
Photo frame decorated with coffee beans. What crafts to make from coffee beans

Coffee crafts will decorate the house and fit perfectly into any interior. Basically, lovers of this drink prefer such products. Children will also be delighted with the original decorations, especially if they take part in the creation of a new piece of furniture.

Beautiful coffee crafts will not stop saturating the room with a pleasant aroma. Therefore, having bought the grain, you can start manufacturing.

On the Internet you can find many interesting pictures of coffee products. Having shown your imagination, it is possible to create a real masterpiece from everything that is in the house.

When creating a product from the fruits of a coffee tree, you will get a lot of positive emotions by calling on children to help. Having taken up a joint business, it will be possible not only to have a good time, but also to decorate the house with a hand-made product.

Also, the craft can be a great gift for family or friends. Now we will consider the options for the most interesting coffee crafts.

A coffee tree

We bring to your attention a step-by-step production of crafts from coffee with your own hands. Before you start creating a coffee tree, you need to prepare all the materials.

We will need:

  • Styrofoam;
  • PVA glue and super glue;
  • flower pot;
  • gypsum;
  • ribbon;
  • threads;
  • stick for the trunk;
  • coffee beans.

It's time to hold a master class on crafts from coffee. First you need to make a ball from the prepared foam and wrap it with threads. To prevent the threads from falling apart, the tips can be fixed with PVA glue.

The first step has already been completed and now it is necessary to make a hole on the ball for the stick. Then you can glue the ball with coffee beans. After the glue dries, start working on the second layer. This time, all the grains must be attached with the convex side to the ball using super glue.

After drying, a stick greased with glue should be inserted into the hole left. Next, pour the gypsum solution into the flower pot. If you don't have a pot, use a regular plastic cup. If the solution is clear, you can add some coffee grounds to it.

We put the ball attached to the stick in the prepared pot. After complete drying, your product can be decorated with nuts.

The stick should be tied with a ribbon and the original coffee fruit product is ready.

coffee painting

A few more ideas, along with instructions on how to make coffee crafts, you will consider next. Paintings are especially popular, which you can not only decorate your home, but also present as a gift to relatives and friends. Therefore, next we will make a picture of coffee beans together.

Before that, let's prepare:

  • a piece of burlap;
  • a piece of hard cardboard;
  • frame;
  • stencil;
  • glue;
  • colorless varnish;
  • coffee beans.

First you need to tightly fit a sheet of cardboard with a cloth and glue it on the other side.

The next step is to start drawing. If there is a stencil, then this will simplify the task. But if it is not there, then the image can be applied independently. For example, it can be an inscription, a congratulation or a cup of coffee. Each person will be able to draw an ordinary smoking cup.

Then, along the contour of the picture, you can start gluing coffee fruits. It remains only to cover the craft with colorless varnish and, after complete drying, insert it into the frame.

Decorative candle

Using coffee beans you can also make a beautiful candle. It will create a romantic atmosphere in the house. To make this craft, you need to prepare:

  • a candle;
  • glue;
  • coffee beans.

Making a decorative candle is very easy. You need to glue coffee beans to it and the craft is ready. Having shown imagination, a candle can be decorated with beads or something else.

It is not necessary to glue the candle with grains. You can make an ordinary candlestick using a glass or other vessel.

Hedgehog from coffee beans

Another very interesting craft that you can do with your own hands is a hedgehog. It is perfect as a gift for a child or as a piece of furniture. To create, you should prepare:

  • coffee beans;
  • glue;
  • plastic ball;
  • Styrofoam;
  • scissors;
  • leg-split;
  • two black beads;
  • thick cardboard.

Take a ball and cut it in half. We cut out a circle from cardboard along the diameter of the hemisphere and glue them together. This will be the body of the hedgehog.

We connect the muzzle and torso with glue. Then you can start gluing the grains in rows and the product is ready. The hedgehog can be decorated with artificial leaves, fruits or flowers.

Clock made from coffee beans

To make an original clock from coffee beans, we need:

  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • coffee beans.

From the prepared piece of cardboard, cut out a circle and glue the grains in a circular manner.

In the middle should leave a place for the arrows.

It remains only to make numbers and arrows that can be cut out of cardboard. If there is an old, unnecessary clock in the house, use it. The cut out numbers should be glued on top of the grains, and the arrows in the middle.

