, after which you can add the radish to the salad. If you are one of the people who eat radish with great apprehension due to health problems, then you should lightly fry it in a pan. Salad is laid out in this order. To begin with, potatoes come, after mayonnaise, then radishes and carrots, then smoked chicken meat, onions on it, then apples and eggs. The top layer is beets, which can be decorated with anything - greens or olives, protein or yolk, nuts or prunes. Salad before it is served on the table, must be well infused, for this he may need a whole night.

General salad with peas

Here is another recipe found on the web, which is quite different from the above.

For him, you will need to prepare the products according to the list in advance:

  • Onion - a head of red lettuce onion - one piece;
  • Pickled cucumbers are not the largest size - 2 pieces;
  • Egg-sized potatoes, boiled in their skins - 3-4 pieces;
  • Bank of canned sweet peas for 200 grams;
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces per day;
  • Boiled or baked beets - one piece;
  • Garlic - no more than one small clove;
  • Butter - 100 grams;
  • Mayonnaise, mixed with sour cream - to taste.

Preparing this salad is very easy. Peel the boiled potatoes, and then grate them. Take half, lay out the first layer. Lightly coat with dressing. After that, chop one onion as finely as possible, if desired, it can first be marinated in vegetable oil, vinegar, or simply poured over with boiling water to slightly soften the taste. On the chopped onion, you also need a little mayonnaise. After that, you need to take some more grated potatoes and place them in a third layer. Next should be peas. A lot will depend on it, so try to choose tender, not overripe canned peas. If you buy this blank in a glass jar, then you should pay attention that the peas are greener. The fresher and brighter the color, the tastier it will be. If the peas are almost yellow, then it will not turn out tasty, since they are either overcooked or overripe. Peas should also be lightly smeared with mayonnaise. Now it's time for boiled eggs. They need to be chopped finely, and then put on peas, also fluff. After that, you need to take cucumbers - canned, pickled or salted. You need to cut them as small as possible. Spread on chicken eggs and coat.

Now you need to take the beets - rub and mix with garlic. Oil is rubbed onto the beets, which you previously placed briefly in the freezer, then beets again - and mayonnaise. Decorate and refrigerate to infuse.

General's salad with meat

Please note that it is with meat, and not with sausage - the difference in taste will be really colossal. Therefore, take exactly those products that are listed. Salad Ingredients:

  • Beef or pork lean boiled - 400 grams;
  • Hard cheese - 150 grams;
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces (boiled);
  • Beets of a fairly large size - 2 pieces;
  • One red lettuce bulb;
  • One very large carrot;
  • Walnuts - 50 grams;
  • Garlic - up to 5 cloves of the smallest size, if you have large, southern garlic, then you don’t need to add a lot. In general, here you are guided by taste;
  • Ground pepper and salt, mayonnaise to taste.

You need to boil the meat first. Boil immediately in salted water with peppercorns to make it more fragrant and tasty. It is best to cool the meat in the broth in which it was cooked, so a weathered crust will not appear. After cutting as small as possible and mix with onion and garlic. We season with mayonnaise, mix everything again, try it - it may not be enough salt or pepper for your taste. Then we mix everything again and on the dish - the first layer.

The second layer - beets - three of them and mix with mayonnaise, spread on the meat. The same must be done with boiled carrots - mix with mayonnaise, season and put on beets.

We do the same with boiled eggs - mix with mayonnaise and spread on carrots, slightly adding salt.

Sprinkle everything with grated cheese and walnut crumbs.

A side note - the salad is much tastier if it sits. If you don’t want it to get windy and not look the freshest, be sure to make a cheese layer just before serving.

Here are all the recipes that seemed to me the most interesting. How do you make general salad?

Today, I want to offer you a dish that is amazing in beauty and taste. This is a salad of green radish with carrots.. It will decorate with its look and taste any everyday or. This recipe, despite the loud name General, is quite simple both in composition and in preparation. And yet, he has a second name - Admiral. I don’t know why they call it that, but I won’t deviate from the classics either. Let it be General.

