
Photo frame made of coffee beans with your own hands. Crafts from coffee beans

From coffee beans you can get not only a wonderful invigorating drink - coffee, but also cozy and fragrant crafts. coffee crafts become very popular. Making it seems time consuming, but the result is worth it.

Learning how to make them is quite simple, and you can find everything you need to decorate a coffee craft in the supermarket of stationery and art supplies Write Draw.

1. Topiary from coffee beans

Topiaries are very unpretentious plants from coffee, they do not need to be watered, sprayed, fertilized. It is enough just to occasionally blow the dust off them. Hto make topiary special, you need to connect fantasy and imagination anddecorate them with sequins, bows, ribbons, beads to your own taste.

2. Paintings from coffee beans

A picture of coffee beans is a real work of art, from which coffee aroma comes, which gives it not only beauty, but also appetizing.Coffee bean paintings are durable and exclusivethey never go unnoticed. In such paintings, even those people who are far from art hold their eyes.

The picture can be made independently, using a minimum of materials and a maximum of imagination. Anything can be depicted from coffee beans, because even the most ordinary coffee bean compositions turn out to be unusual and creative.

3. Coffee bean photo frames

Frames made by hand from coffee beans can greatly enhance the impressions of your photos, make any image as spectacular as possible. You can make a frame by gluing the grain to the finished frame. Or you can create an original frame by combining grains with any material that comes to your mind.

From coffee beans, you can make useful crafts that will not only complement the interior, but will also carry a functional load. It should be noted that the technique of making coffee crafts goes well with others, for example, any can of instant coffee can be decorated with decoupage and supplemented with coffee beans. The main thing is to choose the right napkins according to the theme and color.

Interior items made from coffee beans are very, very popular. Indeed, they look very stylish and add zest to your interior. In addition, such decorative elements have an incredible aroma. In today's "Cross" master class, we will talk about creating a coffee frame for a photo with your own hands.

First, let's prepare the necessary materials and tools:

  • corrugated cardboard (from any box)
  • corrugated paper brown
  • plain colored paper brown
  • scrap paper with any suitable design
  • tin
  • hard wire (in this case, a copper tube)
  • cement-sand mixture (or any replacement of your choice)
  • jute rope
  • coffee beans
  • cinnamon
  • dried lemon slices
  • hot glue
  • moment gel
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • pencil

Is everything ready? Then get to work!

Cardboard and paper frame

Everyone can make a frame out of cardboard with their own hands. To do this, cut out 2 rectangles of cardboard measuring 20 cm by 25 cm, in one of which we cut a rectangle measuring 10 cm by 15 cm. It turns out a frame 5 cm wide.

The resulting blanks can be used to create any photo frame.

We glue both parts on corrugated paper, leaving sufficient allowances at the edges and between the rectangles.

Glue the allowances on the outer and inner side of the frame. It turned out to be a kind of book.

We cut out a rectangle measuring 11 cm by 16 cm from scrap paper and glue it on the whole side of the “book”.

All of the above manipulations are best done using Moment Gel glue, and not hot, because Moment is more liquid and, accordingly, will form a thinner layer.

Twisted trunk

One end of the wire (or tube), from which the barrel for the frame is made, should be made flat. Using glue, we wrap a hard wire with a jute rope. Now we form a certain spring.

If you first form the spring and then wind it with jute, as I did, then the winding process will be much more difficult.

The flat end of the wire must be glued into the frame. To do this, glue it to the side of the frame on which we have scrap paper. We spill the entire inner surface of the frame with glue and close our “book”. We squeeze well.

The surface around the trunk must be abundantly filled with glue. Here it is better to use hot glue, because it gives a more reliable fixation. But work
with hot glue it is necessary quickly, because it quickly hardens.

frame base

We fill the tin can with cement mortar, insert the frame into it and leave it to dry overnight.

The solution should be moderately liquid so that it does not crumble when it dries. Otherwise, the solution will dry out, but the wire will not hold.
Since the tin can is low, the solution is liquid, and the frame is high and voluminous, you need to make sure that the frame is level and does not fall anywhere!

From colored paper we cut out two circles with a diameter equal to the diameter of the can, and a strip of paper with a width equal to the height of the can with an allowance.