Magnetic coffee heart

It is very easy to make a magnet in the shape of a heart from coffee beans. To do this, take:

  • a piece of cardboard;
  • magnet;
  • textile;
  • glue.

First, cut out a heart from cardboard. Glue a magnet on either side. Next, we glue the product with a cloth.

It remains only to add the main component and the original magnet is ready. We take the fruits and glue them to the fabric. It is desirable that all grains are the same size.

It is not necessary to make a magnet in the form of a heart. It could be a horseshoe or something else.

Any product can be created from coffee. Paste over a frame for a photo, a vase or a lamp. Also, with the help of grains, you can make an original gift that will always delight the recipient. Coffee lovers will appreciate this handmade surprise.

Photo crafts from coffee

Today I will show you how to make a coffee bean photo frame.

This idea came to me while looking at my coffee candles.

After looking on the Internet for examples of hand made coffee photo frames, I concluded that I need something else, because. otherwise they will not look the same as the surface of the candle, which is exactly what I would like. And then I decided to do everything in the same way as candles - pour coffee with paraffin, colored in intense brown.

To do this, I took a baking sheet and, using strips of metal and masking tape, outlined the necessary boundaries. In my case, the frame is intended for photos measuring 15 by 20 cm. The width of the coffee border is about 4.5 cm. This is how it looks ...

press, glue all corners with tape.

In order to be able to remove the frozen frame without problems, you will need to process the mold with liquid silicone (spray). Although you can find a replacement for it, for example, a dishwashing liquid solution ... but I personally have not tried this method, because. there is silicone spray.

The frame needs something to hang. To do this, I took the same strip of metal, bent it with the letter P and placed it in the center of the upper side. So that when filling coffee, it does not move, I use adhesive tape. First you need to drill a hole for a screw in the wall in one side (it is not in this photo).

We fall asleep coffee, it will close the fasteners. Fill with paraffin, wait 5 minutes and slightly add more, where necessary. All grains must be doused in paraffin, but the top layer must not be hidden.

After the frame has completely solidified, it can be removed. Next, you need to cut off the excess paraffin with a clerical knife and blow it with a hairdryer (the excess paraffin will melt and expose the coffee beans). The end result is a frame like this.

For the back wall, I took the usual cardboard from the box (not ice, but what was found :)).

Since this cardboard is thicker than I would like, it was rolled out under pressure with a dumbbell. That's how much it was possible to reduce its thickness in this way!

Next, I took a photograph, a thick Lomond transparent film and cardboard. The film should be larger than the photo, but smaller than the cardboard in size. We place the film on the back of the frame, then the photo, then the cardboard and glue it to the frame with a glue gun. At the same time, we do not glue the upper part of the frame in order to be able to change the photo and correct its position.

Coffee lovers really like to make crafts from coffee beans. Indeed, crafts made from coffee beans look very interesting and fabulous. And you will admire these gizmos for a long time. Well, what are you interested in such crafts? Then check out our post for some of the most amazing coffee bean craft ideas.

Simple crafts from coffee beans

In this publication, we will offer information for those craftswomen who are just starting to master this technique. We suggest making crafts from coffee beans using other materials.

Cup of coffee beans on burlap.

Such a coffee craft that you make with your own hands will make your kitchen beautiful. And to create such a mini-masterpiece, you need to prepare:

  • a sheet of cardboard (size 33 cm by 24 cm);
  • a piece of burlap;
  • glue;
  • star anise and coffee beans.


  1. First, it is worth cutting a rectangle out of burlap, which will be a couple of centimeters larger than a cardboard sheet. The burlap is folded over and glued to the back of the cardboard. To make the craft look neat, iron the burlap before work.
  2. When you have glued the base for the burlap, you should wait for it to dry.
  3. Now it’s worth drawing a picture frame from coffee. In order to get a frame, you need to measure 2 cm from the edge of the picture from all sides. First, we use a simple pencil and draw lines with it.
  4. If you have drawn lines, then draw a cup with a saucer in the center of the burlap. At what the size of the cup can be at your discretion.
  5. If the sketch is ready, now we gradually paste over the picture with coffee beans. First you need to glue the cup and saucer.
  6. When the cup is pasted over, then proceed to pasting the frame.
  7. If the craft is ready, then decorate it with star anise. Attach it to the corner of your craft.