Such a simple salad came to us from the distant 80s and became popular in many families, primarily due to its availability in terms of acquiring ingredients.

The general's salad is so versatile that it can be served both in a large salad bowl and in portions for each guest, laying it out in layers. This option looks very nice.

The main charm of this salad is that, without having in its composition, it goes well with various cold cuts, which always stand nearby on the table in quality. Thus, combining two different dishes, each time you get a different taste..



Thoroughly wash off dirt, put in a saucepan, fill with cold water and set to boil. Put chicken eggs in the same pan, since the cooking time for these ingredients is the same. Be sure to salt the water. This will prevent the egg shell from bursting during cooking if there were microcracks on it, and the potatoes will become even tastier.

Chicken eggs

So, cooked with potatoes. Drain the water and fill it several times with cold water, only briefly, otherwise the potatoes will become slimy and soapy. Then drain the water and leave the entire contents of the pan to cool.

Bulb onions

Now let's move on to the rest of the ingredients. peel, rinse with water and finely chop.

If you have an ordinary onion, not salad varieties, then bitterness must be removed from it. Fill it with hot water for 1-2 minutes and it will disappear.

Drain the water from the onion and so that there is no excess moisture, you need to squeeze it a little. Put the onion in a small bowl and lightly pour fragrant vegetable oil. If necessary, you can add a little salt.

green radish

Not suitable for this dish. Peel the green radish with a vegetable peeler, rinse with water and grate on a coarse grater. Put it in a bowl and salt it too. Leave it for a while so that it gives juice, and then squeeze it thoroughly. So we will remove all excess bitterness.


Peel the carrots with the same vegetable peeler. Wash and rub on a fine grater. Rinse the apple under cool water, but grate it on a coarse grater. Separate the egg yolk from the white and grate separately on a fine grater. Peel the boiled potatoes and grate on a coarse grater.

That's all. All the necessary preparations are completed, you can proceed to the final assembly of the salad.


You can collect salad both in and in small bowls. And you can generally individually for each on a plate, using devices in the form of a square or circle.

We lay out the potatoes as a base, slightly crush them, put onions on it and grease them a little with mayonnaise. Then lay out the radish and put a layer of mayonnaise on it too. We place finely grated carrots on it and also coat with mayonnaise. Next, a thin layer of an apple, egg white on it and mayonnaise again. The final layer will be finely grated egg yolk. Decorate with greens, cherry tomatoes or any other option to your taste.

So, beautiful, juicy and ready! It can be served immediately to the table, it does not require time for impregnation. Bon appetit!


  • 1-2 pcs - green radish;
  • 3-4 pcs - potatoes;
  • 1 pc - large carrots;
  • 4-5 pcs - chicken egg;
  • 1 pc - onion, better than salad varieties;
  • 1 pc - green apple;
  • 350-400 gr - mayonnaise;
  • 1 tbsp - vegetable oil with a smell;
  • Salt, herbs to taste.
  • Chicken meat, 400 grams;
  • Potatoes, 3-4 things;
  • Carrots, 3 things;
  • Beets, 3-4 things;
  • One head of onion;
  • Radish, 2 things;
  • Chicken eggs, 4-5 things;
  • Green onions, 50 grams;
  • Hard cheese, 150 grams;
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream;
  • garlic to taste;
  • Salt and spices to taste.