Glue the base with the resulting details.


It's time for coffee beans. We paste over the base with them, starting from the trunk and further in a circle.

Now we fill the surface of the frame with coffee beans. We start from the inside so that the first row is “along the line”.

After the frame is completely filled with coffee beans, glue a couple of anise flowers in the upper corner of the frame, and a dried lemon slice and a cinnamon stick in the lower diagonally opposite corner.

Master class “Panel of coffee beans. Coffee cup"

This master class is intended for middle-aged and older children, teachers of additional education, educators, for lovers of natural coffee and just for connoisseurs of beauty.
Purpose: interior design, making gifts for relatives and friends for the holidays with their own hands.
Performed: Stol Oksana Vladimirovna, teacher of MADOU No. 203 "Kindergarten of a combined type", Kemerovo.
Target: making panels from coffee beans.
- introduce the technology of making a hollow mug from a plastic bottle and coffee beans;
- improve practical skills in working with coffee beans and natural material;
- to form in children and adults an artistic taste, the desire to do something unusual with their own hands.
Interesting facts about coffee...
Coffee is the world's most popular drink. Among all products, coffee ranks second in popularity (after vegetable oil).
Approximately 10% of people are not at all susceptible to the effects of coffee. Cheerfulness, tone and increased pressure from a cup of hot drink are not about them.
The longer coffee is roasted, the less caffeine it retains.
The taste of coffee is combined with almost any product.
The aroma of coffee is in the top ten most recognizable smells.
The smell of coffee relieves stress
It is believed that the smell of coffee perfectly invigorates. However, scientists from three countries have found that the smell of coffee beans has another property.
Experts from South Korea, Germany and Japan have proven that the smell of coffee reduces the symptoms and effects of stress. Such conclusions were made in the course of experiments on laboratory animals.
Tests show that the aroma of coffee leads to changes in the work of 17 genes and the production of proteins in the brain, writes Web MD. So, the smell of coffee beans stimulates the production of substances with antioxidant properties.
These substances protect nerve cells from damage and help to recover faster from stress.
Coffee beans are by far the most popular material for creating various DIY crafts. Coffee beans - have a pleasant smell, do not deteriorate, have a rich color and an interesting texture. Coffee beans - bring happiness to the house, they have a unique aroma of coffee, which creates an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.
Here is a panel of coffee beans we will do with you.

We stock up on good mood and go!
For work we need:

- plastic bottle (1 liter)
- coffee beans
- ground coffee
- masking tape
- finished frame
- dense burlap
- PVA glue (preferably building, thick)
- glue "Titan"
- hot glue
- decorative flowers and decorations
- cinnamon
- dried lemon, orange, zest roses
- leg-split
- packaging cardboard
- brown gouache
- brush, ruler, scissors
Step by step manufacturing
1. Cut off the upper part from the plastic bottle, the length from the neck is 13 cm (two parts are obtained from one bottle), cut it in half lengthwise, then cut off the neck

2. Cut out the back wall and the bottom for the mug from the packaging cardboard. For a saucer, it is better to cut out two parts and glue them together, since my cardboard is thin

3. We glue the details to the mug on the Titan glue

4. We glue the workpiece with masking tape, we need this for the strength of the mug, for better gluing of coffee beans and so that the hot glue does not melt the workpiece

5. Paint the mug and saucer with brown ink.

And you can do it differently. First, smear the workpiece with PVA glue, and then sprinkle with ground coffee (I didn’t really like the second option, this option is suitable for those who stick coffee beans only on hot glue; I mainly use Titanium, and I use hot glue in those cases when you need the coffee to stick immediately; and I painted over the blank again with gouache)

6. Making a mug
It is necessary to choose the same size coffee beans. Glue the coffee around the edges of the mug with hot glue. Please note that we glue the grains exactly along the blank so that they do not protrude beyond the borders of the mug, otherwise it will not stick to the base of the panel

7. Then we glue the coffee beans on the Titan glue (I drop a little glue on the workpiece and smear a small area with a wooden skewer) You can glue all the grains on one side

And I like to alternate the grains on different sides

8. Making a saucer
We glue the coffee beans first along the edge, and then over the entire workpiece.

Please note that the saucer on top is made of a single layer of cardboard, it was impossible to bend it into the desired shape. But the bottom saucer is already glued from two parts and it was easy to give it the desired shape.