Coffee bean clock.

If you like to decorate your home with various designer crafts, then you will surely like this original watch craft. And now we will show you micro crafts from coffee beans.

  1. So, on a thick cardboard we glue coffee beans in a circular order. We use glue for this purpose.
  2. As soon as the grains dry, we make a hole, insert the arrows there and attach the numbers. For this purpose, you will also need glue.

Advice! To make your craft look original. Make the numbers for the clock yourself. Use thick cardboard for this. Color it in golden color, and put numbers on top.

Another option for creative clocks that can take their rightful place in your kitchen.

And another watch. This one looks prettier now.

funny horses .

In this post, you can find all coffee bean crafts that are created step by step.

The next piece looks very interesting. As a basis, durable cardboard in the form of horse figures is used here. Grains are glued to the cardboard on top, after which facial features and wire legs are glued to the horses.

Advice! In this craft, eyes, mouth and nose are created from polymer clay.

Photo frame made from coffee beans.

Save your most memorable moments in photos. And keep your photos better in interesting photo frames. And decorate your photo frame with coffee beans. Such a photo frame will make the interior of your home prettier and more interesting. Just glue the coffee beans to the photo frame, and finish the entire craft with varnish. You can also use beads to decorate the frame.


In this publication, we have given only a part of those coffee bean crafts that you can do with your own hands. We hope that the creation of such crafts will be able to give you a great mood and maximum positive emotions. Do not forget that crafts made from coffee beans can decorate the interior of your home and make it very beautiful.

Master class “Panel of coffee beans. Coffee cup"

This master class is intended for middle-aged and older children, teachers of additional education, educators, for lovers of natural coffee and just for connoisseurs of beauty.
Purpose: interior design, making gifts for relatives and friends for the holidays with their own hands.
Performed: Stol Oksana Vladimirovna, teacher of MADOU No. 203 "Kindergarten of a combined type", Kemerovo.
Target: making panels from coffee beans.
- introduce the technology of making a hollow mug from a plastic bottle and coffee beans;
- improve practical skills in working with coffee beans and natural material;
- to form in children and adults an artistic taste, the desire to do something unusual with their own hands.
Interesting facts about coffee...
Coffee is the world's most popular drink. Among all products, coffee ranks second in popularity (after vegetable oil).
Approximately 10% of people are not at all susceptible to the effects of coffee. Cheerfulness, tone and increased pressure from a cup of hot drink are not about them.
The longer coffee is roasted, the less caffeine it retains.
The taste of coffee is combined with almost any product.
The aroma of coffee is in the top ten most recognizable smells.
The smell of coffee relieves stress
It is believed that the smell of coffee perfectly invigorates. However, scientists from three countries have found that the smell of coffee beans has another property.
Experts from South Korea, Germany and Japan have proven that the smell of coffee reduces the symptoms and effects of stress. Such conclusions were made in the course of experiments on laboratory animals.
Tests show that the aroma of coffee leads to changes in the work of 17 genes and the production of proteins in the brain, writes Web MD. So, the smell of coffee beans stimulates the production of substances with antioxidant properties.
These substances protect nerve cells from damage and help to recover faster from stress.
Coffee beans are by far the most popular material for creating various DIY crafts. Coffee beans - have a pleasant smell, do not deteriorate, have a rich color and an interesting texture. Coffee beans - bring happiness to the house, they have a unique aroma of coffee, which creates an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.
Here is a panel of coffee beans we will do with you.

We stock up on good mood and go!
For work we need:

- plastic bottle (1 liter)
- coffee beans
- ground coffee
- masking tape
- finished frame
- dense burlap
- PVA glue (preferably building, thick)
- glue "Titan"
- hot glue
- decorative flowers and decorations
- cinnamon
- dried lemon, orange, zest roses
- leg-split
- packaging cardboard
- brown gouache
- brush, ruler, scissors
Step by step manufacturing
1. Cut off the upper part from the plastic bottle, the length from the neck is 13 cm (two parts are obtained from one bottle), cut it in half lengthwise, then cut off the neck

2. Cut out the back wall and the bottom for the mug from the packaging cardboard. For a saucer, it is better to cut out two parts and glue them together, since my cardboard is thin