  1. We wash the potatoes from dirt. Then we send it to boil in uniform. Add some salt while the potatoes are cooking. Cool the cooked potatoes, remove the peel from it. Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater. Spread the potatoes in an even layer over the salad dish, salt a little and grease with mayonnaise.
  2. Wash and clean the radish. Grate the radish on a fine grater, squeeze it a little from the juice. Then send the radish to the salad, it will be the second layer. Salt the radish a little and make a net of mayonnaise. However, radish goes better with sour cream. You can use both mayonnaise and sour cream in this salad.
  3. Boil carrots in the same way as potatoes in their skins. Then we cool, clean. We rub the carrots on a coarse grater. We make the third layer of our salad from carrots. Also, do not forget to grease it and salt it. Carrots can also be put raw, not boiled.
  4. Boil the chicken meat first. Do this ahead of time so the chicken has time to cool. Cut the cooked meat into small pieces. This will be our next layer, brush the layer with mayonnaise and add your favorite spices (if you didn't do this at the time the meat was cooking).
  5. Chop the onion, chop the onion as finely as possible. We spread the onion on top of the chicken meat and also grease a little. So that the onion does not give bitterness, it can be pickled or poured over with boiling water.
  6. We rub hard cheese on a coarse grater or on a grater for Korean carrots. We spread the cheese with the next layer of our salad, grease with mayonnaise or sour cream.
  7. Boil chicken eggs. Cool them down in cold water. Then remove the entire shell. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grate the whites and yolks separately on a grater. Leave the yolks to decorate the salad. And from proteins we make the next layer of salad. Lubricate with mayonnaise and salt.
  8. Wash the green onion and chop finely. Sprinkle the protein layer with chopped onion. Then boil the beets, cool it and peel it. We rub the beets on a coarse grater. Spread the beetroot evenly over the lettuce. Then mince the garlic and sprinkle over the beets. We also decorate the salad with egg yolks. Everything is ready, it remains only to put the salad in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and you can serve it to the table.


  • Smoked chicken, 400-500 grams;
  • Potatoes, 4 things;
  • Carrots, 3 things;
  • Beets, 4 things;
  • Onions, 1-2 heads;
  • Garlic, to taste;
  • Chicken eggs, 4 things;
  • Soft cheese, 200-300 grams;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • One bunch of fresh herbs;
  • Salt.

Step by step recipe:

  1. The salad is prepared quite quickly, the only thing is that it is better to boil the vegetables in advance. Wash potatoes, carrots and beets thoroughly under running water from dirt. Place all vegetables in a saucepan and cover with water. We put the vegetables on a large fire to boil, when the water boils, reduce the heat a little. Potatoes and carrots will be ready quickly, take them out and refrigerate. Beets can be left in boiling water, and in this way it will reach the finished state. We clean all vegetables. Then we take a large grater and separately rub all the vegetables. We have three layers of lettuce ready.
  2. Smoked chicken will be cut into strips or cubes. You can replace smoked chicken with smoked ham, so you get a more budget option.
  3. Peel the onion and then wash. Cut the onion smaller. Then lightly pour boiling water over it. So the bitterness and unpleasant aroma will go away from the onion.
  4. Hard boil chicken eggs. Cool the eggs under running cold water. Then we peel the eggs from the shell and rub them on a coarse grater.
  5. Wash and finely chop a bunch of fresh herbs.
  6. All the ingredients for the salad are prepared, now let's decorate the salad in layers. Prepare a dish with sides or use a cooking ring. The first layer of our salad will be potatoes. Lubricate it well with mayonnaise and salt. Put a sufficient amount of mayonnaise, the potatoes themselves are very dry. Next, lay out a layer of chicken, also grease it with mayonnaise. Cover the smoked chicken with soft cheese. Next comes a layer of chopped onions. After the onion, lay out the carrot, grease it, salt it. The next ingredient will be boiled eggs and fresh herbs. The beetroot layer will complete our salad. All layers can be laid out twice, so the salad will be brighter and taller. We send the finished salad to the refrigerator to soak.


  • Beets, 4 things;
  • Carrots, 3 things;
  • Potatoes, 4 things;
  • Chicken fillet, 400-500 grams;
  • Chicken eggs, 4-5 things;
  • Prunes, 200 grams;
  • One ripe pomegranate;
  • garlic to taste;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Salt.