9. Trying on cups with different saucers

10. We glue the frames with burlap

11. We glue a mug, a saucer on hot glue and make a handle from grains

12. Decorate the panel
We tie the cinnamon with twine and glue it on hot glue, on the other hand, a dried slice of lemon
One of the options for decorating the panel is dried orange, lemon and zest roses.

13. This is how I make orange peel roses and dry them

I buy cinnamon like this

15. We decorate the “coffee aroma” coming from the mug
We draw, apply PVA glue and sprinkle with ground coffee. Shake off the rest.

16. Decorate the panel with artificial flowers and decorations

The second version of the panel "Summer morning"

For this option, we do everything the same as in the first case. Only the frame we make out of cinnamon and ground coffee
1. We measure the required distance (6 cm) from the edge of the panel and glue the cinnamon on hot glue

2. Making a frame
To do this, you need to outline the frame and coat with PVA glue, and then sprinkle with ground coffee, shake off the rest on the table Collage of coffee beans and cinnamon bark on a photo frame. Master class with photos.

I have already posted a collage in this technique. And I decided to shoot this work step by step, with photos, maybe it will be useful to someone. The theme of coffee in the interior is eternal. In the photo, for greater beauty of the moment, I captured another crown for my next. This time I added a couple more star anise stars to the aromatic composition. Next time I plan to add a carnation.

Collage materials: cinnamon bark, coffee beans and star anise. All this, of course, is not ground - in natural beauty.

Cinnamon can be used at your discretion, in pieces, strips, I saw on such segments. The more twisted the bark is, the prettier the cut will be, so you should pay attention to this when buying.

Unfortunately, I didn’t take a picture of the frame, the wood was untreated and I painted it with paint the color of coffee beans from a can.

I use hot glue, it needs such a gun. Other glue is also used, but I have not tried it, but this one dries quickly, in general, it is convenient.

A drop of glue on a seed

and on the frame, one to the other in a chaotic manner, but as close to each other as possible. And, depending on your own desire and vision of beauty, add star anise and cinnamon.

A popular material for modern original crafts are coffee beans. Souvenirs made from this material can be used not only as room decor, but also as a nice gift to friends. Moreover, such a present will not only bring new notes to the interior, but also fill the apartment with a wonderful coffee aroma.

An inexperienced person does not even imagine how easy it is to make a picture from. And in general, the variety of crafts made from this material can only be limited by the imagination of the craftsman.

For crafts from coffee beans, in addition to, of course, the coffee itself, you will also need glue (the best option is a thermal gun) and all kinds of beads, threads, buttons. In some cases, scissors and cardboard.

Coffee bean photo frames

The photo frame acts not only as a decor, but also has a functional load, so its design should be approached responsibly. The item should organically fit into the interior, and not look like an ugly spot.

If the photo placed in the frame is calm, pastel colors, then it would be appropriate to paint the coffee beans in different colors. Well, if the photo is bright, then the coffee can be natural shades.

Decorating a frame with coffee beans is not difficult at all - just glue the beans to an already finished frame.

Panels and paintings from coffee beans

You can choose absolutely any drawing for a picture or panel, you choose the complexity of the drawing yourself. Then the sketch is transferred to the fabric, after which the grains are laid out on it. Then each is separated from the fabric, glue is applied to it and glued.

You can place a picture of coffee beans both in the kitchen and in the office. The aroma exhaled by coffee, perfectly invigorates.

Coffee bean candles

The atmosphere of a family holiday can be decorated with such a wonderful souvenir as a candle. After all, this is an indisputable attribute of romantic evenings, significant dates, celebrations. For some, this is one of the decorative elements. It's also a great gift for your loved ones.

You can decorate a ready-made candle with coffee beans, or you can make it yourself. Making such a candle also does not require professional skills and special skills.

Principle of operation: a small form is inserted into a large one, coffee beans are poured between the walls, and only then they are poured with melted candle mass. Heat the frozen form with a hairdryer to drain excess paraffin, then the coffee will be clearly visible. Then the finished outer layer is again placed in the mold and filled with paraffin of a different color.