3. We glue the details to the mug on the Titan glue

4. We glue the workpiece with masking tape, we need this for the strength of the mug, for better gluing of coffee beans and so that the hot glue does not melt the workpiece

5. Paint the mug and saucer with brown ink.

And you can do it differently. First, smear the workpiece with PVA glue, and then sprinkle with ground coffee (I didn’t really like the second option, this option is suitable for those who stick coffee beans only on hot glue; I mainly use Titanium, and I use hot glue in those cases when you need the coffee to stick immediately; and I painted over the blank again with gouache)

6. Making a mug
It is necessary to choose the same size coffee beans. Glue the coffee around the edges of the mug with hot glue. Please note that we glue the grains exactly along the blank so that they do not protrude beyond the borders of the mug, otherwise it will not stick to the base of the panel

7. Then we glue the coffee beans on the Titan glue (I drop a little glue on the workpiece and smear a small area with a wooden skewer) You can glue all the grains on one side

And I like to alternate the grains on different sides

8. Making a saucer
We glue the coffee beans first along the edge, and then over the entire workpiece.

Please note that the saucer on top is made of a single layer of cardboard, it was impossible to bend it into the desired shape. But the bottom saucer is already glued from two parts and it was easy to give it the desired shape.

9. Trying on cups with different saucers

10. We glue the frames with burlap

11. We glue a mug, a saucer on hot glue and make a handle from grains

12. Decorate the panel
We tie the cinnamon with twine and glue it on hot glue, on the other hand, a dried slice of lemon
One of the options for decorating the panel is dried orange, lemon and zest roses.

13. This is how I make orange peel roses and dry them

I buy cinnamon like this

15. We decorate the “coffee aroma” coming from the mug
We draw, apply PVA glue and sprinkle with ground coffee. Shake off the rest.

16. Decorate the panel with artificial flowers and decorations

The second version of the panel "Summer morning"

For this option, we do everything the same as in the first case. Only the frame we make out of cinnamon and ground coffee
1. We measure the required distance (6 cm) from the edge of the panel and glue the cinnamon on hot glue

2. Making a frame
To do this, you need to outline the frame and coat with PVA glue, and then sprinkle with ground coffee, shake off the rest on the table

For a loved one, this is an important enough moment. We run around the shops and buy various souvenirs in the form of hearts and much more. Have you thought about how you can make a gift with your own hands? This approach has many advantages.

1. When you make a gift with your own hands, you put all your love and warmth of your relationship into it.
2. You can make such a surprise in a few hours.
3. It doesn't take that much money to spend.

In this master class, I want to teach you how to make a beautiful coffee frame. Coffee, as you know, has a pleasant aroma, which is called an aphrodisiac, so such a gift will only please your soulmate.

What will you need?
1. Ordinary wooden photo frame of any size. I decided to make a large collage, so I used an A4 frame.
2. Coffee beans. Tip: don't buy expensive coffee beans - it's useless here!
3. Hot glue gun.
4. Glue gun
5. Glue for ceiling tiles, but you can also use transparent Moment glue.
6. Twine rope.
7. Decorative things.

Step 1. First of all, we disassemble the frame. To do this, move the holders from the back side.

Step 2. We take out the cardboard, and put the frame itself aside for a while.

Step 3. Using twine and glue for ceiling tiles, wrap the cardboard. We glue the beginning, middle and end of the cardboard with glue - this will be enough for the rope to hold well.

Note! If you do not have either ceiling glue or transparent "Moment", then you can use a glue gun, but then your working time will increase several times, since a hot gun dries quickly.

Step 4. We wrap the entire cardboard.

Step 5. Take a simple white sheet and cut out a heart from it. Tip: don't make it standard - it won't be interesting!

Step 6. Attach it to the ropes with a needle, and then start pasting it with coffee beans along the contour using gun glue.

Step 7. Once the heart is completely pasted over, the template can be removed.

Step 8. Just below the heart, I decided to write the word "love", also using coffee.

Step 9 Now let's decorate our frame. I used capsicum cinnamon, star anise and decorative gold stars. You can awaken your imagination and use whatever you want!

Tip: when you make a gift with your own hands, feel what your heart tells you, and my master class is just a small template for your imagination.