  1. First of all, let's prepare the vegetables. Thoroughly wash vegetables from dirt. We put the potatoes, carrots and beets to boil. After cooking, drain the boiling water and cool all the vegetables. It is better to boil vegetables in advance. Then peel and grate the beets, carrots and potatoes. Do not mix vegetables together, these are different layers of lettuce.
  2. Dip the chicken fillet into boiling water. Add salt, bay leaf, black pepper and other spices. We take out the finished fillet from boiling water and cool. Then cut the fillet into strips or cubes.
  3. Put chicken eggs to boil. Bring the eggs to a boil and simmer for 7-8 minutes. Then drain all the boiling water and cool the eggs in cold water. Peel off the shells of the eggs. At the end, grate the eggs on a coarse grater.
  4. Pour the prunes with boiling water, let it brew, wait until the prunes swell. Then cut the prunes into small pieces.
  5. Peel the pomegranate, separate all the seeds.
  6. Peel the garlic and pass it through the garlic press. Add garlic to mayonnaise and mix well. We've got everything you need for the salad. We will lay out the salad in layers. The first layer will be potatoes, salt it and grease it. Then comes the carrot, also salt it and grease it. The third layer is beets. We cover the beetroot layer with chicken fillet, also grease it with mayonnaise. After the chicken comes boiled eggs. The next tier lay out the prunes. Sprinkle our salad generously with pomegranate seeds. Give the salad time to soak and serve boldly to the table. All recipes are very simple and affordable. Be sure to use them and please yourself and your family. Bon appetit.

At a party, you were probably at least once offered to taste an appetizer under the sonorous name "General's salad". And in every house, this name meant a new dish that had nothing to do with others. What kind of salad is this? And what was the main recipe, and what were the later variations? Now it is difficult to judge this. The important thing is that all this host of salads will surely appeal to the highest military ranks, who, as you know, love to eat tasty and hearty. Yes, after all, there is something in common with such different "general's" snacks: this is their satiety. In terms of calories, the salad may well pass for the main dish for lunch. For those who are on a strict diet, we recommend that you do not read the article further.

Salad "General" with radish

First, put five large potatoes, medium beets and two or three carrots to cook in their uniforms. Radish (it is better to take black, but you can also white) clean and three on a fine grater. Let's let the juice out. Separately boil four hard-boiled eggs. We clean the smoked chicken from the bones so that we get 300 g of pure meat. We cut it into pieces. If you are a vegetarian, chicken can be replaced with the same amount of fried mushrooms. We clean the boiled and cooled vegetables and grind them on a grater (each ingredient in a separate bowl). Squeeze the radish, drain the juice. Peel and cut or three one large sweet and sour apple. We also grind the average onion in a similar way. In a transparent dish, we begin to put the salad in this order: potatoes, radish, carrots, chicken or mushrooms, onions, apples, eggs and beets. Coat each layer with mayonnaise. We put in a cold place for impregnation. Before serving, decorate with chopped yolk, herbs, nuts or olives.

"Olivier in General's uniform"

If you want to diversify Then replace the usual Olivier with the “General's” salad. Cook, as in the previous recipe, potatoes, beets, carrots. Cool, clean, three. Add an additional crushed clove of garlic to the beets. Finely chop the red lettuce onion, marinate in vinegar, wine, or simply scald it with boiling water to remove bitterness. Boil hard boiled and finely cut three eggs. One hundred grams of butter put to cool in the freezer. Finely chop two or three pickled cucumbers. Prepare dressing: mix sour cream and mayonnaise in equal proportions. We begin to lay the salad in layers. Half the potatoes go to the bottom, then the onions, then the rest of the potatoes. Canned peas (100 g) drain and place in the salad in the fourth layer. The fifth we will have eggs, and the sixth - cucumbers. Do not forget to coat each layer with dressing. On this peculiar cake we place half of Trem on top of it frozen butter. Close with the remaining beets. Place in the refrigerator to infuse.

Meat salad "General"

The chicken recipe that we gave first is different from this meat one. In addition to beef or lean pork (400 g), another 150 g of hard cheese and a handful of nuts are added to this salad. First, boil the meat in salted water with spices. When it cools down, cut into small pieces. Add chopped red onion and 2-4 cloves of garlic to it. We fill this mixture with mayonnaise. This is the first layer. We spread on the bottom of a transparent salad bowl, align. Grind two boiled in a peel or baked beets on a grater, season with mayonnaise. Place on top of the meat. The third layer is grated carrots (one piece) with mayonnaise. We do the same with three boiled eggs - crumble, season, spread on top. Now the salad should be infused in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Before serving, you need to put on it the last, topmost layer - it is made up of grated cheese and nut crumbs.

Salad instead of lunch

This is perhaps the most satisfying General salad. The recipe suggests cooking it with both chicken and chicken. First, boil the breast or fillet, remove the skin and bones, and finely chop the meat. Lubricate this layer, like all subsequent ones, with mayonnaise. Next, put the onion - chopped finely and fried in oil until golden. We put a layer of finely chopped eggs on it. Then lay out the canned sweet corn in an even layer. Potatoes are conveniently located on top of it - boiled and finely chopped. At the very top, we will fit mushrooms fried in oil with a small amount of sour cream. We put the whole structure in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Sprinkle with hard cheese and fresh herbs before serving. For a holiday, this dish can be “ennobled” by putting steamed and finely chopped prunes into it as the first layer. In this case, we separate the protein in the eggs, which we mix with mayonnaise. The yolk will go to decorate the salad.

"Winter sun"

This is another salad "General" with mushrooms, only fish is also added to it. Canned pink salmon will look optimal here. We open the jar and knead the contents with a fork into gruel (do not drain the oil). This is because it does not need to pre-boil vegetables. We just cut an onion finely, three small carrots. Fry them separately in a little oil. The bottom layer is fish (half of a can). We put onions on it. The third layer is fried mushrooms. On top of the gifts of the forest are placed eggs chopped with garlic. Above is another fish. At the very top - fried carrots. Do I need to say that all layers should be generously flavored with mayonnaise? I think you have already guessed the taste of high command.

Crab "Chili con carne"

Have you ever tried this famous Mexican dish? It is red (all this is cooked in a spicy tomato sauce). You can make the original "General's" salad according to this principle, but add crabs (or surimi) instead of beef. First, soak the beans overnight, then cook them until cooked, cool. Separately, fry the mushrooms in oil. We grind them too. Of course, where without eggs? Boil a couple of pieces, finely cut. Fry the onion until golden. Now we lay out our salad in layers: the first - crushed crab sticks on a grater. Then onions, mushrooms, beans. Squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic into mayonnaise, smear each layer with this dressing and decorate the top of the dish.

Almost "Fur Coat"

And this "General's" salad is made according to the principle of the famous herring under a fur coat. As you know, for her you need to take fatty herring, potatoes, onions and beets. But we will supplement the "proletarian" set with bourgeois excesses. Grate hard cheese into large chips and place between fish and potatoes. Fried in oil with the addition of a small amount of sour cream, mushrooms will be located above the herring. Immediately under the beets will be a layer of crumbled boiled eggs. Mayonnaise, as in the previous recipe, soak with garlic. It will turn out a great festive snack with vodka.

Preparing for a rainy day

Did you know that there is also a home-made preparation called "General's Salad"? The recipe for the winter instructs us to cut a kilogram of cucumbers into circles, and the same amount of tomatoes into slices. Three hundred grams of large three carrots, remove the stalk with seeds from sweet pepper, cut the flesh into strips. We chop a quarter of a head of cabbage into strips, and two onions into half rings. We mix all the vegetables in a glass or enameled container, add 4 tablespoons of salt, twice as much sugar. Add half a glass of sunflower oil and vinegar. Let it brew for about three hours. Then we lay it out in prepared jars and sterilize them (half-liter - 20 minutes, and large ones - half an hour). We cool them under the covers and hide them for the time being in a cool place.
